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Project: Peter's Files
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Kernel: Python 3 (system-wide)

Can a square be inscribed in a Koch snowflake? I don't think so.

from ifsFractals import * import itertools as it
transformations = [Scale(1/3), Translate(1/3,0) @ Rotate(pi/3) @ Scale(1/3), Translate(1/2, (1/3) * sin(pi/3)) @ Rotate(-1 * pi/3) @ Scale(1/3), Translate(2/3, 0) @ Scale(1/3)]
points = generate_points(1000,transformations)
Generating 1000 points... Finished in 2.7637460231781006 seconds.
n = len(points[0]) more = np.array([*points,[1.]*n]) more1 = Translate(cos(pi/3),-1 * sin(pi/3)) @ Rotate(2 * pi/3) @ more # plot_points((more1[0], more1[1])) more2 = Translate(2 * cos(pi/3),0) @ Rotate(-2 * pi/3) @ more # plot_points((more2[0], more2[1]))
all_points = np.vstack([more.T, more1.T, more2.T]).T all_points
array([[ 0.55298145, 0.85099382, 0.28366461, ..., 0.99984193, 0.66661398, 0.72693298], [ 0.23433361, 0.0781112 , 0.02603707, ..., -0.52830342, -0.75345141, -0.60668525], [ 1. , 1. , 1. , ..., 1. , 1. , 1. ]])
plot_points((all_points[0], all_points[1]))
Image in a Jupyter notebook
all_points_T = all_points.T N = len(all_points_T) N
@njit def d(A,B): return sqrt((A[0]-B[0])**2 + (A[1]-B[1])**2) @njit def vec(A,B): return (B[0]-A[0], B[1]-A[1]) @njit def eq(a,b): return True if a-b < 0.0000001 else False @njit def is_rotated_90(vec1, vec2): return True if eq(vec1[0]*vec2[0] + vec1[1]*vec2[1],0) else False
@njit def is_square(w,x,y,z): wx = vec(w,x) wy = vec(w,y) xw = vec(x,w) xy = vec(x,y) yx = vec(y,x) yw = vec(y,w) if is_rotated_90(wx, wy) and eq(d((wx[0]+wy[1],wx[1]+wy[0]),z),0): return True elif is_rotated_90(xw, xy) and eq(d((xw[0]+xy[1],xw[1]+xy[0]),z),0): return True elif is_rotated_90(yx, yw) and eq(d((yx[0]+yw[1],yx[1]+yw[0]),z),0): return True else: return False
for fourTup in it.combinations(range(N),4): W = all_points_T[fourTup[0]] w = (W[0],W[1]) X = all_points_T[fourTup[1]] x = (X[0],X[1]) Y = all_points_T[fourTup[2]] y = (Y[0],Y[1]) Z = all_points_T[fourTup[3]] z = (Z[0],Z[1]) if is_square(w,x,y,z): print(w,x,y,z)

(856 * 10 **(-9) * 41_417_124_750) / 3600 is about 9 hours