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Kernel: Anaconda (Python 3)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib notebook'ggplot') import random from random import randint import math
food_amount = 500 pacman_amount = 200 board_size = 1000 default_health = 1500 pacmen = [] food = [] crot = 1 cloc = .005 cbite = 1 turn_loss = 100 phi_prec = (80/255.) alpha_prec = 10/255. delta_prec = 10/255. pacman_radius = 1 food_health = 300 mutation_freq = .11 # percent any 0/1 would flip for each gene
class pacman: def __init__(self): #change dynamically self.x = random.uniform(49*board_size/100,51*board_size/100) self.y = random.uniform(49*board_size/100,51*board_size/100) #this is set so the prgression will be outward self.theta = randint(0,359) = default_health = 1 #dna self.phi = randint(0,255) self.alpha = randint(0,255) = randint(0,255) self.phi_val = self.phi*phi_prec self.alpha_val = self.alpha*alpha_prec self.delta_val =*delta_prec #self.f = closest food #self.dist = closest food distance def __bool__(self): return True def __repr__(self): return "{pacman, x:"+str(self.x)+", y:"+str(self.y)+", theta:"+str(self.theta)+"}" def find_dist(self,f): return np.sqrt((self.x-f.x)**2 + (self.y-f.y)**2) def find_angle(self,f): dx = f.x - self.x dy = f.y - self.y arc = math.degrees(math.atan((dy/dx))) theta1 = 1 if dx > 0: theta1 = 180 - arc #this used to be an if, but i think arctan returns a negative when a negative is inputted. #therefor the two would be equivalent else: if dy > 0: theta1 = np.absolute(arc) #this is absolute because the angle will be a negative else: theta1 = 360 - arc #theta1 is the angle the food is from the x axis #returned is the difference in the angles return np.absolute(theta1 - self.theta) def check_angle(self,f):#check if the food is in the range diff = (self.phi_val/2)#this creates virutal bounds f_angle = self.find_angle(f) if(f_angle < diff): return True return False def find_food(self): global food closest = False closest_dist = False for i in food: dist = self.find_dist(i) if((dist < closest_dist or not closest_dist) and (self.check_angle(i))): closest = i closest_dist = dist self.f = closest self.dist = closest_dist if(closest != False): return True return False def rotate_to_food(self):# returns (in radians!!!) the angle needed to get the food with genetic error #no cost to rotation dx = self.f.x - self.x dy = self.f.y - self.y arc = math.atan((dy/dx)) error = random.uniform(self.alpha_val/-2., self.alpha_val/2.) new_theta = arc + error return new_theta def get_food(self): theta = self.rotate_to_food() #warning this is in radians... #theta is not used... error = random.uniform(self.delta_val/-2., self.delta_val/2.) new_dist = self.dist + (error*self.dist) #the error for distance is relative to the distance, ie the greater the dist the greater the error dx = self.f.x - self.x dy = self.f.y - self.y distx = new_dist*(dx/self.dist)#equivalent to cos, error is not associted with the angle yet disty = new_dist*(dy/self.dist)#equivalent to sin self.x += distx self.y += disty cost = cloc*new_dist -= cost #cost of rotate def bite(self): to_food = self.find_dist(self.f) -= cbite if(to_food < pacman_radius):#means the bite was sucessful += food_health self.f.reset() self.check_bounds() def check_bounds(self): if(self.x > board_size or self.x < 0): self.x = self.x % board_size #if(self.x < 0): # self.x = board_size + self.x if(self.y > board_size or self.y < 0): self.y = self.y % board_size def random_rotate(self): self.theta = randint(0,359) += randint(-2,1) def step(self): -= turn_loss if(self.find_food()): self.get_food() self.bite() self.random_rotate() def get_genes(self): return[self.phi,self.alpha,] def set_genes(self,genes): self.phi = genes[0] self.alpha = genes[1] = genes[2] def to_bits(self): genes = self.get_genes() split_genes = [] for i in genes: bin_str = format(i, '#010b') bin_str = bin_str[2:] split_genes.append([bin_str[:4],bin_str[4:]]) return split_genes def mutate(self, gene): #checks each 1/0 and finds a random num and if it below the threshold it mutates new_gene = '' for i in gene: rand = random.uniform(0,1) if(rand < mutation_freq): #this means the dna is flipping num = int(i) if(num == 1): num = 0 else: num = 1 new_gene += str(num) else: new_gene += str(i) return new_gene def reproduce(self,other): son1 = pacman() son2 = pacman() son1_genes = [] son2_genes = [] mybits = self.to_bits() otherbits = other.to_bits() for i,v in enumerate(mybits): son1_gene = v[0]+otherbits[i][1] son1_gene = self.mutate(son1_gene) son2_gene = otherbits[i][0]+v[1] son2_gene = self.mutate(son2_gene) son1_gene = int('0b'+son1_gene,base=2) son2_gene = int('0b'+son2_gene,base=2) son1_genes.append(son1_gene) son2_genes.append(son2_gene) son1.set_genes(son1_genes) son2.set_genes(son2_genes) return [son1,son2] p = pacman() p2 = pacman() print(p.reproduce(p2))
[{pacman, x:498.22747468276367, y:499.5206755462454, theta:215}, {pacman, x:504.93822227013356, y:500.21855789939207, theta:128}]
class dot: def __init__(self): self.x = random.uniform(0, board_size) self.y = random.uniform(0, board_size) = 1 def __repr__(self): return "{dot, x:"+str(self.x)+", y:"+str(self.y)+"}" def reset(self): self.x = random.uniform(0, board_size) self.y = random.uniform(0, board_size)
def gen1(): global pacmen pacmen = [] for i in range(0,pacman_amount): p = pacman() pacmen.append(p) pacmen = np.array(pacmen) print(pacmen[0]) return pacmen def food1(): global food food = [] for i in range(0,food_amount): f = dot() food.append(f) food = np.array(food) return food def reproduce1(healthy_pacmen):# takes an array of pacmen and reproduces each with a neibor #inactive for now sons = [] for i,v in enumerate(healthy_pacmen): if( i % 2 == 1): temp = v.reproduce(healthy_pacmen[randint(0,len(healthy_pacmen)-1)]) sons.extend(temp) return sons def find_average_health(p,x=10): #takes an array of pacmen and finds the averge health #it will also sort the pacemen by health and return the helath of the xth pacman pacmen_ranked = [] avg_health = 0 for i in p: pacmen_ranked.append( avg_health += avg_health = avg_health/len(p) pacmen_ranked = np.array(sorted(pacmen_ranked)) med_health = pacmen_ranked[x] print(avg_health, med_health) return avg_health, med_health def reproduce2(healthy_pacmen, x):# takes an array of pacmen and reproduces randomly with other heathy_pacmen # x is how many are cut off in the evolution sons = [] total = int(len(healthy_pacmen)/2) + int(x/2) + 1 for i in range(0,total): rand1 = randint(0,len(healthy_pacmen)-1) rand2 = randint(0,len(healthy_pacmen)-1) p1 = healthy_pacmen[rand1] p2 = healthy_pacmen[rand2] temp = p1.reproduce(p2) sons.extend(temp) return sons def reproduce3(healthy_pacmen): myscale = len(pacmen)/2 sons = [] total = int(len(pacmen)/2) for i in range(0,total): rand1 = np.random.exponential(scale=myscale) rand2 = np.random.exponential(scale=myscale) while rand1 > len(pacmen) - 1: rand1 = np.random.exponential(scale=myscale) while rand2 > len(pacmen) - 1: rand2 = np.random.exponential(scale=myscale) rand1 = int(rand1) rand2 = int(rand2) p1 = healthy_pacmen[rand1] p2 = healthy_pacmen[rand2] temp = p1.reproduce(p2) sons.extend(temp) return sons def average_genes(p):#phi alpha delta avg1 = 0 avg2 = 0 avg3 = 0 for i in p: avg1 += i.phi_val avg2 += i.alpha_val avg3 += i.delta_val avg1 = avg1/len(p) avg2 = avg2/len(p) avg3 = avg3/len(p) return avg1,avg2,avg3 def bubbleSort(unranked): for passnum in range(len(unranked)-1,0,-1): for i in range(passnum): if unranked[i].health>unranked[i+1].health: temp = unranked[i] unranked[i] = unranked[i+1] unranked[i+1] = temp
def driver(gen,life_span,generations): food = food1() dt = 1 t = [0] tracker = [] genetics = [[],[],[]] cycles = [] global pacmen for g in range(0,generations): #iterates through each generation tracker.append([]) avg1,avg2,avg3 = average_genes(pacmen) genetics[0].append(avg1) genetics[1].append(avg2) genetics[2].append(avg3) for i in pacmen: tracker[g].append([]) cycles.append([]) t.append(t[-1]+dt) for q in range(0,life_span): #runs through time with current generation for i,v in enumerate(pacmen): tracker[g][i].append([v.x,v.y,v.theta]) v.step() cycles[g].append([])# note cycles starts after the first gen cycles[g][q].append([]) cycles[g][q].append([]) cycles[g][q].append([]) cycles[g][q].append([]) for w in pacmen: cycles[g][q][0].append(w.x) cycles[g][q][1].append(w.y) for f in food: cycles[g][q][2].append(f.x) cycles[g][q][3].append(f.y) #makes the next generation x = 150 # number of pacmen dieing healthy_pacmen = [] avg,med = find_average_health(pacmen,x) for i,v in enumerate(pacmen): #end of a generation mean reproduce if( > med): healthy_pacmen.append(v) #this system kills off the bottom x pacmen unranked = pacmen bubbleSort(unranked) ranked = unranked sons = reproduce3(ranked) pacmen = sons return t,tracker,genetics,cycles
t,tracker,genetics,cycles = driver(gen1(),5,100)#turns then generations
{pacman, x:493.0544783148861, y:495.845172466254, theta:232} 1028.9059765 994.240893594 1024.32579648 994.852322862 1021.03955871 994.545399771 1025.96933063 995.224384027 1020.95417367 994.117967475 1030.09832076 995.403324807 1026.93720474 993.88757879 1016.44151014 993.877563973 1037.60730738 995.224818876 1036.04467271 994.986961337 1035.53813501 995.621305341 1024.88852218 994.054153465 1023.33415488 994.393236974 1019.10137518 994.446640319 1017.50716194 994.096217581 1023.2780975 994.413662317 1022.32133282 995.585088081 1027.82036326 994.00569626 1021.643004 993.630452607 1015.85743551 994.687940608 1030.86113101 994.932940325 1025.86814578 994.185909296 1015.33397936 993.576116859 1039.89879038 994.848462398 1028.59342003 993.720932432 1011.95161193 993.168381971 1038.05091561 995.084781553 1023.30277801 994.026169228 1013.94594834 993.945704291 1037.96408282 994.654256891 1004.72518969 993.714870429 1019.42315059 993.495930906 1024.97177624 993.992542753 1030.67370632 994.499185976 1029.80884884 993.939698724 1028.94997446 994.610097013 1010.50591331 993.393858516 1047.94948563 994.595842401 1003.92995519 993.684204546 1010.93197399 993.665611948 1026.11956769 994.467944028 1030.07809767 994.064041925 1027.52133525 994.464647628 1020.06452918 993.987027457 1021.67429939 994.671175003 1012.15130447 993.417770358 1024.38216715 994.844307967 1006.88549134 994.380508712 1014.10640705 994.533830965 1024.58901992 994.123216329 1022.73241574 994.174973151 1018.16397013 993.691519233 1022.89834367 993.685822247 1028.86904913 994.266245518 1022.3763104 993.802027227 1027.45172239 995.064488735 1014.48382682 993.886406654 1018.77961006 995.807626615 1042.06681183 993.378022204 1019.91688448 995.378920634 1022.45274962 993.750018912 1015.96368421 995.158480562 1017.68502325 993.487799405 1021.26018248 994.363536294 1020.25490614 994.517258589 1013.50813844 993.638904969 1018.43368957 995.358874005 1018.1375911 994.054861661 1022.68918142 993.633203355 1010.64036104 993.855095278 1013.61533981 993.310304862 1026.68662282 994.078385868 1021.58797925 994.598644281 1016.79346996 994.389855096 1010.6859983 993.496746274 1021.01613811 994.085451429 1023.64095432 993.941971105 1025.50909904 994.436629708 1017.61862637 993.657811277 1014.19173076 994.647992519 1015.47481486 994.683810735 1026.94625108 993.480289883 1025.43703798 994.865339256 1021.3206892 994.012230751 1013.60948938 993.824719397 1024.16137586 993.698507684 1011.04434088 993.833415639 1026.96759515 995.183800192 1016.73452033 994.562747935 1012.41176721 994.803935061 1031.59614147 995.307655233 1019.8035437 994.948364276 1021.26175652 995.171655592 1025.18594528 993.902566589 1019.73491053 995.366273929 1022.69049157 994.454937228 1046.76860861 994.81902415 1039.86698881 995.284658945 1018.34976361 994.736004439 1040.82457062 995.490934947
plt.figure() #plt.plot(genetics[0])# should increase #plt.plot(genetics[1])#should decrease plt.plot(genetics[2])#should decrease # error is disabled
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f9751bd5ba8>]
tracker = np.array(tracker) x = [] for i in tracker[0][0]: x.append(i[0]) plt.figure() plt.plot(x) figs = 8 gen = 0 f, axarr = plt.subplots(figs, sharex=True,sharey=True) for i in range(0,figs): axarr[i].scatter(cycles[gen][i][0],cycles[gen][i][1]) axarr[i].scatter(cycles[gen][i][2],cycles[gen][i][3], marker='^',c='red')
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
rands = [] for i in range(0,100): test = np.random.exponential(scale=100.0) rands.append(test) plt.figure() plt.scatter(np.linspace(1,10,100),rands)
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7f97507d1748>