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Metric and scalar equations for the cubic Galileon

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Metric and scalar equations for the cubic Galileon in quasi-isotropic coordinates

'SageMath version 8.9, Release Date: 2019-09-29'

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Declare a 4-dimensional manifold MM:

M = Manifold(4, 'M')

Declare a quasi-isotropic chart over MM:

QI.<t,r,theta,p> = M.chart()

Declare the four metric functions over MM:

N = function('N')(r,theta) A = function('A')(r,theta) B = function('B')(r,theta) w = function('omega')(r,theta)

Declare the metric gg on MM:

g = M.metric('g')

First set all its components to zero:


Then set the non zero components according to relation (8):

g[0,0] = - N^2 + B^2 * r^2 * sin(theta)^2 * w^2 g[3,0] = - B^2 * r^2 * sin(theta)^2 * w g[1,1] = A^2 g[2,2] = A^2 * r^2 g[3,3] = B^2 * r^2 * sin(theta)^2

Compute the inverse metric for later use:

g_inv = g.inverse()

Compute the associated Levi-Civita connection for later use:

NAB = g.connection()

To define the scalar field ϕ\phi over MM according to the ansatz (11), first declare the parameter qq:

q = var('q')

Then declare the spatial dependece Ψ\Psi:

Psi = function('Psi')(r,theta)

Finally, declare the scalar field ϕ\phi over MM according to the ansatz (11):

phi = M.scalar_field(q*t + Psi)

Compute the terms of tensor T(ϕ)T^{(\phi)} given in relation (3)

First declare the coupling constants ζ\zeta, η\eta and γ\gamma:

[zeta, eta, gamma] = var('zeta eta gamma')
Term proportional to η\eta

To compute the term proportional to η\eta, first compute the exterior derivative of ϕ\phi:

d_phi = phi.differential()

Then compute its squared norm (ϕ)2=μϕμϕ(\partial\phi)^{2} = \nabla_{\mu}\phi\nabla^{\mu}\phi using the inverse metric:

NAB_phi_SQR = ( g_inv['^u.'] * d_phi['_u'] )['^v'] * d_phi['_v']

Finally, compute the term proportional to η\eta:

eta_term = eta/zeta * ( d_phi * d_phi - 1/2 * g * NAB_phi_SQR )
Term proportional to γ\gamma

To compute the term proportional to γ\gamma, first compute the exterior derivative of NAB_phi_SQR:

d_NAB_phi_SQR = NAB_phi_SQR.differential()

Then compute the first term as the symmetrized tensor product of d_NAB_phi_SQR with dϕd\phi:

gamma_term_1 = 1/2 * ( d_phi * d_NAB_phi_SQR + d_NAB_phi_SQR * d_phi )

To compute the second term, first compute ϕ\Box\phi using the Hessian matrix of ϕ\phi:

HESS_phi = NAB(d_phi)

Extract ϕ\Box\phi as the trace of HESS_phi:

BOX_phi = g_inv['^uv'] * HESS_phi['_uv']

Then compute the second term:

gamma_term_2 = - BOX_phi * d_phi * d_phi

And the third term:

gamma_term_3 = - 1/2 * g * ( d_phi.up(g)['^u'] * d_NAB_phi_SQR['_u'] )

Finally, add all three terms:

gamma_term = gamma/zeta * ( gamma_term_1 + gamma_term_2 + gamma_term_3 )

3+1 decomposition of the effective stress-energy-momentum tensor T(eff)T^{(eff)}

Subtract the cosmological term to T(ϕ)T^{(\phi)} to form T(eff)T^{(eff)} in order to write the metric equations as Gμν=8πTμν(eff)G_{\mu\nu} = 8\pi T^{(eff)}_{\mu\nu}. First declare a cosmological constant:

Lambda = var('Lambda')

Then declare T(eff)T^{(eff)}:

T_eff = 1/(8*pi)* (eta_term + gamma_term - Lambda * g)

It is shown in ref. [87] (E. Gourgoulhon, "An introduction to the theory of rotating relativistic stars") that algebraic manipulations of equations of the form Gμν=8πTμν(eff)G_{\mu\nu} = 8\pi T^{(eff)}_{\mu\nu} written in quasi-isotropic coordinates may result in equations (3.14) to (3.17) of the same reference. These equations rewrite as $$ N^{2} \Delta_{3} N = \frac{N \left( Br\sin\theta \right)^{2}}{2} \partial\omega \partial\omega

  • \frac{N^{2}}{B} \partial N \partial B

  • 4 \pi A^{2} N^{3} (E + S), \ N^{3} \Delta_{2} [NA] = \frac{N^4}{A}\partial A \partial A

  • 2 N^3 \partial A \partial N

  • \frac{3 A (N Br\sin\theta)^{2}}{4} \partial\omega \partial\omega

  • 8 \pi A^{3} N^{4} S^{\varphi}{\phantom{\varphi}\varphi}, \ N^{2} \Delta{2} [NBr\sin\theta] = 8 \pi A^{2} B N^{3} r \sin\theta (S^{r}{\phantom{r}r} + S^{\theta}{\phantom{\theta}\theta}), \ N \Delta_{3} [\omega r \sin \theta] = \frac{N \omega}{r \sin\theta}

  • r \sin\theta \left( \partial\omega \partial N - \frac{3 N}{B} \partial \omega \partial B \right), $$ where $Eandthe and the S^{i}_{\phantom{i}j}aredefinedfromthe3+1decompositionof are defined from the 3+1 decomposition of T^{(eff)}$ performed below.

Declare the time function over MM:

time = M.scalar_field(t)

Declare the future-oriented unit vector normal to the constant-tt hypersurfaces, which is constructed as the metric dual of the exterior derivative of the time function, normalized by the metric function NN:

unit_normal = -N * time.differential().up(g)
Effective energy density EE

Compute the quantity EE appearing in the equations above as the full contraction of T(eff)T^{(eff)} with the unit normal vector:

E = (T_eff['_u.'] * unit_normal['^u'])['_v'] * unit_normal['^v']

Extract its expression, automatically simplified for latter use:

E = E.expr().simplify_full()
Effective stress tensor S(eff)S^{(eff)}

To construct the projector onto the tangent spaces to the constant-tt hypersurfaces, first declare the identity map on the full tangent spaces to MM:

identity = M.tensor_field(1,1)

First set all its components to zero:


And set to 11 the diagonal components:

for mu in range(M.dim()): identity[mu,mu] = 1

Declare the projector from the identity and the tensor product of the unit normal with its metric dual:

projector = identity + unit_normal * unit_normal.down(g)

Declare the effective stress tensor S(eff)S^{(eff)} from two contractions of T(eff)T^{(eff)} with the projector:

S_eff = T_eff['_uv'] * (projector * projector)['^uv_..']

Extract the simplified expressions of the quantities SrrrS^{r}_{\phantom{r}r}, SθθθS^{\theta}_{\phantom{\theta}\theta} and SφφφS^{\varphi}_{\phantom{\varphi}\varphi}:

S_r_up_r_down = S_eff.up(g,pos=0)[1,1].expr().simplify_full() S_theta_up_theta_down = S_eff.up(g,pos=0)[2,2].expr().simplify_full() S_phi_up_phi_down = S_eff.up(g,pos=0)[3,3].expr().simplify_full()

Extract the trace SS of S(eff)S^{(eff)}:

S = (S_r_up_r_down + S_theta_up_theta_down + S_phi_up_phi_down).simplify_full()

Metric equations (21) - (24) with sources (B.5) - (B.8)

To check the metric equations, first define the various differential operators involved. First is the 2-dimensional Laplacian denoted Δ2\Delta_{2} in the equations above:

def Lap2(f,r,theta): return diff(diff(f,r),r) + 1/r*diff(f,r) + 1/r^2*diff(diff(f,theta),theta)

Then the 3-dimensional Laplacian denoted Δ3\Delta_{3}:

def Lap3(f,r,theta): return diff(diff(f,r),r) + 2/r*diff(f,r) + 1/r^2*diff(diff(f,theta),theta) + 1/(r^2*tan(theta))*diff(f,theta)

Then the operator acting on any two functions ff and gg of the coordinates rr and θ\theta and denoted fg\partial f \partial g:

def DD(f,g,r,theta): return diff(f,r)*diff(g,r) + 1/r^2*diff(f,theta)*diff(g,theta)

Then the operator acting on any three functions ff, gg and hh of the coordinates rr and θ\theta and denoted Hf(0)[g,h]\mathcal{H}^{(0)}_{f}[g,h]:

def Hf0gh(f,g,h,r,theta): left = matrix(SR, 2, 1) right = matrix(SR, 2, 1) mat = matrix(SR,2,2) left[0,0] = diff(g,r) left[1,0] = 1/r*diff(g,theta) right[0,0] = diff(h,r) right[1,0] = 1/r*diff(h,theta) mat[0,0] = diff(diff(f,r),r) mat[0,1] = 1/r*diff(diff(f,r),theta) mat[1,0] = mat[0,1] mat[1,1] = 1/r^2 * diff(diff(f,theta),theta) return (left.transpose()*mat*right)[0,0].simplify_full()
Metric equation (21) with source term (B.5)

Check that the last term appearing in the right-hand side of the equation on Δ3N\Delta_{3} N above, i.e. 4πA2N3(E+S)4 \pi A^{2} N^{3} (E + S), explicitly rewrites as

4πA2N3(E+S)=NA2(ηq2ζΛN2)γ2ζ(q2+N2ΨΨA2)(NΔ3Ψ+ΨN+NΨBB).4 \pi A^{2} N^{3} (E + S) = N A^{2} \left( \frac{\eta q^{2}}{\zeta} - \Lambda N^{2} \right) - \frac{\gamma}{2 \zeta} \left(q^{2} + \frac{N^{2} \partial\Psi\partial\Psi}{A^{2}} \right) \left( N \Delta_{3}\Psi + \partial\Psi\partial N + \frac{N \partial\Psi\partial B}{B} \right).

To do so, declare the right-hand side of this relation:

Source_N_last_terms_1 = N*A^2 * ( eta*q^2/zeta - Lambda*N^2 ) Source_N_last_terms_2a = -gamma/(2*zeta) * ( q^2 + N^2*DD(Psi,Psi,r,theta)/A^2 ) Source_N_last_terms_2b = N*Lap3(Psi,r,theta) + DD(Psi,N,r,theta) + N*DD(Psi,B,r,theta)/B Source_N_last_terms = Source_N_last_terms_1 + Source_N_last_terms_2a * Source_N_last_terms_2b

Check that it coincides with 4πA2N3(E+S)4 \pi A^{2} N^{3} (E + S):

( Source_N_last_terms - 4*pi*A^2*N^3*(E + S) ).simplify_full()

Therefore the equation on Δ3N\Delta_{3} N explicitly rewrites as

N2Δ3N=N(Brsinθ)22ωωN2BNB+NA2(ηq2ζΛN2)γ2ζ(q2+N2ΨΨA2)(NΔ3Ψ+ΨN+NΨBB).N^{2} \Delta_{3} N = \frac{N \left( Br\sin\theta \right)^{2}}{2} \partial\omega \partial\omega - \frac{N^{2}}{B} \partial N \partial B + N A^{2} \left( \frac{\eta q^{2}}{\zeta} - \Lambda N^{2} \right) - \frac{\gamma}{2 \zeta} \left(q^{2} + \frac{N^{2} \partial\Psi\partial\Psi}{A^{2}} \right) \left( N \Delta_{3}\Psi + \partial\Psi\partial N + \frac{N \partial\Psi\partial B}{B} \right).

Using the relations (12)-(13) to reformulate everything in terms of dimensionless quantities eventually leads to equation (21) with source (B.5).

Metric equation (22) with source term (B.6)

Check that the last term appearing in the right-hand side of the equation on Δ2[NA]\Delta_{2} [NA] above, i.e. 8πA3N4Sφφφ8 \pi A^{3} N^{4} S^{\varphi}_{\phantom{\varphi}\varphi}, explicitly rewrites as

8πA3N4Sφφφ=ηN2A2ζ(q2A2N2ΨΨ)ΛA3N4γζ(q2NAΨNN4ΨΨΨAA2+1A[N4HΨ(0)[Ψ,Ψ]N4rΨr3(θΨ)2]).8 \pi A^{3} N^{4} S^{\varphi}_{\phantom{\varphi}\varphi} = \frac{\eta N^{2} A}{2\zeta} \left( q^{2} A^{2} - N^{2} \partial\Psi\partial\Psi \right) - \Lambda A^{3} N^{4} -\frac{\gamma}{\zeta} \left( q^{2} N A \partial\Psi\partial N - \frac{N^{4} \partial\Psi\partial\Psi \partial\Psi\partial A}{A^{2}} + \frac{1}{A} \left[ N^{4} \mathcal{H}^{(0)}_{\Psi}[\Psi,\Psi] - \frac{N^{4} \partial_{r}\Psi}{r^{3}} (\partial_{\theta}\Psi)^{2} \right] \right).

To do so, declare the right-hand side of this relation:

Source_A_last_terms_1 = eta*N^2*A/(2*zeta)*(q^2*A^2 - N^2*DD(Psi,Psi,r,theta)) Source_A_last_terms_2 = - Lambda*A^3*N^4 Source_A_last_terms_3a = q^2*N*A*DD(Psi,N,r,theta) - N^4*DD(Psi,Psi,r,theta)*DD(Psi,A,r,theta)/A^2 Source_A_last_terms_3b = 1/A*(N^4*Hf0gh(Psi,Psi,Psi,r,theta) - N^4*diff(Psi,r)/r^3*diff(Psi,theta)^2) Source_A_last_terms = Source_A_last_terms_1 + Source_A_last_terms_2 - gamma/zeta*(Source_A_last_terms_3a + Source_A_last_terms_3b)

Check that it coincides with 8πA3N4Sφφφ8 \pi A^{3} N^{4} S^{\varphi}_{\phantom{\varphi}\varphi}:

( Source_A_last_terms - 8*pi*A^3*N^4*S_phi_up_phi_down ).simplify_full()

Therefore the equation on Δ2[NA]\Delta_{2} [NA] explicitly rewrites as

N3Δ2[NA]=N4AAA+2N3AN+3A(NBrsinθ)24ωω+ηN2A2ζ(q2A2N2ΨΨ)ΛA3N4γζ(q2NAΨNN4ΨΨΨAA2+1A[N4HΨ(0)[Ψ,Ψ]N4rΨr3(θΨ)2]).N^{3} \Delta_{2} [NA] = \frac{N^4}{A}\partial A \partial A + 2 N^3 \partial A \partial N + \frac{3 A (N Br\sin\theta)^{2}}{4} \partial\omega \partial\omega + \frac{\eta N^{2} A}{2\zeta} \left( q^{2} A^{2} - N^{2} \partial\Psi\partial\Psi \right) - \Lambda A^{3} N^{4} -\frac{\gamma}{\zeta} \left( q^{2} N A \partial\Psi\partial N - \frac{N^{4} \partial\Psi\partial\Psi \partial\Psi\partial A}{A^{2}} + \frac{1}{A} \left[ N^{4} \mathcal{H}^{(0)}_{\Psi}[\Psi,\Psi] - \frac{N^{4} \partial_{r}\Psi}{r^{3}} (\partial_{\theta}\Psi)^{2} \right] \right).

Using the relations (12)-(13) to reformulate everything in terms of dimensionless quantities eventually leads to equation (22) with source (B.6).

Metric equation (23) with source term (B.7)

Check that the last term appearing in the right-hand side of the equation on Δ2[NBrsinθ]\Delta_{2} [NBr\sin\theta] above, i.e. 8πA2BN3rsinθ(Srrr+Sθθθ)8 \pi A^{2} B N^{3} r \sin\theta (S^{r}_{\phantom{r}r} + S^{\theta}_{\phantom{\theta}\theta}), explicitly rewrites as

8πA2BN3rsinθ(Srrr+Sθθθ)=Brsinθ[NA2(2ΛN2q2ηζ)+γN2ΨΨζA2(NΔ3Ψ+ΨN+NΨBB)].8 \pi A^{2} B N^{3} r \sin\theta (S^{r}_{\phantom{r}r} + S^{\theta}_{\phantom{\theta}\theta}) = - Br\sin\theta \left[ N A^{2} \left( 2 \Lambda N^{2} - \frac{q^{2} \eta}{\zeta} \right) + \frac{\gamma N^{2} \partial\Psi\partial\Psi}{\zeta A^{2}} \left( N \Delta_{3}\Psi + \partial\Psi\partial N + \frac{N \partial\Psi\partial B}{B} \right) \right].

To do so, declare the right-hand side of this relation:

Source_B_last_terms_1 = N*A^2*(2*Lambda*N^2 - q^2*eta/zeta) Source_B_last_terms_2a = gamma*N^2*DD(Psi,Psi,r,theta)/(zeta*A^2) Source_B_last_terms_2b = (N*Lap3(Psi,r,theta) + DD(Psi,N,r,theta) + N*DD(Psi,B,r,theta)/B) Source_B_last_terms = -B*r*sin(theta)*( Source_B_last_terms_1 + Source_B_last_terms_2a*Source_B_last_terms_2b )

Check that it coincides with 8πA2BN3rsinθ(Srrr+Sθθθ)8 \pi A^{2} B N^{3} r \sin\theta (S^{r}_{\phantom{r}r} + S^{\theta}_{\phantom{\theta}\theta}):

( Source_B_last_terms - 8*pi*A^2*B*N^3*r*sin(theta)*(S_r_up_r_down + S_theta_up_theta_down) ).simplify_full()

Therefore the equation on Δ2[NBrsinθ]\Delta_{2} [NBr\sin\theta] explicitly rewrites as

N2Δ2[NBrsinθ]=Brsinθ[NA2(2ΛN2q2ηζ)+γN2ΨΨζA2(NΔ3Ψ+ΨN+NΨBB)].N^{2} \Delta_{2} [NBr\sin\theta] = - Br\sin\theta \left[ N A^{2} \left( 2 \Lambda N^{2} - \frac{q^{2} \eta}{\zeta} \right) + \frac{\gamma N^{2} \partial\Psi\partial\Psi}{\zeta A^{2}} \left( N \Delta_{3}\Psi + \partial\Psi\partial N + \frac{N \partial\Psi\partial B}{B} \right) \right].

Using the relations (12)-(13) to reformulate everything in terms of dimensionless quantities eventually leads to equation (23) with source (B.7).

Finally, it is also only needed to use the relations (12)-(13) in the equation on NΔ3[ωrsinθ]N \Delta_{3} [\omega r \sin \theta] above to obtain (24) with source (B.8).

Scalar equation (25) with explicit expression (B.9)

Declare the covariant expression of the vector current JJ given by relation (5):

one_form_J = ( gamma * BOX_phi - eta ) * d_phi - gamma/2 * d_NAB_phi_SQR

Declare the Jacobian matrix of JJ:

JAC_J = NAB(one_form_J.up(g))

Extract the divergence of JJ as the trace of the Jacobian matrix:

scalar_eq = JAC_J.trace()

Then define the various differential operators involved in the explicit expression of the scalar equation:

def Hf1gh(f,g,h,r,theta): left = matrix(SR, 2, 1) right = matrix(SR, 2, 1) mat = matrix(SR,2,2) left[0,0] = 1/r*diff(g,theta) left[1,0] = -diff(g,r) right[0,0] = 1/r*diff(h,theta) right[1,0] = -diff(h,r) mat[0,0] = diff(diff(f,r),r) mat[0,1] = 1/r*diff(diff(f,r),theta) mat[1,0] = mat[0,1] mat[1,1] = 1/r^2 * diff(diff(f,theta),theta) return (left.transpose()*mat*right)[0,0].simplify_full() def Hf2gh(f,g,h,r,theta): left = matrix(SR, 2, 1) right = matrix(SR, 2, 1) mat = matrix(SR,2,2) left[0,0] = diff(g,r) left[1,0] = 1/r*diff(g,theta) right[0,0] = diff(h,r) right[1,0] = 1/r*diff(h,theta) mat[0,0] = diff(diff(f,r),r) mat[0,1] = 2/r*diff(diff(f,r),theta) mat[1,0] = mat[0,1] mat[1,1] = 1/r^2 * diff(diff(f,theta),theta) return (left.transpose()*mat*right)[0,0].simplify_full()

Declare all the terms involved in the explicit expression of the scalar equation:

term_1 = Lap3(N,r,theta) + DD(N, B,r,theta)/B - 2*DD(N, N,r,theta)/N term_1 *= q^2 * A^2 * N^(-3) term_2 = Lap3(Psi,r,theta) + DD(Psi, B,r,theta)/B + DD(Psi, N,r,theta)/N term_2 *= gamma^(-1) * eta * A^2 + 2 * DD(Psi, A,r,theta)/A - 2 * DD(Psi, N,r,theta)/N term_3 = - 2 * ( Lap2(Psi,r,theta) + DD(Psi,B,r,theta)/B ) term_3 *= Lap3(Psi,r,theta) - 1/r*diff(Psi,r) term_4 = 2/r^2*diff(diff(Psi,theta),theta) term_4 *= Lap2(Psi,r,theta) - DD(Psi,A,r,theta)/A term_5 = A^(-1) * (Lap3(A,r,theta) - 4/r*diff(A,r)) term_5 += B^(-1) * Lap2(B,r,theta) term_5 += DD(A, B,r,theta)/(A*B) term_5 -= 3 * DD(A, A,r,theta)/A^2 term_5 += DD(N, A,r,theta)/(N*A) term_5 *= - DD(Psi,Psi,r,theta) term_6 = 2 * (DD(Psi,N,r,theta)/N)^2 term_7 = - N^(-1) * Hf0gh(N,Psi,Psi,r,theta) term_8 = B^(-1) * Hf1gh(B,Psi,Psi,r,theta) term_9 = - 2 * A^(-1) * Hf2gh(Psi,Psi,A,r,theta) term_10 = 2 * ( diff(diff(Psi,r),r)^2 + ( 1/r^2*diff(Psi,theta) - 1/r*diff(diff(Psi,r),theta) )^2 ) term_11 = - 2 * diff(Psi,r) * diff(A,r)/A term_11 *= diff(diff(Psi,r),r) + 2/r*diff(Psi,r) - 1/r^2*diff(diff(Psi,theta),theta) term_12 = - 1/r * diff(Psi,r)^2 * diff(B,r)/B term_13 = 1/r^3 * diff(Psi,theta) * ( 2*diff(Psi,r)*diff(N,theta)/N - diff(Psi,theta)*diff(N,r)/N ) explicit_scalar_eq = term_1 + term_2 + term_3 + term_4 + term_5 + term_6 + term_7 + term_8 + term_9 + term_10 + term_11 + term_12 + term_13 explicit_scalar_eq *= -gamma * A^(-4)

Check that both expressions of the scalar equation coincide:

(scalar_eq.expr() - explicit_scalar_eq).simplify_full()

The relations (12)-(13) finally allow to rewrite the explicit expression as (B.9).