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Project: New Julia
Views: 239
Kernel: Python 2 (SageMath)
#%load_ext sage import stlwrite as stl import cPickle as pickle import numpy as np from __future__ import division
with open("../data/10^2.pkl") as f: data = pickle.load(f)["iterations"] data += 1
def create_face(xy_pairs, height_values): #points should be defined clockwise as seen from the outside of the model face = [] for index, value in enumerate(xy_pairs): face.append( value + (height_values[index],) ) return face
#create model x,y grid points (assumes it's symetric about (0,0) ) WIDTH = 1#the size of one voxel (x,y) in the model SCALE = 1#the height multiplier num_y, num_x = data.shape x_edge = (num_x//2)*WIDTH + WIDTH/2 y_edge = (num_y//2)*WIDTH + WIDTH/2 x_grid = np.linspace(-x_edge, x_edge, num_x+2) y_grid = np.linspace(y_edge, -y_edge, num_y+2)
filename = '../3D_files/edges_testV1_small-1.stl' with open(filename, 'wb') as fp: writer = stl.ASCII_STL_Writer(fp) for y_index, row in enumerate(data): for x_index, value in enumerate(row): faces = [] #create lid at height h*scale h = value left_x = x_grid[x_index] right_x = x_grid[x_index+1] top_y = y_grid[y_index] bot_y = y_grid[y_index+1] xy_pairs = [(left_x,bot_y), (left_x,top_y), (right_x,top_y), (right_x,bot_y)] height_values = [h*SCALE]*4 faces.append( create_face( xy_pairs, height_values) ) #add sides #bottom side if y_index < (num_y - 1): #get bottom height from that neighbour bot_edge = data[y_index+1][x_index] else: #we are the last row #so bottom height is zero bot_edge = 0 if bot_edge != h:#Don't add face if neighbour is same height xy_pairs = [(left_x,bot_y),(left_x,bot_y),(right_x,bot_y),(right_x,bot_y)] height_values = [bot_edge*SCALE] + [h*SCALE]*2 + [bot_edge*SCALE] faces.append( create_face( xy_pairs, height_values) ) #right side if x_index < (num_x-1): bot_edge = row[x_index+1] else: bot_edge = 0 if bot_edge != h: xy_pairs = [(right_x,bot_y),(right_x,bot_y),(right_x,top_y),(right_x,top_y)] height_values = [bot_edge*SCALE] + [h*SCALE]*2 + [bot_edge*SCALE] faces.append( create_face( xy_pairs, height_values) ) #top side if y_index != 0: bot_edge = data[y_index-1][x_index] else: bot_edge = 0 if bot_edge != h: xy_pairs = [(right_x,top_y),(right_x,top_y),(left_x,top_y),(left_x, top_y)] height_values = [bot_edge*SCALE] + [h*SCALE]*2 + [bot_edge*SCALE] faces.append( create_face( xy_pairs, height_values) ) #left side if x_index != 0: bot_edge = row[x_index-1] else: bot_edge = 0 if bot_edge != h: xy_pairs = [(left_x,top_y), (left_x,top_y),(left_x,bot_y),(left_x,bot_y)] height_values = [bot_edge*SCALE] + [h*SCALE]*2 + [bot_edge*SCALE] faces.append( create_face( xy_pairs, height_values) ) writer.add_faces( faces )