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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg import numpy as np from matplotlib.pyplot import figure img = mpimg.imread("GthChap1Exercice11.PNG") figS=10 print "here is an excerpt from Ian Stewart's Galois Theory Chapter 1, Exercise 11" figure(num=None, figsize=(figS, 3*figS), dpi=100, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') imgplot = plt.imshow(img) img = mpimg.imread("GthChap1Exercice11-1.PNG") figS=20 figure(num=None, figsize=(figS, 3*figS), dpi=100, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') imgplot = plt.imshow(img)
here is an excerpt from Ian Stewart's Galois Theory Chapter 1, Exercise 11
Image in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebook
p=3 Nmax=2+p^2 # Ian Stewart Formula, ok for p=x def IanS(n,p): if n<=2*p: # first formula below count the words with all sequences of contiguous >=p bits # also count if all zero no duplicates possible # count all sequences in word n when ones sequences >=p or all zero # example : #0000 n=4 p=3 2+1+1 =(n-p+1)/2 *(n-p+2) +1 =4 #1110 #0111 #1111 return (n-p+1)/2 *(n-p+2) +1 else: # Ian Stewart formula below return 2*IanS(n-1,p) - IanS(n-2,p) + IanS(n-p-1,p) sIanTab=[] nTab=[] for n in range (p,Nmax): sIanTab.append(IanS(n,p)) nTab.append(n) print(' Ian Stewart Calculation, all ones packets >= '+str(p)+' in the word n or all zeros') show(" ones packets >= "+str(p)+" List : " ,sIanTab) show(" word of length n List : ",nTab) " below this recurrence relation is automaticaly build \ it expresses the number of sequences of >= to p '1' consecutive plus 1 (the sequence all the bits to zero) " if p>2 : zeroSeq='+ 0*a_{n-'+str(2)+'} ' for i in (3..(p-1)) : zeroSeq=zeroSeq + '+ 0*a_{n-'+str(i)+'} ' show(zeroSeq) else : zeroSeq='' recurrenceEq='1*a_{n+1} = 2*a_{n+0} -1*a_{n-1} '+ zeroSeq + '+1*a_{n-'+str(p)+'}' # you can write below your own recurrence relation (one blank between each term) #recurrenceEq='1*a_{n+1} = 2*a_{n+0} -1*a_{n-1} +0*a_{n-2} +1*a_{n-3}' " example : below, in a number of n bits length.(all ones packets >= 3 in the word n or all zeros) " #recurrenceEq='1*a_{n+1} = 2*a_{n+0} -1*a_{n-1} +0*a_{n-2} +1*a_{n-3}' # example for Fibonaci sequence, uncomment the 2 lines below #recurrenceEq='1*a_{n+1} = 1*a_{n+0} +1*a_{n-1} ' #sIanTab=[1,1] show(recurrenceEq) show(LatexExpr(r"\text{Your recurrence EQ : } "+recurrenceEq+" ")) nL=[] import re nL=re.findall("[-+]?[.]?[\d]+(?:,\d\d\d)*[\.]?\d*(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?", recurrenceEq) show("nL : ",nL) eQfactors=[] eQexponants=[] for i in range(0,len(nL)) : if (i % 2) == 0: eQfactors.append(Integer(float(nL[i]))) else : eQexponants.append(Integer(-float(nL[i])+1)) "reverse coeff list in order to put the progression factors in the same direction \ as the progression of the polynomial with the variable n :\ like the serie [n^0, n^1 , n^2 .....]" eQfactors.reverse() " the -1 multiplication is present only for displaying the rhs polynomial in usual lhs way" " stop to -2 because it does not apply to a_n which is already with good lhs signe" fnL=[] mR=len(eQfactors)-1 for i in (0..mR-1): eQfactors[i]= -eQfactors[i] fnL.append(Integer(Integer(-eQfactors[i]))) show("fnL : ",fnL) #eQfactors[len(eQfactors)-1]=eQfactors[len(eQfactors)-1] show("Eq factors List : ",eQfactors) show("Eq Exponants List : ",eQexponants) #R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x') print " caracteristic polynomial p(x)" var('x') x = PolynomialRing(SR, 'x').gen() p_x=0 for i in (0..(len(eQfactors)-1)): p_x=p_x+eQfactors[i]*x^(eQexponants[i]) show("p(x) : ",p_x) p_xRootsTuple=p_x.roots() p_xRootsL=[] index=0 indexT=0 # expanding the roots tuples (if multiple roots) for t in p_xRootsTuple: for r in range(0,t[1]) : p_xRootsL.append(t[0]) index+=1 show("root ",str(index)," : ",p_xRootsTuple[indexT][0]) #show("root simplified",str(index)," : ",(LatexExpr(latex((p_xRootsTuple[indexT][0])._sympy_().simplify())))) indexT+=1 # Build the matrix M by replacing a_00 by its equation startSeqL=(sIanTab[0:eQexponants[-1]])[::-1] show("start Seq : ",startSeqL) startSeqM=matrix(SR,startSeqL).transpose() aL=[fnL[::-1]] # fnl reversed to get the most significant digit up sr=([1]+[0]*(mR-1)) for r in range(0,mR-1) : aL.append(sr) sr=sr[-1:]+sr[:-1] # shift right A=matrix(QQ,aL) show("start Seq matrix: ",startSeqM) show(" A : ",A) var('lambd') lambd = PolynomialRing(SR, 'lambd').gen() IM = identity_matrix(SR, A.dimensions()[0]); AIM=(A-lambd*IM) lambdaListTuple=(AIM.determinant()).roots() lambdaList=[] for t in lambdaListTuple: for r in range(0,t[1]) : lambdaList.append(t[0]) for e in lambdaList: e=e._sympy_().simplify() show(" lambda List : ",lambdaList) A_lambdaI_list=[] for l in lambdaList : A_lambdaI_list.append(A-l*IM) "An interval is represented as a pair of floating-point numbers a and b (where a≤b)\ and is printed as a standard floating-point number with a question mark (for instance, 3.1416?).\ The question mark indicates that the preceding digit may have an error of ±1. \ These floating-point numbers are implemented using MPFR (the same as the RealNumber elements of RealField_class)." #show("matrices List of (A-lambda*I) : ") #for m in A_lambdaI_list : # m.change_ring(CC) # show("m : ",m," m.det : ",m.det()) # P,L,U=(m.change_ring(QQbar)).LU() # show("m : ",m," m.det : ",m.det()) # show("P : ",P) # show("L : ",L) # show("U : ",U) #show(m.numerical_approx(digits=5)) #show(S) lambdaDiag = diagonal_matrix(lambdaList) #show(" matrix (diagonal_matrix)",Lambdad.numerical_approx(digits=5)) show("lambda diagonal matrix",lambdaDiag) ########################################################################## print "solution variables list (replace solution (sols) internal free variables r_i by arbitrary value 1 or 0) \ here this function gives vectors solution for the nullspace matrix (A-lambda_i*I)*X=0 \ in other words, this function gives a solution to the equation (A-lambda_i*I)*X=0 other than the trivial solution \ X=zero vector, this solution is the eigen vector corresponding to the eigen value lambda_i" def solutionMatricesList(sols,X): XcList=[] varList=[] varStr="" for eqs in sols : for eq in eqs : #show(" eq : ",eq," eq.rhs().variables() : ",eq.rhs().variables()) for v in (eq.rhs().variables()) : if v not in varList : varList.append(v) show(" varList : ",varList," len(varList) : ",len(varList)) if len(varList)==0 : return XcList,varList varListValue=[0] * len(varList) Xc=copy(X) for i in range(0,len(varList)) : Xc=(Xc.subs({varList[i]:0 for i in range(0,len(varList))})) XcList.append(Xc) varListValue[0] =1 for j in range(0,len(varList)) : Xc=copy(X) #show(" varListValue : ",varListValue) for i in range(0,len(varList)) : Xc=(Xc.subs({varList[i]:varListValue[i] for i in range(0,len(varList))})) varListValue.insert(0,varListValue.pop()) XcList.append(Xc) return XcList,varList def SolveNUorUNeqM(N,M,nu) : # solve matrix N*U=M, with U Unknowns matrix nR=N.nrows() nC=N.ncols() mR=M.nrows() mC=M.ncols() # generate unknown matrix variable list ################################# uR=N.ncols() uC=M.ncols() uL=[] for r in [0..uR-1] : for c in [0..uC-1] : uL.append("u_%d%d"%(r,c)) # workAound bug sagemath 8.8 # # uV=var(uL) does not work if len(uL)=1 uV=[var(uL[0])] if len(uL) == 1 else var(uL) #show("uV : ",uV) #show(" U row : ",uR, " U col : ",uC) Ul=[[0 for c in [0..uC-1]] for r in [0..uR-1]] index=0 for r in [0..uR-1] : for c in [0..uC-1] : Ul[r][c]=uV[index] #print "r : " ,r," c : " ,c ," index : ", index ," uV[index] : ", uV[index] index+=1 U=(matrix(Ul)) #show("U : ",U) #show("N : ",N) #show("M : ",M) # if nu : NU=N*U else : NU=U*N eqT=[] for r in [0..mR-1] : for c in [0..mC-1] : eqT.append(NU[r][c]==M[r][c]) # adding suplementary constraints if needed #eqT.append(u_30==0) ########## end adding suplementary constraints #for eq in eqT : # show(eq) S=solve(eqT,uV) if len(S)<>0 : show("Solutions : ",S) if len(S[0])==U.nrows() * U.ncols() : #for s in S[0]: # show(s) UnumL=[] # fill the matrix Unum with its numerical values UnumL=[[0 for c in [0..uC-1]] for r in [0..uR-1]] index=0 for r in [0..uR-1] : for c in [0..uC-1] : UnumL[r][c]=S[0][index].rhs() index+=1 Unum=matrix(UnumL) # verify #show("U : ",U," Unum : ",Unum) #show("N : ",N) #show("M : ",M) #show("N*U :",N*U) return U,Unum,S else : print "number of solutions do not match number of unknowns!" return U,U else : print "No solutions !" return U,U zeroL=[0]*mR Z=matrix(QQ,zeroL).transpose() M=Z eigenVectorList=[] #show(M) nu=True M=Z print "remember that A_lambdaI_list is the list of (A-lambda_i*I) matrices for all the lambda_i" print "now we will find the non-trivial (not zero vectors) solution for (A-lambda_i*I)*X=0" index=1 for e in A_lambdaI_list: # solve matrix N*U=M U,Unum,S=SolveNUorUNeqM(e,M,nu) #show(" N : ",N," U : ", U, " Unum : ",Unum ," = M : ",M) #if nu : # show(" N*Unum : ",N*Unum) #else : # show(" Unum*U : ",Unum*N) XcList,varList=solutionMatricesList(S,Unum) #show(" XcList : ", XcList) if varList <>0 : for ee in XcList : if ee <> Z :# remove the trivial one eigenVectorList.append(ee) show("A-lambda_i*I matrix"+str(index)+" :",e," eigen vector x_" + str(index)+" : ",ee) index+=1 #show("verify the result is zero vector : ",e*ee) #show("eigenVectorList : ") #show(eigenVectorList) # concatenate the eigen vectors in a matrix X=eigenVectorList[0] for i in range(1,len(eigenVectorList)) : X=X.augment(eigenVectorList[i]) show("eigen vectors matrix X : ",X) Xinv=X.inverse().simplify_full() show("X inverse : ",Xinv) show(LatexExpr(r" \text{the greek letter } \, \Lambda \,\, \text{represents the matrix which is called lambdaDiag in the code (matrix of eigen values in diagonal)} \\ \ \text{ and matrix of eigen vectors X is also called X in the code } \\ \ \text{diagonalization: We know that} \, X^{-1} \, A \, X = \Lambda \, \text{so} \, A= X \, \Lambda \, X^{-1} ")) show(LatexExpr(r"\text{Eigenvalues of } \,A^k = \, (X \, \Lambda \, X^{-1})^k \,= \, (X \, \Lambda \, X^{-1}) \, (X \, \Lambda \, X^{-1}) \, \text{...} _, (X \, \Lambda \, X^{-1}) \ = \, (X \, \Lambda \, (X^{-1} \, X) \, \Lambda \, \text{...} \, ( X^{-1} \, X) \, \Lambda \, X) = (X \, \Lambda^k \, X^{-1})")) show("Verify that A=X*lambdaDiag*Xinv : ", (X*lambdaDiag*Xinv).simplify_full()) print "here below using power of the matrix lambdaDiag^k, which is not optimal, " print "X*(lambdaDiag^4)*Xinv*startSeqM compute the k=4 next values following the starter Sequence startSeqM:" show((X*(lambdaDiag^4)*Xinv*startSeqM).simplify_full()) k=var('k') lambdaPowKlist=[] for i in range(0,len(lambdaList)) : lambdaPowKlist.append(lambdaList[i]^k) show("lambda^k list : ",lambdaPowKlist) lambdaDiagPowK = diagonal_matrix(lambdaPowKlist) show("lambda^t Diagonal matrix : ",lambdaDiagPowK) ApowK=(X*(lambdaDiagPowK)*Xinv*startSeqM).simplify_full() #show(ApowT.dimensions(),ApowT) print"below using the matrix lambdaDiag^k with all the diagonal eingenvalues to the exponent k,\ (which is the interest of this procedure with a chalck)" show("X*(lambdaDiag^4)*Xinv*startSeqM= ",(X*(lambdaDiagPowK.subs(k=4))*Xinv*startSeqM).simplify_full()) show("below we compute (for example here, we choose case p=3 p+1=4)" ,LatexExpr(r" \lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n} ")," using the matrices product : ",\ LatexExpr(r"\, X \Lambda^k X^{-1} \,"), " which gives the resultant vector",\ LatexExpr(r"\, \left(\begin{array}{r}\ a_{n+4+k} \\ \ a_{n+4+k-1} \\ \ a_{n+4+k-2} \\ \ a_{n+4+k-3} \ \end{array}\right)")) show(LatexExpr(r" X= \text{eigen vector Matrix and } \,\Lambda \,\text{ = } \lambda \text{ diagonal matrix}")) show("and now we are looking for ",LatexExpr(r"\lim_{n\to\infty} \, \frac{a_{n+4+k}}{a_{n+4+k-1}}")," which is ", LatexExpr(r" \lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n} ") ) print "in case of p=2,we jump this Limit computation as it produces a PC's memory overflow, \ but the limit is well computed for p=3" show(LatexExpr(r" \text{for p=2 the limit would be equals to } \phi_2 =\frac{1}{3} \, \left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{\frac{1}{3}} {\left(3 \, \sqrt{23} \sqrt{3} + \ 25\right)}^{\frac{1}{3}} + \frac{2 \, \left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{\frac{2}{3}}}{3 \, {\left(3 \, \sqrt{23} \sqrt{3} + \ 25\right)}^{\frac{1}{3}}} + \frac{2}{3} \approx 1.754877666246693 ")) show(LatexExpr(r"\phi_2 \,\text{is the real root of } \, p(x)=x^3 -2x^2 + x -1")) print "it seems the Algebra Limit is too much complicated for p=2" print "see page 205 of THE BOOK OF NUMBERS, John H. Conway • Richard K. Guy " print " " if p <> 2 : print "but here as p="+str(p)+"we can find the limit without memory overflow" ApowK=(X*(lambdaDiagPowK)*Xinv*startSeqM) anPlusOne_an=(sum(ApowK[0,:][0]).real_part()/sum(ApowK[1,:][0]).real_part()) L=limit(anPlusOne_an,k=infinity) show(LatexExpr(r" \lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n} = "), L._sympy_().simplify())
Ian Stewart Calculation, all ones packets >= 3 in the word n or all zeros
caracteristic polynomial p(x)
solution variables list (replace solution (sols) internal free variables r_i by arbitrary value 1 or 0) here this function gives vectors solution for the nullspace matrix (A-lambda_i*I)*X=0 in other words, this function gives a solution to the equation (A-lambda_i*I)*X=0 other than the trivial solution X=zero vector, this solution is the eigen vector corresponding to the eigen value lambda_i remember that A_lambdaI_list is the list of (A-lambda_i*I) matrices for all the lambda_i now we will find the non-trivial (not zero vectors) solution for (A-lambda_i*I)*X=0