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Kernel: Anaconda (Python 3)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib notebook'ggplot') from random import randint

Understanding Binary

The Precision is basically 80/255(phi), meaning a full bit of 1111111 = 255 = 80 degrees

in this example 80 is the max degrees allowed. and there is no min.

#range from 0-80 255->80 phi_prec = (80/255.) print(phi_prec) print(phi_prec*255) phi = int('0b10111100',base=2) print(phi*phi_prec)
0.3137254901960784 80.0 58.98039215686274
#range from 0-10 alpha = int('0b10110110',base=2) alpha_prec = 10/255. print(alpha*alpha_prec)
#range from 0-10 delta = int('0b01011001',base=2) delta_prec = 10/255. print(delta*delta_prec)

The values above correspond to the values in the example and how the binary is used


System Parameters

food_supply = 100 man_supply = 30 board_size = 100
def get_food(): food = [] for i in range(0,food_supply): x = randint(0,board_size) y = randint(0,board_size) f = [x,y] food.append(f) food = np.array(food) return food
def gen1(): men = [] #man = [x,y,theta,phi,alpha,delta] for i in range(0,man_supply): x = randint(0,board_size) y = randint(0,board_size) theta = randint(0,359) phi = randint(0,255) alpha = randint(0,255) delta = randint(0,255) man = [x,y,theta,phi,alpha,delta] men.append(man) men = np.array(men) return men
men = gen1() food = get_food()
plt.figure() plt.scatter(men[:,0],men[:,1]) plt.scatter(food[:,0],food[:,1],marker='^',c='red')
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7f1671278cf8>
def to_bits(num): bin_str = format(num, '#010b') bin_str = bin_str[2:] return [bin_str[:4],bin_str[4:]] #to_bits(1)
def reproduce(man1,man2): son1 = [randint(0,board_size),randint(0,board_size),randint(0,359)] son2 = [randint(0,board_size),randint(0,board_size),randint(0,359)] for i,v in enumerate(man1[3:7]): gene1 = to_bits(v) gene2 = to_bits(man2[i+3]) son1_gene = gene1[0]+gene2[1] son2_gene = gene1[1]+gene2[0] son1_gene = int('0b'+son1_gene,base=2) son2_gene = int('0b'+son2_gene,base=2) son1.append(son1_gene) son2.append(son2_gene) #print(gene1,gene2) #print(son1_gene,son2_gene) return [son1,son2]
[[96, 31, 351, 251, 35, 112], [42, 9, 198, 141, 134, 197]]
def driver(gen, tstart, tstop, dt): food = get_food() t = [tstart] while t[-1] < tstop: t.append(t[-1]+dt) return t
def find_food(man)