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%sage # Use a better version of the octave interface from octave import octave %default_mode octave
#MIW2DVoronoiV1 #Fully working dmeonstration of basci tesselation functions and method for generating #a list of all nearest neighbors of every input node, and a list of all neighbors and their #mearest neighbors. #MIW2DVoronoiV1 is next step in evolution of this code. #graphics_toolkit gnuplot #graphics_toolkit fltk #Find a good increment to use to explore points near tails endval=0.999; incval=2*endval/20; xuniform=[-endval:incval:endval]'; %For the simple test yuniform=[-endval:incval:endval]'; %For the simple test #For a Gaussian 2D density with zero covariance the density is factorable permitting... #Use inverse error function to generate a Gaussian marginal distribution of trajectories xvalues=erfinv(xuniform); yvalues=erfinv(yuniform); nxv=size(xvalues,1); nyv=size(yvalues,1); N=nxv*nyv; %Number of worlds #We need to build the 2D coordinates obtained from Cartesian product of x and y coordinates [Xc, Yc] = meshgrid (xvalues, yvalues); #X is the state vector, a single column with every x and y coordinate as an entry followed #by every time derivative of these coordinates #For the 2D case our stacking will be of all x coordinates first, then all y, then derivatives Xcol=reshape(Xc,N,1); Ycol=reshape(Yc,N,1); X = [Xcol; Ycol; zeros(2*N,1)]; %adding zero initial velocities #X = [reshape(Xc,N,1); reshape(Xc,N,1); zeros(2*N,1)]; %adding non-zero initial velocities #Let's plot the input initial locations of the N worlds and the tesselation of the space h1=figure('visible', 'off'); tri = delaunay (Xcol, Ycol); [vx, vy] = voronoi (Xcol, Ycol, tri); triplot (tri, Xcol, Ycol, "b"); hold on; #add text annotations for node numbers offset=0.02; #adjust for readability text(Xcol+offset,Ycol+offset,num2str([1:N]')); plot (vx, vy, "r"); axis([-2,2,-2,2]); hold off; saveas(h1,"figure1.png");
%sage salvus.file("figure1.png")
#The function voronoin will generate two lists: #C contains the vertices of the Voronoi polygons. #F contains, for each original point, the indices of the Voronoi polygon vertices. #while polyarea will create the areas of each voronoi polygon for us [C, F] = voronoin ([Xcol, Ycol]); af = zeros (size (F)); for i = 1 : length (F) af(i) = polyarea (C (F {i, :}, 1), C (F {i, :}, 2)); endfor #display(af) #display areas #So the probability density associated with each trajectory point is Pin=(N*af).^(-1); %Plot the input trajectory density #Next 2 lines only needed to avoid plot data error Pf=Pin; Pf(isnan(Pin))=0;
%sage m=matrix(RR,octave("[Xcol(:), Ycol(:), Pf(:)]")) data=[(x,y,z) for x,y,z in m.rows()] surface=list_plot3d(data,aspect_ratio=[1,1,8],texture={'color':'green','opacity':0.85,'ambient':0.9}) pts=points(data,size=2,color='red') #show(pts,aspect_ratio=[1,1,10]) show(surface+pts,spin=10,background='pink',height=int(600),width=int(1000),renderer='webgl',frame={'thickness':4.0, 'color ':'red','labels' : True,'fontface' : 'roman'} )
/projects/sage/sage-6.10/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib-1.5.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/matplotlib/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The matplotlib.delaunay module was deprecated in version 1.4. Use matplotlib.tri.Triangulation instead. warnings.warn(message, mplDeprecation, stacklevel=1)
3D rendering not yet implemented
%sage m=matrix(RR,octave("[Xcol(:), Ycol(:), Pf(:)]")) data=[(x,y,z) for x,y,z in m.rows()] surface=list_plot3d(data,aspect_ratio=[1,1,8],texture="green") pts=points(data,size=2,color='red') #show(pts,aspect_ratio=[1,1,10]) show(surface+pts,spin=100,frame=False)
3D rendering not yet implemented
%sage show(surface+pts,viewer='tachyon',mesh=True,frame=False,axes=False)
%sage show(graphs.DodecahedralGraph(), d3=True, force_spring_layout=True)
d3-based renderer not yet implemented
#The nearest neighbors of a point are the points connected to it in the Delaunay #tesselation. So, we need need only find its index in the list of indices #to find those nearest neighbors #Useful helper functions: the two functions missing from matlab/octave that no one #will admit to because the omission is so agregious but the surrogate syntax is so ugly paren = @(x, varargin) x(varargin{:}); curly = @(x, varargin) x{varargin{:}}; #Find the nearest neighbors of every node %f=@(x)find(tri==x); %atemp=arrayfun(f,[1:size(y)],"UniformOutput", false); %rowlist=arrayfun(@(x)ind2sub(size(tri),atemp{x}),[1:size(y)],"UniformOutput", false); %nlist=arrayfun(@(x) setdiff(unique(tri(rowlist{x},:)),x),[1:size(y)],"UniformOutput", false) #Find the nearest neighbors of all nodes #ftri finds the rows with nearest neighbors (nns) of node given in argument ftri=@(x)find(tri==x); #ftmany applies ftri to each node in narray to find linear index of entries in tri with its nns ftmany=@(narray)arrayfun(ftri,narray,"UniformOutput", false); #Generate an array listing all the rows discovered delinearizing entries found by ftmany rowlist=arrayfun(@(x)ind2sub(size(tri),curly(ftmany([1:N]),x)),[1:N],"UniformOutput", false); #Find the unique nodes listed by all rows found for each node in node ordered array found above nlist=arrayfun(@(x) setdiff(unique(tri(rowlist{x},:)),x),[1:N],"UniformOutput", false); #Find the nns and the nearest neighbors of the nearest neighbors of all nodes clear nnslist nnlist=cell(N); for nlnum=1:N ntemp=nlist{nlnum}'; #Generate an array listing all the rows discovered delinearizing entries found by ftmany nnsrowlist=arrayfun(@(x)ind2sub(size(tri),curly(ftmany(ntemp),x)),[1:size(ntemp)],"UniformOutput", false); nnsrowmerge=vertcat(nnsrowlist{:}); nnslist{nlnum}=unique(tri(nnsrowmerge,:)); endfor #Now fit a 2nd order 2d polynomial to each region surrounding a point clear nnspolyval; #nnspolyval will store the interpolated values of [P,Px,Py,Pxx,Pxy,Pyy] nnspolyval=zeros(N,6); #Define functions that enact differentiation of the polynomial on the coeffs Dx=@(x) [x(2) 2*x(3) 0 x(5) 0 0]'; Dy=@(x) [x(4) x(5) 0 2*x(6) 0 0]'; Dxx=@(x) [2*x(3) 0 0 0 0 0]'; Dyy=@(x) [2*x(6) 0 0 0 0 0]'; Dxy=@(x) [x(5) 0 0 0 0 0]'; for nlnum=1:N nnspoly = polyfit2d(Xcol(nnslist{nlnum}), Ycol(nnslist{nlnum}), Pf(nnslist{nlnum}), 2); xyprods=[1,Xcol(nlnum),Xcol(nlnum)^2,Ycol(nlnum),Xcol(nlnum)*Ycol(nlnum),Ycol(nlnum)^2]; #nnspolyval(nlnum,1)=polyval2d(Xcol(nlnum),Ycol(nlnum),nnspoly); nnspolyval(nlnum,1)=abs(xyprods*nnspoly); #abs to eliminate small negative outcomes nnspolyval(nlnum,2)=xyprods*Dx(nnspoly); nnspolyval(nlnum,3)=xyprods*Dy(nnspoly); nnspolyval(nlnum,4)=xyprods*Dxx(nnspoly); nnspolyval(nlnum,5)=xyprods*Dxy(nnspoly); nnspolyval(nlnum,6)=xyprods*Dyy(nnspoly); endfor;
error: condest: matrix must be square error: called from condest at line 130 column 7 polyfit2d at line 65 column 5 /projects/b04b5777-e269-4c8f-a4b8-b21dbe1c93c6/.sage/temp/compute4-us/18905/interface/tmp18975 at line 52 column 11
%sage m=matrix(RR,octave("[Xcol(:), Ycol(:), nnspolyval(:,1)]")) list_plot3d([(x,y,z) for x,y,z in m.rows()],texture="blue",frame_aspect_ratio=[1,1,10])
3D rendering not yet implemented
h3=figure('visible', 'off'); clf; #Use below for gnuplot and following line for full gradient color with fltk g=patch ("Faces", tri, "Vertices", [Xcol(:), Ycol(:), nnspolyval(:,1)]); #patch ("Faces", tri, "Vertices", [Xcol(:), Ycol(:), Pin(:)],'FaceVertexCData',Pin(:),'FaceColor','interp','EdgeColor','none'); view (359, 11); set(g,'edgecolor','b');
%sage m=matrix(RR,octave("[Xcol(:), Ycol(:), nnspolyval(:,2)]")) data=[(x,y,z) for x,y,z in m.rows()] surface=list_plot3d(data,aspect_ratio=[1,1,8],texture="green") pts=points(data,size=2,color='red') surface+pts
3D rendering not yet implemented
h4=figure('visible', 'off'); clf; #Use below for gnuplot and following line for full gradient color with fltk patch ("Faces", tri, "Vertices", [Xcol(:), Ycol(:), nnspolyval(:,2)]); #patch ("Faces", tri, "Vertices", [Xcol(:), Ycol(:), Pin(:)],'FaceVertexCData',Pin(:),'FaceColor','interp','EdgeColor','none'); view (359, 11);
%sage m=matrix(RR,octave("[Xcol(:), Ycol(:), nnspolyval(:,3)]")) data=[(x,y,z) for x,y,z in m.rows()] surface=list_plot3d(data,aspect_ratio=[1,1,8],texture="lightgreen") pts=points(data,size=2,color='green') surface+pts
3D rendering not yet implemented
h5=figure('visible', 'off'); clf; #Use below for gnuplot and following line for full gradient color with fltk patch ("Faces", tri, "Vertices", [Xcol(:), Ycol(:), nnspolyval(:,3)]); #patch ("Faces", tri, "Vertices", [Xcol(:), Ycol(:), Pin(:)],'FaceVertexCData',Pin(:),'FaceColor','interp','EdgeColor','none'); view (246, 20);
︠849ab3f8-aab2-4992-9e32-ae26ee6a02b6︠ saveas(h3,'figureVDensSmooth.png'); saveas(h4,'figureVDensDx.png'); saveas(h5,'figureVDensDy.png');
Can't find PostScript prologue file loadpath is empty gnuplotrc is read from /projects/24a70e9b-9eee-4d22-8665-b589c410fa4b/share/gnuplot/5.0 no XAPPLRESDIR found in the environment, falling back to "/etc/X11/app-defaults/" Please copy to one of the above directories or set the environmental variable GNUPLOT_PS_DIR or set the loadpath appropriately line 0: Plot failed! Can't find PostScript prologue file loadpath is empty gnuplotrc is read from /projects/24a70e9b-9eee-4d22-8665-b589c410fa4b/share/gnuplot/5.0 no XAPPLRESDIR found in the environment, falling back to "/etc/X11/app-defaults/" Please copy to one of the above directories or set the environmental variable GNUPLOT_PS_DIR or set the loadpath appropriately line 5599: Plot failed! Can't find PostScript prologue file loadpath is empty gnuplotrc is read from /projects/24a70e9b-9eee-4d22-8665-b589c410fa4b/share/gnuplot/5.0 no XAPPLRESDIR found in the environment, falling back to "/etc/X11/app-defaults/" Please copy to one of the above directories or set the environmental variable GNUPLOT_PS_DIR or set the loadpath appropriately line 0: Plot failed! Can't find PostScript prologue file loadpath is empty gnuplotrc is read from /projects/24a70e9b-9eee-4d22-8665-b589c410fa4b/share/gnuplot/5.0 no XAPPLRESDIR found in the environment, falling back to "/etc/X11/app-defaults/" Please copy to one of the above directories or set the environmental variable GNUPLOT_PS_DIR or set the loadpath appropriately line 5599: Plot failed! Can't find PostScript prologue file loadpath is empty gnuplotrc is read from /projects/24a70e9b-9eee-4d22-8665-b589c410fa4b/share/gnuplot/5.0 no XAPPLRESDIR found in the environment, falling back to "/etc/X11/app-defaults/" Please copy to one of the above directories or set the environmental variable GNUPLOT_PS_DIR or set the loadpath appropriately line 0: Plot failed! Can't find PostScript prologue file loadpath is empty gnuplotrc is read from /projects/24a70e9b-9eee-4d22-8665-b589c410fa4b/share/gnuplot/5.0 no XAPPLRESDIR found in the environment, falling back to "/etc/X11/app-defaults/" Please copy to one of the above directories or set the environmental variable GNUPLOT_PS_DIR or set the loadpath appropriately line 5599: Plot failed!
%sage salvus.file("figureVDensSmooth.png")
%sage salvus.file("figureVDensDx.png")
%sage salvus.file("figureVDensDy.png")