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Image: ubuntu2004
Here is a very basic code to see what tangent words are, and their relation with balanced words (Sturmian factors).
def sturmian_desubstitute_as_possible(self): r""" Sturmian desubstitutes the word self as much as possible. The word self must be definied on a two-letter alphabet. It can be Sturmian desubstituted if one letter appears isolated. The Sturmian desubstitution consist in removing the shortest run to any run of the non-isolated letter. The Sturmian desubstitution is done as much as possible. A word is a factor of a Sturmian word if, and only if, the result is the empty word. """ # print self W = self.parent() if (W.size_of_alphabet() != 2): raise TypeError, 'Your word must be defined on a binary alphabet' alphabet = W.alphabet() if self.is_empty(): return self is_prefix = True current_run_length = 0 prefix_length = 0 prefix_letter = self[0] is_isolated = {alphabet[0]:True,alphabet[1]:True} minimal_run = {alphabet[0]:Infinity,alphabet[1]:Infinity} maximal_run = {alphabet[0]:0,alphabet[1]:0} runs = {alphabet[0]:[],alphabet[1]:[]} for i in self: if is_prefix: if i == prefix_letter: prefix_length += 1 if prefix_length > 1: is_isolated[i] = False else: is_prefix = False current_run_length = 1 previous_letter = i else: if i == previous_letter: current_run_length += 1 if current_run_length > 1: is_isolated[i] = False else: runs[previous_letter].append(current_run_length) minimal_run[previous_letter] = min(minimal_run[previous_letter],current_run_length) maximal_run[previous_letter] = max(maximal_run[previous_letter],current_run_length) current_run_length = 1 previous_letter = i # print runs # at his point, previous_letter is the suffix letter and current_run_length is the suffix length if not (is_isolated[alphabet[0]] or is_isolated[alphabet[1]]): return self elif is_isolated[alphabet[0]] and is_isolated[alphabet[1]]: return W() else: if is_isolated[alphabet[0]]: l_isolated = alphabet[0] #the isolated letter l_running = alphabet[1] #the running letter (non-isolated) else: l_isolated = alphabet[1] l_running = alphabet[0] w_isolated = W(l_isolated,datatype='letter') #the word associated to the isolated letter w_running = W(l_running,datatype='letter') #the word associated to the running letter min_run = minimal_run[l_running] if (prefix_letter == l_isolated) or (prefix_length <= min_run): desubstitued_word = W() else: desubstitued_word = w_running ** (prefix_length - min_run) for i in runs[l_running]: desubstitued_word = desubstitued_word + w_isolated + w_running ** (i - min_run) if (current_run_length > 0): desubstitued_word = desubstitued_word + w_isolated if (previous_letter == l_running) and (current_run_length > min_run): desubstitued_word = desubstitued_word + w_running ** (current_run_length - min_run) return sturmian_desubstitute_as_possible(desubstitued_word)
Some examples
u = Word('10111101101110111',alphabet='01') ; u v = sturmian_desubstitute_as_possible(u) ; v
word: 01100101
sturmian_desubstitute_as_possible(Word('azaazaaazaaazaazaaaz', alphabet='az'))
def is_sturmian_factor(self): r""" Tells whether self is a factor of a Sturmian word. Equivalently, tells whether self is balanced. The advantage over the is_balanced() method is that this one runs in linear time whereas is_balanced() runs in quadratic time. The word self must be definied on a two-letter alphabet. """ return sturmian_desubstitute_as_possible(self).is_empty()
An example
w = Word('0111011011011101101',alphabet='01') is_sturmian_factor(w)
Fit with existing classes.
print is_sturmian_factor(words.LowerMechanicalWord(random(),alphabet='01')[:100]) print is_sturmian_factor(words.CharacteristicSturmianWord(random())[:100])
True True
Famous words
# The Kolakoski word will be soon realeased in sage #is_sturmian_factor(words.KolakoskiWord()[:1000])
def is_tangent(self): r""" Tells whether self is a tangent word. A binary word is said to be tangent if it can appear in the cutting sequences of a smooth curve to arbitrary small scale. This class of words strictly contains the class of 1-balanced words, and is strictly contained in the class of 2-balanced words. This method runs in linear time. """ if (self.parent().size_of_alphabet() != 2): raise TypeError, 'Your word must be defined on a binary alphabet ' [a,b] = self.parent().alphabet() mini = 0 maxi = 0 height = 0 for i in sturmian_desubstitute_as_possible(self): if i == a: height = height + 1 maxi = max(maxi , height) if i == b: height = height - 1 mini = min(mini , height) return (maxi - mini <= 2)
An example
w = Word('01110110110111011101',alphabet='01') is_tangent(w)
Some tangent words may not be balanced
print Word('aabb',alphabet='ab').is_balanced() print is_tangent(Word('aabb',alphabet='ab'))
False True
Some 2-balanced words may not be tangent
print is_tangent(Word('aaabb',alphabet='ab')) print Word('aaabb',alphabet='ab').is_balanced(2)
False True
Famous examples
# The Kolakoski word will be soon realeased in sage #is_tangent(words.KolakoskiWord()[:1000])