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Image: ubuntu2004

Pollard p1p-1

%auto def lcm_upto(B): return prod([p^int(math.log(B)/math.log(p)) for p in prime_range(B+1)])
time v = lcm_upto(10^5)
Time: CPU 0.06 s, Wall: 0.06 s
time w = LCM([1..10^5])
Time: CPU 0.53 s, Wall: 1.33 s
v == w
%auto def pollard(N, B=10^5, stop=10): m = prod([p^int(math.log(B)/math.log(p)) for p in prime_range(B+1)]) for a in [2..stop]: x = (Mod(a,N)^m - 1).lift() if x == 0: continue g = gcd(x, N) if g != 1 or g != N: return g return 1
pollard(779167, B = 5)
pollard(779167, B=15)

It does not matter if NN is big.  All that matters is that NN has some factor pp with p1p-1 smooth.  Pretty amazing, eh?

N = 2003*next_prime(ZZ.random_element(10^100)); N
pollard(N, B=15)

Elliptic Curve Factorization Method

def ecm(N, B=10^3, trials=10): m = lcm_upto(B) R = Integers(N) # Sneaky: make Sage think that R is a field: def f(): return True R.is_field = f for i in range(trials): while True: a = R.random_element() if gcd(4*a.lift()^3 + 27, N) == 1: break try: m * EllipticCurve([a, 1])([0,1]) except ZeroDivisionError, msg: print msg # msg: "Inverse of <int> does not exist" return gcd(Integer(str(msg).split()[2]), N) return 1
N = 2003*next_prime(10^20); N
time ecm(N, B=20)
Inverse of 65550682212630542772312 does not exist 2003 Time: CPU 0.03 s, Wall: 0.09 s
2 * 7 * 11 * 13

Next, find a factor pp where p1p-1 is not smooth (so Pollard rho doesn't work).

2^2 * 97
N = 389 * next_prime(10^30); N
pollard(N, B=90)
pollard(N, B=100)
for a in [-7..7]: print factor(389-a)
2^2 * 3^2 * 11 5 * 79 2 * 197 3 * 131 2^3 * 7^2 17 * 23 2 * 3 * 5 * 13 389 2^2 * 97 3^2 * 43 2 * 193 5 * 7 * 11 2^7 * 3 383 2 * 191
N = next_prime(10^18) * next_prime(10^30); N
time ecm(N,B=10^3)
1 Time: CPU 1.63 s, Wall: 1.68 s
time ecm(N,B=10^4)
1 Time: CPU 10.83 s, Wall: 17.63 s
time ecm(N,B=10^4)
1 Time: CPU 10.45 s, Wall: 18.15 s

Sage includes GMP-ECM, which is the world's best public implementation of the ECM algorithm.


A = sage.interfaces.ecm.ECM(1, watch=True)
[1000000000000000003, 1000000000000000000000000000057]

File: /home/wstein/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/interfaces/

Type: <type 'classobj'>

Definition: sage.interfaces.ecm.ECM(n, watch=False)


        Create an interface to the GMP-ECM elliptic curve method
        factorization program.


            These people wrote GMP-ECM:
              Pierrick Gaudry, Jim Fougeron,
              Laurent Fousse, Alexander Kruppa,
              Dave Newman, Paul Zimmermann
        William Stein and Robert Bradshaw -- wrote the Sage interface to GMP-ECM

            B1 -- stage 1 bound
            B2 -- stage 2 bound (or interval B2min-B2max)

            x0 -- x        use x as initial point
            sigma -- s     use s as curve generator [ecm]
            A -- a         use a as curve parameter [ecm]
            k -- n         perform >= n steps in stage 2
            power -- n     use x^n for Brent-Suyama's extension
            dickson -- n   use n-th Dickson's polynomial for Brent-Suyama's extension
            c -- n         perform n runs for each input
            pm1 --         perform P-1 instead of ECM
            pp1 --         perform P+1 instead of ECM
            q --           quiet mode
            v --           verbose mode
            timestamp --   print a time stamp with each number
            mpzmod --      use GMP's mpz_mod for mod reduction
            modmuln --     use Montgomery's MODMULN for mod reduction
            redc --        use Montgomery's REDC for mod reduction
            nobase2 --     disable special base-2 code
            base2 -- n     force base 2 mode with 2^n+1 (n>0) or 2^n-1 (n<0)
            save -- file   save residues at end of stage 1 to file
            savea -- file  like -save, appends to existing files
            resume -- file resume residues from file, reads from
                           stdin if file is "-"
            primetest --   perform a primality test on input
            treefile -- f  store product tree of F in files f.0 f.1 ...
            i -- n         increment B1 by this constant on each run
            I -- f         auto-calculated increment for B1 multiplied by 'f' scale factor
            inp -- file    Use file as input (instead of redirecting stdin)
            b --           Use breadth-first mode of file processing
            d --           Use depth-first mode of file processing (default)
            one --         Stop processing a candidate if a factor is found (looping mode)
            n --           run ecm in 'nice' mode (below normal priority)
            nn --          run ecm in 'very nice' mode (idle priority)
            t -- n         Trial divide candidates before P-1, P+1 or ECM up to n
            ve -- n        Verbosely show short ([removed]=0 which indicates the prp command foundnumber to be PRP.
            prptmp -- file outputs n value to temp file prior to running (NB. gets deleted)
            prplog -- file otherwise get PRP results from this file (NB. gets deleted)
            prpyes -- str  literal string found in prplog file when number is PRP
            prpno -- str   literal string found in prplog file when number is composite