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Kernel: Python 2

ATMS 391 Geophysical Data Analysis

Homework 13: Image manipulation and analysis

(1) Open the satellite data file, and plot it on a basemap.

%pylab inline import xray import scipy.ndimage #missing/bad data in the dataset are set to 330.0 #these are NOAA Climate Prediction Center merged IR brightness temperatures (4 km resolution) #the data are Parallax-corrected, meaning that in the shadows of clouds, there is missing data #also, the Geostationary satellites don't scan the whole disk every hour, so there are missing regions data=xray.open_dataset('') data im=data['brightness_temperature'].isel(time=0) #reduce the resolution of the image to make it use less memory/cpu im=im[::4,::4]
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

(2) Filter out the missing pixels near cloud shields due to the geostationary parallax correction.

plt.figure(figsize=(15,11)) plt.imshow(im.values,origin='lower') #plt.colorbar()
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f99cd5f5f90>
Image in a Jupyter notebook
masked=im.values.copy() masked[masked>325]=0. im_closed=scipy.ndimage.grey_closing(masked, size=(3,3)) im_closed[im_closed==0]=330. plt.figure(figsize=(15,11)) plt.imshow(im_closed,origin='lower')
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f9a42e77950>
Image in a Jupyter notebook
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap lon = im['lon'].values lat = im['lat'].values plt.figure(figsize=(15,11)) map = Basemap(lon_0 = 180,llcrnrlat=-60, llcrnrlon=0, urcrnrlat=60, urcrnrlon=360) map.pcolormesh(lon,lat,im_closed) map.drawcoastlines() map.colorbar() plt.yticks(np.arange(-60,75,15)) plt.xticks(np.arange(0,420,60)) plt.title('Brightness Temperatures')
Image in a Jupyter notebook

(3) Create a histogram of brightness temperatures in valid regions.

array([[ 260., 260., 260., ..., 263., 263., 263.], [ 260., 260., 260., ..., 263., 263., 263.], [ 264., 264., 264., ..., 270., 269., 269.], ..., [ 262., 262., 262., ..., 262., 262., 262.], [ 280., 280., 278., ..., 273., 269., 269.], [ 280., 280., 278., ..., 273., 271., 271.]], dtype=float32)
#np.squeeze(im_closed) plt.hist(np.squeeze(im_closed), bins = np.linspace(200,340,25)) plt.title('Histogram of Valid Brightness Temperatures')
Image in a Jupyter notebook

(4) What is the 5th percentile of brightness temperature? The 1st percentile?

p5,p1 = np.percentile(im_closed,(5, 1)) print('5th percentile: %d' % p5) print('1st percentile: %d' % p1)
5th percentile: 241 1st percentile: 222

(5) Identify regions of brightness temperature (a) < 210 K (b) < 235 K with a binary mask. Color them with different colors.

import scipy.ndimage mask = im_closed < 235 label_im, nb_labels = scipy.ndimage.label(mask) plt.figure(figsize=(15,11)) plt.imshow(label_im,origin='lower')
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f9a40675a90>
Image in a Jupyter notebook

(6) Count how many objects in the image are below 210 K and 235 K.

print(nb_labels) # how many regions?

(7) Create a histogram and a CDF of the object sizes at 210 and 235 K. Plot them on the same graph with a legend.

#hint see documentation for ndimage.measurements.sum #create array of 1s the same size as the brightness temperature array #use ndimage.measurements.sum to add them in each image sizes = scipy.ndimage.sum(mask, label_im, range(nb_labels + 1)) mean_vals = scipy.ndimage.sum(im_closed, label_im, range(1, nb_labels + 1)) plt.hist(sizes, bins=100, color='b', alpha=0.5, label='Histogram') plt.hist(sizes, bins=100, normed=True, color='r', alpha=0.5, cumulative=True, label='CDF')
Image in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebook

(8) Create a histogram of the minimum values of brightness temperature within each 235 K object.

#hint see documentation for ndimage.measurements.extrema minimums = scipy.ndimage.minimum(im, label_im, range(1, nb_labels + 1)) plt.hist(minimums, bins=100, color='b', label='Histogram')
Image in a Jupyter notebook