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import warnings import random warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning) """ Algorytm Euklidesa """ def gcd(a,b): while b: a, b = b, a % b return a """ Zwraca rozwiazania rownania x**2 = n mod p """ def solve_xx_n_mod_p(n, p): for x in range(p): if x*x % p == n % p: return [x, p-x] return [] """ Zwraca listę liczb B-gładkich postaci x**2 - n """ def Sieving_B_smooth_in_x2_n(B, n, K): numbers = [[x*x - n, x] for x in range(ceil(sqrt(n)), ceil(sqrt(n)) + K)] #Usuwamy dzielnik 2 for i in range(len(numbers)): x = numbers[i] while x[0] % 2 == 0: x[0] /= 2 for p in list(primes(3,B)): if p > K: break if n % p == 0: print "---> Znaleziono dzielnik %s: %s" % (n, p) # continue s = solve_xx_n_mod_p(n, p) if n % p != 0 else [p*x for x in solve_xx_n_mod_p(n/p, p)] if s == None or len(s) < 2: continue for i in [0] + range(1, K/p + 1): for _s in s: _i = i*p + (_s - ceil(sqrt(n))) % p try: x = numbers[_i] while x[0] % p == 0: x[0] /= p except IndexError: pass return [y*y - n for [x,y] in numbers if x == 1] """ Tworzy drzewo z n w węźle i o poddrzewach left i right. Dla takiego drzewa T obsługa jest prosta: * wartość korzenia to T[0] * lewe poddrzewo to T[1] o ile len(T) > 1 * prawe poddrzewo to T[2] o ile len(T) > 2 """ def makeTree(n, left, right): return [n, left, right] """ Zwraca listę liści drzewa tree """ def leaves(tree): if len(tree) == 1: return tree return leaves(tree[1]) + ([] if len(tree) == 2 else leaves(tree[2])) """ Tworzy drzewo produktowe [z ograniczeniem bound] z listy liczb numbers """ def productTree(numbers, bound = None): n = len(numbers) if n == 1: return numbers T = productTree(numbers[0:int(n/2)], bound) U = productTree(numbers[int(n/2):n], bound) return makeTree(T[0]*U[0] if not bound else min(bound, T[0]*U[0]), T, U) """ Tworzy drzewo reszt modulo x z drzewa produktowego product_tree """ def remainderTree(x, product_tree, parent = None): product_tree[0] = \ x if product_tree[0] == x else \ x % (product_tree[0] if not parent else parent) if len(product_tree) > 1: remainderTree(x, product_tree[1], parent) if len(product_tree) > 2: remainderTree(x, product_tree[2], parent) """ Testuje liczby z listy numbers pod kątem B-gładkości """ from math import log, ceil def BernsteinBatchSmoothnessTest(numbers, B): primes_product_tree = productTree(list(primes(B))) P = primes_product_tree[0] e = ceil(log(log(max(numbers), 2), 2)) numbers_product_tree = productTree(numbers) remainderTree(P, numbers_product_tree) remainders = leaves(numbers_product_tree) assert len(numbers) == len(remainders) smooth = [] for i in range(len(numbers)): x, r = numbers[i], remainders[i] if gcd(int(r**(2**e) % x), x) == x: smooth.append(x) return smooth B = 50 K = 100 P_list = list(primes(B*2, B*4)) p1 = P_list[randrange(0, len(P_list))] p2 = P_list[randrange(0, len(P_list))] assert p1 != p2 n = p1*p2 print "Następujące liczby są %s-gładkie: \n" % B print " -według zmodyfikowanego sita Eratostenesa: \n\n %s\n" % Sieving_B_smooth_in_x2_n(B, n, K) print " -według testu Bernsteina: \n\n %s\n" % \ BernsteinBatchSmoothnessTest([x*x - n for x in range(int(ceil(sqrt(n))), int(ceil(sqrt(n))) + K)], B)
Następujące liczby są 50-gładkie: -według zmodyfikowanego sita Eratostenesa: [152, 435, 720, 1296, 1587, 1880, 2175, 3072, 3375, 3680, 4920, 6192, 6840, 8160, 8832, 9512, 10200, 11600, 12312, 13395, 13760, 19475, 19872, 20672, 22707, 23120, 25215, 26496, 27360, 30000, 31347, 32712, 34560, 35496, 37392] -według testu Bernsteina: [152, 435, 720, 1296, 1587, 1880, 2175, 3072, 3375, 3680, 4920, 6192, 6840, 8160, 8832, 9512, 10200, 11600, 12312, 13395, 13760, 19475, 19872, 20672, 22707, 23120, 25215, 26496, 27360, 30000, 31347, 32712, 34560, 35496, 37392]