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Analytical solutions of leaf energy balance

Based on the following paper: Schymanski, S.J. and Or, D. (2016): Leaf-scale experiments reveal important omission in the Penman-Monteith equation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, p.1–33. doi: 10.5194/hess-2016-363.

Author: Stan Schymanski ([email protected])

This worksheet relies on definitions provided in Worksheets Worksheet_setup and leaf_enbalance_eqs.

%%capture storage # The above redirects all output of the below commands to the variable 'storage' instead of displaying it. # It can be viewed by typing: 'storage()' # Setting up worksheet and importing equations for explicit leaf energy balance load('temp/Worksheet_setup.sage') load_session('temp/leaf_enbalance_eqs.sobj') fun_loadvars(vardict=dict_vars) # re-loading variable definitions

Definition of additional variables

In addition to variables defined in Worksheet Leaf_enbalance_eqs, we need a few more, as defined below. All variables are also listed in a Table at the end of this document.

var2('beta_B', 'Bowen ratio (sensible/latent heat flux)', 1/1, latexname = '\\beta_B') var2('Delta_eTa', 'Slope of saturation vapour pressure at air temperature', pascal/kelvin, latexname = '\\Delta_{eTa}') var2('epsilon', 'Water to air molecular weight ratio (0.622)', value = 0.622) var2('E_w', 'Latent heat flux from a wet surface',joule/second/meter^2) var2('f_u', 'Wind function in Penman approach, f(u) adapted to energetic units', joule/(meter^2*pascal*second)) var2('gamma_v', 'Psychrometric constant', pascal/kelvin) var2('n_MU', 'n=2 for hypostomatous, n=1 for amphistomatous leaves') var2('r_a', 'One-sided boundary layer resistance to heat transfer ($r_H$ in \citet[][P. 231]{monteith_principles_2013})', second/meter) var2('r_v', 'Leaf BL resistance to water vapour, \citep[][Eq. 13.16]{monteith_principles_2013}', second/meter, latexname = 'r_{v}') var2('r_s', 'Stomatal resistance to water vapour \citep[][P. 231]{monteith_principles_2013}', second/meter) var2('S', 'Factor representing stomatal resistance in \citet{penman_physical_1952}')

Penman (1948)

In order to obtain analytical expressions for the different leaf energy balance components, one would need to solve the leaf energy balance equation for leaf temperature first. However, due to the non-linearities of the blackbody radiation and the saturation vapour pressure equations, an analytical solution has not been found yet. \citet{penman_natural_1948} proposed a work-around, which we reproduced below, adapted to our notation and to a wet leaf, while Penman's formulations referred to a wet soil surface. He formulated evaporation from a wet surface as a diffusive process driven by the vapour pressure difference near the wet surface and in the free air:

Ew=fu(PwlPwa)E_{w} = f_u (P_{wl} - P_{wa})

where EwE_w (J~s1^{-1}~m2^{-2}) is the latent heat flux from a wet surface and fuf_u is commonly referred to as the wind function. Penman then defined the Bowen ratio as (Eq. 10 in \citet{penman_natural_1948}):

βB=Hl/Ew=γvTlTaPwlPwa\beta_B = H_l/E_w = \gamma_v \frac{T_l - T_a}{P_{wl} - P_{wa}}

where HlH_l is the sensible heat flux and γv\gamma_v is the psychrometric constant, referring to the ratio between the transfer coefficients for sensible heat and that for water vapour.

eq_Ew_fu = E_w == f_u*(P_wl - P_wa) units_check(eq_Ew_fu).simplify_full()
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
eq_beta_B = beta_B == gamma_v*(T_l - T_a)/(P_wl - P_wa) units_check(eq_beta_B).full_simplify()
1 == 1

In order to eliminate TlT_l, Penman introduced a term for the ratio of the vapour pressure difference between the surface and the saturation vapour pressure at air temperature (PwasP_{was}) to the temperature difference between the surface and the air:

ΔeTa=PwlPwasTlTa\Delta_{eTa} = \frac{P_{wl} - P_{was}}{T_l - T_a}

and he proposed to approximate this term by the slope of the saturation vapour pressure curve evaluated at air temperature, which can be obtained by substitution of TaT_a for TlT_l and differentiation of Eq. eq_Pwl with respect to TaT_a:

ΔeTa=611λEMwexp(λEMwRmol(12731Ta))RmolTa2\Delta_{eTa} = \frac{611 \lambda_E M_w \exp \left( \frac{\lambda_E M_w}{R_{mol}} \left( \frac{1}{273} - \frac{1}{T_a} \right) \right)}{R_{mol} T_a^2}

For further discussion of the meaning of this assumption, please refer to \citet{mallick_surface_2014}.

eq_Penman_ass = Delta_eTa == (P_wl - P_was)/(T_l - T_a) units_check(eq_Penman_ass).simplify_full()
kilogram/(kelvin*meter*second^2) == kilogram/(kelvin*meter*second^2)
eq_Pwas_Ta = P_was == eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a)
eq_Deltaeta_T = Delta_eTa == diff(eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a), T_a) show(eq_Deltaeta_T)

Susbstitution of Eq. {eq_Penman_ass} in Eq. {eq_beta_B} yields (Eq. 15 in \citet{bowen_ratio_1926}):

βB=γvΔeTa(PwlPwas)(PwlPwa)\beta_B = \frac{\gamma_v}{\Delta_{eTa}}\frac{(P_{wl} - P_{was})}{(P_{wl} - P_{wa})}

Substituting EwE_w for ElE_l and inserting Hl=βBEwH_l = \beta_B E_w (Eq. {eq_beta_B}) into the energy balance equation (Eq. {eq_Rs_enbal}) and solving for EwE_w gives:

Ew=RsRllβB+1E_w = \frac{R_s - R_{ll}}{\beta_B + 1}

Substitution of Eq. {eq_betaB_Pwas} into Eq. {eq_Ew_betaB}, equating with Eq. {eq_Ew_fu} and solving for PwlP_{wl} gives:

Pwl=fu(ΔeTaPwa+γvPwas)+ΔeTa(RsRll)fu(ΔeTa+γv)P_{wl} = \frac{f_u (\Delta_{eTa} P_{wa} + \gamma_v P_{was}) + \Delta_{eTa} (R_s - R_{ll})} {f_u (\Delta_{eTa} + \gamma_v)}

Now, insertion of Eq. {eq_Pwl_fu} into Eq. {eq_Ew_fu} gives the so-called "Penman equation" :

Ew=ΔeTa(RsRll)+fuγv(PwasPwa)ΔeTa+γvE_w = \frac{\Delta_{eTa}(R_s - R_{ll}) + f_u \gamma_v (P_{was} - P_{wa})} {\Delta_{eTa} + \gamma_v}

Eq. {eq_Ew_P} is equivalent to Eq 16 in \citet{penman_natural_1948}, but Eq. 17 in \citet{penman_natural_1948}, which should be equivalent to Eq. {eq_Pwl_fu}, has PwlP_{wl} (ese_s in Penman's notation) on both sides, so it seems to contain an error. In his derivations, Penman expressed RsRllR_s - R_{ll} as "net radiant energy available at surface" and pointed out that the above two equations can be used to estimate ElE_l and TlT_l from air conditions only. This neglects the fact that RllR_{ll} is also a function of the leaf temperature. To estimate surface temperature, Eq. {eq_Pwl_fu} can be inserted into Eq. {eq_Penman_ass} and solved for TlT_l, yielding:

Tl=RsRll+fu(γvTa+ΔeTaTa+PwaPwas)fu(γv+ΔeTa)T_l = \frac{R_s - R_{ll} + f_u (\gamma_v T_a + \Delta_{eTa} T_a + P_{wa} - P_{was})}{f_u(\gamma_v + \Delta_{eTa})}
soln = solve([eq_beta_B, eq_Penman_ass], beta_B, T_l) eq_betaB_Pwas = soln[0][0].factor() units_check(eq_betaB_Pwas).simplify_full()
1 == 1
eq_Ew_betaB = solve(eq_Rs_enbal(E_l = E_w, H_l = beta_B*E_w), E_w)[0] units_check(eq_Ew_betaB).simplify_full()
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
soln = solve([eq_betaB_Pwas, eq_Ew_betaB, eq_Ew_fu], P_wl, E_w, beta_B) print soln eq_Pwl_fu = soln[0][0].factor() eq_Ew_P = soln[0][1] units_check(eq_Pwl_fu) units_check(eq_Ew_P)
[ [P_wl == (Delta_eTa*P_wa*f_u + P_was*f_u*gamma_v - Delta_eTa*R_ll + Delta_eTa*R_s)/(Delta_eTa*f_u + f_u*gamma_v), E_w == -((P_wa - P_was)*f_u*gamma_v + Delta_eTa*R_ll - Delta_eTa*R_s)/(Delta_eTa + gamma_v), beta_B == -((P_wa - P_was)*f_u - R_ll + R_s)*gamma_v/((P_wa - P_was)*f_u*gamma_v + Delta_eTa*R_ll - Delta_eTa*R_s)] ]
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
soln = solve(eq_Penman_ass.subs(eq_Pwl_fu), T_l) eq_Tl_P = soln[0] units_check(eq_Tl_P)
kelvin == kelvin
eq_Tl_P.subs(eq_Pwl(P_wl = P_was, T_l = T_a)).show()
soln = solve([eq_Penman_ass, eq_Pwl_fu], T_l, P_wl) #for eq in flatten(soln): # eq_Tl_P = soln[0][0] print units_check(eq_Tl_P) eq_Pwl_P_wet = soln[0][1] units_check(eq_Pwl_P_wet)
kelvin == kelvin
kilogram/(meter*second^2) == kilogram/(meter*second^2)
# Alternative approach to get T_l, followoing Eq. 17 in Penman (1948), which is eq_Pwl_P_wet soln = solve(eq_Pwl.rhs() == eq_Pwl_P_wet.rhs(), T_l) eq_Tl_P1 = soln[0].simplify_full() show(eq_Tl_P1)

Introduction of stomatal resistance by \citet{penman_physical_1952}

To account for stomatal resistance to vapour diffusion, \citet{penman_physical_1952} introduced an additional multiplicator (SS) in Eq. {eq_Ew_fu} \citep[Appendix 13]{penman_physical_1952}:

El=fuS(PwlPwa)E_l = f_u S (P_{wl} - P_{wa})

where S=1S=1 for a wet surface (leading to Eq. {eq_Ew_fu}) and S<1S<1 in the presence of significant stomatal resistance.

In accordance with Eqs. {eq_Ew_fu} and {eq_beta_B}, HlH_l can be expressed as \citep[Appendix 13]{penman_physical_1952}:

Hl=γvfu(TlTa)H_l = \gamma_v f_u (T_l - T_a)

Substitution of Penman's simplifying assumption (TlTa=(PwlPwas)/ΔeTT_l - T_a = (P_{wl} - P_{was})/\Delta_{eT}, Eq. {eq_Penman_ass}) is the first step to eliminating TlT_l:

Hl=γvfu(PwlPwas)ΔeTaH_l = \frac{\gamma_v f_u (P_{wl} - P_{was})}{\Delta_{eTa}}

A series of algebraic manipulations involving Eqs. {eq_El_fu_S}, {eq_Hl_Pwl_P52} and {eq_Rs_enbal} and the resulting Eq. {eq_El_P52} is given in \citet[Appendix 13]{penman_physical_1952}. When solving Eqs. {eq_El_fu_S}, {eq_Hl_Pwl_P52} and {eq_Rs_enbal} for ElE_l, HlH_l and PwlP_{wl}, we obtained:

El=SΔeTa(RsRll)+Sγvfu(PwasPwa)SΔeT+γvE_l = \frac{S \Delta_{eTa}(R_s - R_{ll}) + S \gamma_v f_u (P_{was} - P_{wa})}{S \Delta_{eT} + \gamma_v}
Hl=γv(RsRll)+Sγvfu(PwaPwas)SΔeTa+γvH_{l} = \frac{\gamma_{v} \left(R_s - {R_{ll}}\right) + S \gamma_{v} f_{u} \left({P_{wa}} - {P_{was}}\right)} {S \Delta_{eTa} + \gamma_{v}}
Pwl=(ΔeTa/fu)(RsRll)+(SΔeTaPwa+γvPwas)SΔeTa+γvP_{wl} = \frac{\left(\Delta_{eTa}/f_u\right) \left(R_s - {R_{ll}}\right)+ \left({S \Delta_{eTa}} {P_{wa}} + \gamma_{v} {P_{was}}\right)} {{S \Delta_{eTa}} + \gamma_{v}}


eq_El_fu_S = E_l == f_u*S*(P_wl - P_wa) units_check(eq_El_fu_S)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
eq_Hl_Tl_P52 = solve((H_l/E_w == eq_beta_B.rhs()).subs(eq_Ew_fu), H_l)[0] units_check(eq_Hl_Tl_P52)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
soln = solve([eq_Hl_Tl_P52, eq_Penman_ass], H_l, T_l) for eq in flatten(soln): eq_Hl_Pwl_P52 = soln[0][0] units_check(eq_Hl_Pwl_P52)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
soln = solve([eq_Hl_Pwl_P52,eq_El_fu_S, eq_Rs_enbal], E_l, H_l, P_wl) [eq_El_P52, eq_Hl_P52, eq_Pwl_P52] = flatten(soln) for eq in flatten(soln): print units_check(eq)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
kilogram/(meter*second^2) == kilogram/(meter*second^2)

Analytical solutions for leaf temperature, fuf_u, γv\gamma_v and SS

Equation {eq_Pwl_P52} can be inserted into Eq. {eq_Penman_ass} and solved for leaf temperature to yield:

Tl=Ta+RsRllSfu(PwasPwa)fu(SΔeT+γv)T_{l} = T_{a} + \frac{R_{s} - R_{ll} - S f_{u}(P_{was}-P_{wa})} {f_{u} \left(S \Delta_{eT} + \gamma_{v}\right) }

\citet{penman_physical_1952} proposed to obtain values of fuf_u and SS for a plant canopy empirically and described ways how to do this. However, for a single leaf, fuf_u and SS could also be obtained analytically from our detailed mass and heat transfer model.

Comparison of Eq. {eq_El_fu_S} with Eq. {eq_Elmol_conv} (after substituting Eq. {eq_El}) reveals that SS is equivalent to:

S=Mwgtw,molλEPafuS = \frac{M_{w} g_{tw,mol} \lambda_{E}}{P_{a} f_{u}}

where fuf_u was defined by \citet{penman_natural_1948} as the transfer coeffient for wet surface evaporation, i.e. a function of the boundary layer conductance only.

To find a solution for fuf_u, we first formulate EwE_w as transpiration from a leaf where gtw=gbwg_{tw} = g_{bw}, using Eqs. {eq_El}, {eq_Elmol_conv} and {eq_gtwmol_gtw_iso}:

Ew=λEMwgbwRmolTa(PwlPwa)E_w = \frac{\lambda_E M_w g_{bw}}{R_{mol} T_a} (P_{wl} - P_{wa})

Comparison of Eq. {eq_Ew_conv} with {eq_Ew_fu} gives fuf_u as a function of gbwg_{bw}:

fu=gbwλEMwRmolTaf_u = g_{bw}\frac{\lambda_E M_w}{R_{mol} T_a}

Comparison between Eq. {eq_Hl_Tl_P52} and Eq. {eq_Hl} reveals that

γv=ashhcfu,\gamma_v = \frac{a_{sh} h_c}{f_u},

and insertion of Eqs. {eq_fu_gbw} and {eq_gbw_hc} give γv\gamma_v as a function of asha_{sh} and asa_s:

γv=ash/asNLe23RmolTaρacpaλEMw\gamma_{v} =a_{sh}/a_s \frac{{N_{Le}}^{\frac{2}{3}} {R_{mol}} T_{a} \rho_{a} c_{pa}}{\lambda_{E} M_{w}}

Now, we can insert Eqs. {eq_fu_gbw}, {eq_gtwmol_gtw_iso} and {eq_gtw} into Eq. {eq_S_gtwmol_fu} to obtain SS as a function of gswg_{sw} and gbwg_{bw}:

S=gswgbw+gswS = \frac{g_{sw}}{g_{bw} + g_{sw}}

The above equation illustrates that SS is not just a function of stomatal conductance, but also the leaf boundary layer conductance, explaining why \citet{penman_physical_1952} found that SS depends on wind speed.

soln = solve([eq_Penman_ass, eq_Pwl_P52], T_l, P_wl) eq_Tl_P52 = soln[0][0] latex(eq_Tl_P52) units_check(eq_Tl_P52)
kelvin == kelvin
eq_S_gtwmol_fu = solve([eq_El_fu_S.subs(eq_El), eq_Elmol_conv], S, E_lmol)[0][0] units_check(eq_S_gtwmol_fu)
1 == 1
eq_gammav_hc_fu = solve(eq_Hl_Tl_P52.rhs() == eq_Hl.rhs(), gamma_v)[0] units_check(eq_gammav_hc_fu)
kilogram/(kelvin*meter*second^2) == kilogram/(kelvin*meter*second^2)
eq_Ew_conv = eq_El.subs(eq_Elmol_conv).subs(eq_gtwmol_gtw_iso)(g_tw = g_bw, E_l = E_w) units_check(eq_Ew_conv)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
eq_fu_gbw = solve(eq_Ew_conv.rhs() == eq_Ew_fu.rhs(), f_u)[0] units_check(eq_fu_gbw)
meter/second == meter/second
eq_gammav_hc_fu = solve(eq_Hl_Tl_P52.rhs() == eq_Hl.rhs(), gamma_v)[0] units_check(eq_gammav_hc_fu)
kilogram/(kelvin*meter*second^2) == kilogram/(kelvin*meter*second^2)
eq_gammav_as = eq_gammav_hc_fu.subs(eq_fu_gbw).subs(eq_gbw_hc) units_check(eq_gammav_as)
kilogram/(kelvin*meter*second^2) == kilogram/(kelvin*meter*second^2)
eq_S_gbw_gsw = eq_S_gtwmol_fu.subs(eq_fu_gbw).subs(eq_gtwmol_gtw_iso).subs(eq_gtw).simplify_full() units_check(eq_S_gbw_gsw)
1 == 1
eq_El_P52.subs(eq_S_gbw_gsw, eq_fu_gbw).subs(g_bw = 1/r_bw, g_sw = 1/r_sw).simplify_full().show()
eq_El_P52.subs(eq_S_gbw_gsw, eq_fu_gbw).subs(eq_gammav_as).simplify_full().show()
eq_El_P52.subs(eq_S_gbw_gsw, eq_fu_gbw).subs(g_sw = 1/r_sw, g_bw = 1/r_bw).simplify_full().show()
eq_El_P52.subs(eq_S_gbw_gsw, eq_fu_gbw).subs(g_sw = 1/r_sw, g_bw = 1/r_bw).subs(eq_gammav_as).simplify_full().show()
eq_El_P52.subs(eq_S_gbw_gsw, eq_fu_gbw, eq_gammav_as).simplify_full().show()

Penman-Monteith equation

\citet{monteith_evaporation_1965} re-derived Eq. {eq_Ew_P} using a different set of arguments than Penman in his original derivation and arrived to an equivalent equation (Eq. 8 in \citet{monteith_evaporation_1965}):

Ew=ΔeTa(RsRll)+ρacpa(PwasPwa)/raΔeTa+γv,E_w = \frac{\Delta_{eTa}(R_s - R_{ll}) + \rho_a c_{pa} (P_{was} - P_{wa})/r_a} {\Delta_{eTa} + \gamma_v} ,

where rar_a is the leaf boundary layer resistance to sensible heat flux. Eq. {eq_Ew_PM1} is consistent with Eq. {eq_Ew_P} if Penman's wind function (fuf_u) is replaced by:

fu=ρacpaγvra.f_u = \frac{\rho_a c_{pa}}{\gamma_v r_a}.

Monteith pointed out that the ratio between the conductance to sensible heat and the conductance to water vapour transfer, expressed in the psychrometric constant (γv\gamma_v) would be affected by stomatal resistance (rswr_{sw}) and hence proposed to replace the psychrometric constant by γv\gamma_v^*:

γv=γv(1+rsra),\gamma_v^* = \gamma_v(1 + \frac{r_s}{r_a}),

leading to the so-called Penman-Monteith equation for transpiration:

El=ΔeTa(RsRll)+ρacpa(PwasPwa)/raΔeTa+γv(1+rsra)E_l = \frac{\Delta_{eTa}(R_s - R_{ll}) + \rho_a c_{pa} (P_{was} - P_{wa})/r_a} {\Delta_{eTa} + \gamma_v \left(1 + \frac{r_{s}}{r_a}\right)}

More recently, \citet{monteith_principles_2013} pointed out that the difference between leaves with stomata on only one side and those with stomata on both sides can also be considered by further modifying γv\gamma_v^* to:

γv=nMUγv(1+rs/ra)\gamma_v^* = n_{MU} \gamma_v (1 + r_s/r_a)

where nMU=1n_{MU} = 1 for leaves with stomata on both sides and nMU=2n_{MU} = 2 for leaves with stomata on one side, i.e. nMU=ash/asn_{MU} = a_{sh}/a_s in our notation. Insertion of Eq. {eq_gammavs_MU} into Eq. {eq_Ew_PM1} yields what we will call the Monteith-Unsworth (MU) equation, which only differs from the Penman-Monteith equation by the additional factor nMUn_{MU}:

El=ΔeTa(RsRll)+ρacpa(PwasPwa)/raΔeTa+γvnMU(1+rsra)E_l = \frac{\Delta_{eTa}(R_s - R_{ll}) + \rho_a c_{pa} (P_{was} - P_{wa})/r_a} {\Delta_{eTa} + \gamma_v n_{MU} \left(1 + \frac{r_{s}}{r_a}\right)}

\citet{monteith_principles_2013} also provide a definition of γv\gamma_v as:

γv=cpaPaλEϵ\gamma_v = \frac{c_{pa} P_a}{\lambda_E \epsilon}

where ϵ\epsilon is the ratio of molecular weights of water vapour and air (given by \citet{monteith_principles_2013} as 0.622). Note that Equation {eq_gammavs_MU} was derived based on the assumption that rar_a refers to one-sided resistance to sensible heat transfer \citep[P. 231]{monteith_principles_2013}, but rar_a in Eq. {eq_Ew_PM1} refers to total leaf boundary layer resistance for sensible heat flux, which, for a planar leaf, is half the one-sided value. This inconsistency will be further discussed in Section {sec_PM-incons}.

The molar mass of air is Ma=ρaVa/naM_a = \rho_a V_a/n_a, while according to the ideal gas law, Va/na=RmolTa/PaV_a/n_a = R_{mol} T_a/P_a, which yields for ϵ=Mw/Ma\epsilon = M_w/M_a:

ϵ=MwPaRmolTaρa\epsilon = \frac{M_w P_a}{R_{mol} T_a \rho_a}

Inserting Eqs. {eq_rhoa_Pwa_Ta}, {eq_PN2} and {eq_PO2} in the above, TaT_a cancels out, and at standard atmospheric pressure of 101325 Pa, we obtain values for ϵ\epsilon between 0.624 and 0.631 for vapour pressure ranging from 0 to 3000 Pa, compared to the value of 0.622 mentioned by \citet{monteith_principles_2013}.

eq_fu_ra_M = f_u == rho_a*c_pa/(gamma_v*r_a) units_check(eq_fu_ra_M)
meter/second == meter/second
eq_Ew_PM1 = eq_Ew_P.subs(eq_fu_ra_M) units_check(eq_Ew_PM1)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
eq_gammavs_M65 = gamma_v == gamma_v*(1 + r_s/r_a) units_check(eq_gammavs_M65)
kilogram/(kelvin*meter*second^2) == kilogram/(kelvin*meter*second^2)
eq_El_PM2 = eq_Ew_PM1.subs(eq_gammavs_M65)(E_w = E_l) units_check(eq_El_PM2)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
eq_gammavs_MU = gamma_v == n_MU*gamma_v*(1 + r_s/r_a) units_check(eq_gammavs_MU)
kilogram/(kelvin*meter*second^2) == kilogram/(kelvin*meter*second^2)
eq_El_MU2 = eq_Ew_PM1.subs(eq_gammavs_MU)(E_w = E_l) units_check(eq_El_MU2)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
eq_gammav_MU = gamma_v == c_pa*P_a/(lambda_E*epsilon) units_check(eq_gammav_MU)
kilogram/(kelvin*meter*second^2) == kilogram/(kelvin*meter*second^2)
# Molar mass of air is M_a = rho_a*V_a/n_a, while V_a/n_a = R_mol*T_a/P_a, according to the ideal gas law eq_epsilon = epsilon == M_w/(rho_a*R_mol*T_a/P_a) units_check(eq_epsilon)
1 == 1
eq_epsilon.subs(eq_rhoa).show() P = plot(eq_epsilon.rhs().subs(eq_rhoa).subs(cdict)(P_a = 101325), (P_wa, 0, 3000)) P.axes_labels(['$P_{wa}$ (Pa)', '$\epsilon$']) P
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Relationships between resistances and conductances

As opposed to the formulations in Section {sec:enbal}, where sensible and latent heat transfer coefficients (hch_c and gtwg_{tw} respectively) translate leaf-air differences in temperature or vapour concentration to fluxes, resistances in the PM equation are defined in the context of \citep[Eqs. 13.16 and 13.20]{monteith_principles_2013}:

El=asλEρaϵPa(rv+rs)(PwlPwa)\begin{equation} E_l = \frac{a_s \lambda_E\rho_a\epsilon}{P_a (r_v + r_s)} (P_{wl} - P_{wa}) \end{equation}


Hl=ashρacpara(TlTa),\begin{equation} H_l = \frac{a_{sh} \rho_a c_{pa}}{r_a}(T_l - T_a), \end{equation}

where rvr_v and rsr_s are the one-sided leaf boundary layer and stomatal resistances to water vapour respectively, and rar_a is the one-sided leaf boundary layer resistance to sensible heat transfer. Note that the introduction of asa_s, asha_{sh} and rsr_s in Eqs. {eq_El_MU} and {eq_Hl_MU} is based on the description on P. 231 in \citet{monteith_principles_2013}, where the authors also assumed that rvrar_v \approx r_a.

Comparison of Eq. {eq_El_MU} with Eq. {eq_Elmol} (after substitution of Eqs. {eq_Cwl} and {eq_Cwa} and insertion into Eq. {eq_El}), assuming isothermal conditions (Tl=TaT_l = T_a) and substituting Eq. {eq_epsilon} reveals that

rv=as/gbw,\begin{equation} r_v = a_s/g_{bw}, \end{equation}

while comparison of Eq. {eq_Hl_MU} with Eq. {eq_Hl} reveals that

ra=ρacpahc.\begin{equation} r_a = \frac{\rho_a c_{pa}}{h_c}. \end{equation}
# According to Eq. 13.20 in Monteith_principles_2013, rho_a*c_pa/r_H = h_c, while he states below Eq. 13.32 that r_H = r_v approximately. This would imply that g_bw = 1/r_w = h_c/(rho_a*c_pa). Is this true? vdict[h_c] = h_c (eq_gbw_hc/(rho_a*c_pa)).subs(eq_rhoa_Pwa_Ta, eq_Le).subs(eq_alphaa, eq_Dva,eq_PN2, eq_PO2).subs(vdict) # However, note that r_v is used in Eq. 13.16 on the vapour pressure gradient, not on the concentration gradient as g_bw! He also uses E_l == lambda_E*rho_a*epsilon/P_a*(P_wl - P_wa)/r_v, when formulating the equation for a wet surface evaporating on one side only. eq_Cwl
C_wl == P_wl/(R_mol*T_l)
eq_El_MU = E_l == a_s*lambda_E*rho_a*epsilon/(P_a*(r_v + r_s)) * (P_wl - P_wa) print units_check(eq_El_MU) eq_Hl_MU = H_l == a_sh*rho_a*c_pa/r_a*(T_l - T_a) units_check(eq_Hl_MU)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
eq_El.subs(eq_Elmol).subs(eq_Cwl, eq_Cwa).show()
soln = solve([eq_El_MU(r_s = 0), eq_El.subs(eq_Elmol).subs(eq_Cwl, eq_Cwa)], r_v, E_l) eq_rv_gbw = soln[0][0](T_l = T_a, g_tw = g_bw).subs(eq_epsilon).simplify_full() units_check(eq_rv_gbw)
second/meter == second/meter

Note that according to eq_El_MU, rvr_v is one-sided resistance, while according to eq_Elmol, gbwg_{bw} is total conductance. Therefore, for hypostomatous leaves, they are both one-sided, whereas for amphistomatous leaves, the one -sided resistance is twice 1/gbw1/g_{bw}.

eq_El.subs(eq_Elmol).subs(eq_Cwl, eq_Cwa).show() eq_El_MU.subs(eq_epsilon).show()
soln = solve([eq_El_MU(r_v = 0), eq_El.subs(eq_Elmol).subs(eq_Cwl, eq_Cwa)], r_s, E_l) eq_rs_gsw = soln[0][0](T_l = T_a, g_tw = g_sw).subs(eq_epsilon).simplify_full() units_check(eq_rs_gsw)
second/meter == second/meter
soln = solve([eq_Hl_MU, eq_Hl], r_a, H_l) eq_ra_hc = soln[0][0] units_check(eq_ra_hc)
second/meter == second/meter

Generalisation of Penman's analytical approach

The key point of Penman's analytical solution is to formulate ElE_l as a function of (PwlPwaP_{wl} - P_{wa}) and HlH_l as a function of (TlTaT_l - T_a). We will do this by introducing general transfer coefficients for latent heat (cEc_E, W~m2^{-2}~Pa1^{1}) and sensible heat (cHc_H, W~m2^{-2}~K1^{1}):

El=cE(PwlPwa)\begin{equation} E_l = c_E (P_{wl} - P_{wa}) \end{equation}
Hl=cH(TlTa)\begin{equation} H_l = c_H (T_l - T_a) \end{equation}

We now define the psychrometric constant as

γv=cH/cE\begin{equation} \gamma_v = c_H/c_E \end{equation}

and introduce it into Eq. {eq_Hl_cH} to obtain:

Hl=γvcE(TlTa)\begin{equation} H_l = \gamma_v c_E (T_l - T_a) \end{equation}

Introduction of the Penman assumption (Eq. {eq_Penman_ass}) allows elimination of leaf temperature:

Hl=cEγv(PwlPwas)ΔeTa\begin{equation} H_l = \frac{c_E \gamma_v (P_{wl} - P_{was})}{\Delta_{eTa}} \end{equation}

Eqs. {eq_El_cE}, {eq_Hl_Pwl} and the leaf energy balance equation (Eq. {eq_Rs_enbal}), form a system of three equations that can be solved for ElE_l, HlH_l and PwlP_{wl} to yield:

El=ΔeTacE(RsRll)+cEcH(PwasPwa)ΔeTacE+cH\begin{equation} E_{l} = \frac{\Delta_{eTa} c_E {\left({R_{s}} - R_{ll}\right) + c_E c_{H} \left({P_{was}} - {P_{wa}}\right) } } {\Delta_{eTa} c_E + c_H} \end{equation}


Hl=cH(RsRll)+cEcH(PwaPwas)ΔeTacE+cH\begin{equation} H_{l} = \frac{ c_H \left(R_s - R_{ll} \right) + c_E c_H \left(P_{wa} - P_{was}\right) } {\Delta_{eTa} c_E + c_H} \end{equation}

In the above, we already substituted Eq. {eq_gammav_cE} to avoid confusion about the meaning of γv\gamma_v, which is often referred to as the psychrometric constant, but in this case, it would strongly depend on stomatal resistance and hence should not be referred to as a constant.

Eqs. {eq_Hl_Delta} and {eq_Hl_cH} can now be used to get an analytical solution for leaf temperature (TlT_l):

Tl=Ta+(RsRll)+cE(PwaPwas)ΔeTacE+cH\begin{equation} T_{l} = T_a + \frac{ (R_s - R_{ll}) + c_{E} ({P_{wa}} - P_{was}) } {\Delta_{eTa} c_E + c_H} \end{equation}

Instead of using Eqs. {eq_Hl_Delta} and {eq_El_Delta} directly, one might obtain alternative analytic solutions for HlH_l and ElE_l by inserting Eq. {eq_Tl_Delta} into Eq. {eq_Hl_cH} or into Eq. {eq_Pwl} and the latter into the aerdynamic formulation given in Eq. {eq_El_cE}.

In the original formulations by Penman and Monteith, the term RsRllR_s - R_{ll} is referred to as net available energy and for a ground surface it is represented by net radiation minus ground heat flux (RNGR_N - G). For a leaf, there is no ground heat flux, and RN=RsRllR_N = R_s - R_{ll}. In most applications of the analytical solutions, RllR_{ll} is not explicitly calculated, but it is assumed that RNR_N is known, neglecting the dependence of RllR_{ll} on the leaf temperature. Use of Eq. {eq_Tl_Delta} to estimate steady-state leaf temperature and subsequent calculation of HlH_l and ElE_l as outlined above, has the advantage that missing information on RllR_{ll} would not directly affect calculation of HlH_l and ElE_l, but only through its effect on leaf temperature. In fact, using TlT_l obtained from Eq. {eq_Tl_Delta} by assuming that Rll=0R_{ll} = 0 would then enable approximate estimation of the true RllR_{ll} by inserting TlT_l into Eq. {eq_Rll}.

var2('c_E', 'Latent heat transfer coefficient', joule/second/meter^2/pascal) var2('c_H', 'Sensible heat transfer coefficient', joule/second/meter^2/kelvin)
eq_El_cE = E_l == c_E*(P_wl - P_wa) print units_check(eq_El_cE) eq_Hl_cH = H_l == c_H*(T_l - T_a) units_check(eq_Hl_cH)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
# Introducing gamma_v = c_H/c_E into H_l eq_gammav_cE = gamma_v == c_H/c_E eq_Hl_gammav = H_l == c_E*gamma_v*(T_l - T_a) units_check(eq_Hl_gammav)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
# Introducing the Penman-assumption to eliminate T_l soln = solve([eq_Hl_gammav, eq_Penman_ass], H_l, T_l) #for eq in flatten(soln): # eq_Hl_Pwl = soln[0][0] print units_check(eq_Hl_Pwl)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
# Using energy balance to eliminate P_wl soln = solve([eq_Hl_Pwl,eq_El_cE, eq_Rs_enbal], E_l, H_l, P_wl) [eq_El_Delta, eq_Hl_Delta, eq_Pwl_Delta] = [eq1.subs(eq_gammav_cE).simplify_full() for eq1 in flatten(soln)] for eq1 in [eq_El_Delta, eq_Hl_Delta, eq_Pwl_Delta]: print units_check(eq1)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
kilogram/(meter*second^2) == kilogram/(meter*second^2)
# Solving for T_l eq_Tl_Delta = solve(eq_Hl_Delta.rhs() == eq_Hl_cH.rhs(), T_l)[0].expand().factor() print units_check(eq_Tl_Delta)
kelvin == kelvin
# Test if formulation in paper is the same eq_Tl_Delta1 = T_l == T_a + ((R_s - R_ll) + c_E*(P_wa - P_was))/(Delta_eTa*c_E + c_H) (eq_Tl_Delta.rhs() - eq_Tl_Delta1.rhs()).full_simplify()
# Alternative approach to get T_l soln = solve(eq_Pwl_Delta.rhs() == eq_Pwl.rhs(), T_l) eq_Tl_Delta2 = soln[0].simplify_full()
E_l == -M_w*(P_wa - P_wl)*g_twmol*lambda_E/P_a
H_l == -(T_a - T_l)*a_sh*h_c
eqEl = eq_El.subs(eq_Elmol_conv) eqHl = eq_Hl eq_ce_conv = solve([eqEl, eq_El_cE], c_E, E_l)[0][0] print units_check(eq_ce_conv) eq_ch_hc = solve([eqHl, eq_Hl_cH], c_H, H_l)[0][0] units_check(eq_ch_hc)
meter/second == meter/second
kilogram/(kelvin*second^3) == kilogram/(kelvin*second^3)
eq_Hl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).simplify_full().show() eq_El_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).simplify_full().show() eq_Tl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).simplify_full().show()

Comparison with explicit leaf energy balance model

To test the above equations, we will load fun_SS from leaf_enbalance_eqs, using the 'jupyter line magic', i.e. executing the line starting with %load in the below field. After execution, the code of the imported fun_SS will be displayed and the original command will be commented out. To update, need to uncomment the top row and re-executed the cell.

# %load -s fun_SS 'temp/leaf_enbalance_eqs.sage' def fun_SS(vdict1): ''' Steady-state T_l, R_ll, H_l and E_l under forced conditions. Parameters are given in a dictionary (vdict) with the following entries: a_s, a_sh, L_l, P_a, P_wa, R_s, Re_c, T_a, g_sw, v_w ''' vdict = vdict1.copy() # Nusselt number vdict[nu_a] = eq_nua.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Re] = eq_Re.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Nu] = eq_Nu_forced_all.rhs().subs(vdict) # h_c vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[h_c] = eq_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) # gbw vdict[D_va] = eq_Dva.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[alpha_a] = eq_alphaa.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[rho_a] = eq_rhoa.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Le] = eq_Le.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_bw] = eq_gbw_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) # Hl, Rll vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = eq_Hl.rhs().subs(vdict) # El vdict[g_tw] = eq_gtw.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[C_wa] = eq_Cwl.rhs()(P_wl = P_wa, T_l = T_a).subs(vdict) vdict[P_wl] = eq_Pwl.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[C_wl] = eq_Cwl.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[E_lmol] = eq_Elmol.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[E_l] = eq_El.rhs().subs(eq_Elmol).subs(vdict) # Tl try: vdict[T_l] = find_root((eq_Rs_enbal - R_s).rhs().subs(vdict), 273, 373) except: print 'too many unknowns for finding T_l: ' + str((eq_Rs_enbal - R_s).rhs().subs(vdict).args()) # Re-inserting T_l Tlss = vdict[T_l] for name1 in [C_wl, P_wl, R_ll, H_l, E_l, E_lmol]: vdict[name1] = vdict[name1].subs(T_l = Tlss) # Test for steady state if n((E_l + H_l + R_ll - R_s).subs(vdict))>1.: return 'error in energy balance: El + Hl + Rll - R_s = ' + str(n((E_l + H_l + R_ll - R_s).subs(vdict))) return vdict # In[27]: # Test
# Test vdict = cdict.copy() #vdict= {} vdict[a_s] = 1.0 # one sided stomata vdict[g_sw] = 0.01 vdict[T_a] = 273 + 25.5 vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a] # Wall temperature equal to air temperature vdict[P_a] = 101325 rha = 1 vdict[P_wa] = rha*eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a).subs(vdict) vdict[L_l] = 0.03 vdict[Re_c] = 3000 vdict[R_s] = 600 vdict[v_w] = 1 str1 = '' for key1 in sorted(vdict.keys()): str1 = str1+'$'+ latex(key1)+'$ ' print str1 #vdict = dict(vdict.items()+cdict.items()) str1 = '' for key1 in sorted(vdict.keys()): str1 = str1+'$'+ latex(key1)+'$ ' print str1 resdict = fun_SS(vdict) for name1 in [T_l, E_l, H_l, R_ll]: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(resdict[name1]) vdict[P_was] = eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a).subs(vdict) vdict[Delta_eTa] = eq_Deltaeta_T.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[nu_a] = eq_nua.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Re] = eq_Re.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Nu] = eq_Nu_forced_all.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[h_c] = eq_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[P_N2] = eq_PN2.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[P_O2] = eq_PO2.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[alpha_a] = eq_alphaa.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[D_va] = eq_Dva.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Le] = eq_Le.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[rho_a] = eq_rhoa_Pwa_Ta.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_bw] = eq_gbw_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_tw] = eq_gtw.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_twmol] = eq_gtwmol_gtw_iso.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[R_ll] = 0 print 'Direct estimates: ' print eq_El_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Hl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Tl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Pwl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print 'Using estimated T_l: ' vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[P_wl] = eq_Pwl.rhs().subs(vdict) print vdict[P_wl] print eq_El.subs(eq_Elmol_conv).subs(vdict) #vdict[C_wa] = eq_Cwa.rhs().subs(vdict) #vdict[C_wl] = eq_Cwl.rhs().subs(vdict) #print eq_El.subs(eq_Elmol).subs(vdict) print eq_Hl.subs(vdict) print eq_Rll.subs(vdict) print 'Using estimated T_l only to calculate R_ll: ' vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict) print eq_El_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Hl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Tl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print 'Using 1 iteration to get T_l: ' vdict[R_ll] = 0 vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print 'T_l(R_ll=0): ' + str(vdict[T_l]) vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict) print 'R_ll(T_l) = ' + str(vdict[R_ll]) vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[P_wl] = eq_Pwl.rhs().subs(vdict) print 'T_l = ' + str(vdict[T_l]) print eq_El.subs(eq_Elmol_conv).subs(vdict) print eq_Hl.subs(vdict)
$ g $ $ {P_{wa}} $ $ {g_{sw}} $ $ L_{l} $ $ \lambda_{E} $ $ M_{w} $ $ R_{s} $ $ c_{\mathit{pa}} $ $ M_{O_{2}} $ $ a_{s} $ $ \mathit{Pr} $ $ P_{a} $ $ T_{a} $ $ a_{\mathit{sh}} $ $ T_{w} $ $ R_{\mathit{mol}} $ $ \mathit{sigm} $ $ \epsilon $ $ {N_{Re_c}} $ $ \epsilon_{l} $ $ v_{w} $ $ M_{N_{2}} $ $ g $ $ {P_{wa}} $ $ {g_{sw}} $ $ L_{l} $ $ \lambda_{E} $ $ M_{w} $ $ R_{s} $ $ c_{\mathit{pa}} $ $ M_{O_{2}} $ $ a_{s} $ $ \mathit{Pr} $ $ P_{a} $ $ T_{a} $ $ a_{\mathit{sh}} $ $ T_{w} $ $ R_{\mathit{mol}} $ $ \mathit{sigm} $ $ \epsilon $ $ {N_{Re_c}} $ $ \epsilon_{l} $ $ v_{w} $ $ M_{N_{2}} $ T_l = 305.650648423 E_l = 185.424519010311 H_l = 325.157459266011 R_ll = 89.4180217236781 Direct estimates: E_l == 201.520517691209 H_l == 398.479482308791 T_l == 307.263098002106 P_wl == 4888.37878666472 Using estimated T_l: 5332.58270455183 E_l == 254.937149826832 H_l == 398.479482308791 0 == 110.468903558398 Using estimated T_l only to calculate R_ll: E_l == 164.417599968095 H_l == 325.113496473507 307.263098002106 == 305.649681621994 Using 1 iteration to get T_l: T_l(R_ll=0): 307.263098002106 R_ll(T_l) = 110.468903558398 T_l = 305.649681621994 E_l == 199.088662380171 H_l == 325.113496473508
# Isothermal conversion between gtw and gtwmol leads to quite a bit of error! print eq_El.subs(eq_Elmol_conv).subs(eq_gtwmol_gtw_iso).subs(resdict) print eq_El.subs(eq_Elmol_conv).subs(eq_gtwmol_gtw).subs(resdict)
185.424519010311 == 199.120796183645 185.424519010311 == 185.424519010311

The MU-equation can easily be corrected to be consistent with the general solution in eq_El_Delta!

-(P_a*P_wl*T_a - P_a*P_wa*T_l)*g_tw/((P_wa - P_wl)*R_mol*T_a*T_l)
# Test vdict = cdict.copy() #vdict= {} vdict[a_s] = 1.0 # one sided stomata vdict[g_sw] = 0.01 vdict[T_a] = 273 + 25.5 vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a] # Wall temperature equal to air temperature vdict[P_a] = 101325 rha = 1 vdict[P_wa] = rha*eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a).subs(vdict) vdict[L_l] = 0.03 vdict[Re_c] = 3000 vdict[R_s] = 600 vdict[v_w] = 1 #vdict = dict(vdict.items()+cdict.items()) resdict = fun_SS(vdict) for name1 in [T_l, E_l, H_l, R_ll]: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(resdict[name1]) vdict[P_was] = eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a).subs(vdict) vdict[Delta_eTa] = eq_Deltaeta_T.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[nu_a] = eq_nua.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Re] = eq_Re.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Nu] = eq_Nu_forced_all.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[h_c] = eq_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[P_N2] = eq_PN2.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[P_O2] = eq_PO2.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[alpha_a] = eq_alphaa.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[D_va] = eq_Dva.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Le] = eq_Le.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[rho_a] = eq_rhoa_Pwa_Ta.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_bw] = eq_gbw_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_tw] = eq_gtw.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_twmol] = eq_gtwmol_gtw_iso.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[R_ll] = 0 print 'Direct estimates: ' print eq_El_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Hl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Tl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print 'Using estimated T_l: ' vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[P_wl] = eq_Pwl.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_twmol] = eq_gtwmol_gtw.rhs().subs(vdict) print eq_El.subs(eq_Elmol_conv).subs(vdict) print eq_Hl.subs(vdict) print eq_Rll.subs(vdict) print 'Using estimated T_l only to calculate R_ll: ' vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict) print eq_El_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Hl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Tl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print 'Using 1 iteration to get T_l: ' vdict[R_ll] = 0 vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print 'T_l(R_ll=0): ' + str(vdict[T_l]) vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict) print 'R_ll(T_l) = ' + str(vdict[R_ll]) vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[P_wl] = eq_Pwl.rhs().subs(vdict) print 'T_l = ' + str(vdict[T_l]) vdict[g_twmol] = eq_gtwmol_gtw.rhs().subs(vdict) print eq_El.subs(eq_Elmol_conv).subs(vdict) print eq_Hl.subs(vdict)
T_l = 305.650648423 E_l = 185.424519010311 H_l = 325.157459266011 R_ll = 89.4180217236781 Direct estimates: E_l == 201.520517691209 H_l == 398.479482308791 T_l == 307.263098002106 Using estimated T_l: E_l == 236.648612148471 H_l == 398.479482308791 0 == 110.468903558398 Using estimated T_l only to calculate R_ll: E_l == 156.390826464557 H_l == 333.140269977045 307.263098002106 == 305.826201131718 Using 1 iteration to get T_l: T_l(R_ll=0): 307.479451379050 R_ll(T_l) = 113.318783813752 T_l = 305.783550529736 E_l == 189.502633426895 H_l == 331.200842871040
# Alternative approach, keeping T_l, but eliminateing P_wl # Eliminating c_E eq_El_gammav = solve([eq_El_cE, eq_gammav_cE], E_l, c_E)[0][0] print units_check(eq_El_gammav) # Eliminating P_wl eq_El_Tl = solve([eq_El_gammav, eq_Penman_ass], E_l, P_wl)[0][0] print units_check(eq_El_Tl) # Solving for E_l, H_l and T_l soln = solve([eq_El_Tl, eq_Hl_cH, eq_Rs_enbal], E_l, H_l, T_l) [eq_El_Delta_a, eq_Hl_Delta_a, eq_Tl_Delta_a] = [eq1.subs(eq_gammav_cE).simplify_full() for eq1 in flatten(soln)] for eq1 in [eq_El_Delta_a, eq_Hl_Delta_a, eq_Tl_Delta_a]: print units_check(eq1) print latex(eq1)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3 E_{l} = -\frac{{\left({P_{wa}} - {P_{was}}\right)} c_{E} c_{H} + {\left({\Delta_{eTa}} {R_{ll}} - {\Delta_{eTa}} R_{s}\right)} c_{E}}{{\Delta_{eTa}} c_{E} + c_{H}}
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3 H_{l} = \frac{{\left({\left({P_{wa}} - {P_{was}}\right)} c_{E} - {R_{ll}} + R_{s}\right)} c_{H}}{{\Delta_{eTa}} c_{E} + c_{H}}
kelvin == kelvin T_{l} = \frac{{\left({\Delta_{eTa}} T_{a} + {P_{wa}} - {P_{was}}\right)} c_{E} + T_{a} c_{H} - {R_{ll}} + R_{s}}{{\Delta_{eTa}} c_{E} + c_{H}}
# These solutions are identical to the previous ones print (eq_El_Delta - eq_El_Delta_a).simplify_full() print (eq_Hl_Delta - eq_Hl_Delta_a).simplify_full() print (eq_Tl_Delta_a - eq_Tl_Delta1).simplify_full()
0 == 0 0 == 0 0 == 0
# More direct approach, not using gamma_v at all soln = solve([eq_Hl_cH, eq_Penman_ass, eq_El_cE, eq_Rs_enbal], E_l, H_l, P_wl, T_l) print soln [eq_El_Delta_b, eq_Hl_Delta_b, eq_Pwl_Delta_b, eq_Tl_Delta_b] = [eq1 for eq1 in flatten(soln)] for eq1 in [eq_El_Delta_b, eq_Hl_Delta_b, eq_Pwl_Delta_b, eq_Tl_Delta_b]: print units_check(eq1) print latex(eq1) print (eq_El_Delta - eq_El_Delta_b).simplify_full() print (eq_Hl_Delta - eq_Hl_Delta_b).simplify_full() print (eq_Tl_Delta_a - eq_Tl_Delta_b).simplify_full()
[ [E_l == -(Delta_eTa*(R_ll - R_s)*c_E + (P_wa*c_E - P_was*c_E)*c_H)/(Delta_eTa*c_E + c_H), H_l == (P_wa*c_E - P_was*c_E - R_ll + R_s)*c_H/(Delta_eTa*c_E + c_H), P_wl == ((P_wa*c_E - R_ll + R_s)*Delta_eTa + P_was*c_H)/(Delta_eTa*c_E + c_H), T_l == (Delta_eTa*T_a*c_E + P_wa*c_E - P_was*c_E + T_a*c_H - R_ll + R_s)/(Delta_eTa*c_E + c_H)] ]
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3 E_{l} = -\frac{{\Delta_{eTa}} {\left({R_{ll}} - R_{s}\right)} c_{E} + {\left({P_{wa}} c_{E} - {P_{was}} c_{E}\right)} c_{H}}{{\Delta_{eTa}} c_{E} + c_{H}}
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3 H_{l} = \frac{{\left({P_{wa}} c_{E} - {P_{was}} c_{E} - {R_{ll}} + R_{s}\right)} c_{H}}{{\Delta_{eTa}} c_{E} + c_{H}}
kilogram/(meter*second^2) == kilogram/(meter*second^2) {P_{wl}} = \frac{{\left({P_{wa}} c_{E} - {R_{ll}} + R_{s}\right)} {\Delta_{eTa}} + {P_{was}} c_{H}}{{\Delta_{eTa}} c_{E} + c_{H}}
kelvin == kelvin T_{l} = \frac{{\Delta_{eTa}} T_{a} c_{E} + {P_{wa}} c_{E} - {P_{was}} c_{E} + T_{a} c_{H} - {R_{ll}} + R_{s}}{{\Delta_{eTa}} c_{E} + c_{H}} 0 == 0 0 == 0 0 == 0
soln = solve([eq_Hl_cH, eq_Penman_ass, eq_El_cE, eq_Rs_enbal], E_l, H_l, P_wl, T_l) print soln for eq1 in soln[0]:
[ [E_l == -(Delta_eTa*(R_ll - R_s)*c_E + (P_wa*c_E - P_was*c_E)*c_H)/(Delta_eTa*c_E + c_H), H_l == (P_wa*c_E - P_was*c_E - R_ll + R_s)*c_H/(Delta_eTa*c_E + c_H), P_wl == ((P_wa*c_E - R_ll + R_s)*Delta_eTa + P_was*c_H)/(Delta_eTa*c_E + c_H), T_l == (Delta_eTa*T_a*c_E + P_wa*c_E - P_was*c_E + T_a*c_H - R_ll + R_s)/(Delta_eTa*c_E + c_H)] ]
(Delta_eTa, H_l, P_wa, P_was, R_ll, R_s, S, f_u, gamma_v)
(Delta_eTa, P_wa, P_was, R_ll, R_s, S, T_a, T_l, f_u, gamma_v)
# Fig. 8 in Ball et al. 1988 vdict = cdict.copy() vdict[a_s] = 1 vdict[L_l] = 0.07 vdict[P_a] = 101325 vdict[P_wa] = 20/1000*101325 vdict[R_s] = 400 vdict[Re_c] = 3000 vdict[T_a] = 273+30 vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a] vdict[g_sw] = 0.15/40 vdict[v_w] = 1. print 'numerical solution: ' resdict = fun_SS(vdict) for name1 in [T_l, E_l, H_l, R_ll, g_bw, g_tw]: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(resdict[name1]) vdict[P_was] = eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a).subs(vdict) vdict[Delta_eTa] = eq_Deltaeta_T.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[nu_a] = eq_nua.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Re] = eq_Re.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Nu] = eq_Nu_forced_all.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[h_c] = eq_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[P_N2] = eq_PN2.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[P_O2] = eq_PO2.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[alpha_a] = eq_alphaa.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[D_va] = eq_Dva.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Le] = eq_Le.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[rho_a] = eq_rhoa_Pwa_Ta.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_bw] = eq_gbw_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_tw] = eq_gtw.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_twmol] = eq_gtwmol_gtw_iso.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[R_ll] = 0 print 'Direct estimates: ' namesdict = [E_l, H_l] vdict[E_l] = eq_El_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = eq_Hl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) for name1 in namesdict: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(vdict[name1]) print eq_Tl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Tl_Delta1.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Tl_Delta2.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Rs_enbal.subs(vdict) print 'Using T_l from eq_Tl_Delta: ' namesdict = [T_l, P_wl, E_l, H_l, R_ll] vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[P_wl] = eq_Pwl.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[E_l] = eq_El.rhs().subs(eq_Elmol_conv).subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = eq_Hl.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict) for name1 in namesdict: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(vdict[name1]) print eq_Rs_enbal.subs(vdict) print 'Using T_l from eq_Tl_Delta only to calculate R_ll: ' namesdict = [T_l, R_ll, E_l, H_l] vdict[R_ll] = 0 vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[E_l] = eq_El_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = eq_Hl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) for name1 in namesdict: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(vdict[name1]) print eq_Rs_enbal.subs(vdict) print 'Using T_l from eq_Tl_Delta2: ' namesdict = [T_l, P_wl, E_l, H_l, R_ll] vdict[R_ll] = 0 vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta2.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[P_wl] = eq_Pwl.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[E_l] = eq_El.rhs().subs(eq_Elmol_conv).subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = eq_Hl.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict) for name1 in namesdict: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(vdict[name1]) print eq_Rs_enbal.subs(vdict) print 'Using T_l from eq_Tl_Delta2 only to calculate R_ll: ' namesdict = [T_l, R_ll, E_l, H_l] vdict[R_ll] = 0 vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta2.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[E_l] = eq_El_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = eq_Hl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) for name1 in namesdict: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(vdict[name1]) print eq_Rs_enbal.subs(vdict)
numerical solution: T_l = 308.321395271 E_l = 180.542235053941 H_l = 150.521099595469 R_ll = 68.9366653505872 g_bw = 0.0131620455576424 g_tw = 0.00291849206962754 Direct estimates: E_l = 198.222104889662 H_l = 201.777895110338 T_l == 310.133484539870 T_l == 310.133484539870 T_l == 309.093414355984 400 == 400.000000000000 Using T_l from eq_Tl_Delta: T_l = 310.133484539870 P_wl = 6256.38161942356 E_l = 216.096641092878 H_l = 201.777895110336 R_ll = 93.2413750164800 400 == 511.115911219694 Using T_l from eq_Tl_Delta only to calculate R_ll: T_l = 310.133484539870 R_ll = 93.2413750164800 E_l = 169.892070077829 H_l = 136.866554905691 400 == 400.000000000000 Using T_l from eq_Tl_Delta2: T_l = 309.093414355984 P_wl = 5906.50495424574 E_l = 198.222104889662 H_l = 172.358447812370 R_ll = 79.2391719599519 400 == 449.819724661984 Using T_l from eq_Tl_Delta2 only to calculate R_ll: T_l = 309.093414355984 R_ll = 79.2391719599519 E_l = 174.146435695707 H_l = 146.614392344341 400 == 400.000000000000

Why does eq_Tl_Delta2 give a different result than eq_Tl_Delta? eq_Tl_Delta gives the appropriate TlT_l to reproduce HlH_l estimated using eq_Hl_Delta, whereas eq_Tl_Delta2 gives the appropriate TlT_l to reproduce ElE_l estimated using eq_El_Delta. Neither allows for energy balance closure, unless only used to compute RllR_{ll}, before using eq_El_Delta and eq_Hl_Delta to compute the other components.

vdict[R_ll] = 0 eq_El_P52.subs(eq_S_gbw_gsw, eq_fu_gbw, eq_gammav_as).subs(vdict)
174.146435695707 == 198.222104889662
# Test vdict = cdict.copy() #vdict= {} vdict[a_s] = 1.0 # one sided stomata vdict[g_sw] = 0.01 vdict[T_a] = 273 + 25.5 vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a] # Wall temperature equal to air temperature vdict[P_a] = 101325 rha = 1 vdict[P_wa] = rha*eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a).subs(vdict) vdict[L_l] = 0.03 vdict[Re_c] = 3000 vdict[R_s] = 600 vdict[v_w] = 1 resdict = fun_SS(vdict) for name1 in [T_l, E_l, H_l, R_ll]: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(resdict[name1]) vdict[P_was] = eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a).subs(vdict) vdict[Delta_eTa] = eq_Deltaeta_T.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[nu_a] = eq_nua.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Re] = eq_Re.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Nu] = eq_Nu_forced_all.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[h_c] = eq_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[P_N2] = eq_PN2.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[P_O2] = eq_PO2.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[alpha_a] = eq_alphaa.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[D_va] = eq_Dva.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Le] = eq_Le.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[rho_a] = eq_rhoa_Pwa_Ta.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_bw] = eq_gbw_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_tw] = eq_gtw.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_twmol] = eq_gtwmol_gtw_iso.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[R_ll] = 0 print 'Direct estimates: ' print eq_El_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Hl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Tl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print 'Using estimated T_l: ' vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[P_wl] = eq_Pwl.rhs().subs(vdict) print eq_El.subs(eq_Elmol_conv).subs(vdict) print eq_Hl.subs(vdict) print eq_Rll.subs(vdict) print 'Using estimated T_l only to calculate R_ll: ' vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict) print eq_El_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Hl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Tl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print 'Using 1 iteration to get T_l: ' vdict[R_ll] = 0 vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print 'T_l(R_ll=0): ' + str(vdict[T_l]) vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict) print 'R_ll(T_l) = ' + str(vdict[R_ll]) vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[P_wl] = eq_Pwl.rhs().subs(vdict) print 'T_l = ' + str(vdict[T_l]) print eq_El.subs(eq_Elmol_conv).subs(vdict) print eq_Hl.subs(vdict)
T_l = 305.650648423 E_l = 185.424519010311 H_l = 325.157459266011 R_ll = 89.4180217236781 Direct estimates: E_l == 201.520517691209 H_l == 398.479482308791 T_l == 307.263098002106 Using estimated T_l: E_l == 254.937149826832 H_l == 398.479482308791 0 == 110.468903558398 Using estimated T_l only to calculate R_ll: E_l == 164.417599968095 H_l == 325.113496473507 307.263098002106 == 305.649681621994 Using 1 iteration to get T_l: T_l(R_ll=0): 307.263098002106 R_ll(T_l) = 110.468903558398 T_l = 305.649681621994 E_l == 199.088662380171 H_l == 325.113496473508

Inconsistencies in the PM equations

From the general form (Eq. {eq_El_Delta}), we can recover most of the above analytical solutions by appropriate substitutions for cEc_E and cHc_H, but closer inspection of the necessary substitutions reveals some inconsistencies.

The Penman equation for a wet surface (Eq. {eq_Ew_P}) can be recovered by substituting cE=fuc_E = f_u and cH=γvfuc_H = \gamma_v f_u into (Eq. {eq_El_Delta}), while additional substitution of Eq. {eq_fu_ra_M} leads to recovery of Eq. {eq_Ew_PM1}, the Penman equation, as reformulated by \citet{monteith_evaporation_1965}. The formulation for leaf transpiration derived by \citet{penman_physical_1952} (Eq. {eq_El_P52}) is obtained by substituting cE=Sfuc_E = S f_u (deduced from Eq. {eq_El_fu_S}) and cE=γvfuc_E = \gamma_v f_u (from Eq. {eq_Hl_Tl_P52}). The substitutions are consistent with the formulations of latent and sensible heat flux given in Eqs. {eq_Hl_Tl_P52} and {eq_Ew_fu} or {eq_El_fu_S}, as long as fuf_u and rar_a refer to the \emph{total resistances} of a leaf to latent and sensible heat flux respectively, as Eq. {eq_fu_ra_M} in conjunction with cH=γvfuc_H = \gamma_v f_u implies that:

cH=(ρacpa)/ra\begin{equation} c_H = (\rho_a c_{pa})/r_a \end{equation}

Similarly, the Penman-Monteith equation (Eq. {eq_El_PM2} with γv\gamma_v defined in Eq. {eq_gammav_MU}) could be recovered by substituting cE=ϵλEρa/(Pa(rs+rv))c_E = \epsilon \lambda_E \rho_a/(P_a(r_s + r_v)) and cH=cpaρa/rac_H = c_{pa} \rho_a/r_a, with subsequent substitution of rv=rar_v = r_a. Note however, that these substitutions are not consistent with Eqs. {eq_El_MU} and {eq_Hl_MU}, as the factors asa_s and asha_{sh} (referring to the number of leaf faces exchanging latent and sensible heat flux respectively) are missing. This is because the PM equation was derived with a soil surface in mind, which exchanges latent and sensible heat only on one side, and hence is not appropriate for a leaf. To alleviate this constraint, one could define rar_a and rsr_s as total (two-sided) leaf resistances, but in this case, the simplification rvrar_v \approx r_a is not valid for hypostomatous leaves, as rar_a would then be only half of rvr_v. This is illustrated in Fig. {fig:leaf_BL-fluxes}, where sensible heat flux is released from both sides of the leaf, while latent heat flux is only released from the abaxial side, implying that ash=2a_{sh}=2 and as=1a_s=1.

# This allows to recovery of eq_Ew_P eq1 = eq_El_Delta.subs(c_E = f_u, c_H = gamma_v*f_u) eq1.simplify_full().show() (eq_Ew_P.rhs() - eq1.rhs()).simplify_full()
# This allows to recovery of eq_Ew_PM1 eq1 = eq_El_Delta.subs(c_E = f_u, c_H = gamma_v*f_u).subs(eq_fu_ra_M) eq1.simplify_full().show() (eq_Ew_PM1.rhs() - eq1.rhs()).simplify_full()
# This allows to recovery of eq_El_P52 eq1 = eq_El_Delta.subs(c_E = f_u*S, c_H = gamma_v*f_u) eq1.simplify_full().show() (eq_El_P52.rhs() - eq1.rhs()).simplify_full()
gamma_v == a_sh*h_c/f_u
# This leads to recovery of eq_El_PM2 eq1 = eq_El_Delta(c_E = epsilon*lambda_E*rho_a/(P_a*(r_s + r_v)), c_H = c_pa*rho_a/r_a).subs(r_v = r_a).simplify_full() eq2 = eq_El_PM2.subs(eq_gammav_MU).simplify_full() (eq1 - eq2).simplify_full()
0 == 0
# Alternative recovery of eq_El_PM2, using gamma_v at the onset eq1 = eq_El_Delta(c_E = c_pa*rho_a/(gamma_v*(r_s + r_v)), c_H = c_pa*rho_a/r_a).subs(r_v = r_a).simplify_full() eq2 = eq_El_PM2.simplify_full() (eq1 - eq2).simplify_full()
0 == 0

\citet{monteith_principles_2013} acknowledged that a hypostomatous leaf could exchange sensible heat on two sides, but latent heat on one side only and introduced the parameter nMU=ash/asn_{MU} = a_{sh}/a_s to account for this (Eq. {eq_El_MU2}). Using our general equation, it should be possible to reproduce the MU-Equation (Eq. {eq_El_MU2}) by substituting cE=asϵλEρa/(Pa(rs+rv))c_E = a_s \epsilon \lambda_E \rho_a/(P_a(r_s + r_v)) (deduced from Eq. {eq_El_MU}) and cH=ashcpaρa/rac_H = a_{sh} c_{pa} \rho_a/r_a (deduced from Eq. {eq_Hl_MU}) into Eq. {eq_El_Delta}. However, the result of this substitution, as presented in Eq. {eq_El_Delta_MUcorr}, is not the same as Eq. {eq_El_MU2} after substitution of Eqs. {eq_gammav_MU} and nMU=ash/asn_{MU} = a_{sh}/a_s, which would result in Eq. {eq_El_MU3}:

El=asΔeTaϵλEra(RsRll)+asashcpaϵλEρa(PwasPwa)Paashcpa(rs+ra)+ΔeTaasϵλE\begin{equation} E_{l} = \frac{a_{s} \Delta_{eTa} \epsilon \lambda_{E} r_{a} \left(R_s - R_{ll}\right) + a_{s} {a_{sh}} {c_{pa}} \epsilon \lambda_{E} \rho_{a} \left({P_{was}} - {P_{wa}}\right)} {P_{a} {a_{sh}} {c_{pa}} \left( r_{s} + r_a \right) + {\Delta_{eTa}} a_{s} \epsilon \lambda_{E}} \end{equation}
El=asΔeTaϵλEra(RsRll)+ascpaϵλEρa(PwasPwa)Paashcpa(rs+ra)+ΔeTaasϵλE\begin{equation} E_{l} = \frac{a_{s} \Delta_{eTa} \epsilon \lambda_{E} r_{a} \left(R_s - R_{ll}\right) + a_{s} {c_{pa}} \epsilon \lambda_{E} \rho_{a} \left({P_{was}} - {P_{wa}}\right)} {P_{a} {a_{sh}} {c_{pa}} \left( r_{s} + r_a \right) + {\Delta_{eTa}} a_{s} \epsilon \lambda_{E}} \end{equation}

Note the missing asha_{sh} in the nominator of Eq. {eq_El_MU3}. The reason is that \citet{monteith_principles_2013} introduced nMU=ash/asn_{MU} = a_{sh}/a_s by modifying the meaning of γv\gamma_v in Eq. {eq_Ew_PM1} and specifying that rar_a, rvr_v and rsr_s respresent one-sided resitances. However, as explained above, rar_a in Eq. {eq_Ew_PM1} represents two-sided resistance to sensible heat flux (see Eq. {eq_cH_ra}). If we replace rar_a by ra=ra/ashr_a = r_{a}/a_{sh} in Eq. {eq_Ew_PM1} before substitution of Eq. {eq_gammavs_MU}, we obtain a corrected MU-equation,

El=ΔeTa(RsRll)+ρacpa(PwasPwa)ash/raΔeTa+γvash/as(1+rsra),\begin{equation} E_l = \frac{\Delta_{eTa}(R_s - R_{ll}) + \rho_a c_{pa} (P_{was} - P_{wa})a_{sh}/r_a} {\Delta_{eTa} + \gamma_v a_{sh}/a_s \left(1 + \frac{r_{s}}{r_a}\right)}, \end{equation}

which, after substitution of Eq. {eq_gammav_MU}, results in Eq. {eq_El_Delta_MUcorr}.

# This should lead to recovery of eq_El_MU2, but does not eq1 = eq_El_Delta(c_E = a_s*epsilon*lambda_E*rho_a/(P_a*(r_s + r_v)), c_H = a_sh*c_pa*rho_a/r_a).subs(r_v = r_a).simplify_full() print units_check(eq1) eq2 = eq_El_MU2.subs(eq_gammav_MU)(n_MU = a_sh/a_s).simplify_full() (eq1 - eq2).simplify_full()
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
0 == -((P_wa - P_was)*a_s*a_sh - (P_wa - P_was)*a_s)*c_pa*epsilon*lambda_E*rho_a/(P_a*a_sh*c_pa*r_s + (Delta_eTa*a_s*epsilon*lambda_E + P_a*a_sh*c_pa)*r_a)
eq_El_MU2.subs(eq_gammav_MU)(n_MU = a_sh/a_s).show()
eq_El_Delta(c_E = a_s*epsilon*lambda_E*rho_a/(P_a*(r_s + r_v)), c_H = a_sh*c_pa*rho_a/r_a).subs(r_v = r_a).show()
# if C_E and c_H are considered to be one-sided, it would not suffice to incorporate two-sidedness of one of them in gamma_v only, as c_E still features in soln[0][0] soln[0][0].show() soln[0][0].subs(eq_gammav_cE).show()
# If we replace r_a by r_a/a_sh in eq_Ew_PM1, and only then insert eq_gammavs_MU, we get the right solution eq1 = eq_El_Delta(c_E = a_s*epsilon*lambda_E*rho_a/(P_a*(r_s + r_v)), c_H = a_sh*c_pa*rho_a/r_a).subs(r_v = r_a).simplify_full() print units_check(eq1) eq_El_MU_corr = eq_Ew_PM1.subs(r_a = r_a/a_sh).subs(eq_gammavs_MU)(E_w = E_l).subs(eq_gammav_MU).subs(n_MU = a_sh/a_s).simplify_full() print units_check(eq_El_MU_corr) eq2 = eq_El_MU_corr (eq1 - eq2).simplify_full()
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
0 == 0

If we replace rar_a by ra/ashr_a/a_{sh} in eq_Ew_PM1, and only then insert eq_gammavs_MU, we get the right solution, equivalent to general equation with cE=asϵλEρa/(Pa(rs+rv))c_E = a_s \epsilon \lambda_E \rho_a/(P_a (r_s + r_v)) and cH=ashcpaρa/ra)c_H = a_{sh} c_{pa} \rho_a/r_a), assuming  rv=rar_v = r_a

eq_El_MU_corr_gammav = eq_Ew_PM1.subs(r_a = r_a/a_sh).subs(eq_gammavs_MU)(E_w = E_l).subs(n_MU = a_sh/a_s).simplify_full() units_check(eq_El_MU_corr_gammav)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3 (eq_ra_hc/eq_rv_gbw).subs(eq_gbw_hc).show() plotfun = (eq_ra_hc/eq_rv_gbw).rhs().subs(eq_gbw_hc).subs(eq_Le).subs(eq_alphaa, eq_Dva) print plotfun(T_a = 300) P = plot(plotfun, (T_a, 280,310)) P.axes_labels(['Air temperature (K)', '$r_a/r_v$'])
Image in a Jupyter notebook

ra/rvr_a/r_v is indeed  close to 1!

# Fig. 8 in Ball et al. 1988 vdict = cdict.copy() vdict[a_s] = 1 vdict[L_l] = 0.07 vdict[P_a] = 101325 vdict[P_wa] = 20/1000*101325 vdict[R_s] = 400 vdict[Re_c] = 3000 vdict[T_a] = 273+30 vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a] vdict[g_sw] = 0.15/40 #vdict[g_sv] = 1e-6 vdict[v_w] = 1. resdict = fun_SS(vdict) for name1 in [T_l, E_l, H_l, R_ll, g_bw, g_tw]: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(resdict[name1]) vdict[P_was] = eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a).subs(vdict) vdict[Delta_eTa] = eq_Deltaeta_T.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[nu_a] = eq_nua.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Re] = eq_Re.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Nu] = eq_Nu_forced_all.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[h_c] = eq_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[P_N2] = eq_PN2.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[P_O2] = eq_PO2.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[alpha_a] = eq_alphaa.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[D_va] = eq_Dva.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Le] = eq_Le.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[rho_a] = eq_rhoa_Pwa_Ta.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_bw] = eq_gbw_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_tw] = eq_gtw.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_twmol] = eq_gtwmol_gtw_iso.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[R_ll] = 0 print 'Direct estimates: ' namesdict = [E_l, H_l] vdict[E_l] = eq_El_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = eq_Hl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) for name1 in namesdict: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(vdict[name1]) print eq_Tl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Tl_Delta1.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Tl_Delta2.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Rs_enbal.subs(vdict) print 'Penman-stomata: ' namesdict = [E_l, H_l, T_l] vdict[S] = eq_S_gbw_gsw.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[f_u] = eq_fu_gbw.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[gamma_v] = eq_gammav_as.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[E_l] = eq_El_P52.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = eq_Hl_P52.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_P52.rhs().subs(vdict) for name1 in namesdict: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(vdict[name1]) print eq_Rs_enbal.subs(vdict) print 'PM-equation: ' namesdict = [E_l, H_l] vdict[r_s] = 1/vdict[g_sw] vdict[r_a] = eq_ra_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[gamma_v] = eq_gammav_MU.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[epsilon] = eq_epsilon.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[E_l] = eq_El_PM2.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = (R_s - R_ll - E_l).subs(vdict) for name1 in namesdict: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(vdict[name1]) print eq_Rs_enbal.subs(vdict) print 'MU-equation: ' namesdict = [E_l, H_l] vdict[n_MU] = (a_sh/a_s).subs(vdict) vdict[E_l] = eq_El_MU2.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = (R_s - R_ll - E_l).subs(vdict) for name1 in namesdict: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(vdict[name1]) print eq_Rs_enbal.subs(vdict) print 'Corrected MU-equation: ' namesdict = [E_l, H_l] vdict[E_l] = eq_El_MU_corr.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = (R_s - R_ll - E_l).subs(vdict) for name1 in namesdict: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(vdict[name1]) print eq_Rs_enbal.subs(vdict)
T_l = 308.321395271 E_l = 180.542235053941 H_l = 150.521099595469 R_ll = 68.9366653505872 g_bw = 0.0131620455576424 g_tw = 0.00291849206962754 Direct estimates: E_l = 198.222104889662 H_l = 201.777895110338 T_l == 310.133484539870 T_l == 310.133484539870 T_l == 309.093414355984 400 == 400.000000000000 Penman-stomata: E_l = 198.222104889662 H_l = 201.777895110338 T_l = 310.133484539870 400 == 400.000000000000 PM-equation: E_l = 241.448619283973 H_l = 158.551380716027 400 == 400.000000000000 MU-equation: E_l = 156.668183937778 H_l = 243.331816062222 400 == 400.000000000000 Corrected MU-equation: E_l = 195.741933442269 H_l = 204.258066557731 400 == 400.000000000000

Penman-stomata gives identical results to the general solutions.

PM-equation greatly over-estimates ElE_l.

MU-equation greatly under-estimates ElE_l.

Analytical solution including longwave balance

The above analytical solutions eliminated the non-linearity problem of the saturation vapour pressure curve, but they did not take into account that the longwave component of the leaf energy balance (RllR_{ll}) also depends on leaf temperature, as expressed in Eq. {eq_Rll}. Therefore, the above analytical equations are commonly used in conjunction with fixed value of RllR_{ll}, either taken from observations or the assumption that Rll=0R_{ll}=0. Here we will replace the non-linear Eq. {eq_Rll} by its tangent at Tl=TaT_l = T_a, which is given by:

Rll=4ashϵlσTa3Tlashϵlσ(Tw4+3Ta4)\begin{equation} R_{ll} = 4 a_{sh} \epsilon_l \sigma T_a^3 T_l - a_{sh} \epsilon_l \sigma (T_w^4 + 3 T_a^4) \end{equation}

This introduces a bias of less than -20~W~m2^{-2} in the calculation of RllR_{ll} for leaf temperatures ±20\pm 20 K of air temperture, compared to Eq. {eq_Rll} (see Fig. {fig:Rll_lin}.

We can now use a similar procedure as in Section {sec:Penman_general}, but this time aimed at eliminating PwlP_{wl} using the Penman assumption, rather than eliminating TlT_l. We first eliminate cEc_E from Eq. {eq_El_cE} by introducing Eq. {eq_gammav_cE}, then insert the Penman assumption (Eq. {eq_Penman_ass}) to eliminate PwlP_{wl} and obtain:

El=cH(ΔeTa(TlTa)+PwasPwa)γv\begin{equation} E_l = \frac{c_H \left(\Delta_{eTa} (T_l - T_a) + P_{was} - P_{wa} \right)}{\gamma_v} \end{equation}

We can now insert the linearised Eq. {eq_Rll_tang}, Eq. {eq_El_Tl} and Eq. {eq_Hl_cH} into the energy balance equation (Eq. {eq_Rs_enbal}) and solve for TlT_l to obtain:

Tl=Rs+cHTa+cE(ΔeTaTa+PwaPwas)+ashϵlσ(3Ta4+Tw4)cH+cEΔeTa+4ashϵlσTa3\begin{equation} T_l = \frac{R_s + c_H T_a + c_E \left(\Delta_{eTa} T_a + P_{wa} - P_{was} \right) + a_{sh} \epsilon_l \sigma \left(3 T_a^4 + T_w^4 \right)} {c_H + c_E \Delta_{eTa} + 4 a_{sh} \epsilon_l \sigma T_a^3} \end{equation}

Eq. {eq_Tl_Delta_Rlin} can be re-inserted into Eqs. {eq_Hl_cH}, {eq_El_Tl} and {eq_Rll_tang} to obtain analytical expressions for HlH_l, ElE_l and RllR_{ll} respectively, which satisfy the energy balance (Eq. {eq_Rs_enbal}). Alternatively, the value of TlT_l obtained from Eq. {eq_Tl_Delta_Rlllin} for specific conditions could be used to calculate any of the energy balance components using the fundamental equations described in Fig. {fig:flow_enbalance}. In this case, bias in TlT_l due to simplifying assumptions included in the derivation of Eq. {eq_Tl_Delta_Rlllin} would lead to a mismatch in the leaf energy balance.

# Linearised R_ll var('T1 Rll1 dRlldT') dRlldT = diff(eq_Rll.rhs(), T_l) print dRlldT soln = solve(dRlldT(T_l = T1)*T1 + Rll1 == eq_Rll.rhs()(T_l = T1), Rll1) print soln # Tangent of R_ll at T1 eq_Rll_tang = R_ll == (dRlldT(T_l = T1)*T_l + soln[0].rhs())(T1 = T_a).simplify_full()
4*T_l^3*a_sh*epsilon_l*sigm [ Rll1 == -3*T1^4*a_sh*epsilon_l*sigm - T_w^4*a_sh*epsilon_l*sigm ]
vdict = cdict.copy() vdict[T_w] = 300 vdict[T_a] = 300 P = plot((eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict)), (T_l, 280,320), axes = False, frame = True, legend_label = 'non-linear' ) P += plot(eq_Rll_tang.rhs().subs(vdict), (T_l, 280,320), linestyle = ':', legend_label = 'linear') P.axes_labels(['Temperature (K)', '$R_{ll}$ (W m$^{-2}$)'])'figures/Rll_lin.pdf', figsize=[5,4],legend_font_size=10, fontsize=8)[5,4],legend_font_size=10, fontsize=8)
Image in a Jupyter notebook
# Analtyical solution: keeping T_l, but eliminating P_wl and using eq_Rll_tang # Eliminating c_E eq_El_gammav = solve([eq_El_cE, eq_gammav_cE], E_l, c_E)[0][0] print units_check(eq_El_gammav) # Eliminating P_wl eq_El_Tl = solve([eq_El_gammav, eq_Penman_ass], E_l, P_wl)[0][0] print units_check(eq_El_Tl) # Solving for E_l, H_l and T_l soln = solve([eq_El_Tl, eq_Hl_cH, eq_Rs_enbal.subs(eq_Rll_tang(T1 = T_a))], E_l, H_l, T_l) [eq_El_Delta_Rlllin, eq_Hl_Delta_Rlllin, eq_Tl_Delta_Rlllin] = [eq1.subs(eq_gammav_cE).simplify_full() for eq1 in flatten(soln)] for eq1 in [eq_El_Delta_Rlllin, eq_Hl_Delta_Rlllin, eq_Tl_Delta_Rlllin]: print units_check(eq1)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
kelvin == kelvin
soln = solve(eq_Rs_enbal.subs(eq_Rll_tang, eq_El_Tl, eq_Hl_cH), T_l) eq_Tl_Delta_Rlllin = soln[0].subs(eq_gammav_cE).simplify_full() units_check(eq_Tl_Delta_Rlllin)
kelvin == kelvin
eq_El_Tl.subs(eq_Tl_Delta_Rlllin).subs(eq_gammav_cE).simplify_full().show() eq_El.subs(eq_Elmol).subs(eq_Cwa, eq_Cwl).subs(eq_Tl_Delta_Rlllin).simplify_full().show() eq_Hl_cH.subs(eq_Tl_Delta_Rlllin).simplify_full().show() eq_Rll_tang.subs(eq_Tl_Delta_Rlllin).simplify_full().show()
# Fig. 8 in Ball et al. 1988 vdict = cdict.copy() vdict[a_s] = 1 vdict[L_l] = 0.07 vdict[P_a] = 101325 vdict[P_wa] = 20/1000*101325 vdict[R_s] = 400 vdict[Re_c] = 3000 vdict[T_a] = 273+30 vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a] vdict[g_sw] = 0.15/40 #vdict[g_sv] = 1e-6 vdict[v_w] = 1. resdict = fun_SS(vdict) for name1 in [T_l, E_l, H_l, R_ll, g_bw, g_tw]: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(resdict[name1]) vdict[P_was] = eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a).subs(vdict) vdict[Delta_eTa] = eq_Deltaeta_T.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[nu_a] = eq_nua.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Re] = eq_Re.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Nu] = eq_Nu_forced_all.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[h_c] = eq_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[P_N2] = eq_PN2.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[P_O2] = eq_PO2.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[alpha_a] = eq_alphaa.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[D_va] = eq_Dva.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Le] = eq_Le.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[rho_a] = eq_rhoa_Pwa_Ta.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_bw] = eq_gbw_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_tw] = eq_gtw.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_twmol] = eq_gtwmol_gtw_iso.rhs().subs(vdict) print 'Direct estimates: ' namesdict = [E_l, H_l, T_l, R_ll] vdict[E_l] = eq_El_Delta_Rlllin.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = eq_Hl_Delta_Rlllin.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta_Rlllin.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll_tang.rhs().subs(vdict) for name1 in namesdict: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(vdict[name1]) print eq_Tl_Delta.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Tl_Delta1.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Tl_Delta2.subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) print eq_Rs_enbal.subs(vdict) print 'Using T_l from eq_Tl_Delta_Rlllin.rhs() only to calculate R_ll: ' namesdict = [T_l, R_ll, E_l, H_l] vdict[R_ll] = 0 vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta_Rlllin.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[E_l] = eq_El_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = eq_Hl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict) for name1 in namesdict: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(vdict[name1]) print eq_Rs_enbal.subs(vdict) vdict[R_ll] = 0 print 'Penman-stomata: ' namesdict = [E_l, H_l, T_l] vdict[S] = eq_S_gbw_gsw.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[f_u] = eq_fu_gbw.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[gamma_v] = eq_gammav_as.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[E_l] = eq_El_P52.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = eq_Hl_P52.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[T_l] = eq_Tl_P52.rhs().subs(vdict) for name1 in namesdict: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(vdict[name1]) print eq_Rs_enbal.subs(vdict) print 'PM-equation: ' namesdict = [E_l, H_l] vdict[r_s] = 1/vdict[g_sw] vdict[r_a] = eq_ra_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[gamma_v] = eq_gammav_MU.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[epsilon] = eq_epsilon.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[E_l] = eq_El_PM2.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = (R_s - R_ll - E_l).subs(vdict) for name1 in namesdict: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(vdict[name1]) print eq_Rs_enbal.subs(vdict) print 'MU-equation: ' namesdict = [E_l, H_l] vdict[n_MU] = (a_sh/a_s).subs(vdict) vdict[E_l] = eq_El_MU2.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = (R_s - R_ll - E_l).subs(vdict) for name1 in namesdict: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(vdict[name1]) print eq_Rs_enbal.subs(vdict) print 'Corrected MU-equation: ' namesdict = [E_l, H_l] vdict[E_l] = eq_El_MU_corr.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = (R_s - R_ll - E_l).subs(vdict) for name1 in namesdict: print str(name1)+' = ' + str(vdict[name1]) print eq_Rs_enbal.subs(vdict)
T_l = 308.321395271 E_l = 180.542235053941 H_l = 150.521099595469 R_ll = 68.9366653505872 g_bw = 0.0131620455576424 g_tw = 0.00291849206962754 Direct estimates: E_l = 177.353891811830 H_l = 153.963492920038 T_l = 308.443094724766 R_ll = 68.6826152681328 308.443094724766 == 308.443094724766 308.443094724766 == 308.443094724766 308.443094724766 == 307.807922524751 400 == 400.000000000001 Using T_l from eq_Tl_Delta_Rlllin.rhs() only to calculate R_ll: T_l = 308.443094724766 R_ll = 70.5556017512520 E_l = 176.784812127414 H_l = 152.659586121334 400 == 400.000000000000 Penman-stomata: E_l = 198.222104889662 H_l = 201.777895110338 T_l = 310.133484539870 400 == 400.000000000000 PM-equation: E_l = 241.448619283973 H_l = 158.551380716027 400 == 400.000000000000 MU-equation: E_l = 156.668183937778 H_l = 243.331816062222 400 == 400.000000000000 Corrected MU-equation: E_l = 195.741933442269 H_l = 204.258066557731 400 == 400.000000000000

The use of the linearised R_ll improves accurcay significantly compared to eq_Tl_Delta!


Table of symbols

# Creating dictionary to substitute names of units with shorter forms var('m s J Pa K kg mol') subsdict = {meter: m, second: s, joule: J, pascal: Pa, kelvin: K, kilogram: kg, mole: mol} var('N_Re_L N_Re_c N_Le N_Nu_L N_Gr_L N_Sh_L') dict_varnew = {Re: N_Re_L, Re_c: N_Re_c, Le: N_Le, Nu: N_Nu_L, Gr: N_Gr_L, Sh: N_Sh_L} dict_varold = {v: k for k, v in dict_varnew.iteritems()} variables = sorted([str(variable.subs(dict_varnew)) for variable in udict.keys()],key=str.lower) tableheader = [('Variable', 'Description (value)', 'Units')] tabledata = [('Variable', 'Description (value)', 'Units')] for variable1 in variables: variable2 = eval(variable1).subs(dict_varold) variable = str(variable2) tabledata.append((eval(variable),docdict[eval(variable)],fun_units_formatted(variable))) table(tabledata, header_row=True)
Variable Description (value) Units
Fraction of one-sided leaf area covered by stomata (1 if stomata are on one side only, 2 if they are on both sides) 1
Fraction of projected area exchanging sensible heat with the air (2) 1
Thermal diffusivity of dry air m s
Bowen ratio (sensible/latent heat flux) 1
Latent heat transfer coefficient J Pa m s
Sensible heat transfer coefficient J K m s
Specific heat of dry air (1010) J K kg
Concentration of water in the free air mol m
Concentration of water in the leaf air space mol m
Binary diffusion coefficient of water vapour in air m s
Slope of saturation vapour pressure at air temperature Pa K
Latent heat flux from leaf J m s
Transpiration rate in molar units mol m s
Latent heat flux from a wet surface J m s
Water to air molecular weight ratio (0.622) 1
Longwave emmissivity of the leaf surface (1.0) 1
Wind function in Penman approach, f(u) adapted to energetic units J Pa m s
Gravitational acceleration (9.81) m s
Boundary layer conductance to water vapour m s
Boundary layer conductance to water vapour mol m s
Stomatal conductance to water vapour m s
Stomatal conductance to water vapour mol m s
Total leaf conductance to water vapour m s
Total leaf layer conductance to water vapour mol m s
Psychrometric constant Pa K
Average 1-sided convective transfer coefficient J K m s
Sensible heat flux from leaf J m s
Thermal conductivity of dry air J K m s
Characteristic length scale for convection (size of leaf) m
Latent heat of evaporation (2.45e6) J kg
Molar mass of nitrogen (0.028) kg mol
Molar mass of oxygen (0.032) kg mol
Molar mass of water (0.018) kg mol
Grashof number 1
Lewis number 1
n=2 for hypostomatous, n=1 for amphistomatous leaves 1
Nusselt number 1
Critical Reynolds number for the onset of turbulence 1
Reynolds number 1
Sherwood number 1
Kinematic viscosity of dry air m s
Air pressure Pa
Partial pressure of nitrogen in the atmosphere Pa
Partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere Pa
Vapour pressure in the atmosphere Pa
Saturation vapour pressure at air temperature Pa
Vapour pressure inside the leaf Pa
Prandtl number (0.71) 1
One-sided boundary layer resistance to heat transfer ( in \citet[][P. 231]{monteith_principles_2013}) s m
Boundary layer resistance to water vapour, inverse of s m
Longwave radiation away from leaf J m s
Molar gas constant (8.314472) J K mol
Solar shortwave flux J m s
Stomatal resistance to water vapour \citep[][P. 231]{monteith_principles_2013} s m
Stomatal resistance to water vapour, inverse of s m
Total leaf resistance to water vapour, s m
Leaf BL resistance to water vapour, \citep[][Eq. 13.16]{monteith_principles_2013} s m
Density of dry air kg m
Density of air at the leaf surface kg m
Factor representing stomatal resistance in \citet{penman_physical_1952} 1
Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67e-8) J K m s
Air temperature K
Leaf temperature K
Radiative temperature of objects surrounding the leaf K
Wind velocity m s