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Kernel: Python 3 (old Anaconda 3)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D %matplotlib notebook'ggplot') import random from random import randint import math
food_amount = 20 pacman_amount = 150 board_size = 1000 default_health = 1000 pacmen = [] # global array of all the pacmen food = [] # '' of the food crot = 1 #cost of rotation cloc = .00001 #ost of locamotion cbite = 1 #cost of bite turn_loss = 1000 # s each turn (starvation factor) phi_prec = (80/255.) # params used for binary genes, this is field of view ex out of 80 degrees alpha_prec = 1/255. # not implemented, but is angular error delta_prec = 10/255. #error for depth pacman_radius = 1 # raduis for the bite to be sucessful food_health = 3500 # health gained from a sucessful bite mutation_freq = .001 # percent any 0/1 would flip for each gene generations = 20 # num of gens turns = 30 #num of turns in each gen #11 seconds on super comp #12 seconds on sage #130 super #155 sage # 7 seconds 1 gen 500 turns #12 1 gen 1000 turns 20 food
class pacman: # class of pacman has everything needed, including multple properly def __init__(self): #change dynamically #self.x = random.uniform(49*board_size/100,51*board_size/100) #self.y = random.uniform(49*board_size/100,51*board_size/100) self.x = random.uniform(board_size/10,9*board_size/10) self.y = random.uniform(board_size/10,9*board_size/10) #this is set so the prgression will be outward self.theta = randint(0,359) = default_health = 1 #dna #self.phi = randint(0,255) # field of view self.phi = randint(0,255) self.alpha = randint(0,255) #angle error = randint(0,255) # depth error self.phi_val = self.phi*phi_prec # converts binary to a float self.alpha_val = self.alpha*alpha_prec self.delta_val =*delta_prec #self.f = closest food #self.dist = closest food distance def __bool__(self): return True def __repr__(self): #return "{pacman, x:"+str(self.x)+", y:"+str(self.y)+", theta:"+str(self.theta)+"}" #return str("|"+str(self.phi_val) return str(self.phi) def find_dist(self,f): return np.sqrt((self.x-f.x)**2 + (self.y-f.y)**2) def find_angle(self,f): dx = f.x - self.x dy = f.y - self.y arc = math.degrees(math.atan((dy/dx))) theta1 = 1 if dx > 0: theta1 = 180 - arc #this used to be an if, but i think arctan returns a negative when a negative is inputted. #therefor the two would be equivalent else: if dy > 0: theta1 = np.absolute(arc) #this is absolute because the angle will be a negative else: theta1 = 360 - arc #theta1 is the angle the food is from the x axis #returned is the difference in the angles return np.absolute(theta1 - self.theta) def check_angle(self,f):#check if the food is in the range diff = (self.phi_val/2)#this creates virutal bounds f_angle = self.find_angle(f) if(f_angle < diff): return True return False def find_food(self): global food closest = False closest_dist = False for i in food: dist = self.find_dist(i) if((dist < closest_dist or not closest_dist) and (self.check_angle(i))): closest = i closest_dist = dist self.f = closest self.dist = closest_dist if(closest != False): return True return False def rotate_to_food(self):# returns (in radians!!!) the angle needed to get the food with genetic error #no cost to rotation dx = self.f.x - self.x dy = self.f.y - self.y arc = math.atan((dy/dx)) error = random.uniform(self.alpha_val/-2., self.alpha_val/2.) new_theta = arc + error return new_theta def get_food(self): theta = self.rotate_to_food() #warning this is in radians... #theta is not used... error = random.uniform(self.delta_val/-2., self.delta_val/2.) new_dist = self.dist + (error*self.dist)/2 #the error for distance is relative to the distance, ie the greater the dist the greater the error dx = self.f.x - self.x dy = self.f.y - self.y cos = (dx/self.dist) + (dx/self.dist)*self.alpha_val/100 sin = (dy/self.dist) + (dy/self.dist)*self.alpha_val/100 distx = new_dist*cos#equivalent to cos, error is not associted with the angle yet disty = new_dist*sin#equivalent to sin self.x += distx self.y += disty cost = cloc*new_dist -= cost #cost of rotate def bite(self): to_food = self.find_dist(self.f) -= cbite if(to_food < pacman_radius):#means the bite was sucessful += food_health self.f.reset() self.check_bounds() def check_bounds(self): if(self.x > board_size or self.x < 0): self.x = self.x % board_size #if(self.x < 0): # self.x = board_size + self.x if(self.y > board_size or self.y < 0): self.y = self.y % board_size def random_rotate(self): self.theta = randint(0,359) += randint(-2,1) def step(self): -= turn_loss if(self.find_food()): self.get_food() self.bite() self.random_rotate() def get_genes(self): return[self.phi,self.alpha,] def set_genes(self,genes): self.phi = genes[0] self.alpha = genes[1] = genes[2] self.phi_val = self.phi*phi_prec # converts binary to a float self.alpha_val = self.alpha*alpha_prec self.delta_val =*delta_prec def to_bits(self): genes = self.get_genes() split_genes = [] for i in genes: bin_str = format(i, '#010b') bin_str = bin_str[2:] split_genes.append([bin_str[:4],bin_str[4:]]) return split_genes def mutate(self, gene): #checks each 1/0 and finds a random num and if it below the threshold it mutates new_gene = '' for i in gene: rand = random.uniform(0,1) if(rand < mutation_freq): #this means the dna is flipping num = int(i) if(num == 1): num = 0 else: num = 1 new_gene += str(num) else: new_gene += str(i) return new_gene def reproduce(self,other): son1 = pacman() son2 = pacman() son1_genes = [] son2_genes = [] mybits = self.to_bits() otherbits = other.to_bits() for i,v in enumerate(mybits): son1_gene = v[0]+otherbits[i][1] son1_gene = self.mutate(son1_gene) son2_gene = otherbits[i][0]+v[1] son2_gene = self.mutate(son2_gene) son1_gene = int('0b'+son1_gene,base=2) son2_gene = int('0b'+son2_gene,base=2) son1_genes.append(son1_gene) son2_genes.append(son2_gene) son1.set_genes(son1_genes) son2.set_genes(son2_genes) #print(son1,son2) return [son1,son2]
class dot: def __init__(self): self.x = random.uniform(0, board_size) self.y = random.uniform(0, board_size) = 1 def __repr__(self): return "{dot, x:"+str(self.x)+", y:"+str(self.y)+"}" def reset(self): self.x = random.uniform(0, board_size) self.y = random.uniform(0, board_size)
def gen1(): global pacmen pacmen = [] for i in range(0,pacman_amount): p = pacman() pacmen.append(p) pacmen = np.array(pacmen) pac_data = [] for d,v in enumerate(pacmen): pac_data.append([]) pac_data[d].append(v.x) pac_data[d].append(v.y) pac_data[d].append(v.theta) pac_data[d].append( pac_data[d].append(v.phi_val) pac_data[d].append(v.delta_val) pac_data[d].append(v.alpha_val) return pac_data def food1(): global food food = [] for i in range(0,food_amount): f = dot() food.append(f) food = np.array(food) return food def reproduce1(healthy_pacmen):# takes an array of pacmen and reproduces each with a neibor #inactive for now sons = [] for i,v in enumerate(healthy_pacmen): if( i % 2 == 1): temp = v.reproduce(healthy_pacmen[randint(0,len(healthy_pacmen)-1)]) sons.extend(temp) return sons def find_average_health(p,x=10): #takes an array of pacmen and finds the averge health #it will also sort the pacemen by health and return the helath of the xth pacman pacmen_ranked = [] avg_health = 0 for i in p: pacmen_ranked.append( avg_health += avg_health = avg_health/len(p) pacmen_ranked = np.array(sorted(pacmen_ranked)) med_health = pacmen_ranked[x] #print(avg_health, med_health) return avg_health, med_health def reproduce2(healthy_pacmen, x):# takes an array of pacmen and reproduces randomly with other heathy_pacmen # x is how many are cut off in the evolution sons = [] total = int(len(healthy_pacmen)/2) + int(x/2) + 1 for i in range(0,total): rand1 = randint(0,len(healthy_pacmen)-1) rand2 = randint(0,len(healthy_pacmen)-1) p1 = healthy_pacmen[rand1] p2 = healthy_pacmen[rand2] temp = p1.reproduce(p2) sons.extend(temp) return sons def reproduce3(healthy_pacmen): myscale = len(pacmen) sons = [] scale2 = 1 total = int(len(pacmen)/2) for i in range(0,total): rand1 = np.random.exponential(scale=myscale)*scale2 rand2 = np.random.exponential(scale=myscale)*scale2 while rand1 > len(pacmen) - 1: rand1 = np.random.exponential(scale=myscale)*scale2 while rand2 > len(pacmen) - 1: rand2 = np.random.exponential(scale=myscale)*scale2 rand1 = int(rand1) rand2 = int(rand2) #print(rand1,rand2) p1 = healthy_pacmen[rand1] p2 = healthy_pacmen[rand2] temp = p1.reproduce(p2) sons.extend(temp) return sons def average_genes(p):#phi alpha delta avg1 = 0 avg2 = 0 avg3 = 0 for i in p: avg1 += i.phi_val avg2 += i.alpha_val avg3 += i.delta_val avg1 = avg1/len(p) avg2 = avg2/len(p) avg3 = avg3/len(p) return avg1,avg2,avg3 def bubbleSort(unranked): for passnum in range(len(unranked)-1,0,-1): for i in range(passnum): if unranked[i].health>unranked[i+1].health: temp = unranked[i] unranked[i] = unranked[i+1] unranked[i+1] = temp
def driver(gen,life_span,generations): food = food1() dt = 1 t = [0] tracker = [] genetics = [[],[],[]] cycles = [] phis = [[]] deltas = [[]] alphas = [[]] for y in gen: phis[0].append(y[4]) deltas[0].append(y[5]) alphas[0].append(y[6]) global pacmen for g in range(0,generations): #iterates through each generation tracker.append([]) avg1,avg2,avg3 = average_genes(pacmen) genetics[0].append(avg1) genetics[1].append(avg2) genetics[2].append(avg3) for i in pacmen: tracker[g].append([]) cycles.append([]) t.append(t[-1]+dt) for q in range(0,life_span): #runs through time with current generation for i,v in enumerate(pacmen): tracker[g][i].append([v.x,v.y,v.theta,,v.phi_val,v.delta_val,v.alpha_val]) v.step() cycles[g].append([])# note cycles starts after the first gen cycles[g][q].append([]) cycles[g][q].append([]) cycles[g][q].append([]) cycles[g][q].append([]) for w in pacmen: cycles[g][q][0].append(w.x) cycles[g][q][1].append(w.y) for f in food: cycles[g][q][2].append(f.x) cycles[g][q][3].append(f.y) unranked = pacmen bubbleSort(unranked) ranked = unranked[::-1] sons = reproduce3(ranked) pacmen = sons phis.append([]) deltas.append([]) alphas.append([]) for y in tracker[g]: phis[g+1].append(y[0][4]) deltas[g+1].append(y[0][5]) alphas[g+1].append(y[0][6]) # if it is the last gen it will save the data if(g == generations - 1 and False): #phi_old = [] #phi_new = [] #delta_old = [] #delta_new = [] #alpha_old = [] #alpha_new = [] #for y in gen: #phi_old.append(y[4]) #delta_old.append(y[5]) #alpha_old.append(y[6]) print(("dd")) #for y in tracker[generations - 1]: #phi_new.append(y[0][4]) #delta_new.append(y[0][5]) #alpha_new.append(y[0][6]) #gens = [phi_old,phi_new,delta_old,delta_new,alpha_old,alpha_new] gens = [phis,deltas,alphas] return t,tracker,genetics,cycles,gens
t,tracker,genetics,cycles,gens = driver(gen1(),turns,generations)#turns then generations
#np.savetxt('phi_old.txt', np.array(phi_old)) #np.savetxt('phi_new.txt', np.array(phi_new)) #np.savetxt('delta_old.txt', np.array(delta_old)) #np.savetxt('delta_new.txt', np.array(delta_new)) test = str(len(gens[0])) text_file = open("phis.txt", "w") text_file.write(str(gens[0])) text_file.close() text_file = open("deltas.txt", "w") text_file.write(str(gens[1])) text_file.close() text_file = open("alphas.txt", "w") text_file.write(str(gens[2])) text_file.close()
print(tracker[0][0][2]) new_tracker = [] for i,b in enumerate(tracker[0]): new_tracker.append([]) for z,v in enumerate(b): new_tracker[i].append([v[0],v[1],v[2]]) print(len(new_tracker)) text_file = open("turn160.txt", "w") text_file.write(str(new_tracker)) text_file.close()
[478.68818674833784, 20.871871014251045, 189, -1002.006515500389, 51.76470588235294, 3.7254901960784315, 0.24705882352941178] 150
#remember to check both params out plt.figure(figsize=(17,8)) plt.title("Average Genetic Parameters vs Generation") plt.plot(genetics[0],label='Lens Angle(phi)')# should increase plt.plot(genetics[1],label='Angular Error(alpha)')#should decrease plt.plot(genetics[2],label='Depth Error(delta)')#should decrease #,label='$\delta$ Depth Error' plt.xlabel("Generation Number") plt.ylabel("Gene Value") plt.legend(loc='upper left') # error is disabled
MIME type unknown not supported
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fbffa3f3f60>
#print(gens[4]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8.5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter(gens[1],gens[3],color='g', s=55, marker='o',alpha=.4) ax.scatter(gens[0],gens[2],color='r', s=55, marker='o') ax.set_xlabel('Phi (Angle of Lens)') ax.set_ylabel('Delta (Depth Error)') #ax.set_zlabel('Alpha (Angular Error)') #ax.w_xaxis._axinfo.update({'grid' : {'color': (0, 0, 0, 1)}}) #ax.w_yaxis._axinfo.update({'grid' : {'color': (0, 0, 0, 1)}}) #ax.w_zaxis._axinfo.update({'grid' : {'color': (0, 0, 0, 1)}}) #ax.set_ylim([-.2, .1]) #ax.set_xlim([45, 60]) ax.set_title("Phi vs Delta") #fig.xlabel("Phi (Angle of Lens)") #fig.ylabel("Delta (Depth Error)") #fig.title('Delta vs Phi')
MIME type unknown not supported
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IndexError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-93-ba91662e3e42> in <module>() 2 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8.5)) 3 ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ----> 4 ax.scatter(gens[1],gens[3],color='g', s=55, marker='o',alpha=.4) 5 ax.scatter(gens[0],gens[2],color='r', s=55, marker='o') 6 ax.set_xlabel('Phi (Angle of Lens)') IndexError: list index out of range
#print(gens[4]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13,9)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(gens[1],gens[3],gens[5],color='g', s=55, marker='o') #ax.scatter(gens[0],gens[2],gens[4],color='g', s=55, marker='o') ax.set_xlabel('Phi (Angle of Lens)') ax.set_ylabel('Delta (Depth Error)') ax.set_zlabel('Alpha (Angular Error)') ax.w_xaxis._axinfo.update({'grid' : {'color': (0, 0, 0, 1)}}) ax.w_yaxis._axinfo.update({'grid' : {'color': (0, 0, 0, 1)}}) ax.w_zaxis._axinfo.update({'grid' : {'color': (0, 0, 0, 1)}}) ax.set_ylim([0, 10.1]) ax.set_zlim([0, 1.05]) ax.set_xlim([0, 80.1]) ax.set_title("Phi vs Delta vs Alpha") #fig.xlabel("Phi (Angle of Lens)") #fig.ylabel("Delta (Depth Error)") #fig.title('Delta vs Phi')