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Kernel: Python 2 (SageMath)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib notebook'ggplot') import random from random import randint import math
food_amount = 100 pacman_amount = 1 board_size = 100 default_health = 5 pacmen = [] food = [] crot = 1 cloc =.2 cbite = 1 turn_loss = 1 phi_prec = (80/255.) alpha_prec = 10/255. delta_prec = 10/255. pacman_radius = 1 food_health = 5
class pacman: def __init__(self): #change dynamically self.x = randint(0,board_size) self.y = randint(0,board_size) self.theta = randint(0,359) = default_health #dna self.phi = randint(0,255) self.alpha = randint(0,255) = randint(0,255) self.phi_val = self.phi*phi_prec self.alpha_val = self.alpha*alpha_prec self.delta_val =*delta_prec #self.f = closest food #self.dist = closest food distance def __bool__(self): return True def __repr__(self): return "{pacman, x:"+str(self.x)+", y:"+str(self.y)+", phi:"+str(self.phi)+"}" def find_dist(self,f): return np.sqrt((self.x-f.x)**2 + (self.y-f.y)**2) def find_angle(self,f): dx = f.x - self.x dy = f.y - self.y theta1 = 360. - self.theta - math.degrees(math.atan((dx/dy))) theta2 = 360. - self.theta - theta1 print(theta1) if(theta1 < theta2): return theta1 return theta2 def check_angle(self,f):#check if the food is in the range left_bound = self.theta - (self.phi_val/2) right_bound = self.theta + (self.phi_val/2) f_angle = self.find_angle(f) if(left_bound > f_angle and right_bound < f_angle): return True if(left_bound > f_angle + 360. and right_bound < f_angle + 360.): return True return False def find_food(self): global food closest = False closest_dist = False for i in food: dist = self.find_dist(i) if((dist < closest_dist or not closest_dist) and (self.check_angle(i)) or True): closest = i closest_dist = dist self.f = closest self.dist = closest_dist if(closest != False): return True return False def rotate_to_food(self): #cost of rotate = crot*theta*health #no cost to rotation new_theta = self.find_angle(self.f) error = random.uniform(self.alpha_val/-2., self.alpha_val/2.) self.theta = new_theta + error def get_food(self): self.rotate_to_food() error = random.uniform(self.delta_val/-2., self.delta_val/2.) new_dist = self.dist + error angle = self.find_angle(self.f) self.x += new_dist*np.cos(angle) self.x = 400 self.y += new_dist*np.sin(angle) cost = cloc*new_dist -= cost #cost of rotate def bite(self): to_food = self.find_dist(self.f) -= cbite if(to_food < pacman_radius):#means the bite was sucessful += food_health food.remove(self.f) def random_rotate(self): self.theta = randint(0,359) += randint(-2,1) def step(self): -= turn_loss if(self.find_food()): self.get_food() self.bite() self.random_rotate() def get_genes(self): return[self.phi,self.alpha,] def set_genes(self,genes): self.phi = genes[0] self.alpha = genes[1] = genes[2] def to_bits(self): genes = self.get_genes() split_genes = [] for i in genes: bin_str = format(i, '#010b') bin_str = bin_str[2:] split_genes.append([bin_str[:4],bin_str[4:]]) return split_genes def reproduce(self,other): son1 = pacman() son2 = pacman() son1_genes = [] son2_genes = [] mybits = self.to_bits() otherbits = other.to_bits() for i,v in enumerate(mybits): son1_gene = v[0]+otherbits[i][1] son2_gene = otherbits[i][0]+v[1] son1_gene = int('0b'+son1_gene,base=2) son2_gene = int('0b'+son2_gene,base=2) son1_genes.append(son1_gene) son2_genes.append(son2_gene) son1.set_genes(son1_genes) son2.set_genes(son2_genes) return [son1,son2] p = pacman() p2 = pacman() print(p.reproduce(p2))
[{pacman, x:56, y:62, phi:123}, {pacman, x:70, y:31, phi:173}]
class dot: def __init__(self): self.x = random.uniform(0, board_size) self.y = random.uniform(0, board_size) def __repr__(self): return "{dot, x:"+str(self.x)+", y:"+str(self.y)+"}"
def gen1(): global pacmen pacmen = [] for i in range(0,pacman_amount): p = pacman() pacmen.append(p) pacmen = np.array(pacmen) print(pacmen[0]) return pacmen def food1(): global food food = [] for i in range(0,food_amount): f = dot() food.append(f) food = np.array(food) return food
def driver(gen,life_span,generations): food = food1() dt = 1 t = [0] tracker = [] global pacmen for g in range(0,generations): #iterates through each generation tracker.append([]) for i in range(0,len(pacmen)): tracker[g].append([]) t.append(t[-1]+dt) for q in range(0,life_span): #runs through time with current generation for i,v in enumerate(pacmen): tracker[g][i].append([v.x,v.y,v.theta]) v.step() #makes the next generation sons = [] healthy_pacmen = [] for i,v in enumerate(pacmen): #end of a generation mean reproduce if( > 0): healthy_pacmen.append(v) for i,v in enumerate(healthy_pacmen): if( i % 2 == 1): temp = v.reproduce(healthy_pacmen[i-1]) sons.extend(temp) #print('generation over') pacmen = sons return t,tracker
t,tracker = driver(gen1(),10,1) print(tracker[0][0]) plt.plot(tracker[0][0])
{pacman, x:67, y:1, phi:224} 351.053249083 312.784381541 408.775357575 371.574572087 378.660274377 366.812026108 349.877295868 410.989175612 155.868392044 161.558317197 155.090954417 162.954039242 156.455284496 503.289717674 176.446873026 176.610746873 180.44328195 179.52955901 173.410768875 179.10120898 176.489483157 444.393742862 -9.34957627328 0.284873064717 -7.44048866548 -5.0599973524 -1.29466085433 -8.30553949662 -8.30553949662 298.409399573 287.183323536 296.297306648 289.399384958 292.004857121 294.369403928 288.191996587 288.191996587 240.868759046 267.987607318 277.501731115 270.02657929 272.513350205 275.77674351 269.026527468 269.026527468 227.957394705 169.986196608 179.500385907 172.0251186 174.511850806 177.775454456 171.025120597 171.025120597 227.6391871 248.910865358 258.428534765 250.947112258 253.431769711 256.706608456 249.949992277 249.949992277 228.043096045 275.752206744 285.406936204 277.622473819 279.969391311 283.870837128 276.796259495 276.796259495 219.744143809 244.798206869 246.904418758 249.136200396 244.53640681 245.503147031 245.503147031 284.691433137 [[67, 1, 36], [400, -51.017132720218001, 275], [400, -329.00113648168821, 226], [400, 211.1512240689969, 299], [400, 286.16356226385119, 12], [400, 236.15628531877326, 25], [400, 236.14546595857732, 123], [400, 235.5680446915265, 44], [400, 204.60470306596531, 13], [400, 551.39216322000243, 77]]
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