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Project: RawFiles
Views: 39
def gcd(a,b): '''Compute the gcd of two numbers''' if b == 0: return a return gcd(b, a%b) def printNumber(i): if i%10 == 1: return str(i)+ "st row" elif i%10 == 2: return str(i)+ "nd row" else: return str(i)+"th row" def bezout(a, b, i=1, first = True, a_1 = 0, b_1=0): if first == True: a_1 = a b_1 = b print ("We would like to find Bezout coefficients of %d and %d")%(a, b) print("That is x and y such that gcd(%d, %d)= %d = x*%d+y*%d")%(a,b, gcd(a,b) , a,b) print ("__________________________________________________") print "Initializing first equation:", "%d = (1)*%d + (0)*%d"%(a,a,b) print "Initializing secod equation:", "%d = (0)*%d + (1)*%d"%(b,b,a) #a = (a, 1, 0) #then a = (a, 1, 0) b = (b, 0, 1) if b[0] == 0: print ("__________________________________________________") return quotient = a[0]//b[0] a = (a[0]%b[0], a[1] - quotient*b[1],a[2] - quotient*b[2]) #sleep(2) print printNumber(i)+" -(%d)*"%quotient +printNumber(i+1)+":-----> " + \ "%d = (%d)*%d + (%d)*%d"%(a[0],a[1],a_1, a[2],b_1) return bezout(b,a, i+1, False, a_1, b_1) #bezout(155, 649)
@interact def Bezout(m=input_box(155,width=20),n = input_box(649, width=20) ): return bezout(m ,n)