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Kernel: Python 3 (Anaconda 2020)

How Has Scholarship on China Changed?


This project came about due to my research interests in China and being interested in what position China has played in the development of the academic study of religion. So, I thought that if I wanted to be able to answer that question, I would need data from a source that was well established in the field. At that point, I knew that the Journal of Religion had been around since the 1880s, and Jstor has the Data for Research opition, so I thought why not pull data from Jstor specifically from the Journal of Religion that deals with China. Well, jstor only gave me data from 1921-2015, I assume this is due to copyright laws, but I not hundred percent sure on that. And, the data that Jstor gave me 664 xml files and ngrams. So, my first task was to figure out what I could do with this data. This file before you is after the fact--I'm pulling in everything that I done, into hopefully one nice and clean jupyter notebook.

#Import everything # !pip install lda from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import lxml import os import pandas as pd import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import glob import re import json import csv import lda import nltk from nltk.corpus import stopwords import collections from nltk import tokenize from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from nltk import FreqDist import spacy from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer import numpy as np from stop_words import get_stop_words import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Let's take the XML data and turn it into something that is usable def extract_xml_data(xml_content, data_field_list): data_from_article = {} for field in data_field_list: #print(field) try: content = soup.find(field).get_text() data_from_article[field] = content except: data_from_article[field] = 'Article' return data_from_article
xml_files = os.listdir('Metadata')
all_data = {} fields = ['given-names', 'surname', 'article-title', 'month', 'year', 'subject'] for each in xml_files: with open('Metadata/{}'.format(each), 'r') as f: ugly_xml = soup = BeautifulSoup(ugly_xml, 'xml') subject_value = soup.find('subject') # print(subject_value) all_data[each] = extract_xml_data(ugly_xml, fields) #Now we can use the xml data to create a dataframe

What Type and Quantity of Scholarship on China was the Journal of Religion Publishing?

df_1 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(all_data, orient='index') df_1['date_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df_1['year'], format='%Y')
counts_df = df_1.groupby(['date_time', 'subject'], as_index=False)['article-title'].count() counts_df = counts_df.rename(columns={'article-title': "counts"})
df_grouped = df_1.groupby(['date_time', 'subject'], dropna=False)['article-title'].count().to_frame() df_grouped.reset_index(inplace=True) df_grouped = df_grouped.rename(columns = {'article-title': 'article-count'}) # df_grouped df_wide = df_grouped.pivot(columns = 'subject', index='date_time', values='article-count') = None
fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x = counts_df['date_time'], y=counts_df['counts'], visible=True)) fig.update_layout(xaxis_tickangle=-45) buttons = [] buttons.append(dict(method='restyle', label='All', visible=True, args=[{'y':[counts_df['counts']], 'x':[counts_df['date_time']], 'type':'bar'}, [0]], ) ) # button with one option for each dataframe for col in df_wide.columns: buttons.append(dict(method='restyle', label=col, visible=True, args=[{'y':[df_wide[col]], 'x':[df_wide.index], 'type':'bar'}, [0]], ) ) # Create the menu updatemenu = [] your_menu = dict() updatemenu.append(your_menu) updatemenu[0]['buttons'] = buttons updatemenu[0]['direction'] = 'down' updatemenu[0]['showactive'] = True # print(updatemenu) fig.update_layout(showlegend=False, updatemenus=updatemenu)


What intriques me here is that no type of scholarship with 'China' is being published from this journal in 1973 & 1974. While the main concentration of Scholarship takes place in the 1920s, with 1922 having the most publications at 27 with 25 being articles. So, my question, that I am unable to answer currently, is what is going on at this time for an increase interest in China?

If people are publishing about China, what is China in relation to?

What is most common word over time?

# I had to delete one file from both Metadata and word-count file due to the ngram1 file not containing any information. This was the file that I had to deletejournal-article-10.2307_1196540-ngram1.txt #I found this awesome code, that stitches together the pub-year from the xml to the ngrams1! Here is the link total_freq = {} # The json schema here is {pub-year: {word: count}} for xml in glob.iglob('Metadata/*.xml'): with open(xml) as f: bs = BeautifulSoup(f, "lxml-xml") # Extract pub lish year pub_year = bs.year year = int(str(pub_year)[6:10]) total_freq[year] = total_freq.get(year, {}) txt = xml.replace("Metadata", "word-count").replace(".xml", "-ngram1.txt") with open(txt) as t: for line in t: sub = re.split("\s+", line) word = sub[0] count = int(sub[1]) if total_freq[year].get(word, 0) == 0: total_freq[year][word] = 0 total_freq[year][word] += count file = open("count.json", "w") with file: json.dump(total_freq, file)
#Let's create our second dataframe df_2 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(total_freq, orient = 'index')
long_df = pd.melt(df_2, ignore_index = False)
/ext/anaconda2020.02/lib/python3.7/site-packages/IPython/core/ FutureWarning: This dataframe has a column name that matches the 'value_name' column name of the resultiing Dataframe. In the future this will raise an error, please set the 'value_name' parameter of DataFrame.melt to a unique name.
#I tried creating a loop for removing stop words from the data frame but it pulled out the variable column, so I guess I'm doing this probably the worst way long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 's'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '00'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '95'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '0'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '1'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'i'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'pp'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'has'], inplace = True)
long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'new'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'which'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'from'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'his'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'its'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'have'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'all'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'he'], inplace = True)
long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'one'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'been'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'pages'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'we'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'would'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'had'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'j'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'our'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'cloth'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'hardback'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'you'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'p'], inplace = True)
long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'new'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'york'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'press'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'were'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'any'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'isbn'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '35'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '800'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '86554'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'ii'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'e'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'd'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'her'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'b'], inplace = True)
long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'who'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'also'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'what'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'more'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'may'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'should'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'those'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'ibid'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '86554'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'h'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '6'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '50'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '3'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'car'], inplace = True)
long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'same'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'l'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'see'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'my'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'so'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'between'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'other'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'us'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'she'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'many'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'work'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'can'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'your'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '2'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '4'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '75'], inplace = True)
long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'only'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'them'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'than'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'factor'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '5'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'co'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'two'], inplace = True)
long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'most'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'must'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'upon'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'me'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'do'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'cannot'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'when'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'some'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'through'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'people'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'much'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'w'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'm'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'person'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'does'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'him'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'st'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'm'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'yet'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'c'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'x'], inplace = True)
long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'could'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'd'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'when'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'how'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'whether'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'yet'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'out'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'even'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'type'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'action'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'well'], inplace = True)
long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'very'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'mr'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'dr'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'made'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'own'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'far'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'himself'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '25'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == '7'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'now'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'each'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'like'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'here'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'about'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'within'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'n'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 't'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'both'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'r'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'n'], inplace = True)
long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'thus'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'itself'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'still'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'make'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'sense'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'focus'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'never'], inplace = True) long_df.drop(long_df.index[long_df['variable'] == 'while'], inplace = True)
pd.set_option('display.max_row', 2000) top_ten_words = long_df.groupby('index').apply(lambda x : x.sort_values(by = 'value', ascending = False).head(10).reset_index(drop = True)) top_fifteen_words = long_df.groupby('index').apply(lambda x : x.sort_values(by = 'value', ascending = False).head(15).reset_index(drop = True))

Top Ten Words Over Time

index variable value
1921 0 1921 religion 374.0
1 1921 religious 244.0
2 1921 life 188.0
3 1921 university 173.0
4 1921 chicago 168.0
5 1921 journal 150.0
6 1921 god 130.0
7 1921 professor 130.0
8 1921 world 122.0
9 1921 christian 119.0
1922 0 1922 religion 460.0
1 1922 church 312.0
2 1922 religious 279.0
3 1922 christian 249.0
4 1922 chicago 246.0
5 1922 china 237.0
6 1922 university 232.0
7 1922 life 193.0
8 1922 social 182.0
9 1922 world 172.0
1923 0 1923 religion 378.0
1 1923 religious 227.0
2 1923 life 207.0
3 1923 chicago 183.0
4 1923 university 178.0
5 1923 christian 167.0
6 1923 china 139.0
7 1923 world 139.0
8 1923 church 138.0
9 1923 book 132.0
1924 0 1924 religion 329.0
1 1924 religious 208.0
2 1924 chicago 178.0
3 1924 world 175.0
4 1924 university 164.0
5 1924 christian 162.0
6 1924 life 155.0
7 1924 church 155.0
8 1924 students 112.0
9 1924 book 101.0
1925 0 1925 religious 318.0
1 1925 religion 314.0
2 1925 christian 220.0
3 1925 world 214.0
4 1925 chicago 199.0
5 1925 life 194.0
6 1925 university 190.0
7 1925 china 179.0
8 1925 church 174.0
9 1925 book 155.0
1926 0 1926 religion 330.0
1 1926 chicago 209.0
2 1926 church 195.0
3 1926 religious 191.0
4 1926 university 184.0
5 1926 christian 175.0
6 1926 world 170.0
7 1926 book 141.0
8 1926 life 136.0
9 1926 history 132.0
1927 0 1927 religion 464.0
1 1927 life 232.0
2 1927 religious 208.0
3 1927 chicago 198.0
4 1927 university 184.0
5 1927 man 154.0
6 1927 world 148.0
7 1927 shinto 117.0
8 1927 modern 107.0
9 1927 great 101.0
1928 0 1928 religion 384.0
1 1928 religious 202.0
2 1928 1927 196.0
3 1928 church 165.0
4 1928 university 162.0
5 1928 chicago 161.0
6 1928 christian 144.0
7 1928 life 135.0
8 1928 book 99.0
9 1928 journal 88.0
1929 0 1929 religion 174.0
1 1929 chicago 150.0
2 1929 christian 132.0
3 1929 university 129.0
4 1929 book 124.0
5 1929 church 124.0
6 1929 religious 107.0
7 1929 jesus 99.0
8 1929 1928 95.0
9 1929 christ 80.0
1930 0 1930 religion 185.0
1 1930 christian 147.0
2 1930 war 115.0
3 1930 church 107.0
4 1930 world 87.0
5 1930 book 70.0
6 1930 religious 68.0
7 1930 peace 68.0
8 1930 christianity 65.0
9 1930 1929 60.0
1931 0 1931 religion 157.0
1 1931 social 121.0
2 1931 religious 108.0
3 1931 god 94.0
4 1931 life 84.0
5 1931 character 70.0
6 1931 education 64.0
7 1931 experience 55.0
8 1931 human 46.0
9 1931 journal 44.0
1932 0 1932 carey 76.0
1 1932 felix 67.0
2 1932 ministry 63.0
3 1932 christian 61.0
4 1932 missionary 55.0
5 1932 religion 54.0
6 1932 church 47.0
7 1932 life 47.0
8 1932 government 45.0
9 1932 mission 42.0
1933 0 1933 god 161.0
1 1933 religion 134.0
2 1933 1932 129.0
3 1933 christian 115.0
4 1933 church 104.0
5 1933 author 97.0
6 1933 life 97.0
7 1933 book 96.0
8 1933 man 72.0
9 1933 first 67.0
1934 0 1934 religion 231.0
1 1934 social 100.0
2 1934 world 96.0
3 1934 christianity 86.0
4 1934 buddhism 81.0
5 1934 modern 80.0
6 1934 life 78.0
7 1934 culture 72.0
8 1934 buddhist 65.0
9 1934 journal 59.0
1935 0 1935 conflict 47.0
1 1935 religious 32.0
2 1935 race 21.0
3 1935 religion 18.0
4 1935 jews 16.0
5 1935 strife 16.0
6 1935 sacred 15.0
7 1935 racial 14.0
8 1935 jew 13.0
9 1935 nations 12.0
1936 0 1936 religion 192.0
1 1936 value 139.0
2 1936 religions 99.0
3 1936 1936 87.0
4 1936 activities 66.0
5 1936 system 61.0
6 1936 religious 57.0
7 1936 experience 56.0
8 1936 christianity 55.0
9 1936 world 53.0
1937 0 1937 world 80.0
1 1937 church 75.0
2 1937 christian 55.0
3 1937 conference 43.0
4 1937 life 40.0
5 1937 mani 40.0
6 1937 state 36.0
7 1937 religion 36.0
8 1937 churches 35.0
9 1937 great 32.0
1938 0 1938 religious 133.0
1 1938 religion 113.0
2 1938 life 108.0
3 1938 church 79.0
4 1938 man 78.0
5 1938 world 69.0
6 1938 book 65.0
7 1938 history 58.0
8 1938 social 57.0
9 1938 author 56.0
1939 0 1939 religion 52.0
1 1939 i938 41.0
2 1939 church 41.0
3 1939 christian 37.0
4 1939 volume 30.0
5 1939 social 30.0
6 1939 christianity 29.0
7 1939 chapter 26.0
8 1939 history 26.0
9 1939 book 25.0
1940 0 1940 book 75.0
1 1940 church 70.0
2 1940 world 57.0
3 1940 author 51.0
4 1940 god 41.0
5 1940 christian 40.0
6 1940 christ 38.0
7 1940 christianity 37.0
8 1940 religion 36.0
9 1940 luther 31.0
1941 0 1941 god 109.0
1 1941 christianity 88.0
2 1941 christian 74.0
3 1941 history 62.0
4 1941 lady 57.0
5 1941 church 52.0
6 1941 fenelon 50.0
7 1941 faith 50.0
8 1941 time 48.0
9 1941 life 47.0
1942 0 1942 religion 66.0
1 1942 religious 49.0
2 1942 religions 43.0
3 1942 schleiermacher 37.0
4 1942 review 32.0
5 1942 god 32.0
6 1942 christian 31.0
7 1942 study 29.0
8 1942 man 26.0
9 1942 theology 25.0
1943 0 1943 christian 23.0
1 1943 education 20.0
2 1943 religion 18.0
3 1943 religious 13.0
4 1943 world 12.0
5 1943 book 11.0
6 1943 experience 11.0
7 1943 japan 10.0
8 1943 living 10.0
9 1943 professor 10.0
1944 0 1944 book 47.0
1 1944 god 43.0
2 1944 evil 42.0
3 1944 history 40.0
4 1944 i943 37.0
5 1944 chinese 32.0
6 1944 university 31.0
7 1944 joad 30.0
8 1944 religious 27.0
9 1944 world 26.0
1945 0 1945 book 51.0
1 1945 chinese 37.0
2 1945 evans 28.0
3 1945 althusius 28.0
4 1945 world 26.0
5 1945 i944 25.0
6 1945 bible 24.0
7 1945 china 23.0
8 1945 great 23.0
9 1945 hsi 20.0
1946 0 1946 faith 186.0
1 1946 belief 75.0
2 1946 church 63.0
3 1946 religious 49.0
4 1946 book 39.0
5 1946 life 39.0
6 1946 author 33.0
7 1946 tion 32.0
8 1946 soul 32.0
9 1946 beliefs 30.0
1947 0 1947 love 225.0
1 1947 virtue 112.0
2 1947 christian 111.0
3 1947 god 109.0
4 1947 virtues 102.0
5 1947 man 65.0
6 1947 neighbor 59.0
7 1947 character 53.0
8 1947 augustine 43.0
9 1947 moral 42.0
1948 0 1948 religion 111.0
1 1948 toynbee 100.0
2 1948 history 85.0
3 1948 god 71.0
4 1948 soderblom 57.0
5 1948 religions 54.0
6 1948 study 52.0
7 1948 western 49.0
8 1948 christian 48.0
9 1948 church 47.0
1949 0 1949 church 40.0
1 1949 china 34.0
2 1949 book 29.0
3 1949 christian 28.0
4 1949 religion 27.0
5 1949 study 25.0
6 1949 university 22.0
7 1949 life 22.0
8 1949 methodist 21.0
9 1949 chicago 19.0
1950 0 1950 book 73.0
1 1950 religions 66.0
2 1950 man 46.0
3 1950 christian 44.0
4 1950 author 40.0
5 1950 study 37.0
6 1950 history 32.0
7 1950 ainu 24.0
8 1950 chapters 24.0
9 1950 chap 23.0
1951 0 1951 religion 137.0
1 1951 religious 74.0
2 1951 sociology 69.0
3 1951 social 55.0
4 1951 meeting 44.0
5 1951 church 43.0
6 1951 history 37.0
7 1951 life 34.0
8 1951 zen 32.0
9 1951 john 31.0
1952 0 1952 christian 57.0
1 1952 china 40.0
2 1952 american 33.0
3 1952 chinese 33.0
4 1952 church 31.0
5 1952 communist 29.0
6 1952 religion 29.0
7 1952 foreign 26.0
8 1952 government 23.0
9 1952 missionaries 21.0
1953 0 1953 christian 36.0
1 1953 religion 30.0
2 1953 chinese 23.0
3 1953 china 22.0
4 1953 church 21.0
5 1953 god 19.0
6 1953 book 18.0
7 1953 chicago 17.0
8 1953 author 16.0
9 1953 university 16.0
1954 0 1954 mumford 76.0
1 1954 man 74.0
2 1954 god 63.0
3 1954 nature 44.0
4 1954 life 42.0
5 1954 religion 28.0
6 1954 creative 27.0
7 1954 good 22.0
8 1954 human 22.0
9 1954 whole 20.0
1955 0 1955 god 90.0
1 1955 revelation 70.0
2 1955 religion 68.0
3 1955 truth 37.0
4 1955 religious 36.0
5 1955 mysticism 31.0
6 1955 christian 29.0
7 1955 history 23.0
8 1955 divine 22.0
9 1955 question 20.0
1956 0 1956 milaraspa 8.0
1 1956 life 6.0
2 1956 mila 4.0
3 1956 clad 3.0
4 1956 schmid 3.0
5 1956 tibet 3.0
6 1956 cotton 3.0
7 1956 school 2.0
8 1956 gyu 2.0
9 1956 hermit 2.0
1957 0 1957 god 124.0
1 1957 religion 45.0
2 1957 knowledge 42.0
3 1957 religious 40.0
4 1957 being 31.0
5 1957 negative 23.0
6 1957 reality 22.0
7 1957 man 22.0
8 1957 negation 21.0
9 1957 ultimate 21.0
1958 0 1958 book 25.0
1 1958 chinese 21.0
2 1958 being 20.0
3 1958 religion 18.0
4 1958 thought 15.0
5 1958 religious 15.0
6 1958 man 14.0
7 1958 god 13.0
8 1958 revelation 13.0
9 1958 huxley 13.0
1959 0 1959 american 8.0
1 1959 social 7.0
2 1959 history 6.0
3 1959 study 6.0
4 1959 book 5.0
5 1959 university 5.0
6 1959 easter 5.0
7 1959 society 4.0
8 1959 anthology 4.0
9 1959 others 4.0
1960 0 1960 1959 138.0
1 1960 1960 36.0
2 1960 library 31.0
3 1960 university 30.0
4 1960 philosophical 24.0
5 1960 zen 21.0
6 1960 buddhism 19.0
7 1960 louis 17.0
8 1960 books 16.0
9 1960 chicago 16.0
1961 0 1961 christian 150.0
1 1961 religions 102.0
2 1961 history 98.0
3 1961 japan 76.0
4 1961 church 62.0
5 1961 god 55.0
6 1961 christianity 53.0
7 1961 world 52.0
8 1961 christ 47.0
9 1961 religious 46.0
1962 0 1962 priesthood 9.0
1 1962 social 5.0
2 1962 james 5.0
3 1962 function 4.0
4 1962 religions 4.0
5 1962 functions 3.0
6 1962 way 3.0
7 1962 volume 3.0
8 1962 christian 3.0
9 1962 tradition 3.0
1963 0 1963 god 145.0
1 1963 science 57.0
2 1963 special 55.0
3 1963 being 46.0
4 1963 self 45.0
5 1963 reality 41.0
6 1963 fact 37.0
7 1963 faith 35.0
8 1963 biblical 34.0
9 1963 data 32.0
1964 0 1964 zen 37.0
1 1964 religion 36.0
2 1964 buddhism 23.0
3 1964 university 18.0
4 1964 chinese 16.0
5 1964 historical 14.0
6 1964 book 14.0
7 1964 thought 13.0
8 1964 ames 11.0
9 1964 revelation 11.0
1965 0 1965 weber 87.0
1 1965 thesis 45.0
2 1965 history 41.0
3 1965 protestantism 38.0
4 1965 protestant 36.0
5 1965 theory 36.0
6 1965 capitalism 34.0
7 1965 american 33.0
8 1965 university 30.0
9 1965 religious 29.0
1966 0 1966 1965 73.0
1 1966 1966 38.0
2 1966 philadelphia 15.0
3 1966 university 15.0
4 1966 publishing 14.0
5 1966 ed 13.0
6 1966 house 12.0
7 1966 john 12.0
8 1966 christian 9.0
9 1966 church 9.0
1967 0 1967 abortion 53.0
1 1967 life 49.0
2 1967 human 43.0
3 1967 christian 42.0
4 1967 man 36.0
5 1967 theology 33.0
6 1967 religion 32.0
7 1967 tillich 26.0
8 1967 problem 24.0
9 1967 law 21.0
1968 0 1968 law 99.0
1 1968 natural 44.0
2 1968 human 40.0
3 1968 society 37.0
4 1968 moral 34.0
5 1968 nature 31.0
6 1968 legal 31.0
7 1968 social 29.0
8 1968 morality 29.0
9 1968 theory 25.0
1969 0 1969 religions 20.0
1 1969 religion 18.0
2 1969 history 13.0
3 1969 book 12.0
4 1969 university 11.0
5 1969 theology 10.0
6 1969 god 9.0
7 1969 christianity 9.0
8 1969 man 9.0
9 1969 study 9.0
1970 0 1970 church 23.0
1 1970 edition 21.0
2 1970 testament 20.0
3 1970 religion 19.0
4 1970 world 17.0
5 1970 study 17.0
6 1970 christian 16.0
7 1970 university 16.0
8 1970 book 14.0
9 1970 history 13.0
1971 0 1971 university 23.0
1 1971 christian 23.0
2 1971 book 21.0
3 1971 religious 15.0
4 1971 religion 15.0
5 1971 philosophy 14.0
6 1971 church 14.0
7 1971 american 14.0
8 1971 paper 14.0
9 1971 world 13.0
1972 0 1972 ricoeur 162.0
1 1972 violence 161.0
2 1972 political 130.0
3 1972 state 129.0
4 1972 christian 110.0
5 1972 power 90.0
6 1972 man 89.0
7 1972 nonviolence 77.0
8 1972 politics 61.0
9 1972 nva 56.0
1975 0 1975 religious 118.0
1 1975 mencius 84.0
2 1975 thought 76.0
3 1975 heaven 68.0
4 1975 dewey 57.0
5 1975 questions 43.0
6 1975 idea 43.0
7 1975 religion 42.0
8 1975 man 37.0
9 1975 question 36.0
1977 0 1977 university 59.0
1 1977 book 57.0
2 1977 religion 53.0
3 1977 history 42.0
4 1977 world 40.0
5 1977 chicago 39.0
6 1977 paper 34.0
7 1977 religious 31.0
8 1977 study 31.0
9 1977 social 31.0
1978 0 1978 philosophy 138.0
1 1978 maritain 122.0
2 1978 knowledge 77.0
3 1978 journal 66.0
4 1978 man 64.0
5 1978 theology 58.0
6 1978 religious 55.0
7 1978 thomas 50.0
8 1978 human 50.0
9 1978 university 50.0
1979 0 1979 religion 202.0
1 1979 sicarii 136.0
2 1979 religious 135.0
3 1979 god 89.0
4 1979 university 73.0
5 1979 jewish 72.0
6 1979 first 68.0
7 1979 history 67.0
8 1979 american 66.0
9 1979 josephus 66.0
1980 0 1980 meland 117.0
1 1980 faith 65.0
2 1980 god 63.0
3 1980 human 58.0
4 1980 religion 57.0
5 1980 world 56.0
6 1980 theology 48.0
7 1980 life 43.0
8 1980 christian 41.0
9 1980 culture 40.0
1982 0 1982 university 127.0
1 1982 religion 94.0
2 1982 american 66.0
3 1982 history 61.0
4 1982 book 58.0
5 1982 religious 57.0
6 1982 christian 48.0
7 1982 theology 46.0
8 1982 america 43.0
9 1982 chicago 41.0
1983 0 1983 hess 116.0
1 1983 judaism 78.0
2 1983 world 67.0
3 1983 religion 52.0
4 1983 law 47.0
5 1983 weber 46.0
6 1983 rj 43.0
7 1983 ethic 42.0
8 1983 jewish 41.0
9 1983 life 40.0
1984 0 1984 qur 232.0
1 1984 god 64.0
2 1984 author 46.0
3 1984 christian 46.0
4 1984 islam 44.0
5 1984 book 34.0
6 1984 man 33.0
7 1984 prophet 32.0
8 1984 anic 32.0
9 1984 religion 30.0
1985 0 1985 religion 263.0
1 1985 phenomenology 131.0
2 1985 history 119.0
3 1985 religious 118.0
4 1985 der 85.0
5 1985 leeuw 79.0
6 1985 van 79.0
7 1985 models 79.0
8 1985 eliot 75.0
9 1985 savior 71.0
1986 0 1986 paper 44.0
1 1986 religion 39.0
2 1986 religious 38.0
3 1986 book 38.0
4 1986 university 36.0
5 1986 studies 33.0
6 1986 chicago 30.0
7 1986 world 27.0
8 1986 theology 25.0
9 1986 history 24.0
1987 0 1987 religion 192.0
1 1987 religious 119.0
2 1987 university 114.0
3 1987 history 106.0
4 1987 paper 104.0
5 1987 book 90.0
6 1987 american 86.0
7 1987 chicago 85.0
8 1987 christian 83.0
9 1987 theology 77.0
1988 0 1988 religion 381.0
1 1988 niebuhr 340.0
2 1988 eliade 226.0
3 1988 history 212.0
4 1988 religious 184.0
5 1988 war 184.0
6 1988 historical 161.0
7 1988 religions 132.0
8 1988 god 129.0
9 1988 self 127.0
1989 0 1989 de 158.0
1 1989 la 121.0
2 1989 book 96.0
3 1989 christian 94.0
4 1989 pascal 94.0
5 1989 paper 89.0
6 1989 university 84.0
7 1989 religion 81.0
8 1989 history 75.0
9 1989 chinese 70.0
1990 0 1990 religion 303.0
1 1990 religious 161.0
2 1990 encyclopedia 156.0
3 1990 religions 125.0
4 1990 university 124.0
5 1990 articles 120.0
6 1990 history 107.0
7 1990 world 100.0
8 1990 article 93.0
9 1990 study 81.0
1991 0 1991 religion 240.0
1 1991 bible 171.0
2 1991 religious 143.0
3 1991 university 123.0
4 1991 history 119.0
5 1991 paper 101.0
6 1991 theology 95.0
7 1991 christian 89.0
8 1991 book 87.0
9 1991 chicago 87.0
1992 0 1992 university 170.0
1 1992 burke 130.0
2 1992 religion 122.0
3 1992 journal 87.0
4 1992 chicago 82.0
5 1992 religious 80.0
6 1992 history 69.0
7 1992 book 67.0
8 1992 language 63.0
9 1992 chinese 55.0
1993 0 1993 weber 39.0
1 1993 religion 23.0
2 1993 schluchter 20.0
3 1993 book 15.0
4 1993 religious 14.0
5 1993 chinese 12.0
6 1993 henderson 10.0
7 1993 traditions 9.0
8 1993 history 9.0
9 1993 canon 9.0
1994 0 1994 university 100.0
1 1994 paper 99.0
2 1994 religion 89.0
3 1994 history 69.0
4 1994 book 60.0
5 1994 theology 57.0
6 1994 religious 54.0
7 1994 john 53.0
8 1994 christian 52.0
9 1994 chicago 44.0
1995 0 1995 religion 126.0
1 1995 university 102.0
2 1995 book 89.0
3 1995 chinese 83.0
4 1995 thought 64.0
5 1995 journal 62.0
6 1995 chicago 62.0
7 1995 studies 58.0
8 1995 hansen 58.0
9 1995 theology 58.0
1996 0 1996 university 54.0
1 1996 dark 42.0
2 1996 religion 38.0
3 1996 women 37.0
4 1996 different 32.0
5 1996 cats 29.0
6 1996 paper 29.0
7 1996 religious 28.0
8 1996 chicago 28.0
9 1996 study 28.0
1997 0 1997 religion 71.0
1 1997 university 52.0
2 1997 christian 49.0
3 1997 religious 41.0
4 1997 john 40.0
5 1997 book 39.0
6 1997 history 39.0
7 1997 theology 36.0
8 1997 chicago 36.0
9 1997 journal 33.0
1998 0 1998 religion 171.0
1 1998 university 138.0
2 1998 journal 135.0
3 1998 moral 126.0
4 1998 chicago 110.0
5 1998 religious 103.0
6 1998 book 101.0
7 1998 stories 91.0
8 1998 narrative 88.0
9 1998 ethics 87.0
1999 0 1999 religion 174.0
1 1999 theology 140.0
2 1999 university 107.0
3 1999 journal 96.0
4 1999 religious 80.0
5 1999 american 76.0
6 1999 ogden 74.0
7 1999 book 73.0
8 1999 chicago 71.0
9 1999 history 70.0
2000 0 2000 religion 144.0
1 2000 university 102.0
2 2000 religious 89.0
3 2000 journal 88.0
4 2000 book 86.0
5 2000 chicago 78.0
6 2000 history 59.0
7 2000 john 58.0
8 2000 2000 57.0
9 2000 studies 52.0
2001 0 2001 al 331.0
1 2001 ibn 141.0
2 2001 arabi 115.0
3 2001 seal 76.0
4 2001 islamic 64.0
5 2001 book 61.0
6 2001 sainthood 60.0
7 2001 religion 59.0
8 2001 buddhism 56.0
9 2001 anqd 51.0
2002 0 2002 religion 239.0
1 2002 religious 232.0
2 2002 university 120.0
3 2002 political 115.0
4 2002 journal 102.0
5 2002 chicago 90.0
6 2002 state 85.0
7 2002 chinese 85.0
8 2002 ritual 77.0
9 2002 temples 69.0
2003 0 2003 religion 112.0
1 2003 university 72.0
2 2003 legge 71.0
3 2003 chinese 69.0
4 2003 early 65.0
5 2003 puett 62.0
6 2003 china 57.0
7 2003 spirits 54.0
8 2003 chicago 54.0
9 2003 christian 52.0
2004 0 2004 enlightenment 34.0
1 2004 chinese 32.0
2 2004 century 23.0
3 2004 pure 22.0
4 2004 history 21.0
5 2004 land 20.0
6 2004 catholic 20.0
7 2004 pocock 20.0
8 2004 american 19.0
9 2004 gyōnen 17.0
2005 0 2005 religious 121.0
1 2005 theology 88.0
2 2005 tradition 72.0
3 2005 comparative 70.0
4 2005 theological 63.0
5 2005 christian 49.0
6 2005 understanding 47.0
7 2005 apologetics 47.0
8 2005 identity 38.0
9 2005 community 38.0
2006 0 2006 children 428.0
1 2006 science 235.0
2 2006 religion 230.0
3 2006 religious 186.0
4 2006 child 157.0
5 2006 childhood 128.0
6 2006 christian 115.0
7 2006 theology 110.0
8 2006 god 79.0
9 2006 history 76.0
2007 0 2007 god 112.0
1 2007 schelling 84.0
2 2007 philosophy 64.0
3 2007 mythology 51.0
4 2007 being 48.0
5 2007 gods 43.0
6 2007 religion 36.0
7 2007 revelation 34.0
8 2007 myth 34.0
9 2007 first 27.0
2008 0 2008 thérèse 294.0
1 2008 god 221.0
2 2008 religion 187.0
3 2008 love 179.0
4 2008 kaufman 176.0
5 2008 simone 161.0
6 2008 justice 137.0
7 2008 life 105.0
8 2008 women 103.0
9 2008 religious 93.0
2009 0 2009 chinese 34.0
1 2009 martial 31.0
2 2009 shaolin 25.0
3 2009 arts 24.0
4 2009 religion 24.0
5 2009 buddhist 22.0
6 2009 religious 22.0
7 2009 literature 20.0
8 2009 discourse 20.0
9 2009 yu 19.0
2010 0 2010 christianity 35.0
1 2010 religion 23.0
2 2010 mollier 18.0
3 2010 world 17.0
4 2010 religious 14.0
5 2010 christian 13.0
6 2010 churches 13.0
7 2010 god 13.0
8 2010 sanneh 12.0
9 2010 buddhist 11.0
2011 0 2011 religion 172.0
1 2011 book 170.0
2 2011 chinese 151.0
3 2011 jesus 145.0
4 2011 religious 117.0
5 2011 christian 110.0
6 2011 culture 108.0
7 2011 chapter 82.0
8 2011 literature 79.0
9 2011 china 73.0
2012 0 2012 experience 247.0
1 2012 religious 116.0
2 2012 de 107.0
3 2012 lubac 104.0
4 2012 buddhism 99.0
5 2012 experiences 96.0
6 2012 sharf 76.0
7 2012 pure 73.0
8 2012 land 71.0
9 2012 rhetoric 57.0
2013 0 2013 oracles 19.0
1 2013 ancient 13.0
2 2013 stoneman 7.0
3 2013 human 6.0
4 2013 modern 6.0
5 2013 questions 6.0
6 2013 book 5.0
7 2013 greek 5.0
8 2013 religion 5.0
9 2013 divination 5.0
2014 0 2014 religion 90.0
1 2014 religious 87.0
2 2014 religions 83.0
3 2014 world 58.0
4 2014 jones 32.0
5 2014 christian 31.0
6 2014 course 30.0
7 2014 scriptures 29.0
8 2014 teachers 29.0
9 2014 conway 26.0
2015 0 2015 religion 31.0
1 2015 virtues 14.0
2 2015 religions 13.0
3 2015 world 13.0
4 2015 author 12.0
5 2015 religious 11.0
6 2015 future 11.0
7 2015 human 8.0
8 2015 unger 7.0
9 2015 love 7.0

Top Fifteen Words Over Time

index variable value
1921 0 1921 religion 374.0
1 1921 religious 244.0
2 1921 life 188.0
3 1921 university 173.0
4 1921 chicago 168.0
5 1921 journal 150.0
6 1921 god 130.0
7 1921 professor 130.0
8 1921 world 122.0
9 1921 christian 119.0
10 1921 social 115.0
11 1921 china 100.0
12 1921 modern 96.0
13 1921 education 95.0
14 1921 friends 94.0
1922 0 1922 religion 460.0
1 1922 church 312.0
2 1922 religious 279.0
3 1922 christian 249.0
4 1922 chicago 246.0
5 1922 china 237.0
6 1922 university 232.0
7 1922 life 193.0
8 1922 social 182.0
9 1922 world 172.0
10 1922 christianity 155.0
11 1922 book 150.0
12 1922 journal 145.0
13 1922 bible 144.0
14 1922 professor 138.0
1923 0 1923 religion 378.0
1 1923 religious 227.0
2 1923 life 207.0
3 1923 chicago 183.0
4 1923 university 178.0
5 1923 christian 167.0
6 1923 china 139.0
7 1923 world 139.0
8 1923 church 138.0
9 1923 book 132.0
10 1923 god 127.0
11 1923 article 115.0
12 1923 buddhism 114.0
13 1923 great 110.0
14 1923 social 107.0
1924 0 1924 religion 329.0
1 1924 religious 208.0
2 1924 chicago 178.0
3 1924 world 175.0
4 1924 university 164.0
5 1924 christian 162.0
6 1924 life 155.0
7 1924 church 155.0
8 1924 students 112.0
9 1924 book 101.0
10 1924 god 98.0
11 1924 journal 97.0
12 1924 education 97.0
13 1924 social 94.0
14 1924 student 93.0
1925 0 1925 religious 318.0
1 1925 religion 314.0
2 1925 christian 220.0
3 1925 world 214.0
4 1925 chicago 199.0
5 1925 life 194.0
6 1925 university 190.0
7 1925 china 179.0
8 1925 church 174.0
9 1925 book 155.0
10 1925 education 147.0
11 1925 modern 126.0
12 1925 1924 126.0
13 1925 social 121.0
14 1925 god 113.0
1926 0 1926 religion 330.0
1 1926 chicago 209.0
2 1926 church 195.0
3 1926 religious 191.0
4 1926 university 184.0
5 1926 christian 175.0
6 1926 world 170.0
7 1926 book 141.0
8 1926 life 136.0
9 1926 history 132.0
10 1926 study 129.0
11 1926 postpaid 118.0
12 1926 religions 106.0
13 1926 journal 97.0
14 1926 modern 95.0
1927 0 1927 religion 464.0
1 1927 life 232.0
2 1927 religious 208.0
3 1927 chicago 198.0
4 1927 university 184.0
5 1927 man 154.0
6 1927 world 148.0
7 1927 shinto 117.0
8 1927 modern 107.0
9 1927 great 101.0
10 1927 social 100.0
11 1927 book 98.0
12 1927 human 97.0
13 1927 postpaid 94.0
14 1927 journal 87.0
1928 0 1928 religion 384.0
1 1928 religious 202.0
2 1928 1927 196.0
3 1928 church 165.0
4 1928 university 162.0
5 1928 chicago 161.0
6 1928 christian 144.0
7 1928 life 135.0
8 1928 book 99.0
9 1928 journal 88.0
10 1928 study 80.0
11 1928 chinese 76.0
12 1928 mexico 73.0
13 1928 history 71.0
14 1928 social 69.0
1929 0 1929 religion 174.0
1 1929 chicago 150.0
2 1929 christian 132.0
3 1929 university 129.0
4 1929 book 124.0
5 1929 church 124.0
6 1929 religious 107.0
7 1929 jesus 99.0
8 1929 1928 95.0
9 1929 christ 80.0
10 1929 life 74.0
11 1929 study 72.0
12 1929 god 68.0
13 1929 christianity 61.0
14 1929 journal 61.0
1930 0 1930 religion 185.0
1 1930 christian 147.0
2 1930 war 115.0
3 1930 church 107.0
4 1930 world 87.0
5 1930 book 70.0
6 1930 religious 68.0
7 1930 peace 68.0
8 1930 christianity 65.0
9 1930 1929 60.0
10 1930 churches 58.0
11 1930 god 57.0
12 1930 china 53.0
13 1930 author 51.0
14 1930 history 51.0
1931 0 1931 religion 157.0
1 1931 social 121.0
2 1931 religious 108.0
3 1931 god 94.0
4 1931 life 84.0
5 1931 character 70.0
6 1931 education 64.0
7 1931 experience 55.0
8 1931 human 46.0
9 1931 journal 44.0
10 1931 book 43.0
11 1931 idea 42.0
12 1931 1930 41.0
13 1931 chicago 40.0
14 1931 history 38.0
1932 0 1932 carey 76.0
1 1932 felix 67.0
2 1932 ministry 63.0
3 1932 christian 61.0
4 1932 missionary 55.0
5 1932 religion 54.0
6 1932 church 47.0
7 1932 life 47.0
8 1932 government 45.0
9 1932 mission 42.0
10 1932 india 41.0
11 1932 religious 41.0
12 1932 men 39.0
13 1932 burmese 38.0
14 1932 time 37.0
1933 0 1933 god 161.0
1 1933 religion 134.0
2 1933 1932 129.0
3 1933 christian 115.0
4 1933 church 104.0
5 1933 author 97.0
6 1933 life 97.0
7 1933 book 96.0
8 1933 man 72.0
9 1933 first 67.0
10 1933 great 61.0
11 1933 volume 60.0
12 1933 journal 56.0
13 1933 world 56.0
14 1933 present 56.0
1934 0 1934 religion 231.0
1 1934 social 100.0
2 1934 world 96.0
3 1934 christianity 86.0
4 1934 buddhism 81.0
5 1934 modern 80.0
6 1934 life 78.0
7 1934 culture 72.0
8 1934 buddhist 65.0
9 1934 journal 59.0
10 1934 scientific 59.0
11 1934 india 59.0
12 1934 religions 57.0
13 1934 western 57.0
14 1934 great 56.0
1935 0 1935 conflict 47.0
1 1935 religious 32.0
2 1935 race 21.0
3 1935 religion 18.0
4 1935 jews 16.0
5 1935 strife 16.0
6 1935 sacred 15.0
7 1935 racial 14.0
8 1935 jew 13.0
9 1935 nations 12.0
10 1935 catholics 11.0
11 1935 protestants 11.0
12 1935 against 11.0
13 1935 might 11.0
14 1935 religions 10.0
1936 0 1936 religion 192.0
1 1936 value 139.0
2 1936 religions 99.0
3 1936 1936 87.0
4 1936 activities 66.0
5 1936 system 61.0
6 1936 religious 57.0
7 1936 experience 56.0
8 1936 christianity 55.0
9 1936 world 53.0
10 1936 meaning 48.0
11 1936 life 47.0
12 1936 great 43.0
13 1936 activity 42.0
14 1936 men 40.0
1937 0 1937 world 80.0
1 1937 church 75.0
2 1937 christian 55.0
3 1937 conference 43.0
4 1937 life 40.0
5 1937 mani 40.0
6 1937 state 36.0
7 1937 religion 36.0
8 1937 churches 35.0
9 1937 great 32.0
10 1937 oxford 28.0
11 1937 under 24.0
12 1937 thought 23.0
13 1937 buddhism 22.0
14 1937 first 22.0
1938 0 1938 religious 133.0
1 1938 religion 113.0
2 1938 life 108.0
3 1938 church 79.0
4 1938 man 78.0
5 1938 world 69.0
6 1938 book 65.0
7 1938 history 58.0
8 1938 social 57.0
9 1938 author 56.0
10 1938 great 51.0
11 1938 human 51.0
12 1938 american 50.0
13 1938 spiritual 49.0
14 1938 journal 49.0
1939 0 1939 religion 52.0
1 1939 i938 41.0
2 1939 church 41.0
3 1939 christian 37.0
4 1939 volume 30.0
5 1939 social 30.0
6 1939 christianity 29.0
7 1939 chapter 26.0
8 1939 history 26.0
9 1939 book 25.0
10 1939 god 23.0
11 1939 author 23.0
12 1939 world 22.0
13 1939 international 22.0
14 1939 agencies 18.0
1940 0 1940 book 75.0
1 1940 church 70.0
2 1940 world 57.0
3 1940 author 51.0
4 1940 god 41.0
5 1940 christian 40.0
6 1940 christ 38.0
7 1940 christianity 37.0
8 1940 religion 36.0
9 1940 luther 31.0
10 1940 missionary 29.0
11 1940 volume 29.0
12 1940 i939 28.0
13 1940 life 27.0
14 1940 american 27.0
1941 0 1941 god 109.0
1 1941 christianity 88.0
2 1941 christian 74.0
3 1941 history 62.0
4 1941 lady 57.0
5 1941 church 52.0
6 1941 fenelon 50.0
7 1941 faith 50.0
8 1941 time 48.0
9 1941 life 47.0
10 1941 religion 42.0
11 1941 human 40.0
12 1941 world 39.0
13 1941 soul 38.0
14 1941 theology 35.0
1942 0 1942 religion 66.0
1 1942 religious 49.0
2 1942 religions 43.0
3 1942 schleiermacher 37.0
4 1942 review 32.0
5 1942 god 32.0
6 1942 christian 31.0
7 1942 study 29.0
8 1942 man 26.0
9 1942 theology 25.0
10 1942 relation 24.0
11 1942 chicago 23.0
12 1942 university 23.0
13 1942 world 23.0
14 1942 book 21.0
1943 0 1943 christian 23.0
1 1943 education 20.0
2 1943 religion 18.0
3 1943 religious 13.0
4 1943 world 12.0
5 1943 book 11.0
6 1943 experience 11.0
7 1943 japan 10.0
8 1943 living 10.0
9 1943 professor 10.0
10 1943 bower 9.0
11 1943 japanese 9.0
12 1943 bible 9.0
13 1943 church 8.0
14 1943 chapter 8.0
1944 0 1944 book 47.0
1 1944 god 43.0
2 1944 evil 42.0
3 1944 history 40.0
4 1944 i943 37.0
5 1944 chinese 32.0
6 1944 university 31.0
7 1944 joad 30.0
8 1944 religious 27.0
9 1944 world 26.0
10 1944 humanism 24.0
11 1944 social 23.0
12 1944 old 23.0
13 1944 china 22.0
14 1944 man 21.0
1945 0 1945 book 51.0
1 1945 chinese 37.0
2 1945 evans 28.0
3 1945 althusius 28.0
4 1945 world 26.0
5 1945 i944 25.0
6 1945 bible 24.0
7 1945 china 23.0
8 1945 great 23.0
9 1945 hsi 20.0
10 1945 lu 20.0
11 1945 god 20.0
12 1945 reader 19.0
13 1945 thought 19.0
14 1945 material 18.0
1946 0 1946 faith 186.0
1 1946 belief 75.0
2 1946 church 63.0
3 1946 religious 49.0
4 1946 book 39.0
5 1946 life 39.0
6 1946 author 33.0
7 1946 tion 32.0
8 1946 soul 32.0
9 1946 beliefs 30.0
10 1946 world 30.0
11 1946 god 29.0
12 1946 i945 28.0
13 1946 man 28.0
14 1946 con 27.0
1947 0 1947 love 225.0
1 1947 virtue 112.0
2 1947 christian 111.0
3 1947 god 109.0
4 1947 virtues 102.0
5 1947 man 65.0
6 1947 neighbor 59.0
7 1947 character 53.0
8 1947 augustine 43.0
9 1947 moral 42.0
10 1947 sake 41.0
11 1947 self 36.0
12 1947 hope 31.0
13 1947 religion 29.0
14 1947 states 28.0
1948 0 1948 religion 111.0
1 1948 toynbee 100.0
2 1948 history 85.0
3 1948 god 71.0
4 1948 soderblom 57.0
5 1948 religions 54.0
6 1948 study 52.0
7 1948 western 49.0
8 1948 christian 48.0
9 1948 church 47.0
10 1948 civilization 45.0
11 1948 civilizations 44.0
12 1948 world 40.0
13 1948 life 38.0
14 1948 s6derblom 36.0
1949 0 1949 church 40.0
1 1949 china 34.0
2 1949 book 29.0
3 1949 christian 28.0
4 1949 religion 27.0
5 1949 study 25.0
6 1949 university 22.0
7 1949 life 22.0
8 1949 methodist 21.0
9 1949 chicago 19.0
10 1949 social 18.0
11 1949 religious 18.0
12 1949 tion 17.0
13 1949 protestant 17.0
14 1949 american 16.0
1950 0 1950 book 73.0
1 1950 religions 66.0
2 1950 man 46.0
3 1950 christian 44.0
4 1950 author 40.0
5 1950 study 37.0
6 1950 history 32.0
7 1950 ainu 24.0
8 1950 chapters 24.0
9 1950 chap 23.0
10 1950 religion 22.0
11 1950 primitive 22.0
12 1950 god 22.0
13 1950 religious 21.0
14 1950 nuttall 20.0
1951 0 1951 religion 137.0
1 1951 religious 74.0
2 1951 sociology 69.0
3 1951 social 55.0
4 1951 meeting 44.0
5 1951 church 43.0
6 1951 history 37.0
7 1951 life 34.0
8 1951 zen 32.0
9 1951 john 31.0
10 1951 study 30.0
11 1951 hypothesis 29.0
12 1951 problem 26.0
13 1951 re 26.0
14 1951 data 23.0
1952 0 1952 christian 57.0
1 1952 china 40.0
2 1952 american 33.0
3 1952 chinese 33.0
4 1952 church 31.0
5 1952 communist 29.0
6 1952 religion 29.0
7 1952 foreign 26.0
8 1952 government 23.0
9 1952 missionaries 21.0
10 1952 united 19.0
11 1952 john 18.0
12 1952 university 18.0
13 1952 christians 18.0
14 1952 catholic 17.0
1953 0 1953 christian 36.0
1 1953 religion 30.0
2 1953 chinese 23.0
3 1953 china 22.0
4 1953 church 21.0
5 1953 god 19.0
6 1953 book 18.0
7 1953 chicago 17.0
8 1953 author 16.0
9 1953 university 16.0
10 1953 joseph 16.0
11 1953 philosophy 16.0
12 1953 volume 15.0
13 1953 religious 14.0
14 1953 time 13.0
1954 0 1954 mumford 76.0
1 1954 man 74.0
2 1954 god 63.0
3 1954 nature 44.0
4 1954 life 42.0
5 1954 religion 28.0
6 1954 creative 27.0
7 1954 good 22.0
8 1954 human 22.0
9 1954 whole 20.0
10 1954 book 20.0
11 1954 faith 19.0
12 1954 toward 18.0
13 1954 says 17.0
14 1954 creation 17.0
1955 0 1955 god 90.0
1 1955 revelation 70.0
2 1955 religion 68.0
3 1955 truth 37.0
4 1955 religious 36.0
5 1955 mysticism 31.0
6 1955 christian 29.0
7 1955 history 23.0
8 1955 divine 22.0
9 1955 question 20.0
10 1955 life 19.0
11 1955 general 18.0
12 1955 christianity 18.0
13 1955 chinese 18.0
14 1955 found 17.0
1956 0 1956 milaraspa 8.0
1 1956 life 6.0
2 1956 mila 4.0
3 1956 clad 3.0
4 1956 schmid 3.0
5 1956 tibet 3.0
6 1956 cotton 3.0
7 1956 school 2.0
8 1956 gyu 2.0
9 1956 hermit 2.0
10 1956 hero 2.0
11 1956 songs 2.0
12 1956 under 2.0
13 1956 toni 2.0
14 1956 marpa 2.0
1957 0 1957 god 124.0
1 1957 religion 45.0
2 1957 knowledge 42.0
3 1957 religious 40.0
4 1957 being 31.0
5 1957 negative 23.0
6 1957 reality 22.0
7 1957 man 22.0
8 1957 negation 21.0
9 1957 ultimate 21.0
10 1957 divine 20.0
11 1957 human 16.0
12 1957 quality 16.0
13 1957 nothing 16.0
14 1957 nor 16.0
1958 0 1958 book 25.0
1 1958 chinese 21.0
2 1958 being 20.0
3 1958 religion 18.0
4 1958 thought 15.0
5 1958 religious 15.0
6 1958 man 14.0
7 1958 god 13.0
8 1958 revelation 13.0
9 1958 huxley 13.0
10 1958 chicago 12.0
11 1958 history 12.0
12 1958 china 11.0
13 1958 religions 11.0
14 1958 yang 11.0
1959 0 1959 american 8.0
1 1959 social 7.0
2 1959 history 6.0
3 1959 study 6.0
4 1959 book 5.0
5 1959 university 5.0
6 1959 easter 5.0
7 1959 society 4.0
8 1959 anthology 4.0
9 1959 others 4.0
10 1959 missionary 4.0
11 1959 house 4.0
12 1959 full 4.0
13 1959 bible 4.0
14 1959 ancient 4.0
1960 0 1960 1959 138.0
1 1960 1960 36.0
2 1960 library 31.0
3 1960 university 30.0
4 1960 philosophical 24.0
5 1960 zen 21.0
6 1960 buddhism 19.0
7 1960 louis 17.0
8 1960 books 16.0
9 1960 chicago 16.0
10 1960 john 15.0
11 1960 charles 14.0
12 1960 book 13.0
13 1960 harper 13.0
14 1960 christian 12.0
1961 0 1961 christian 150.0
1 1961 religions 102.0
2 1961 history 98.0
3 1961 japan 76.0
4 1961 church 62.0
5 1961 god 55.0
6 1961 christianity 53.0
7 1961 world 52.0
8 1961 christ 47.0
9 1961 religious 46.0
10 1961 religion 43.0
11 1961 non 40.0
12 1961 time 39.0
13 1961 mankind 38.0
14 1961 japanese 34.0
1962 0 1962 priesthood 9.0
1 1962 social 5.0
2 1962 james 5.0
3 1962 function 4.0
4 1962 religions 4.0
5 1962 functions 3.0
6 1962 way 3.0
7 1962 volume 3.0
8 1962 christian 3.0
9 1962 tradition 3.0
10 1962 reli 3.0
11 1962 materials 3.0
12 1962 includes 3.0
13 1962 kingship 3.0
14 1962 israel 3.0
1963 0 1963 god 145.0
1 1963 science 57.0
2 1963 special 55.0
3 1963 being 46.0
4 1963 self 45.0
5 1963 reality 41.0
6 1963 fact 37.0
7 1963 faith 35.0
8 1963 biblical 34.0
9 1963 data 32.0
10 1963 field 31.0
11 1963 scientific 30.0
12 1963 personal 30.0
13 1963 man 29.0
14 1963 human 28.0
1964 0 1964 zen 37.0
1 1964 religion 36.0
2 1964 buddhism 23.0
3 1964 university 18.0
4 1964 chinese 16.0
5 1964 historical 14.0
6 1964 book 14.0
7 1964 thought 13.0
8 1964 ames 11.0
9 1964 revelation 11.0
10 1964 study 10.0
11 1964 history 10.0
12 1964 religious 9.0
13 1964 author 9.0
14 1964 philosophy 9.0
1965 0 1965 weber 87.0
1 1965 thesis 45.0
2 1965 history 41.0
3 1965 protestantism 38.0
4 1965 protestant 36.0
5 1965 theory 36.0
6 1965 capitalism 34.0
7 1965 american 33.0
8 1965 university 30.0
9 1965 religious 29.0
10 1965 social 28.0
11 1965 religion 27.0
12 1965 study 27.0
13 1965 historical 26.0
14 1965 church 25.0
1966 0 1966 1965 73.0
1 1966 1966 38.0
2 1966 philadelphia 15.0
3 1966 university 15.0
4 1966 publishing 14.0
5 1966 ed 13.0
6 1966 house 12.0
7 1966 john 12.0
8 1966 christian 9.0
9 1966 church 9.0
10 1966 fortress 9.0
11 1966 library 9.0
12 1966 history 8.0
13 1966 knox 8.0
14 1966 william 8.0
1967 0 1967 abortion 53.0
1 1967 life 49.0
2 1967 human 43.0
3 1967 christian 42.0
4 1967 man 36.0
5 1967 theology 33.0
6 1967 religion 32.0
7 1967 tillich 26.0
8 1967 problem 24.0
9 1967 law 21.0
10 1967 history 21.0
11 1967 god 21.0
12 1967 op 20.0
13 1967 being 19.0
14 1967 religious 19.0
1968 0 1968 law 99.0
1 1968 natural 44.0
2 1968 human 40.0
3 1968 society 37.0
4 1968 moral 34.0
5 1968 nature 31.0
6 1968 legal 31.0
7 1968 social 29.0
8 1968 morality 29.0
9 1968 theory 25.0
10 1968 problem 25.0
11 1968 philosophy 23.0
12 1968 theology 22.0
13 1968 form 21.0
14 1968 modern 21.0
1969 0 1969 religions 20.0
1 1969 religion 18.0
2 1969 history 13.0
3 1969 book 12.0
4 1969 university 11.0
5 1969 theology 10.0
6 1969 god 9.0
7 1969 christianity 9.0
8 1969 man 9.0
9 1969 study 9.0
10 1969 testament 8.0
11 1969 religious 8.0
12 1969 christian 7.0
13 1969 philosophy 7.0
14 1969 books 7.0
1970 0 1970 church 23.0
1 1970 edition 21.0
2 1970 testament 20.0
3 1970 religion 19.0
4 1970 world 17.0
5 1970 study 17.0
6 1970 christian 16.0
7 1970 university 16.0
8 1970 book 14.0
9 1970 history 13.0
10 1970 theology 13.0
11 1970 man 13.0
12 1970 religions 12.0
13 1970 old 12.0
14 1970 paper 12.0
1971 0 1971 university 23.0
1 1971 christian 23.0
2 1971 book 21.0
3 1971 religious 15.0
4 1971 religion 15.0
5 1971 philosophy 14.0
6 1971 church 14.0
7 1971 american 14.0
8 1971 paper 14.0
9 1971 world 13.0
10 1971 journal 13.0
11 1971 theology 13.0
12 1971 century 12.0
13 1971 thought 12.0
14 1971 study 11.0
1972 0 1972 ricoeur 162.0
1 1972 violence 161.0
2 1972 political 130.0
3 1972 state 129.0
4 1972 christian 110.0
5 1972 power 90.0
6 1972 man 89.0
7 1972 nonviolence 77.0
8 1972 politics 61.0
9 1972 nva 56.0
10 1972 nonviolent 54.0
11 1972 history 52.0
12 1972 analysis 51.0
13 1972 social 51.0
14 1972 means 46.0
1975 0 1975 religious 118.0
1 1975 mencius 84.0
2 1975 thought 76.0
3 1975 heaven 68.0
4 1975 dewey 57.0
5 1975 questions 43.0
6 1975 idea 43.0
7 1975 religion 42.0
8 1975 man 37.0
9 1975 question 36.0
10 1975 nature 34.0
11 1975 general 32.0
12 1975 human 29.0
13 1975 john 29.0
14 1975 certain 28.0
1977 0 1977 university 59.0
1 1977 book 57.0
2 1977 religion 53.0
3 1977 history 42.0
4 1977 world 40.0
5 1977 chicago 39.0
6 1977 paper 34.0
7 1977 religious 31.0
8 1977 study 31.0
9 1977 social 31.0
10 1977 christian 30.0
11 1977 society 30.0
12 1977 volume 29.0
13 1977 growth 27.0
14 1977 human 26.0
1978 0 1978 philosophy 138.0
1 1978 maritain 122.0
2 1978 knowledge 77.0
3 1978 journal 66.0
4 1978 man 64.0
5 1978 theology 58.0
6 1978 religious 55.0
7 1978 thomas 50.0
8 1978 human 50.0
9 1978 university 50.0
10 1978 chicago 49.0
11 1978 religion 49.0
12 1978 history 49.0
13 1978 catholic 47.0
14 1978 metaphysics 47.0
1979 0 1979 religion 202.0
1 1979 sicarii 136.0
2 1979 religious 135.0
3 1979 god 89.0
4 1979 university 73.0
5 1979 jewish 72.0
6 1979 first 68.0
7 1979 history 67.0
8 1979 american 66.0
9 1979 josephus 66.0
10 1979 journal 64.0
11 1979 paper 63.0
12 1979 public 58.0
13 1979 study 57.0
14 1979 against 52.0
1980 0 1980 meland 117.0
1 1980 faith 65.0
2 1980 god 63.0
3 1980 human 58.0
4 1980 religion 57.0
5 1980 world 56.0
6 1980 theology 48.0
7 1980 life 43.0
8 1980 christian 41.0
9 1980 culture 40.0
10 1980 experience 33.0
11 1980 religious 30.0
12 1980 theologian 27.0
13 1980 west 26.0
14 1980 witness 23.0
1982 0 1982 university 127.0
1 1982 religion 94.0
2 1982 american 66.0
3 1982 history 61.0
4 1982 book 58.0
5 1982 religious 57.0
6 1982 christian 48.0
7 1982 theology 46.0
8 1982 america 43.0
9 1982 chicago 41.0
10 1982 john 40.0
11 1982 paper 40.0
12 1982 church 38.0
13 1982 god 37.0
14 1982 art 36.0
1983 0 1983 hess 116.0
1 1983 judaism 78.0
2 1983 world 67.0
3 1983 religion 52.0
4 1983 law 47.0
5 1983 weber 46.0
6 1983 rj 43.0
7 1983 ethic 42.0
8 1983 jewish 41.0
9 1983 life 40.0
10 1983 js 38.0
11 1983 religious 36.0
12 1983 social 34.0
13 1983 socialist 32.0
14 1983 socialism 30.0
1984 0 1984 qur 232.0
1 1984 god 64.0
2 1984 author 46.0
3 1984 christian 46.0
4 1984 islam 44.0
5 1984 book 34.0
6 1984 man 33.0
7 1984 prophet 32.0
8 1984 anic 32.0
9 1984 religion 30.0
10 1984 western 28.0
11 1984 history 28.0
12 1984 first 27.0
13 1984 human 27.0
14 1984 time 26.0
1985 0 1985 religion 263.0
1 1985 phenomenology 131.0
2 1985 history 119.0
3 1985 religious 118.0
4 1985 der 85.0
5 1985 leeuw 79.0
6 1985 van 79.0
7 1985 models 79.0
8 1985 eliot 75.0
9 1985 savior 71.0
10 1985 historical 70.0
11 1985 term 69.0
12 1985 model 69.0
13 1985 teacher 61.0
14 1985 different 57.0
1986 0 1986 paper 44.0
1 1986 religion 39.0
2 1986 religious 38.0
3 1986 book 38.0
4 1986 university 36.0
5 1986 studies 33.0
6 1986 chicago 30.0
7 1986 world 27.0
8 1986 theology 25.0
9 1986 history 24.0
10 1986 christian 23.0
11 1986 edited 22.0
12 1986 study 19.0
13 1986 avenue 19.0
14 1986 volume 17.0
1987 0 1987 religion 192.0
1 1987 religious 119.0
2 1987 university 114.0
3 1987 history 106.0
4 1987 paper 104.0
5 1987 book 90.0
6 1987 american 86.0
7 1987 chicago 85.0
8 1987 christian 83.0
9 1987 theology 77.0
10 1987 volume 76.0
11 1987 women 74.0
12 1987 study 60.0
13 1987 journal 60.0
14 1987 social 56.0
1988 0 1988 religion 381.0
1 1988 niebuhr 340.0
2 1988 eliade 226.0
3 1988 history 212.0
4 1988 religious 184.0
5 1988 war 184.0
6 1988 historical 161.0
7 1988 religions 132.0
8 1988 god 129.0
9 1988 self 127.0
10 1988 hegel 109.0
11 1988 university 103.0
12 1988 journal 94.0
13 1988 moral 90.0
14 1988 human 88.0
1989 0 1989 de 158.0
1 1989 la 121.0
2 1989 book 96.0
3 1989 christian 94.0
4 1989 pascal 94.0
5 1989 paper 89.0
6 1989 university 84.0
7 1989 religion 81.0
8 1989 history 75.0
9 1989 chinese 70.0
10 1989 world 61.0
11 1989 religious 60.0
12 1989 le 59.0
13 1989 god 58.0
14 1989 theology 49.0
1990 0 1990 religion 303.0
1 1990 religious 161.0
2 1990 encyclopedia 156.0
3 1990 religions 125.0
4 1990 university 124.0
5 1990 articles 120.0
6 1990 history 107.0
7 1990 world 100.0
8 1990 article 93.0
9 1990 study 81.0
10 1990 journal 79.0
11 1990 first 78.0
12 1990 islam 77.0
13 1990 studies 74.0
14 1990 entries 74.0
1991 0 1991 religion 240.0
1 1991 bible 171.0
2 1991 religious 143.0
3 1991 university 123.0
4 1991 history 119.0
5 1991 paper 101.0
6 1991 theology 95.0
7 1991 christian 89.0
8 1991 book 87.0
9 1991 chicago 87.0
10 1991 social 76.0
11 1991 thought 71.0
12 1991 evolution 70.0
13 1991 volume 69.0
14 1991 study 69.0
1992 0 1992 university 170.0
1 1992 burke 130.0
2 1992 religion 122.0
3 1992 journal 87.0
4 1992 chicago 82.0
5 1992 religious 80.0
6 1992 history 69.0
7 1992 book 67.0
8 1992 language 63.0
9 1992 chinese 55.0
10 1992 christian 54.0
11 1992 words 53.0
12 1992 human 52.0
13 1992 study 48.0
14 1992 studies 47.0
1993 0 1993 weber 39.0
1 1993 religion 23.0
2 1993 schluchter 20.0
3 1993 book 15.0
4 1993 religious 14.0
5 1993 chinese 12.0
6 1993 henderson 10.0
7 1993 traditions 9.0
8 1993 history 9.0
9 1993 canon 9.0
10 1993 city 8.0
11 1993 confucian 8.0
12 1993 arguments 8.0
13 1993 essays 8.0
14 1993 however 8.0
1994 0 1994 university 100.0
1 1994 paper 99.0
2 1994 religion 89.0
3 1994 history 69.0
4 1994 book 60.0
5 1994 theology 57.0
6 1994 religious 54.0
7 1994 john 53.0
8 1994 christian 52.0
9 1994 chicago 44.0
10 1994 david 44.0
11 1994 journal 43.0
12 1994 robert 40.0
13 1994 studies 39.0
14 1994 james 38.0
1995 0 1995 religion 126.0
1 1995 university 102.0
2 1995 book 89.0
3 1995 chinese 83.0
4 1995 thought 64.0
5 1995 journal 62.0
6 1995 chicago 62.0
7 1995 studies 58.0
8 1995 hansen 58.0
9 1995 theology 58.0
10 1995 religious 57.0
11 1995 history 56.0
12 1995 language 55.0
13 1995 christian 54.0
14 1995 china 53.0
1996 0 1996 university 54.0
1 1996 dark 42.0
2 1996 religion 38.0
3 1996 women 37.0
4 1996 different 32.0
5 1996 cats 29.0
6 1996 paper 29.0
7 1996 religious 28.0
8 1996 chicago 28.0
9 1996 study 28.0
10 1996 journal 27.0
11 1996 iii 26.0
12 1996 woman 25.0
13 1996 myths 24.0
14 1996 world 23.0
1997 0 1997 religion 71.0
1 1997 university 52.0
2 1997 christian 49.0
3 1997 religious 41.0
4 1997 john 40.0
5 1997 book 39.0
6 1997 history 39.0
7 1997 theology 36.0
8 1997 chicago 36.0
9 1997 journal 33.0
10 1997 david 30.0
11 1997 ethics 28.0
12 1997 paper 27.0
13 1997 american 23.0
14 1997 text 23.0
1998 0 1998 religion 171.0
1 1998 university 138.0
2 1998 journal 135.0
3 1998 moral 126.0
4 1998 chicago 110.0
5 1998 religious 103.0
6 1998 book 101.0
7 1998 stories 91.0
8 1998 narrative 88.0
9 1998 ethics 87.0
10 1998 history 81.0
11 1998 world 74.0
12 1998 american 70.0
13 1998 life 58.0
14 1998 human 57.0
1999 0 1999 religion 174.0
1 1999 theology 140.0
2 1999 university 107.0
3 1999 journal 96.0
4 1999 religious 80.0
5 1999 american 76.0
6 1999 ogden 74.0
7 1999 book 73.0
8 1999 chicago 71.0
9 1999 history 70.0
10 1999 christian 69.0
11 1999 john 63.0
12 1999 first 58.0
13 1999 epistemic 51.0
14 1999 century 50.0
2000 0 2000 religion 144.0
1 2000 university 102.0
2 2000 religious 89.0
3 2000 journal 88.0
4 2000 book 86.0
5 2000 chicago 78.0
6 2000 history 59.0
7 2000 john 58.0
8 2000 2000 57.0
9 2000 studies 52.0
10 2000 chinese 52.0
11 2000 christian 51.0
12 2000 521 47.0
13 2000 theology 45.0
14 2000 paper 44.0
2001 0 2001 al 331.0
1 2001 ibn 141.0
2 2001 arabi 115.0
3 2001 seal 76.0
4 2001 islamic 64.0
5 2001 book 61.0
6 2001 sainthood 60.0
7 2001 religion 59.0
8 2001 buddhism 56.0
9 2001 anqd 51.0
10 2001 buddhist 46.0
11 2001 gryphon 43.0
12 2001 jesus 37.0
13 2001 edwards 36.0
14 2001 time 35.0
2002 0 2002 religion 239.0
1 2002 religious 232.0
2 2002 university 120.0
3 2002 political 115.0
4 2002 journal 102.0
5 2002 chicago 90.0
6 2002 state 85.0
7 2002 chinese 85.0
8 2002 ritual 77.0
9 2002 temples 69.0
10 2002 peking 67.0
11 2002 modern 61.0
12 2002 politics 61.0
13 2002 life 61.0
14 2002 daoist 61.0
2003 0 2003 religion 112.0
1 2003 university 72.0
2 2003 legge 71.0
3 2003 chinese 69.0
4 2003 early 65.0
5 2003 puett 62.0
6 2003 china 57.0
7 2003 spirits 54.0
8 2003 chicago 54.0
9 2003 christian 52.0
10 2003 religious 52.0
11 2003 journal 49.0
12 2003 power 46.0
13 2003 texts 44.0
14 2003 john 44.0
2004 0 2004 enlightenment 34.0
1 2004 chinese 32.0
2 2004 century 23.0
3 2004 pure 22.0
4 2004 history 21.0
5 2004 land 20.0
6 2004 catholic 20.0
7 2004 pocock 20.0
8 2004 american 19.0
9 2004 gyōnen 17.0
10 2004 enlightened 17.0
11 2004 religion 17.0
12 2004 church 16.0
13 2004 first 16.0
14 2004 china 16.0
2005 0 2005 religious 121.0
1 2005 theology 88.0
2 2005 tradition 72.0
3 2005 comparative 70.0
4 2005 theological 63.0
5 2005 christian 49.0
6 2005 understanding 47.0
7 2005 apologetics 47.0
8 2005 identity 38.0
9 2005 community 38.0
10 2005 situation 28.0
11 2005 social 26.0
12 2005 reality 26.0
13 2005 clooney 25.0
14 2005 religion 24.0
2006 0 2006 children 428.0
1 2006 science 235.0
2 2006 religion 230.0
3 2006 religious 186.0
4 2006 child 157.0
5 2006 childhood 128.0
6 2006 christian 115.0
7 2006 theology 110.0
8 2006 god 79.0
9 2006 history 76.0
10 2006 university 59.0
11 2006 studies 59.0
12 2006 religions 58.0
13 2006 traditions 56.0
14 2006 scientific 56.0
2007 0 2007 god 112.0
1 2007 schelling 84.0
2 2007 philosophy 64.0
3 2007 mythology 51.0
4 2007 being 48.0
5 2007 gods 43.0
6 2007 religion 36.0
7 2007 revelation 34.0
8 2007 myth 34.0
9 2007 first 27.0
10 2007 spiritual 27.0
11 2007 mind 26.0
12 2007 religious 24.0
13 2007 greek 24.0
14 2007 process 21.0
2008 0 2008 thérèse 294.0
1 2008 god 221.0
2 2008 religion 187.0
3 2008 love 179.0
4 2008 kaufman 176.0
5 2008 simone 161.0
6 2008 justice 137.0
7 2008 life 105.0
8 2008 women 103.0
9 2008 religious 93.0
10 2008 soul 86.0
11 2008 human 83.0
12 2008 weil 75.0
13 2008 suffering 71.0
14 2008 world 70.0
2009 0 2009 chinese 34.0
1 2009 martial 31.0
2 2009 shaolin 25.0
3 2009 arts 24.0
4 2009 religion 24.0
5 2009 buddhist 22.0
6 2009 religious 22.0
7 2009 literature 20.0
8 2009 discourse 20.0
9 2009 yu 19.0
10 2009 china 19.0
11 2009 philosophy 15.0
12 2009 book 14.0
13 2009 early 14.0
14 2009 ruxue 14.0
2010 0 2010 christianity 35.0
1 2010 religion 23.0
2 2010 mollier 18.0
3 2010 world 17.0
4 2010 religious 14.0
5 2010 christian 13.0
6 2010 churches 13.0
7 2010 god 13.0
8 2010 sanneh 12.0
9 2010 buddhist 11.0
10 2010 chinese 11.0
11 2010 ritual 11.0
12 2010 book 11.0
13 2010 medieval 11.0
14 2010 daoist 10.0
2011 0 2011 religion 172.0
1 2011 book 170.0
2 2011 chinese 151.0
3 2011 jesus 145.0
4 2011 religious 117.0
5 2011 christian 110.0
6 2011 culture 108.0
7 2011 chapter 82.0
8 2011 literature 79.0
9 2011 china 73.0
10 2011 jewish 70.0
11 2011 social 69.0
12 2011 movement 68.0
13 2011 christianity 67.0
14 2011 world 63.0
2012 0 2012 experience 247.0
1 2012 religious 116.0
2 2012 de 107.0
3 2012 lubac 104.0
4 2012 buddhism 99.0
5 2012 experiences 96.0
6 2012 sharf 76.0
7 2012 pure 73.0
8 2012 land 71.0
9 2012 rhetoric 57.0
10 2012 christian 56.0
11 2012 human 54.0
12 2012 nature 51.0
13 2012 god 47.0
14 2012 study 42.0
2013 0 2013 oracles 19.0
1 2013 ancient 13.0
2 2013 stoneman 7.0
3 2013 human 6.0
4 2013 modern 6.0
5 2013 questions 6.0
6 2013 book 5.0
7 2013 greek 5.0
8 2013 religion 5.0
9 2013 divination 5.0
10 2013 world 4.0
11 2013 prophecy 3.0
12 2013 mind 3.0
13 2013 traditional 3.0
14 2013 answers 3.0
2014 0 2014 religion 90.0
1 2014 religious 87.0
2 2014 religions 83.0
3 2014 world 58.0
4 2014 jones 32.0
5 2014 christian 31.0
6 2014 course 30.0
7 2014 scriptures 29.0
8 2014 teachers 29.0
9 2014 conway 26.0
10 2014 comparative 24.0
11 2014 century 24.0
12 2014 turner 24.0
13 2014 sacred 24.0
14 2014 universal 20.0
2015 0 2015 religion 31.0
1 2015 virtues 14.0
2 2015 religions 13.0
3 2015 world 13.0
4 2015 author 12.0
5 2015 religious 11.0
6 2015 future 11.0
7 2015 human 8.0
8 2015 unger 7.0
9 2015 love 7.0
10 2015 life 6.0
11 2015 past 6.0
12 2015 power 6.0
13 2015 christian 6.0
14 2015 book 6.0


So, it seems that earliery on you will find "Christian," "Christianity,"and "Church" in the top ten and top fifteen words. Which helps confirm some of my suspicions that people are only interested in China early on for the purpose of Missionary work. But without the ability to do a close reading of the documents, I can't confirm this. Because, Jstor doesn't give you that type of data.

Now, at this point in this project, I wasn't sure what to do, because a part of this assignment was to do three different analysis techniques, and I couldn't figure out how to do a different analysis with the data that Jstor gave me. Now, I'm not saying you couldn't, I'm saying that I wasn't sure what I could. Plus, I spent several hours trying to things, so I was done with this data. And, I thought to myself, well why don't you use an older text so that you can look at how scholars/authors are representing China. So, I was going to use Russell Betrand's The Problem of China, because it was published in the year 1922, but I guess either the text file is too large or I don't have enough memory, because the word count function basically broke trying to run using that document. So, I decided to use the book An Australian in China by George Ernest Morrison, originally published by 1895.

Representations of China in An Australian in China

What are the most common words?

What are the topics of this book?

Is China being portrayed negatively or postively?

#Load in the text text_file = "texts-on-china/19172.txt" with open(text_file, 'r') as f: content =
wordlist = content.split()
wordfreq = []
for word in wordlist: wordfreq.append(wordlist.count(word))
word_dictionary = dict(zip(wordlist, wordfreq))
dict_items([('Project', 78), ("Gutenberg's", 2), ('An', 29), ('Australian', 5), ('in', 2165), ('China,', 104), ('by', 632), ('George', 5), ('Ernest', 3), ('Morrison', 3), ('This', 49), ('eBook', 5), ('is', 1113), ('for', 620), ('the', 6458), ('use', 30), ('of', 3507), ('anyone', 10), ('anywhere', 3), ('at', 425), ('no', 203), ('cost', 21), ('and', 2450), ('with', 944), ('almost', 43), ('restrictions', 2), ('whatsoever.', 3), ('You', 17), ('may', 65), ('copy', 8), ('it,', 38), ('give', 33), ('it', 389), ('away', 36), ('or', 266), ('re-use', 2), ('under', 122), ('terms', 28), ('Gutenberg', 19), ('License', 8), ('included', 4), ('this', 283), ('online', 4), ('', 2), ('Title:', 1), ('China', 171), ('Being', 1), ('Narrative', 1), ('a', 1991), ('Quiet', 1), ('Journey', 1), ('Across', 1), ('to', 2151), ('Burma', 30), ('Author:', 1), ('Release', 1), ('Date:', 1), ('September', 2), ('4,', 3), ('2006', 1), ('[EBook', 1), ('#19172]', 1), ('Language:', 1), ('English', 37), ('Character', 1), ('set', 23), ('encoding:', 1), ('ASCII', 1), ('***', 6), ('START', 1), ('OF', 70), ('THIS', 6), ('PROJECT', 4), ('GUTENBERG', 3), ('EBOOK', 2), ('AN', 4), ('AUSTRALIAN', 4), ('IN', 33), ('CHINA', 17), ('Produced', 2), ('Thierry', 2), ('Alberto', 2), ('Online', 2), ('Distributed', 2), ('Proofreading', 2), ('Team', 2), ('', 2), ('*', 20), ('+------------------------------------------------------------+', 4), ('|', 218), ("Transcriber's", 1), ('Note:', 1), ('Obvious', 1), ('typographical', 1), ('errors', 2), ('have', 273), ('been', 241), ('corrected', 3), ('text.', 1), ('For', 40), ('complete', 6), ('list,', 1), ('please', 2), ('see', 69), ('bottom', 2), ('document.', 1), ('Macrons', 1), ('are', 570), ('shown', 15), ('as', 565), ('[=o]', 1), ('[=u]', 1), ('[Illustration:', 31), ('THE', 110), ('AUTHOR', 2), ('WESTERN', 7), ('CHINA.]', 4), ('BEING', 1), ('NARRATIVE', 1), ('A', 101), ('QUIET', 1), ('JOURNEY', 11), ('ACROSS', 1), ('TO', 28), ('BURMA', 3), ('BY', 3), ('GEORGE', 1), ('ERNEST', 1), ('MORRISON', 1), ('M.D.', 2), ('EDIN.,', 1), ('F.R.G.S.', 1), ('_THIRD', 1), ('EDITION_', 1), ('LONDON:', 1), ('HORACE', 1), ('COX', 1), ('WINDSOR', 1), ('HOUSE,', 1), ("BREAM'S", 1), ('BUILDINGS', 1), ('E.C.', 1), ('MDCCCCII', 1), ('JOHN', 1), ('CHIENE,', 1), ('M.D.,', 1), ('F.R.C.S.E.,', 1), ('F.R.S.E.,', 1), ('ETC.,', 1), ('PROFESSOR', 1), ('SURGERY', 1), ('UNIVERSITY', 1), ('EDINBURGH,', 1), ('WHO', 1), ('GAVE', 1), ('ME', 1), ('BACK', 1), ('POWER', 1), ('LOCOMOTION.', 1), ('I', 876), ('GRATEFULLY', 1), ('INSCRIBE', 1), ('VOLUME.', 1), ('CONTENTS.', 1), ('CHAPTER', 46), ('I.', 4), ('PAGES', 1), ('INTRODUCTORY--MAINLY', 2), ('ABOUT', 6), ('MISSIONARIES', 4), ('AND', 34), ('CITY', 25), ('HANKOW', 2), ('1-11', 1), ('II.', 2), ('FROM', 15), ('WANHSIEN,', 4), ('WITH', 13), ('SOME', 12), ('ACCOUNT', 2), ('CHINESE', 15), ('WOMEN', 2), ('RAPIDS', 2), ('YANGTSE', 5), ('12-23', 1), ('III.', 2), ('WANHSIEN', 2), ('CHUNGKING', 5), ('24-34', 1), ('IV.', 2), ('CHUNGKING--THE', 2), ('CUSTOMS--THE', 2), ('FAMOUS', 2), ('MONSIEUR', 2), ('HAAS,', 2), ('FEW', 2), ('WORDS', 2), ('ON', 16), ('OPIUM', 2), ('FALLACY', 1), ('35-49', 1), ('V.', 2), ('SUIFU--CHINESE', 2), ('INNS', 1), ('50-62', 1), ('VI.', 2), ('SUIFU--THE', 2), ('INLAND', 2), ('MISSION,', 2), ('GENERAL', 2), ('REMARKS', 10), ('63-75', 1), ('VII.', 2), ('SUIFU', 3), ('CHAOTONG,', 4), ('PROVINCE', 2), ('YUNNAN--CHINESE', 2), ('PORTERS,', 2), ('POSTAL', 2), ('ARRANGEMENTS,', 2), ('BANKS', 1), ('76-96', 1), ('VIII.', 2), ('ITS', 4), ('POVERTY,', 2), ('INFANTICIDE,', 2), ('SELLING', 2), ('FEMALE', 2), ('CHILDREN', 2), ('INTO', 4), ('SLAVERY,', 2), ('TORTURES,', 2), ('INSENSIBILITY', 2), ('PAIN', 1), ('97-106', 1), ('IX.', 2), ('MAINLY', 2), ('DOCTORS', 1), ('107-114', 1), ('X.', 6), ('CHAOTONG', 2), ('TONGCHUAN', 3), ('115-124', 1), ('XI.', 2), ('TONGCHUAN,', 2), ('UPON', 2), ('INFANTICIDE', 1), ('125-134', 1), ('XII.', 2), ('YUNNAN', 20), ('135-147', 1), ('XIII.', 2), ('AT', 6), ('148-157', 1), ('XIV.', 2), ('GOLD,', 2), ('BANKS,', 2), ('TELEGRAPHS', 2), ('158-170', 1), ('XV.', 2), ('FRENCH', 2), ('MISSION', 2), ('ARSENAL', 2), ('171-182', 1), ('XVI.', 2), ('TALIFU', 4), ('183-201', 1), ('XVII.', 2), ('TALI--PRISONS--POISONING--PLAGUES', 2), ('MISSIONS', 1), ('202-217', 1), ('XVIII.', 2), ('TALI,', 2), ('CHARACTER', 2), ('CANTONESE,', 2), ('EMIGRANTS,', 2), ('CRETINS,', 2), ('WIFE-BEATING', 2), ('218-232', 1), ('XIX.', 2), ('MEKONG', 3), ('SALWEEN', 3), ('RIVERS--HOW', 2), ('TRAVEL', 2), ('233-243', 1), ('XX.', 2), ('TENGYUEH--THE', 2), ('CELEBRATED', 2), ('WUNTHO', 2), ('SAWBWA--SHAN', 2), ('SOLDIERS', 3), ('244-259', 1), ('XXI.', 2), ('SHAN', 2), ('TOWN', 2), ('SANTA,', 2), ('MANYUEN,', 2), ('SCENE', 4), ('CONSUL', 2), ("MARGARY'S", 2), ('MURDER', 1), ('260-269', 1), ('XXII.', 2), ('AS', 3), ('FIGHTING', 2), ('POWER--THE', 2), ('KACHINS--AND', 2), ('LAST', 2), ('STAGE', 2), ('BHAMO', 1), ('270-281', 1), ('XXIII.', 2), ('BHAMO,', 2), ('MANDALAY,', 2), ('RANGOON,', 2), ('CALCUTTA', 1), ('282-291', 1), ('ILLUSTRATIONS.', 1), ('_Mostly', 1), ('from', 508), ('Photographs', 1), ('by_', 1), ('MR.', 1), ('C.', 9), ('JENSEN', 1), ('_of', 1), ('Imperial', 19), ('Chinese', 377), ('Telegraphs._', 1), ('_Frontispiece._', 1), ("AUTHOR'S", 4), ('PASSPORT', 1), ('_page_', 1), ('8', 4), ('BALCONY', 2), ('14', 4), ('RIVER', 9), ('TUNG-LO-HSIA', 1), ('34', 2), ('MEMORIAL', 4), ('ARCHWAY', 2), ('FORT', 2), ('FU-TO-KUAN', 1), ('CHUNGKING,', 2), ('OPPOSITE', 2), ('BANK', 2), ('38', 1), ('TEMPLE', 6), ('THEATRE', 2), ('44', 1), ('MAIN', 2), ('ROAD', 4), ('52', 3), ('CULTIVATION', 2), ('TERRACES', 1), ('58', 2), ('SZECHUEN', 2), ('OPIUM-SMOKING', 1), ('72', 2), ('84', 3), ('LAOWATAN', 1), ('OPIUM-SMOKER', 2), ('ROMANCE', 1), ('93', 1), ('PAGODA', 4), ('WAYSIDE,', 2), ('118', 1), ('BIG', 2), ('EAST', 2), ('GATE', 4), ('146', 3), ('VIEW', 4), ('156', 2), ('WALL', 2), ('168', 3), ('CITY,', 2), ('250', 5), ('FEET', 2), ('HIGH', 1), ('174', 2), ('VICEROY', 2), ('TWO', 2), ('PROVINCES', 2), ('180', 1), ('NAME', 1), ('182', 1), ('GIANT', 2), ('184', 2), ('"EAGLE', 2), ('NEST', 2), ('BARRIER,"', 2), ('192', 5), ('SNOW-CLAD', 2), ('MOUNTAINS', 2), ('BEHIND', 2), ('204', 3), ('NEAR', 2), ('220', 1), ('DESCENT', 2), ('232', 2), ('INSIDE', 2), ('SUSPENSION', 4), ('BRIDGE', 3), ('236', 1), ('240', 2), ('SHWELI', 2), ('242', 3), ('SUBURB', 2), ('BEYOND', 2), ('SOUTH', 2), ('TENGYUEH', 1), ('MAP', 2), ('292', 1), ('ROUGH', 2), ('SKETCH-MAP', 2), ('_at', 1), ('end._', 1), ('CHINA.', 4), ('HANKOW.', 1), ('In', 138), ('first', 79), ('week', 4), ('February,', 1), ('1894,', 5), ('returned', 16), ('Shanghai', 19), ('Japan.', 2), ('It', 158), ('was', 1062), ('my', 385), ('intention', 3), ('go', 39), ('up', 100), ('Yangtse', 21), ('River', 17), ('far', 48), ('Chungking,', 22), ('then,', 13), ('dressed', 28), ('Chinese,', 66), ('cross', 14), ('quietly', 1), ('over', 99), ('Western', 56), ('Shan', 24), ('States,', 7), ('Kachin', 12), ('Hills', 2), ('frontier', 19), ('Burma.', 18), ('The', 460), ('ensuing', 2), ('narrative', 2), ('will', 103), ('tell', 13), ('how', 30), ('easily', 11), ('pleasantly', 3), ('journey,', 12), ('which', 362), ('few', 68), ('years', 64), ('ago', 14), ('would', 154), ('regarded', 8), ('formidable', 5), ('undertaking,', 1), ('can', 126), ('now', 74), ('be', 406), ('done.', 4), ('journey', 48), ('was,', 10), ('course,', 24), ('sense', 7), ('one', 274), ('exploration;', 1), ('consisted', 4), ('simply', 5), ('voyage', 5), ('1500', 7), ('miles', 62), ('River,', 7), ('followed', 5), ('quiet,', 1), ('though', 28), ('extended,', 1), ('excursion', 1), ('another', 40), ('along', 42), ('great', 63), ('overland', 3), ('highway', 3), ('into', 184), ('Burma,', 21), ('taken', 28), ('who', 325), ('spoke', 18), ('had', 446), ('interpreter', 4), ('companion,', 2), ('unarmed,', 4), ('but', 321), ('trusted', 4), ('implicitly', 1), ('good', 63), ('faith', 4), ('Chinese.', 30), ('Anyone', 1), ('world', 22), ('way', 73), ('did,', 8), ('provided', 16), ('he', 502), ('willing', 5), ('exercise', 4), ('certain', 16), ('number', 33), ('weeks', 6), ('months', 17), ('some', 93), ('endurance--for', 1), ('travel', 11), ('many', 91), ('on', 502), ('foot', 22), ('mountainous', 5), ('country--and', 1), ('much', 42), ('forbearance.', 1), ('went', 43), ('possessed', 7), ('strong', 7), ('racial', 1), ('antipathy', 1), ('common', 28), ('countrymen,', 3), ('that', 702), ('feeling', 5), ('has', 228), ('long', 73), ('since', 24), ('given', 37), ('lively', 1), ('sympathy', 1), ('gratitude,', 2), ('shall', 18), ('always', 50), ('look', 21), ('back', 32), ('pleasure', 9), ('during', 35), ('experienced,', 1), ('while', 52), ('traversing', 1), ('provinces', 19), ('wide', 16), ('European', 12), ('kingdoms,', 1), ('uniform', 5), ('kindness', 7), ('hospitality,', 2), ('most', 115), ('charming', 19), ('courtesy.', 5), ('case,', 1), ('least,', 2), ('did', 80), ('not', 351), ('forget', 2), ('their', 360), ('precept,', 1), ('"deal', 1), ('gently', 4), ('strangers', 3), ('afar."', 1), ('left', 61), ('Sunday,', 2), ('February', 3), ('11th,', 1), ('Jardine', 2), ("Matheson's", 1), ('steamer', 12), ('_Taiwo_.', 1), ('One', 32), ('kind', 22), ('friend,', 3), ('merchant', 4), ('captain', 5), ('seen', 46), ('life', 25), ('every', 90), ('important', 32), ('seaport', 1), ('world,', 8), ('came', 65), ('down,', 4), ('past', 20), ('midnight,', 2), ('bid', 1), ('me', 281), ('farewell.', 2), ('We', 92), ('shook', 2), ('hands', 17), ('wharf,', 1), ('last', 37), ('time.', 8), ('Already', 2), ('promised', 5), ('vacancy', 3), ("Matheson's.", 1), ('Some', 8), ('time', 89), ('after', 76), ('departure,', 2), ('when', 151), ('appointed', 4), ('officers', 8), ('ill-fated', 1), ('_Kowshing_,', 1), ('unarmed', 1), ('transport', 3), ('before', 86), ('declaration', 2), ('war', 3), ('destroyed', 5), ('Japanese', 11), ('gunboat,', 1), ('among', 60), ('slain--struck,', 1), ('believe,', 3), ('bullet', 1), ('struggling', 1), ('water.', 6), ('travelled', 8), ('warm', 5), ('winter', 7), ('clothing,', 1), ('pigtail', 5), ('attached', 9), ('inside', 6), ('hat.', 1), ('could', 138), ('more', 174), ('comfortable.', 5), ('small', 47), ('cabin', 4), ('myself.', 4), ('course', 16), ('own', 43), ('bedding,', 1), ('paying', 7), ('Mexican', 5), ('dollar', 2), ('day', 67), ('steward,', 1), ('"foreign', 4), ('chow,"', 1), ('brought', 33), ('saloon.', 1), ('traveller', 32), ('cares', 3), ('way,', 19), ('put', 23), ('his', 538), ('pride', 5), ('pocket', 2), ('down', 89), ('back,', 6), ('need', 19), ('pay', 24), ('only', 131), ('one-fourth', 1), ('what', 41), ('him', 154), ('dress.', 2), ('But', 75), ('found,', 2), ('unwittingly', 2), ('travelling', 11), ('false', 3), ('pretences.', 1), ('When', 40), ('smart', 7), ('chief', 41), ('officer', 13), ('fare', 4), ('charged', 4), ('me,', 58), ('thought,', 5), ('too', 20), ('little.', 3), ('expressed', 5), ('surprise,', 1), ('said', 37), ('thought', 14), ('seven', 21), ('dollars.', 2), ('"So', 2), ('is,"', 1), ('replied', 1), ('"but', 3), ('we', 314), ('charge', 28), ('missionaries', 40), ('five', 29), ('dollars,', 1), ('knew', 21), ('you', 163), ('were', 548), ('missionary', 55), ('even', 67), ('they', 311), ('told', 35), ('me."', 1), ('How', 6), ('different', 21), ('acuteness', 1), ('compradore', 2), ('received', 29), ("Merchants'", 2), ('_Hsin', 2), ('Chi_,', 1), ('once', 20), ('made', 77), ('Tientsin,', 1), ('also', 32), ('dress!', 1), ('conversation', 5), ('short,', 2), ('sharp,', 1), ('emphatic.', 1), ('looked', 14), ('searchingly.', 1), ('"What', 6), ('pidgin', 2), ('belong', 3), ('you?"', 3), ('asked--meaning', 1), ('your', 39), ('business?', 1), ('Humbly', 1), ('answered,', 1), ('"My', 9), ('Jesus', 2), ('Christ', 2), ('pidgin";', 1), ('is,', 24), ('am', 22), ('missionary,', 22), ('instantly', 3), ('scorn', 2), ('replied,', 5), ('"No', 3), ('dam', 2), ('fear!"', 1), ('called', 38), ('river', 68), ('ports', 3), ('reached', 26), ('Hankow', 13), ('14th.', 1), ('Hankow,', 10), ('say,', 11), ('mart', 1), ('eight', 19), ('centre', 17), ('earth.', 2), ('distributing', 9), ('valley,', 11), ('capital', 20), ('city', 103), ('China.', 71), ('trade', 17), ('tea,', 10), ('its', 180), ('staple', 3), ('export,', 2), ('declining', 1), ('rapidly,', 1), ('particularly', 4), ('1886.', 2), ('Indian', 9), ('opium', 45), ('goes', 5), ('higher', 14), ('than', 204), ('point;', 2), ('importation', 2), ('insignificant,', 2), ('amounting', 3), ('738', 1), ('piculs', 1), ('(44', 1), ('tons)', 1), ('per', 29), ('annum.', 4), ('bank', 28), ('Yangtse,', 10), ('separated', 7), ('width', 5), ('Han', 3), ('Hanyang,', 2), ('Wuchang;', 1), ('these', 46), ('three', 121), ('divisions', 1), ('really', 8), ('form', 12), ('large', 64), ('city,', 38), ('inhabitants', 3), ('entire', 8), ('population', 15), ('colony', 6), ('Victoria.', 3), ('Wuchang', 3), ('two', 176), ('Hunan', 2), ('Hupeh;', 1), ('here', 80), ('Viceroy,', 8), ('Chang', 7), ('Chi', 3), ('Tung,', 2), ('resides', 1), ('official', 24), ('yamen', 22), ('dispenses', 1), ('injustice', 2), ('building', 10), ('handsome', 13), ('American', 18), ('mission-houses', 2), ('overlook', 1), ('it.', 27), ('Tung', 2), ('anti-foreign', 8), ('all', 287), ('Viceroys', 2), ('China;', 8), ('yet', 38), ('Viceroy', 7), ('Empire', 3), ('ever', 42), ('so', 135), ('foreigners', 7), ('employ', 4), ('he.', 3), ('"Within', 1), ('four', 45), ('seas,"', 1), ('says,', 8), ('"all', 2), ('men', 128), ('brothers";', 1), ('rules', 4), ('closed', 3), ('against', 38), ('foreigners,', 3), ('compelled', 8), ('remain', 7), ('shelter', 14), ('foreign', 42), ('Concession', 1), ('Hankow.', 2), ('With', 12), ('public', 12), ('spirit', 8), ('unusual', 6), ('devoted', 5), ('immense', 14), ('revenues', 2), ('office', 11), ('modern', 6), ('development', 3), ('resources', 4), ('vice-kingdom.', 1), ('He', 153), ('erected', 11), ('gigantic', 4), ('cotton-mill', 1), ('thirty-five', 6), ('thousand', 17), ('spindles,', 1), ('covering', 3), ('six', 29), ('acres', 5), ('lit', 4), ('electric', 2), ('light,', 2), ('reservoir', 1), ('half.', 2), ('built', 32), ('mint.', 1), ('At', 77), ('Hanyang', 1), ('magnificent', 7), ('iron-works', 1), ('blast', 1), ('furnaces', 1), ('cover', 4), ('latest', 1), ('machinery.', 1), ('iron', 5), ('coal', 3), ('mines,', 1), ('railway', 3), ('seventeen', 8), ('mines', 3), ('river,', 33), ('specially', 5), ('constructed', 5), ('river-steamers', 1), ('special', 6), ('hoisting', 1), ('machinery', 2), ('river-banks.', 1), ('Money', 4), ('poured', 2), ('out', 102), ('like', 73), ('water;', 3), ('probably', 11), ('leave', 6), ('poor', 57), ('man.', 8), ('Acting', 1), ('private', 14), ('secretary', 3), ('clever', 4), ('named', 7), ('Kaw', 3), ('Hong', 8), ('Beng,', 2), ('author', 2), ('_Defensio', 1), ('Populi_,', 1), ('often-quoted', 1), ('attack', 1), ('upon', 66), ('methods', 9), ('appeared', 8), ('_The', 3), ('North', 2), ('Daily', 2), ('News_.', 1), ('linguist', 2), ('ability,', 1), ('publishes', 1), ('News_', 1), ('translations', 1), ('Heine', 1), ('verse,', 1), ('gifted', 1), ('rare', 14), ('command', 8), ('English.', 10), ('Master', 1), ('Arts', 1), ('University', 5), ('Edinburgh.', 1), ('Yet,', 3), ('strange', 11), ('paradox,', 1), ('notwithstanding', 2), ('privilege', 7), ('being', 104), ('trained', 10), ('pious', 5), ('earnest', 9), ('community', 7), ('United', 18), ('Kingdom,', 1), ('lights', 2), ('Presbyterian', 1), ('Kirk,', 3), ('Free', 1), ('Episcopalian', 4), ('Church,', 2), ('_The_', 1), ('mention', 2), ('varied', 5), ('assortment', 3), ('Dissenting', 1), ('Churches', 1), ('less', 25), ('dubious', 2), ('orthodoxy,', 1), ('openly', 2), ('hostile', 1), ('introduction', 4), ('Christianity', 2), ('And', 62), ('nowhere', 1), ('opposition', 2), ('intense', 2), ('valley.', 7), ('intensity', 1), ('thoughtful', 4), ('greater', 15), ('hope', 16), ('ultimate', 2), ('conversion', 6), ('portion', 6), ('say', 28), ('better', 26), ('aid', 5), ('success', 14), ('mere', 5), ('apathy.', 1), ('During', 17), ('met', 43), ('numbers', 20), ('classes,', 4), ('cities', 6), ('Peking', 11), ('Canton,', 4), ('unanimously', 1), ('satisfaction', 2), ('progress', 8), ('making', 9), ('Expressed', 1), ('succinctly,', 1), ('harvest', 6), ('described', 9), ('fraction', 2), ('Chinamen', 7), ('If,', 4), ('however,', 18), ('paid', 36), ('ordained', 2), ('unordained', 1), ('native', 41), ('helpers', 1), ('added', 6), ('missionaries,', 11), ('find', 32), ('aggregate', 2), ('body', 25), ('converts', 15), ('nine-tenths', 1), ('Chinaman', 58), ('worker', 1), ('annum;', 1), ('deprecate', 1), ('work', 67), ('judged', 4), ('statistics.', 1), ('There', 98), ('1511', 1), ('Protestant', 5), ('labouring', 2), ('Empire;', 1), ('and,', 89), ('estimating', 1), ('results', 5), ('statistics', 2), ('previous', 3), ('published', 5), ('_Chinese', 1), ('Recorder_,', 1), ('gathered', 20), ('year', 27), ('(1893)', 2), ('fold', 2), ('3127', 1), ('Chinese--not', 1), ('whom', 52), ('feared', 9), ('genuine', 3), ('Christians--at', 1), ('_L350,000_,', 1), ('sum', 3), ('equal', 15), ('combined', 8), ('incomes', 1), ('ten', 34), ('London', 8), ('hospitals.', 1), ('itself', 10), ('swarms', 2), ('"who', 4), ('unhappily', 2), ('divided', 4), ('sects,', 2), ('foreigner', 15), ('bewildered', 1), ('number,', 3), ('let', 14), ('alone', 12), ('heathen', 13), ('accredited."', 1), ('(Medhurst.)', 1), ('Dwelling', 1), ('well-deserved', 2), ('comfort', 8), ('around', 4), ('settlement,', 1), ('there', 238), ('members', 12), ('Missionary', 15), ('Society,', 10), ('Tract', 2), ('Local', 1), ('British', 29), ('Foreign', 3), ('Bible', 13), ('National', 1), ('Society', 4), ('Scotland,', 1), ('Society;', 1), ('Quaker', 1), ('Baptist,', 1), ('Wesleyan,', 1), ('Independent', 1), ('means;', 1), ('Church', 6), ('Board', 4), ('Missions,', 1), ('High', 3), ('Episcopal', 1), ('Mission;', 1), ('Medical', 1), ('Mission', 33), ('connection', 3), ('flourishing', 4), ('French', 35), ('bishop,', 1), ('"_Missions', 1), ('etrangeres', 1), ('de', 12), ('Paris_,"', 1), ('Franciscan', 1), ('Fathers,', 1), ('Italian,', 1), ('Spanish', 3), ('Order', 2), ('St.', 5), ('Augustine.', 1), ('Inland', 35), ('central', 4), ('station', 7), ('headquarters', 8), ('Scandinavian', 1), ('Mission,', 27), ('Danish', 3), ('an', 335), ('unattached', 1), ('mission,', 15), ('Danish.', 1), ('Where', 5), ('missions,', 1), ('holding', 5), ('such', 48), ('widely', 6), ('divergent', 3), ('views,', 2), ('suppose,', 1), ('inevitable', 6), ('each', 54), ('mission', 52), ('should', 46), ('disfavour', 2), ('done', 34), ('neighbours,', 1), ('doubts', 1), ('expediency', 1), ('methods,', 1), ('reasonable', 6), ('misgivings', 1), ('genuineness', 1), ('conversions.', 1), ('"Rice', 2), ('Christians,"', 2), ('those', 40), ('spurious', 3), ('Christians', 2), ('become', 22), ('converted', 9), ('return', 21), ('rice,', 8), ('just', 28), ('profit', 3), ('differences', 2), ('opinion,', 2), ('who,', 19), ('timely', 1), ('lapses', 2), ('grace,', 5), ('succeed', 2), ('turn', 12), ('missions', 2), ('Augustins', 1), ('Quakers.', 1), ('Every', 20), ('visitor', 2), ('other', 105), ('open', 48), ('ports,', 3), ('supporter', 1), ('effort,', 3), ('pleased', 6), ('preconceived', 1), ('notions', 1), ('hardships', 4), ('discomforts', 2), ('port', 6), ('entirely', 9), ('false.', 2), ('Comfort', 1), ('pleasures', 3), ('any', 138), ('country.', 13), ('Among', 6), ('comfortable', 9), ('residences', 2), ('quarters', 8), ('missionaries;', 2), ('right', 19), ('possible', 8), ('discomfort--missionaries', 1), ('sacrificing', 2), ('prepared', 11), ('undergo', 2), ('hardship', 1), ('bring', 14), ('enlightenment', 1), ('land', 19), ('darkness.', 4), ('Padres', 1), ('Agustinos', 1), ('smoked', 6), ('cigarette', 1), ('Padres,', 1), ('exchanged', 5), ('reminiscences', 1), ('Valladolid', 1), ('Barcelona.', 1), ('well', 62), ('conceive,', 1), ('having', 32), ('extreme', 5), ('dirtiness', 1), ('premises,', 2), ('little', 96), ('Spaniard', 1), ('alter', 3), ('ways', 3), ('order', 17), ('make', 34), ('them', 110), ('conform', 1), ('ancient', 5), ('civilisation', 9), ('concession', 1), ('embankment', 7), ('lined', 3), ('buildings.', 2), ('rise', 8), ('fall', 7), ('between', 36), ('summer', 8), ('levels', 1), ('nearly', 27), ('sixty', 12), ('feet.', 6), ('laps', 1), ('edge', 10), ('overflow', 1), ('concession;', 1), ('winter,', 2), ('broad', 19), ('steps', 16), ('lead', 5), ('water', 38), ('which,', 12), ('shrunk', 3), ('bed,', 8), ('still', 59), ('half', 37), ('mile', 13), ('width.', 4), ('Our', 11), ('consulate', 1), ('end', 11), ('embankment;', 1), ('remarkable', 11), ('municipal', 1), ('designed', 2), ('former', 6), ('City', 31), ('constable,', 1), ('hope,', 6), ('expert', 2), ('handcuffs', 1), ('pencil.', 1), ('PASSPORT.]', 1), ('interests', 2), ('protected', 6), ('Mr.', 68), ('Pelham', 1), ('Warren,', 2), ('Consul,', 2), ('ablest', 4), ('Service.', 3), ('registered', 4), ('Consulate', 1), ('subject', 10), ('obtained', 8), ('passport', 5), ('Treaty', 3), ('Tientsin', 5), ('Hupeh,', 2), ('Szechuen,', 13), ('Kweichow,', 4), ('Yunnan,', 52), ('available', 5), ('date', 6), ('issue.', 1), ('servant.', 2), ('English-speaking', 2), ('"boy,"', 1), ('hearing', 4), ('one,', 5), ('recommend', 1), ('"his', 3), ('flend,"', 1), ('assured', 9), ('same', 51), ('Englishman."', 1), ('"flend"', 1), ('found', 35), ('abashed,', 1), ('turned', 11), ('wrath', 2), ('saying', 8), ('through', 87), ('interpreter,', 7), ('"It', 10), ('true', 19), ('cannot', 30), ('speak', 32), ('language,', 7), ('gentleman', 7), ('month', 4), ('beautifully."', 1), ('come', 40), ('terms.', 2), ('embarked', 2), ('_Kweili_,', 2), ('triple-screw', 1), ('days', 46), ('later,', 6), ('21st,', 2), ('landed', 5), ('Ichang,', 6), ('inland', 9), ('steam.', 1), ('Ichang', 6), ('port;', 1), ('scene', 6), ('riot', 4), ('2nd,', 1), ('1891,', 2), ('settlement', 1), ('pillaged', 1), ('burnt', 3), ('mob,', 1), ('aided', 3), ('soldiers', 13), ('Chentai', 3), ('Loh-Ta-Jen,', 2), ('head', 18), ('military', 16), ('gave', 48), ('outbreak', 3), ('benefit', 5), ('connivance."', 1), ('Pleasant', 1), ('zest', 1), ('anticipation', 1), ('outbreak;', 1), ('excitement.', 1), ('From', 27), ('Chungking--a', 1), ('distance', 26), ('412', 1), ('miles--the', 1), ('part', 24), ('series', 5), ('rapids', 2), ('attempted', 7), ('ascend,', 1), ('contended', 1), ('difficulties', 6), ('navigation', 1), ('insuperable', 1), ('elevated', 2), ('horse-power.', 1), ('idea', 5), ('speed', 4), ('current', 11), ('fact', 12), ('junk,', 5), ('taking', 12), ('thirty', 17), ('do', 72), ('upward', 3), ('hauled', 4), ('gangs', 1), ('trackers,', 4), ('known', 40), ('down-river', 1), ('Believing', 1), ('thus', 32), ('save', 10), ('decided', 4), ('Chungking', 43), ('foot,', 9), ('engaged', 17), ('coolie', 20), ('accompany', 9), ('me.', 45), ('start', 7), ('Thursday', 1), ('afternoon;', 1), ('about', 40), ('midnight', 1), ('Wednesday', 1), ('Dr.', 43), ('Aldridge,', 1), ('Customs,', 6), ('persuaded', 1), ('risk', 4), ('going', 18), ('boat', 32), ('(a', 4), ('_wupan_),', 1), ('ordinary', 14), ('passenger', 2), ('junk', 10), ('_kwatze_),', 1), ('might,', 1), ('luck,', 1), ('reach', 9), ('soon', 18), ('Wanhsien', 9), ('land.', 2), ('Doctor', 1), ('man', 67), ('surprising', 2), ('energy.', 2), ('offered', 17), ('arrange', 1), ('everything', 6), ('6', 10), ("o'clock", 2), ('morning', 31), ('boat,', 5), ('selected', 5), ('(_laoban_),', 1), ('picked', 7), ('crew', 4), ('young', 33), ('men,', 25), ('undertook', 7), ('fifteen', 18), ('days,', 12), ('necessary', 2), ('instructions', 6), ('journey.', 17), ('All', 43), ('ready', 14), ('evening.', 2), ('written', 15), ('agreement', 20), ('laoban,', 2), ('drawn', 14), ('duly', 1), ('signed,', 1), ('clerk', 5), ('following', 18), ('translation', 6), ('transcribe', 2), ('literally:--', 1), ('Yang', 7), ('Hsing', 1), ('Chung', 1), ('(the', 12), ('laoban)', 1), ('hereby', 1), ('contracts', 2), ('convey', 3), ('M.', 11), ('conditions:--', 1), ('1.', 2), ('passage-money', 1), ('agreed', 8), ('28,000', 1), ('cash', 82), ('(_L2', 1), ('16s._),', 1), ('includes', 3), ('charges.', 3), ('2.', 2), ('If', 32), ('twelve', 11), ('master', 6), ('32,500', 1), ('instead;', 1), ('if', 106), ('thirteen', 8), ('31,000,', 1), ('28,000.', 1), ('3.', 2), ('does', 27), ('duty', 6), ('satisfactorily,', 1), ('30,000', 2), ('cash,', 22), ('gets', 2), ('days.', 15), ('4.', 2), ('14,000', 1), ('advanced', 6), ('starting;', 1), ('remainder', 3), ('arrival', 13), ('Chungking.', 12), ('(Signed)', 1), ('YANG', 1), ('HSING', 1), ('CHUNG.', 1), ('Dated', 1), ('17th', 2), ('2nd', 1), ('moon,', 1), ('K,', 1), ('shui', 1), ('20th', 2), ('year.', 5), ('wrote', 8), ('speaks', 8), ('Englishmen.', 1), ('ICHANG', 1), ('KIANG.', 1), ('morning;', 1), ('afternoon', 11), ('busy,', 1), ('p.m.', 1), ('Customs', 13), ('pontoon.', 1), ('wupan', 1), ('(five', 2), ('boards),', 1), ('28', 2), ('feet', 60), ('drawing', 4), ('inches.', 1), ('Its', 17), ('sail', 6), ('wing', 1), ('butterfly,', 1), ('transverse', 2), ('ribs', 1), ('light', 10), ('bamboo;', 1), ('stern', 6), ('shaped', 2), ('"like', 3), ("swallow's", 1), ('wings', 2), ('rest."', 1), ('improvised', 3), ('mats', 1), ('amidships', 1), ('crib;', 1), ('spare', 5), ('mats,', 2), ('slipt', 1), ("boat's", 1), ('hood,', 1), ('coverings', 1), ('night', 25), ("for'ard", 1), ('aft', 1), ('two.', 3), ('seemed', 24), ('frail', 1), ('craft', 1), ('face', 20), ('dangers', 3), ('cataracts,', 1), ('manned', 2), ('river.', 21), ('pitch', 1), ('dark', 10), ('paddled', 3), ('stream', 14), ('amidst', 1), ('discharge', 1), ('crackers.', 2), ('As', 32), ('passed', 48), ('wish', 16), ('_bon', 1), ('voyage_,', 1), ('revolver', 3), ('emptied', 1), ('darkness', 4), ('propitiate', 1), ('god.', 1), ('sterns', 3), ('countless', 3), ('junks,', 2), ('walled', 15), ('crossing', 5), ('bank,', 13), ('fast', 6), ('waited', 10), ('begin', 5), ('our', 108), ('river;', 4), ('quiet;', 1), ('heart,', 8), ('doubt', 17), ('whatever', 5), ('effort', 5), ('fulfil', 1), ('contract.', 1), ('daylight', 5), ('again', 35), ('entered', 22), ('gorges', 3), ('where', 137), ('cleft', 5), ('mountains.', 7), ('clear', 2), ('sunny', 3), ('sky,', 2), ('flowing', 1), ('smoothly', 1), ('reflecting', 1), ('deeply', 9), ('lofty', 10), ('rugged', 3), ('hills', 13), ('steeply', 2), ("water's", 2), ('edge,', 2), ('model', 4), ('crew,', 1), ('lie', 6), ('ease', 3), ('wrapped', 2), ('pukai', 3), ('watch', 2), ('junks', 9), ('lazily', 2), ('falling', 5), ('largest', 8), ('"dwarfed', 1), ('colossal', 2), ('dimensions', 1), ('surrounding', 2), ('scenery', 1), ('size', 10), ('sampans,"', 1), ('fishing', 2), ('boats,', 1), ('noiseless', 1), ('gentle', 3), ('creaking', 1), ('sheers', 1), ('dip-net,', 1), ('silently', 1), ('working', 9), ('waters', 4), ('bank.', 6), ('Ping-shan-pa', 2), ('outstation', 1), ('Maritime', 5), ('seafaring', 1), ('cockatoo', 1), ('farmer', 1), ('South', 4), ('Australia,', 9), ('drove', 1), ('team', 1), ('bullocks', 1), ('Mount', 2), ('Brown', 1), ('diggings.', 1), ('lives', 10), ('comfortably', 2), ('house-boat', 1), ('moored', 6), ('Englishmen', 4), ('married', 6), ('distinct', 2), ('girl.', 2), ('His', 35), ('wife', 17), ('prettiest', 1), ('girls', 10), ('Nanking,', 1), ('talks', 1), ('delightfully', 1), ('musical', 2), ('voice', 4), ('pleasant', 23), ('listen', 3), ('to.', 5), ('confess', 7), ('agree', 12), ('writer', 2), ('regarding', 2), ('"the', 14), ('smile', 1), ('woman', 18), ('inexpressibly', 2), ('charming."', 1), ('considered', 7), ('beautiful', 24), ('Europe.', 2), ('attractiveness', 1), ('lady', 6), ('theme', 1), ('writers,', 1), ('but,', 20), ('speaking', 12), ('impartial', 1), ('observer', 1), ('both', 35), ('Japan', 3), ('never', 70), ('able', 8), ('decision', 2), ('feature', 8), ('superior', 12), ('her', 129), ('sister.', 1), ('She', 22), ('shoulders', 2), ('above', 41), ('Japanese;', 1), ('she', 58), ('intellectual,', 1), ('or,', 13), ('rather,', 3), ('capable', 5), ('intellectual', 5), ('development;', 1), ('incomparably', 1), ('chaste', 2), ('modest.', 1), ('prettier,', 1), ('sweeter,', 1), ('trustworthy', 1), ('misshapen', 1), ('cackling', 1), ('dot', 2), ('black', 11), ('teeth', 4), ('asked', 25), ('admire', 1), ('beauty.', 3), ('early', 31), ('impressed', 4), ('contrast', 2), ('freedom', 1), ('apparent', 5), ('immorality', 1), ('cities,', 2), ('especially', 14), ('flaunting', 1), ('indecency', 1), ('_Yoshiwaras_', 1), ('Japan,', 3), ('"their', 3), ('teeming,', 1), ('seething,', 1), ('busy', 6), ('mass', 4), ('women,', 9), ('whose', 69), ('virtue', 9), ('industry', 3), ('vice."', 1), ('admired', 1), ('poetically', 2), ('referred', 1), ('"three-inch', 2), ('gold', 28), ('lilies,"', 1), ('eyes', 14), ('very', 79), ('unpleasant', 2), ('deformity--but', 1), ('still,', 2), ('deformity,', 2), ('walk', 19), ('comely', 1), ('gait', 1), ('shambles', 1), ('ungracefully', 1), ('bent', 3), ('legs,', 4), ('scraping', 2), ('wooden-soled', 1), ('slippers', 1), ('pavement', 1), ('noise', 7), ('sets', 1), ('edge.', 1), ('"Girls', 1), ('flowers,"', 1), ('willow.', 1), ('bound', 9), ('short', 14), ('beautifully', 3), ('mincing', 1), ('steps,', 3), ('swaying', 1), ('gracefully,', 1), ('showing', 6), ('persons', 6), ('respectability."', 1), ('Apart', 1), ('Manchus,', 1), ('dominant', 1), ('race,', 2), ('women', 23), ('bind', 1), ('feet,', 5), ('Those', 2), ('either,', 1), ('generally,', 3), ('ladies', 6), ('easy', 11), ('slave', 5), ('girls.', 1), ('And,', 6), ('Christian', 23), ('girl', 10), ('allowed', 6), ('bound.', 1), ('Leaving', 7), ('stiff', 1), ('breeze', 2), ('favour', 10), ('slowly', 3), ('stemmed', 1), ('current.', 4), ('Look', 4), ('side,', 5), ('think', 17), ('doing', 10), ('knots', 1), ('hour', 16), ('more,', 4), ('shore', 3), ('close', 12), ('kept', 20), ('escape', 9), ('current,', 2), ('saw', 52), ('gradually', 6), ('felt', 9), ('along.', 1), ('double', 12), ('row', 4), ('mat', 1), ('sheds', 5), ('filled', 10), ('huge', 22), ('coils', 4), ('bamboo', 32), ('rope', 3), ('thicknesses,', 1), ('laoban', 13), ('ashore', 7), ('purchase', 7), ('towline;', 2), ('took', 19), ('1000', 13), ('(about', 1), ('shillings),', 1), ('coil', 2), ('100', 18), ('yards', 8), ('length', 9), ('600', 1), ('change.', 3), ('plaited', 1), ('bamboo,', 2), ('thick', 6), ('middle', 7), ('finger,', 1), ('tough', 2), ('whalebone.', 1), ('country', 44), ('terraced', 4), ('everywhere', 18), ('gardens.', 2), ('satisfactory.', 1), ('drew', 3), ('coiled', 3), ('crib', 3), ('myself', 10), ('Space', 1), ('cramped,', 1), ('barely', 3), ('room', 46), ('stretch', 3), ('legs.', 2), ('My', 59), ('5', 4), ('inches', 4), ('square', 11), ('4', 6), ('high,', 5), ('behind,', 1), ('doors', 2), ('front,', 1), ('manage', 1), ('squeeze', 4), ('sideways', 1), ('round', 45), ('mast.', 1), ('Coir', 1), ('matting', 2), ('next', 19), ('floor', 6), ('boards,', 3), ('then', 63), ('quilt', 1), ('_pukai_),', 1), ('Scotch', 1), ('plaid', 1), ('Geelong.', 1), ('pillow', 1), ('hardest', 1), ('bed;', 1), ('portmanteau', 1), ('beside', 4), ('served', 7), ('desk;', 1), ('candle,', 1), ('wick', 1), ('wax,', 1), ('stuck', 3), ('turnip,', 1), ('light.', 2), ('This,', 1), ("day's", 14), ('us', 80), ('within', 32), ('sound', 2), ('worst', 6), ('rapid', 19), ('Hsintan,', 1), ('roar', 4), ('cataract', 3), ('hummed', 1), ('ears', 4), ('night.', 14), ('Early', 3), ('opposite', 6), ('side', 15), ('town', 46), ('Hsintan.', 1), ('exciting', 3), ('scene.', 1), ('swirling', 2), ('torrent', 3), ('thunder', 1), ('frothing', 1), ('cataract.', 2), ('Above,', 1), ('barriers', 2), ('rocks', 8), ('athwart', 2), ('stretched', 5), ('weir', 1), ('across', 35), ('damming', 1), ('deep', 13), ('behind', 16), ('strewn', 2), ('boulders.', 1), ('Groups', 1), ('trackers', 6), ('squatting', 1), ('devil', 2), ('cockleshell.', 1), ('Other', 4), ('standing', 11), ('side-stream', 1), ('split', 2), ('boulders', 2), ('narrow', 17), ('races,', 2), ('catching', 1), ('fish', 5), ('dexterity,', 1), ('dipping', 1), ('scoop-nets.', 1), ('rested', 12), ('smooth', 5), ('boys', 14), ('jumped', 4), ('laid', 11), ('hold', 9), ('it;', 6), ('boat-hook', 2), ('stood', 10), ('bow;', 1), ('tiller;', 1), ('cooped', 3), ('useless', 2), ('awning.', 1), ('started', 6), ('hauling', 1), ('pushed', 8), ('sea', 4), ('waters.', 1), ('quivered,', 1), ('leapt', 2), ('bow', 6), ('engulf', 1), ('us;', 5), ('obviously', 4), ('few.', 1), ('danced', 1), ('rapid.', 2), ('board', 10), ('shrieked', 1), ('excitedly', 4), ('towrope', 5), ('fouling--it', 1), ('caught', 7), ('rock--but', 1), ('voices', 5), ('heard;', 1), ('jerk;', 1), ('hindmost', 1), ('foul', 2), ('ran', 6), ('free', 9), ('late,', 3), ('beam', 1), ('frantically', 1), ('waved', 2), ('go,', 2), ('moment', 13), ('tossed', 1), ('bodily', 5), ('heeled', 1), ('gunwale', 1), ('under,', 2), ('suddenly,', 1), ('bowman', 1), ('Blondin,', 1), ('dropped', 4), ('boat-hook,', 1), ('unlash', 1), ('halyard;', 1), ('wave', 2), ('buried', 8), ('nose', 2), ('swamped', 1), ('kennel;', 1), ('heart', 13), ('stopped', 16), ('beating,', 2), ('scared', 2), ('wits,', 2), ('began', 9), ('strip', 2), ('off', 32), ('sodden', 1), ('clothes;', 1), ('set;', 1), ('miraculously', 1), ('fended', 1), ('rock,', 8), ("moment's", 1), ('hesitation,', 1), ('smashed', 3), ('bits', 1), ('boiling', 1), ('trough', 3), ('formed', 12), ('eddy', 1), ('below', 16), ('desperate', 2), ('slid', 1), ('danger', 3), ('Then', 22), ('laughed', 3), ('heartily.', 1), ('know,', 2), ('keen', 3), ('admiration', 3), ('calm', 2), ('dexterity', 1), ('baled', 1), ('second', 11), ('towrope--this', 1), ('keep', 10), ('control,', 1), ('mast,', 1), ('licensed', 2), ('pilot.', 1), ('Extra', 1), ('hired', 2), ('towlines,', 1), ('bodily--the', 1), ('swelling', 2), ('foaming', 2), ('bows--the', 1), ('torrent,', 1), ('ledge', 4), ('stretches', 2), ('entrance', 8), ('Mi', 2), ('Tsang', 3), ('Gorge.', 1), ('Two', 13), ('stupendous', 2), ('walls', 21), ('perpendicular,', 1), ('bold', 1), ('Mediterranean', 1), ('Rock', 2), ('Gibraltar', 1), ('seem', 10), ('folded', 1), ('"Savage', 1), ('cliffs', 1), ('these,', 2), ('tree', 3), ('scarcely', 7), ('blade', 3), ('grass', 11), ('grow,', 1), ('stream,', 5), ('rather', 19), ('heard', 27), ('seen,', 7), ('seems', 14), ('fretting', 1), ('vain', 1), ('efforts', 11), ('gloomy', 2), ('prison."', 1), ('gorge', 6), ('restrained,', 1), ('boats', 6), ('without', 55), ('difficulty.', 2), ('eerie', 1), ('glide', 1), ('sunless', 1), ('shut', 2), ('sidewalls', 1), ('rock.', 2), ('sandy', 3), ('spit', 1), ('west', 15), ('things', 18), ('order.', 2), ('watched', 4), ('disappear', 3), ('other,', 7), ('truth', 7), ('Hosie', 1), ('that,', 21), ('masts', 1), ('unshipped', 1), ('passage,', 1), ('"passing', 1), ('human', 14), ('freight', 1), ('eternity."', 1), ('immensely', 2), ('high', 27), ('declivity', 1), ('precipitous', 2), ('front', 8), ('us,', 20), ('strained', 1), ('at;', 1), ('summit', 1), ('precipice,', 3), ('farmsteads', 1), ('dotted,', 1), ('yard', 2), ('cultivation.', 2), ('So', 14), ('steep', 19), ('scanty', 6), ('soil', 7), ('must', 60), ('washed', 3), ('away,', 7), ('think,', 8), ('rains,', 1), ('adventurous', 1), ('goat', 1), ('dwell', 3), ('comfort.', 3), ('Enjeh,', 1), ('pointing', 4), ('mighty', 5), ('mass,', 1), ('said,', 29), ('"_Pin', 1), ('su', 1), ('chiao_;"', 1), ('whether', 9), ('words', 27), ('name', 22), ('place,', 5), ('intended', 4), ('magnificence,', 1), ('dealt', 1), ('question', 15), ('precariousness', 1), ('tenure', 2), ('heads,', 3), ('means', 16), ('determine.', 1), ('English,', 12), ('extent', 4), ('vocabulary;', 1), ('carefully', 5), ('eked', 1), ('signs', 6), ('gestures.', 1), ('flourcake,', 1), ('egg,', 1), ('chopsticks,', 1), ('opium,', 22), ('by-and-by,', 2), ('many,', 3), ('charcoal,', 1), ('cabbage,', 1), ('customs.', 2), ('chow,', 1), ('good,', 2), ('ashore,', 1), ('sit', 5), ('to-morrow,', 2), ('match,', 1), ('lamp,', 1), ('alright,', 1), ('piecee,', 1), ('goddam.', 1), ('exotic', 1), ('led', 21), ('consider', 3), ('synonymous', 2), ('"very', 2), ('good."', 1), ('misapplied.', 1), ('remember', 6), ('reading', 7), ('_Sydney', 1), ('Bulletin_,', 1), ('cook', 6), ('Sydney', 2), ('applying', 1), ('situation', 1), ('detailed', 5), ('mistress', 1), ('undeniable', 2), ('qualifications,', 1), ('concluding', 1), ('memorable', 1), ('announcement,', 1), ('Clistian', 1), ('mum;', 1), ('eat', 8), ('beef;', 1), ('goddam."', 1), ('village', 41), ('us.', 15), ('villagers', 1), ('strolled', 2), ('children', 29), ('background', 1), ('"_Yang', 6), ('kweitze_"', 4), ('(foreign', 4), ('devil).', 3), ('Below', 2), ('sand,', 2), ('remains', 4), ('confiscated', 2), ('smuggling', 2), ('salt;', 1), ('sawn', 1), ('Salt', 4), ('Government', 20), ('monopoly', 2), ('spot.', 3), ('Kueichow,', 1), ('Here', 12), ('infinite', 2), ('difficulty', 13), ('passing', 11), ('rapids,', 2), ('crossed', 19), ('recrossed', 1), ('several', 9), ('times.', 1), ('sat', 14), ('stripped', 2), ('shivering,', 1), ('shipwreck', 1), ('certain,', 1), ('drowned', 1), ('rat.', 1), ('cool', 2), ('daring', 2), ('boys,', 3), ('nicety', 1), ('judgment', 1), ('remarkable.', 1), ('Creeping', 1), ('knocked', 1), ('out,', 8), ('worked', 9), ('exact', 3), ('point', 22), ('feasible,', 1), ('balanced', 3), ('clipping', 1), ('breeze,', 1), ('demons', 2), ('oars,', 1), ('strokes,', 1), ('stamping', 1), ('shot', 4), ('rock', 6), ('missed', 1), ('mouth', 5), ('drawn,', 1), ('mysteriously', 1), ('swung', 7), ('glided', 1), ('lee', 1), ('bow-rope,', 1), ('others', 9), ('scull', 1), ('upper', 3), ('steadying', 1), ('dash', 1), ('across,', 1), ('fiends', 1), ('Standing', 1), ('stern,', 1), ('managing', 2), ('sheet', 3), ('tiller,', 1), ('pole', 3), ('ready,', 2), ('yelled', 4), ('stamped', 2), ('excitement;', 2), ('towards', 14), ('edging', 1), ('on,', 11), ('destruction', 7), ('threatened', 1), ('over,', 3), ('back-wash', 1), ('shelter.', 1), ('splendid', 12), ('skill', 5), ('thing,', 2), ('time,', 14), ('unerring', 1), ('certainty.', 1), ('Yehtan', 2), ('rapid,', 5), ('Hsintan', 3), ('summer,', 1), ('haul', 1), ('water--they', 1), ('plainly', 3), ('insufficient.', 1), ('While', 9), ('hanging', 7), ('extra', 3), ('services.', 3), ('They', 108), ('bargain', 1), ('advantage.', 1), ('case', 30), ('"of', 5), ('price', 15), ('pig', 1), ('killed."', 1), ('But,', 11), ('terms,', 3), ('moment.', 3), ('Here,', 2), ('dangerous', 2), ('lifeboat', 1), ('stationed.', 1), ('beam,', 1), ('painted', 10), ('red.', 1), ('sailors', 3), ('eighty', 9), ('(_2d._)', 1), ('day,', 22), ('rewarded', 4), ('save,', 1), ('800', 2), ('corpse.', 1), ('Wushan', 2), ('Gorge,', 4), ('"Witches\'', 1), ('Gorge,"', 1), ('extends', 4), ('Kuantukou', 1), ('Wushan-hsien,', 2), ('twenty', 18), ('miles,', 13), ('longest', 3), ('Directly', 1), ('facing', 6), ('emerged', 4), ('Wushan-hsien.', 1), ('guardian', 3), ('pagoda,', 4), ('stories', 2), ('upturned', 2), ('gables,', 1), ('rim', 2), ('hat,', 2), ('down-stream', 1), ('prevents', 1), ('wealth', 4), ('prosperity', 6), ('swept', 2), ('city.', 27), ('Beyond', 4), ('Before', 6), ('wind', 7), ('boldly', 1), ('determined', 7), ('stronger,', 1), ('hung', 9), ('calling', 4), ('whistling', 1), ('wind,', 2), ('flagged', 5), ('moment;', 2), ('tension', 2), ('removed,', 1), ('rocks;', 1), ('shallow,', 1), ('trice', 1), ('boat-sides.', 1), ('poling', 1), ('pulling', 2), ('crept', 2), ('Never', 4), ('confusion,', 3), ('stroke.', 1), ('To', 31), ('hear', 7), ('jabber', 1), ('unintelligible', 3), ('speech', 3), ('pictured', 1), ('disorder,', 1), ('disaster,', 4), ('wild', 8), ('act', 7), ('witnessed', 4), ('coolness,', 1), ('skill,', 2), ('rarely', 10), ('before.', 2), ('young.', 1), ('twenty,', 2), ('physical', 7), ('gladden', 1), ('maiden', 2), ('condescends', 1), ('select', 2), ('mother', 12), ('children.', 6), ('Junks', 1), ('slow', 5), ('towpath', 1), ('present', 29), ('level', 13), ('Barefooted', 1), ('often', 35), ('hundred', 37), ('gang,', 1), ('clamber', 1), ('pack', 6), ('hounds', 1), ('full', 33), ('cry,"', 1), ('coupling', 1), ('shoulder', 2), ('singing', 3), ('chorus,', 1), ('towing', 1), ('quarter', 4), ('astern', 1), ('them.', 20), ('intervenes', 1), ('strain', 1), ('bondmen', 1), ('towrope;', 1), ('line', 10), ('creaks', 1), ('enormous', 8), ('holds', 4), ('fast.', 2), ('On', 50), ('drum', 1), ('tattoo', 3), ('beaten', 3), ('fire-crackers', 1), ('off,', 3), ('dozen', 18), ('ironshod', 1), ('bamboos', 4), ('sheer', 2), ('vessel', 2), ('obstruction.', 1), ('Contrast', 1), ('toilsome', 1), ('slowness', 1), ('down-stream.', 1), ('mast', 1), ('shipped;', 1), ('prodigious', 4), ('bow-sweep', 2), ('projects', 1), ('low', 11), ('bowsprit;', 1), ('deck', 1), ('covered', 13), ('midships', 1), ('arched', 5), ('mat-roof;', 1), ('awning;', 1), ('score', 3), ('boatmen,', 1), ('yulos,', 1), ('looking', 9), ('whaleback', 1), ('races', 4), ('rapids.', 2), ('Kweichou-fu,', 3), ('Upper', 10), ('Yangtse.', 5), ('Just', 3), ('Feng-hsiang', 3), ('Gorge', 2), ('"Windbox', 1), ('Gorge"', 1), ('mountains', 11), ('twain', 1), ('pass', 14), ('province', 41), ('Hupeh.', 1), ('Kweichou', 4), ('prefectural', 1), ('meets', 2), ('Szechuen;', 1), ('reason', 11), ('required', 6), ('might', 31), ('take', 34), ('viseed', 1), ('magistrate.', 2), ('officials', 15), ('searched', 1), ('contraband', 1), ('goods.', 2), ('returned,', 2), ('station.', 1), ('clawed', 1), ('hooked', 2), ('Szechuen', 17), ('arrested', 6), ('likin', 6), ('charge.', 2), ('again,', 9), ('third', 16), ('likin-barrier,', 2), ('squeezed.', 1), ('After', 9), ('permitted', 10), ('continue', 4), ('rest', 11), ('whenever', 3), ('eye', 9), ('raised', 11), ('fingers', 9), ('rueful', 1), ('shake', 1), ('"Kweichou', 1), ('haikwan', 1), ('(customs)', 1), ('good";', 1), ('swore,', 1), ('doubt.', 1), ('smallest', 4), ('sailing', 1), ('ferry', 4), ('tenders', 1), ('larger', 13), ('towline.', 1), ('These', 11), ('carry', 25), ('vertically', 2), ('rowing,', 1), ('poling,', 1), ('tracking', 2), ('beat', 2), ('Anping', 1), ('passed--a', 1), ('landscape', 3), ('red', 16), ('rich', 22), ('green', 8), ('pastures,', 1), ('groves', 6), ('cypress,', 1), ('pretty', 31), ('farmhouses', 3), ('overhanging', 2), ('eaves', 4), ('picturesque', 4), ('temples', 14), ('wooded', 3), ('glens.', 1), ('Chipatzu', 1), ('blocks', 8), ('stone', 18), ('resting', 5), ('noble', 12), ('brow', 3), ('natural', 10), ('rock;', 1), ('characters', 12), ('cut', 27), ('stone;', 2), ('glory', 4), ('departed', 2), ('straggling', 3), ('huts', 3), ('lowest', 1), ('sand', 4), ('shingle,', 1), ('meagre', 1), ('bands', 1), ('puddlers', 1), ('washing', 1), ('cradle', 1), ('rockers.', 1), ('judge,', 1), ('shabbiness', 1), ('surroundings', 2), ('fear', 6), ('gains', 1), ('disturb', 6), ('equilibrium', 1), ("world's", 2), ('yield.', 1), ('CHUNGKING.', 1), ('daylight,', 2), ('March', 7), ('1st,', 2), ('abreast', 2), ('storied', 2), ('position,', 4), ('commanding', 5), ('approach', 3), ('brings', 1), ('fortune', 8), ('Wanhsien.', 1), ('this--the', 1), ('chocolate', 1), ('richly', 6), ('tilled,', 1), ('sides', 12), ('dotted', 1), ('cedar,', 1), ('variety', 6), ('fields,', 5), ('blazing', 2), ('patches', 4), ('yellow', 11), ('rape-seed.', 2), ('swift,', 1), ('shallow', 1), ('tracking,', 1), ('constantly', 4), ('aground', 1), ('shingle;', 1), ('rounded', 1), ('point,', 3), ('half-way', 4), ('himself', 28), ('best', 32), ('me;', 7), ('jubilant', 1), ('bringing', 3), ('quickly.', 3), ('"Sampan', 1), ('one!', 1), ('goddam!"', 1), ('said;', 2), ('hands,', 6), ('show', 10), ('pointed', 12), ('passing,', 1), ('counted', 8), ('fifteen,', 2), ('whereby', 2), ('demonstrating', 1), ('gone', 10), ('his,', 1), ('instead', 22), ('seven.', 1), ('kinds', 3), ('on.', 13), ('Many', 13), ('vessels,', 1), ('hulls', 1), ('Aberdeen', 1), ('clipper.', 1), ('flags,', 2), ('exempt', 3), ('duties,', 1), ('capricious', 1), ('imposition,', 1), ('general', 6), ('cent.', 13), ('_ad', 3), ('valorem_', 2), ('cargoes,', 1), ('levied', 2), ('collected', 9), ('either', 21), ('Ichang.', 1), ('boathooks', 1), ('paddle,', 1), ('outer', 4), ('rudders', 1), ('till', 44), ('landing', 4), ('place.', 4), ('bevy', 1), ('washing,', 2), ('beating', 3), ('hardy', 1), ('garments', 7), ('wooden', 14), ('flappers', 1), ('stones;', 1), ('ceased', 4), ('devil,', 4), ('uncouth', 1), ('garb,', 1), ('stepped', 2), ('midst.', 2), ('friendly', 13), ('garb.', 1), ('know', 11), ('this,', 9), ('European.', 1), ('spontaneous', 1), ('welcome', 6), ('city;', 3), ('receive', 14), ('another.', 1), ('creek', 8), ('separates', 5), ('east', 2), ('beyond', 30), ('west.', 1), ('washerwomen.', 1), ('Boys', 2), ('ragamuffins', 1), ('shipping', 1), ('yelling:', 1), ('kweitze,', 1), ('Behind', 2), ('booths', 1), ('story-teller', 1), ('crowd;', 2), ('crowd', 23), ('hill,', 5), ('yelling', 3), ('howling', 1), ('familiarity', 1), ('offensive', 2), ('sensitive', 1), ('stranger.', 4), ('sturdy', 5), ('boy', 10), ('wished', 18), ('produce', 6), ("admiral's", 1), ('ensign,', 1), ('fool', 2), ('serve', 2), ('yet.', 1), ('taunting', 1), ('noisy', 4), ('enjoyed', 3), ('demonstration.', 1), ('crowd,', 3), ('opinion', 9), ('conduct', 8), ('moral', 4), ('relations', 1), ('mothers,', 1), ('resignation', 1), ('induced', 3), ('contemplate', 1), ('hyperpyretic', 1), ('posthumous', 2), ('existence;', 1), ('borrowing', 1), ('imprecation,', 1), ('ventured', 1), ('express', 3), ('souls', 2), ('earth', 8), ('bodies', 6), ('hogs,', 1), ('habitations', 2), ('meet', 11), ('useless.', 2), ('smiling', 5), ('face,', 3), ('rage', 1), ('procession', 1), ('bridge', 15), ('places', 7), ('enthusiastic', 2), ('gathering.', 1), ('jostling', 1), ('up-stream', 1), ('singular', 2), ('bridge,', 10), ('creek,', 2), ('span,', 1), ('rains', 7), ('swell', 1), ('navigable', 5), ('climbed', 9), ('entering', 7), ('dirty', 6), ('street', 22), ('main', 27), ('thoroughfare,', 1), ('shops', 2), ('emptying', 1), ('Mohammedan', 18), ('Mosque,', 2), ('Roman', 6), ('Catholic', 12), ('Temple,', 6), ('house', 15), ('slipped', 3), ('court', 8), ('door', 8), ('shut,', 1), ('home', 19), ('pigtailed', 1), ('celestial', 2), ('receiving', 3), ('Hope', 2), ('Gill.', 1), ('clothes', 2), ('learnt', 7), ('caused', 6), ('manifestation', 1), ('honour.', 3), ('street,', 6), ('waiting', 14), ('disappointed', 2), ('themselves.', 2), ('meantime', 2), ('resumed', 1), ('"Look,"', 2), ('people', 46), ('"at', 2), ('foreigner;', 1), ('dress,', 4), ('queue.', 1), ('queue,', 3), ('false."', 1), ('hat', 3), ('scratch', 1), ('head.', 3), ('shouted', 3), ('queue;', 1), ('hat."', 1), ('follow', 9), ('Missionaries', 5), ('Sydney.', 1), ('opened', 11), ('years,', 12), ('fairly', 2), ('successful,', 1), ('completely', 3), ('unsuccessful,', 1), ('according', 8), ('view', 9), ('inquirer.', 1), ('Gill,', 4), ('senior', 2), ('member', 5), ('man,', 18), ('works', 26), ('discouraging', 1), ('task', 2), ('enthusiasm', 1), ('devotion', 2), ('praise.', 1), ('Premillennialist,', 1), ('preaches', 1), ('ceasing', 2), ('throughout', 8), ('preaching', 2), ('indiscriminate.', 1), ('method', 16), ('sarcastically', 1), ('likened', 1), ('best-known', 1), ('aphorisms,', 1), ('unavailing', 2), ('"blind', 1), ('fowl', 1), ('picking', 6), ('random', 1), ('worms."', 1), ('Nearly', 2), ('doctrine', 3), ('unintelligibility,', 1), ('refuse', 4), ('saved.', 1), ('cholera', 2), ('epidemic', 1), ('brave', 13), ('post;', 1), ('refused', 10), ('call', 3), ('attend', 5), ('sick', 6), ('dying,', 2), ('own,', 5), ('saved', 6), ('lives.', 1), ('reward?', 1), ('disinterested', 2), ('love', 15), ('fellows,', 6), ('undoubted', 4), ('motive,', 1), ('accumulate', 3), ('merit', 9), ('invisible', 2), ('grave.', 1), ('"Gratitude,"', 1), ('says', 39), ('"is', 6), ('condition', 10), ('mind,', 2), ('incapable', 3), ('existence', 2), ('Chinaman."', 1), ('Yet', 13), ('possess', 5), ('livelier', 1), ('gratitude', 4), ('Chinaman,', 16), ('manifest', 3), ('sincerity.', 1), ('"If', 5), ('compared', 4), ('croaking', 1), ('frog,', 1), ('heed', 2), ('not,', 6), ('freely', 11), ('feelings', 5), ('heart,"', 1), ('actual', 6), ('addressed', 6), ('grateful', 7), ('patient', 4), ('medical', 9), ('you,', 9), ('Smith,', 9), ('"that', 7), ('because', 38), ('exhibit', 1), ('feel', 5), ('dumb', 2), ('swallows', 1), ('tooth', 1), ('inside."', 1), ('Since', 3), ('foundation', 2), ('1887,', 1), ('conducted', 8), ('perseverance.', 1), ('are,', 9), ('unfortunately,', 2), ('converts,', 8), ('hopeful', 2), ('"inquirers,"', 1), ('speedy', 2), ('likely', 4), ('obtain', 10), ('employment', 3), ('afterwards.', 2), ('argue', 3), ('way;', 4), ('quote', 4), ('used', 23), ('Rev.', 51), ('G.', 10), ('L.', 2), ('Mason', 1), ('Conference', 5), ('1890,', 4), ('"if', 5), ('teacher', 6), ('care', 7), ('bodies,', 2), ('seek', 3), ('salvation', 3), ('souls."', 1), ('"The', 21), ('(derived', 1), ('Buddhism)', 1), ('universally', 6), ('prevalent', 3), ('China,"', 7), ('W.', 11), ('Mateer,', 2), ('everyone', 2), ('enters', 2), ('sect', 1), ('live', 21), ('it....', 1), ('becomes', 3), ('expects', 1), ('Christianity."', 1), ('inquirers', 1), ('knowledge', 16), ('doctrine.', 1), ('Now', 8), ('write', 5), ('unkindly,', 1), ('poor,', 6), ('wretched,', 1), ('ragged', 7), ('coolie,', 2), ('sells', 1), ('commonest', 1), ('gritty', 1), ('cakes', 4), ('rickety', 2), ('stall', 5), ('corner', 6), ('neither', 2), ('read', 11), ('nor', 12), ('write,', 3), ('belongs', 2), ('humble', 7), ('blunted', 4), ('intelligence.', 1), ('fellow', 9), ('father', 22), ('three,', 3), ('child,', 3), ('deaf', 1), ('dumb.', 1), ('fondness', 1), ('tempts', 1), ('fruit', 1), ('toil,', 1), ('district', 19), ('teaching,', 2), ('nurses', 1), ('vague', 1), ('teachers', 2), ('regard', 9), ('adequately', 1), ('converted,', 2), ('restore', 1), ('offspring.', 3), ('scant', 1), ('harvest.', 3), ('dinner', 4), ('troop', 1), ('beggars,', 2), ('bowl', 6), ('rice', 23), ('garbage', 2), ('stick,', 1), ('tattered', 1), ('rags', 6), ('loins--they', 1), ('poorest', 1), ('seen.', 2), ('beggars', 6), ('midday', 5), ('meal', 3), ('"Wanhsien', 1), ('Ragged', 1), ('Homes."', 1), ('institutions', 1), ('relief', 5), ('destitute;', 1), ('supported', 5), ('charity,', 1), ('average', 14), ('annual', 6), ('income', 4), ('40,000', 2), ('taels.', 4), ('wealthy', 1), ('merchants', 1), ('salt', 6), ('hongs.', 1), ('gentry', 1), ('owners', 2), ('houses', 18), ('here.', 7), ('money', 27), ('distributed', 9), ('townspeople', 2), ('charity', 1), ('unusually', 6), ('public-spirited', 2), ('citizen', 1), ("Ch'en,", 2), ('princes', 2), ('transactions', 1), ('confined', 8), ('exclusively', 7), ('products', 2), ('Starting', 1), ('taels,', 7), ('bequeathed', 3), ('father,', 14), ("Ch'en", 2), ('agents', 3), ('empire,', 5), ('mercantile', 1), ('dealings', 2), ('believed', 14), ('yield', 3), ('million', 2), ('probity', 1), ('by-word;', 1), ('benefactions', 2), ('enriched', 1), ('province.', 10), ('That', 13), ('cutting', 1), ('cliff', 3), ('near', 33), ('pathway', 6), ('hewn', 2), ('solid', 9), ('expense,', 1), ('Not', 2), ('heaven,', 4), ('already', 19), ('reward', 14), ('world.', 5), ('son', 20), ('presented', 7), ('M.A.', 1), ('examination', 6), ('Hanlin', 2), ('degree,', 2), ('highest', 13), ('academical', 1), ('degree', 5), ('Empire.', 4), ('Everyone', 2), ('knows', 11), ('dependent', 3), ('Wunchang-te-keun,', 1), ('god', 7), ('literature', 1), ('(Taoist)', 1), ('generation', 2), ('hath', 2), ('sent', 39), ('miraculous', 2), ('influence', 7), ('earth",', 1), ('approbation', 1), ('son.', 3), ('fortune,', 1), ('escorted', 1), ('royal', 5), ('honours;', 1), ('triumph', 1), ('birth.', 3), ('path', 20), ('flights', 4), ('winding', 3), ('hill', 16), ('levelled', 2), ('terraces', 1), ('cereal,', 1), ('abundance', 2), ('poppy.', 4), ('Splendid', 2), ('views', 5), ('richest', 9), ('agricultural', 1), ('regions', 1), ('unfolded.', 1), ('Away', 2), ('valley', 26), ('palatial', 1), ('family', 19), ('mansion', 1), ('Pien,', 1), ('wealthiest', 1), ('yeomen', 1), ('commencement', 1), ('road,', 15), ('paved', 6), ('causeway', 2), ('wide,', 4), ('hundreds', 14), ('Chentu,', 5), ('province,', 14), ('takes', 6), ('rank', 12), ('finest', 13), ('empire.', 5), ('hill-top', 2), ('fort.', 2), ('bolder', 1), ('"Hill', 1), ('Heavenly', 3), ('Birth."', 1), ('built,', 5), ('Hobson,', 2), ('Taiping', 8), ('Rebellion;', 1), ('existed,', 1), ('dynasty;', 1), ('discrepant', 1), ('statements', 7), ('characteristic', 13), ('contradictions.', 2), ('fifty', 16), ('old,', 3), ('fort', 15), ('only,', 4), ('occupied', 16), ('garrison', 3), ('peaceful', 8), ('peasantry.', 1), ('politely', 6), ('eaten', 4), ('rice,"', 2), ('"whither', 1), ('going."', 1), ('answered', 2), ('correctly.', 1), ('politeness', 5), ('wayfarer', 1), ('going,', 3), ('jerked', 1), ('chin', 4), ('horizon', 1), ('"a', 5), ('way."', 2), ('residence', 10), ('lately', 11), ('inheritance,', 1), ('together', 16), ('3000', 4), ('farmland,', 1), ('told,', 4), ('70,000', 1), ('absence', 10), ('master,', 4), ('tutor', 1), ('caretakers,', 1), ('showed', 12), ('guest', 4), ('chambers,', 1), ('gilded', 4), ('tablet,', 1), ('courts,', 1), ('garden', 8), ('rockeries.', 1), ('solidly', 1), ('wood', 9), ('masonry,', 2), ('trellis', 1), ('carved', 6), ('elaboration.', 1), ('late', 10), ('wupan.', 1), ('idle.', 1), ('bought', 15), ('new', 21), ('provisions', 1), ('excellent', 21), ('quality,', 1), ('Godspeed.', 1), ('Brave', 2), ('men!', 1), ('deserve', 1), ('kinder', 1), ('fate', 6), ('hitherto.', 2), ('anchored', 2), ('morning.', 3), ('leaving', 16), ('assistance', 8), ('junk;', 1), ('cheerfully', 4), ('given.', 1), ('chafed', 1), ('through,', 1), ('difficulty,', 2), ('attempting', 3), ('bad', 9), ('rocks,', 3), ('seeing', 9), ('plight,', 1), ('towed', 1), ('danger.', 2), ('Sentinel', 1), ('(Shih-pao-chai),', 1), ('perhaps', 7), ('landmark', 2), ('base,', 1), ('detached', 3), ('cliff.', 1), ('nine-storied', 1), ('pagoda', 9), ('inset', 1), ('south-eastern', 2), ('temple', 40), ('buildings', 5), ('crown', 2), ('summit.', 2), ('lived', 5), ('boat.', 1), ('meals', 2), ('vegetables,', 1), ('frequently', 11), ('pork.', 2), ('Cooking', 1), ('purpose', 4), ('earthenware', 3), ('stoves,', 1), ('pans,', 1), ('kettle.', 1), ('cabbages', 1), ('turnips', 1), ('abundant', 7), ('cheap.', 1), ('Bumboats,', 1), ('laden', 6), ('rail,', 1), ('waylay', 2), ('_en', 4), ('route_,', 2), ('offer', 12), ('armful', 2), ('fresh', 5), ('vegetables', 2), ('equivalent', 10), ('copper', 7), ('three-eighths', 1), ('penny.', 5), ('peddle', 1), ('firewood,', 1), ('bundles,', 1), ('sticks', 3), ('charcoal.', 1), ('Coal', 4), ('abundant,', 2), ('briquettes', 1), ('sale,', 3), ('mixture', 2), ('clay', 2), ('coal-dust.', 1), ('sailed', 1), ('tops', 2), ('hillsides', 2), ('succession', 6), ('terraces;', 1), ('cereals', 1), ('universal', 5), ('poppy,', 3), ('hamlets,', 1), ('thriving', 4), ('villages;', 1), ('thronged', 7), ('craft,', 1), ('snow-clad', 3), ('towrope,', 1), ('baskets,', 1), ('hats', 1), ('umbrella.', 3), ('5th', 3), ('awakened', 2), ('loud', 6), ('screaming', 1), ('ahead', 1), ('squeezed', 4), ('cabin,', 1), ('looming', 1), ('awkward', 2), ('towline', 3), ('parted,', 2), ('structure', 3), ('tumbling', 2), ('uncontrolled', 1), ('water,', 10), ('bearing', 5), ('broadside', 1), ('crushed', 2), ('been,', 1), ('marvellous', 6), ('critical', 2), ('discord,', 1), ('Feng-tu-hsien,', 2), ('port,', 5), ('principal', 3), ('outlets', 1), ('traffic', 6), ('Next', 10), ('Fuchou,', 2), ('Feng-tu-hsien.', 1), ('junction', 4), ('tributary--the', 1), ("Kung-t'-an-ho,", 2), ('vessels', 1), ('miles.', 10), ('Large', 2), ('Fuchou', 1), ('here,', 12), ('differ', 3), ('construction', 2), ('twisted', 1), ('wrung', 2), ('starboard,', 1), ('steered', 2), ('sweep,', 1), ('rudder', 1), ('junk.', 1), ('work,', 16), ('Chang-show-hsien.', 1), ('2000', 11), ('whereupon', 3), ('something', 8), ('account,', 1), ('blandly', 2), ('suggested', 2), ('game', 1), ('cards.', 1), ('winning', 2), ('money,', 6), ('intervened', 2), ('bade', 2), ('in,', 4), ('get', 13), ('broader,', 1), ('deeper,', 1), ('ascended;', 1), ('contrary,', 1), ('became', 15), ('thinner,', 1), ('narrower,', 1), ('decrepit.', 1), ('8th,', 1), ('fourteenth', 1), ('disaster', 2), ('overtook', 4), ('destination.', 1), ('safely,', 2), ('fastest', 2), ('record', 6), ('finished', 11), ('upon.', 2), ('TUNG-LO-HSIA.]', 1), ('FU-TO-KUAN.]', 1), ('FALLACY.', 1), ('Tung-lo-hsia', 2), ('tried', 3), ('attract', 2), ('attention,', 2), ('repeating', 1), ('"Haikwan', 1), ('piecee,"', 1), ('interpreted', 3), ('mean', 9), ('outpost', 1), ('customs', 14), ('white', 17), ('man;', 1), ('proved', 7), ('case.', 2), ('kuatze', 1), ('houseboat', 1), ('bank;', 2), ('flag', 4), ('floated', 2), ('gaily', 1), ('animated', 2), ('collection', 5), ('craft.', 1), ('alongside', 2), ('Englishman', 4), ('window.', 1), ('"Where', 1), ('from?"', 2), ('asked,', 2), ('laconically.', 1), ('"Australia."', 1), ('What', 10), ('part?"', 1), ('"Victoria."', 1), ('Town?"', 1), ('"Last', 1), ('Ballarat."', 1), ('town,', 19), ('Jove!', 1), ('Jump', 1), ('up."', 1), ('card.', 1), ('"When', 5), ('Victoria', 3), ('interest', 8), ('curious', 8), ('Gulf', 1), ('Carpentaria', 1), ('Melbourne', 2), ('namesake.', 2), ('Any', 3), ('relation?', 1), ('man!', 1), ("I'm", 1), ('delighted', 1), ('you."', 3), ('stations', 5), ('sea,', 1), ('countryman', 6), ('born', 3), ('well-known', 7), ('Mayor', 3), ('Ballarat', 1), ('City.', 3), ('Like', 7), ('formerly', 19), ('student', 1), ('University,', 2), ('senior.', 1), ('experience', 13), ('forgot', 1), ('inquire,', 1), ('mine', 5), ('vividly', 1), ('enough;', 1), ('happy.', 1), ('Second-year', 1), ('Medicine,', 1), ('hoping', 2), ('impress', 2), ('Professors,', 1), ('honours--and', 1), ('rejected', 3), ('preliminary', 5), ('pass.', 2), ('Materia', 1), ('Medica,', 1), ('trifling', 2), ('prescribed', 1), ('dose', 2), ('Oleum', 1), ('Crotonis', 1), ('"one', 3), ('drachms', 1), ('_carefully', 1), ('increased_."', 1), ('wretched', 5), ('stuff;', 1), ('text', 1), ('book', 6), ('extended', 4), ('quite', 11), ('far.', 1), ('deputation', 1), ('examiner', 4), ('ascertain', 1), ('cause', 13), ('misadventure,', 1), ('got', 4), ('obliging', 2), ('assurance', 3), ('mad', 1), ('dog', 4), ('loose', 5), ('Collins', 1), ('Street"', 1), ('allow', 3), ('doctor.', 2), ('produced', 4), ('prescription.', 1), ('faint', 1), ('chance', 3), ('escape.', 2), ('nervous', 4), ('finger', 2), ('"carefully', 1), ('increased,"', 1), ('pleaded', 2), ('indication', 6), ('caution', 1), ('ought', 1), ('"Save', 1), ('_you_', 2), ('might,"', 1), ('unnecessary', 2), ('vehemence;', 1), ('"but,', 1), ('God', 22), ('bless', 2), ('soul,', 2), ('patient."', 2), ('intemperate', 1), ('speech;', 1), ('University.', 1), ('severe', 2), ('blow', 2), ('survived', 2), ('service,', 2), ('organisation', 1), ('impartially', 1), ('service', 11), ('example,', 3), ('note', 3), ('Commissioners', 2), ('alone,', 6), ('Commissioner', 8), ('Austrian,', 1), ('Kiukiang', 1), ('Frenchman,', 3), ('Englishman,', 4), ('Scandinavian,', 1), ('German.', 1), ('up-river', 1), ('thirty-eight', 4), ('attended', 9), ('moving', 5), ('incident.', 1), ('pieces', 6), ('destroyed.', 1), ('narrowly', 1), ('escaped', 6), ('difference', 2), ('experiences,', 1), ('accident', 2), ('occasion', 11), ('mine.', 7), ('Tang-chia-to,', 1), ('out-station,', 1), ('walked', 17), ('way.', 9), ('friend', 11), ('accompanied', 12), ('crossing,', 1), ('walking', 8), ('fields', 14), ('poppy', 15), ('sugarcane,', 1), ('beds', 4), ('tobacco.', 1), ('solitary', 3), ('home,', 4), ('sampan,', 1), ('noticeable,', 1), ('hungry', 5), ('wretchedness', 1), ('coolies.', 4), ('physique', 1), ('Phthisis', 1), ('malaria', 1), ('prevail', 2), ('them;', 8), ('terribly', 1), ('arduous;', 1), ('suffer', 4), ('greatly', 8), ('exposure;', 1), ('appear', 5), ('starving', 4), ('midst', 6), ('abundance.', 1), ('trackers;', 1), ('sleek', 1), ('fed.', 1), ('"chop', 2), ('dollar,"', 2), ('termed', 1), ('south,', 4), ('punched', 2), ('chopped', 1), ('small-pox,', 1), ('endless', 1), ('breathless', 1), ('follow.', 3), ('wayside', 5), ('shrines', 2), ('tombstones.', 1), ('dogs', 7), ('recognised', 9), ('stranger,', 3), ('yelped', 1), ('consumedly,', 1), ('wolfish', 1), ('mongrels', 1), ('are.', 1), ('misty', 1), ('surrounded', 6), ('expanse', 2), ('highland.', 1), ('pontoon', 1), ('south', 16), ('basement', 2), ('old', 33), ('dwelling.', 1), ('kindly', 17), ('received,', 1), ('stayed', 4), ('height', 9), ('guarded', 6), ('armed', 20), ('gunboats,', 1), ('hulk,', 1), ('searching', 2), ('done,', 5), ('outdoor', 1), ('staff', 4), ('offices.', 1), ('smuggling,', 1), ('officials.', 3), ('Smuggling', 1), ('expected', 8), ('introduced', 6), ('prevent', 9), ('searchers', 1), ('see--best', 1), ('themselves,', 5), ('is.', 2), ('gunboats', 1), ('guarding', 2), ('Haikwan', 1), ('Station', 1), ('nominal', 3), ('complement', 2), ('twenty-four;', 1), ('avoid,', 1), ('explanation,', 2), ('officer,', 8), ('twenty-four,', 2), ('eighty.', 2), ('SEEN', 1), ('YANGTSE.]', 1), ('companions', 3), ('tidewaiters', 2), ('Customs.', 1), ('locked', 1), ('Down', 2), ('tidewaiter', 2), ('professor', 1), ('Petersburg;', 1), ('filling', 1), ('post,', 2), ('godson', 1), ('marquis', 1), ('nephew', 2), ('earl,', 1), ('soldier', 16), ('major-general', 1), ("earl's", 1), ('daughter,', 1), ('cousin', 1), ('enlightened', 4), ('nobleman', 1), ('legislator', 1), ('Earl', 1), ('Few', 6), ('experiences', 3), ('Briton.', 1), ('humped', 1), ('swag', 1), ('earned', 3), ('shillings', 6), ('blackleg', 1), ('police', 2), ('picquets', 1), ('New', 3), ('Wales', 1), ('Harrow', 1), ('Butler,', 1), ('Corpus', 1), ('Christi,', 1), ('Cambridge.', 1), ('Dublin', 1), ('Fusiliers,', 1), ('lieutenant', 1), ("Weatherby's", 1), ('Horse,', 1), ('enlisted', 1), ('Lancers,', 1), ('rose', 10), ('staff-sergeant,', 1), ('later', 18), ('commission.', 1), ('distinction', 2), ('Soudan', 1), ('Zululand,', 1), ('medals', 1), ('clasps.', 1), ('El', 1), ('Teb,', 1), ('Tamai,', 1), ("McNeill's", 1), ('zareeba', 1), ('broken.', 1), ('Tel-el-kebir;', 1), ('Burnaby', 1), ('forth', 16), ('coveted', 4), ('death', 34), ('Abu-klea,', 1), ('Abu-Kru', 1), ('Sir', 5), ('Herbert', 1), ('Stewart', 1), ('death-wound.', 1), ("Rorke's", 1), ('Drift,', 1), ('appears', 4), ('heroic', 1), ('band', 3), ('Miss', 5), ('Elizabeth', 1), ("Thompson's", 1), ('painting.', 1), ('army,', 2), ('held', 19), ('commission', 2), ('mounted', 8), ('constabulary', 1), ('Madras,', 1), ('class', 7), ('assistant', 3), ('salary', 4), ('spirits', 9), ('high.', 2), ('port.', 1), ('By', 13), ('treaty', 4), ('clause', 1), ('states', 6), ('confiscated.', 1), ('Chefoo', 1), ('Convention,', 1), ('there.', 4), ('reminds', 1), ('conflicting', 2), ('issued', 5), ('government', 3), ('reference', 1), ('gaol.', 2), ('explicit:--', 1), ('Clause', 2), ('I.--The', 1), ('gaol', 3), ('materials', 1), ('old.', 1), ('II.--The', 1), ('prisoners', 6), ('constructed.', 1), ('F.', 7), ('Hirth,', 2), ('temple,', 7), ('dimly', 2), ('mist,', 1), ('crowning', 2), ('distinguished', 13), ('sinologue', 1), ('doctor,', 4), ('scholars', 1), ('Empire,', 2), ('"China', 2), ('Orient,"', 1), ('"Ancient', 1), ('Porcelain,"', 1), ('elaborate', 1), ('"Textbook', 1), ('Documentary', 1), ('Chinese,"', 3), ('written.', 1), ('Hirth', 1), ('German', 2), ('button,', 2), ('transparent', 1), ('blue', 7), ('nine', 14), ('degrees', 2), ('Mandarins', 1), ('distinguished.', 1), ('site', 5), ('fortunately', 3), ('secured', 2), ('Methodist', 3), ('States.', 6), ('Their', 29), ('foreign-built', 1), ('compound', 3), ('ample', 1), ('garden.', 2), ('hospital', 7), ('well-equipped', 1), ('Anglo-Chinese', 2), ('wall,', 8), ('overlooking', 9), ('elevation', 4), ('Little', 7), ('wards', 1), ('lit;', 2), ('floors', 1), ('varnished;', 1), ('spring', 5), ('mattresses;', 2), ('indeed,', 12), ('discomfort.', 2), ('separate', 2), ('compartment', 1), ('treatment', 4), ('opium-smokers', 3), ('desire', 11), ('forced', 3), ('restraint', 1), ('break', 4), ('habit.', 5), ('Three', 5), ('durance', 1), ('visit;', 1), ('happy', 7), ('contented', 1), ('nourished,', 1), ('none', 8), ('expert,', 2), ('see,', 4), ('guessed', 2), ('addicted', 1), ('drug', 6), ('exaggerated', 2), ('"more', 1), ('deadly', 4), ('war,', 5), ('famine,', 4), ('pestilence', 1), ('combined."', 1), ('(Rev.', 1), ('A.', 16), ('H.', 10), ('"Chinese', 1), ('Characteristics,"', 2), ('p.', 17), ('187.)', 1), ('admitted', 4), ('suffering,', 1), ('confession,', 2), ('hearts', 2), ('cured,', 1), ('placed', 11), ('confinement.', 1), ('wean', 1), ('habit', 3), ('alleged,', 3), ('"seized', 1), ('grip."', 1), ('Attentive', 1), ('obedient', 2), ('fellowship.', 2), ('irresistible,', 1), ('strangely,', 1), ('attacked', 1), ('night;', 1), ('together.', 6), ('Sadly', 1), ('enough', 9), ('marked', 11), ('evidence', 4), ('demoralising', 2), ('portable', 1), ('lay', 9), ('sad', 5), ('trial.', 1), ('Excellent', 1), ('hospital.', 2), ('report', 3), ('surgeon', 3), ('charge,', 4), ('extract', 2), ('pleasing', 1), ('items.', 1), ('_Medical', 1), ('Work._--"Mr.', 1), ('Taotai,', 3), ('Kuei-Iang-fu,', 1), ('witness', 5), ('operations,', 2), ('operated', 1), ('Internal', 2), ('Piles"', 1), ('capitals).', 1), ('_Evangelistic', 1), ('Work._--"Mrs.', 1), ('Wei,', 1), ('suppurating', 1), ('glands', 1), ('neck,', 5), ('interested', 2), ('there,', 1), ('believer,', 1), ('attends', 2), ('Sunday', 4), ('regular', 2), ('(_sic_),', 1), ('distant', 15), ('Sunday.', 1), ('hopeful,', 1), ('reported', 5), ('warm-hearted.', 1), ('occurs', 2), ('nursing', 2), ('staff."', 1), ('stay', 8), ('Consul', 10), ('"_en', 1), ('commission_,"', 1), ('Monsieur', 13), ('Haas,', 3), ('arrived', 11), ('diplomatic', 2), ('invested', 4), ('secrecy.', 1), ('object', 5), ('diversion', 2), ('channel,', 1), ('southward', 1), ('Yunnan', 89), ('Tonquin.', 4), ('Success', 1), ('mission.', 6), ('"_Ils', 1), ('perdront', 1), ('et', 2), ('leur', 2), ('temps', 1), ('argent._"', 1), ('Haas', 9), ('helped', 3), ('history', 3), ('gentle-mannered', 1), ('writes', 1), ('rancour', 1), ('perfidious', 1), ('designs', 1), ('Britain', 1), ('East.', 1), ('career', 3), ('suffered', 7), ('disappointment.', 1), ('Charge', 2), ("d'Affaires", 2), ('Political', 1), ('Resident', 3), ('King', 5), ('Theebaw', 4), ('Mandalay.', 2), ('"Secret', 1), ('Treaty"', 1), ('king', 3), ('hand', 12), ('England', 30), ('hasty', 3), ('occupation', 1), ('story', 8), ('one.', 8), ('predominant', 2), ('Burma;', 1), ('virtually', 2), ('France,', 4), ('France', 3), ('support', 14), ('Such', 5), ('position', 9), ('tolerate', 1), ('Fortunately', 1), ('intrigue', 1), ('outwitted', 1), ('itself,', 6), ('Secret', 2), ('known.', 3), ('Draft', 1), ('copies', 9), ('Burmese', 25), ('Theebaw.', 2), ('Burmese,', 4), ('distrusted', 2), ('King.', 2), ('necessary,', 1), ('Mandalay', 4), ('sufficiently', 8), ('trustworthy.', 1), ('Signor', 3), ('A----', 2), ('Italian', 3), ('Manager', 5), ('Irrawaddy', 5), ('Flotilla', 3), ('Company,', 1), ('pledging', 1), ('secrecy,', 1), ('sought', 4), ('interpreter.', 3), ('Majesty', 1), ('minds', 1), ('guided', 2), ('spirit.', 4), ('French,', 4), ('Haas.', 1), ('essential,', 1), ('casting', 1), ('faithfully', 2), ('A----,', 1), ('straightway', 2), ('assistance,', 1), ('fates', 1), ('hands;', 1), ('serve,', 1), ('Burmese?', 1), ('hesitate--he', 1), ('betrayed', 1), ('both.', 1), ('Within', 3), ('possession', 11), ('Resident.', 1), ('Action', 1), ('promptitude.', 1), ('"M.', 1), ('Freycinet,', 1), ('pressed', 6), ('subject,', 3), ('repudiated', 1), ('acquiring', 1), ('political', 1), ('predominance', 1), ('Burma."', 1), ('immediate', 8), ('pretext', 2), ('place', 15), ('dilemma;', 1), ('eleven', 7), ('troops', 2), ('frontier,', 2), ('recalled,', 2), ('abortive', 1), ('action', 6), ('repudiated.', 1), ('acted,', 1), ('orders,', 1), ('erred', 1), ('zeal.', 1), ('customary', 3), ('cheque', 2), ('defray', 2), ('passage.', 2), ('services', 5), ('rewarded,', 1), ('retained', 1), ('engagement', 2), ('Company;', 1), ('lost', 16), ('appointment', 3), ('Representative', 1), ('Italy--an', 1), ('honourable', 9), ('post', 8), ('dignified', 5), ("I.O.U.'s.", 1), ('enormously', 2), ('Szechuen.', 5), ('Water-ways', 1), ('inland.', 1), ('comparison', 3), ('li', 32), ('(600', 1), ('miles).', 2), ('drains', 3), ('continent;', 1), ('kingdom.', 1), ('level.', 2), ('unscalable.', 1), ('Good', 3), ('influences', 2), ('directed', 1), ('topmost', 2), ('vicinity.', 1), ('Temples', 1), ('abound,', 1), ('spacious', 2), ('yamens', 3), ('buildings,', 3), ('edifice', 1), ('Temple', 19), ('Literature.', 2), ('Distances', 3), ('streets', 11), ('hilly,', 1), ('stairs', 2), ('mountaineer', 1), ('afford', 3), ('chairs;', 1), ('stands', 6), ('sedan', 6), ('chairs', 2), ('corner.', 5), ('CHUNGKING.]', 2), ('vibrates', 1), ('teeming', 1), ('traffic;', 1), ('deserted', 1), ('dead,', 8), ('stillness', 1), ('disturbed', 3), ('watchman', 2), ('springing', 1), ('rattle', 2), ('awake', 1), ('warn', 1), ('robbers', 4), ('approach.', 1), ('Europe', 4), ('security', 1), ('property', 5), ('truism', 1), ('law-abiding', 2), ('Chinese;', 6), ('"they', 1), ('appear,"', 1), ('Medhurst,', 3), ('"to', 4), ('maintain', 1), ('consent,', 1), ('independent', 5), ('surveillance."', 1), ('E.', 6), ('Fraser,', 2), ('accomplished', 4), ('scholar,', 1), ('fills', 1), ('difficult', 12), ('tact', 1), ('success.', 2), ('Fraser', 1), ('estimates', 3), ('200,000;', 1), ('35,000', 1), ('families', 4), ('walls.', 1), ('Of', 11), ('forty', 12), ('indulge', 1), ('pipe.', 1), ('abounds', 2), ('opium-shops--shops,', 1), ('opium-lamps', 3), ('opium-pipes', 2), ('stacked', 3), ('hundreds.', 3), ('Opium', 5), ('sources', 1), ('thousands', 10), ('opium-smokers,', 1), ('applied', 6), ('description', 4), ('Lay', 1), ('(of', 1), ('Society),', 1), ('quoted,', 1), ('typical', 3), ('opium-smoker', 1), ('"with', 2), ('lank', 1), ('shrivelled', 1), ('limbs,', 1), ('tottering', 1), ('gait,', 2), ('sallow', 1), ('visage,', 1), ('feeble', 2), ('voice,', 2), ('death-boding', 1), ('glance', 1), ('eye,', 3), ('proclaiming', 1), ('forlorn', 3), ('creature', 1), ('treads', 1), ('ground."', 1), ('fantastic', 4), ('description,', 1), ('paraded', 1), ('sympathy,', 2), ('infinitesimal', 1), ('millions', 11), ('smoke', 6), ('opium.', 13), ('suffering', 4), ('emaciation', 1), ('disease', 9), ('using', 8), ('opium-pipe,', 2), ('pipe', 4), ('ninety-nine', 1), ('cases', 14), ('wrongly', 1), ('blamed', 1), ('emaciation.', 1), ('1893', 2), ('4275', 2), ('tons', 6), ('imported', 4), ('plead', 2), ('"outstretched', 1), ('necks"', 1), ('cease', 2), ('wrong', 2), ('forcing', 1), ('buy', 3), ('"Many', 2), ('time,"', 1), ('Hudson', 5), ('Taylor,', 4), ('"have', 1), ('thumb', 2), ('Heaven,', 3), ("'There", 1), ('Heaven', 8), ('there!', 1), ("there!'", 1), ('that?', 2), ('force', 3), ('resist', 2), ('Power', 2), ('inflict', 2), ('vengeance."', 1), ('(_National', 2), ('Righteousness_,', 2), ('Dec.', 1), ('1892,', 4), ('13.)', 1), ('respect', 7), ('Taylor', 2), ('ingenious', 3), ('interpretation', 2), ("Chinaman's", 2), ('gesture,', 1), ('extremely', 5), ('believe', 14), ('sincere', 2), ('condemnation', 1), ('traffic.', 3), ('"In', 3), ('countries,"', 1), ('Wingrove', 2), ('Cooke,', 3), ('"words', 1), ('represent', 2), ('facts,', 1), ('China."', 6), ('Li', 18), ('Hung', 8), ('Chang,', 10), ('Chihli,', 1), ('letter', 7), ('Storrs', 1), ('Turner,', 2), ('Secretary', 5), ('Suppression', 2), ('Trade,', 1), ('May', 9), ('24th,', 2), ('1881,', 2), ('circulated', 2), ('perennially', 1), ('cited,', 74), ('certainly', 5), ('surreptitiously', 2), ('grown', 8), ('parts', 7), ('laws', 9), ('frequent', 4), ('edicts', 1), ('prohibiting', 1), ('cultivation."', 1), ('Surreptitiously', 1), ('China!', 3), ('Why,', 2), ('Hupeh', 1), ('boundary', 7), ('1700', 1), ('sight', 12), ('continues,', 2), ('"I', 13), ('earnestly', 2), ('right-minded', 1), ('country,', 13), ('thraldom', 1), ('opium."', 2), ('growers', 1), ('Chang.', 1), ('tens', 4), ('petition', 2), ('forwarded', 3), ('Chinese--spontaneously,', 1), ('missionaries.', 4), ('"Some', 1), ('millions,"', 2), ('"some', 1), ('beings', 1), ('distress', 1), ('tiptoe', 2), ('outstretched', 2), ('necks', 2), ('O', 1), ('benevolent', 1), ('England!', 1), ('honour', 15), ("mercy's", 1), ('sake', 2), ('deed', 1), ('people,', 7), ('rescued', 2), ('themselves', 10), ('reward."', 1), ("(_China's", 4), ('Millions_,', 8), ('iv.,', 4), ('156.)', 2), ('Assume,', 1), ('want', 9), ('unavailingly', 1), ('beseech', 1), ('nefarious', 1), ('traffic,', 2), ('Rivers', 1), ('Phlegethon', 1), ('Lethe', 1), ('united', 1), ('carrying', 22), ('fire', 7), ('wherever', 6), ('flows,', 1), ('forgetfulness', 1), ('passed."', 1), ('(The', 2), ('Wells', 1), ('Williams.', 1), ('Middle', 6), ('Kingdom,"', 1), ('i.,', 5), ('288.)', 1), ('eighteen', 14), ('Kiangsu,', 1), ('Cheh-kiang,', 1), ('Fuhkien,', 1), ('Kuangtung', 1), ('remaining', 2), ('fourteen', 5), ('home-grown', 1), ('Native-grown', 1), ('driven', 7), ('markets', 2), ('Valley;', 1), ('except', 13), ('insignificant', 2), ('quantity,', 1), ('comes', 9), ('opium--it', 1), ('competes', 1), ('own.', 8), ('adjoining', 6), ('Kweichow', 3), ('grow', 6), ('opium;', 2), ('need,', 3), ('surplus', 5), ('export', 2), ('amount', 8), ('estimated,', 2), ('exported', 3), ('dues', 2), ('value', 15), ('pound,', 1), ('Allowing', 1), ('margin', 5), ('evaded', 1), ('dues,', 1), ('scientific', 2), ('smugglers', 1), ('2250', 1), ('1350', 1), ('450', 1), ('total', 3), ('4050', 1), ('fellow-countrymen,', 1), ('necks,', 1), ('monopoly.', 1), ('Edicts', 1), ('philanthropists', 1), ('quiet', 5), ('signed', 3), ('opium-smoking', 4), ('officials,', 6), ('derived', 6), ('posted', 6), ('magistrates', 3), ('warning', 5), ('opium-eaters.', 1), ('fiercest', 1), ('devils', 1), ('hell', 1), ('represented', 9), ('gloating', 1), ('opium-smoker;', 2), ('protruding', 1), ('tongue', 1), ('smeared', 1), ('victim', 2), ('"_yin_"', 1), ('craving),', 1), ('wishes', 1), ('renounce', 1), ('perquisite', 2), ('priests,', 6), ('gate', 17), ('sale', 7), ('fittings.', 1), ('Morphia', 1), ('pills', 1), ('sold', 16), ('chemists', 2), ('cure', 2), ('profitable', 1), ('remedy', 3), ('coast', 2), ('adopted', 2), ('advantage', 5), ('taste', 1), ('morphia,', 1), ('mode', 4), ('analogous', 1), ('changing', 1), ("one's", 4), ('stimulant', 2), ('colonial', 1), ('beer', 1), ('methylated', 2), ('1893,', 5), ('15,000', 2), ('ounces', 2), ('hydrochlorate', 2), ('morphia', 1), ('alone.', 2), ('ago,', 7), ('1877,', 3), ('assisted', 3), ('representative', 2), ('Horsburgh', 1), ('Mission.', 8), ('managed', 2), ('gentleman,', 5), ('discomfort', 2), ('malarious', 1), ('needed', 2), ('deserves', 2), ('engaging', 2), ('personality', 1), ('met,', 4), ('year,', 4), ('convert', 10), ('January,', 2), ('1894.)', 1), ('short-handed,', 1), ('six,', 1), ('delayed', 4), ('consequence.', 2), ('1889,', 2), ('communicants', 1), ('adherents.', 2), ('largely', 10), ('admirable', 15), ('Cecil', 1), ('Davenport,', 2), ('F.R.C.S.,', 1), ('"Broad', 1), ('Benevolence"', 1), ('displayed', 4), ('hospital,', 1), ('truthfully', 3), ('describe', 3), ('chapel', 3), ('adjoining,', 2), ('screen', 2), ('church,', 2), ('women--one', 1), ('pretexts', 1), ('church', 3), ('denied', 3), ('cast', 10), ('ogling', 1), ('curtain.', 1), ('INNS.', 1), ('230', 2), ('Suifu.', 8), ('coolies', 31), ('things,', 4), ('food,', 4), ('cash.', 14), ('single', 26), ('word', 17), ('_4s.', 2), ('10d._', 1), ('_5s.', 1), ('7d._', 1), ('entitled', 3), ('perquisites,', 1), ('Suifu', 15), ('seventh', 1), ('satisfaction.', 1), ('14th', 1), ('1600', 2), ('Men', 1), ('hopefully', 1), ('getting', 3), ('through.', 2), ('June', 3), ('July', 3), ('apart', 7), ('obstacles.', 1), ('Pere', 10), ('Lorain,', 2), ('Procureur', 2), ('twenty-five', 3), ('unaccompanied,', 2), ('humblest', 4), ('class,', 3), ('_les', 1), ('plus', 1), ('grandes', 1), ('difficultes_,', 1), ('commission_,', 1), ('equally', 6), ('pessimistic.', 1), ('evening', 14), ('starting,', 1), ('Carruthers', 1), ('(one', 3), ('_Inverness', 1), ('Courier_', 1), ('Carruthers)', 1), ('lesson', 2), ('"French', 1), ('breakfast"', 1), ('nothing', 17), ('cramming.', 1), ('useful', 4), ('phrases,', 1), ('rehearsed', 1), ('cheered', 1), ('indeed', 5), ('understand', 15), ('West', 4), ('Gate,', 2), ('J.', 8), ('Little,', 2), ('experienced', 2), ('authority', 5), ('manager', 4), ('Transport', 1), ('Company', 3), ('(which', 1), ('deals', 1), ('cargo', 1), ('rapids),', 1), ('Gorges"', 1), ('reader', 2), ('books', 2), ('thickly-wadded', 1), ('gown,', 2), ('pants,', 1), ('stockings,', 1), ('sandals,', 2), ('pigtail.', 2), ('dress', 10), ('person', 11), ('weight.', 2), ('acknowledge', 3), ('outfit', 2), ('poor;', 1), ('altogether', 2), ('disadvantage,', 1), ('temptation', 1), ('levy', 2), ('Still', 2), ('heads', 8), ('explained', 3), ('loss.', 2), ('efforts,', 2), ('knew,', 1), ('direction', 3), ('inducing', 2), ('treat', 3), ('undoubtedly', 3), ('due', 7), ('words,', 3), ('"exalted', 1), ('honour"', 1), ('visiting', 8), ('contemptible', 5), ('country."', 1), ('chair,', 7), ('Baber', 8), ('"no', 1), ('possesses', 2), ('self-respect', 1), ('necessarily', 3), ('conveyance,', 1), ('thing.', 1), ('Unfurnished', 1), ('indispensable', 3), ('token', 2), ('respectability', 1), ('liable', 3), ('thrust', 3), ('aside', 3), ('highway,', 1), ('ferries,', 1), ('relegated', 1), ("inn's", 1), ('room,', 11), ('generally', 5), ('treated', 15), ('indignity,', 1), ('sometimes', 3), ('worse,', 2), ('familiarity,', 1), ('peddling', 2), ('footpad', 1), ('unable', 4), ('gain', 2), ('living', 22), ('subsist', 1), ('("Travels', 1), ('Researches', 1), ('1.)', 1), ('Six', 2), ('(two', 1), ('miles),', 1), ('gravemounds', 1), ('ponies', 8), ('hire.', 1), ('pony', 18), ('fourpence.', 1), ('small,', 1), ('rat-like', 1), ('wiry,', 1), ('"mafoo"', 1), ('tail', 2), ('tiller.', 1), ('Mounted', 2), ('beast,', 1), ('carried', 42), ('wincing,', 1), ('jogged', 1), ('stone-flagged', 2), ('pathway,', 2), ('scaling', 1), ('descending', 3), ('bells', 3), ('jingled', 2), ('merrily;', 1), ('fine', 12), ('sun', 17), ('shone', 3), ('clouds.', 1), ('sublet', 2), ('contracts,', 1), ('loads', 16), ('borne', 4), ('farthing', 1), ('returning', 9), ('empty-handed', 1), ('SUIFU.]', 1), ('Fu-to-kuan', 1), ('powerful', 10), ('hill-fort', 2), ('guards', 4), ('isthmus', 1), ('encircling', 1), ('Set', 1), ('image', 5), ('Buddha.', 2), ('Massive', 1), ('portals,', 1), ('elaborately', 1), ('carved,', 1), ('commemorative', 1), ('tablets', 6), ('engraved,', 1), ('adorn', 2), ('highway.', 2), ('archways', 2), ('Emperor,', 5), ('expense', 3), ('relatives,', 2), ('memory', 8), ('virtuous', 5), ('widows', 1), ('remarry,', 1), ('sacrificed', 2), ('husbands.', 1), ('Happy', 1), ('names', 7), ('recorded,', 1), ('merits', 6), ('recognition', 2), ('Son', 4), ('earth;', 4), ('additional', 4), ('may,', 2), ('enjoy', 7), ('indescribable', 1), ('felicity', 2), ('inhabiting', 1), ('men.', 7), ('Cases', 1), ('widow', 2), ('recorded', 6), ('pages', 2), ('_Peking', 4), ('Gazette_.', 1), ('usual', 8), ('Gazette_', 2), ('10th,', 3), ('1892.', 2), ('runs:--', 1), ('Governor', 8), ('Shansi', 3), ('narrates', 2), ('herself', 6), ('husband.', 2), ("T'ienmen,", 1), ('grandfather', 2), ('attained', 4), ('Taotai.', 1), ('fell', 13), ('ill.', 2), ('child', 8), ('flesh', 6), ('mixed', 4), ('medicines', 5), ('cured', 3), ('parent.', 1), ('expectant', 3), ('Last', 3), ('autumn,', 1), ('appointment,', 1), ('violently', 2), ('medicine', 4), ('vain,', 2), ('died', 11), ('shortly', 2), ('Overcome', 1), ('grief,', 1), ('parents', 7), ('demand', 5), ('care,', 1), ('live.', 2), ('Only', 4), ('completed', 3), ('arrangements', 1), ("husband's", 1), ('interment,', 1), ('swallowed', 2), ('powder', 3), ('lead.', 1), ('handed', 7), ('trousseau', 1), ('relatives', 2), ('funeral', 3), ('expenses,', 3), ('presents', 2), ('younger', 3), ('servants,', 2), ('draped', 2), ('state', 11), ('robes,', 1), ('end.', 2), ('poison', 3), ('over.', 3), ('memorialist', 1), ('thinks', 6), ('erection', 3), ('memorial', 7), ('arch,', 1), ('asks', 1), ('Emperor', 11), ('grant', 1), ('deceased', 2), ('lady."', 1), ('("_Granted._")', 1), ('Near', 4), ('base', 3), ('U.S.A.', 1), ('commenced', 1), ('1886', 1), ('build', 2), ('ignorance,', 1), ('fort,', 4), ('wall.', 6), ('indiscreet', 1), ('mystery', 2), ('associated', 10), ('July,', 1), ('chairs,', 1), ('coolies,', 10), ('importance', 7), ('traveller.', 3), ('gentlemen', 1), ('mules;', 2), ('strings', 4), ('swinging', 4), ('coal,', 3), ('bales', 3), ('raw', 3), ('cotton.', 1), ('Buffaloes', 2), ('painful', 2), ('ploughing', 1), ('paddy', 2), ('middles--the', 1), ('primitive', 6), ('plough', 1), ('share', 5), ('half-naked', 1), ('Chinamen.', 2), ('Along', 1), ('road', 60), ('inns', 10), ('tea-houses', 2), ('two,', 6), ('frequented', 2), ('roadways', 2), ('good-sized', 1), ('dismount;', 1), ('mafoo', 3), ('inn,', 15), ('dish', 2), ('minced', 1), ('beef.', 1), ('inn', 34), ('crowded', 11), ('street.', 2), ('Despite', 3), ('foreigner,', 2), ('excite', 3), ('curiosity.', 4), ('diners', 1), ('courtesy;', 1), ('dishes,', 3), ('Chinese--a', 1), ('compliment', 2), ('repaid', 1), ('thanking', 2), ('keeping', 3), ('pace', 2), ('interminable', 1), ('archway', 2), ('Descending', 2), ('controversy', 1), ('thin', 2), ('lad', 3), ('load', 6), ('stage.', 3), ('dispute', 6), ('waxed', 2), ('warm,', 2), ('leisure,', 1), ('cook,', 2), ('offices', 6), ('convictions;', 1), ('unfortunate', 2), ('downhill', 2), ('cheerfully,', 1), ('satisfied', 2), ('settled', 1), ('_that_', 1), ('dispute.', 1), ('level,', 3), ('ground', 12), ('Late', 2), ('village,', 6), ('twenty-seven', 1), ('begun', 1), ('well.', 1), ('straw-covered', 1), ('bedsteads,', 1), ('rough', 7), ('table,', 4), ('lighted', 1), ('taper', 1), ('saucer', 2), ('oil,', 2), ('seat,', 4), ('naked', 1), ('floor.', 1), ('Hot', 1), ('wash', 1), ('tea', 33), ('drink,', 1), ('supper.', 1), ('baggage', 1), ('corner;', 1), ('boxes', 4), ('padlocks,', 1), ('hamper,', 1), ('roll', 1), ('bedding', 7), ('oilcloth.', 1), ('oilcloth', 1), ('straw', 6), ('bed', 12), ('impassable', 1), ('bugs.', 1), ('sleep', 11), ('pest.', 1), ('Bugs', 2), ('numerous,', 2), ('gregarious', 1), ('hosts', 1), ('Spain.', 2), ('Spain', 2), ('spent', 3), ('Cadiz,', 1), ('peninsula.', 1), ('steamer,', 3), ('passenger;', 1), ('night,', 7), ('landing.', 2), ('Plaza,', 1), ('revered', 1), ('monarch,', 1), ('Queen', 2), ('Isabel', 1), ('II.,', 1), ('spoken', 4), ('fonda,', 1), ('wanted', 4), ('bedroom.', 1), ('taberna', 1), ('"La', 1), ('Valenciana."', 1), ('delighted;', 2), ('thing', 3), ('for,', 5), ('said.', 5), ('innkeeper', 4), ('unoccupied,', 1), ('upstairs', 2), ('plain,', 7), ('homely', 1), ('apartment,', 1), ('engage', 2), ('"_Que', 1), ('usted', 1), ('descanse', 1), ('bien_"', 1), ('(may', 1), ('well),', 1), ('landlord,', 1), ('Keeping', 1), ('candle', 1), ('burning', 3), ('tumbled', 2), ('tired,', 2), ('immediately,', 1), ('despite', 6), ('fatigue.', 1), ('clothes,', 3), ('bugs', 1), ('gathering', 4), ('bed.', 1), ('basin', 1), ('dressing', 1), ('myself,', 5), ('landlord.', 1), ('yawning.', 1), ('"Sir,"', 1), ('"do', 1), ('anything?"', 1), ('"Nothing;', 1), ('impossible,', 2), ('absolutely', 4), ('bed."', 1), ('"But', 6), ('why,', 1), ('senor?"', 1), ('"Because', 1), ('bugs."', 1), ('"Oh', 1), ('no,', 1), ('sir,', 2), ('be,', 6), ('be;', 1), ('bug', 2), ('house."', 2), ('them."', 4), ('"You', 4), ('mistaken;', 1), ('impossible', 3), ('some."', 1), ('makes', 8), ('house,', 4), ('thing."', 1), ('"Pardon', 2), ('basin?"', 1), ('"Sir,', 2), ('right,', 3), ('right;', 1), ('weather;', 1), ('_every', 1), ('Cadiz', 1), ('them_."', 1), ('morning,', 10), ('breakfast.', 3), ('causeway,', 1), ('3', 7), ('flags', 4), ('proverb', 2), ('roads', 6), ('"good', 1), ('hundred."', 1), ('fences;', 1), ('picks', 1), ('cultivated', 1), ('fields;', 1), ('trespassing', 1), ('roadway,', 3), ('trespass', 1), ('neighbours.', 1), ('peasantry', 1), ('conspicuously', 1), ('Confucian', 9), ('maxim', 2), ('taught', 7), ('Christ,', 3), ('"Do', 2), ('unto', 5), ('rood', 1), ('tillage.', 1), ('seats', 2), ('amphitheatre,', 1), ('terrace', 3), ('irrigated', 2), ('inclined', 3), ('plain', 22), ('continuous', 3), ('chain', 2), ('bucket,', 1), ('windlass', 1), ('foot.', 4), ('tended;', 1), ('wheat,', 1), ('pink-flowered', 1), ('beans,', 2), ('golden', 3), ('Dotted', 1), ('trees.', 3), ('banyan', 6), ('trees', 8), ('England,', 6), ('fertile', 11), ('hills,', 7), ('adorned', 1), ('luxuriance,', 1), ('resemble', 1), ('outline', 1), ('summits', 1), ('eyebrows', 1), ('fair', 5), ('woman."', 1), ('populated,', 2), ('road.', 4), ('Grand', 1), ('arches', 3), ('span', 2), ('notable', 1), ('monumental', 3), ('columns', 1), ('architraves', 1), ('elephants', 4), ('deer,', 2), ('flowers', 3), ('peacocks,', 1), ('seven-tailed', 1), ('dragon', 1), ('art', 3), ('TERRACES.', 1), ('foreground', 1), ('bloom.]', 1), ('SZECHUEN.]', 2), ('lived,', 2), ('ate', 10), ('courtesy', 12), ('nature;', 1), ('trying', 2), ('curiosity;', 1), ('unsecluded', 1), ('publicity;', 1), ('push', 4), ('foreigner.', 2), ('presence', 8), ('gaping', 2), ('crowds.', 1), ('little,', 3), ('illustrated', 1), ('gesture.', 1), ('scratched', 1), ('pigtail,', 2), ('smiled;', 1), ('flicked', 1), ('dust', 2), ('table', 11), ('hilariously.', 1), ('usually', 16), ('arcade', 1), ('hire,', 2), ('eager', 3), ('casually,', 1), ('accepted,', 2), ('riding', 4), ('month.', 2), ('demands', 1), ('down;', 1), ('stick', 5), ('offer,', 3), ('increase', 7), ('exchange', 5), ('hearing,', 1), ('Suppose', 3), ('chair', 21), ('miles--it', 1), ('slung', 3), ('rafters--Laokwang', 1), ('(my', 1), ('cook)', 1), ('unobserved', 1), ('inquiringly.', 1), ('nodded', 3), ('assent', 1), ('apparently', 3), ('happened', 5), ('conversation,', 2), ('ignorant,', 1), ('continued.', 1), ('maintaining', 2), ('crescendo', 1), ('away.', 3), ('answer', 5), ('faintly', 1), ('distance.', 3), ('ultimatum', 1), ('regards', 3), ('acceptance--they', 1), ('bargaining', 2), ('motioned', 2), ('wait,', 2), ('"_chiaodza_"', 2), ('(sedan', 1), ('chair)', 1), ('moments', 1), ('wicker', 1), ('rapidly', 2), ('bearers.', 1), ('bowed', 6), ('seat', 13), ('penny', 4), ('mile.', 1), ('400', 9), ('each;', 2), ('sweated', 1), ('contract', 2), ('unemployed', 1), ('halfpenny),', 1), ('two-thirds', 1), ('nightfall', 2), ('squeeze.', 1), ('towns', 5), ('passes', 6), ('swarm', 1), ('inns,', 1), ('floating', 3), ('provide', 11), ('for.', 3), ('Competition', 1), ('keen.', 1), ('Touts', 1), ('stand', 5), ('doorway', 2), ('cry', 4), ('houses.', 3), ('counter', 2), ('entrance,', 1), ('piles', 5), ('pukais', 1), ('bedding),', 1), ('hire--few', 1), ('travellers', 9), ('bedding.', 2), ('bedrooms', 1), ('arranged', 7), ('courts.', 1), ('cheapness', 1), ('commended.', 1), ('supper,', 3), ('starting', 2), ('various', 6), ('comforts,', 2), ('hot', 12), ('nights', 1), ('840', 1), ('(_1s.', 2), ('9d._).', 1), ('Rice', 4), ('article', 4), ('diet;', 1), ('eggs,', 2), ('fowls,', 1), ('cheap;', 1), ('avoided', 1), ('pork', 3), ('Mohammedans', 7), ('vegetarians.', 1), ('emergency', 1), ('tins', 1), ('stores', 4), ('drink', 3), ('water--I', 1), ('drank', 3), ('tea.', 4), ('No', 35), ('drinks', 1), ('anything', 8), ('cold.', 4), ('teahouse', 4), ('infused', 1), ('minutes.', 2), ('pinch', 1), ('tea-leaves,', 1), ('refilled', 1), ('lib_,', 1), ('cash--equal', 1), ('twentieth', 1), ('Pork', 1), ('weight', 13), ('injected', 1), ('syringe', 1), ('vein;', 1), ('"watering', 1), ('stock."', 1), ('Yuenchuan,', 2), ('sixty-three', 1), ('5th,', 1), ('Luchow,', 2), ('populous', 2), ('noon', 1), ('Goddess', 6), ('Mercy,', 4), ('Lanchihsien.', 1), ('According', 1), ('gesticulations', 1), ('Laokwang,', 1), ('Suifu,', 12), ('reckon', 1), ('guide.', 3), ('here;', 1), ('on;', 1), ('advance', 3), ('protest', 1), ('innocent,', 2), ('aggrieved', 1), ('necessity.', 1), ('solemn', 1), ('to-morrow', 1), ('(_ming', 1), ('tien_)', 1), ('sunset.', 1), ('elderly', 6), ('company', 5), ('watch,', 2), ('breast-bone,', 1), ('sacred', 7), ('asseveration', 1), ("guide's.", 1), ('stayed.', 1), ('party', 10), ('flashed', 1), ('pealed', 1), ('alarm', 2), ('awoke', 1), ('obligingly', 2), ('slept', 8), ('protested', 2), ('so,', 8), ('mistook', 3), ('expostulation', 1), ('approbation.', 2), ('once,', 3), ('lying', 12), ('charmed', 6), ('start,', 1), ('construed', 2), ('indications', 1), ('whence', 3), ('route', 7), ('loaded', 2), ('sugar', 3), ('boys.', 2), ('awning', 1), ('cargo,', 1), ('space', 5), ('amiable', 6), ('promiscuous', 1), ('friends,', 4), ('stages,', 2), ('had,', 4), ('imagine,', 1), ('pecuniary', 1), ('advantages', 2), ('company.', 2), ('nightfall.', 2), ('passengers', 1), ('courteously', 5), ('projected', 3), ('companionship', 1), ('inarticulate', 2), ('goggles', 1), ('nails,', 1), ('stained', 3), ('pacificator', 1), ('party,', 1), ('calmed', 1), ('wranglings', 1), ('earnestness.', 2), ('Well,', 1), ('boat--a', 1), ('leaky,', 1), ('heavy,', 2), ('tub', 1), ('tracked', 1), ('way--carried', 1), ('boatmen', 1), ('sixteen', 2), ('hours', 6), ('meals;', 1), ('frayed', 1), ('parted', 1), ('entangled', 1), ('other.', 4), ('Towards', 3), ('sundown', 7), ('shelf', 1), ('lies', 5), ('angle', 3), ('bifurcation', 1), ('(here', 1), ('"River', 1), ('Golden', 2), ('Sand"),', 1), ('west,', 1), ('Min,', 1), ('Chentu', 2), ('north', 6), ('southern', 2), ('good-bye', 3), ('companions.', 5), ('Climbing', 1), ('thoroughfare', 1), ('girl,', 3), ('Chaotong', 15), ('Province,', 3), ('290', 3), ('Neither', 1), ('re-engage', 1), ('further.', 4), ('Laokwang', 1), ('declared', 2), ('Talifu.', 4), ('loneliness', 1), ('Chaotong.', 10), ('trodden,', 1), ('smallness', 3), ('"come', 1), ('stab', 1), ('us."', 1), ('glad', 6), ('retaining', 2), ('fee', 10), ('Tali.', 21), ('famous', 19), ('Provicaire', 4), ('Moutot', 2), ('Beraud,', 2), ('sights', 1), ('visited', 5), ('newly-arrived', 1), ('Missions.', 1), ('Four', 3), ('Americans', 1), ('dinner.', 3), ('drawing-room,', 1), ('conspicuous', 6), ('ornament', 1), ('scroll', 1), ('executed', 2), ('flower,', 4), ('circumstance', 3), ('confirm', 1), ('belief', 5), ('veneration', 1), ('foreigners.', 1), ('cease,', 1), ('entered.', 1), ('fierce', 3), ('at,', 3), ('tall', 1), ('grenadier,', 1), ('stride', 1), ('camel;', 1), ('hairpin.', 1), ('regret', 4), ('invite', 3), ('"Waal', 1), ('now,"', 1), ('spectacles,', 1), ('"ahm', 1), ('real', 5), ('sorry', 8), ("caan't", 1), ('ask', 9), ("somethin'", 1), ('eat,', 2), ("we've", 1), ('finished,', 4), ('guess', 1), ("ain't", 1), ("nothin'", 1), ('left."', 1), ('Fourteen', 1), ('shipment.', 1), ('Most', 5), ('Chicago.', 3), ('earliest', 1), ('translate', 1), ("Stead's", 1), ('Chicago,"', 1), ('demonstrate', 1), ('standard', 4), ('morality,', 1), ('virtue,', 3), ('probity,', 1), ('enlighten', 1), ('benighted', 3), ('stronghold.', 1), ('nominally', 2), ('Catholics', 3), ('representing', 1), ('labours', 2), ('period', 2), ('years.', 7), ('Actually,', 1), ('Catholics.', 1), ('Provicaire,', 3), ('"_trop', 1), ('materialistes_"', 1), ('Christian,', 4), ('"liars', 1), ('robbers,"', 1), ('propagated', 1), ('amongst', 3), ('Rarely', 4), ('"_vrai', 1), ('accent', 1), ('parisien_,"', 1), ('true,', 2), ('conflicts', 2), ('Paris,', 2), ('Parisians', 1), ('language', 9), ('intelligence', 5), ('observe', 3), ('address', 4), ('twenty-three', 6), ('China--six', 1), ('Omi,', 1), ('Suifu;', 1), ('Beraud', 1), ('perfection,', 1), ('co-workers', 1), ('bishop', 1), ('production', 2), ('Mandarin-French', 1), ('dictionary', 1), ('Sicawei;', 1), ('premises', 4), ('style.', 1), ('scrolls', 3), ('Catholics,', 2), ('school', 6), ('ragamuffins,', 1), ('nunnery', 1), ("girls'", 1), ('school,', 2), ('fit', 5), ('venerable', 2), ('bishop.', 2), ('chapel,', 1), ('visit', 17), ("Lord's", 1), ('Apostles', 1), ('story.', 1), ('Tradition', 1), ('Thomas', 1), ('further', 13), ('proof', 1), ('wanting,', 1), ('Tamo', 1), ('worshipped', 1), ('Scholars,', 1), ('identify', 1), ('Hindoo', 1), ('features', 7), ('Buddhist', 8), ('evangelist', 4), ('Tamo,', 1), ('sixth', 1), ('century.', 3), ('branch', 6), ('polisher', 1), ('Hereford.', 1), ('teens.', 1), ("missionary's", 2), ('has,', 3), ('tells', 11), ('"abundantly', 1), ('blessed,"--he', 1), ('baptised', 8), ('type', 8), ('self-reliant,', 1), ('sympathetic', 2), ('self-denying,', 1), ('self-satisfied.', 1), ('well-defined.', 1), ('words:--"Those', 1), ('Gospel', 2), ('Almighty', 1), ('fit"--a', 1), ('contention', 4), ('admit', 4), ('dispute--"but', 1), ('doctrine,', 2), ('steel', 2), ('Holy', 3), ('Ghost,', 2), ('assuredly', 2), ('hell;', 1), ('help', 8), ('them,', 19), ("won't;", 1), ('believed,', 2), ('eternal;', 1), ('punishment', 13), ('eternal."', 1), ('awaits', 1), ('becoming', 3), ('gentleness,', 2), ('accordance', 9), ('teaching', 6), ('S.', 10), ('Woodin,', 2), ('Baptist', 3), ('Foochow,', 1), ('says:--"There', 1), ('occasions', 4), ('awful', 14), ("'hell,'", 1), ('love."', 1), ('(_Records_', 2), ('Conference,', 4), ('91.)', 1), ('study', 2), ('equanimity', 2), ('good-natured', 4), ('contemplates', 2), ('conversions', 3), ('confession', 2), ('unoffending', 2), ('enfer', 1), ('bouillir', 1), ('eternellement_.', 1), ('unwelcome', 1), ('teach', 3), ('does,', 2), ('infinitely', 3), ('distasteful', 1), ('Founder', 2), ('"They', 3), ("God's", 6), ('ones', 2), ('Morgan,', 2), ('editor', 2), ('Christian_,', 1), ('"and', 4), ('yearns', 3), ('1879,', 1), ('94.)', 1), ('(who', 3), ('Gospel,)', 1), ('B.', 5), ('Broomhall,', 2), ("_China's", 6), ('"where', 2), ('future?', 1), ('grave?', 1), ('Oh,', 1), ('tremendous', 1), ('question!', 1), ('contemplate--but', 1), ('perish;', 2), ('says."', 1), ('("Evangelisation', 1), ('World,"', 1), ('70.)', 1), ('guilty', 6), ('eyes;', 1), ('perish."', 1), ('(_Id._,', 2), ('101.)', 1), ('world?', 1), ('leaves', 4), ('Word', 3), ('hope;', 2), ('positive', 1), ('contrary.', 1), ('Yes!', 1), ('it."', 4), ('199.)', 1), ('believes', 2), ('stated', 3), ('public.', 1), ('Ancestral', 2), ('worship', 6), ('keystone', 2), ('religion', 3), ("China's", 3), ('social', 1), ('fabric."', 1), ('springs,"', 1), ('P.', 2), ('Martin,', 2), ('D.D.,', 4), ('LL.D.,', 1), ('Wen', 3), ('College,', 1), ('Peking,', 6), ('"from', 2), ('principles', 1), ('nature.', 1), ('conception', 1), ('grave', 3), ('commune', 1), ('parents."', 2), ('("The', 2), ('Worship', 1), ('Ancestors--a', 1), ('plea', 2), ('toleration.")', 1), ('condemned', 8), ('bitterly', 4), ('toleration.', 1), ('"Ancestral', 2), ('worship,"', 1), ('(it', 1), ('May,', 6), ('1890),', 1), ('idolatry', 1), ('beginning', 5), ('end,', 2), ('whole', 9), ('connected', 2), ('idolatry,', 1), ('idolatrous,', 1), ('befalls', 1), ('idolaters', 1), ('Taylor:--"Their', 1), ('lake', 8), ('fire."', 1), ('"These', 2), ('China"', 1), ('Gospel),', 1), ('"are', 2), ('unsaved.', 1), ('Oh!', 2), ('dear', 3), ('condition?', 1), ('heathen,', 3), ("'they", 1), ('world\'?"', 1), ('(Missionary', 2), ('1888,', 5), ('_Records_,', 3), ('176.)', 1), ('"There', 3), ('Apostle', 1), ('Paul,', 1), ('inspiration', 1), ("'They", 1), ('sin', 4), ('law,', 2), ('perish', 1), ("law,'", 1), ('nay,', 1), ('afraid', 4), ('contradict', 1), ('revelation', 1), ('Him', 2), ('shew', 1), ('solemnly', 2), ('affirms', 1), ("'idolators", 1), ('liars,', 1), ('burneth', 1), ("brimstone.'", 1), ('unsaved', 1), ('urgent', 1), ('needs', 5), ('claim', 3), ('_agonising', 1), ('eagerness_', 1), ('hasten', 1), ('proclaim', 1), ('message', 4), ('deliverance', 1), ('found?"', 1), ('(_Ut', 1), ('supra_,', 1), ('ii.,', 3), ('31.)', 1), ('raise', 3), ('majority', 4), ('presumably', 4), ('director,', 1), ('Taylor.', 1), ('inquirer', 1), ('unconverted', 1), ('Gospel,', 3), ('Confucius,', 1), ('perished', 3), ('eternally.', 1), ('virtues', 3), ('filial', 3), ('piety;', 1), ('strongest', 1), ('emotion', 3), ('move', 7), ('supreme', 5), ('footsteps', 2), ('father.', 5), ('Conversion', 1), ('eternal', 2), ('separation', 2), ('life,', 7), ('"immediate', 1), ('liberation', 2), ('ancestors', 3), ('beggary,', 1), ('sickness', 4), ('manner', 6), ('evil', 7), ('neighbourhood."', 1), ('fields--incomparably', 1), ('difficult--is', 1), ('Difficulties', 1), ('assail', 1), ('step;', 2), ('honest', 2), ('low,', 1), ('sympathise', 1), ('advancement', 2), ('example', 2), ('telling', 4), ('duty,', 2), ('forefathers', 1), ('generations', 2), ('him--the', 1), ('explaining', 1), ('him,', 19), ('Me', 1), ('hate', 2), ('disciple.', 1), ('variance', 1), ('father."', 1), ('patriarchal', 4), ('system', 12), ('prevails', 5), ('crime', 9), ('commit,', 1), ('kill', 5), ('parent,', 1), ('mother.', 2), ('abundantly', 3), ('exaggerated,', 2), ('crime.', 1), ('"_Ling', 2), ('chi_,"', 2), ('"degrading', 2), ('process,"', 1), ('brothers', 4), ('beheaded;', 1), ('razed', 1), ('dug', 1), ('deep;', 1), ('neighbours', 4), ('severely', 2), ('punished;', 1), ('decapitated;', 1), ('magistrate', 12), ('deprived', 3), ('office;', 1), ('degraded', 4), ('rank.', 3), ('enormity', 1), ('parricide', 1), ('approves', 1), ('severity', 2), ('preach,', 1), ('"And', 2), ('death."', 1), ('courageous', 3), ('workers,', 1), ('travellers,', 4), ('unselfish', 1), ('endowed', 4), ('manly', 1), ('admiration,', 1), ('worthy', 6), ('praise', 8), ('bestowed', 1), ('reaching', 3), ('maturity,', 1), ('delicately-nurtured', 1), ('emotional', 1), ('heightened', 1), ('religious', 4), ('feelings.', 1), ('Too', 2), ('ignorant', 3), ('nation', 3), ('"witnessed', 1), ('decay', 1), ('Egypt,', 1), ('Assyria,', 1), ('Babylonia,', 1), ('Persia,', 1), ('Greece,', 1), ('Rome,', 1), ('monument', 4), ('ages', 1), ('bygone,"', 1), ('manners', 1), ('polity,', 1), ('religions,', 1), ('extraordinary', 6), ('acquirement', 1), ('forgetful', 1), ('"prepossessions', 1), ('prejudices', 1), ('cherished', 1), ('judgments', 1), ('growth', 4), ('millenniums,"', 1), ('exposition', 1), ('impenetrable', 1), ('hearers.', 1), ('them,"', 2), ('respectable', 1), ('artisans,', 1), ('imperfect', 1), ('response', 1), ('"wail', 1), ('dying', 10), ('"awful', 2), ('ruin', 3), ('souls,"', 1), ('rate', 4), ('33,000', 1), ('"perishing', 4), ('sinned', 2), ('law."', 2), ('Millions_:', 1), ('"Now', 2), ('news!', 2), ('Glorious', 1), ('news', 3), ('time!', 1), ('crowded!', 1), ('bright', 7), ('intelligent', 2), ('faces!', 1), ('word,', 2), ('lost."', 1), ('Five', 5), ('write:', 1), ('Siao', 1), ('Wong', 7), ('Miao', 1), ('Sengleping,', 1), ('matseller.', 1), ('spread', 7), ('insane.', 1), ('reason,', 3), ('piety."', 1), ('5,', 2), ('95,', 5), ('143).', 1), ('Lord', 6), ('realised', 1), ('goodness.', 1), ('Poor', 4), ('talk', 2), ('her.', 4), ('sisters,', 2), ('climate.', 2), ('vigour,', 2), ('worth', 15), ('living.', 2), ('well;', 1), ('forgetting', 1), ('sensation', 1), ('health;', 1), ('anaemic', 1), ('apprehensive;', 1), ('headaches', 1), ('neuralgia;', 1), ('pleasure,', 2), ('amusement', 3), ('whatever;', 2), ('relaxation', 1), ('temperature;', 1), ('prayer', 2), ('meeting.', 2), ('unchanging', 1), ('society', 3), ('couple--the', 1), ('permit', 8), ('prison-like', 1), ('top', 3), ('Her', 4), ('lover,', 1), ('refined', 2), ("week's", 1), ('depressing', 1), ('fever-stricken', 1), ('November', 1), ('June,', 1), ('blazes', 1), ('unendurable', 1), ('fierceness', 3), ('October.', 1), ('strength', 7), ('fond', 2), ('boating', 1), ('lawn-tennis', 2), ('player.', 1), ('ill,', 2), ('anaemic,', 1), ('wasted,', 1), ('dyspeptic,', 1), ('forms', 4), ('fever,', 2), ('destitute', 2), ('appetite.', 1), ('agonising', 1), ('health', 1), ('horrible', 7), ('reality', 1), ('sacrifice', 2), ('making--no', 1), ('"outcasts', 1), ('subsidised', 1), ('forsake', 2), ('altars;"', 1), ('self-devotion', 1), ('laying', 1), ('Heaven.', 4), ('healthy', 1), ('brain', 2), ('discern', 1), ('"Blessing"', 1), ('blind', 2), ('reverse', 1), ('worshipful', 1), ('effusive', 1), ('thanks', 2), ('Almighty,', 1), ('ones,"', 1), ('"vouchsafing', 1), ('mercies"', 1), ('doubtful', 2), ('180,000', 1), ('area', 4), ('habitation', 2), ('graveyard', 1), ('outside', 19), ('covers', 1), ('slopes', 2), ("doesn't.", 1), ('besides', 4), ('opium-houses.', 1), ('silk', 1), ('shop,', 1), ('hong,', 1), ('pretension', 2), ('whatever,', 3), ('opium-room,', 1), ('lamp', 2), ('guest.', 1), ('Opium-rooms', 1), ('smoking', 2), ('rooms', 4), ('whiff', 2), ('nip', 1), ('whisky', 1), ('business', 4), ('OPIUM-SMOKING.]', 1), ('waterway', 1), ('minerals', 1), ('inexhaustible', 1), ('subterranean', 1), ('reservoirs', 1), ('brine.', 1), ('Silks', 1), ('furs', 1), ('silverwork,', 1), ('medicines,', 2), ('whitewax,', 1), ('articles', 3), ('as,', 3), ('cotton,', 5), ('imports', 2), ('Manchester', 2), ('constitute', 1), ('Kingdom.', 4), ('Liu,', 4), ('Anhwei;', 1), ('therefore,', 7), ('related', 1), ('marriage,', 1), ('daughter', 1), ("Chang's", 2), ('nephew.', 1), ('provincial', 4), ('Treasurer', 2), ('occupy', 5), ('noticing', 1), ('Treasurer,', 1), ('Kung', 2), ('Chao-yuan,', 2), ('(1894)', 1), ('Minister', 3), ('Plenipotentiary', 1), ('Great', 7), ('Britain,', 2), ('Italy,', 1), ('Belgium,', 1), ('Sweden', 1), ('Norway,', 1), ('chagrin', 1), ('"Imperial', 1), ('Supreme"', 1), ('compelling', 1), ('tombs', 2), ('ancestors--to', 1), ('fixed', 4), ('salary,', 2), ('vacate', 1), ('opportunities', 2), ('personal', 10), ('enrichment', 2), ('illimitable.', 1), ('magistrates,', 1), ('yamens.', 1), ('Fu', 7), ('"Father', 1), ('City,"', 1), ('Hsien', 5), ('"Mother', 2), ('City;"', 1), ('City"', 1), ('favours', 1), ('trade.', 1), ('1888', 1), ('1889', 2), ('friendliness', 3), ('Folk', 1), ('eats', 3), ('children,"', 1), ('hurriedly', 4), ('hidden,', 1), ('fear.', 1), ('taunts', 1), ('disregarded.', 1), ('food;', 1), ('formal', 1), ('complaint', 2), ('yamen,', 6), ('proclamation', 2), ('checking', 1), ('absurd', 4), ('tales', 2), ('ordering', 1), ('citizens,', 1), ('pains', 1), ('penalties,', 1), ('respect.', 1), ('trouble', 4), ('since,', 1), ('streets,', 5), ('indifference.', 1), ('Reference', 1), ('sorrows', 1), ('November,', 1), ('1893:--', 1), ('"Soon', 1), ('trial', 2), ('rumours', 1), ('baby', 2), ('eating),', 1), ('internal', 1), ('sorrow', 3), ('arose.', 2), ('members,', 1), ('preacher', 2), ('grievous', 1), ('sin,', 1), ('excluded', 1), ('promising', 3), ('inquirer,', 1), ('growing', 4), ('power.', 3), ('cloud', 1), ('suddenly', 4), ('removed', 8), ('visitation."', 1), ('opens', 1), ('displays', 1), ('prominently', 3), ('concerning', 7), ('rights', 2), ('Seven', 2), ('children,', 14), ('girls,', 3), ('boarded', 2), ('Christians.', 1), ('pretty,', 2), ('eldest,', 1), ('fourteen,', 2), ('so.', 5), ('large-footed,', 1), ('converts.', 2), ('hoped', 3), ('emulous', 1), ('converted.', 1), ('foundlings', 1), ('where,', 5), ('brown', 2), ('paper,', 4), ('times', 19), ('wall', 20), ('compound.', 2), ('reared', 3), ("boys'", 1), ('heathens,', 1), ('lessons.', 1), ('learning', 3), ('subjects,', 1), ('"tones"', 2), ('voices.', 1), ('awful.', 1), ('None', 3), ('din.', 1), ('silent;', 1), ('noise,', 2), ('school--not', 1), ('silence.', 2), ('schoolmaster', 1), ('ragged-looking', 1), ('loafer,', 1), ('grey.', 1), ('mourning,', 2), ('unshaven', 2), ('forty-two', 1), ('consequence', 3), ('forty-second', 1), ('death,', 7), ('dead', 24), ('became,', 1), ('aware', 1), ('decease.', 1), ('forty-ninth', 1), ('rites', 1), ('cease.', 1), ('BANKS.', 1), ('Chaotong,', 26), ('inducement', 1), ('shape', 5), ('shilling', 4), ('threepence', 2), ('each,', 5), ('bonus,', 1), ('coolie-hong,', 1), ('engaged,', 1), ('hong-master,', 1), ('remitted', 3), ('receipt', 3), ('safe', 3), ('delivery.', 1), ('half,', 1), ('convert,', 4), ('surviving', 3), ('fellow,', 6), ('dull', 2), ('credit', 2), ('intrusted', 2), ('money--he', 1), ('load.', 2), ('empty', 3), ('"_Muta', 1), ('tsien!', 1), ('muta', 1), ('tsien!_"', 1), ('(I', 4), ('money!', 1), ('money!).', 1), ('perfect', 8), ('confidence', 5), ('conversion,', 3), ('Were', 1), ('rob', 1), ('run', 4), ('arrest', 3), ('detained', 6), ('prison', 7), ('returned.', 1), ('Nothing', 4), ('gives', 4), ('protection', 9), ('fraud', 1), ('injury', 2), ('law', 11), ('responsible', 2), ('wrongdoing', 1), ('son,', 5), ('elder', 6), ('culpable', 1), ('misdeed', 2), ('younger.', 1), ('22nd', 2), ('Brother', 1), ('Shortly', 2), ('leaving,', 3), ('_chairen_', 1), ('yamen-runner--the', 1), ('policeman,', 1), ('say--sent', 1), ('Magistrate', 5), ('shadow', 5), ('Tak-wan-hsien,', 5), ('request', 3), ('remind', 1), ('traveller,', 8), ('wine-money', 1), ('chairen', 12), ('reasonable.', 1), ('yamen-runners', 2), ('knowing', 3), ('partly', 3), ('mainly', 2), ('Magistrate;', 1), ('injury,', 1), ('degradation.', 1), ('arranged,', 1), ('chairen,', 3), ('services,', 1), ('200', 5), ('pence);', 1), ('"_gowshun!', 1), ('gowshun!_"', 1), ('more!', 1), ('more!)', 1), ('sufficient', 8), ('persistence,', 1), ('sevenpence', 2), ('halfpenny.', 3), ('limit;', 1), ('assured,', 1), ('generous', 1), ('accompanying', 1), ('227', 1), ('river-bank', 1), ('alluvial,', 1), ('flower', 2), ('tobacco', 6), ('growing,', 1), ('rape-seed', 3), ('alternated', 1), ('rushes--the', 1), ('yielding', 2), ('rushes', 1), ('rushlights', 1), ('lamps.', 1), ('Flocks', 1), ('geese', 1), ('sandbanks--the', 1), ('"peaceful', 1), ('geese,"', 1), ('extolled', 1), ('Chinaman.', 5), ('pairs,', 1), ('dies,', 1), ('mate', 1), ('faithful', 3), ('memory.', 4), ('arch', 2), ('spans', 2), ('characters,', 4), ('_Shen_', 1), ('(holy),', 1), ('_Chi_', 1), ('(will),', 1), ('holy', 2), ('decree', 1), ('perpetuate', 1), ('remarried.', 1), ('grace', 2), ('loads;', 1), ('hurry', 1), ('rewarded"--one', 1), ('stages', 10), ('branches', 5), ('tree,', 2), ('cup', 4), ('waited,', 2), ('hawker', 1), ('cats.', 1), ('baskets', 5), ('cat', 1), ('bore', 4), ('resemblance', 2), ('tortoise-shell', 1), ('tabby,', 1), ('pet', 1), ('disappeared', 1), ('mysteriously;', 1), ('died,', 3), ('servant', 3), ('reincarnated.', 1), ('market', 14), ('midday,', 1), ('hot,', 1), ('Anpien.', 1), ('320', 1), ('(eightpence),', 1), ('grasping', 2), ('340', 1), ('"Walk', 1), ('on,"', 1), ('lesson,"', 1), ('rebuke', 1), ('avarice', 1), ('hardly', 12), ('frame', 3), ('mind', 6), ('requisite', 2), ('conducting', 2), ('evangelical', 1), ('Anpien', 1), ('considerable', 6), ('town.', 14), ('bifurcates', 1), ('rivers,', 1), ('north-west,', 1), ('south-west.', 1), ('Streets', 1), ('temporary', 2), ('suburb,', 1), ('rises', 3), ('melting', 2), ('snows', 2), ('mountain', 28), ('sources.', 2), ('restaurant', 3), ('floor,', 2), ('accommodation', 4), ('sooner', 4), ('seated', 10), ('card;', 1), ('passport,', 3), ('original.', 1), ('daybreak', 2), ('junction.', 1), ('Laowatan', 4), ('cliff;', 1), ('narrow,', 1), ('steep,', 1), ('winding,', 1), ('slippery.', 1), ('pass,', 2), ('sudden', 3), ('turns', 4), ('canted', 1), ('gorges.', 1), ('depends', 4), ('sureness', 2), ('bearers--a', 1), ('step,', 1), ('tumble', 1), ('below.', 4), ('Deep', 1), ('roared', 1), ('cataract,', 1), ('passage', 7), ('swarming', 1), ('passengers,', 1), ('racing,', 1), ('oars', 1), ('chorus.', 1), ('appeared,', 1), ('reach,', 2), ('error,', 1), ('slightest', 2), ('fragments', 1), ('corpses.', 1), ('stage', 10), ('steepness', 2), ('permits', 5), ('straw-thatched,', 1), ('plaster', 4), ('inns.', 1), ('bins', 1), ('steaming', 2), ('travellers;', 1), ('brewed', 2), ('minutes;', 1), ('tables', 3), ('chopsticks', 4), ('clean.', 3), ('finished.', 1), ('writing,', 2), ('tables.', 1), ('interested.', 1), ('glasses,', 1), ('wag', 1), ('divert', 3), ('loudness', 1), ('speech,', 3), ('insisting', 1), ('deaf,', 2), ('tones', 2), ('tympanum.', 1), ('foolish', 3), ('talked', 2), ('him;', 3), ('persisted,', 1), ('poked', 1), ('mine,', 3), ('withdrew', 1), ('hobbled', 1), ('umbrage', 1), ('attention', 9), ('bystanders', 2), ('capacity', 2), ('mouth,', 1), ("mule's.", 1), ('scanty,', 2), ('non-existent.', 1), ('intelligible;', 1), ('Mrs.', 4), ('General', 10), ('Baynes,', 1), ('staying', 1), ('Boulogne,', 1), ('Hindostanee', 1), ('discover', 5), ('conversing', 1), ('Remonstrance', 1), ('effective.', 1), ('Whenever', 1), ('obtrusive,', 1), ('sentences', 2), ('situation.', 2), ('reminded', 1), ('employed', 12), ('Cornish', 1), ('husband', 13), ('colleague', 1), ('Andalusia,', 1), ('succeeded', 5), ('mastering', 1), ('Spanish.', 1), ('lady,', 1), ('present,', 9), ('servant,', 1), ('"possess"', 1), ('English:', 1), ('"Bring', 1), ('me,"', 2), ('angry', 2), ('aside,', 1), ('"bring', 1), ('_cuchillo_', 1), ('black-handled', 1), ('heft,"', 1), ('adding,', 1), ('thumped', 1), ('fist', 1), ('mystified,', 2), ('"D----', 1), ('language!', 1), ('track,', 1), ('wide.', 1), ('Mountain', 2), ('file', 3), ('backs', 2), ('bending', 2), ('burdens.', 1), ('Pigs', 2), ('fowls', 1), ('dogs,', 1), ('stray', 1), ('cat,', 1), ('foraging', 1), ('crumbs', 1), ('table.', 2), ('Through', 4), ('doorways', 1), ('paddy-fields', 2), ('arable', 1), ('air', 7), ('enervating.', 1), ('clouds,"', 2), ('term', 11), ('belie', 1), ('name.', 2), ('oven,', 1), ('toddled', 2), ('deformed', 2), ('heels.', 1), ('husband,', 5), ('innkeeper,', 3), ('minutes', 2), ('basins', 1), ('full.', 1), ('"_Na', 1), ('kaishui', 1), ('lai_"', 1), ('(bring', 1), ('water),', 1), ('sides.', 1), ('heap', 2), ('rolls', 2), ('hollow', 6), ('joint', 1), ('use,', 4), ('takings', 1), ('Hanging', 1), ('rafters', 2), ('sandals', 3), ('hemp', 2), ('moneyed', 2), ('wayfarers', 2), ('writer.', 1), ('round,', 2), ('tables,', 2), ('respectful,', 1), ('plied', 1), ('questions', 4), ('master.', 2), ('tempted', 2), ('backslide', 1), ('swerve', 1), ('answers.', 1), ('anxious', 6), ('Over', 3), ('surpassing', 2), ('beauty,', 2), ('continued', 9), ('Fan-yien-tsen,', 2), ("days'", 4), ('24th', 1), ('toiling', 4), ('mountains,', 6), ('climbing', 4), ('steeps,', 1), ('pine,', 2), ('ever-changing', 1), ('running', 5), ('cascades', 1), ('waterfalls', 1), ('glens', 1), ('gorges,', 1), ('tops.', 1), ('Tanto,', 2), ('crossed,', 1), ('before,', 6), ('Yunnan.', 11), ('Tanto', 1), ('leads', 6), ('rocky', 5), ('defile', 2), ('spanned', 4), ('bridge;', 1), ('stream?', 1), ('also.', 1), ('suspension', 7), ('broad,', 3), ('massive', 5), ('buttresses', 1), ('approached', 3), ('temple-archways.', 1), ('Mists', 1), ('clothe', 2), ('mountains--the', 1), ('stone.', 3), ('Population', 1), ('cultivation', 2), ('possible.', 3), ('Villages', 1), ('sparsely', 2), ('conduits', 2), ('tarns', 1), ('hillside.', 2), ('Each', 2), ('supply,', 1), ('attempt', 4), ('good.', 2), ('Besides', 2), ('reasons,', 1), ('interfere', 2), ('water-carriers,', 1), ('slope', 4), ('impassable,', 1), ('traffickers,', 1), ('blocked', 2), ('stalls', 3), ('wares.', 1), ('pure', 5), ('briquettes,', 1), ('drugs--a', 1), ('medley', 1), ('bones,', 3), ('horns,', 2), ('roots,', 2), ('leaves,', 1), ('minerals--and', 1), ('cotton', 6), ('yarn', 1), ('Bombay,', 1), ('goods', 5), ('Manchester.', 1), ('villages', 10), ('asked--namely,', 1), ('_7d._', 3), ('miles;', 2), ('_5d._', 1), ('discrepancy', 1), ('great,', 1), ('acrimonious', 1), ('indicating', 3), ('gestures,', 1), ('sarcastic', 2), ('failed', 2), ('overreach', 1), ('him.', 14), ('LAOWATAN.]', 1), ('Sengki-ping', 1), ('rained', 2), ('umbrella', 1), ('solution', 2), ('continuity', 1), ('roof', 4), ('immediately', 4), ('pillow.', 1), ('following;', 1), ('earn', 1), ('shilling,', 1), ('slush.', 1), ('hard', 8), ('slippery', 4), ('rivers', 2), ('flow', 2), ('majestic', 1), ('banks', 7), ('towering', 1), ('Clad', 1), ('scrub,', 1), ('firm', 2), ('foothold,', 2), ('peasant;', 1), ('cliffs,', 1), ('ledges', 2), ('inaccessible', 2), ('sown', 1), ('wheat', 3), ('peas,', 2), ('enough,', 1), ('baneful', 1), ('plodded', 1), ('mud', 16), ('rain,', 2), ('painfully', 1), ('limping', 1), ('stick.', 1), ('lad,', 2), ('unbound', 1), ('leg', 4), ('knee.', 1), ('independence', 2), ('alms,', 1), ('limped', 1), ('Meeting', 1), ('sitting', 3), ('handful', 2), ('thanked', 4), ('raising', 1), ('clasped', 4), ('something,', 1), ('what,', 1), ('hurried', 4), ('afterwards', 8), ('breakfast,', 1), ('passed.', 1), ('knees', 5), ('"kotow\'d"', 1), ('mark', 4), ('liveliest', 1), ('gratitude.', 2), ('touched', 2), ("fellow's", 1), ('gratitude--he', 1), ('fifteen--and', 1), ('mean,', 1), ('benefaction,', 1), ('generous,', 1), ('gained', 5), ('action,', 3), ('track', 5), ('shell', 1), ('50-ton', 1), ('gun', 2), ('crag', 1), ('struck', 6), ('paces', 1), ('nearer', 1), ('blotted', 1), ('profession', 1), ('ill', 4), ('spare.', 1), ('camped', 3), ('Laowatan.', 2), ('bearers', 3), ('befitting', 2), ('risen', 2), ('leave,', 2), ('amid', 9), ('serried', 1), ('ranks', 1), ('spectators.', 1), ('wonderful', 12), ('12', 3), ('linked', 2), ('bars', 1), ('wrought', 1), ('iron.', 1), ('shows', 2), ('stability,', 1), ('strength,', 2), ('delicacy', 2), ('design,', 1), ('untutored', 1), ('barbarians', 2), ('ascended', 2), ('incline', 3), ('opposite,', 1), ('barrier,', 1), ('mountain,', 4), ('cottage', 3), ('path.', 2), ('Nor', 1), ('foremost', 4), ('bearer', 2), ('reluctantly', 1), ('string', 5), ('"With', 2), ('gods,"', 1), ('"without', 1), ("can't", 2), ('man."', 1), ('upwards.', 1), ('"south', 1), ('clouds"--in', 1), ('clouds--the', 1), ('dry', 4), ('crisp.', 1), ('Ponies', 2), ('droves;', 1), ('drove.', 1), ('heavily', 1), ('lead,', 1), ('nozzled', 1), ('grass,', 7), ('agility', 1), ('goats.', 1), ('Time', 1), ('gongs,', 1), ('echoes', 1), ('rang', 1), ('decorated', 2), ('tufts,', 1), ('plumes', 2), ('Amherst', 1), ('pheasant.', 1), ('animals,', 2), ('franked', 1), ('examination.', 1), ('path,', 3), ('rising', 6), ('watershed,', 1), ('descends', 1), ('counterslope', 1), ('ravine,', 1), ('riven', 1), ('perpendicularly', 1), ('twain,', 1), ('Taoshakwan,', 3), ('Midway', 2), ('precipice', 1), ('seeing;', 1), ('coffin', 4), ('fault', 1), ('untold', 1), ('generations,', 1), ('originally', 2), ('"ancient', 1), ('flying-men', 1), ('extinct."', 1), ('pretentious', 1), ('tigers', 1), ('outflanking', 2), ('gods', 10), ('disrepair;', 1), ('verandah', 1), ('alpine', 1), ('magnificence.', 1), ('poverty.', 1), ('Tchih-li-pu,', 2), ('poverty-stricken', 1), ('ill-clad,', 1), ('hotel', 2), ('dirty,', 2), ('in.', 2), ('well-worn', 1), ('places,', 3), ('uneven,', 1), ('irregular,', 1), ('varying', 5), ('heights', 2), ('tortuous', 2), ('bald;', 1), ('grand', 3), ('lonely;', 1), ('vegetation', 2), ('few;', 1), ('poverty', 9), ('Farmhouses', 1), ('intervals,', 1), ('occasional', 4), ('cultivation;', 1), ('white-washed', 1), ('towers', 1), ('trees;', 1), ('tombstones,', 1), ('rudely', 4), ('guard', 4), ('roofs,', 1), ('bowls', 3), ('ovens', 1), ('travellers.', 5), ('Food', 4), ('terminate', 1), ('expect', 5), ('food', 7), ('sale.', 2), ('inferior,', 3), ('content', 5), ('maize', 8), ('meal,', 2), ('bean', 2), ('curds,', 2), ('roasted', 1), ('sugar,', 1), ('sweet', 8), ('gelatinous', 1), ('waste', 3), ('meal.', 2), ('towns.', 2), ('roadside', 4), ('potatoes;', 1), ('abundance,', 2), ('(500', 2), ('cash),', 1), ('dearness.', 1), ('costs', 7), ('egg', 1), ('strikes', 1), ('balance', 2), ('sees', 2), ('nourishment', 1), ('eggs.', 1), ('meat', 1), ('pork--pork', 1), ('plenty,', 1), ('only.', 1), ('scavengers', 1), ('carnivora', 1), ('omnivorous', 1), ('"A', 5), ('unscrupulous', 1), ('stomach', 1), ('world,"', 1), ('Meadows;', 1), ('"he', 8), ('root', 1), ('leaf,', 1), ('hide', 1), ('entrails."', 1), ('despise', 1), ('death.', 9), ('famine', 11), ('1876-1879', 1), ('fought', 1), ('fattened', 1), ('corpses', 2), ('countrymen.', 1), ('Mutton', 1), ('shops,', 1), ('beef', 2), ('also,', 1), ('imagined', 2), ('sheep', 3), ('ox', 2), ('killed', 11), ('flesh,', 3), ('unless', 7), ('starvation', 7), ('disease.', 2), ('buffalo.', 1), ('Sugar', 2), ('towns;', 1), ('purchased', 8), ('everywhere.', 1), ('Beggars', 2), ('numbers,', 2), ('skulking', 1), ('naked,', 2), ('unkempt', 2), ('hair', 6), ('basket', 1), ('dogs.', 4), ('beware', 1), ('scare', 1), ('bulls.', 1), ('Dogs', 1), ('lowly', 1), ('organised;', 1), ('discriminating', 1), ('animals;', 1), ('luxurious', 2), ('splendour', 1), ('dress--it', 1), ('shillings--dogs', 1), ('calling.', 1), ('towns,', 1), ('competition', 2), ('custom.', 2), ('Hotel', 1), ('runners', 1), ('shout', 1), ('establishments.', 1), ('different.', 1), ('innkeepers', 1), ('apathetic', 2), ('shamefaced', 1), ('trades', 1), ('mason', 2), ('carver', 1), ('Huge', 1), ('monoliths', 1), ('dislodged', 1), ('_in', 1), ('situ_,', 1), ('spot', 10), ('erected.', 1), ('pursue', 1), ('practice', 4), ('Westerns,', 1), ('undressed', 1), ('quarry', 1), ('carve', 1), ('studio.', 1), ('transport--the', 1), ('lighter', 1), ('unhewn', 1), ('block.', 1), ('masonry', 3), ('needed.', 1), ('Houses', 1), ('ruin,', 2), ('thatched,', 1), ('mud-plastered,', 1), ('places.', 3), ('hire', 2), ('li,', 6), ('shorter', 3), ('distance,', 3), ('day.', 9), ('ordered', 2), ('naturally', 5), ('walked;', 1), ('haunted', 2), ('discovered', 5), ('guide', 1), ('instructed', 1), ('ninety', 4), ('each.', 3), ('"out', 1), ('consideration', 4), ('pocket;', 1), ('wider', 1), ('scope', 1), ('arrangement', 4), ('chair-coolies.', 1), ('humour', 3), ('unaware', 1), ('laughing', 3), ('sleeves', 1), ('folly.', 1), ('Trifling', 1), ('mistakes', 1), ('travels', 1), ('humour,', 3), ('cheerful,', 1), ('untiring.', 1), ('disposed', 1), ('argumentative', 1), ('quarrel.', 1), ('Nature', 3), ('uncontrollable', 1), ('stutter,', 1), ('quickly,', 2), ('spasm', 1), ('seized', 9), ('tongue,', 1), ('laugh.', 1), ('curiously', 3), ('coolie.', 1), ('neck;', 2), ('prolongation', 1), ('neck', 4), ('"Adam\'s', 1), ('apple."', 1), ('Both', 3), ('paid,', 1), ('loads,', 3), ('insignificant;', 1), ('sixty-seven', 1), ('pounds', 2), ('We,', 1), ('civilisation,', 4), ('realise', 3), ('weights', 1), ('beasts', 1), ('burthen,', 1), ('fast-travelling', 1), ('catties', 6), ('(107lbs.),', 1), ('weight-carrying', 1), ('distances,', 3), ('carries', 3), ('heavier', 3), ('that.', 3), ('porters,', 1), ('Du', 3), ('Halde,', 2), ('160', 1), ('pounds,', 1), ('leagues', 1), ('compressed', 3), ('Thibet,', 2), ('7000', 4), ('place;', 1), ('Von', 2), ('Richthofen,', 2), ('324', 1), ('(432lbs.).', 1), ('package', 3), ('"_pao_"', 1), ('varies', 2), ('catties,', 2), ('eighteen-catty', 1), ('_pao_', 1), ('"_Yachou', 1), ('pao_")', 1), ('twenty-two,', 1), ('400lbs.', 1), ('backs.', 1), ('Under', 2), ('Thibetan', 5), ('tea-carrier', 1), ('240lbs.', 1), ('264lbs.', 1), ('Gill', 2), ('"little', 1), ('120lbs."', 1), ('Bundles', 1), ('calico', 1), ('weigh', 1), ('fifty-five', 1), ('(73-1/3lbs.),', 1), ('bundles', 1), ('solid,', 1), ('hard,', 3), ('metallic,', 1), ('specific', 3), ('gravity,', 1), ('ambling', 1), ('ground.', 5), ('salt,', 1), ('copper,', 2), ('zinc,', 1), ('tin', 2), ('200lbs.', 2), ('logs,', 1), ('weight,', 2), ('day;', 1), ('200lbs.,', 1), ('cloth-porters', 1), ('capital.', 9), ('tea-carriers,', 1), ('bear', 2), ('burden', 1), ('shoulders,', 3), ('knapsack,', 1), ('pliant', 1), ('pole.', 2), ('staff,', 1), ('handle', 1), ('curved', 2), ('boomerang,', 1), ('rest.', 3), ('ascending', 1), ('Hamlets', 1), ('scarce', 2), ('foothold', 1), ('detritus,', 1), ('perpendicular', 1), ('escarpments', 1), ('clean', 7), ('facades', 1), ('Gothic', 1), ('temple.', 6), ('tributary', 3), ('arches,', 2), ('pier', 1), ('cut-water', 1), ('boldness', 1), ('images', 10), ('lions', 2), ('abutment.', 1), ('venture,', 1), ('loop-cradle,', 1), ('cable', 1), ('refreshed', 1), ('ourselves,', 2), ('ascent', 3), ('stuttering', 2), ('indicated', 3), ('fixing', 1), ('ground,', 5), ('perpendicularly,', 1), ('side.', 3), ('exaggerate.', 1), ('zigzag', 1), ('vertical', 4), ('ascent,', 1), ('toiled', 2), ('hours.', 2), ('escalade', 1), ('purpose,', 1), ('empty-handed.', 1), ('rest-houses', 1), ('sun.', 4), ('Tak-wan-leo', 2), ('summit;', 1), ('commands', 5), ('hong', 2), ("coffin-maker's,", 1), ('shells', 1), ('thickest', 2), ('timber', 2), ('buy.', 1), ('Stress', 1), ('necessity', 1), ('secure', 4), ('resting-place', 1), ('affection', 3), ('prove', 4), ('composedly', 2), ('dead.', 2), ('stranger', 10), ('coffin-boards', 1), ('dutiful', 1), ('centuries', 4), ('how,', 1), ('defective', 4), ('appliances', 3), ('arrive', 1), ('accurate', 3), ('determination?', 1), ('Twenty', 1), ('ends', 2), ('Tawantzu,', 2), ('pavilion', 4), ('shrine', 4), ('years;', 1), ('dishevelled', 1), ('mutilated;', 1), ('sheaves', 2), ('joss', 1), ('smouldering', 1), ('altar.', 1), ('manure', 3), ('heaps', 5), ('piggery,', 1), ('waste,', 1), ('outlook', 1), ('greatest', 13), ('temples.', 1), ('ROMANCE.]', 1), ('30th', 1), ('seventy', 5), ('(twenty-three', 1), ('one-third', 1), ('chair-coolies', 2), ('heavy', 6), ('steady', 2), ('rain', 5), ('unpaved', 1), ('ice--and', 1), ('dizzy', 1), ('irregularity.', 1), ('slipping,', 1), ('mistake,', 1), ('stone,', 4), ('straining.', 1), ('minute', 6), ('tobacco;', 1), ('vials', 1), ('rolling', 2), ('heating', 1), ('treacly', 1), ('pellets', 1), ('daily', 6), ('ruining', 1), ('soul."', 1), ('age;', 1), ('strapping', 1), ('twenty-five.', 1), ('recently', 7), ('acquired', 2), ('habit,', 1), ('asking', 4), ('opium-pipe', 3), ('companion.', 2), ('physically', 3), ('well-developed,', 1), ('frames,', 1), ('muscular', 1), ('endurance,', 4), ('differed,', 1), ('resurrected', 1), ('fleshless', 2), ('figures,', 4), ('imaginative', 1), ('artists,', 1), ('brothers--the', 1), ('to-day,', 2), ('attempting,', 1), ('chair.', 1), ('arriving', 1), ('Tak-wan-hsien', 3), ('estimable', 1), ('comrade,', 2), ('belt', 1), ('empty--up', 1), ('beggar--and', 1), ('bag', 5), ('silver,', 8), ('ceiling', 1), ('conveyed', 1), ('silver', 23), ('change,', 1), ('honour,', 3), ('Heaven!', 1), ('lumps', 2), ('3420', 1), ('cash;', 3), ('suspicious', 2), ('gleefully', 1), ('3050', 1), ('doubt,', 6), ('pending', 2), ('bogus', 1), ('dividend.', 1), ('nutritious', 1), ('maize-meal', 1), ('cakes,', 2), ('change', 6), ('everlasting', 1), ('rice.', 2), ('scone,', 1), ('apiece,', 1), ('dozen.', 2), ('consists', 6), ('ingots', 1), ('tael', 9), ('ounce', 2), ('roughly', 2), ('1400', 1), ('Speaking', 1), ('worth,', 1), ('shillings,', 4), ('bankers', 2), ('banking,', 2), ('known,', 2), ('inferior', 4), ('draft', 1), ('draft,', 1), ('telegraph,', 4), ('bullion,', 2), ('choose.', 1), ('deliver', 1), ('intact', 2), ('700', 1), ('specified', 3), ('declaring', 1), ('contents', 1), ('registration', 1), ('fee,', 1), ('trifle,', 1), ('guaranteed', 1), ('delivery,', 1), ('security.', 1), ('arrived,', 1), ('add,', 1), ('upon,', 1), ('telegraph', 32), ('Tali,', 12), ('awaited', 2), ('post-offices', 2), ('transmit', 1), ('parcels,', 1), ('letters', 6), ('moderate', 1), ('charges', 2), ('(_1-1/4d._)', 1), ('catty', 1), ('(1-1/3lb.),', 1), ('thereof;', 1), ('pays', 3), ("catty's", 1), ('letter.', 2), ('630', 1), ('(fivepence)', 1), ('packages', 1), ('catty,', 1), ('bullion', 1), ('ninepence', 1), ('two-and-a-half', 1), ('cent.,', 3), ('postage', 1), ('registration,', 1), ('guarantee,', 1), ('insurance.', 1), ('importance,', 2), ('ranking', 1), ('ruler.', 1), ('10,000', 8), ('(more', 1), ('less),', 1), ('walls,', 6), ('reflex', 1), ('district.', 11), ('crumbling;', 1), ('falling;', 1), ('ill-paved', 2), ('ill-clad.', 1), ('PAIN.', 1), ('upland', 2), ('April', 4), ('Cedars,', 1), ('sacred,', 1), ('branches,', 1), ('plain;', 1), ('peach-trees', 1), ('pear-trees', 1), ('bloom;', 1), ('ripening', 1), ('fields.', 1), ('black-faced', 2), ('cattle', 1), ('ubiquitous', 1), ('water-buffalo.', 1), ('carts,', 1), ('oxen,', 1), ('rumbling', 1), ('dust.', 1), ('villages,', 3), ('ruins;', 1), ('famine.', 3), ('Children', 1), ('rags.', 1), ('flag,', 1), ('card,', 4), ('into--they', 1), ('beggarly', 1), ('district--but', 1), ('carriers', 2), ('detained,', 2), ('unjustly', 1), ('teahouse,', 1), ('stragglers,', 1), ('Prices', 3), ('ranging', 1), ('higher.', 1), ('Tea', 1), ('2', 1), ('excessive.', 1), ('Canton', 5), ('weary', 2), ('five-storied', 1), ('cups,', 2), ('payment.', 1), ('cheapest', 2), ('refreshment', 1), ('had.', 1), ('greater.', 1), ('Previously', 1), ('fifty.', 1), ('Frank', 2), ('Dymond,', 3), ('welcomed', 4), ('brother', 12), ('advised.', 1), ('Services', 1), ('ended,', 1), ('exalted', 3), ('age,', 10), ('name,', 2), ('business;', 1), ('congratulate', 3), ('sons;', 1), ('(daughters),', 1), ('proposed', 1), ('Dymond', 1), ('Devonshire', 2), ('cream', 1), ('blackberry', 1), ('jam', 1), ('oatmeal', 2), ('tasted', 3), ('Scotland.', 1), ('inhabitants.', 1), ('established', 1), ('affiliated', 1), ('1887.', 1), ('absent.', 1), ('agreeable', 3), ('broad-minded,', 1), ('earnest--universally', 1), ('honoured', 2), ('respected', 2), ('baptised,', 1), ('Tongchuan,', 17), ('fathers.', 4), ('inquirers,', 1), ('discouraged.', 1), ('situated', 6), ('gate,', 7), ('yamens,', 2), ('temples,', 3), ('People', 1), ('friendly,', 1), ('dangerously', 1), ('salvation.', 2), ('devastated', 2), ('recurring', 1), ('seasons', 5), ('plague', 3), ('5000', 4), ('neighbourhood.', 2), ('appalling,', 1), ('thrown', 5), ('disregard', 1), ('accuracy', 2), ('Orientals.', 2), ('menace', 4), ('community,', 1), ('suppression', 3), ('for;', 1), ('grounds', 3), ('fed', 3), ('charity.', 1), ('Huddled', 1), ('misery,', 2), ('fever', 4), ('Seventy', 1), ('wretches', 1), ('threshold,', 1), ('alive.', 2), ('harvests', 1), ('bad,', 2), ('coming.', 2), ('Opportune', 1), ('fallen,', 2), ('crop', 3), ('More', 4), ('else', 2), ('crop--if', 1), ('plentiful.', 1), ('Maize-cobs', 1), ('harvest,', 1), ('finger.', 1), ('Wheat', 1), ('beans', 4), ('forward;', 1), ('coming', 9), ('dear,', 4), ('prices', 4), ('regulates', 1), ('market.', 2), ('sheng', 2), ('(6-2/3lbs.)', 1), ('(less', 1), ('penny),', 1), ('110', 4), ('normal', 2), ('sheng,', 2), ('sixty-five', 1), ('sheng.', 1), ('reduced', 5), ('relation', 2), ('fallen', 2), ('1640', 2), ('1250', 1), ('tael.', 2), ('selling', 4), ('female', 9), ('slavery', 1), ('famine-stricken', 1), ('neighbourhood,', 1), ('chiefly', 4), ('dealers', 1), ('poultry', 1), ('(three', 1), ('shillings)', 1), ('ten,', 1), ('brutally,', 1), ('Female', 1), ('offering', 3), ('fourpence', 1), ('cared', 2), ('to,', 7), ('enter', 4), ('enforcing,', 1), ('feed', 1), ('her,', 5), ('rear', 1), ('kindly.', 1), ('Starving', 1), ('mothers', 3), ('beseeching', 1), ('babies', 1), ('otherwise', 3), ('inevitable.', 1), ('Girls', 4), ('age', 12), ('puberty;', 1), ('vary', 7), ('measure', 1), ("girl's", 2), ('wives', 4), ('_yatows_;', 1), ('prostitution.', 1), ('factors', 1), ('preponderance', 1), ('males', 1), ('capital,', 3), ('prevalence', 5), ('goitre', 2), ('deformity', 3), ('absent', 5), ('Infanticide', 3), ('dreadfully', 1), ('common.', 2), ('"For', 3), ('parents,', 3), ('doomed', 2), ('poverty,', 4), ('soul', 5), ('search', 4), ('asylum', 1), ('linger', 1), ('wretchedness."', 1), ('infanticide', 11), ('sons', 9), ('ancestral', 4), ('sacrifices.', 1), ('suffocated', 1), ('birth;', 1), ('fourth', 2), ('born,', 1), ('enraged', 2), ('legs', 4), ('Dead', 1), ('infants,', 1), ('gravemounds,', 1), ('gnawed', 2), ('Tremberth', 1), ('eating', 6), ('arm', 1), ('crunched', 1), ('stript', 1), ('whining', 1), ('inarticulately--it', 1), ('immediately.', 1), ('heaven', 1), ('acting', 4), ('scavenger.', 1), ('cats', 1), ('bury', 2), ('decently--who', 1), ('tell,', 2), ('cat?', 1), ('four.', 1), ('surface', 1), ('instance', 10), ('transmigration', 1), ('occurred', 3), ('recording.', 1), ('cow', 1), ('intestine--and', 1), ('attested', 2), ('it--was', 1), ('unmistakably', 3), ('character', 6), ('"_Wong_,"', 1), ('proved,', 2), ('cow.', 1), ('Close', 2), ('Brigadier-General,', 2), ('Military', 2), ('Magistrate.', 1), ('representation', 2), ('mythical', 2), ('monster', 3), ('swallow', 3), ('sun--the', 2), ('illustration', 5), ('"_prendre', 1), ('la', 3), ('lune', 1), ('avec', 1), ('les', 2), ('dents_."', 1), ('covetousness,', 1), ('exhortation', 1), ('squeezing,', 1), ('hall', 5), ('by,', 4), ('Riches.', 1), ('visit,', 3), ('official,', 1), ('four-bearer', 1), ('court;', 2), ('officer.', 3), ('uncivilised', 2), ('yearn', 1), ('etiquette', 2), ('interchange', 2), ('pleasantest', 1), ('courtesies', 1), ('Britons', 1), ('grubbing', 1), ('forest,', 5), ('savages', 2), ('clout.', 1), ('woman,', 7), ('adultery,', 1), ('cage', 5), ('spectators,', 2), ('agony', 1), ('cage,', 2), ('projecting', 1), ('hole', 3), ('roof,', 2), ('until', 5), ('exhaustion', 1), ('strangulation', 2), ('ensued,', 1), ('seeking', 2), ('struggles.', 1), ('nailed', 1), ('red-hot', 2), ('nails', 1), ('hammered', 1), ('wrists', 3), ('hands.', 3), ('exposed', 7), ('gates', 3), ('torture.', 1), ('unsuccessfully', 1), ('shorten', 1), ('pain', 4), ('woodwork,', 1), ('frustrated', 2), ('padding', 1), ('woodwork.', 1), ('murdered', 4), ('robbed', 1), ('severe.', 1), ('cruel', 6), ('punishments', 1), ('sensory', 1), ('development.', 3), ('Can', 2), ('witnesses', 3), ('stoicism', 1), ('endure', 2), ('sustaining', 1), ('surgical', 2), ('operation', 1), ('chloroform,', 1), ('thrive', 1), ('penetrating', 1), ('smells,', 1), ('calmness', 3), ('gunfire', 1), ('crackers,', 1), ('drums', 2), ('tomtoms,', 1), ('indifference', 4), ('sufferings', 1), ('lower', 7), ('infliction', 1), ('tortures', 1), ('higher?', 1), ('text-book', 1), ('devotes', 1), ('chapter', 4), ('punishment.', 4), ('Mutilation', 1), ('Often', 1), ('ears--they', 1), ('explained,', 2), ('battle', 2), ('enemy!', 1), ('sever', 1), ('hamstrings', 1), ('ankle-bones,', 1), ('Shanghai,', 6), ('Tsai,', 1), ('Mixed', 1), ('Court', 1), ('Magistrate,', 3), ('reproved', 1), ('papers', 4), ('bench', 3), ('punish', 1), ('prisoner', 4), ('twice', 4), ('breaking', 1), ('theft,', 1), ('ago.', 3), ('tendon', 2), ('Achilles', 1), ('noting', 2), ('"acquired', 1), ('deformity"', 1), ('transplantation', 1), ('sheep.', 1), ('embellishment', 1), ('flogging', 1), ('effect', 6), ('England.', 4), ('flagellation,', 1), ('culprit', 1), ('humbly', 3), ('thank', 1), ('correct', 1), ('morals.', 1), ('_Missions', 2), ('Etrangeres', 5), ('Paris_', 1), ('tiny', 3), ('church.', 1), ('priest', 10), ('alone;', 1), ('reading,', 1), ('entered,', 4), ('story,', 4), ('Kingdoms."', 1), ('welcome,', 1), ('tongue.', 1), ('bottle', 5), ('wine', 2), ('produced,', 1), ('glass', 2), ('Father', 1), ('voluble', 2), ('energy', 5), ('qualities', 3), ('Midi', 1), ('Rome.', 1), ('temptation;', 1), ('thieves.', 2), ('Justice', 2), ('richness', 4), ('accused.', 1), ('Victory', 1), ('justice', 5), ('richer.', 2), ('Talk', 1), ('Religion,', 1), ('God,', 4), ('Hell,', 1), ('yawn;', 1), ('attention.', 2), ('thief', 3), ('liar,', 1), ('Morrison,', 1), ('thieves', 2), ('liars', 2), ('one."', 1), ('devoting', 1), ('energies', 1), ('propagation', 1), ('religion.', 2), ('recompense.', 1), ('broken', 10), ('stolen', 1), ('valuable', 3), ('impious', 1), ('Remembrance', 1), ('infamy', 1), ('rankled', 1), ('bosom', 1), ('impelled', 1), ('expansive', 1), ('panegyric', 1), ('virtue.', 2), ('holiday,', 1), ('rift', 1), ('taels', 9), ('sou', 1), ('possessed,', 2), ('stolen.', 1), ('Suspicion', 1), ('active', 7), ('himself,', 4), ('fathers', 3), ('generations.', 2), ('learned', 3), ('remainder.', 1), ('arrested.', 1), ('nothing;', 1), ('triced', 1), ('joined', 2), ('cried', 2), ('release', 2), ('all.', 5), ('restored', 1), ('priest,', 3), ('culprit,', 1), ('satellites', 2), ('arrested,', 2), ('awaiting', 1), ('likewise', 1), ('DOCTORS.', 1), ('distribution', 7), ('drugs', 1), ('medicaments', 1), ('pharmacopoeia', 1), ('comprehensive', 2), ('physician', 2), ('surpass', 1), ('diagnose', 2), ('symptoms', 1), ('understand.', 3), ('placing', 1), ('less,', 1), ('disconcerted', 2), ('similar', 5), ('circumstances;', 1), ('retires,', 1), ('sententiously', 1), ('observing', 1), ('"there', 5), ('fate."', 1), ('"Medicine,"', 1), ('proverb,', 4), ('"cures', 1), ('fated', 1), ('die."', 1), ('Yenwang', 1), ('Hell)', 1), ('decreed', 1), ('die', 10), ('power', 14), ('detain', 2), ('fifth."', 1), ('professional', 2), ('doctor', 6), ('ability', 3), ('pulse,', 1), ('innumerable', 3), ('pulses', 2), ('patient.', 3), ('criterion', 1), ('skill.', 2), ('conceive', 3), ('of.', 1), ('instance,', 3), ('pulse', 6), ('presage', 1), ('approaching', 5), ('occur', 3), ('following:--', 1), ('"1.', 1), ('perceived', 1), ('bubble', 1), ('irregularly', 2), ('fire,', 2), ('"2.', 1), ('Death', 1), ('farther', 2), ('move,', 1), ('frisking', 1), ('regularity;', 1), ('distemper', 1), ('kidneys.', 1), ('"3.', 1), ('drops', 1), ('crack,', 1), ('scattered', 6), ('disordered', 1), ('twine', 1), ('cord', 1), ('unravelled,', 1), ('bones', 10), ('dried', 3), ('marrow.', 1), ('"4.', 1), ('Likewise', 1), ('motion', 2), ('resembles', 3), ('frog', 2), ('embarrassed', 1), ('weeds,', 1), ('certain.', 2), ('"5.', 1), ('pecking', 1), ('beak', 1), ('bird,', 1), ('defect', 4), ('stomach."', 1), ('Heredity', 1), ('factor', 3), ('evolution', 1), ('"hereditary', 1), ('physician"', 1), ('appearance', 4), ('foremost.', 1), ('Doctors', 2), ('dispense', 1), ('medicines.', 1), ('amazing', 3), ('drugs;', 1), ('occasionally', 2), ('tethered', 2), ('stag,', 1), ('pounded', 1), ('pestle', 1), ('mortar.', 1), ('"Pills', 1), ('manufactured', 1), ('stag', 1), ('slaughtered', 1), ('purity', 1), ('propitious', 1), ('day,"', 1), ('announcement', 1), ('dispensaries', 1), ("doctor's", 1), ('shop', 4), ('disused', 2), ('plasters', 1), ('patients', 2), ('complimentary', 2), ('testimonies', 1), ('efficiency;', 1), ('alleged', 2), ('sons--their', 1), ('duty.', 1), ('Medicines,', 1), ('Chinamen,', 1), ('operate', 1), ('variously', 2), ('taste,', 1), ('thus:--"All', 1), ('sour', 1), ('impeding', 1), ('retaining;', 1), ('bitter', 3), ('causing', 2), ('looseness', 1), ('warmth', 2), ('hardening;', 1), ('strengthening,', 1), ('harmonising,', 1), ('warming;', 1), ('acids', 1), ('disperse,', 1), ('emollient,', 1), ('direction;', 1), ('properties', 1), ('descending;', 1), ('substances', 1), ('tasteless', 1), ('orifices', 1), ('promote', 1), ('discharge.', 1), ('explains', 1), ('tastes."', 1), ('Coming', 1), ('porters', 1), ('armadillos,', 1), ('leopard', 2), ('skins,', 1), ('tiger', 3), ('bones.', 1), ('skins', 2), ('wear,', 1), ('armadillos', 1), ('medicine.', 1), ('leopards', 1), ('tonic', 1), ('distilled;', 1), ('infusion', 1), ('tonics,', 1), ('conferring', 1), ('courage,', 2), ('agility,', 1), ('partaker.', 1), ('Another', 6), ('courage', 4), ('preparation', 1), ('gall', 2), ('bladder', 2), ('robber', 1), ('bravery,', 1), ('executioner.', 2), ('perquisites', 1), ('Ague', 1), ('ailments', 2), ('prophylactic', 1), ('it:', 1), ('ague', 1), ('paper', 12), ('cake;', 1), ('door-god', 1), ('(there', 1), ('door-gods', 3), ("neighbours'", 1), ('doors),', 1), ('devour', 2), ('them--this', 1), ('fails.', 1), ('Unlike', 6), ('Spaniard,', 2), ('disapproves', 1), ('blood-letting', 1), ('fevers,', 1), ('"for', 5), ('pot', 1), ('boiling;', 1), ('reduce', 1), ('diminish', 1), ('liquid', 1), ('vessel,', 1), ('too,', 7), ('doctors', 2), ('venture', 8), ('assert,', 1), ('faculty', 6), ('Madrid', 1), ('century', 3), ('inhabitants,', 1), ('excrement', 1), ('longer', 8), ('putrescent', 1), ('particles', 1), ('air,', 2), ('noxious', 1), ('vapours', 1), ('pestilential', 1), ('consequence."', 1), ('boils', 1), ('cure:--There', 1), ('Boils.', 1), ('boil', 1), ('offending', 1), ('excrescence', 1), ('avail,', 1), ('_all_', 1), ('plaster;', 1), ('corresponding', 6), ('God.', 2), ('Go', 1), ('deity', 1), ('dripping', 1), ('plasters,', 1), ('undesecrated', 1), ('superficies.', 1), ('Brigadier-General', 4), ('grotesque', 2), ('features.', 1), ('lions,', 1), ('faces', 3), ('leonine--they', 1), ('reproduction,', 1), ('bulldog', 1), ('male', 5), ('female.', 1), ('sixteenth', 1), ('townspeople,', 1), ('rub', 1), ('energetically', 1), ('confers', 1), ('immunity', 1), ('region', 1), ('visited.', 1), ('Pain', 1), ('accordingly', 5), ('suffers', 1), ('temerity', 1), ('neglect', 1), ('opportunity', 3), ('insuring', 1), ('opium-poisoning', 3), ('casually', 1), ('saving', 1), ('suicide', 4), ('over-dose', 1), ('unlit', 1), ('alley.', 1), ('unconcernedly', 3), ('occupants;', 1), ('dim', 1), ('figure', 2), ('breathing', 3), ('stertorously.', 1), ('quickly', 10), ('pent', 1), ('alley-way.', 1), ('Rousing', 1), ('pints', 1), ('hypodermic', 2), ('injection', 2), ('apomorphia.', 2), ('admirable,', 2), ('spectators', 3), ('suicides.', 3), ('mutilation', 4), ('razor', 1), ('pistol-shot', 1), ('future', 10), ('dare', 1), ('integrity', 1), ('suppose', 3), ('proportion', 7), ('struggle', 1), ('keen,', 2), ('wondered', 2), ('abandon', 1), ('struggle.', 1), ('misery', 1), ('causes.', 1), ('trivial', 2), ('life.', 5), ('Suicide', 2), ('opprobrium.', 1), ('Thus', 4), ('widow,', 1), ('motive', 1), ('revenge,', 1), ('"haunt', 1), ('injure', 3), ('suicide."', 1), ('adversary', 1), ('yourself.', 1), ('vow', 1), ('commit', 1), ('threat', 1), ('drive', 1), ('terror', 1), ('adversary.', 1), ('enemy', 2), ('wrong,', 1), ('repent', 1), ('slaying', 1), ('yourself', 2), ('doorstep.', 1), ('murder,', 3), ('crime;', 2), ('utterly', 1), ('ruined', 5), ('establishing,', 1), ('establish,', 1), ('innocence;', 1), ('avenging', 1), ('Occasionally', 1), ('quarrelled', 1), ('together,', 5), ('fight', 1), ('heaven.', 5), ('cheap', 1), ('costing', 3), ('fivepence', 1), ('crude', 2), ('article.', 1), ('everywhere,', 3), ('treacle', 1), ('besmeared', 1), ('jars.', 1), ('adulterated', 1), ('pigskin,', 1), ('adulteration', 1), ('detected', 2), ('craving', 1), ('unsatisfied.', 1), ('loathing', 1), ('pig,', 1), ('contempt', 1), ('countrymen', 3), ('meat-food', 1), ('turn.', 2), ('hand,', 5), ('source', 2), ('unclean', 1), ('beast', 3), ('opium-pipe.', 1), ('pitiful', 2), ('screams', 1), ('issuing.', 1), ('thrashing', 1), ('stick--she', 1), ('plenty', 3), ('cudgel;', 1), ('cram', 1), ('delicacies."', 1), ('wretch,', 1), ('baton', 1), ('strike,', 1), ('interposed,', 1), ('consented', 1), ('so--till', 1), ('"Extreme', 1), ('lenity', 1), ('alternating', 1), ('rude', 7), ('passion', 2), ('characteristic,"', 1), ('Meadows,', 2), ('civilisation."', 1), ('incident', 3), ('rarity.', 1), ('civilised', 6), ('"heathen,"', 1), ('"Children,', 1), ('seemingly', 1), ('stolid', 1), ('latent.', 1), ('prattle', 1), ('delights', 2), ('beams', 1), ('countenance,', 1), ('quaint', 1), ('touches', 2), ('nature', 5), ('visible', 2), ('disadvantages', 1), ('almond', 2), ('shaven', 2), ('crowns"', 1), ('(Dyer', 2), ('Ball).', 1), ('given,', 1), ('custom,', 1), ('Sacred', 1), ('Edict', 1), ('"Parents', 1), ('produces', 3), ('grass.', 5), ('Spring', 1), ('causes', 1), ('germinate.', 1), ('Autumn', 1), ('kills', 2), ('frost.', 1), ('begotten', 1), ('giving', 8), ('tends,', 1), ('nullify', 1), ('wife,', 7), ('numerous', 6), ('families--the', 1), ('figures', 3), ('Chinese--in', 1), ('rebellion', 14), ('1857-1873,', 1), ('cruelties.', 1), ('Again,', 3), ('uprising', 1), ('suppressed', 1), ('merciless', 1), ('severity.', 1), ('Moslems,', 1), ('skin', 2), ('window', 1), ('coloured', 5), ('grotesquely', 1), ('glaring', 1), ('unbelievers.', 1), ('mosque', 5), ('centre,', 1), ('doorway,', 1), ('gilt', 4), ('tablet', 2), ('loyalty', 1), ('Emperor.', 3), ('"May', 1), ('reign', 1), ('years!"', 1), ('subjection', 1), ('mosques', 1), ('display', 2), ('insurrection.', 3), ('aged', 2), ('mollah', 1), ('Arabic', 1), ('Koran', 1), ('impression', 3), ('seas', 2), ('surround', 1), ('mosques,', 1), ('Cordova', 1), ('Karouin', 1), ('Fez', 2), ('proportions', 1), ('skin-hongs', 1), ('ornamented', 3), ('plans', 1), ('Mecca', 1), ('Medinah,', 1), ('TONGCHUAN.', 1), ('liberally', 1), ('fellows', 4), ('headman', 2), ('Laohwan', 11), ('Recognising', 1), ('characteristics', 1), ('posterity', 1), ('rejoice', 1), ('transmitted', 1), ('now,', 3), ('fortnight', 1), ('better;', 1), ('adage', 1), ('enchantment.', 1), ('lads', 1), ('6d._', 1), ('excessive', 1), ('wage,', 1), ('rice;', 1), ('reward,', 1), ('endeavour', 1), ('stores,', 2), ('including', 10), ('annular', 1), ('cake', 3), ('"Puerh-cha,"', 1), ('States', 7), ('luxury', 2), ('palace', 4), ('itself;', 1), ('teas', 1), ('yet,', 2), ('jealous', 1), ('rivalry', 1), ('Indian,', 1), ('submitted', 2), ('tea-taster', 1), ('Mangoe', 1), ('Lane,', 1), ('Calcutta,', 1), ('sample', 1), ('interest,', 3), ('_muck', 1), ('tea_."', 1), ('3rd,', 1), ('main-street', 1), ('wholesale', 2), ('warehouses,', 1), ('rich,', 2), ('farmsteads,', 1), ('orchards', 1), ('pears', 1), ('peaches--a', 1), ('sight,', 3), ('blossom.', 1), ('carts', 2), ('lumbering', 2), ('uneven', 1), ('wheels.', 1), ('altercation', 1), ('blunt', 1), ('adze.', 1), ('Carts', 1), ('row,', 1), ('voices,', 1), ('disputants', 1), ('injured', 1), ('questions.', 1), ('allusions.', 1), ('_gendarme_', 1), ('blush.', 1), ('oaths', 1), ('ornate', 1), ("Italians';", 1), ('vituperation', 1), ('blowing', 2), ('faces.', 1), ('hovels', 1), ('stalking', 1), ('nakedness.', 2), ('Full', 5), ('disgrace', 1), ('Polynesian.', 1), ('Even', 5), ('rags,', 2), ('tattered,', 1), ('Paisley', 1), ("ragpicker's.", 1), ('mostly', 2), ('stark-naked.', 1), ('Taouen,', 1), ('_al', 2), ('fresco_', 1), ('lunch.', 2), ('eat;', 1), ('struggled', 1), ('orange', 1), ('peel', 1), ('threw', 3), ('Tashuitsing', 1), ('(7380', 1), ('level),', 1), ('remain,', 2), ('understanding', 1), ('innkeeper;', 1), ('perforce', 1), ('half-a-dozen', 1), ('Mohammedan;', 1), ('triple', 2), ('tiers', 1), ('embossed', 1), ('images,', 1), ('gilt--a', 1), ('striking', 2), ('obedience', 2), ('dedicated', 1), ('mother,', 2), ('eighty,', 1), ('joy', 3), ('measures', 1), ('felicity.', 2), ('masons', 1), ('Long', 7), ('outlying', 2), ('Kiangti,', 3), ('thatched', 5), ('barn,', 1), ('sleeping', 3), ('bricks', 1), ('mattresses.', 1), ('oil-lamp;', 1), ('grating', 1), ('stored', 1), ('maize-cobs.', 1), ('Outside', 2), ('cooking', 1), ('earthen', 1), ('stove,', 1), ('sunk', 1), ('basins,', 1), ('stalks', 1), ('flues.', 1), ('packsaddles', 1), ('caravan', 4), ('do?', 1), ('tired', 2), ('I;', 1), ('complaining,', 1), ('packed', 3), ('comfortable,', 2), ('crowded.', 3), ('tremendously', 1), ('descent', 3), ('swift', 6), ('swings', 1), ('gracefully', 1), ('torrent.', 1), ('150', 10), ('engineer', 1), ('proud', 2), ('builder.', 1), ('parapets', 2), ('sculptured', 2), ('monkeys,', 1), ('tools', 1), ('granite,', 1), ('fidelity', 1), ('form,', 2), ('artist', 1), ('likin-barrier', 2), ('carriers.', 1), ('vexatious', 1), ('doubt;', 1), ('duties', 2), ('likin-barriers', 3), ('extending', 2), ('imposed', 3), ('border', 5), ('colony.', 1), ('hills.', 4), ('Poppy', 2), ('collecting', 1), ('scoring', 2), ('capsules', 2), ('scratches', 1), ('exuded', 2), ('juice', 2), ('bled', 1), ('incisions', 3), ('yesterday.', 2), ('Hundreds', 1), ('horses', 6), ('Puerh', 2), ('road;', 2), ('files', 3), ('patiently', 1), ('crockery.', 1), ('ourselves', 3), ('confines', 3), ('teacups,', 1), ('saucers,', 1), ('cuplids,', 1), ('china', 1), ('spoons,', 1), ('rice-bowls', 1), ('crockery', 1), ('Kiangsi,', 2), ('industry.', 1), ('neighbourhood', 6), ('King-teh-chin,', 1), ('rebellion,', 5), ('workmen', 4), ('porcelain', 3), ('manufactories.', 1), ('Cups', 1), ('saucers', 1), ('original', 7), ('cost.', 1), ('piece', 3), ('badly', 4), ('mended.', 1), ('Crockery-repairing', 1), ('trade,', 2), ('skilful', 3), ('rivet', 1), ('clamps.', 1), ('specimen', 2), ('handiwork', 1), ('purposely', 2), ('broke', 1), ('fragments,', 2), ('mender', 1), ('teacups', 1), ('neatly', 4), ('made,', 2), ('tough,', 1), ('finished;', 1), ('inelegantly', 1), ('coloured,', 1), ('high-class', 1), ('china,', 1), ('imperial', 1), ('used,', 1), ('beauty', 2), ('ornamentation.', 1), ('Inns', 1), ('distances;', 1), ('sandstone,', 1), ('open,', 2), ('devoid', 2), ('timber,', 1), ('till,', 2), ('obstructing', 1), ('ridge,', 1), ('surprise', 4), ('park.', 1), ('refreshing.', 1), ('humming', 2), ('willows,', 1), ('blaze', 1), ('colour,', 1), ('magenta,', 1), ('white,', 2), ('scarlet,', 1), ('pink', 1), ('hedges', 5), ('roses.', 1), ('birds', 1), ('tame', 1), ('Garden', 1), ('Eden;', 1), ('magpies', 1), ('feet;', 2), ('sparrows', 2), ('notice', 5), ('falcons', 1), ('molest', 1), ('pigeons', 1), ('not.', 2), ('peaceful,', 1), ('peasants', 1), ('cedars', 1), ('borders', 4), ('park', 3), ('unobtrusive.', 1), ('reached,', 1), ('stage,', 2), ('lonely', 6), ('pair', 1), ('houses,', 2), ('uncomfortable', 2), ('accommodation.', 1), ('Fire', 2), ('kindled', 1), ('ground;', 2), ('ventilation,', 1), ('green,', 1), ('suffocating.', 1), ('patience', 1), ('swearing,', 1), ('desisted', 1), ('ancestors.', 2), ('devotions,', 1), ('opium-couch', 1), ('lusty', 1), ('thickset', 1), ('"slaves', 1), ('thrice-accursed', 1), ('drug."', 1), ('frugal', 1), ('suppers.', 1), ('rations.', 3), ('bleak', 2), ('hamlet', 1), ('8500', 1), ('roofs', 2), ('weighted', 2), ('stones', 3), ('wind.', 1), ('"Temple', 1), ('Dragon', 1), ('King,"', 1), ('Tongchuan.', 5), ('astir', 1), ('tableland', 2), ('compact', 1), ('whitewashed', 1), ('glistening', 1), ('sun,', 3), ('gleaming', 2), ('plats', 1), ('snugly', 1), ('ensconced', 1), ('masses', 3), ('snow.', 2), ('watered', 1), ('springs;', 1), ('rendered', 3), ('cultivation,', 1), ('artificial', 3), ('rearing', 1), ('breeding', 1), ('duck', 1), ('"faithful', 1), ('bird,"', 1), ('goose.', 1), ('dyke', 1), ('serpentining', 1), ('north-east', 1), ('cheerful', 4), ('consisting', 1), ('Sam', 1), ('Pollard', 2), ('assistants,', 1), ('countrywoman', 1), ('enthusiasm,', 1), ('modest,', 1), ('clever.', 1), ('Everywhere', 3), ('kindly;', 1), ('gladly', 2), ('welcomed.', 1), ('exceptional;', 1), ('scholar', 2), ('Tongchuan', 14), ('discouraging,', 1), ('Jew.', 2), ('baptized', 1), ('date.', 1), ('helper', 1), ('bright-faced', 1), ('seventeen,', 1), ('ardent', 2), ('desire,', 1), ('successful', 3), ('missionary.', 2), ('complacency,', 1), ("Jesus's", 1), ('words,"', 1), ('say.', 1), ('attitude', 3), ('apathy', 1), ('trader,', 1), ('goods,', 1), ('surprised,', 1), ('thinks,', 1), ('finds', 2), ('securing', 1), ('purchaser', 3), ('wares', 3), ('barbarian', 6), ('associate', 4), ('Protestant.', 1), ('Gods!', 1), ('overcome', 2), ('exists', 2), ('bone', 1), ('"Term', 3), ('Question."', 1), ('recognise', 6), ('God--"High', 1), ("Heaven's", 1), ('ruler"', 1), ('(_Shangtien', 1), ('hou_),', 1), ('"probably', 1), ('intended,"', 1), ('Williams,', 2), ('God."', 1), ('Mohammedans,', 4), ('identical', 6), ('"true', 1), ('Lord"', 1), ('(_Chen', 2), ('Chu_).', 2), ('Jesuits,', 2), ('Hebrews,', 1), ('"Supreme', 3), ('Ruler"', 2), ('(_Shang', 2), ('ti_),', 2), ('subsequently', 3), ('"Lord', 2), ('Heaven"', 2), ('(_Tien', 2), ('Protestants', 2), ('identified', 1), ('invented', 1), ('names,', 1), ('God;', 1), ('Americans,', 1), ('considerations,', 1), ('assigned', 1), ('Spirit"', 1), ('Shen_),', 1), ('thereby', 2), ('suggesting', 1), ('implication,', 1), ('observes,', 1), ('confusing', 1), ('Thus,', 2), ('Bible,', 1), ('"Spirit"', 1), ('(_Shen_);', 1), ('substituted;', 1), ('reverts', 1), ('"Spirit";', 1), ('returns', 3), ('Ruler";', 1), ('fifth,', 1), ('Bishop', 4), ('Burdon', 1), ('Kong,', 2), ('Blodget', 1), ('1884,', 2), ('rejects', 1), ('title', 3), ('accepted', 4), ('accepts', 1), ('Chu_),', 1), ('Jesuits.', 1), ('editions,"', 1), ('Wherry,', 2), ('published."', 1), ('"Bible', 1), ('particular,"', 1), ('Muirhead,', 3), ('disadvantage', 2), ('things."', 1), ('however,"', 1), ('adds', 4), ('blest', 2), ('spite', 1), ('incongruity."', 1), ('puzzled', 2), ('contending', 2), ('allegiance.', 1), ('Question"', 1), ('irreconcilable', 1), ('antagonism', 1), ('churches', 2), ('forgotten', 3), ('"in', 4), ('tasks', 1), ('await', 1), ('(Protestant)', 1), ('Church....', 1), ('_to', 1), ('check', 5), ('schemes', 3), ('Jesuit_.', 1), ('evangelisation', 2), ('foe', 2), ('comparable', 2), ('Jesuit....', 1), ('Swayed', 1), ('vicious', 2), ('justifies', 1), ('means,', 2), ('fain', 1), ('dial', 1), ('centuries.', 2), ('superstition', 2), ('error', 5), ('dangerous,', 2), ('Jesuitism', 1), ('overtops', 1), ('all,', 5), ('organised', 4), ('conspiracy', 2), ('liberties', 2), ('mankind.', 2), ('Protestantism.', 1), ('conquer', 1), ('movements', 1), ('patience,', 1), ('heroism,', 1), ('Jesuit', 9), ('claim."', 1), ('Sutherland,', 2), ('Delegate', 1), ('Canada', 2), ('145.)', 1), ('distracted', 2), ('reads', 1), ('that:--"Protestantism', 1), ('veritable', 1), ('Babel,', 1), ('theory,', 1), ('immoral', 2), ('blasphemes', 1), ('degrades', 1), ('endangers', 1), ('society."', 1), ('(Cardinal', 1), ("Cuesta's", 1), ('Catechism', 1), ('cited', 2), ('Christianity,"', 1), ('Michie,', 2), ('8.)', 1), ('INFANTICIDE.', 1), ('commotion;', 1), ('kettledrums', 1), ('tomtoms', 1), ('crackers', 1), ('guns', 9), ('firing;', 1), ('din', 1), ('clatter', 1), ('deafening.', 1), ('eclipse', 3), ('commencing--it', 1), ('6th', 1), ('April--"the', 1), ('Dog', 1), ('Heaven,"', 1), ('compel', 2), ('disgorge', 1), ('prey.', 1), ('Prefect', 11), ('advised', 1), ('impending', 1), ('publicly', 2), ('intervene', 1), ('avert', 2), ('calamity', 1), ('darkened', 1), ("Prefect's", 1), ('yamen.', 2), ('court.', 2), ('loosely', 3), ('framework', 1), ('standing,', 1), ('displaying', 3), ('vertex', 1), ('disc', 2), ('inscribed', 3), ('"voracity."', 1), ('clearer,', 1), ('when,', 7), ('moon', 1), ('disappearing', 1), ('court,', 3), ('instrument', 2), ('discord', 2), ('clanging', 1), ('scaffold,', 1), ('halted', 1), ('times,', 3), ('knees,', 2), ('obeisance', 1), ('kotows', 1), ('paper.', 2), ('prayer.', 1), ('sigh', 1), ('lingering', 2), ('remnant', 4), ('disappear,', 1), ('bright.', 1), ('retired,', 2), ('suite', 1), ('dividing', 2), ('blessing', 2), ('intercession', 1), ('shining', 1), ('to-day', 3), ('did.', 3), ('Eclipses', 1), ('foretold', 2), ('almanac', 3), ('annually', 1), ('bureau', 1), ('astrology', 1), ('Rites.', 1), ('monopoly,', 1), ('infraction', 1), ('copyright', 13), ('penal', 2), ('offence.', 2), ('monopolises', 1), ('management', 3), ('superstitions', 1), ('fortunate', 3), ('unlucky', 1), ('conjunctions', 1), ('hour.', 2), ('ventures', 1), ('lest', 1), ('misfortunes', 1), ('imminent', 1), ('hazard', 1), ('undertaking', 1), ('events', 1), ('blackballed', 1), ('days."', 1), ('ours,', 1), ('eclipses', 2), ('happen.', 1), ('Should', 3), ('almanac,', 1), ('occur,', 1), ('astronomers', 1), ('disconcerted--far', 1), ('rejoicing;', 1), ('heavens', 1), ('dispensed', 1), ('omen', 1), ('ill-luck', 1), ('favour."', 1), ('forebode', 1), ('attribute', 4), ('reverses', 1), ('revolt', 2), ('6th,', 1), ('occurring', 1), ('visited;', 1), ('cleanest', 1), ('governed.', 1), ('prefect', 1), ('enlightenment,', 1), ('mortal.', 1), ('Confucius', 3), ('ear', 1), ('organ', 1), ('reception', 4), ('truth."', 1), ('Superior', 3), ('Man', 1), ('dignity', 1), ('reverent', 1), ('beloved;', 1), ('loyal', 1), ('to;', 3), ('trusted.', 1), ('directs', 1), ('warns', 1), ('Embassy', 2), ('boasts', 1), ('empire', 2), ('Mikado.', 1), ('neatness.', 1), ('Painted', 2), ('fabulous', 1), ('admonition', 1), ('extortion--and', 1), ('scarce.', 1), ('quantity', 3), ('season', 5), ('60', 6), ('300', 1), ('whereas', 8), ('40', 3), ('15', 3), ('cake,', 1), ('things.', 2), ('hitherto,', 1), ('displaces', 1), ('breadstuffs.', 1), ('maize,', 1), ('potatoes,', 1), ('oats,', 1), ('buckwheat', 1), ('Part', 1), ('permanently', 2), ('drought', 1), ('successive', 1), ('town--there', 1), ('rebellion--but', 1), ('Valley', 4), ('River--"The', 1), ('Sand"--is', 1), ('distant,', 2), ('boatmen.', 1), ('Sugarcane', 1), ('grows', 3), ('pockets,', 1), ('brought.', 1), ('inland;', 1), ('white-wax', 1), ('industry;', 1), ('contain', 4), ('celebrated', 2), ('tael,', 4), ('1260', 2), ('debased', 1), ('4000', 2), ('withdrawn', 1), ('circulation.', 1), ('Chinese)', 1), ('edict', 1), ('forbids', 1), ('increases', 1), ('infanticide,', 1), ('assert', 3), ('abandoned', 1), ('discussed', 1), ('legion', 1), ('writers', 2), ('observers;', 2), ('crime,', 3), ('overstated.', 1), ('Westerns', 2), ('murder', 6), ('national', 2), ('pastime', 2), ('best,', 4), ('peculiarity.', 1), ('excepting', 1), ('population,', 2), ('Giles', 1), ('H.B.M.', 2), ('Consular', 3), ('Service,', 2), ('authorities', 7), ('China....', 2), ('stress', 1), ('exceptional', 1), ('circumstances,', 2), ('possibly', 2), ('rule', 3), ('practised', 5), ('elsewhere."', 1), ('(_Journal,', 2), ('Branch', 2), ('R.A.S._,', 2), ('1885,', 1), ('28.)', 1), ('Eugene', 1), ('Simon,', 1), ('declares', 1), ('"infanticide', 2), ('deal', 5), ('France."', 1), ('statement', 2), ('inferentially', 1), ('receives', 2), ('Eitel.', 1), ('(_China', 2), ('Review_,', 2), ('xvi.,', 1), ('189.)', 1), ('prevailing', 3), ('frequency', 3), ('unintentionally,', 1), ('exaggerate', 2), ('deplorable', 1), ('labouring.', 1), ('relating', 1), ('Griffith', 1), ('John', 7), ('argues', 1), ('Empire,"', 1), ('Edkins', 1), ('unknown', 8), ('Peking."', 1), ('Dudgeon', 1), ('Mission),', 1), ('agrees', 1), ('Lockhart,', 2), ('England."', 1), ('Smith', 4), ('("Chinese', 1), ('207)', 1), ('exist', 2), ('Justus', 1), ('Doolittle', 1), ('("Social', 1), ('Life', 1), ('ii.', 1), ('203)', 1), ('asserts', 1), ('indubitable', 1), ('reasons', 1), ('believing', 2), ('tolerated', 1), ('Government,', 4), ('shocking', 1), ('levity', 1), ('mass."', 1), ('...', 1), ('Moule', 1), ('"has', 1), ('conclude', 1), ('exaggerated."', 1), ('_ut', 1), ('supra_.)', 1), ('Consuls', 1), ('retired', 4), ("years'", 1), ('authentic', 1), ('infanticide.', 1), ('"Exaggerated', 1), ('respecting', 1), ('infanticide,"', 1), ('D.', 2), ('MacGowan,', 2), ('owing', 4), ('withholding', 1), ('interment', 1), ('infancy."', 1), ('"opinions', 1), ('careful', 1), ('observers', 1), ('observation."', 2), ('xiv.,', 1), ('206.)', 1), ('Whatever', 1), ('relative', 1), ('cannot,', 1), ('foeticide', 1), ('highly', 8), ('America.', 2), ('interest.', 2), ('reverence', 5), ('Trinity', 1), ('Sisters.', 1), ('nimbus', 1), ('plays', 1), ('impassive', 1), ('aureola', 1), ('Mercy', 2), ('"_Sheng-mu_,"', 1), ('Mother,', 1), ('Virgin', 1), ('Mary.', 1), ('controls', 1), ('control', 2), ('abodes', 1), ('administering', 2), ('justice--or', 1), ('equivalent--to', 1), ('living,', 2), ('jurisdiction', 2), ('spirits,', 1), ('bribed', 1), ('friends', 9), ('offers', 2), ('leniently', 1), ('welfare', 3), ('practical', 4), ('sympathy.', 1), ('pavilions,', 2), ('chambers', 2), ('horrors', 4), ('realistic', 1), ('representations', 2), ('torments', 1), ('hells.', 1), ('scenes', 4), ('unbeliever;', 1), ('vivid', 1), ('truths.', 1), ('grating,', 1), ('sobbing', 1), ('piteously', 1), ('ghastly', 2), ('alive,', 1), ('monsters', 1), ('spikes,', 1), ('torn', 5), ('serpents.', 1), ('torture', 5), ('enduring;', 1), ('onward', 1), ('hell--the', 1), ('priests', 12), ('lighten', 1), ('torment.', 1), ('pine', 2), ('trees,', 5), ('grounds,', 1), ('pond', 5), ('wrangler', 1), ('Temple--the', 1), ('beautifully-finished', 1), ('accustomed', 5), ('ecstacies', 1), ('wood-carving', 2), ('Sh[=o]gun', 1), ('chapels', 1), ('Shiba', 1), ('Tokyo', 1), ('exquisite', 2), ('workmanship', 1), ('carving', 1), ('dragons', 1), ('lavished', 1), ('building.', 1), ('marble', 3), ('slabs', 2), ('divide', 2), ('fanciful', 1), ('tracery;', 1), ('chiselled', 1), ('marble;', 1), ('howdahs', 1), ('pillars', 5), ('balustrades;', 1), ('lattice', 1), ('carved.', 1), ('Lofty', 1), ('roofs.', 1), ('preserved', 1), ('coating', 2), ('colour', 5), ('wood.', 2), ('Gilding', 1), ('decoration', 1), ('altar', 3), ('bronze', 1), ('censer,', 1), ('flowers,', 4), ('descended', 11), ('pits', 3), ('paupers', 1), ('criminals.', 1), ('open-mouthed', 1), ('uncut', 2), ('starvation,', 2), ('lack', 2), ('surface.', 1), ('Bodies', 1), ('covering,', 1), ('hawks', 1), ('crows', 1), ('treating', 2), ('Parsee,', 1), ('hateful', 1), ('overwhelming', 1), ('Pigtails', 1), ('carelessly', 1), ('skulls', 1), ('trunk.', 1), ('Human', 1), ('hill;', 1), ('surface,', 1), ('dogs--the', 1), ('domestic', 3), ('street--had', 1), ('scraped', 1), ('Many,', 1), ('children;', 2), ('buried,', 1), ('playmate', 2), ('Maire,', 2), ('cordiality', 1), ('style,', 1), ('modest', 2), ('nice', 2), ('summer-house.', 1), ('beard', 3), ('imposing', 3), ('apt', 4), ('estimate', 2), ('beard.', 1), ('Signs', 1), ('apparent.', 2), ('weather', 1), ('cold,', 3), ('Riding', 2), ('mule', 18), ('hunger', 2), ('_orphelinat_', 1), ('_ramassees', 1), ('dans', 1), ('rues_,', 1), ('parents;', 1), ('nuns,', 1), ('nuns.', 1), ('Bordeaux--true', 1), ('wine--the', 1), ('Tonquin,', 8), ('Chinese?', 2), ('ah!', 1), ('yes.', 1), ('loves', 3), ('creatures,', 2), ('generation."', 1), ('words.', 3), ('CITY.', 3), ('whither', 1), ('bound,', 2), ('re-engaged', 1), ('Laohwan,', 5), ('conditions', 2), ('_6s.', 1), ('9d._', 1), ('(2.25', 1), ('taels),', 1), ('(_3s._)', 1), ('arrival,', 1), ('remit', 3), ('kind--none', 1), ('read;', 1), ('absolute', 3), ('faith.', 1), ('walking,', 1), ('increased', 5), ('heathen.', 1), ('big-boned', 1), ('rough-hewn', 1), ('animal,', 1), ('intelligence,', 2), ('authorised', 1), ('sell', 6), ('saddle', 2), ('bridle,', 2), ('pounds.', 1), ('mules', 9), ('corns', 2), ('forelegs,', 1), ('adventitious', 1), ('7th,', 3), ('pairs', 1), ('prisoners,', 2), ('escort.', 1), ('coupled', 1), ('cruelly,', 1), ('tightly', 1), ('manacled', 1), ('strangulated,', 1), ('remembered,', 2), ('1860', 1), ('subjected', 1), ('Bowlby,', 1), ('_Times_', 2), ('correspondent,', 2), ('treacherous', 1), ('violation', 1), ('truce,"', 1), ('ended', 3), ('sufferings.', 1), ('red-handed.', 1), ('Found', 1), ('tendered', 1), ('voluntarily', 1), ('torture,', 2), ('compulsion', 1), ('"self-accusation', 1), ('wrested', 1), ('agony,"', 1), ('sentenced', 5), ('delay--if', 1), ('previously', 3), ('"died', 1), ('prison"--died,', 1), ('far--to', 1), ('execution', 3), ('beheaded.', 1), ('comforts.', 1), ('clearly', 4), ('snow,', 2), ('snowing.', 1), ('snowed.', 1), ('slippery,', 1), ('mule,', 4), ('obstinate,', 1), ('sure-footed,', 1), ('going.', 1), ('coffin--borne', 1), ('rest--preceded,', 1), ('followed,', 1), ('mourners,', 3), ('burnt,', 1), ('invisible,', 2), ("man's", 1), ('dignity.', 1), ('Chehki,', 2), ('cold', 4), ('snow', 2), ('hump-back', 1), ('bedroom', 3), ('whole,', 1), ('tablets,', 1), ('many-featured', 1), ('gods,', 1), ('Riches,', 2), ('attentive', 2), ('prayers', 2), ('hamlet.', 2), ('housed,', 1), ('bell', 1), ('discontentedly', 1), ('acute', 1), ('inflammation', 1), ('eyes,', 3), ('shivering', 1), ('embers', 2), ('scooped', 1), ('earthern', 1), ('doorway.', 1), ('dishful', 1), ('husks', 1), ('strainings.', 1), ('hedge,', 1), ('room.', 3), ('sparingly,', 1), ('vegetables;', 1), ('allowance', 3), ('wages', 1), ('half-loads,', 1), ('careful.', 1), ('were!', 1), ('wanderings', 1), ('attendant', 3), ('determined,', 1), ('courteous', 2), ('manner,', 5), ('amusing', 3), ('stammer;', 1), ('journey--he', 1), ('lovesick;', 1), ('keenly', 3), ('bride.', 1), ('men;', 1), ('could,', 1), ('hunchback,', 1), ('huddled', 1), ('with,', 1), ('lot', 3), ('9th,', 1), ('bleak,', 1), ('bare', 7), ('watching', 1), ('eagle', 1), ('circling', 1), ('overhead,', 1), ('wolf', 3), ('leisurely', 2), ('slunk', 1), ('brow.', 1), ('haunch', 1), ('wretch', 1), ('four,', 1), ("mother's", 2), ('playing', 1), ('door.', 1), ('humpbacked', 1), ('dwarf', 1), ('others,', 2), ('district,', 2), ('birth', 4), ('Leitoupo,', 2), ('whistled', 1), ('faces,', 2), ('fertility.', 2), ('glade,', 1), ('streams', 1), ('pebbly', 1), ('banks.', 2), ('comfort,', 1), ('poppies', 1), ('brilliantly', 1), ('encroached', 1), ('sunshade', 1), ('teahouse.', 1), ('rill', 1), ('sweetmeat', 1), ('peanuts,', 1), ('sugar-like', 1), ('toffee.', 1), ('filled.', 1), ('drinkers', 1), ('curled', 1), ('mat,', 1), ('elbow', 1), ('pillow,', 1), ('asleep,', 1), ('lit.', 1), ('shyly', 1), ('sweetmeat.', 1), ('indoors.', 1), ('lolly', 1), ('fat', 3), ('brother,', 2), ('urchin', 1), ('maid', 1), ('life-time.', 1), ('learn', 8), ('evils,', 1), ('endured,', 1), ('tradition', 3), ('taught,', 1), ('Monogamy', 1), ('polygamy', 1), ('exception,', 1), ('secondary', 2), ('forming', 1), ('satisfactory', 2), ('kingdom', 6), ('"civilised', 1), ('heathenism,"', 1), ('Mateer', 1), ('envy.', 1), ('happiness', 1), ('nevertheless.', 1), ('"Happiness', 1), ('consist', 2), ('enjoyment--but', 1), ('impertinent', 1), ('curiosity', 6), ('cowed', 1), ('crushed.', 1), ('arrogance', 1), ('characterises', 2), ('elsewhere', 1), ('wanting', 2), ('civil', 3), ('battle,', 1), ('devastation', 3), ('sword,', 3), ('misery.', 2), ('resigned', 1), ('spiritless.', 1), ('charming;', 1), ('kindliness', 2), ('constant', 5), ('delight', 1), ('join', 2), ('phrases', 3), ('Spaniards,', 2), ('"_quiere', 1), ('Vd.', 1), ('gustar?_"', 1), ('meant', 1), ('accepted.', 1), ('Comparatively', 1), ('empty-handed;', 1), ('marble.', 2), ('wayside,', 1), ('cabbage', 2), ('herbs', 3), ('obtained,', 2), ('cracked', 2), ('dishes', 2), ('stones.', 2), ('Kong-shan,', 2), ('slope,', 1), ('see.', 2), ('quarters.', 1), ('thirty-seven', 1), ('rode', 13), ('twenty-two', 3), ('first,', 1), ('confusing.', 1), ('ours', 2), ('particular:', 1), ('quantities;', 1), ('Inequalities', 1), ('distance;', 1), ('follows', 1), ('B', 2), ('A--it', 1), ('longer.', 1), ('explanation', 5), ('simple.', 2), ('Distance', 1), ('estimated', 5), ('roughly,', 1), ('(3-1/3', 1), ('miles)', 3), ('unit', 1), ("hour's", 2), ('"Sixty', 1), ('go"', 1), ("hours'", 1), ('you;', 1), ('uphill', 1), ('surprised', 2), ('li.', 2), ('To-night', 1), ('turning', 4), ('faring.', 1), ('underground', 1), ('stairs,', 1), ('horse', 2), ('coffin.', 1), ('meditative.', 1), ('reproachfully', 1), ('heaped', 1), ('untidily', 1), ('trough,', 1), ('ration', 1), ('high-spirited', 1), ('dale', 1), ('paths,', 1), ('Alas,', 1), ('stitched', 1), ('paillasses.', 1), ('chaff,', 1), ('three-inch', 1), ('lengths,', 1), ('knife', 2), ('pivot', 1), ('board,', 1), ('civilisation.', 2), ('nothing.', 1), ('sunrise.', 1), ('lovely', 1), ('cloudless', 1), ('sky.', 1), ('Kong-shan', 2), ('creek.', 1), ('doorways.', 1), ('Advertisement', 1), ('bills', 1), ('lintels', 1), ('doorposts,', 1), ('admission', 1), ('spirits.', 3), ('bearded', 1), ('monsters,', 1), ('weapons,', 2), ('represented.', 1), ('saddled.', 1), ('Patches', 1), ('white-flowered', 1), ('Coolies', 2), ('buckets', 2), ('sinuous', 1), ('pebbled', 1), ('brook', 1), ('laughs', 2), ('shouting', 1), ('frighten', 1), ('newly-sown', 1), ('beds;', 1), ('poppies,', 1), ('anew', 1), ('filing', 1), ('burdens--a', 1), ('toil', 2), ('oxen', 1), ('jolting', 1), ('wheels', 1), ('circular.', 1), ('avenue', 1), ('hidden', 1), ('showers', 1), ('roses,', 2), ('roses', 2), ('bloom', 1), ('daisies', 2), ('violets,', 1), ('dandelions', 1), ('forget-me-nots,', 1), ('sparkling', 1), ('file,', 3), ('stalwart', 3), ('pipe,', 2), ('endurance', 1), ('Laohwan.', 2), ('done--he', 1), ('freshest', 1), ('party--he', 1), ('mule.', 1), ('rise.', 1), ('attending', 1), ('preparing', 1), ('porridge', 1), ('eggs', 7), ('liked', 1), ('remonstrance', 1), ('precedent', 2), ('determines', 2), ('action.', 1), ('boiled', 1), ('reprove', 1), ('Afterwards', 2), ('serving', 2), ("don't", 6), ('dislike', 1), ('cooking,', 1), ('"good,', 1), ('good,"', 1), ('tableland,', 2), ('arid,', 1), ('yields', 1), ('reluctant', 4), ('obstructs', 1), ('view,', 3), ('distances', 6), ('downs,', 1), ('bereft', 1), ('clump', 1), ('pines', 1), ('axe', 1), ('spared', 2), ('beneficial', 1), ('geomancers', 1), ('declare', 3), ('roadway', 3), ('worn', 4), ('attrition', 1), ('waterchannel,', 1), ('stream.', 3), ('intervals', 2), ('vast', 2), ('mounds', 1), ('gables', 1), ('forcible', 1), ('ravaged', 2), ('uncultivated', 1), ('weeds', 1), ('ingathering', 1), ('Australians', 2), ('hunger.', 1), ('pinched', 1), ('typhoid', 1), ('hovering', 1), ('beggars.', 2), ('solicited', 1), ('crying', 3), ('alms', 1), ('silent', 2), ('appealing.', 1), ('skeletons', 1), ('meekly', 1), ('friendly.', 2), ('wore', 5), ('cloths', 1), ('fibre', 1), ('petticoats', 2), ('Guinea.', 1), ('easy,', 1), ('Moslem', 3), ('Iangkai.', 1), ('pursued', 3), ('flanked', 2), ('peaks', 1), ('11,000', 1), ('sea-level.', 1), ('prosperous', 2), ('Yanglin,', 2), ('inn.', 3), ('scrawled', 1), ('facetious', 1), ('remarks', 2), ('tourists', 1), ('quality', 2), ('fare.', 1), ('sick,', 3), ('veterinary', 1), ('unbecoming', 1), ('expedition.', 1), ('Australia', 3), ('family,', 3), ('examined', 4), ('inscrutable', 2), ('unveiled', 1), ('mysteries', 1), ('futurity,', 1), ('fee.', 1), ('basket,', 1), ('least', 3), ('hit', 1), ('mark.', 1), ('advice', 1), ('360', 2), ('(ninepence),', 1), ('exorbitant', 1), ('Friday,', 1), ('13th,', 2), ('leading', 5), ('Ruins', 1), ('testify', 1), ('march', 5), ('ago--triumphal', 1), ('battered', 2), ('idols', 1), ('iconoclasts.', 1), ('Districts', 1), ('habitations,', 1), ('attest', 2), ('spells', 1), ('extermination', 1), ('rebels.', 1), ('goitre,', 3), ('by-and-by', 6), ('remembered', 1), ('Asia', 2), ('Siam,', 3), ('goitre.', 8), ('CITY.]', 3), ('Ten', 2), ('poplars,', 1), ('monogram', 1), ('gateway', 3), ('College', 3), ('Paris_,', 1), ('Province', 1), ('Jinmaasuh.', 1), ('Situated', 1), ('widening', 1), ('turretted', 1), ('gateways,', 1), ('pagodas', 3), ('students', 4), ('priesthood.', 1), ('residence,', 1), ('ordination,', 1), ('evangelists', 1), ('Province.', 1), ('Excoffier', 1), ('Gladstone', 1), ('Premiership,', 1), ('Rosebery', 1), ('successor.', 1), ('renew', 1), ('payment', 2), ('tribute', 5), ('exacted', 1), ('suzerainty', 1), ('expecting', 1), ('Singai', 3), ('(Bhamo),', 2), ('Warry,', 4), ('elephants,', 1), ('howdahs,', 1), ('announcing,', 1), ("Macartney's", 2), ('"Tribute', 1), ('governments', 1), ('idiotic', 1), ('pander', 1), ('arrogance.', 1), ('India', 3), ('Convention', 1), ('1886,', 2), ('send,', 1), ('Chief', 5), ('Jinmaasuh,', 1), ('hurry.', 2), ('Gunfire,', 1), ('signal', 2), ('closing', 2), ('gates,', 1), ('sounded', 4), ('wall;', 1), ('sentries', 1), ('negligent', 1), ('open.', 1), ('Had', 4), ('earlier', 4), ('entry;', 1), ('big', 2), ('gate.', 4), ('Turning', 1), ('sharply', 1), ('Telegraph', 3), ('Offices,', 1), ('cordial', 3), ('Jensen,', 5), ('superintendent', 2), ('telegraphs', 3), ('Kweichow.', 2), ('headquarters,', 1), ('delightful', 1), ('week.', 1), ('silence', 1), ('evening,', 2), ('pork,', 2), ('beans;', 1), ('next,', 1), ('chicken', 2), ('famed', 1), ('Shuenwei', 1), ('ham,', 1), ('mutton', 2), ('peas', 1), ('currant', 1), ('jelly,', 1), ('pancakes', 1), ('aboriginal', 1), ('cheese,', 1), ('claret,', 1), ('champagne,', 1), ('Medoc.', 1), ('importance.', 3), ('access', 11), ('long,', 5), ('arduous,', 1), ('mountainous,', 2), ('portions', 2), ('rains.', 4), ('Mungtze', 7), ('Laokai', 2), ('Red', 1), ('Hanoi,', 2), ('_Le', 3), ('Laokai_,', 1), ('Hanoi', 2), ('Bhamo', 16), ('Irrawaddy,', 1), ('thirty-three', 2), ('possibility', 2), ('caravans', 5), ('Central', 1), ('Southern', 1), ('Eastern', 5), ('sends', 2), ('via', 2), ('Kuangs', 1), ('Canton.', 2), ('Shortness', 1), ('facility', 2), ('transport,', 1), ('tap', 1), ('highways', 1), ('Northern', 4), ('send', 5), ('imports,', 1), ('exists,', 1), ('exist,', 1), ('Yangtse;', 1), ('channel', 4), ('itself.', 4), ('Marco', 7), ('Polo', 2), ('1283,', 1), ('Yachi.', 1), ('propagating', 1), ('seventeenth', 1), ('rests', 2), ('Captain', 10), ('Doudart', 2), ('Gree', 1), ('Navy,', 1), ('1867.', 1), ('Margary,', 4), ('Manwyne,', 1), ('1875', 1), ('Hankow;', 1), ('tardy', 1), ('Grosvenor,', 1), ('brilliant', 1), ('delegate', 1), ('barren', 1), ('murderers', 1), ('justice.', 1), ('Hosie,', 2), ('1882.', 1), ('September,', 1), ('Bonvalot', 1), ('Prince', 3), ('Henri', 1), ("d'Orleans", 1), ('completion', 2), ('eastern', 1), ('_Tibet', 1), ('Inconnu_--"Unknown', 1), ('Thibet!"', 1), ('although', 4), ('traversed', 3), ('due--though', 1), ('name--to', 1), ('leader,', 1), ('guide,', 2), ('Dutch', 1), ('Kuldja,', 2), ('Dedeken.', 1), ('Vial,', 2), ('Colquhoun', 2), ('"Across', 1), ('Chryse,"', 1), ('describes', 5), ('"Journey', 1), ('Exploration"', 1), ('(though', 1), ('explored', 1), ('accurately', 2), ('mapped', 1), ('missionaries),', 1), ('safety', 2), ('City,', 9), ('successor', 2), ('Bishopric.', 1), ('Boell,', 2), ('Secretaryship', 1), ('Legation', 1), ('correspondent', 1), ('Temps_,', 2), ('1892', 1), ('Kweiyang,', 2), ("d'Amade,", 2), ('Legation,', 1), ('farm', 1), ('Tomme,', 2), ('Mungtze,', 6), ('improved', 2), ('cultivation--the', 1), ('exception', 3), ('Finally,', 1), ('Lenz,', 2), ('bicyclist,', 1), ('profound', 1), ('amazement', 2), ('populace,', 1), ('"living', 1), ('wheel"', 1), ('_Yesu-tang_.', 1), ('Lenz', 3), ('practically', 2), ('surmounting', 1), ('face.', 2), ('stations.', 1), ('endured', 2), ('lamented', 1), ('acquaintance', 1), ('hardihood.', 1), ("missionary's,", 1), ('feverishly', 1), ('Epistle', 2), ('Galatians', 1), ('Old', 2), ('Testament.', 1), ('mistake', 2), ('discouraged,', 1), ('dismayed', 1), ('particular', 4), ('reckoned', 2), ('Pentateuch.', 1), ('host,', 2), ('Pi', 2), ('Telegraphs.', 2), ('office,', 3), ('left,', 4), ('mandarin', 3), ('Taotai', 2), ('annum,', 2), ('hopes', 1), ('20,000', 5), ('"Squeezing,"', 1), ('termed,', 1), ('arts,', 1), ('squeezing.', 1), ('"Dives,', 1), ('tax-dodger,"', 1), ('Compare,', 1), ('Chicago,', 3), ('claims', 1), ('morals', 3), ('corruption', 1), ('"nominally', 1), ('studded', 3), ('littered', 1), ('Bibles,"', 1), ('perjury', 1), ('industry."', 1), ('Chinese"', 1), ('"such', 1), ('embodiment', 1), ('fraud,', 1), ('falsehood,', 1), ('injustice,"', 1), ('Chicago?', 1), ('alderman', 2), ('Stead', 2), ('(p.', 2), ('172', 3), ('_et', 1), ('seq._)', 1), ('dollars', 2), ('salary;', 1), ('addition', 5), ('enjoys', 1), ('"practically', 1), ('unrestricted', 2), ('liberty', 1), ('fill', 2), ('pockets', 4), ('bartering', 1), ('city."', 1), ('alderman,', 1), ('fundamental', 1), ('principle,', 1), ('steal,"', 1), ('fruitful', 2), ('_Record_,', 1), ('crooked', 1), ('assessorship', 2), ('Chicago', 2), ('"everyone', 1), ('shortest', 1), ('fortune."', 1), ('Squeezing', 1), ('common,', 3), ('swindling', 1), ('existing', 2), ('director', 1), ('innocent', 2), ('telegraphy,', 1), ('telegraphs,', 2), ('bar', 2), ('appointment.', 1), ('mandarin,', 3), ('fitted', 2), ('Admiral', 1), ('Fleet,', 1), ('Collector', 1), ('field.', 1), ('truly', 2), ('isn\'t."', 2), ('_Shan-hao-Tsung-Kuh_,', 1), ('Supreme', 1), ('Reorganisation"', 1), ('(_Futai_)--viz.,', 1), ('(_Fantai_),', 1), ('Provincial', 3), ('Judge', 1), ('(_Niehtai_),', 1), ('Comptroller,', 1), ('Grain', 1), ('Intendant.', 1), ('Li,', 2), ('daughters;', 1), ('peace;', 1), ('extinction', 1), ('descendants,', 1), ('Royal', 1), ('spreading,', 1), ('partial', 1), ('persons.', 1), ('wives.', 2), ('Changsha;', 1), ('dead;', 1), ('favourite', 7), ('note.', 1), ('"funded', 1), ('houri,"', 1), ('_yatow_,', 1), ('"forked', 1), ('head"', 1), ('lucky', 5), ('smitten', 1), ('charms,', 1), ('wife.', 2), ('sight.', 2), ('marriage', 6), ('justified', 1), ('choice', 3), ('lord', 2), ('twins.', 1), ('attraction', 1), ('size,', 4), ('murmurings', 1), ('lilies."', 1), ('inclination', 1), ('whatever.', 3), ('idle', 1), ('unemotional', 1), ('passions', 1), ('ridicule', 1), ('languishing', 1), ('love,', 2), ('derides', 1), ('experiencing', 2), ('poetry', 1), ('episodes.', 2), ('Students', 1), ('_mariage', 1), ('convenance_', 1), ('Continent', 1), ('affection.', 1), ('Chinaman;', 1), ('love.', 1), ('subjective', 1), ('ideal;', 1), ('craves', 1), ('objective', 2), ('reality.', 2), ('reality,', 1), ('ideal', 3), ('becomes;', 1), ('foods', 1), ('exquisite."', 1), ("Meadows'", 1), ('"Essay', 1), ('Civilisation', 1), ('translated', 3), ("author's", 1), ('"it', 2), ("women's", 1), ('Violent', 1), ('nations', 1), ('sexes', 1), ('intercourse', 2), ('marriage....', 1), ('starved', 1), ('cravings', 1), ('object":--', 1), ('disenchantments', 1), ('infant', 1), ('solitude', 1), ('little-footed', 1), ('women.', 3), ('youth', 1), ('awe', 1), ('abhorrence', 1), ('devils,', 1), ('mentioned', 3), ('grew', 2), ('reasonably', 1), ('argued,', 1), ("'I", 1), ('chance,', 1), ('one;', 2), ('obedient;', 1), ('woman;', 1), ('are;', 1), ('already,', 1), ("safe.'", 1), ('"As', 2), ('objects,', 1), ('inquired:', 1), ("'Father,", 1), ('things?', 1), ('Look!', 1), ('look!', 1), ("they?'", 1), ('hastily', 1), ('answered:', 1), ("'Turn", 1), ("devils.'", 1), ('alarm,', 2), ('gazing', 1), ('motions', 1), ('fans.', 1), ('silence,', 1), ('appetite', 1), ('afflicted', 2), ('melancholy.', 1), ('parent', 2), ('inquiries;', 1), ('burst', 2), ('inexplicable', 1), ('pain:', 1), ("'Oh,", 1), ('tallest', 2), ('devil!', 1), ('father!\'"', 1), ('centres--at', 1), ('Bichih.', 1), ('baskets.', 1), ('prostitution,', 1), ('concubines,', 1), ('"thickneck,"', 1), ('pile', 3), ('cakes.', 1), ('(fivepence),', 1), ('gift', 3), ('generosity', 1), ('servant--all', 1), ('etiquette.', 1), ('host', 1), ('provinces,', 1), ('linguist,', 1), ('resident', 3), ('indebted', 3), ('acts', 1), ('Jensen', 9), ('1880', 4), ('Company--a', 1), ('December,', 1), ('(that', 1), ('Tientsin),', 1), ('1883,', 2), ('operatives', 1), ('engineers', 1), ('lent', 1), ('Government.', 4), ('December', 2), ('since.', 2), ('superintended', 1), ('(2350', 1), ('lines,', 1), ('effected', 2), ('lines', 3), ('Laokai.', 1), ('joining', 1), ('Kweichow;', 1), ('Tonquin;', 1), ('Fuhkien', 4), ('province;', 2), ('Tali', 28), ('Tengyueh', 16), ('(Momien),', 2), ('eventually', 2), ('unite', 1), ('frontier.', 1), ('journeys', 1), ('invariably', 4), ('inner', 1), ('classes', 2), ('interesting', 1), ('episodes', 1), ('Once,', 1), ('repairing', 1), ('Pase,', 1), ('Kwangsi,', 1), ('rainy', 3), ('fifty-six', 1), ('Kong.', 2), ('occasion,', 4), ('chair-bearers,', 1), ('died.', 2), ('October,', 1), ('headquarters.', 1), ('health.', 1), ('impeded', 1), ('extension', 1), ('poles', 4), ('spoil', 1), ('"_fungshui_"--in', 1), ('luck', 2), ('districts', 4), ('objection', 2), ('overcome.', 1), ('revealed', 1), ('Villagers', 1), ('poles--and', 1), ('wire', 3), ('compensation', 1), ('trouble.', 3), ('annoyance', 1), ('stop', 8), ('energetic', 2), ('matter', 2), ('hand.', 2), ('villagers,', 2), ('unheeded.', 1), ('vigorous', 1), ('measures.', 1), ('persuasion', 2), ('acquiesce', 1), ("magistrate's", 1), ('guilt.', 2), ('ears,', 1), ('escort', 10), ('again.', 4), ('YUNNAN.', 1), ('emporium', 1), ('summoned', 2), ('silver.', 5), ('Gold', 5), ('leaf', 4), ('gilds', 1), ('Thibet', 3), ('Indo-China.', 2), ('changed', 3), ('leaf.', 1), ('Arracan', 1), ('Mandalay,', 1), ('Shway-dagon', 1), ('Pagoda', 1), ('Rangoon,', 4), ('produces,', 1), ('quantities.', 1), ('Talang,', 1), ('S.W.', 1), ('ineffective', 2), ('extraction.', 1), ("Polo's", 1), ('six.', 1), ('35', 3), ('Talifu', 7), ('25', 4), ('27.5', 1), ('quantities', 1), ('ounces.', 1), ('telegraphic', 3), ('transfer', 2), ('Kong', 2), ('negotiate', 1), ('seaports', 1), ('transaction.', 1), ('readily', 3), ('carriage', 4), ('seaport.', 2), ('learn,', 1), ('astray.', 1), ('route--that', 1), ('Laokai--and', 1), ('thence', 1), ('Saigon', 1), ('excitement', 2), ('_blase_', 1), ('speculator.', 1), ('Ample', 1), ('profits', 3), ('dealer.', 1), ('21st', 1), ('23.2,', 1), ('30.9;', 1), ('35,', 1), ('sold.', 1), ('25.5', 1), ('27', 2), ('cheaper', 1), ('dearer', 1), ('buyer', 1), ('jewellery', 1), ('workmanship,', 1), ('rings', 1), ('bracelets,', 1), ('earrings', 2), ('ornaments,', 1), ('circlet', 1), ('forehead,', 1), ('bridal', 2), ('charms', 1), ('covetous', 2), ('nun.', 1), ('Ornaments', 1), ('98', 4), ('sold,', 2), ('weighed', 2), ('scales,', 2), ('owners,', 1), ('disposing', 1), ('prefer', 1), ('99', 2), ('fine,', 1), ('beaters', 1), ('guild', 2), ("trade's", 1), ('union', 1), ('Gold-testing', 1), ('profession,', 1), ('require', 4), ('consisting,', 1), ('do,', 3), ('rubbing', 2), ('gold,', 2), ('determined.', 1), ('gold-testers', 1), ('gilding', 1), ('work.', 7), ('principle', 1), ('self-protection', 1), ('restrains', 1), ('ostentatious', 1), ('exhibition', 2), ('wealth--he', 1), ('fears', 2), ('aggravation', 1), ('punished', 3), ('accused', 1), ('exemption', 1), ('sitting,', 1), ('five-dollar', 1), ('bill,', 1), ('compliments,', 1), ('sleeve', 1), ('sale;', 1), ('bargaining;', 1), ('agree,', 1), ('weighed,', 1), ('banker', 3), ('transaction', 2), ('Bond', 1), ('Street,', 1), ('"uncivilised', 1), ('country";', 1), ('nevertheless', 1), ('dawn', 1), ('history,', 3), ('banking', 1), ('Solomon.', 1), ('namely', 1), ('pure,', 1), ('differs', 1), ('unalloyed', 1), ('bewildering.', 1), ('Let', 5), ('explain,', 1), ('sentences,', 1), ('"cash"', 1), ('currency', 3), ('coin', 1), ('brass', 2), ('perforated', 1), ('string.', 1), ('Now,', 6), ('theoretically,', 1), ('"string', 1), ('cash"', 3), ('contains', 4), ('coins,', 7), ('theoretical', 2), ('dollar.', 2), ('100,', 4), ('83', 1), ('Taiyuen,', 1), ('33', 6), ('Chihli.', 1), ('charmingly', 1), ('"old', 1), ('"capital', 2), ('500', 3), ('coins.', 1), ('10', 4), ('count', 6), ('Nowhere', 2), ('cash--that', 2), ('98.', 2), ('Nanking', 3), ('prevail.', 1), ('1075', 1), ('1000,', 2), ('7', 1), ('75', 1), ('75--are', 1), ('same.', 1), ('Lanchow', 3), ('Chihli', 2), ('Railway', 1), ('Shanhai-kwan,', 1), ('16', 1), ('200;', 1), ('starts,', 1), ('100.', 2), ('325', 1), ('162', 2), ('6000', 1), ('975', 2), ('Therefore', 1), ('3,', 3), ('percentage', 3), ('fluctuations', 1), ('alike', 1), ('Could', 3), ('simpler?', 1), ('cumbrous', 1), ('exasperating.', 1), ('Take', 1), ('theoretically', 1), ('containing', 4), ('20', 4), ('"strings,"', 1), ('"string"', 1), ('cash--they', 1), ('all;', 3), ('62', 2), ('Eighteen', 1), ('therefore', 2), ('1240', 1), ('coins', 1), ('proportion.', 2), ('Immediately', 1), ('"full', 1), ('string"', 1), ('Silver', 3), ('scale,"', 1), ('retail', 1), ('scales', 1), ('mace', 2), ('candareens', 1), ('tael).', 1), ('loss', 1), ('astuteness', 1), ('scale.', 1), ("Wong's", 1), ('signboard', 1), ('"Beneficent,', 1), ('Rich,', 1), ('United,"', 1), ("Mong's", 1), ('"Bank', 1), ('Hundred', 1), ('Streams,"', 1), ('Wong,', 2), ('dependents', 1), ('grown-up', 2), ('guest-room', 1), ('opium-dais', 1), ('canopy.', 1), ('tray', 1), ('inlaid', 1), ('mother-of-pearl', 1), ('pipes', 1), ('visitors,', 1), ('phials', 1), ('insisted', 3), ('supper;', 1), ('speedily', 2), ('visitors.', 1), ('cigar', 3), ('custom', 3), ('box;', 1), ('costly,', 1), ('circumstances', 2), ('refrain', 1), ('helping', 2), ('handful.', 1), ('own"', 1), ('repletion;', 1), ("another's,", 1), ('tears', 2), ('run."', 1), ('citizens', 1), ('townsmen.', 1), ('mansion;', 1), ('plants', 1), ('vases.', 1), ('Man,', 1), ('"riches', 1), ('person,', 1), ('expanded,', 1), ('ease."', 1), ('fifty-nine', 1), ('wealth,', 1), ('Nanchang,', 1), ('Soochow,', 1), ('Hangchow,', 2), ('add', 7), ('Wong.', 1), ('questioned', 5), ('insurance', 1), ('professed', 2), ('family.', 2), ('Chin', 2), ('Shan_,', 2), ('"New', 1), ('Mountain,"', 2), ('distinguish', 1), ('_Lao', 1), ('"Old', 1), ('California.', 1), ('pained', 1), ('Manila,', 2), ('Philippine', 2), ('Islands.', 2), ('August,', 1), ('Augustine', 2), ('Padre', 1), ('Augustines.', 1), ('ceremony', 2), ('architect', 1), ('Escorial--the', 1), ('Manila', 2), ('earthquake', 1), ('1645--was', 1), ('notability', 1), ('present.', 1), ('Wishing', 1), ('Governor-General', 1), ('(Blanco),', 1), ('prominent', 2), ('Caballero,"', 1), ('Australia."', 2), ('"From', 1), ('Austria!', 1), ('Austria?"', 1), ('"No,', 1), ("'Australia'--where", 1), ('it?"', 2), ('importance."', 1), ('persisted.', 1), ('"_Dios', 1), ('mio!_"', 1), ('exclaimed', 1), ('aghast,', 1), ('interposed.', 1), ('talking', 2), ('fun,"', 1), ('"Thou', 1), ('knowest,', 1), ('Pepe,', 1), ('Seednay,', 1), ('Melboornay,', 1), ('bankruptcy', 1), ('colossal."', 1), ('"_Ya', 1), ('figuraba', 1), ('donde', 1), ('era_,"', 1), ('Pepe', 1), ('edged', 2), ('uncomfortably', 2), ('profession.', 1), ('banker.', 1), ('consult', 1), ('professionally,', 1), ('truthful', 2), ('lips', 3), ('rumour', 1), ('powers', 3), ('divination', 1), ('probable', 3), ('life?', 1), ('problem.', 2), ('gravely', 5), ('pulses--every', 1), ('properly', 2), ('hundred--and', 1), ('finding', 2), ('body,', 2), ('organs', 1), ('ranged', 2), ('sun--every', 1), ('constructed--I', 1), ('assure', 1), ('longer--if', 1), ('proprietor', 1), ('store', 3), ('photography', 1), ('camera', 1), ('Paris.', 1), ('enthusiast.', 1), ('amateur.', 1), ('shelves,', 2), ('promiscuity', 2), ('bottles', 2), ('cyanide', 2), ('potassium', 2), ('perchloride', 1), ('mercury', 1), ('carbonate', 1), ('soda,', 1), ('alum,', 2), ('Moet', 1), ('Chandon', 1), ('(spurious),', 1), ('pickles,', 1), ("Howard's", 1), ('quinine.', 1), ('corrosive', 1), ('sublimate', 1), ('bicarbonate', 1), ('soda', 1), ('_eclat_', 1), ('gratifying', 2), ('owner.', 1), ('remit,', 1), ('banks,', 1), ('transfers', 1), ('transactions.', 1), ('principally', 1), ('communications', 1), ('code.', 1), ('Tsungli', 1), ('Yamen', 3), ('telegram', 3), ('code', 3), ('comes;', 1), ('agents.', 1), ('Messages', 1), ('Morse', 1), ('system.', 1), ('telegraphing', 2), ('discovery', 1), ('enabled', 1), ('invention', 1), ('genius', 2), ('simplicity', 2), ('numerals', 1), ('group', 7), ('constituted', 1), ('represents', 2), ('character.', 2), ('operator,', 1), ('however', 1), ('receives,', 1), ('0018,', 1), ('0297,', 1), ('5396,', 1), ('8424.', 1), ('inkpad', 1), ('stamps', 1), ('permits,', 1), ('moreover,', 1), ('indecipherable', 1), ('codes,', 1), ('adding', 1), ('subtracting', 1), ('telegraphed', 2), ('indicated.', 1), ('printed', 4), ('code-books.', 1), ('memorising', 1), ('prodigious.', 1), ('immemorial', 1), ('developed', 3), ('faculties.', 2), ('Memory', 1), ('secret', 1), ('originality.', 1), ('innovation', 1), ('impiety,', 1), ('recollection', 1), ('mental', 2), ('Necessity', 1), ('compels', 1), ('race', 5), ('individual', 6), ('literati.', 1), ('learns', 2), ('essential', 1), ('code-book', 1), ('heart.', 2), ('drawer', 1), ('superfluity.', 1), ('claimed', 1), ('Chiang,', 2), ('characters.', 1), ('Telegrams', 1), ('cents', 1), ('(at', 1), ('sixpence)', 1), ('character;', 1), ('double,', 1), ('forty-four', 1), ('cents.', 1), ('307', 2), ('agent', 2), ('exclusive', 1), ('telegram,', 2), ('safety,', 1), ('lose', 2), ('remittance,', 1), ('telegram.', 1), ('bowling', 1), ('entrance.', 1), ('portal', 1), ('horrific', 1), ('monstrous', 2), ('weapons.', 1), ('adhere', 1), ('deadliness', 2), ('weapon', 9), ('savageness', 1), ('aspect.', 1), ('Inside,', 1), ('courts', 2), ('well-furnished', 1), ('rooms,', 1), ('roomy', 1), ('apartments,', 1), ('clerks', 1), ('operators.', 1), ('sunny,', 1), ('ornamental', 4), ('parapet.', 1), ('Wandering', 1), ('enclosure', 1), ('peacocks', 1), ('companions,', 1), ('monkey', 1), ('woods', 1), ('hours,', 1), ('dismal', 1), ('gong', 5), ('windows,', 1), ('waking', 1), ('slumbers;', 1), ('Chinese--indeed,', 1), ('_could_', 1), ('flank', 1), ('posters', 2), ('contributed', 1), ('sufferers', 1), ('recent', 3), ('Shansi,', 1), ('amounts', 1), ('contributions', 2), ('rewards', 1), ('gifts', 2), ('believers', 2), ('justification', 2), ('works,', 7), ('merit,', 1), ('apart,', 1), ('reaped', 1), ('"gifts', 1), ('sums', 1), ('ordinarily', 1), ('authorised,', 1), ('subscribers', 1), ('brevet', 2), ('titles,', 2), ('decorations,', 1), ('buttons', 1), ('grade', 2), ('licentiate,', 1), ('Colonel.', 1), ('Disgraced', 1), ('apply', 3), ('restored.', 1), ('Nominal', 1), ('donations', 12), ('instead,', 1), ('entitle', 1), ('givers', 1), ('honours."--_The', 1), ('Gazette_,', 2), ('August', 1), ('22,', 1), ('pillar', 1), ('waste-paper', 1), ('reverently', 2), ('burnt.', 1), ('invented,"', 1), ('"Heaven', 1), ('rejoiced', 1), ('Hell', 1), ('trembled."', 1), ('"Reverence', 1), ('characters,"', 1), ('injunction', 2), ('neglects', 2), ('remembers', 3), ('uses', 2), ('lettered', 3), ('kindle', 1), ('demerits,', 1), ('itchy', 1), ('sores";', 1), ('tosses', 1), ('burns', 2), ('filthy', 1), ('demerits', 1), ('sore', 2), ('blind,"', 1), ('collects,', 1), ('washes,', 1), ('merits,', 1), ('wealthy,', 1), ('grandchildren', 1), ('filial."', 1), ('strict', 2), ('limits,', 1), ('reverences', 1), ('precept', 2), ('written,', 2), ('absolved', 1), ('reverencing', 1), ('deacon', 2), ('over-reached', 1), ('swindled', 1), ('creditors.', 1), ('Hall', 3), ('(_Tien-chu-tang_),', 1), ('master-stroke', 1), ('site.', 1), ('intercept', 1), ('facade', 1), ('superb', 2), ('mosaic,', 1), ('garden,', 1), ('eucalyptus', 1), ('wisely', 1), ('planted,', 1), ('surrounds', 1), ('Vicaire', 1), ('Apostolique', 1), ('Monseigneur', 2), ('Fenouil,', 2), ('Alsace.', 1), ('priests--thirty', 1), ('15,000.', 1), ('Fenouil', 1), ('1847,', 1), ('oldest', 1), ('interior', 2), ('purer', 1), ('he;', 1), ('Present', 1), ('insurrection,', 3), ('eye-witness', 1), ('warfare.', 2), ('thrilling', 3), ('elected', 2), ('Bishop,', 4), ('1880,', 1), ('unanimous', 1), ('vote', 2), ('confirmed', 3), ('Rome;', 1), ('election', 1), ('Bishops', 1), ('chosen.', 1), ('amused', 3), ('mule,"', 1), ('small."', 1), ('course?"', 1), ('"Hardly', 1), ('Chinese."', 1), ('"Then', 1), ('interpreter?', 1), ('No!', 3), ('companion', 2), ('English?', 1), ('No,', 1), ('escort!', 1), ('armed?', 1), ('escort,', 2), ('revolver,', 3), ('food.', 2), ('Ah!', 1), ('Monsieur."', 1), ('Gorostarza,', 2), ('deciding', 1), ('discipline.', 1), ('purchase-money', 1), ('coolie-hong', 1), ('himself.', 2), ('backsliding', 1), ('availed', 1), ('defending', 1), ("Bishop's", 1), ('deputy.', 1), ('Converts', 1), ('remember,', 2), ('subjects', 2), ('_proteges_;', 1), ('tenable', 1), ('shields', 1), ('consequences', 1), ('pioneer', 3), ('owe', 2), ('Missionaries.', 1), ('maps', 3), ('founded', 3), ('Kanghi', 1), ('(1663-1723),', 1), ('prince', 2), ('graced', 2), ('throne', 4), ('wonder', 2), ('geographers', 1), ('past.', 2), ("'Great", 1), ("River'", 1), ('Yangtse)', 1), ('surveyed,"', 1), ('Blakiston,', 2), ('ocean,', 1), ('instruments', 2), ('persevering', 1), ('explorers', 1), ('correctness', 3), ('records."', 1), ('reports', 2), ('Voltaire', 1), ('"productions', 1), ('embellished', 1), ('science', 1), ('philosophy."', 1), ('we,', 2), ('Protestants,', 1), ('warned', 1), ('deluded', 2), ('insidious', 1), ('compliments;', 1), ('Jesuits', 2), ('"overtops', 1), ('danger,', 3), ('checked."', 1), ('cities.', 2), ('brick', 2), ('thick;', 1), ('height,', 2), ('drive.', 1), ('parapet', 2), ('forehead.', 2), ('gates.', 1), ('closely', 3), ('barred', 1), ('"Flood', 1), ('God,"', 1), ('fortunately,', 1), ('limited,', 1), ('turreted', 1), ("Viceroy's", 1), ('situated,', 3), ('Futai', 1), ('(Governor', 1), ('Province);', 1), ('Solomon', 1), ('Mings,', 1), ('requires', 2), ('palace.', 1), ('why', 5), ('south?', 1), ('Because', 1), ('comes,', 1), ('"genial', 1), ('animating', 1), ('influence,"', 1), ('putting', 3), ('plant', 2), ('animal', 2), ('winter.', 2), ('semi-circular', 1), ('bastion.', 1), ('triumphal', 1), ('viceroy.', 1), ('thickly-populated', 1), ('suburb', 1), ('plain.', 2), ('Rich', 1), ('sweet-toned', 1), ('bells,', 2), ('tinkle', 1), ('breath', 1), ('inanimate', 1), ('greatness', 1), ('Buddha."', 1), ('HIGH.]', 1), ('steam', 1), ('whistle', 1), ('arsenal,', 2), ('factory', 2), ('management,', 1), ('patent', 1), ('visitor.', 1), ('foremen', 1), ('arsenal', 7), ('Macartney', 1), ('(now', 1), ('Halliday', 1), ('Macartney),', 1), ('Cornish.', 1), ('opium-room.', 1), ('conceal,', 1), ('everything.', 1), ('Krupp', 1), ('7-1/2', 1), ('centimetres', 1), ('calibre,', 1), ('training.', 1), ('Cartridges', 1), ('finishing', 1), ('neatness', 1), ('opium-tray', 1), ('Fantai', 2), ('(provincial', 2), ('treasurer),', 1), ('you.', 2), ('Work', 1), ('furnace', 2), ('shortness', 2), ('chimney,', 1), ('attempts', 1), ('forbidden', 1), ('authorities.', 1), ('agitation', 1), ('chimney', 2), ('heightened.', 1), ('Geomancers', 1), ('consulted,', 1), ('majority,', 1), ('unprejudiced', 1), ('stunted,', 1), ('_fungshui_', 1), ('(good', 1), ('luck)', 1), ("Futai's", 1), ('governor),', 1), ('protection,', 1), ('depart', 1), ('ever.', 1), ('Greenwood,', 1), ('Battley', 1), ('Co.,', 1), ('Leeds.', 1), ('Rust', 1), ('dirt', 1), ('persons,', 1), ('phenomenon', 1), ('observed', 1), ('establishments', 1), ('government.', 1), ('factory.', 1), ('spacious,', 1), ('ample.', 1), ('north-eastern', 1), ('magazine', 1), ('stationed', 6), ('concealment', 1), ('turrets;', 1), ('cannon', 3), ('casting,', 1), ('originals.', 1), ('device', 1), ('I.H.S.--a', 1), ('motto', 1), ('destroy', 4), ('statesman,"', 1), ('"cuts', 1), ('cites', 1), ('Mencius', 1), ('sanctity', 1), ('repair', 1), ('inundates', 1), ('deplores', 1), ('cultivator', 1), ('soil."', 1), ('Halde', 1), ('directions', 1), ('Verbiest', 1), ('1682,', 1), ('cannon,', 1), ('saint."', 1), ('saint!"', 1), ('Huc.', 1), ('drill', 1), ('intramural', 1), ('swamp', 4), ('reedy', 1), ('lake,', 5), ('reeds', 1), ('economic', 1), ('wicks', 1), ('candles.', 1), ('Dykes', 1), ('directions,', 1), ('Taoist', 2), ('edifice,', 1), ('censers', 1), ('deepens', 1), ('resort', 1), ('gentry.', 1), ('_chic_', 1), ('parties', 1), ('fish;', 2), ('vibrates.', 1), ('feeding', 2), ('fish,', 3), ('constrained', 1), ('borrow', 1), ('vending', 1), ('hoarded', 1), ('Upon', 1), ('X.,', 1), ('Graham,', 3), ('exceedingly', 2), ('Melbourne.', 2), ('swamp,', 1), ('inevitably', 2), ('malarial', 1), ('fever.', 2), ('"finds', 1), ('reach,"', 1), ('relatively', 1), ('cheering.', 1), ('years--the', 1), ('1882--he', 1), ('nibblers,', 1), ('_was_', 1), ('manure-coolie,', 1), ('"Satan', 1), ('expelled', 1), ('stealing', 1), ("children's", 2), ('buttons."', 1), ('saved,', 1), ('recalcitrant', 1), ('sinners!', 1), ('happily', 1), ('tractable.', 1), ('(May,', 1), ('1894),', 1), ('nurse', 1), ('"native', 1), ('helper"', 1), ('ladies,', 1), ("wife's", 1), ('cook.', 1), ('hard.', 1), ('nearing', 1), ('uncompromising', 1), ('Cameronian.', 1), ('farce', 1), ('sending', 5), ('listeners,', 1), ('marvel', 2), ('enterprising', 2), ('emissary--in', 1), ('oil', 2), ('trade--is', 1), ('endeavouring', 2), ('introduce', 1), ('indifferently.', 1), ('hopes,', 1), ('understood', 1), ('speaking,', 1), ('bellows', 1), ('placid', 1), ('bull', 1), ('Bashan.', 1), ('_Yesu-tang_', 2), ('(Jesus', 1), ('Hall),', 1), ('service.', 7), ('plying', 1), ('soul.', 2), ('"poor', 1), ('sinner,"', 1), ('flung', 1), ('texts', 1), ('head,', 3), ('sang', 1), ('terrifying', 1), ('ballad,', 1), ('dreadful', 2), ('contemplate.', 1), ('announced', 1), ('me!', 2), ('sweat,', 1), ('increasing', 5), ('vigour.', 1), ('millions,', 1), ('107,969', 1), ('(this', 1), ('twenty-three).', 1), ('Stations', 1), ('(1887),', 1), ('(1891),', 1), ('(1882),', 1), ('(1881),', 1), ('Kuhtsing', 1), ('(1889).', 1), ('number--the', 1), ('statistics--two', 1), ('Kuhtsing.', 1), ('numberless', 1), ('instances', 2), ('quoted', 1), ('Woodin', 1), ('(in', 2), ('_Records_', 1), ('91)', 1), ('"grossly', 1), ('years,"', 2), ('Six,', 1), ("Hell's", 1), ('child."', 1), ('Stanley', 2), ('B.A.,', 1), ('stroke', 1), ('Cambridge', 1), ('eight,', 1), ('performed', 1), ('applauded', 1), ('B.A.', 1), ('University,"', 1), ('months,', 1), ('"accepted', 1), ('then."', 1), ('46).', 1), ('Indeed,', 2), ('preach', 1), ('make.', 1), ('proximate', 1), ('problem', 1), ('this:', 1), ('peaceable', 1), ('opened),', 1), ('remainder?', 1), ('believe,"', 1), ('House', 2), ('Commons,', 1), ('London,', 1), ('anniversary', 1), ('meeting', 5), ('intends', 2), ('accomplish', 1), ('undoubtedly,', 1), ('ex-Lord', 1), ('Gospel,"', 1), ('amazed', 1), ('wrought"', 1), ('Chinese).', 1), ('examine', 1), ('excited', 2), ('afield', 1), ('611', 1), ('261', 1), ('helpers,', 1), ('872', 1), ('Evangelists', 1), ('821', 1), ('122,', 3), ('boast', 2), ('of;', 1), ('all--the', 1), ('newly-opened', 1), ('districts.', 1), ('KWEICHOW.]', 1), ('Wong-wen-shao,', 2), ('rulers', 1), ('fail', 1), ('courtly', 1), ('manner.', 1), ('Chehkiang,', 1), ('coffins.', 1), ('things:', 1), ('(under', 1), ('Heaven);', 1), ('Soochow', 1), ('(where', 2), ('prettiest);', 1), ('Hangchow', 1), ('coffins', 3), ('grandest).', 1), ('Twelve', 1), ('Hunan.', 1), ('Called', 1), ('Ministers', 1), ('State', 2), ('"Tsungli', 1), ('Yamen,"', 1), ('Office,', 1), ('remained', 8), ('retirement', 1), ('inexorable', 1), ('resign', 1), ('mourning', 1), ('parents.', 2), ('(A', 1), ('suckles', 1), ('dated', 1), ('anterior', 1), ('birth,', 1), ('breast.', 1), ('defined', 1), ('proper', 3), ('mourning.)', 1), ('termination', 1), ('reappointed', 1), ('Hunan,', 2), ('satrapy,', 1), ('Portugal,', 1), ('combined.', 1), ('application', 1), ('die,', 3), ('Mandarin', 5), ('Chang-chen', 2), ('Nien,', 2), ('Tengyueh.', 7), ('contained', 2), ('communication', 1), ('rank,', 1), ('envelope', 1), ('pillow-slip.', 1), ('traveller;', 1), ('etiquette,', 2), ('suitable', 1), ('card', 6), ('appropriate', 2), ('cards', 1), ('differing', 1), ('presented.', 1), ('colour--the', 1), ('happiness--and', 1), ('this.', 2), ('Folded', 1), ('unfolded', 1), ('(eight', 1), ('inches),', 1), ('page,', 1), ('humiliating', 1), ('purport:', 1), ('"Your', 1), ('addlepated', 1), ('Mo-li-son', 1), ('bows', 1), ('stupid', 2), ('respects', 1), ('Excellency."', 1), ('[Illustration]', 1), ('possession;', 1), ('TALIFU.', 1), ('cost,', 2), ('saddle,', 1), ('_L3', 1), ('6s._', 1), ('reversed', 1), ('aristocratic', 1), ('pony;', 2), ('thrives', 1), ('sure-footed.', 1), ('pony,', 4), ('lets', 1), ('slip', 3), ('follow;', 1), ('fourth.', 1), ('Yunnan;', 2), ('accept', 3), ('supplied', 2), ('wage', 2), ('_chien_', 2), ('(_7d._),', 1), ('(93lbs.),', 1), ('spend', 3), ('Accordingly', 1), ('(_9s._),', 1), ('_7s.', 1), ('9d._,', 1), ('catties.', 1), ('refund', 7), ('(_2-1/2d._)', 1), ('addition,', 3), ('6d._)', 1), ('thirteen,', 1), ('count.', 2), ('carry,', 2), ('offer.', 2), ('involving', 1), ('outlay', 1), ('_36s._', 1), ('hiring', 1), ('915', 1), ('empty-handed,', 1), ('liberal,', 1), ('once.', 1), ('afternoon,', 4), ('19th', 2), ('Talifu,', 4), ('western', 2), ('"Sultan"', 1), ('1857-1873.', 1), ('"sung"', 1), ('me--to', 1), ('is--and', 1), ('responsibility', 2), ('delivery', 1), ('hsien.', 1), ('"wen,"', 1), ('runner;', 1), ('"wu,"', 1), ('soldier,', 2), ('sightless', 1), ('vestiges', 1), ('reflected', 1), ('environment', 1), ('inversely,', 1), ('enriches', 1), ('twofold', 1), ('expedient', 1), ('existence,', 1), ('claim,', 1), ('diverting', 2), ('YUNNAN.]', 1), ('strode', 1), ('jacket', 3), ('foxtails.', 1), ('giant,', 1), ('Yan', 2), ('Miun,', 2), ('kindly-featured', 1), ('monster,', 1), ('pity', 1), ('_levees_', 3), ('side-show.', 1), ('information', 5), ('novelties,', 1), ('giant', 4), ('stature;', 1), ('7ft.', 1), ('1in.', 1), ('weighs,', 1), ('condition,', 1), ('27st.', 1), ('6lb.', 1), ('showmen,', 1), ('investing', 1), ('unrivalled', 1), ('surely', 3), ('earnings', 1), ('_7s._', 1), ('month,', 1), ('lodging;', 1), ('unmarried,', 1), ('incumbrance;', 1), ('slightly', 1), ('taller', 1), ('massively', 1), ('permission', 8), ('measure,', 1), ('"tallest', 1), ('earth,"', 1), ('"7ft.', 1), ('11in.', 1), ("stockings'", 1), ('soles,"', 1), ('admiral.', 1), ('stages.', 1), ('glades', 2), ('clumps', 2), ('banyan,', 1), ('far-reaching', 1), ('concealed.', 1), ('fertility', 2), ('miserably', 1), ('Goitre,', 2), ('frequency.', 1), ('deformity.', 2), ('ruthless', 1), ('war.', 1), ('extermination.', 1), ('storm', 2), ('blasted', 1), ('field,', 1), ('consumed', 1), ('temple."', 1), ('Crumbling', 1), ('guard;', 1), ('pastures', 2), ('lands', 1), ('buildings;', 1), ('roofless.', 1), ('habitation,', 1), ('groups', 1), ('foundations', 1), ('uncovered,', 1), ('dismantled', 1), ('communities.', 1), ('renaissance;', 1), ('repaired,', 1), ('bridges', 3), ('reconstructed.', 1), ('exodus', 1), ('climate,', 1), ('soil,', 1), ('mineral', 1), ('developed.', 1), ('population.', 1), ('dwelt', 1), ('involved', 1), ('millions.', 1), ('absorb', 1), ('During,', 1), ('subsequent', 2), ('45,000,000', 1), ('(1842-82);', 1), ('necessity,', 1), ('Lu-feng-hsien,', 2), ('crosses', 1), ('volume', 1), ('arches;', 1), ('symmetry,', 1), ('piers,', 1), ('destined', 3), ('survive', 2), ('lapse', 1), ('Triumphal', 2), ('pedestals', 1), ('portals', 1), ('23rd', 1), ('Chuhsing-fu,', 2), ('half-in-ruins,', 1), ('terrible', 3), ('reprisals', 1), ('recapture', 2), ('Imperialists.', 1), ('(thirty-five', 1), ('must,', 2), ('constructor', 1), ('line,', 1), ("Baber's", 1), ('itinerary.', 1), ('estimates;', 1), ('allows', 2), ('mile,', 1), ('a-half,', 1), ('indeed.', 2), ('convenience', 1), ('scrupulously', 2), ('over-estimated.', 1), ('poppy;', 1), ('valley-plains', 1), ('sparkled', 1), ('multiplicity', 1), ('tints.', 1), ('pleasant,', 2), ('brightly;', 1), ('flower;', 1), ('doves', 1), ('cooed', 1), ('bushes', 3), ('blossom', 1), ('butterflies.', 1), ('Lanes', 1), ('trickled', 1), ('willow-lined', 1), ('forget-me-nots.', 1), ('Luho,', 2), ('check.', 1), ('gateways', 1), ('prosperity,', 1), ('prettily', 2), ('dismantled,', 2), ('News', 2), ('spread,', 2), ('me--no', 1), ('flattering.', 1), ('pushing', 1), ('hastened', 1), ('noticed', 2), ('impoverished', 1), ('shaking', 1), ('"_pu-pu-pu-pu-hao!', 1), ('pu-pu-pu-hao!_"', 1), ('(bad!', 1), ('bad!)', 1), ('cries', 1), ('running,', 1), ('panting,', 1), ('absurdly', 1), ('excited,', 2), ('speak.', 1), ('gesticulation;', 1), ('purport,', 1), ('_Dios', 1), ('sabe_.', 1), ('outdone', 1), ('politeness,', 2), ('Geelong,', 2), ('disposition,', 1), ('collecting,', 1), ('checked', 1), ('waving', 2), ('bawling', 1), ('voice:', 1), ('"_Putung_,', 1), ('ass,', 1), ('_putung_', 1), ('understand)!', 1), ("Can't", 1), ('you?', 2), ('_Putung_,', 1), ('_putung_!', 1), ('Advance', 1), ('_dzo_', 1), ('(go)!"', 1), ('umbrella,', 1), ('increased--we', 1), ('town;', 2), ('wrists,', 1), ('urged', 1), ('back.', 1), ('slight', 3), ('discussion;', 1), ('crying.', 1), ('return,', 2), ('sadly', 2), ('affecting.', 1), ('Back,', 1), ('respectful', 2), ('_levee_', 1), ('townsfolk', 1), ('assembled', 2), ('polite', 8), ('showed,', 1), ('simulated', 1), ('indignation,', 1), ('hinted', 1), ('interference', 2), ('would--let', 1), ('word--be', 1), ('international', 2), ('question.', 1), ('inadvertently', 1), ('box,', 1), ('Tengyueh,', 12), ('calculated', 2), ('natives', 3), ('friendship.', 1), ('apologetic.', 1), ('forgave', 1), ('best.', 1), ('stopping', 2), ('Was', 1), ('loss,', 1), ('gates?', 1), ('resting-place,', 1), ('guarantee', 1), ('safety.', 1), ('Imagine', 1), ('bluster', 1), ('humour;', 1), ('25th', 2), ('engrossed', 1), ('thought.', 1), ('watchful', 1), ('moment,', 1), ('dogging', 1), ('Poorly', 1), ('clad,', 1), ('yesterday', 2), ('barefoot.', 1), ('unprovided', 1), ('kind--it', 1), ('relied', 1), ('opium-pipe;', 1), ('box', 2), ('girdle;', 1), ('neck.', 1), ('policeman', 2), ('lictor', 1), ('magistrate,', 3), ('satellite', 1), ('official;', 2), ('authority.', 1), ('statesman,', 1), ('Anti-Opium', 2), ('suppress', 2), ('abolish', 1), ('evil;', 1), ('opium-smoker.', 1), ('acre,', 1), ('poppy?', 2), ('Have', 1), ('_literati_', 1), ('elders', 1), ('words:', 1), ('sentiments', 1), ('are:--If', 1), ('blood', 3), ('extremity', 1), ('crimes', 2), ('atrocity', 1), ('committed', 2), ('thus?"', 1), ('(Cited', 1), ('Mander,', 2), ('tear', 1), ('shed', 1), ('opium?"', 1), ('("China,"', 1), ('Reed,', 2), ('63).', 1), ('protests', 1), ('opium-smoker,', 2), ('"vile', 1), ('excrementitious', 1), ('substance"', 1), ('("Barrow\'s', 1), ('Travels,"', 1), ('153),', 1), ('sanction,', 1), ('foster,', 1), ('ever-extending', 1), ('opium-districts', 1), ('Piercy', 1), ('(formerly', 1), ('W.M.S.,', 1), ('Canton),', 1), ('anomaly:', 1), ('appears,', 2), ('opium-smoking.', 1), ('"Moreover,', 1), ('evils', 1), ('to-day.', 2), ('desperation', 1), ('invoked', 1), ('Satan', 2), ('Satan.', 1), ('vainly', 1), ('dreaming', 1), ('supply', 1), ('lapse,', 1), ('evil.', 1), ('himself;', 1), ('stand.', 1), ('Opium-growing', 1), ('opium-smoking."', 1), ('546.)', 1), ('"Yet', 1), ('guilt', 2), ('remains,"', 1), ('Ven.', 2), ('Archdeacon', 1), ('Farrar', 1), ('Westminster', 1), ('Abbey,', 1), ("'wherever", 1), ('winds', 1), ("roll,'", 1), ('girdled', 1), ('zone', 1), ('drunkenness,', 1), ('shudder', 1), ('curses,', 1), ('deep,', 1), ('muttered', 1), ('fire-water', 1), ('decimated', 1), ('vice', 1), ('degraded."', 1), ('4.)', 1), ('patriotic', 1), ('utterance', 1), ('unexpected', 1), ('"On', 1), ('Restriction', 1), ('Christianity"', 1), ('Throne', 1), ('1884', 1), ('Peng', 2), ('Yue-lin,', 2), ('"_since', 1), ('treaties', 1), ('doctrines,', 1), ('injured_."', 1), ('Causes', 1), ('Anti-Foreign', 1), ('Disturbances', 1), ('Gilbert', 1), ('Reid,', 2), ('M.A.,', 1), ('9.)', 1), ('Forty', 2), ('Shachiaokai,', 2), ('undulating', 2), ('sheltered', 2), ('headsman', 1), ('gang', 1), ('malefactors.', 1), ('cages,', 1), ('tower', 1), ('gateway.', 2), ('bereaved', 1), ('friends.', 2), ('suspended', 1), ('rim,', 1), ('upside', 1), ("men's", 2), ('do.', 2), ('ticket', 1), ('criminal', 1), ('offence', 2), ('executed.', 1), ('Chennan-chow,', 2), ('accounted', 1), ('solicitude', 1), ('Luho', 1), ('BETWEEN', 2), ('TALIFU.]', 3), ('Shachiaokai', 1), ('Pupeng', 1), ('Ying-wu-kwan,', 2), ('"Eagle', 1), ('Nest', 1), ('Barrier,"', 1), ('8000', 1), ('sea.', 2), ('hilly', 1), ('Pupeng,', 2), ('pursuing', 1), ('thickly-peopled', 2), ('plateau,', 2), ('skirted', 2), ('sheets', 1), ('water--the', 1), ('submerged', 1), ('rice-fields.', 1), ('bargained', 1), ('hen', 4), ('unconscious', 2), ('comments,', 1), ('flattering', 1), ('deprecatory,', 1), ('fatness.', 1), ('260', 1), ('vendors', 1), ('pet,', 1), ('hatched', 1), ('tenderly', 1), ('reared,', 1), ('induce', 2), ('350.', 1), ('confidence,', 1), ('based', 3), ('poultry,', 1), ('asserted', 2), ("gentleman's", 1), ('conscientiously', 1), ('invest', 1), ('travesty', 1), ('_that_.', 1), ('_tomber', 1), ("d'accord_.", 1), ('Yeh,', 4), ('27th', 1), ('unsatisfactory', 1), ('Yenwanshan.', 1), ('short-cut', 2), ('sure', 4), ('road--in', 1), ('persisted', 2), ('thinking', 3), ('"_mitte', 1), ('liao!', 1), ('mitte', 1), ('liao!_"', 1), ('("there', 1), ('beans")', 1), ('offered.', 1), ('stammered', 1), ('Obviously', 1), ('_ex', 1), ('parte_,', 1), ('promoted', 1), ('solely', 2), ('sojourn', 1), ('tumble-down', 1), ('housed', 1), ('guest-room.', 1), ('Beds', 1), ('clods', 1), ('clay;', 1), ('earth,', 2), ('windows', 1), ('bucket', 1), ('soaking', 1), ('pavilions', 1), ('Hells.', 1), ('window,', 2), ('collected,', 1), ('stretching', 1), ('quarrelling', 1), ('catch', 1), ('glimpse', 1), ('sickly', 1), ('these--of', 1), ('strabismus,', 1), ('ophthalmia.', 1), ('poorly', 2), ('clad', 3), ('nourished;', 1), ('grandmothers,', 1), ('filigree.', 2), ('disposition', 1), ('laugh', 3), ('wonder;', 1), ('peculiarity', 2), ('with.', 1), ('grieved', 1), ('friendliness,', 2), ('appearance,', 1), ('furtively', 1), ('giggle', 1), ('folk', 1), ('Jamaica,', 1), ('stranded', 1), ('island,', 1), ('"walk-foot', 1), ('buccra"', 1), ('plantations', 2), ('Ewarton', 1), ('Montego', 1), ('Bay.', 1), ('utter', 1), ('snigger', 1), ('observed,', 1), ('crack', 1), ('jokes', 1), ('well-fed,', 1), ('well-clad,', 1), ('well-mounted', 1), ('envy', 2), ('derision.', 1), ('laughter', 2), ('moved', 4), ('springs', 2), ('ours.', 1), ('merry', 1), ('announce', 1), ('beloved', 1), ('heartily', 1), ('you--you', 1), ('overflowing', 1), ('joy,', 1), ('deceive', 2), ('continents,', 1), ('gaiety', 1), ('relax', 1), ('singularly', 1), ('level;', 1), ('Yunnan-hsien.', 1), ('crowded,', 2), ('thoroughfares,', 1), ('vicinity', 1), ('peasant', 1), ('produce,', 1), ('turnips,', 1), ('Articles', 1), ('sale--stacks', 1), ('calico,', 1), ('braid,', 1), ('thread,', 1), ('"new', 1), ('impermeable', 1), ('matches', 2), ('Trieste,"', 1), ('"toilet', 1), ('soap', 1), ('quality."', 1), ('lunch', 2), ('impassable.', 1), ('foremost,', 2), ('crowbars', 1), ('chained', 2), ('ankles,', 1), ('prisoner,', 2), ('pilloried', 1), ('_cangue_,', 1), ('obstructed', 1), ('gaze', 2), ('many.', 1), ('teacher"', 1), ('devil."', 1), ('guests', 1), ('out.', 1), ('politest.', 1), ('illiterate', 1), ('demeanour,', 1), ('well-bred', 2), ('graceful', 3), ('deference', 1), ('servility,', 2), ('witness.', 1), ('educated', 2), ('actions', 1), ('governed', 2), ('rules.', 1), ('give,', 1), ('cross-examination', 1), ('subjected,', 1), ('familiar', 1), ('station,', 2), ('addresses', 2), ('are:', 2), ('age?"', 1), ('dragged', 2), ('reply.', 1), ('occupation?"', 1), ('doctor."', 1), ('patronymic?"', 1), ('poverty-struck', 1), ('Mo."', 1), ('"How', 3), ('"Alas!', 1), ('Fate', 1), ('niggardly;', 1), ('bug."', 1), ('sons,', 3), ('interlocutor', 1), ('gravely,', 1), ('virtue;', 1), ('continues--', 1), ('meaning', 1), ('daughters', 1), ('yatows"', 1), ('(forked', 1), ('children),', 1), ('"my', 1), ('daughters,"', 1), ('deprecatory', 1), ('shrug,', 1), ('"number', 1), ('many."', 1), ('inquiries', 1), ('questioner.', 1), ('nations,', 1), ('overmastering', 1), ('progeny', 1), ('shrine;', 1), ('childless,', 1), ('provision', 2), ('wanders', 1), ('ghost,', 1), ('forsaken--an', 1), ('"orphan"', 1), ('money,"', 1), ('rich;', 1), ('poor."', 1), ('unfilial', 1), ('things,"', 1), ('Mencius,', 2), ('children."', 1), ('(Mencius,', 1), ('pt.', 1), ('26).', 1), ('longevity', 2), ('grades', 1), ('partake', 2), ('fruit-salts', 1), ('pills.', 1), ('Age', 1), ('beard,', 2), ('thirty-second', 1), ('happens', 1), ('clean-shaven,', 1), ('enigma', 1), ('Oriental,', 1), ('bystanders.', 2), ('twelve--"look', 1), ('foreigner,"', 1), ('"there\'s', 1), ('boy!"--and', 1), ('twenty-two.', 1), ('youthful', 1), ('hampered', 1), ('obliged', 1), ('married.', 2), ('semi-barbarian', 1), ('Portree,', 1), ('Scotland', 1), ('Isle', 1), ('Skye.', 1), ('bashful', 1), ('matron,', 1), ("baker's", 1), ('tenth', 1), ('child.', 2), ('cheerfully.', 1), ('critically,', 1), ('remarking', 1), ('that:', 1), ('"She', 2), ('gey', 1), ("thankfu'", 1), ("a'", 1), ('afore', 1), ("cam',", 1), ('nae', 1), ('wush', 1), ('meddled', 1), ("wi'", 1), ('laddie', 1), ('nineteen."', 1), ('older', 1), ('age.', 2), ('Nankow', 1), ('Pass', 1), ('Wall,', 1), ('Peking.', 1), ('Welsh', 1), ("bard's,", 1), ('forty-four,', 1), ('awe,', 2), ('Buddha,', 2), ('attributed', 1), ('28th', 1), ('April,', 4), ('misgivings,', 1), ('fulfilled', 1), ('promise,', 1), ('ninth', 1), ('frugally', 1), ('210', 4), ('they,', 1), ('tired.', 1), ('pence', 2), ('plateau', 1), ('blew', 1), ('piercingly', 1), ('ached', 1), ('rarefaction', 1), ('atmosphere', 1), ('uneasy.', 1), ('unfrequented.', 1), ('muleteer', 4), ('twelve,', 1), ('horses.', 1), ('peaks,', 1), ('valleys', 1), ('Chaochow', 1), ('plains', 1), ('intersected', 1), ('hedges.', 1), ('Chaochow,', 2), ('beyond,', 1), ('hemmed', 1), ('thickly', 1), ('lap', 1), ('Crossing', 2), ('mingled', 1), ('Hsiakwan.', 1), ('varieties', 1), ('diversity', 2), ('unlooked', 1), ('habituated', 1), ('uniformity', 1), ('European,', 1), ('Hindoo,', 1), ('Indigenes', 1), ('Thibetans,', 2), ('Cantonese', 5), ('pedlars,', 1), ('Hsiakwan,', 8), ('halting', 3), ('caravanserais', 2), ('regiment', 1), ('cavalry', 1), ('quartered', 1), ('cross-road', 1), ('vermicelli', 1), ('soup', 1), ('_mien_,', 1), ('muleteer,', 1), ('unrolling', 1), ('waistband,', 1), ('share,', 1), ('civility', 1), ('insisted,', 2), ('firm;', 1), ('Frenchmen,', 1), ('complimentary.', 1), ('MISSIONS.', 1), ('Rocky', 1), ('creeks', 2), ('drain', 1), ('range', 2), ('lake;', 1), ('granite', 4), ('length.', 1), ('ices', 1), ('ices,', 1), ('concave', 1), ('sweetened', 1), ('treacle,', 1), ('each--equal', 1), ('Titai', 3), ('Glory', 2), ('northern', 2), ('East', 2), ('_Yesu-tang_,', 2), ('greeting.', 1), ('Kublai', 1), ('Khan', 1), ('Polo.', 1), ('Sultan', 1), ('Dictator,', 1), ('Tu', 2), ('Hsiu,', 2), ('surrendered', 1), ('1857.', 1), ('recaptured', 1), ('Imperialists', 3), ('Yu-ko', 1), ('January', 1), ('15th,', 2), ('1873,', 3), ('artillery', 1), ('Frenchmen', 1), ('gunners.', 1), ('carnage', 2), ('appalling;', 1), ('ankle-deep', 1), ('blood.', 1), ('50,000', 1), ('butchered.', 1), ('massacre', 1), ('twenty-four', 1), ('panniers', 1), ('convince', 1), ('rebellion.', 2), ('March,', 1), ('_Titai_', 1), ('Commander-in-chief', 1), ('assumed', 1), ('despotic', 1), ('conquered,', 1), ('aspired', 1), ('recalled', 1), ('Peking--to', 1), ('recall', 1), ('China--the', 4), ('French--and,', 1), ('Uriah,', 1), ('forefront', 1), ('Formosa,', 1), ('opportunely', 1), ('slain', 1), ('bullet,', 1), ('misdirected', 1), ('bequest', 1), ('college', 2), ('students.', 1), ('undergraduates', 1), ('accommodate', 1), ('shelves', 3), ('lake.', 3), ('myriads', 2), ('grave-mounds,', 2), ('distinguishable', 1), ('Creeks', 1), ('rills', 1), ('residents', 1), ('drinking', 1), ('diluted', 2), ('Half-way', 1), ('tumulus', 1), ('over-grown', 1), ('massacre.', 1), ('villages.', 1), ('Between', 1), ('passes,', 1), ('Hsiakwan', 2), ('Shang-kwan', 1), ('north,', 1), ('walk,', 1), ('plantation', 1), ('gables.', 1), ('reaches', 3), ('fleets', 1), ('boats.', 1), ('unequalled', 2), ('world;', 1), ('circumference.', 1), ('suburbs', 1), ('rubble.', 1), ('market-gardens', 1), ('spaces', 1), ('repair,', 1), ('old-fashioned', 1), ('intending', 1), ('cave,', 1), ('Phoenix-eyed', 1), ('Cave"', 1), ('(_Fung-yen-tung_)', 1), ('overlooks', 1), ('fame', 1), ('cave.', 1), ('half-way,', 1), ('phrase', 5), ('fancy', 3), ('feasted', 1), ('bunches', 1), ('edelweiss.', 1), ('graves,', 1), ('pensive', 1), ('pretend', 1), ('inquiring', 1), ('precious', 1), ('hillside--every', 1), ('underground--but', 1), ('reply,', 1), ("god's", 1), ('feast', 1), ('"dedicated', 1), ('spiritual', 1), ('essence,', 1), ('insipid', 1), ('remains."', 1), ('"_Ching', 1), ('fan_,"', 1), ('"We', 1), ('(you', 2), ('take)', 1), ('rice."', 1), ('hands:', 1), ('"_Ching,', 1), ('ching_,"', 1), ('"we', 3), ('on),', 1), ('invite,"', 1), ('enjoyment.', 1), ('_aperitif_', 1), ('_tsiu_,', 1), ('alcohol', 1), ('lamps', 1), ('sward,', 3), ('Fair', 2), ('17th,', 1), ('18th,', 1), ('herds', 1), ('ponies,', 2), ('pilgrimage', 1), ('forefathers.', 1), ('routes.', 1), ('halls', 1), ('Kwanti,', 1), ('War,', 1), ('forgotten.', 1), ('knows,', 1), ('god,', 1), ('Gordon', 1), ('suppressing', 1), ('Japanese,', 2), ('maintained', 2), ('neutrality.', 1), ('drill-ground.', 1), ('attendants.', 1), ('precincts', 1), ('_Kwan_', 1), ('beggar', 2), ('headman),', 1), ('domiciled,', 1), ("Emperor's", 1), ('officially', 1), ('Memorial', 1), ('Yang,', 1), ('won', 2), ('Mohammedans.', 2), ('earnestly,', 1), ('goddess', 4), ('dispensation', 1), ('maternity.', 1), ('childless', 1), ('praying', 1), ('remove', 2), ('barrenness.', 1), ('poor-relief', 1), ('fund.', 1), ('storerooms', 1), ('nick-nacks', 1), ('pedlars.', 1), ('low.', 1), ('condensed', 2), ('milk,', 2), ('"Milkmaid', 1), ('brand,"', 1), ('tin.', 1), ('stabling', 1), ('horses,', 3), ('drivers.', 1), ('tariff', 1), ('immoderate.', 1), ('fodder', 1), ('included,', 2), ('farthing;', 1), ('supper', 3), ('caravanserai', 1), ('stabled;', 1), ('barracks', 2), ('landlord', 3), ('invited', 4), ('guest-room,', 1), ('guest,', 1), ('reluctant;', 1), ('forward', 4), ('protesting', 1), ('refusal', 1), ('seat.', 1), ('reluctance', 1), ('By-and-by', 2), ('whom,', 2), ('Moltke.', 1), ('moderation.', 1), ('one-fifth', 1), ('ounce,', 1), ('injury.', 1), ('officials:', 1), ('Intendant', 1), ('Titai.', 1), ('Titai,', 2), ('Gate', 2), ('Tower,', 1), ('commander', 2), ('Imperialist,', 1), ('obeyed', 1), ('obtaining', 4), ('blessed', 1), ("Titai's", 1), ('local', 1), ('operators,', 1), ('crudely', 1), ('sentences.', 1), ('duties.', 1), ('convicted', 1), ('serious', 6), ('exhaustion,', 1), ('cages', 1), ('criminals', 3), ("Hsien's", 1), ('admitted.', 1), ('prison,"', 1), ('clerk,', 3), ('private,', 1), ('admitted."', 1), ('prison,', 1), ('humanity', 1), ('management.', 1), ('gaols', 2), ('"hells,"', 1), ('hulks', 2), ('"floating', 1), ('hells,"', 1), ('cruelties', 5), ('deprivations', 1), ('prisons', 2), ('gaolers', 1), ('appointments,', 1), ('Howard,', 1), ("prisoners'", 1), ('friendless,', 1), ('badly.', 1), ('gaols,', 1), ('allowing', 1), ('nerve', 1), ('sensibility', 1), ('endurable', 1), ('Charles', 2), ('Reade', 1), ('Mend."', 1), ('Hawes,', 1), ('"punishment', 1), ('jacket,"', 1), ('crank,', 1), ('cell,', 1), ('tortured,', 1), ('abandoned,', 1), ('kicked', 1), ('way";', 1), ('Josephs,', 1), ('self-slaughter', 1), ('cruelty.', 1), ('1856,', 1), ('"every', 1), ('detail', 1), ('verified,', 1), ('research', 2), ('("Life', 1), ('Reade,"', 1), ('33.)', 1), ('admit,', 1), ('greater,', 1), ('brutality', 1), ('convicts', 5), ('settlements', 2), ('Norfolk', 4), ('Island,', 2), ('Fort', 1), ('Arthur,', 1), ('Macquarie', 1), ('Harbour,', 1), ('Williamstown.', 1), ('convict', 4), ('cesspools', 1), ('iniquity,', 1), ('seemed,', 1), ('well,', 2), ("'the", 1), ('beast.\'"', 1), ('narrated', 1), ('Chaplain', 1), ('Ullathorne,', 2), ('Birmingham,', 1), ('Commission', 4), ('Commons', 1), ('1838:', 1), ('another,', 1), ('pronounced,', 1), ('delivered', 2), ('whilst', 1), ('mute,', 1), ('weeping.', 1), ('witnessed."', 1), ('Marcus', 1), ("Clarke's", 1), ('Term', 1), ('Natural', 1), ('Life,"', 1), ('powerfully-drawn', 1), ('Maurice', 2), ('Frere,', 1), ('Island.', 1), ('fact,', 1), ('perfectly', 4), ('picture', 3), ('Frere', 1), ('Colonel', 9), ('----,', 1), ('hulk', 1), ('"Success,"', 1), ('Williamstown,', 1), ('1853.', 1), ('lag', 1), ('cruelty', 3), ('reviles', 1), ('murder.', 3), ('reprieved', 1), ('imprisonment.', 1), ('forty-one', 1), ('commends', 1), ('retribution,', 1), ('"Colonel\'s', 1), ("there's", 1), ('hell,', 1), ("he's", 2), ('frizzling', 1), ('yet."', 1), ('Foster', 1), ('Fyans,', 1), ('Island', 1), ('Convict', 1), ('Settlement,', 1), ('justified,', 1), ('declared,', 2), ('brutalised', 1), ('prisoners.', 1), ('Island;', 1), ('guard.', 2), ('implicated', 1), ('trial,', 2), ('guilty,', 1), ('strangulation,', 1), ('Sydney,', 1), ('sentence', 6), ('effect.', 1), ('laconic', 1), ('"hang', 1), ('acknowledged', 3), ('despatch,', 1), ('Which', 2), ('hang,', 1), ('guilty?', 1), ('acted', 1), ('dilemma.', 1), ('wretches,', 1), ('separately', 1), ('if,', 1), ('desired', 2), ('reprieve', 1), ('prayed', 2), ('scaffold.', 1), ('hanged', 1), ('live,', 1), ('Besides,', 3), ('bears', 2), ('truth.', 1), ('humanity.', 1), ('suicide.', 1), ('_at_', 1), ('messenger', 1), ('discourage', 1), ('truth,', 1), ('sulphate', 1), ('gentleman.', 1), ('bride,', 1), ('attraction,', 1), ('married,', 2), ('pock-marked', 2), ('attire,', 1), ('marriage;', 1), ('red--the', 1), ('happiness.', 1), ('journey,"', 1), ('repay', 1), ('fourfold', 1), ('injuries', 1), ('spirit,', 2), ('doctors.', 1), ('bride', 1), ('emetic', 1), ('Small-pox,', 2), ('respectfully', 1), ('"Heavenly', 1), ('Flowers,"', 1), ('scourge', 1), ('deaths--there', 1), ('vagueness', 1), ('figures--from', 1), ('Inoculation', 1), ('practised,', 1), ('centuries,', 1), ('introducing', 1), ('pock-scab,', 1), ('nostrils.', 1), ('inoculation,', 1), ('conferred', 1), ('tubes', 1), ('vaccine', 1), ('lymph.', 1), ('Vaccination', 1), ('effective', 1), ('imagined,', 1), ('section', 1), ('Small-pox', 1), ('superfluous', 2), ('none.', 2), ('endemic', 1), ('bubonic', 1), ('plague,', 1), ('played', 3), ('havoc', 2), ('peddlers', 1), ('germs', 1), ('furthest', 1), ('1881', 1), ('Clarke,', 4), ('widely-travelled,', 1), ('Cameron,', 2), ('society;', 1), ('Clarke', 2), ('provinces.', 1), ('encouraging;', 1), ('Light', 2), ('Truth,"', 1), ('Guinness,', 2), ('hysterical', 1), ('"Letters', 1), ('Far', 2), ('East"--a', 1), ('China--"For', 1), ('Truth', 2), ('outstretched,', 1), ('empty,', 1), ('longing', 1), ('hands"', 2), ('173).', 1), ('allegation', 1), ('facts', 1), ('laboured', 1), ('happier', 1), ('coming,', 1), ('Tali--there', 1), ('four;', 1), ('summons', 1), ('attends,', 1), ('average,', 1), ('environs,', 1), ('unsuccessful.', 1), ('dark,', 1), ('returns.', 2), ('praised', 1), ('benevolence', 1), ('Smith--would', 1), ('others!"', 1), ('deed,', 1), ('simple,', 1), ('unaffected', 2), ('sympathetic--the', 1), ('China--an', 1), ('unknown,', 2), ('contrasted', 2), ('missionaries--the', 1), ('majority--who', 1), ('self-denial', 1), ('America,', 1), ('parade', 1), ('preaching,', 1), ('ones!"', 1), ('inquirers--one', 1), ('cook--who', 1), ('acceptance.', 1), ('school;', 1), ('pedlar;', 1), ('belonging', 1), ('indigenous', 1), ('tribes', 2), ('Minchia', 2), ('tests,', 1), ('baptised.', 1), ('patch', 1), ('tills', 1), ('premises.', 1), ('teacher,', 1), ('taught.', 1), ('progress.', 2), ('worshipper,', 1), ('exhortation.', 1), ('eve', 1), ('apprenticing', 1), ('carpenter.', 1), ('boy,', 3), ('beggar,', 1), ('filth,', 1), ('shamble', 1), ('alms.', 1), ('expenses', 4), ('burial;', 1), ('slavery,', 1), ('grovelling', 1), ('squalor', 1), ('mission-house,', 1), ('Temple.', 2), ('arrival.', 2), ('valley,"', 1), ('sorrowfully,', 1), ('numbered', 3), ("'12,000", 1), ("tens'", 1), ('(120,000', 1), ('souls),', 1), ("'100", 1), ("fives'", 1), ('souls).', 1), ('slain,', 1), ('prey,', 1), ('destroyer."', 1), ('Several', 1), ('Anglo-Saxon', 1), ('features,', 2), ('phenomenon.', 1), ('curiosity,', 1), ('closest', 1), ('likeness', 2), ('fearlessness', 1), ('Mohammedan,', 1), ('militant', 1), ('distinguishes', 1), ('unbeliever.', 1), ('thinly', 1), ('Mohammedanism,', 1), ('excites', 2), ('devotion,', 1), ('devotion.', 1), ('mission-house', 1), ('comical-looking', 1), ('head-dress', 3), ('differed', 1), ('lappets', 1), ('cheeks', 1), ('fashion', 4), ('affected', 1), ('locks--impudent', 1), ('China--whereupon', 1), ('mutilated--he', 1), ('removal', 1), ('ears.', 2), ('enemy"--and', 1), ('credulous', 1), ('theft', 1), ('detection', 1), ('magistrate;', 1), ('bottle-nosed', 1), ('man,"', 1), ('"may', 1), ('teetotaller', 1), ('so."', 1), ('milkman', 1), ('follower', 1), ('Prophet,', 1), ('milk', 3), ('co-religionists', 1), ('number.', 1), ('chemist', 1), ('butter', 1), ('fat.', 1), ('reproached', 1), ('deceit,', 1), ('piously', 2), ('drop', 2), ('there"--and', 1), ('jerk', 1), ('sky--"who', 1), ('did."', 1), ('well-earned', 1), ('savings.', 1), ('intended,', 1), ('anxious:', 1), ('newly', 1), ('(Bhamo).', 1), ('Laotseng', 10), ('strong,', 2), ('high-spirited.', 1), ('_24s._', 1), ('load,', 1), ('undertook,', 1), ('event', 2), ('engaged.', 1), ('coolie-hong.', 1), ('strongly-built', 1), ('good-humoured,', 1), ('ugliness.', 1), ('thinnest', 1), ('Bowery', 1), ('dime-show.', 1), ('opium-eater', 1), ('ash', 1), ('itself--the', 1), ('nearest', 1), ('Exeter', 1), ('opium-eater,', 1), ('"wasted', 1), ('limbs', 1), ('palsied', 1), ('Though', 1), ('perishing', 4), ('"straight', 1), ('damnation,"', 1), ('"dying', 1), ('wail', 1), ('unheard,"', 1), ('deterred', 1), ('Englishmen,', 2), ('speed,', 1), ('march.', 1), ('(_12s._)', 1), ('Singai,', 1), ('lodging.', 1), ('stipulated', 1), ('_churo_', 1), ('(pork', 1), ('money)', 1), ('places--Yungchang,', 1), ('Bhamo--100', 1), ('3rd', 3), ('traverse', 1), ('converse.', 1), ('grouped', 1), ('_Kwanyin-tang_.', 1), ('theatre', 2), ('umbrellas.', 1), ('forecast', 1), ('architecture.', 2), ('miracle.', 1), ('boulder', 2), ('pond.', 1), ('approaches,', 1), ('surmounted', 2), ('marble,', 1), ('faced', 1), ('tablets.', 1), ('herself,', 1), ('lay,', 1), ('commemorate', 1), ('augury', 1), ('GODDESS', 1), ('MERCY,', 1), ('mercy.', 1), ('tragedy', 1), ('enacted', 1), ('festival', 3), ('sightseers,', 2), ('thief,', 1), ('crush,', 1), ('snatch', 1), ('bracelet', 1), ('wrist', 1), ('resisted,', 1), ('stabbed', 2), ('red-handed,', 1), ('beheaded', 1), ('then.', 1), ('executioner', 2), ('soldiers;', 1), ('clumsily', 1), ('hacking', 1), ('repeated', 2), ('blows,', 1), ('severing', 1), ('cut,', 2), ('incensed', 1), ('vowed', 1), ('vengeance.', 1), ('wait', 5), ('execution-ground,', 1), ('swore', 1), ('concerned', 2), ('result', 1), ('sufficient,', 1), ("son's", 1), ('beneath', 1), ('knife,', 1), ('scream', 1), ('stone-dead.', 1), ('Nine', 1), ('tragedy:', 1), ('recovered', 2), ('wound.', 1), ('restaurant,', 1), ('up,', 3), ('Yangki', 2), ('Lake,', 1), ('south-west', 1), ('flows', 5), ('Mekong.', 1), ('defile,', 1), ('abruptly', 1), ('Forts,', 1), ('entrance;', 1), ('impregnable.', 1), ('falls', 1), ('scent', 1), ('honeysuckle,', 1), ('Hokiangpu.', 1), ('stay.', 1), ('Cantonese,', 2), ('broader', 1), ('Kuangtung,', 1), ('Catalans', 1), ('Scotch,', 1), ('adapt', 1), ('enduring,', 1), ('canny,', 1), ('successful;', 1), ('pilgrimages', 1), ('reputation', 2), ('quick-witted', 1), ('Fair,', 1), ('season.', 1), ('adapted', 1), ('wants--cheap', 1), ('pistols', 1), ('revolvers,', 1), ('mirrors,', 1), ('pictures,', 1), ('gewgaws', 1), ('attractive--and', 1), ('bands,', 1), ('marching', 1), ('spearhead', 1), ('use--a', 1), ('peace,', 1), ('spear', 2), ('oiled', 1), ('sunshades,', 1), ('tricing', 1), ('blue;', 1), ('cleanly', 1), ('shaved;', 1), ('sandalled,', 1), ('calves', 1), ('bandaged.', 1), ('mien', 1), ('conscious', 1), ('superiority', 1), ('untravelled', 1), ('trading.', 1), ('amiable;', 1), ('home.', 1), ('emigrating', 1), ('Borneo,', 1), ('Sumatra,', 1), ('Java,', 1), ('Timor,', 1), ('Celebes', 1), ('Islands,', 1), ('Annam', 1), ('Straits', 1), ('Settlements,', 1), ('Malay', 1), ('Peninsula,', 1), ('Cochin', 1), ('islet', 1), ('naturalists', 1), ('found."', 1), ('Territory', 1), ('entry', 4), ('colonies', 1), ('hazards.', 1), ('compete', 3), ('intermix', 1), ('marry', 2), ('aliens', 1), ('customs;', 1), ('animals', 1), ('vitality.', 1), ('temperate,', 1), ('frugal,', 2), ('hard-working,', 2), ('law-evading,', 1), ('law-abiding--we', 1), ('outwork', 1), ('starve', 2), ('country--no', 1), ('deny', 1), ('successfully', 1), ('artisan', 1), ('labourer', 1), ('mechanical', 1), ('labour,', 1), ('week,', 1), ('amusements,', 1), ('enjoyments,', 1), ('comforts', 1), ('kind,', 1), ('contributing', 1), ('government,', 1), ('reject', 1), ('loathing,', 1), ('repugnance.', 1), ('Admitted', 1), ('currency--that', 1), ('currencies', 1), ('baser', 1), ('supplant', 1), ('better.', 1), ('Victoria,"', 1), ('Professor', 2), ('Pearson,', 2), ('trade--that', 1), ('furniture-making--was', 1), ('years."', 1), ('9377', 1), ('1,150,000;', 1), ('350,000,000,', 1), ('8081', 1), ('Ball),', 1), ('Australia.', 1), ('colonist,', 1), ('Asiatic', 1), ('Englishman?', 1), ('Yangpi,', 2), ('delay', 3), ('messengers', 1), ('passport.', 2), ('officious', 1), ('respect,', 1), ('like,', 1), ('smiled', 2), ('irritation', 1), ('inability', 1), ('understand;', 1), ('listened', 1), ('imperturbable', 1), ('dancing.', 1), ('satisfy', 2), ('scanning', 1), ('Seeing', 1), ('seize', 1), ('"Not', 2), ('quick,', 1), ('friends,"', 1), ('soothingly.', 1), ('"Be', 1), ('calm;', 1), ('irritability', 1), ('See,', 1), ('passport;', 1), ('seal,', 1), ('unworthy', 3), ('and--put', 1), ('pocket.', 1), ('copy,', 6), ('pass."', 1), ('puzzled,', 1), ('English;', 1), ('debated', 1), ('Appear', 1), ('passing;', 1), ('irritated', 1), ('delay,', 1), ('assume', 1), ('indifference,', 1), ('Emulate,', 1), ('trait', 1), ('character,', 3), ('denser', 1), ('chooses.', 1), ('instance.', 1), ('Melbourne,', 1), ('tenement', 1), ('unfit', 1), ('habitation.', 1), ('fined', 2), ('_L1_.', 1), ('inflicted.', 1), ('unmoved', 2), ('stolidity,', 2), ('was:', 1), ('savvy,', 1), ('savvy."', 1), ('sank', 1), ('lawyer.', 1), ("worship's", 1), ('permission,', 1), ('understand,"', 1), ('try.', 1), ('Striding', 1), ('fiercely', 1), ('Celestial,', 1), ('"John,', 1), ('pounds."', 1), ('fear!', 1), ('_one_!"', 1), ('well-constructed', 1), ('fearful', 2), ('climb', 3), ('mountain.', 1), ('"Bones"', 4), ('jagged', 2), ('mountain-river', 1), ('Taiping-pu.', 1), ('arrived;', 1), ('stalked', 1), ('gaunt', 1), ('"Bones,"', 2), ('_kang_', 1), ('borrowed', 1), ('chairen.', 1), ('arduous', 1), ('surmount', 1), ('parallel', 3), ('ridges', 1), ('even,', 1), ('easiest,', 1), ('continually', 1), ('dip', 1), ('crest', 1), ('ranges', 1), ('depths', 2), ('valleys.', 1), ('Huanglien-pu', 1), ('shoe,', 1), ('shoes', 1), ('farrier', 1), ('shoeing', 1), ('lashing', 1), ('fetlock', 1), ("pony's", 2), ('tail.', 1), ('Caravans', 2), ('Miles', 1), ('booming', 1), ('gongs', 2), ('hills;', 2), ('jingling,', 1), ('scarlet', 2), ('tufts', 1), ('pheasant', 1), ('tails,', 1), ('headman,', 1), ('burly', 1), ('perched', 1), ('headed', 1), ('driver', 2), ('animals.', 2), ('resting.', 1), ('packs', 1), ('piled', 1), ('rows;', 1), ('browsed', 1), ('107', 1), ('caravan.', 1), ('pathological', 1), ('safely', 3), ('marks', 1), ('small-pox.', 1), ('Goitre', 2), ('Annam,', 1), ('Thibet.', 1), ('distinctly', 1), ('cretinism', 1), ('interrupted', 1), ('increase,', 1), ('"thickneck"', 2), ('goitrous', 7), ('intermarry,', 1), ('goitrous,', 2), ('will,', 4), ('develop', 1), ('Frequently', 1), ('intensified', 1), ('offspring', 1), ('cretinism,', 1), ('disgusting', 1), ('suckling', 1), ('imbecile', 1), ('adults', 1), ('descended,', 1), ('full-grown', 1), ('rode,', 1), ('affected.', 1), ('diary', 1), ('West,', 2), ('Yungchang,', 4), ('diminished', 1), ('monotonous', 1), ('cases.', 1), ('employed,', 1), ('goitrous;', 1), ('third,', 1), ('disease,', 1), ('indigenes', 1), ('encounters', 1), ('ages.', 1), ('manifests', 1), ('well-marked', 1), ('enlargement', 1), ('eight.', 1), ('Turn', 1), ('cases;', 1), ('taint.', 1), ('(May', 2), ('5th),', 1), ('accident,', 1), ('"thicknecks."', 1), ('Huanglien-pu,', 2), ('lunch,', 1), ('landlady', 1), ('swelled', 1), ('shoulder,', 2), ('slobbering-mouthed', 1), ('cretin', 1), ('animal.', 1), ('dull,', 1), ('phenomena.', 1), ('nine,', 1), ('childhood', 1), ('cretinous,', 1), ('mentally', 1), ('verging', 2), ('dementia', 1), ('cases,', 1), ('childhood.', 1), ('offended', 1), ('devil),', 1), ('appellation', 1), ('To-day,', 2), ('6th),', 1), ('Chutung', 1), ('term.', 1), ('bystander,', 1), ('coolly', 1), ('wrath,', 1), ('whip.', 1), ('devil"', 1), ('(_Chung', 1), ('kweitze_),', 1), ('assailed', 2), ('warmth,', 1), ('nothing,', 1), ('heel,', 1), ('regretted', 2), ('lesson,', 1), ('whip;', 1), ('unjust.', 1), ('kweitze_,"', 1), ('adviser', 4), ('resembling', 1), ('identically', 1), ('untrained', 1), ('ear,', 1), ('signified', 2), ('devil,"', 1), ('"honoured', 1), ('guest."', 1), ('compliment;', 1), ('insulted', 1), ('Yunnanese,', 1), ('Warry', 1), ('appear.', 1), ('rule,', 2), ('advisedly,', 1), ('elevation,', 1), ('So,', 1), ('occupied,', 1), ('refusing', 1), ('required,', 1), ('firmness,', 1), ('valuation.', 1), ('retinue', 1), ('homeliness', 1), ('attire;', 1), ('superiority.', 1), ('humbler', 1), ('complacence', 1), ('tested.', 1), ('superiority,', 2), ('purposes,', 1), ('inarticulate.', 1), ('position;', 1), ('important,', 1), ('Kienlung,', 1), ('requiring', 2), ('Majesty.', 1), ('surely,', 1), ('mar', 1), ('expedition', 9), ('testimonials', 1), ('Court."', 1), ('quarrel', 2), ('tragedy.', 1), ('killing', 2), ('palates,', 1), ('hoarse', 1), ('fury.', 1), ('Jealousy', 1), ('quarrel,', 1), ('hideous', 2), ('creatures', 1), ('Throwing', 1), ('threatening', 1), ('brandishing', 1), ('sword', 4), ('menaced', 1), ('existence.', 2), ('disturbance,', 1), ('soldier-guard,', 1), ('interfere.', 1), ('brute', 1), ('revenge', 1), ('poisoning', 2), ('liberated,', 1), ('haunt', 1), ('"strangulation', 1), ('period,"', 1), ('(_e.g._,', 1), ('1892),', 1), ('infidelity,', 1), ('praiseworthy', 1), ('culpable.', 1), ('suicide,', 1), ('inexorably', 1), ('tied', 2), ('process."', 1), ('wife;', 1), ('favoured', 1), ('century,', 1), ('hanging,', 2), ('interpolate', 1), ('_Ling', 3), ('chi_.', 1), ('commonly,', 1), ('wrongly,', 1), ('"death', 1), ('slicing', 1), ('pieces"--a', 1), ('extraordinarily', 1), ('misrepresented.', 1), ('dreaded', 1), ('chi_;', 1), ('dreaded,', 1), ('performance,', 3), ('dismemberment', 1), ('horror', 1), ('cruelty:', 1), ('cruel,', 1), ('horror,', 1), ('after.', 1), ('following,', 1), ('first-hand', 1), ('eye-witness:--The', 1), ('cross:', 1), ('executioner,', 1), ('sharp', 2), ('quick', 3), ('eyebrows,', 1), ('draws', 2), ('breast,', 2), ('pierces', 1), ('instantaneous.', 1), ('cuts', 2), ('pieces;', 1), ('degradation', 1), ('fragmentary', 2), ('me:', 2), ('"He', 1), ('damning', 1), ('contrary."', 1), ('MEKONG.]', 1), ('tendency', 1), ('approximate', 1), ('Is', 1), ('brutally', 1), ('maltreats', 1), ('kicks', 1), ('senseless,', 1), ('disfigures', 1), ('unpaid', 1), ('extenuating', 1), ("two's", 1), ('labour?', 1), ('Mekong,', 1), ('Siam', 1), ('gorge,', 1), ('bend,', 1), ('issues', 1), ('zigzags', 1), ('2000ft.', 2), ('riverside', 1), ('clearing', 2), ('bridge.', 2), ('30ft.', 1), ('current;', 1), ('chains,', 1), ('bed-rock.', 1), ('10ft.', 1), ('floored', 1), ('wood,', 1), ('picket', 2), ('lateral', 1), ('chains.', 1), ('gather', 2), ('strength.', 1), ('heights,', 1), ('escaladed', 1), ('gulch.', 1), ('staircase', 1), ('summit,', 2), ('Shuichai', 1), ('(6700ft.).', 1), ('(4250ft.', 1), ('sea),', 1), ('2450ft.', 1), ('Shuichai.', 1), ('steeper', 1), ('trade-route', 1), ('engineering', 2), ('contend', 1), ('sixteen.', 1), ('valiantly.', 1), ('effect,', 1), ('cylinder', 1), ('revolve,', 1), ('hammer', 2), ('cartridges.', 1), ('blended', 2), ('imagine', 3), ('deadliness.', 1), ('gradients', 1), ('Talichao', 1), ('(7700ft.),', 1), ('1000ft.', 1), ('mists', 1), ('dipped', 1), ('sunshine', 1), ('Polo,', 2), ('Yungchang', 7), ('strongly', 2), ('walled.', 1), ('possession.', 2), ('well-paved,', 1), ('large,', 1), ('flourishing.', 1), ('Yungchang--there', 1), ('diminution', 2), ('opium-eating', 2), ('come,', 1), ('anger', 1), ('annoyance.', 1), ('hamper', 1), ('eatables', 1), ('bundle', 1), ('Tired', 1), ('skeleton,', 1), ('funeral,', 1), ('elongating', 1), ("camel's,", 1), ('lean', 1), ('staring', 1), ('crackling', 1), ('skin.', 1), ('Continuing', 1), ('hotel,', 1), ('ruefully', 1), ('delay;', 1), ('advance.', 1), ('honest.', 1), ('educated,', 1), ('write.', 1), ('naked;', 1), ('together;', 1), ('phial', 1), ('ash.', 1), ('thin,', 1), ('afforded', 1), ('amusement,', 1), ('willingly', 2), ('FAR', 1), ('9th', 1), ('Yungchang.', 2), ('Pupiao', 2), ('feed.', 1), ('minutes,', 1), ('customers', 1), ('demonstrations.', 1), ('undisturbed', 1), ('equanimity.', 1), ('practice,', 1), ('accorded', 1), ('mentioning', 2), ('contribute', 2), ('manners.', 2), ('Then,', 2), ('addressing', 2), ('cloth', 2), ('wipe', 1), ('cups', 2), ('cup-lids,', 1), ('spilt', 1), ('dirty.', 1), ('Occasionally,', 1), ('personally', 1), ('disapprove,', 1), ('instance--he', 1), ('pardon', 3), ('it--of', 1), ('mealtime,', 1), ('eat.', 2), ('seriously', 2), ('bowed,', 1), ('return.', 1), ('cackles', 1), ('laughter,', 2), ('Mo', 1), ('Shensen,', 1), ('mystified', 1), ('natives.', 1), ('ride', 3), ('valley-plain,', 1), ('cactus', 2), ('ostrich', 1), ('feathers.', 1), ('drizzling', 1), ('out-of-the-way', 1), ('distinction,', 1), ('colonel,', 1), ('common-room;', 1), ('attendants', 1), ('stables,', 1), ('"_puyao!', 1), ('puyao!_"', 1), ('it).', 1), ('inconsistent', 1), ('poorer', 1), ('button.', 1), ('Kingdom', 1), ('equal,', 1), ('superior.', 2), ('Refusing', 1), ('lift', 1), ('proceed.', 1), ('expected.', 1), ('bowing', 1), ('dishes.', 2), ('photographs--I', 1), ('condescension.', 1), ('10th', 1), ('Salween', 6), ('(2600', 1), ('ft.).', 1), ('grassed', 1), ('wooded,', 1), ('misgiving', 1), ('impediment', 1), ('operator', 4), ('neat', 3), ('spelling;', 1), ('manager.', 1), ('overtaking', 2), ('deserved', 1), ('reward.', 1), ('Laotseng,', 2), ('cash-bearer,', 1), ('meanly', 1), ('ostentatiously', 1), ('onlookers', 1), ('munificence.', 1), ('Tommy', 1), ('Atkins', 1), ('twopence', 1), ('halfpenny', 2), ('gratefully', 2), ('him?', 1), ('Shadow', 1), ('Death--the', 1), ('Salween.', 2), ('repute', 1), ('valley;', 2), ('unhealthiness', 2), ('by-word.', 1), ('pass,"', 1), ('Polo;', 1), ('impure', 1), ('certain."', 1), ('annexation', 1), ('position.', 1), ('delimitation', 4), ('complete.', 2), ('opportune', 1), ('disheartened', 1), ('accede', 1), ('south-western', 1), ('River.', 1), ('apparent,', 1), ('Baber,', 3), ('"border', 1), ('regions,', 1), ("'debatable", 1), ("grounds,'", 1), ('notoriously', 1), ('birthplace', 1), ('myths', 1), ('marvels."', 1), ('bridge-landing,', 1), ('emotion.', 1), ('execution.', 1), ('twenty-one', 1), ('well-dressed,', 1), ('evidently', 1), ('recruited', 1), ('graver.', 1), ('posts', 1), ('strips', 1), ('posted,', 1), ('particulars', 1), ('expiate.', 1), ('burglar', 1), ('guard,', 3), ('recaptured.', 1), ('lot,', 1), ('hence', 1), ('SALWEEN,', 1), ('FORMER', 1), ('BOUNDARY', 1), ('BURMA.]', 1), ('loop--the', 1), ('loop', 1), ('smaller', 3), ('overflow.', 1), ('strengthened', 1), ('loops.', 1), ('80', 1), ('length,', 3), ('55;', 1), ('12ft.', 1), ('cables,', 1), ('curve.', 1), ('rush', 1), ('slopes.', 1), ('Shans', 5), ('govern', 2), ('supervision,', 1), ('preserve', 2), ('grass-thatched', 1), ('booths,', 1), ('refreshment,', 1), ('arrayed', 1), ('dark-blue,', 2), ('brew', 1), ('teapots.', 1), ('Very', 1), ('darker;', 1), ('circular', 1), ('concentric', 2), ('folds', 2), ('dark-blue', 5), ('cloth;', 1), ('kilt', 1), ('bathing', 1), ('civilisation;', 1), ('arms', 3), ('bare,', 1), ('gaiters', 1), ('compress', 1), ('wear', 3), ('brooches', 1), ('earrings,', 2), ('ornaments', 2), ('intermission', 1), ('6130', 1), ('Fengshui-ling', 2), ('(8730', 1), ('feet),', 1), ('afternoon.', 1), ('Pushing', 1), ('benighted,', 1), ('encampment', 3), ('bush,', 1), ('welcome.', 1), ('hut', 1), ('air.', 1), ('colder', 1), ('was.', 1), ('security,', 1), ('shield', 1), ('apprehension', 1), ('harm', 1), ('westward', 1), ('shadowed', 1), ('yamen-runner', 2), ('soldier;', 1), ('armed.', 1), ('relics', 1), ('revolve.', 1), ('rusty', 4), ('musket', 1), ('barrel.', 1), ('neighbour', 1), ('Asia,', 3), ('stated,', 1), ('buffer', 1), ('aggression', 1), ('Siam.', 1), ('prospective', 1), ('ally', 1), ('preferable', 1), ('indignities', 1), ('humilities', 1), ('endanger', 1), ('relations,', 1), ('into,', 1), ('hypothetically', 1), ('neighbour.', 1), ('equipment', 2), ('warlike', 4), ('bordering', 1), ('differences,', 1), ('physically,', 1), ('drafted', 1), ('army', 2), ('fighting', 2), ('machine', 2), ('peculiar;', 1), ('noted', 2), ('peculiarities', 1), ('trigger', 1), ('pulled;', 1), ('order,', 4), ('cap', 2), ('strike;', 1), ('cap,', 1), ('pinhole', 2), ('rusted;', 1), ('rifle', 1), ('loaded,', 1), ('powder,', 1), ('"whose', 1), ('ate,"', 1), ('neglected', 1), ('Shweli.', 1), ('BRIDGE.]', 1), ('2600', 1), ('Forty-five', 1), ('8730,', 1), ('dips', 1), ('Shweli,', 1), ('4400', 1), ('likin-barrier.', 2), ('hill.', 1), ('collectors,', 1), ('underlings', 1), ('barriers,', 1), ('interrogated', 2), ('closely.', 1), ('insufficient', 1), ('deference.', 1), ('imbued', 1), ('mistaken', 1), ('vehicle', 1), ('seas,', 1), ('arrogant', 1), ('know,"', 1), ('energetically,', 1), ('Shanghai."', 1), ('"Shanghai,"', 1), ('exclaimed,', 1), ('Shanghai!"', 1), ('Singai"', 1), ('(Bhamo);--"Singai,"', 1), ('repeated,', 1), ('Singai!"--"unless', 1), ('intentions,', 1), ('meanest', 1), ('pacific,', 1), ('Empire."', 1), ('noisiest,', 1), ('indulged', 1), ('speculations', 1), ('deduced', 1), ('peculiarities,', 1), ('Thereupon', 1), ('astonishment,', 1), ('rating', 1), ('Manchu,', 1), ('staggering', 1), ('firewood', 1), ('easily,', 1), ('log', 1), ('wherewith', 1), ('fires.', 1), ('carpeted', 1), ('bracken,', 1), ('grassy', 2), ('swards,', 1), ('lilies', 1), ('strawberries,', 1), ('descent,', 1), ('(5600ft.).', 1), ('irrigated,', 1), ('treeless', 1), ('embankments;', 1), ('margin;', 1), ('flocks', 1), ('hillsides;', 1), ('crenellated', 1), ('compound,', 2), ('accommodation,', 1), ('operators', 1), ('SOLDIERS.', 1), ('offices,', 1), ('privacy.', 1), ('visit.', 3), ('informal', 1), ('involuntary', 1), ('reception,', 2), ('Brigadier-General.', 1), ('Boundary', 5), ('Commission,', 5), ('preliminaries', 1), ('disputing', 1), ('clerks,', 1), ('yamen-runners,', 1), ('photographs', 1), ('curiosities.', 1), ('Pen,', 3), ('Yeh', 1), ('magistrate),', 1), ('(Colonel', 1), ('Liu),', 1), ('retain', 2), ('hallowed', 1), ('recollections', 1), ('benignity', 1), ('excellence', 1), ('champagne.', 1), ('Liu', 2), ('party.', 1), ('tall,', 2), ('gallant', 1), ('confided', 1), ('uppermost', 1), ('member,', 1), ('rejuvenating', 1), ('medicine--could', 1), ('some?', 1), ('_Could', 1), ('hair-dye?_', 1), ('compatriots,', 1), ('external', 1), ('dawning,', 1), ('frustrate', 1), ('doings', 1), ('hair-dye?', 1), ('Ganai,', 4), ('Bhamo,', 14), ('directing', 1), ('benefaction.', 1), ('celebrity,', 1), ('dacoit,', 1), ('outlawed', 2), ('Wuntho--the', 1), ('Wuntho', 4), ('Sawbwa--lives', 1), ('exile', 1), ('father-in-law', 1), ('Sawbwa', 5), ('Santa,', 5), ('"concerned', 1), ('risings', 1), ('1892-1893."', 1), ('rupees', 4), ('shoulders.', 1), ('outlaw,', 1), ('Kanhliang,', 2), ('hiding', 2), ('_his_', 1), ('assessed', 1), ('rupees.', 2), ('extend', 1), ('Bhamo.', 8), ('20ft.', 1), ('invading', 1), ('shelling', 1), ('stronghold', 1), ('Taiping.', 1), ('rebels', 1), ('destruction.', 1), ('pretension,', 1), ('red-button', 2), ('warrior,', 1), ('(_Chentai_)', 1), ('successor,', 2), ('Li-Sieh-tai,', 2), ('Margary', 6), ('repulse', 2), ('Horace', 3), ('Browne', 1), ('1875.', 3), ('soldierly', 1), ('blissful', 1), ('innocence', 1), ('limit', 1), ('direction,', 1), ('other;', 2), ('adjoins', 1), ('Theatre', 2), ('Theatrical', 1), ('performances', 2), ('uninterrupted', 3), ('Play', 1), ('sunrise,', 1), ('curtain', 2), ('fell,', 2), ('curtain,', 1), ('twilight.', 1), ('Day', 1), ('clangour', 2), ('senses', 1), ('misguided', 1), ('musical.', 1), ('play,', 1), ('plays,', 1), ('completion.', 1), ('Crowds', 1), ('dead-heads', 1), ('entertainment', 1), ('sipped', 1), ('jokes.', 1), ('actresses', 1), ('stage;', 1), ('make-up', 1), ('imitated,', 1), ('fidelity,', 1), ('gestures', 1), ('dresses', 2), ('varied.', 1), ('Scene-shifters,', 1), ('band,', 1), ('supers,', 1), ('dodging', 1), ('actors.', 1), ('theatre,', 1), ('villain,', 1), ('vanquished', 1), ('triumphant', 1), ('dies', 1), ('gory', 1), ('death;', 1), ('_is_', 1), ('serenely', 2), ('walks', 2), ('sallies', 1), ('indecency,', 1), ('grunt', 1), ('applause.', 1), ('theatre;', 1), ('aroused', 1), ('junior', 1), ('exhortations', 1), ('Millions_.', 1), ('feeling,', 1), ('stale', 1), ('milk.', 1), ('begged', 1), ('waterproof,', 1), ('ending', 1), ('tin,', 1), ('"Give', 1), ('asketh,"', 1), ('"even', 1), ('little."', 1), ('medium', 4), ('messages', 1), ('Chueh.', 1), ('glean', 1), ('meaning,', 1), ('inaccurate', 2), ('dictionary,', 1), ('sentence.', 1), ('reed', 1), ('trust', 1), ('Chueh', 2), ('offensively', 1), ('wondering', 1), ('liar', 3), ('"Three', 2), ('strength,"', 1), ('"cannot', 1), ('truth;"', 1), ('Morocco.', 2), ('emphatically', 1), ('Chueh,', 2), ('repetition', 1), ('Tangier,', 2), ('Mequinez.', 1), ('esteem', 1), ('attaching', 1), ('hotel-keeper,', 1), ('D.?"', 1), ('asked.', 2), ('fellow,"', 1), ("wasn't", 1), ('blank,', 1), ('blank', 2), ('liar!"', 1), ('Wazan', 1), ('D.,', 1), ('hotel.', 1), ('seems,"', 1), ('entertaining.', 1), ('him?"', 2), ('falsetto.', 1), ('_know_', 1), ('biggest', 1), ('Morocco."', 1), ('meet,', 1), ('Morocco,', 1), ('mutual', 1), ('esteem.', 1), ('fared', 1), ('stable', 1), ('courtyard', 1), ('tiled', 1), ('shower.', 1), ('beans.', 1), ('paddy,', 1), ('disliked', 1), ('equally.', 1), ('_1-1/2d._', 1), ('7-1/2lbs.', 1), ('equivalent;', 1), ('purest', 1), ('Yunnanese', 2), ('Rupees', 2), ('cash--the', 1), ('_30s._', 1), ('31', 2), ('31st', 1), ('early,', 1), ('appearance.', 1), ('marched', 2), ('tombstones', 1), ('quiet-mannered', 1), ('soldiers,', 2), ('impudent', 1), ('cub', 1), ('indignity.', 1), ('cincture,', 1), ('concealed', 1), ('muzzle-loading', 1), ('pistol,', 1), ('unloaded.', 1), ('defence', 1), ('anger.', 1), ('Rain', 2), ('continuously.', 1), ('muleteers', 1), ('sipping', 1), ('verandahs', 1), ('Europeans', 1), ('evoked', 1), ('astonishing', 1), ('Contact', 2), ('Europeans,', 1), ('phenomena', 1), ('"maternal', 1), ('impression,"', 1), ('accountable', 1), ('moulding', 1), ('explained.', 1), ('conscience!', 1), ('Who', 1), ('here?"', 1), ('windings', 1), ('Taiping,', 2), ('coasting', 1), ('TENGYUEH.', 1), ('(Stalls', 1), ('Umbrellas.)]', 1), ('incessantly;', 1), ('overflowed;', 1), ('paths', 1), ('watercourses', 1), ('fordable.', 1), ('shanks,', 1), ('wetted.', 1), ('Nantien,', 2), ('sundown.', 1), ('eminence', 1), ('contrariness', 1), ('incloses', 1), ('weakly', 1), ('substantial', 1), ('1000.', 1), ('muzzle-loaders', 1), ('patterns;', 1), ('existence--which', 1), ('doubtful.', 1), ('cast-iron', 1), ('ten-pounders', 1), ('_hors', 1), ('combat_', 1), ('ammunition', 2), ('fort;', 2), ('probable,', 1), ('matters,', 1), ('predecessor', 1), ('(if', 2), ('doubtful)', 1), ('colonel', 1), ('command,', 2), ('be.', 1), ('Nantien', 1), ('only--it', 1), ('otherwise,', 1), ('peace', 1), ('abroad', 1), ('misleading', 1), ('neighbouring', 3), ('fortification.', 1), ('flowed', 1), ('middle.', 1), ('flanking', 1), ("to-day's", 1), ('spur', 1), ('short-cut,', 1), ('compass', 1), ('save.', 1), ('ridge', 1), ('stalls,', 1), ('turbans,', 1), ('bracelets', 1), ('betel-juice,', 1), ('counters', 1), ('eagerly', 1), ('pale', 1), ('soaked', 2), ('salted', 1), ('flavoured', 1), ('camomile', 1), ('herbs.', 1), ('hampers', 1), ('coarse', 3), ('cooked', 1), ('below,', 1), ('Trade', 1), ('busy.', 1), ('Muleteers', 1), ('climb,', 1), ('puff', 1), ('bamboo-pipe', 1), ('river-bed', 1), ('horseback,', 1), ('fashion,', 1), ('Shans.', 2), ('jerseys', 1), ('knickerbockers,', 2), ('sun-hats', 1), ('soldiers.', 3), ('Cartridge-belts', 1), ('Martini-Henry', 1), ('rifles,', 2), ('muzzle', 1), ('right.', 2), ('stepping', 1), ('stature,', 1), ('shame', 1), ('appearance;', 1), ('impulse,', 1), ('talking,', 1), ("officers'", 1), ('evident', 1), ('conversation.', 1), ('kind.', 1), ('pony.', 3), ('intend', 1), ('obtrude', 1), ('interview', 1), ('relief,', 1), ('alarmed', 1), ('reason.', 1), ('Sawbwa,', 5), ('dacoit', 2), ("soldiers'", 1), ('rifles', 1), ('cartridge-belts', 1), ('sepoys,', 1), ('Hills.', 1), ('elephant,', 1), ('realisation', 1), ('Sure', 1), ('headland', 1), ('elephant', 4), ('rocks--a', 1), ('howdah', 1), ('empty;', 1), ('trappings', 1), ('scarlet;', 1), ('mahout', 1), ('Shan.', 1), ('Prince--a', 1), ('market-day', 1), ('Osaka', 1), ('nick-nacks,', 1), ('needles', 1), ('braid', 1), ('stuffs', 1), ('multitudinous', 1), ('produce.', 1), ('women--Kachins--were', 1), ('ugly', 1), ('fringes', 1), ('foreheads.', 1), ('sash', 1), ('waist.', 2), ('barelegged,', 1), ('reves_,', 1), ('heel', 1), ('stirrup', 1), ('toe.', 1), ('turban', 1), ('hang', 1), ('skull', 1), ('forsook', 1), ('illustrious', 2), ('resting-place.', 1), ('dozing', 1), ('couches,', 1), ('apartment', 1), ('filled,', 1), ('doubly', 1), ('thoughtfulness', 1), ('inconvenience.', 1), ('courteous.', 1), ('Ganai', 1), ('hair-dye.', 1), ('morrow', 1), ('elbow-room', 1), ('gentlemanly', 1), ('inquisitive,', 1), ('desirous', 1), ('satisfied.', 1), ('phrase-book', 1), ('particulars,', 1), ('more.', 2), ('favourable', 1), ('correspond.', 1), ('marvelled', 1), ('young-looking', 1), ('question,', 1), ('modestly', 1), ('confessed', 3), ('unhappy', 1), ('possessor', 1), ('wives,', 1), ('daughters,', 1), ('tenfold.', 1), ('townsfolk,', 1), ('landlady,', 1), ('zealous,', 1), ('dismissing', 1), ('courtyard,', 1), ('last.', 1), ('swarmed', 1), ('Oval,', 1), ('widens', 1), ('sped', 1), ('kindlier', 1), ('left;', 1), ('inclosure', 2), ('inclosed', 3), ('high;', 1), ('unsheltered', 1), ('invader.', 1), ('corners', 1), ('four-sided', 1), ('watch-towers.', 1), ('sentries;', 1), ('market-square,', 1), ('imagination', 2), ('obstacle', 1), ('exceeding', 1), ('cultivated,', 1), ('proper.', 1), ('ploughing--wearily', 1), ('plodding', 1), ('middles.', 1), ('Shans,', 5), ('principalities', 1), ('hereditary', 3), ('princelets', 2), ('Sawbwas,', 1), ('preserving', 1), ('self-government', 1), ('courteous,', 1), ('hospitable,', 1), ('honest,', 1), ('vices', 1), ('Siamese,', 1), ('dating', 2), ('B.C."', 1), ('Terrien', 2), ('Lacouperie', 1), ('facts.', 2), ('stop,', 1), ('refreshing', 1), ('sleep.', 1), ('slept,', 1), ('"_sung_"', 1), ('Santa', 6), ('arrived.', 1), ('monument,', 1), ('territory', 2), ('layers', 1), ('mortar,', 1), ('bell-shaped', 1), ('dome', 1), ('intact.', 1), ('banyans,', 1), ('conscience-stricken', 1), ('goldleaf', 1), ('peeled', 1), ('enfiladed', 1), ('discarded', 1), ('garb', 1), ('aesthetic', 1), ('bush;', 1), ('feature,', 1), ('nimble', 1), ('uniforms--green', 1), ('jackets', 4), ('braided', 1), ('yellow,', 3), ('sashes,', 1), ('knickerbockers--the', 1), ('Ganai.', 1), ('Remington', 1), ('cartridges', 1), ('bandoliers,', 1), ('material.', 1), ('accoutrements', 1), ('channels', 1), ('changing.', 1), ('shallower', 1), ('knee,', 1), ('deeper', 1), ('tribulation,', 1), ('tripped', 1), ('deepest', 1), ('notes', 3), ('damaged.', 1), ('worse.', 1), ('presentiment', 1), ('happen,', 1), ('waded', 1), ('world--loss', 1), ('irreparable!', 1), ('hot.', 1), ('dugouts,', 1), ('string-test', 1), ('gigs', 1), ('poled,', 1), ('gliding', 1), ('dismounted', 1), ('specimens,', 1), ('dwarfed', 1), ('Lilliputians', 2), ('canopy', 1), ('branches.', 1), ('clambering', 1), ('monkeys', 1), ('"writhed', 1), ('coils"', 1), ('acre.', 1), ('array', 2), ('houses;', 1), ('teak', 4), ('village.', 2), ('lumbered', 1), ('missals.', 1), ('smirched', 1), ('unshaven,', 1), ('sanctity,', 1), ('judge', 1), ('followers,', 1), ('contemptuous', 1), ('obeisance.', 1), ('club-footed', 1), ('hobble', 1), ('difficulty--an', 1), ('excuse', 1), ('would,', 1), ('urge', 1), ('disorder', 1), ('sanctuary.', 1), ('polite,', 1), ('cocoa.', 1), ('Native', 1), ('wending', 1), ('plain--lank', 1), ('overgrown', 1), ('mops', 1), ('deck-swabs.', 1), ('butt', 1), ('chaffed', 1), ('humorous', 1), ('were,', 2), ('afraid,', 1), ('witty.', 1), ('Kachins', 5), ('virtuous.', 1), ('preclude', 1), ('possibility.', 1), ('MURDER.', 1), ("Sawbwa's", 1), ('hungry,', 1), ('attentions', 1), ('oppressive.', 1), ('Presently', 1), ('motioning', 1), ('storey,', 1), ('reception.', 1), ('overlooked', 1), ('stabled', 1), ('pleasanter', 1), ('good-nature', 1), ('clean-shaven', 1), ('robe', 1), ('grey,', 1), ('rosary', 1), ('beads', 1), ('orders', 2), ('black,', 1), ('choristers.', 1), ('Religion', 1), ('performance', 1), ('well-kept', 1), ('shrines,', 1), ('pictures', 1), ('legends', 1), ('(what', 1), ('prince!', 1), ('lord,', 1), ('Duke', 1), ('York', 1), ('lunatic', 1), ('asylum),', 1), ('_Prince_', 1), ('call,', 1), ('well-ordered', 1), ('retinue,', 1), ('reprobates', 1), ('heels', 2), ('grandee', 1), ('ceremony.', 1), ('characterised', 1), ('insisted;', 1), ('pretended', 1), ('matter.', 2), ('Prince;', 1), ('amiability.', 1), ('association', 1), ('Half', 1), ('flagged,', 1), ('"Warry', 2), ('_Ching,', 2), ('ching_!"', 2), ('greeting', 1), ('dialect', 1), ('Mandarin,', 2), ('conversed', 2), ('Warry.', 1), ('son-in-law', 1), ('ex-Wuntho', 1), ('Sawbwa.', 1), ("squatters'", 1), ('principality', 1), ('costume,', 1), ('skullcap,', 1), ('pock-marked,', 1), ('incipient', 1), ('refined,', 1), ('chews', 1), ('betel', 1), ('nut', 1), ('stimulate', 1), ('meditative', 1), ('faculties,"', 1), ('expectorates', 1), ('freedom.', 1), ('photographs,', 1), ('graciously', 2), ('some.', 1), ('assent,', 1), ('rolled', 2), ('box.', 1), ('parting', 1), ('drum--a', 1), ('fish--was', 1), ('beaten,', 1), ('vespers,', 1), ('many-coloured', 1), ('silk;', 1), ('intoned', 1), ('mournful', 1), ('chant.', 1), ('choristers', 1), ('gallery', 1), ('lying,', 1), ('throw', 1), ('gowns', 1), ('benches.', 1), ('Opium-lamps', 1), ('lit,', 1), ('inhaling', 1), ('rheumatism,', 1), ('massage', 1), ('celebrated,', 1), ('turbulent', 1), ('bursting', 1), ('processions', 2), ('robes', 1), ('moonlight.', 1), ('Priests', 1), ('plentiful', 1), ('blackberries;', 1), ('Edinburgh', 1), ('Assembly', 1), ('Manyuen.', 3), ('green.', 1), ('muzzle-loaders,', 1), ('unloaded,', 1), ('swords', 1), ('(_dahs_).', 1), ('warriors,', 1), ('unlike', 2), ('turbaned', 1), ('braves', 1), ('regard,', 1), ('forefathers,', 1), ('aspect', 1), ('warfare', 2), ('(_rostro', 1), ('feroz', 1), ('ao', 1), ('enemigo!_)--an', 1), ('illusion', 1), ('shared', 2), ('bearskin', 1), ('shakos', 1), ('horse-length', 1), ('queue', 1), ('reverently,', 1), ('lighting', 1), ('intrusting', 1), ('meadow-land,', 1), ('tree.', 2), ('Herds', 1), ('buffaloes', 1), ('grazing', 1), ('hillsides.', 1), ('river-plain,', 1), ('bamboo.', 3), ('Thirty', 1), ('Taipingkai.', 1), ('market-day,', 1), ('oil-merchant,', 1), ('Earthenware', 1), ('jars', 1), ('"_Dzo!', 1), ('Dzo!_"', 1), ('(Go!', 1), ('go!)', 1), ('throng', 1), ('hustled', 1), ('renewed', 2), ("nobleman's", 1), ('park,', 1), ('slake', 1), ('thirst.', 1), ('Bamboo', 1), ('ladles', 1), ('devotees,', 1), ('righteousness,', 1), ('bestows', 2), ('ocean', 1), ('return."', 1), ('springs,', 1), ('pitchers', 1), ('placed,', 1), ('thirsty', 1), ('drink.', 1), ('Manyuen--or,', 1), ('Manwyne--is', 1), ('river-plain.', 1), ('Agent,', 1), ('arranging', 2), ('occupied.', 1), ('shaven-pated', 1), ('hall.', 1), ('shades', 1), ('feature--Chinese,', 1), ('Shan,', 3), ('Kachin,', 1), ('hybrid.', 1), ('amiable,', 1), ('while;', 1), ('corner,', 1), ('disputants.', 1), ('Voices', 1), ('raised,', 1), ('enthral', 1), ('debating', 1), ('Margary.', 1), ('warmer.', 1), ('Surely', 1), ('blows?', 1), ('begun,', 1), ('dispute?', 1), ('cheapening', 1), ('piles,', 2), ('roof.', 1), ('barn', 1), ('lumber', 1), ('Buddhas', 1), ('cabinets', 1), ('Buddha', 1), ('disciples.', 1), ('Umbrellas,', 1), ('tawdry', 1), ('paraphernalia', 1), ('beams.', 1), ('Sacerdotal', 1), ('vestments', 1), ('dingy', 1), ('yellow--the', 1), ('turmeric--were', 1), ('rests.', 1), ('prayers,', 1), ('hitched', 1), ('waist,', 1), ('transformed', 1), ('tiles', 1), ('sedan-chair,', 1), ('pretence', 1), ('reading.', 1), ('underneath,', 1), ('boards--though', 1), ('senses--were', 1), ('freighted', 1), ('interment.', 1), ('Heavy', 1), ('lids', 1), ('securely', 1), ('burial', 2), ('priests--it', 1), ('fears.', 1), ('interest;', 1), ('productive.', 1), ('opium-room', 1), ('shrine,', 1), ('neophytes,', 1), ('throwing', 1), ('licentious', 1), ('calls', 2), ('prayers.', 1), ('hall,', 1), ('kneel', 1), ('cabinets.', 1), ('chorister', 1), ('basket.', 1), ('spirit!', 1), ('remains!', 1), ('Manyuen,', 1), ('mentioned,', 1), ('Manyuen', 4), ('written:', 1), ('rudeness', 1), ('respect."', 1), ('return!', 1), ('assuming', 1), ('notorious', 1), ('Tsen', 2), ('Yue-ying,', 2), ('lawless', 1), ('train-band', 1), ('infested', 1), ('murderers,', 1), ('contributory', 1), ('negligence.', 1), ('unmolested', 1), ('Browne,', 3), ('forerunner', 1), ('prepare', 2), ('traversed.', 1), ('"peace', 1), ('expedition"', 1), ('"fifty', 1), ('soldiers."', 1), ('Major', 3), ('Sladen', 1), ('Tengyueh;', 1), ('1868;', 1), ('negotiations', 1), ('governor', 2), ('insurgents', 1), ('"To', 1), ('principles,"', 1), ('equity', 1), ('rebel', 1), ('boundaries?"', 1), ('insurrection', 1), ('quelled', 1), ('1874.', 1), ('route,', 1), ('auspices,', 1), ('objects', 1), ('leaders', 1), ('planned', 1), ('commerce', 1), ('investigation.', 1), ('Barbarians', 1), ('"foster', 1), ('rebellion."', 1), ('expedition,', 2), ('ill-chosen.', 1), ('folly', 1), ('Tsurai', 1), ('barbarity', 1), ('barbarous', 1), ('country;', 1), ('speak;', 1), ('nationality', 1), ('temperament,', 1), ('mildest', 1), ('fanatical,', 1), ('penetrated', 1), ('nook', 1), ('cranny', 1), ('property.', 1), ('indiscretion', 1), ('countries?', 1), ('China--and', 1), ('riots', 2), ('empire--may', 1), ('property;', 1), ('equalled', 1), ('looting', 1), ('mob', 1), ('Black', 1), ('Monday', 1), ('Oxford-street', 1), ('Piccadilly.', 1), ('dangerous,"', 1), ('States."', 1), ("Smith's", 1), ('statement.', 1), ('bends', 1), ('bordered', 1), ('overshadowed', 1), ('killed.', 1), ('BHAMO.', 1), ('meadows,', 1), ('jungle-clad', 2), ('spurs', 1), ('triangular', 1), ('tropical', 2), ('Hongmuho,', 2), ('Nampoung,', 5), ('Nampoung', 3), ('join,', 1), ('sudden.', 1), ('upwards', 1), ('jungle,', 3), ('exuberant', 1), ('forest.', 1), ('forest', 4), ('inhabited', 1), ('"protected', 1), ('barbarians"', 1), ('Kachins,', 3), ('beneficent', 1), ('administration.', 1), ('sleeps', 1), ('throbbing', 1), ('buzzing', 1), ('insect', 1), ('unaccustomed', 1), ('well-cut', 1), ('tinkled', 1), ('herd', 1), ('flute,', 1), ('music', 1), ('bagpipes.', 1), ('Cotton', 1), ('import', 1), ('trace', 1), ('fluffs', 1), ('mule-packs.', 1), ('points,', 1), ('points', 2), ('forts', 2), ('stockades', 2), ('palisades,', 1), ('_chevaux', 1), ('frise_', 1), ('sharp-cut', 1), ('straw-thatched', 1), ('huts.', 1), ('Perhaps', 1), ('armed,', 2), ('supplies.', 1), ('Water', 1), ('credence', 1), ('persist', 1), ('power?', 1), ('officered,', 1), ('mankind', 1), ('labour', 3), ('potential', 1), ('stupendous.', 1), ('advancing,', 1), ('stationary;', 1), ('backwards,', 1), ('forwards;', 1), ('Weapons', 1), ('subdued', 1), ('loath', 1), ('unfitted', 1), ('impose', 1), ('tend', 1), ('Victories', 1), ('affect', 1), ('births', 1), ('nation,', 1), ('profoundly', 1), ('Trouble,', 1), ('trouble,', 1), ('future,', 1), ('effete', 1), ('alien', 1), ('dynasty', 1), ('reigning', 1), ('Manchu', 1), ('dynasty--shall', 1), ('overthrown,', 1), ('Schehleh', 2), ('drooping', 1), ('lottery.', 1), ('lottery', 1), ('tickets', 1), ('prize', 1), ('list', 2), ('cards,', 2), ('Soldiers', 1), ('camp', 4), ('camp,', 1), ('reposed', 1), ('civil,', 1), ('embarrassing.', 1), ('trophies', 1), ('valour.', 1), ('tree-trunks', 1), ('putrefying', 1), ('heat.', 1), ('dacoits.', 2), ('clemency', 1), ('shine', 1), ('borders.', 1), ('structures', 2), ('sloping', 1), ('sylvan', 1), ('_nats_', 1), ('roadside,', 1), ('squares', 1), ('knives,', 1), ('conical', 2), ('weathercocks.', 1), ('Split', 1), ('whereon', 1), ('food-offerings', 1), ('goodwill', 1), ('_dah_', 1), ('widened', 1), ('protect', 3), ('univalvular', 1), ('sheath', 1), ('knickerbockers;', 1), ('turban.', 2), ('embroidered', 1), ('shoulder.', 1), ('stunted', 1), ('disfigured', 1), ('disproportionate', 1), ('dark-blue;', 1), ('cowries;', 1), ('bare.', 1), ('Unmarried,', 1), ('head-dress,', 1), ('mop', 1), ('fringe', 1), ('eyebrows.', 1), ('women--a', 1), ('Morality', 1), ('maidens,', 1), ('term,', 1), ('exist.', 1), ('maiden;', 1), ('reliance', 1), ('legendary', 1), ('tales.', 1), ('clan', 1), ('ruled', 1), ('hereditary,', 1), ('eldest', 1), ('youngest,', 1), ('failing', 1), ('youngest', 1), ('brother."', 1), ('(Anderson.)', 1), ('chew', 1), ('betel-nut', 1), ('opium--men,', 1), ('Couchman', 1), ('romanised', 1), ('fortlet', 1), ('Settee,', 2), ('palisaded', 1), ('active,', 1), ('alert,', 2), ('intelligent,', 1), ('barracks.', 1), ('barracks--harmless', 1), ('warriors--who', 1), ('attentive.', 1), ('beaten.', 1), ('sounded;', 1), ('murmur,', 1), ('brayed', 1), ('stentorian', 1), ('wake', 1), ('drum,', 1), ('fired', 1), ('ceased,', 1), ('foes,', 1), ('Hearing', 1), ('commandant', 1), ('list.', 1), ('remittent', 2), ('bedside', 1), ('weak,', 1), ('emaciated;', 1), ('arms,', 1), ('pulled', 1), ('attitude.', 1), ('fellow.', 1), ('undergoing', 1), ('treatment.', 1), ('pellet', 1), ('heated', 1), ('pipe-bowl,', 1), ('inhale', 1), ('fumes.', 1), ('stockade', 2), ('good-bye,', 1), ('expressions', 1), ('will.', 1), ('jungle', 1), ('Hongmuho.', 1), ('spur,', 1), ('slope.', 1), ('ford,', 2), ('plunged', 1), ('Sepoy', 1), ('outpost,', 1), ('shot,', 1), ('saluted', 3), ('encampment,', 2), ('commanding,', 1), ('R.', 4), ('Iremonger,', 2), ('Regiment,', 1), ('congratulated', 1), ('earthly', 1), ('anybody', 1), ('I,', 1), ('wanderer,', 1), ('safely;', 1), ('easily.', 1), ('Reports', 1), ('disaffection;', 1), ('arisen', 1), ('inexpedient', 1), ('despatch', 1), ('boundary.', 1), ('direct', 1), ('conflict', 1), ('reports.', 1), ('sides,', 1), ('experts.', 1), ('fortifications', 1), ('applies', 1), ('palisade', 1), ('superior,', 2), ('stockades.', 1), ('Regiment', 1), ('Sikhs', 2), ('Punjabis,', 3), ('stature', 2), ('bearing.', 1), ('non-commissioned', 1), ('border.', 1), ('ponies.', 1), ('rod,', 1), ('exiled', 1), ('solitude.', 1), ('ford', 1), ('pack-animals,', 1), ('daily.', 1), ('toll', 1), ('annas', 1), ('pack-animal,', 1), ('Sawbwas', 1), ('tribute.', 1), ('commanding.', 1), ('harass', 1), ('Schehleh.', 1), ('Beautiful', 1), ('"lofty', 1), ('tangled', 1), ('creepers,', 1), ('festooned', 1), ('orchids,"', 1), ('camp.', 1), ('fertile,', 1), ('crops', 1), ('Cultivation', 1), ('clears', 1), ('ashes', 1), ('soil;', 1), ('superficially', 1), ('scratched,', 1), ('sown.', 1), ('seed', 2), ('germinates;', 1), ('ripens,', 1), ('basketful', 1), ('sown,', 1), ('basketfuls', 1), ('gathered.', 1), ('field', 2), ('untouched', 1), ('jungle.', 1), ('five-hundred-fold', 1), ('husbandman', 1), ('inversely', 1), ('bathed', 1), ('pool', 1), ('fishing.', 1), ('tribute-gatherers.', 1), ('upright', 1), ('squatted', 1), ('heels,', 1), ('elbows', 1), ('confesses', 1), ('Myothit,', 2), ('Nampoung.', 1), ('lance-corporal', 1), ('aspect;', 1), ('training,', 1), ('limp', 1), ('haggard,', 1), ('supervision.', 1), ('Santien', 1), ('(Myothit).', 1), ('li,"', 2), ('now?"', 1), ('"Only', 2), ('further,"', 1), ('gravely.', 1), ('"Teacher', 1), ('Mo,', 1), ('Santien?"', 1), ('Myothit', 3), ('dak', 1), ('bungalow,', 2), ('unfurnished', 1), ('outskirts', 2), ('flat', 1), ('muddy', 1), ('Irrawaddy.', 2), ('sepoys', 1), ('Sirdar,', 1), ('Jemadar,', 1), ('Subadar', 1), ('which),', 1), ('tiffin,', 1), ('embarrassment,', 1), ('alarming', 1), ('unexpectedly', 1), ('his.', 1), ('Adam.', 1), ('head-waiter,', 1), ('nuisance,', 1), ('go.', 1), ('steps;', 1), ('went,', 1), ('sidling', 1), ('backwards', 1), ('royalty.', 1), ('Drawing', 1), ('stair-top', 1), ('bottom,', 1), ('murmuring', 1), ('bungalow', 1), ('lifted', 1), ('lee-side', 1), ('settlement.', 1), ('leaked', 1), ('shaky', 1), ('structure,', 1), ('rises,', 1), ('1520', 1), ('Chungking;', 1), ('Shanghai.', 1), ('exactly', 3), ('hundredth', 1), ('innate', 1), ('fulfil,', 1), ('spare,', 1), ('readiness', 2), ('abacus,', 1), ('setting', 2), ('hieroglyphics', 1), ('calculation,', 1), ('owed', 2), ('_him_', 1), ('accounts', 1), ('balanced.', 1), ('1175', 1), ('_3s._', 1), ('_L20_', 1), ('sterling,', 1), ('outfit.', 1), ('economically,', 1), ('_L14_.', 2), ('tour.', 1), ('profit,', 1), ('_11d._', 1), ('_13d._', 1), ('curios', 1), ('_L2', 1), ('5s._', 1), ('Without', 1), ('faithfully.', 1), ('behaved', 1), ('admirably,', 1), ('(W.', 1), ('Rockhill),', 1), ('writing', 4), ('_Century_,', 1), ('says:', 1), ('Thibetans', 1), ('good-tempered,', 1), ('peoples,', 1), ('countries,', 1), ('friends."', 1), ('newspapers,', 1), ('accumulating', 1), ('multifarious', 1), ('avocations', 1), ('pertaining', 1), ('destination', 1), ('interior.', 1), ('_12s._;', 1), ('expenditure', 1), ('incurred', 1), ('reimbursed', 1), ('return;', 1), ('Pupiao.', 1), ('weeks,', 1), ('lodging', 1), ('CALCUTTA.', 1), ('America', 1), ('nobly', 1), ('supports', 1), ('self-sacrificing', 1), ('souls"', 1), ('"humble', 1), ('Saving', 1), ('Kachins."', 1), ('worldly-minded', 1), ('covet.', 1), ('methods.', 1), ('feared,', 1), ('blood-poisoning', 1), ('Bhamo;', 1), ('ready;', 1), ('came.', 1), ('drizzle,', 1), ('deter', 1), ('accidentally', 1), ('abashed', 1), ('inexcusable', 1), ('untruth.', 1), ('Deputy', 2), ('Commissioner,', 2), ('hospitality.', 1), ('regret,', 2), ('C.I.E.--there', 1), ('seems,', 1), ('aspire', 1), ('administered', 1), ('Assistant', 2), ('Civil', 1), ('tract', 1), ('miles--a', 1), ('administration', 1), ('finance,', 1), ('races.', 2), ('authorities,', 1), ('military,', 1), ('post--and', 1), ('fitness--because', 1), ('crammed', 1), ('candidates', 1), ('examinations', 1), ('Latin,', 1), ('mathematics,', 1), ('&c.', 1), ('limited', 3), ('his--by', 1), ('competitive', 1), ('work;', 1), ('preposterous;', 1), ('successful.', 1), ('self-reliance,', 1), ('decision,', 1), ('wield', 1), ('authority;', 1), ('Commissioner.', 1), ('types', 2), ('Macao,', 1), ('intermingling', 1), ('Britishers', 1), ('Madrasis,', 1), ('Arabs,', 1), ('Jews', 1), ('adventurers,', 1), ('ladies.', 1), ('club,', 2), ('course;', 1), ('polo', 1), ('football', 1), ('cricket', 1), ('Inside', 1), ('barracks,', 1), ('debt', 2), ('pay,', 2), ('athletic', 1), ('performer', 1), ('forlorn,', 1), ('miserable,', 1), ('apologise', 1), ('Colborne', 1), ('classic', 1), ('accomplishment.', 1), ('_will_', 1), ('idiom', 1), ('tone.', 1), ('hurt', 1), ('pride.', 1), ('Walking', 1), ('Chinese--strangers--and', 1), ('Mandarin.', 2), ('discovery,', 1), ('sounds', 1), ('own!"', 1), ('made.', 1), ('Martini,', 2), ('D.S.P.', 1), ('(District', 1), ('Superintendent', 1), ('Police).', 1), ('graduated', 1), ('Staff', 2), ('Davies,', 2), ('Corps,', 1), ('Intelligence', 2), ('Department,', 1), ('exceptionally', 1), ('representatives.', 1), ('variations', 1), ('altitude,', 1), ('changes', 1), ('hardy,', 1), ('twenty.', 1), ('astonished', 1), ('defects.', 1), ('12.3', 1), ('11.3', 1), ('subaltern', 1), ('foreleg', 1), ('hopelessly;', 1), ('diagnosis', 1), ('clinical', 1), ('lecture', 1), ('demonstrated', 1), ('spavined,', 1), ('hind', 2), ('rotten,', 1), ('"as', 1), ("ponies'", 1), ('are,"', 1), ('added.', 1), ('constabulary,', 1), ('roarer;', 1), ('Hungarian', 1), ('Israelite', 1), ('lends', 1), ('post-obits,', 1), ('applications,', 1), ('insecurities,', 1), ('intimacy', 1), ('garrison,', 1), ('fore.', 1), ('pony--for', 1), ('Reverend', 2), ('Roberts,', 2), ('Roberts', 1), ('buying', 1), ('them--at', 1), ('profit.', 1), ('Club,', 1), ('civilian', 1), ('50', 3), ('but--he', 1), ('Roberts.', 1), ("Commissioner's", 1), ('establishment', 1), ('bungalows', 1), ('creeping', 1), ('humility', 1), ('possessions', 1), ('porch.', 1), ('_dhobie_', 1), ('_bearer_,', 1), ('waterman', 1), ('goatskin', 1), ('waterbag,', 1), ('washerman', 1), ('_syce_', 1), ('collect', 1), ('Madrasi,', 1), ('laziest', 1), ('rascal', 1), ('transformation', 1), ('prospects', 1), ('watchman,', 1), ('bazaar', 1), ('others.', 2), ('foreheads', 1), ('by.', 1), ('deserts.', 1), ('grinning', 1), ('paltry', 1), ('cheerfully--though', 1), ('wandering', 1), ('halls.', 1), ('clubs', 1), ('sumptuous', 1), ('installed', 1), ('throne-room', 2), ('reception-halls', 1), ('seven-storeyed', 1), ('spire,', 1), ('"emblematic', 1), ('royalty', 2), ('religion,"', 1), ('"exact', 1), ('creation."', 1), ('reception-hall', 1), ('chapel;', 1), ('reading-room', 1), ('dais', 1), ('throne,', 1), ('teak,', 1), ('ablaze', 1), ('gilding,', 1), ("Theebaw's", 1), ('Queen.', 1), ('inscription,', 1), ('"enlightenment', 1), ('barbarians."', 1), ("Bart.'s.", 1), ('sisters', 1), ('train', 1), ('villa', 1), ('crowned', 1), ('"Shway-dagon,"', 1), ('Department', 1), ('Couchman.', 1), ('languages.', 1), ('dialect;', 1), ('Hindustani,', 1), ('Sanscrit,', 1), ('novel', 1), ('quotes', 5), ('Latin.', 1), ('Fit', 1), ('Max', 1), ('Mueller;', 1), ('salary.', 1), ('Rangoon', 2), ('predominating', 1), ('potentiality', 1), ('community.', 1), ('certain,"', 1), ('authority,', 1), ('_the_', 1), ('Burma--J.', 1), ('Scott', 1), ('(Shway', 1), ('Yoe)--"that', 1), ('rate,', 1), ('trading', 1), ('purposes', 1), ('absorbed', 1), ('traders,', 1), ('Singapore', 1), ('Penang', 1), ('Unless', 2), ('upheaval', 1), ('plodding,', 1), ('unwearying', 1), ('overrun', 1), ('exclusion', 2), ('race."', 1), ('artisans', 1), ('carpenters', 1), ('husbands', 1), ('Burmans.', 1), ('British,', 1), ('element', 1), ('Ebenezer', 1), ('Marks,', 2), ('Principal', 1), ("John's", 1), ('S.P.G.', 1), ('Marks', 2), ('hale', 1), ('hearty,', 1), ('brimful', 1), ('reminiscences,', 1), ('Christianity.', 1), ('anthropological', 1), ('institute', 1), ('cross-breeds', 1), ('gaol,', 1), ('extensive', 1), ('playgrounds.', 1), ('550', 1), ('students,', 1), ('Asiatics', 1), ('nationalities--Chinese,', 1), ('Karens,', 1), ('Hindoos', 1), ('Malays,', 1), ('Burmese.', 3), ('intermarried', 1), ('resulting', 1), ('half-breeds', 1), ('half-breeds.', 1), ('Eurasian', 2), ('(European-Asian)', 1), ('fathers,', 1), ('ingeniously', 1), ('mothers;', 1), ('latter,', 1), ('neglected,', 1), ('(when', 1), ('known),', 1), ('latter', 1), ('strictness', 1), ('gallantly', 1), ('catholic', 1), ('tastes', 1), ('Japanese.', 1), ('marries', 1), ('Catholic,', 1), ('Turk,', 1), ('Infidel,', 1), ('clings', 1), ('whichever', 1), ('her;', 1), ('desires', 1), ('treats', 1), ('feels', 1), ('cognate', 1), ('industrious,', 1), ('idleness,', 1), ('presents,', 1), ('loving', 1), ('bestow', 1), ('Chino-Burmese', 1), ('markedly', 1), ('half-caste', 1), ('parentage.', 1), ('powerful,', 1), ('courageous,', 1), ('energetic,', 1), ('enterprising;', 1), ('East,', 1), ('companions--of', 1), ('exist--are', 1), ('comeliness', 1), ('sweetness', 1), ('Calcutta.', 2), ('Ill', 1), ('sure,', 1), ('obtruding', 1), ('purely', 1), ('testimony', 1), ('savage', 1), ('Guinea,', 1), ('recording', 1), ('befriended', 1), ('Calcutta;', 1), ('illness', 1), ('kindness.', 1), ('Calcutta', 1), ('unremitting', 1), ('Bathgate', 1), ('Maxwell', 1), ('Prophit', 1), ('Arnold', 1), ('Caddy', 1), ('lasting', 1), ('nurse--dark', 1), ('complexion,', 1), ('upon--whose', 1), ('consoled', 1), ('ill?', 1), ('Bless', 1), ('heart!', 1), ('quinine', 1), ('fingers.', 1), ('END.', 1), ('INDEX.', 1), ('Adridge,', 1), ('Dr.,', 3), ('Capt.,', 2), ('worship,', 2), ('67', 2), ('Anderson,', 1), ('J.,', 7), ('274,', 2), ('277', 3), ('Anpien,', 1), ('79', 1), ('Anti-foreign', 1), ('riots,', 1), ('9,', 2), ('54,', 1), ('268', 2), ('Arsenal', 1), ('175', 2), ('C.,', 3), ('51,', 1), ('90,', 3), ('239,', 1), ('267;', 1), ('149;', 2), ('285;', 1), ('187', 3), ('Ball,', 1), ('Dyer,', 1), ('113,', 4), ('224', 4), ('Baller,', 1), ('W.,', 9), ('113', 1), ('Banks', 1), ('96,', 1), ('163,', 1), ('164', 1), ('Barrow,', 1), ('John,', 3), ('101,', 3), ('110,', 2), ('191', 6), ('Pere,', 8), ('63,', 2), ('65', 3), ('(Singai),', 1), ('279-287', 1), ('99;', 4), ('121', 2), ('173', 3), ('Blodget,', 1), ('123', 5), ('M.,', 5), ('Bonvalot,', 1), ('G.,', 7), ('149', 8), ('Bridges,', 1), ('notable,', 1), ('26,', 1), ('83,', 2), ('85,', 1), ('118,', 4), ('186,', 2), ('233,', 2), ('240,', 2), ('B.,', 1), ('66,', 3), ('Col.', 1), ('Horace,', 1), ('246,', 3), ('267,', 1), ('Spain,', 1), ('55,', 1), ('56', 1), ('Burdon,', 1), ('213', 5), ('207;', 1), ('222-224', 1), ('226,', 1), ('271', 2), ('Carruthers,', 1), ('H.,', 7), ('commissioner', 1), ('customs,', 1), ('51', 2), ('Cash', 1), ('161,', 2), ('Chairen,', 1), ('77,', 1), ('190', 2), ('181,', 3), ('246', 2), ('viceroy,', 1), ('Chang-show-hsien,', 1), ('184,', 1), ('185', 1), ('of,', 20), ('97-116;', 1), ('178', 5), ('137', 1), ('prince,', 1), ('29,', 1), ('30', 3), ('62;', 1), ('6;', 2), ('Wanhsien,', 5), ('27-29;', 1), ('49;', 2), ('65,', 2), ('73,', 1), ('75;', 1), ('177;', 4), ('213-216;', 1), ('178;', 1), ('180;', 2), ('65-71', 1), ('222-224;', 1), ('288-290', 1), ('avarice,', 1), ('79;', 2), ('benevolence,', 1), ('29;', 1), ('13;', 1), ('visiting,', 1), ('182;', 1), ('170;', 1), ('courtesy,', 1), ('255;', 2), ('197,', 3), ('198;', 2), ('230;', 1), ('140;', 2), ('nature,', 1), ('117;', 1), ('27,', 1), ('28;', 3), 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('141,', 1), ('278', 1), ('107-110;', 1), ('mule-doctor,', 1), ('145', 2), ('Doolittle,', 1), ('Justus,', 1), ('69,', 2), ('130,', 1), ('170', 2), ('Gree,', 1), ('Douglas,', 1), ('K.,', 1), ('127', 1), ('Dudgeon,', 1), ('112,', 2), ('130', 6), ('108,', 1), ('Frank,', 1), ('98,', 1), ('Eclipse', 1), ('Sun,', 1), ('125,', 1), ('126', 1), ('Edkins,', 1), ('Eitel,', 1), ('129', 3), ('Excoffier,', 1), ('Famine', 1), ('127;', 1), ('137-144', 1), ('82', 2), ('Farrar,', 1), ('Archdeacon,', 1), ('Feng-hsiang,', 1), ('Fengshui-ling,', 1), ('Monseigneur,', 1), ('171,', 1), ('45', 2), ('_Fungshui_,', 1), ('157,', 1), ('Fung-yen-tung,', 1), ('205', 1), ('Fu-to-kuan,', 1), ('254-256', 1), ('Gates', 1), ('Geary,', 1), ('Grattan,', 1), ('43', 1), ('Giles,', 1), ('A.,', 3), ('Hope,', 1), ('17,', 1), ('90', 4), ('14,', 2), ('139,', 1), ('bought,', 1), ('155;', 1), ('101;', 2), ('145,', 2), ('155,', 1), ('185;', 1), ('prevalence,', 1), ('227,', 1), ('228', 2), ('Gold,', 1), ('23;', 1), ('158-160', 1), ('Mr.,', 4), ('177,', 1), ('219', 2), ('Grosvenor', 1), ('42-44', 1), ('3-8', 1), ('Heads', 1), ('criminals,', 1), ('192;', 1), ('dacoits,', 1), ('273,', 2), ('274', 2), ('E.,', 2), ('Hokiangpu,', 1), ('222', 1), ('270,', 3), ('275-277', 1), ('17;', 1), ('200,', 1), ('219,', 1), ('221', 3), ('226;', 1), ('Huc,', 1), ('Abbe,', 1), ('Iangkai,', 1), ('144', 1), ('9', 2), ('129,', 1), ('130;', 1), ('Inquirers', 1), ('215', 1), ('275', 2), ('147;', 2), ('156,', 1), ('157;', 1), ('187;', 1), ('construct', 1), ('238', 1), ('123,', 2), ('173,', 1), ('Griffith,', 1), ('("protected', 1), ('barbarians"),', 1), ('254,', 2), ('259,', 1), ('chief,', 1), ('245', 1), ('Private', 1), ('117', 1), ('141', 1), ('Kueichow', 1), ('18', 2), ('Kuhtsing,', 1), ('73', 1), ('21', 1), ('Lacouperie,', 1), ('de,', 1), ('257', 1), ('Lanchihsien,', 1), ('Laokai,', 1), ('148,', 2), ('159', 3), ('85', 1), ('Lay,', 1), ('T.,', 3), ('139', 1), ('150,', 1), ('151', 1), ('72,', 2), ('chi_,', 1), ('231,', 1), ('Manager,', 1), ('151-153,', 1), ('122;', 1), ('40,', 2), ('44,', 1), ('Colonel,', 1), ('244,', 1), ('245,', 2), ('255', 1), ('28,', 2), ('186', 1), ('MacCarthy,', 1), ('Justin,', 1), ('133', 2), ('S.,', 2), ('47,', 2), ('(Manwyne),', 1), ('264-269', 2), ('238;', 1), ('266;', 1), ('149,', 1), ('246;', 1), ('289,', 1), ('P.,', 2), ('67,', 3), ('(D.S.P.),', 1), ('Mason,', 1), ('L.,', 2), ('T.', 1), ('154', 1), ('87', 1), ('(wrongly', 1), ('"Meadows"),', 1), ('197', 1), ('45,', 1), ('108', 1), ('Medicines', 1), ('107-110', 1), ('Mekong', 1), ('221,', 1), ('234', 3), ('198', 1), ('54', 1), ('124', 1), ('Missionaries,', 1), ('Missions', 1), ('6,', 1), ('64,', 1), ('105,', 1), ('146,', 1), ('171', 1), ('17', 1), ('112;', 1), ('114;', 1), ('128;', 1), ('216;', 2), ('185,', 1), ('187,', 1), ('203;', 1), ('milkman,', 1), ('217', 1), ('Momien', 2), ('(Tengyueh),', 1), ('243-249', 2), ('Money,', 1), ('changing,', 1), ('95;', 1), ('remittance', 1), ('95', 1), ('70', 1), ('Morphia,', 1), ('imported,', 1), ('Moule,', 1), ('Moutot,', 1), ('148-150,', 1), ('(Santien),', 1), ('278,', 2), ('279', 3), ('275-278', 1), ('250,', 2), ('251', 1), ('Opium,', 1), ('exports', 1), ('46-48;', 1), ('3;', 1), ('45;', 1), ('73;', 1), ('41;', 2), ('----', 2), ('refuge,', 1), ('33;', 1), ('111,', 2), ('212;', 1), ('chairbearers', 1), ('94;', 1), ('219;', 1), ('appeal', 1), ('suppression,', 1), ('190,', 1), ("d'Orleans,", 1), ('Henri,', 1), ('148;', 1), ('Parricide', 1), ('69', 1), ('Prof.', 1), ('53,', 2), ('169,', 1), ('231', 1), ('manager,', 1), ('244', 1), ('commissioner,', 1), ('Pidgin-English,', 1), ('Piercy,', 1), ('Ping-shan-pa,', 1), ('13', 1), ('Pits', 1), ('Plague,', 1), ('bubonic,', 1), ('Pollard,', 1), ('Poppy,', 1), ('37,', 1), ('57,', 1), ('78,', 1), ('84,', 1), ('142;', 1), ('grown,', 1), ('46', 2), ('Post-offices,', 1), ('96', 2), ('Prisons', 1), ('209-211', 1), ('Punishments', 1), ('103,', 1), ('136,', 1), ('239', 1), ('193', 4), ('Pupiao,', 1), ('236;', 1), ('281', 2), ('Reade,', 1), ('Charles,', 1), ('209', 1), ('41,', 2), ('286', 1), ('Rockhill,', 1), ('280,', 1), ('Thomas,', 1), ('237-240', 1), ('259-263', 1), ('Schehleh,', 1), ('Scott,', 1), ('287,', 1), ('289', 1), ('Sengki-ping,', 1), ('Shang-kwan,', 1), ('252,', 2), ('256-269', 1), ('Shih-pao-chai,', 1), ('Shuichai,', 1), ('Shweli', 1), ('163;', 1), ('249', 1), ('218', 1), ('Sladen,', 1), ('267', 3), ('Small', 1), ('153', 1), ('212,', 1), ('269', 1), ('202,', 1), ('209,', 1), ('214,', 1), ('Soldiers,', 1), ('234,', 2), ('241,', 1), ('249;', 1), ('aspect,', 1), ('263;', 1), ('"Squeezing"', 1), ('151,', 1), ('152', 2), ('Stead,', 1), ('111;', 1), ('112', 1), ('62-75', 1), ('Swinburne,', 1), ('"country', 1), ('82;', 1), ('186;', 1), ('85-88;', 2), ('stronghold,', 1), ('64', 1), ('Taipingkai,', 1), ('263', 1), ('Taiping-pu,', 1), ('226', 1), ('258,', 1), ('94,', 1), ('Tak-wan-leo,', 1), ('92', 2), ('Talichao,', 1), ('202-219;', 1), ('86', 2), ('Tao[=u]en,', 1), ('116', 1), ('Hudson,', 1), ('68,', 1), ('70,', 2), ('46;', 1), ('67;', 1), ('68', 1), ('Telegraph,', 1), ('208;', 1), ('234;', 1), ('243-248;', 1), ('166-168;', 1), ('transfers,', 1), ('question,"', 1), ('247', 1), ('120-134;', 1), ('Tragedy', 1), ('220,', 1), ('Tremberth,', 1), ('101', 1), ('Tung-lo-hsia,', 1), ('Storrs,', 1), ('Sultan,', 1), ('203', 1), ('Voltaire,', 1), ('24-31', 1), ('Pelham,', 1), ('229,', 1), ('261,', 1), ('Widows,', 1), ('virtuous,', 1), ('52,', 1), ('78', 1), ('Wells,', 1), ('126,', 1), ('Williamson,', 1), ('223', 1), ('163-166', 1), ('180,', 1), ('181', 1), ('Woolston,', 1), ('Wuchang,', 1), ('253,', 1), ('254', 1), ('kweitze_",', 1), ('18,', 1), ('228,', 1), ('229', 1), ('Yu-ko,', 1), ('Imperialist', 1), ('general,', 1), ('203,', 1), ('19', 1), ('Yenwanshan,', 1), ('235', 1), ('147-183;', 1), ('Yunnanhsien,', 1), ('196', 1), ('SHOWING', 1), ('ROUTE', 1), ('SHANGHAI', 1), ('RANGOON.]', 1), ('Typographical', 1), ('text:', 1), ('Page', 65), ('vii:', 1), ('replaced', 60), ('ix:', 1), ('Teng-yueh', 1), ('8:', 1), 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('Yesu-tang', 1), ('154:', 1), ('Double', 1), ('(single', 1), ('story)', 1), ('155:', 1), ('Single', 1), ('"pretty', 1), ('safe"', 1), ('added;', 1), ('thick-neck', 1), ('thickneck', 1), ('156:', 1), ('Momein', 1), ('161:', 1), ('uncivilized', 1), ('civilization', 1), ('162:', 1), ('Dollar', 1), ('164:', 1), ('172:', 1), ('Muntze', 1), ('184:', 1), ('Tong-chuan', 1), ('186:', 1), ('Tai-ping', 1), ('190:', 1), ('barefoot"', 1), ('192:', 1), ('193:', 1), ("a'accord", 1), ("d'accord", 1), ('197:', 1), ('Question', 1), ('"...that', 1), ('doctor?"', 1), ('199:', 1), ('200:', 1), ('Yunnen', 1), ('204:', 1), ('Hsia-kwan', 1), ('206:', 1), ('Commas', 1), ('replied"', 1), ('"(you', 1), ('on)"', 1), ('208:', 1), ('Mahommedan', 1), ('219:', 1), ('Yung-chang', 2), ('220:', 1), ('230:', 1), ('splended', 1), ('233:', 1), ('Rivers;', 1), ('236:', 1), ('inn-keeper', 1), ('238:', 1), ('246:', 1), ('Yungchang;', 1), ('other"', 1), ('another"', 1), ('249:', 1), ('Yunnaness', 1), ('259:', 1), ('Liliputians', 1), ('270:', 1), ('stops', 1), ('294:', 1), ('Chunking', 1), ('295:', 1), ('Fenghsiang', 1), ('296:', 1), ('Lingchi', 1), ('298:', 1), ('Subtopics', 1), ('"Soldiers"', 1), ('semi-colons', 1), ('Inconsistent', 1), ('capitalisations', 1), ('Table', 1), ('Contents', 1), ('titles', 1), ('retained.', 1), ('Discrepancies', 1), ('captions', 1), ('illustrations', 2), ('retained,', 1), ('above.', 1), ('scans', 1), ('located', 5), ('processing', 2), ('book,', 1), ('List', 1), ('Illustrations', 1), ('preferred.', 1), ('Taouen', 1), ('unclear', 1), ('/u/,', 1), ('Tao[=u]en.', 1), ('Punctuation', 1), ('abbreviations', 1), ('(Mr.,', 1), ('Mrs.,', 1), ('s.', 1), (')', 1), ('standardised.', 1), ('Pounds,', 1), ('italicised.', 1), ('End', 1), ('END', 1), ('*****', 2), ('19172.txt', 1), ('', 1), ('formats', 2), ('in:', 1), ('', 1), ('Updated', 1), ('editions', 3), ('replace', 1), ('one--the', 1), ('renamed.', 1), ('Creating', 1), ('domain', 7), ('print', 1), ('owns', 2), ('Foundation', 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3), ('1.E.3.', 1), ('holder,', 1), ('holder.', 1), ('Additional', 1), ('holder', 1), ('1.E.4.', 1), ('Do', 3), ('unlink', 1), ('detach', 1), ('Gutenberg-tm.', 1), ('1.E.5.', 1), ('display,', 1), ('perform,', 1), ('redistribute', 1), ('License.', 2), ('1.E.6.', 1), ('binary,', 1), ('compressed,', 1), ('nonproprietary', 1), ('proprietary', 1), ('hypertext', 1), ('form.', 2), ('However,', 1), ('"Plain', 2), ('Vanilla', 2), ('ASCII"', 2), ('version', 1), ('web', 3), ('(,', 1), ('user,', 1), ('exporting', 1), ('request,', 1), ('alternate', 1), ('include', 1), ('1.E.7.', 1), ('viewing,', 1), ('-', 7), ('20%', 1), ('gross', 1), ('derive', 1), ('calculate', 1), ('applicable', 3), ('taxes.', 1), ('owner', 3), ('donate', 1), ('royalties', 1), ('Foundation.', 1), ('Royalty', 2), ('payments', 3), ('legally', 1), ('prepare)', 1), ('periodic', 1), ('tax', 6), ('"Information', 1), ('Foundation."', 1), ('user', 2), ('notifies', 1), ('e-mail)', 1), ('s/he', 1), ('discontinue', 1), ('provide,', 1), ('1.F.3,', 3), ('replacement', 3), ('Michael', 2), ('Hart,', 1), ('1.F.', 1), ('1.F.1.', 1), ('volunteers', 5), ('employees', 2), ('expend', 1), ('identify,', 1), ('proofread', 1), ('collection.', 1), ('stored,', 1), ('"Defects,"', 1), ('incomplete,', 1), ('corrupt', 1), ('data,', 1), ('transcription', 1), ('errors,', 1), ('infringement,', 1), ('damaged', 1), ('disk', 1), ('medium,', 2), ('computer', 2), ('virus,', 1), ('codes', 1), ('damage', 1), ('equipment.', 2), ('1.F.2.', 1), ('LIMITED', 3), ('WARRANTY,', 1), ('DISCLAIMER', 1), ('DAMAGES', 2), ('Except', 2), ('"Right', 1), ('Replacement', 1), ('Refund"', 1), ('Foundation,', 4), ('disclaim', 1), ('liability', 1), ('damages,', 1), ('legal', 2), ('fees.', 1), ('AGREE', 2), ('THAT', 2), ('HAVE', 1), ('NO', 2), ('REMEDIES', 1), ('FOR', 3), ('NEGLIGENCE,', 1), ('STRICT', 1), ('LIABILITY,', 1), ('BREACH', 2), ('WARRANTY', 1), ('CONTRACT', 1), ('EXCEPT', 1), ('THOSE', 1), ('PROVIDED', 1), ('PARAGRAPH', 1), ('F3.', 1), ('FOUNDATION,', 1), ('TRADEMARK', 1), ('OWNER,', 1), ('ANY', 3), ('DISTRIBUTOR', 1), ('UNDER', 1), ('AGREEMENT', 1), ('WILL', 1), ('NOT', 2), ('BE', 1), ('LIABLE', 1), ('ACTUAL,', 1), ('DIRECT,', 1), ('INDIRECT,', 1), ('CONSEQUENTIAL,', 1), ('PUNITIVE', 1), ('INCIDENTAL', 1), ('EVEN', 1), ('IF', 1), ('GIVE', 1), ('NOTICE', 1), ('POSSIBILITY', 1), ('SUCH', 1), ('DAMAGE.', 1), ('1.F.3.', 1), ('RIGHT', 1), ('REPLACEMENT', 1), ('REFUND', 1), ('any)', 1), ('from.', 1), ('explanation.', 1), ('elect', 1), ('lieu', 2), ('refund.', 2), ('electronically,', 1), ('choose', 1), ('electronically', 1), ('defective,', 1), ('fix', 1), ('1.F.4.', 1), ("'AS-IS'", 1), ('OTHER', 1), ('WARRANTIES', 2), ('KIND,', 1), ('EXPRESS', 1), ('IMPLIED,', 1), ('INCLUDING', 1), ('BUT', 1), ('MERCHANTIBILITY', 1), ('FITNESS', 1), ('PURPOSE.', 1), ('1.F.5.', 1), ('disclaimers', 1), ('implied', 1), ('warranties', 1), ('limitation', 3), ('damages.', 1), ('disclaimer', 2), ('violates', 1), ('maximum', 1), ('law.', 1), ('invalidity', 1), ('unenforceability', 1), ('void', 1), ('provisions.', 1), ('1.F.6.', 1), ('INDEMNITY', 1), ('indemnify', 1), ('owner,', 1), ('employee', 1), ('production,', 1), ('promotion', 1), ('harmless', 1), ('liability,', 1), ('fees,', 1), ('arise', 1), ('directly', 1), ('indirectly', 1), ('occur:', 1), ('(a)', 1), ('(b)', 1), ('alteration,', 1), ('modification,', 1), ('additions', 1), ('deletions', 1), ('(c)', 1), ('Defect', 1), ('cause.', 1), ('Information', 4), ('readable', 2), ('widest', 2), ('computers', 1), ('obsolete,', 1), ('middle-aged', 1), ('computers.', 1), ('Volunteers', 1), ('financial', 1), ("Gutenberg-tm's", 1), ('goals', 1), ('ensuring', 1), ('come.', 1), ('2001,', 1), ('created', 2), ('permanent', 1), ('help,', 1), ('Sections', 1), ('page', 2), ('', 1), ('non', 1), ('501(c)(3)', 2), ('educational', 1), ('corporation', 1), ('organized', 1), ('Mississippi', 1), ('granted', 1), ('Revenue', 1), ("Foundation's", 3), ('EIN', 1), ('federal', 2), ('identification', 1), ('64-6221541.', 1), ('', 1), ('Contributions', 1), ('deductible', 1), ('U.S.', 3), ("state's", 1), ('laws.', 1), ('4557', 1), ('Melan', 1), ('Fairbanks,', 1), ('AK,', 1), ('99712.,', 1), ('locations.', 1), ('809', 1), ('Lake', 1), ('UT', 1), ('84116,', 1), ('(801)', 1), ('596-1887,', 1), ('email', 2), ('[email protected].', 1), ('Email', 1), ('contact', 3), ('', 2), ('information:', 1), ('Gregory', 1), ('Newby', 1), ('Executive', 1), ('Director', 1), ('[email protected]', 1), ('Donations', 2), ('accessible', 1), ('outdated', 1), ('($1', 1), ('$5,000)', 1), ('IRS.', 1), ('regulating', 1), ('charities', 1), ('charitable', 1), ('Compliance', 1), ('paperwork', 1), ('requirements.', 1), ('solicit', 2), ('locations', 1), ('confirmation', 1), ('compliance.', 1), ('SEND', 1), ('DONATIONS', 1), ('determine', 1), ('solicitation', 1), ('requirements,', 1), ('prohibition', 1), ('accepting', 1), ('unsolicited', 1), ('donors', 1), ('donate.', 1), ('International', 1), ('staff.', 1), ('Please', 1), ('Web', 3), ('donation', 1), ('addresses.', 1), ('checks,', 1), ('donations.', 1), ('donate,', 1), ('visit:', 1), ('', 1), ('5.', 1), ('About', 1), ('Hart', 1), ('originator', 1), ('library', 1), ('anyone.', 1), ('eBooks', 3), ('network', 1), ('volunteer', 1), ('support.', 1), ('editions,', 1), ('Public', 1), ('Domain', 1), ('included.', 1), ('edition.', 1), ('PG', 1), ('facility:', 1), ('', 1), ('Gutenberg-tm,', 1), ('subscribe', 1), ('newsletter', 1)])
sorted_dictionary = sorted(word_dictionary.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
#function that counts words def count_words(textblock): wordlist = textblock.split() wordfreq = [] for word in wordlist: wordfreq.append(wordlist.count(word)) word_dictionary = dict(zip(wordlist, wordfreq)) sorted_dictionary = sorted(word_dictionary.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) return (sorted_dictionary)
no_punct = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', content)
cleaned_text = re.sub(r'[_]', '', no_punct)
#Let's customize the stopwords stopwords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english') newStopWords = ['project','gutenbergs', 'gutenberg','wwwgutenbergorg','httpwwwpgdpnet', 'ebook', 'online','anyone','anywhere','use','terms', 'httpwwwgutenbergorg', 'one','two','three','many','every','way','day','would','could','years','days','us','may','among','came','page','well','left','upon','said','never','mr','even','made','see','cited','like','seen','gutenbergtm','yet','must','still','whose'] stopwords.extend(newStopWords)
filtered_content = [] for word in cleaned_text.lower().split(): if word not in stopwords: filtered_content.append(word) else: pass
df_3 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(count_words(" ".join(filtered_content)))
df_3.columns =['Word', 'Count']
my_frame = df_3.head(20) fig = plt.figure(figsize = (5, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.table(cellText = my_frame.values, rowLabels = my_frame.index, colLabels = my_frame.columns, loc = "center" ) ax.set_title("Top 20 Words ") ax.axis("off");
Image in a Jupyter notebook


So, I have never read this book before, but what strikes me of interest is that mission is used 147 times, missionary is used 96 times, and opium is used 93 times. Which tells me that this book takes place a little after the second opium war. And, since the story is supposed to be recounting someone time in China, I'm guessing they saw the impact of opium wars.

#Topic Modeling, Thanks Jack! def topical(content,n_topics,n_top_words): txt_1 = "".join(content).lower() txt_paragraphs = txt_1.split("\n\n") vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words="english") X = vectorizer.fit_transform(txt_paragraphs) model = lda.LDA(n_topics, n_iter=1500, random_state=1) vocab = vectorizer.get_feature_names() topic_word = model.topic_word_ for i, topic_dist in enumerate(topic_word): topic_words = np.array(vocab)[np.argsort(topic_dist)][:-(n_top_words+1):-1] print('Topic {}: {}'.format(i, ' '.join(topic_words))) return()
INFO:lda:n_documents: 1222 INFO:lda:vocab_size: 10046 INFO:lda:n_words: 43093 INFO:lda:n_topics: 20 INFO:lda:n_iter: 1500 WARNING:lda:all zero row in document-term matrix found INFO:lda:<0> log likelihood: -585460 INFO:lda:<10> log likelihood: -423334 INFO:lda:<20> log likelihood: -413359 INFO:lda:<30> log likelihood: -407552 INFO:lda:<40> log likelihood: -403971 INFO:lda:<50> log likelihood: -401480 INFO:lda:<60> log likelihood: -400605 INFO:lda:<70> log likelihood: -398982 INFO:lda:<80> log likelihood: -397875 INFO:lda:<90> log likelihood: -397123 INFO:lda:<100> log likelihood: -396418 INFO:lda:<110> log likelihood: -395760 INFO:lda:<120> log likelihood: -395235 INFO:lda:<130> log likelihood: -394964 INFO:lda:<140> log likelihood: -394211 INFO:lda:<150> log likelihood: -393800 INFO:lda:<160> log likelihood: -394033 INFO:lda:<170> log likelihood: -393586 INFO:lda:<180> log likelihood: -393486 INFO:lda:<190> log likelihood: -393160 INFO:lda:<200> log likelihood: -393043 INFO:lda:<210> log likelihood: -392540 INFO:lda:<220> log likelihood: -392788 INFO:lda:<230> log likelihood: -392845 INFO:lda:<240> log likelihood: -392479 INFO:lda:<250> log likelihood: -392868 INFO:lda:<260> log likelihood: -392463 INFO:lda:<270> log likelihood: -392762 INFO:lda:<280> log likelihood: -392580 INFO:lda:<290> log likelihood: -392096 INFO:lda:<300> log likelihood: -391870 INFO:lda:<310> log likelihood: -392269 INFO:lda:<320> log likelihood: -392451 INFO:lda:<330> log likelihood: -392250 INFO:lda:<340> log likelihood: -392510 INFO:lda:<350> log likelihood: -392085 INFO:lda:<360> log likelihood: -391846 INFO:lda:<370> log likelihood: -392431 INFO:lda:<380> log likelihood: -392124 INFO:lda:<390> log likelihood: -392735 INFO:lda:<400> log likelihood: -392019 INFO:lda:<410> log likelihood: -391730 INFO:lda:<420> log likelihood: -392158 INFO:lda:<430> log likelihood: -391937 INFO:lda:<440> log likelihood: -391579 INFO:lda:<450> log likelihood: -391693 INFO:lda:<460> log likelihood: -391147 INFO:lda:<470> log likelihood: -391891 INFO:lda:<480> log likelihood: -391929 INFO:lda:<490> log likelihood: -391430 INFO:lda:<500> log likelihood: -391774 INFO:lda:<510> log likelihood: -391940 INFO:lda:<520> log likelihood: -391704 INFO:lda:<530> log likelihood: -391601 INFO:lda:<540> log likelihood: -391470 INFO:lda:<550> log likelihood: -391317 INFO:lda:<560> log likelihood: -391989 INFO:lda:<570> log likelihood: -391638 INFO:lda:<580> log likelihood: -391558 INFO:lda:<590> log likelihood: -391931 INFO:lda:<600> log likelihood: -391436 INFO:lda:<610> log likelihood: -391354 INFO:lda:<620> log likelihood: -391802 INFO:lda:<630> log likelihood: -391182 INFO:lda:<640> log likelihood: -391797 INFO:lda:<650> log likelihood: -391590 INFO:lda:<660> log likelihood: -391403 INFO:lda:<670> log likelihood: -391055 INFO:lda:<680> log likelihood: -391208 INFO:lda:<690> log likelihood: -391535 INFO:lda:<700> log likelihood: -391166 INFO:lda:<710> log likelihood: -391791 INFO:lda:<720> log likelihood: -391799 INFO:lda:<730> log likelihood: -391121 INFO:lda:<740> log likelihood: -391225 INFO:lda:<750> log likelihood: -391325 INFO:lda:<760> log likelihood: -391922 INFO:lda:<770> log likelihood: -391804 INFO:lda:<780> log likelihood: -391421 INFO:lda:<790> log likelihood: -391705 INFO:lda:<800> log likelihood: -391509 INFO:lda:<810> log likelihood: -391466 INFO:lda:<820> log likelihood: -391289 INFO:lda:<830> log likelihood: -391193 INFO:lda:<840> log likelihood: -390978 INFO:lda:<850> log likelihood: -391428 INFO:lda:<860> log likelihood: -391489 INFO:lda:<870> log likelihood: -391259 INFO:lda:<880> log likelihood: -391254 INFO:lda:<890> log likelihood: -391438 INFO:lda:<900> log likelihood: -391279 INFO:lda:<910> log likelihood: -391784 INFO:lda:<920> log likelihood: -391422 INFO:lda:<930> log likelihood: -391167 INFO:lda:<940> log likelihood: -391258 INFO:lda:<950> log likelihood: -391162 INFO:lda:<960> log likelihood: -391497 INFO:lda:<970> log likelihood: -391251 INFO:lda:<980> log likelihood: -391848 INFO:lda:<990> log likelihood: -391531 INFO:lda:<1000> log likelihood: -391267 INFO:lda:<1010> log likelihood: -391538 INFO:lda:<1020> log likelihood: -391446 INFO:lda:<1030> log likelihood: -391241 INFO:lda:<1040> log likelihood: -391674 INFO:lda:<1050> log likelihood: -391355 INFO:lda:<1060> log likelihood: -390799 INFO:lda:<1070> log likelihood: -391406 INFO:lda:<1080> log likelihood: -391153 INFO:lda:<1090> log likelihood: -391385 INFO:lda:<1100> log likelihood: -391238 INFO:lda:<1110> log likelihood: -391335 INFO:lda:<1120> log likelihood: -391173 INFO:lda:<1130> log likelihood: -391095 INFO:lda:<1140> log likelihood: -391284 INFO:lda:<1150> log likelihood: -391067 INFO:lda:<1160> log likelihood: -391268 INFO:lda:<1170> log likelihood: -391355 INFO:lda:<1180> log likelihood: -391187 INFO:lda:<1190> log likelihood: -390652 INFO:lda:<1200> log likelihood: -391268 INFO:lda:<1210> log likelihood: -390689 INFO:lda:<1220> log likelihood: -391177 INFO:lda:<1230> log likelihood: -391290 INFO:lda:<1240> log likelihood: -390926 INFO:lda:<1250> log likelihood: -390747 INFO:lda:<1260> log likelihood: -390999 INFO:lda:<1270> log likelihood: -390956 INFO:lda:<1280> log likelihood: -390977 INFO:lda:<1290> log likelihood: -390717 INFO:lda:<1300> log likelihood: -390847 INFO:lda:<1310> log likelihood: -391193 INFO:lda:<1320> log likelihood: -391320 INFO:lda:<1330> log likelihood: -391312 INFO:lda:<1340> log likelihood: -391065 INFO:lda:<1350> log likelihood: -391109 INFO:lda:<1360> log likelihood: -391593 INFO:lda:<1370> log likelihood: -391371 INFO:lda:<1380> log likelihood: -391012 INFO:lda:<1390> log likelihood: -391280 INFO:lda:<1400> log likelihood: -391168 INFO:lda:<1410> log likelihood: -391196 INFO:lda:<1420> log likelihood: -391224 INFO:lda:<1430> log likelihood: -391105 INFO:lda:<1440> log likelihood: -390853 INFO:lda:<1450> log likelihood: -391390 INFO:lda:<1460> log likelihood: -390827 INFO:lda:<1470> log likelihood: -390626 INFO:lda:<1480> log likelihood: -391102 INFO:lda:<1490> log likelihood: -390886 INFO:lda:<1499> log likelihood: -390866
Topic 0: mission missionary missionaries china mr inland little time work years Topic 1: men miles day days journey coolies way li long road Topic 2: river road valley feet mountain bridge high town little plain Topic 3: cash yunnan gold silver money capital 100 taels number cost Topic 4: chinese said english foreign came room told words understand crowd Topic 5: china chinese years known seen family sent love told far Topic 6: death children dead wife living mother woman way husband girls Topic 7: burma bhamo china burmese british journey soldiers men officer western Topic 8: gutenberg project tm work works foundation terms electronic agreement states Topic 9: opium china chinese shall pipe poppy chairen large grown eye Topic 10: chinese china yunnan chungking yangtse telegraph customs mr provinces french Topic 11: cited rev dr infanticide john university worship peking sir high Topic 12: river boat water bank like men time junk rapid moment Topic 13: room rice inn tea street poor little brought good people Topic 14: city province yamen town gate magistrate yunnan tali west wall Topic 15: temple chinese built priests stone fort centre near cut gods Topic 16: chinese shan sun women feet town dressed blue yellow white Topic 17: man came young years went saw did men morning father Topic 18: china chinese chinaman says god man does england country western Topic 19: page replaced yunnan chapter city chungking suifu chaotong hsien chang


Here are twenty topics in ten words.And, I think that these topics help make sense of the top twenty words!

# Does this book portray China in a negative or postive light? Let's do a sentiment analysis with open('texts-on-china/19172.txt', 'r') as f: content = f.readlines()
#I'm trying to see when the book actually starts content[:257]
["Project Gutenberg's An Australian in China, by George Ernest Morrison\n", '\n', 'This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with\n', 'almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or\n', 're-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included\n', 'with this eBook or online at\n', '\n', '\n', 'Title: An Australian in China\n', ' Being the Narrative of a Quiet Journey Across China to Burma\n', '\n', 'Author: George Ernest Morrison\n', '\n', 'Release Date: September 4, 2006 [EBook #19172]\n', '\n', 'Language: English\n', '\n', 'Character set encoding: ASCII\n', '\n', '*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK AN AUSTRALIAN IN CHINA ***\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', 'Produced by Thierry Alberto and the Online Distributed\n', 'Proofreading Team at\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', ' * * * * *\n', ' +------------------------------------------------------------+\n', " | Transcriber's Note: |\n", ' | |\n', ' | Obvious typographical errors have been corrected in |\n', ' | this text. For a complete list, please see the bottom of |\n', ' | this document. |\n', ' | |\n', ' | Macrons are shown as [=o] and [=u] |\n', ' | |\n', ' +------------------------------------------------------------+\n', '\n', ' * * * * *\n', '\n', '[Illustration: THE AUTHOR IN WESTERN CHINA.]\n', '\n', '\n', 'AN AUSTRALIAN IN CHINA\n', '\n', 'BEING THE NARRATIVE OF A QUIET JOURNEY ACROSS CHINA TO BURMA\n', '\n', 'BY GEORGE ERNEST MORRISON M.D. EDIN., F.R.G.S.\n', '\n', '\n', '_THIRD EDITION_\n', '\n', "LONDON: HORACE COX WINDSOR HOUSE, BREAM'S BUILDINGS E.C.\n", '\n', 'MDCCCCII\n', '\n', '\n', 'TO\n', '\n', 'JOHN CHIENE, M.D.,\n', '\n', 'F.R.C.S.E., F.R.S.E., ETC.,\n', '\n', 'PROFESSOR OF SURGERY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH,\n', '\n', 'WHO GAVE ME BACK THE POWER OF LOCOMOTION.\n', '\n', 'I GRATEFULLY\n', '\n', 'INSCRIBE THIS VOLUME.\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', 'CONTENTS.\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER I. PAGES\n', ' INTRODUCTORY--MAINLY ABOUT MISSIONARIES AND THE CITY\n', ' OF HANKOW 1-11\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER II.\n', ' FROM HANKOW TO WANHSIEN, WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF\n', ' CHINESE WOMEN AND THE RAPIDS OF THE YANGTSE 12-23\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER III.\n', ' THE CITY OF WANHSIEN, AND THE JOURNEY FROM WANHSIEN\n', ' TO CHUNGKING 24-34\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER IV.\n', ' THE CITY OF CHUNGKING--THE CHINESE CUSTOMS--THE\n', ' FAMOUS MONSIEUR HAAS, AND A FEW WORDS ON\n', ' THE OPIUM FALLACY 35-49\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER V.\n', ' THE JOURNEY FROM CHUNGKING TO SUIFU--CHINESE INNS 50-62\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER VI.\n', ' THE CITY OF SUIFU--THE CHINA INLAND MISSION, WITH\n', ' SOME GENERAL REMARKS ABOUT MISSIONARIES IN CHINA 63-75\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER VII.\n', ' SUIFU TO CHAOTONG, WITH SOME REMARKS ON THE\n', ' PROVINCE OF YUNNAN--CHINESE PORTERS, POSTAL\n', ' ARRANGEMENTS, AND BANKS 76-96\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER VIII.\n', ' THE CITY OF CHAOTONG, WITH SOME REMARKS ON ITS\n', ' POVERTY, INFANTICIDE, SELLING FEMALE CHILDREN\n', ' INTO SLAVERY, TORTURES, AND THE CHINESE INSENSIBILITY\n', ' TO PAIN 97-106\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER IX.\n', ' MAINLY ABOUT CHINESE DOCTORS 107-114\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER X.\n', ' THE JOURNEY FROM CHAOTONG TO TONGCHUAN 115-124\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER XI.\n', ' THE CITY OF TONGCHUAN, WITH SOME REMARKS UPON\n', ' INFANTICIDE 125-134\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER XII.\n', ' TONGCHUAN TO YUNNAN CITY 135-147\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER XIII.\n', ' AT YUNNAN CITY 148-157\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER XIV.\n', ' GOLD, BANKS, AND TELEGRAPHS IN YUNNAN 158-170\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER XV.\n', ' THE FRENCH MISSION AND THE ARSENAL IN YUNNAN CITY 171-182\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER XVI.\n', ' THE JOURNEY FROM YUNNAN CITY TO TALIFU 183-201\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER XVII.\n', ' THE CITY OF TALI--PRISONS--POISONING--PLAGUES AND\n', ' MISSIONS 202-217\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER XVIII.\n', ' THE JOURNEY FROM TALI, WITH SOME REMARKS ON THE\n', ' CHARACTER OF THE CANTONESE, CHINESE EMIGRANTS,\n', ' CRETINS, AND WIFE-BEATING IN CHINA 218-232\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER XIX.\n', ' THE MEKONG AND SALWEEN RIVERS--HOW TO TRAVEL\n', ' IN CHINA 233-243\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER XX.\n', ' THE CITY OF TENGYUEH--THE CELEBRATED WUNTHO\n', ' SAWBWA--SHAN SOLDIERS 244-259\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER XXI.\n', ' THE SHAN TOWN OF SANTA, AND MANYUEN, THE SCENE\n', " OF CONSUL MARGARY'S MURDER 260-269\n", '\n', ' CHAPTER XXII.\n', ' CHINA AS A FIGHTING POWER--THE KACHINS--AND THE\n', ' LAST STAGE INTO BHAMO 270-281\n', '\n', ' CHAPTER XXIII.\n', ' BHAMO, MANDALAY, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA 282-291\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', 'ILLUSTRATIONS.\n', '\n', '_Mostly from Photographs by_ MR. C. JENSEN _of the Imperial Chinese\n', 'Telegraphs._\n', '\n', '\n', ' THE AUTHOR IN WESTERN CHINA _Frontispiece._\n', '\n', " THE AUTHOR'S CHINESE PASSPORT _page_ 8\n", '\n', ' ON A BALCONY IN WESTERN CHINA 14\n', '\n', ' THE RIVER YANGTSE AT TUNG-LO-HSIA 34\n', '\n', ' MEMORIAL ARCHWAY AT THE FORT OF FU-TO-KUAN 34\n', '\n', ' CHUNGKING, FROM THE OPPOSITE BANK OF THE YANGTSE 38\n', '\n', ' A TEMPLE THEATRE IN CHUNGKING 44\n', '\n', ' ON THE MAIN ROAD TO SUIFU 52\n', '\n', ' CULTIVATION IN TERRACES 58\n', '\n', ' SCENE IN SZECHUEN 58\n', '\n', ' OPIUM-SMOKING 72\n', '\n', ' A TEMPLE IN SZECHUEN 84\n', '\n', ' LAOWATAN 84\n', '\n', ' THE OPIUM-SMOKER OF ROMANCE 93\n', '\n', ' PAGODA BY THE WAYSIDE, WESTERN CHINA 118\n', '\n', ' THE BIG EAST GATE OF YUNNAN CITY 146\n', '\n', ' VIEW IN YUNNAN CITY 156\n', '\n', ' SOLDIERS ON THE WALL OF YUNNAN CITY 168\n', '\n', ' THE PAGODA OF YUNNAN CITY, 250 FEET HIGH 174\n', '\n', ' THE VICEROY OF TWO PROVINCES 180\n', '\n', " THE AUTHOR'S CHINESE NAME 182\n", '\n', ' THE GIANT OF YUNNAN 184\n', '\n', ' THE "EAGLE NEST BARRIER," ON THE ROAD TO TALIFU 192\n', '\n', ' SNOW-CLAD MOUNTAINS BEHIND TALIFU 204\n', '\n', ' MEMORIAL IN A TEMPLE NEAR TALIFU 220\n', '\n', ' THE DESCENT TO THE RIVER MEKONG 232\n', '\n', ' INSIDE VIEW OF A SUSPENSION BRIDGE 236\n', '\n', ' THE RIVER SALWEEN 240\n', '\n', ' THE RIVER SHWELI AND ITS SUSPENSION BRIDGE 242\n', '\n', ' THE SUBURB BEYOND THE SOUTH GATE OF TENGYUEH 250\n', '\n', ' CHINESE MAP OF CHUNGKING 292\n', '\n', ' ROUGH SKETCH-MAP OF CHINA AND BURMA _at end._\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', 'AN AUSTRALIAN IN CHINA.\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', 'CHAPTER I.\n', '\n', 'INTRODUCTORY--MAINLY ABOUT MISSIONARIES AND THE CITY OF HANKOW.\n', '\n', '\n']
#modify the content so that it starts with the actual text and not with the gutenberg stuff. edited_content = content[257:]
pattern = "\w[A-Z]+[.]" edited_content = re.sub(pattern, "", " ".join(edited_content))
lines_list = tokenize.sent_tokenize(edited_content)
sid = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() for sentence in lines_list[40:70]: print(sentence) ss = sid.polarity_scores(sentence) for k in sorted(ss): print('{0}: {1}, '.format(k, ss[k]), end='') print()
He has iron and coal mines, with a railway seventeen miles long from the mines to the river, and specially constructed river-steamers and special hoisting machinery at the river-banks. compound: 0.4019, neg: 0.0, neu: 0.909, pos: 0.091, Money he has poured out like water; he is probably the only important official in China who will leave office a poor man. compound: -0.0, neg: 0.162, neu: 0.677, pos: 0.162, Acting as private secretary to the Viceroy is a clever Chinese named Kaw Hong Beng, the author of _Defensio Populi_, that often-quoted attack upon missionary methods which appeared first in _The North China Daily News_. compound: -0.0258, neg: 0.081, neu: 0.84, pos: 0.079, A linguist of unusual ability, who publishes in _The Daily News_ translations from Heine in English verse, Kaw is gifted with a rare command over the resources of English. compound: 0.3182, neg: 0.0, neu: 0.919, pos: 0.081, He is a Master of Arts of the University of Edinburgh. compound: 0.0, neg: 0.0, neu: 1.0, pos: 0.0, Yet, strange paradox, notwithstanding that he had the privilege of being trained in the most pious and earnest community in the United Kingdom, under the lights of the United Presbyterian Kirk, Free Kirk, Episcopalian Church, and _The_ Kirk, not to mention a large and varied assortment of Dissenting Churches of more or less dubious orthodoxy, he is openly hostile to the introduction of Christianity into China. compound: 0.8268, neg: 0.104, neu: 0.707, pos: 0.189, And nowhere in China is the opposition to the introduction of Christianity more intense than in the Yangtse valley. compound: 0.1513, neg: 0.0, neu: 0.919, pos: 0.081, In this intensity many thoughtful missionaries see the greater hope of the ultimate conversion of this portion of China; opposition they say is a better aid to missionary success than mere apathy. compound: 0.9081, neg: 0.053, neu: 0.598, pos: 0.349, During the time I was in China, I met large numbers of missionaries of all classes, in many cities from Peking to Canton, and they unanimously expressed satisfaction at the progress they are making in China. compound: 0.6908, neg: 0.0, neu: 0.849, pos: 0.151, Expressed succinctly, their harvest may be described as amounting to a fraction more than two Chinamen per missionary per annum. compound: 0.0, neg: 0.0, neu: 1.0, pos: 0.0, If, however, the paid ordained and unordained native helpers be added to the number of missionaries, you find that the aggregate body converts nine-tenths of a Chinaman per worker per annum; but the missionaries deprecate their work being judged by statistics. compound: 0.1779, neg: 0.0, neu: 0.934, pos: 0.066, There are 1511 Protestant missionaries labouring in the Empire; and, estimating their results from the statistics of previous years as published in the _Chinese Recorder_, we find that they gathered last year (1893) into the fold 3127 Chinese--not all of whom it is feared are genuine Christians--at a cost of _L350,000_, a sum equal to the combined incomes of the ten chief London hospitals. compound: -0.4939, neg: 0.05, neu: 0.95, pos: 0.0, Hankow itself swarms with missionaries, "who are unhappily divided into so many sects, that even a foreigner is bewildered by their number, let alone the heathen to whom they are accredited." compound: -0.5574, neg: 0.148, neu: 0.813, pos: 0.039, (Medhurst.) compound: 0.0, neg: 0.0, neu: 1.0, pos: 0.0, Dwelling in well-deserved comfort in and around the foreign settlement, there are members of the London Missionary Society, of the Tract Society, of the Local Tract Society, of the British and Foreign Bible Society, of the National Bible Society of Scotland, of the American Bible Society; there are Quaker missionaries, Baptist, Wesleyan, and Independent missionaries of private means; there are members of the Church Missionary Society, of the American Board of Missions, and of the American High Church Episcopal Mission; there is a Medical Mission in connection with the London Missionary Society, there is a flourishing French Mission under a bishop, the "_Missions etrangeres de Paris_," a Mission of Franciscan Fathers, most of whom are Italian, and a Spanish Mission of the Order of St. Augustine. compound: 0.3818, neg: 0.0, neu: 0.971, pos: 0.029, The China Inland Mission has its chief central distributing station at Hankow, and here also are the headquarters of a Scandinavian Mission, of a Danish Mission, and of an unattached mission, most of the members of which are also Danish. compound: 0.0, neg: 0.0, neu: 1.0, pos: 0.0, Where there are so many missions, of so many different sects, and holding such widely divergent views, it is, I suppose, inevitable that each mission should look with some disfavour upon the work done by its neighbours, should have some doubts as to the expediency of their methods, and some reasonable misgivings as to the genuineness of their conversions. compound: -0.296, neg: 0.037, neu: 0.963, pos: 0.0, The Chinese "Rice Christians," those spurious Christians who become converted in return for being provided with rice, are just those who profit by these differences of opinion, and who, with timely lapses from grace, are said to succeed in being converted in turn by all the missions from the Augustins to the Quakers. compound: 0.836, neg: 0.0, neu: 0.849, pos: 0.151, Every visitor to Hankow and to all other open ports, who is a supporter of missionary effort, is pleased to find that his preconceived notions as to the hardships and discomforts of the open port missionary in China are entirely false. compound: 0.4019, neg: 0.052, neu: 0.835, pos: 0.113, Comfort and pleasures of life are there as great as in any other country. compound: 0.8591, neg: 0.0, neu: 0.537, pos: 0.463, Among the most comfortable residences in Hankow are the quarters of the missionaries; and it is but right that the missionaries should be separated as far as possible from all discomfort--missionaries who are sacrificing all for China, and who are prepared to undergo any reasonable hardship to bring enlightenment to this land of darkness. compound: -0.2031, neg: 0.091, neu: 0.832, pos: 0.077, I called at the headquarters of the Spanish mission of Padres Agustinos and smoked a cigarette with two of the Padres, and exchanged reminiscences of Valladolid and Barcelona. compound: 0.0, neg: 0.0, neu: 1.0, pos: 0.0, And I can well conceive, having seen the extreme dirtiness of the mission premises, how little the Spaniard has to alter his ways in order to make them conform to the more ancient civilisation of the Chinese. compound: 0.2732, neg: 0.0, neu: 0.943, pos: 0.057, In Hankow there is a large foreign concession with a handsome embankment lined by large buildings. compound: 0.4939, neg: 0.0, neu: 0.802, pos: 0.198, There is a rise and fall in the river between summer and winter levels of nearly sixty feet. compound: 0.0, neg: 0.0, neu: 1.0, pos: 0.0, In the summer the river laps the edge of the embankment and may overflow into the concession; in the winter, broad steps lead down to the edge of the water which, even when shrunk into its bed, is still more than half a mile in width. compound: 0.0, neg: 0.0, neu: 1.0, pos: 0.0, Our handsome consulate is at one end of the embankment; at the other there is a remarkable municipal building which was designed by a former City constable, who was, I hope, more expert with the handcuffs than he was with the pencil. compound: 0.8658, neg: 0.0, neu: 0.788, pos: 0.212, [Illustration: THE AUTHOR'S CHINESE ] Our interests in Hankow are protected by Mr. Pelham Warren, the Consul, one of the ablest men in the Service. compound: 0.5994, neg: 0.0, neu: 0.818, pos: 0.182, I registered at the Consulate as a British subject and obtained a Chinese passport in terms of the Treaty of Tientsin for the four provinces Hupeh, Szechuen, Kweichow, and Yunnan, available for one year from the date of issue. compound: 0.0, neg: 0.0, neu: 1.0, pos: 0.0, I had no servant. compound: -0.296, neg: 0.524, neu: 0.476, pos: 0.0,


So, its seems as though this book doesn't portray China in either a negative or positive light, but mostly neutral. Though, I am curious because it was published in 1895, if the sentiment analysis is picking up certain descriptions and accurately deciding whether its negative or positive, like I know this book uses Chinaman, which isn't positive. So, I'm curious if I could train the sentiment analysis function specifically for this time and if, I were to do so, would that change the values.

Closing Thoughts

I think I got more questions than answers with this project. And, I'm not sure if I could consider it done, like now I want to know what was happening in the 1920s for academia, how can I train a sentiment analysis for the 1880-1920s period, should I change my jstor data to all data, so that I can get a better picture of what people where talking about, and how would I do a close reading of these jstor documents?

There's a lot to think about, but I think that this project has been very useful for me in learning some python!