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def ECfactorAdd(Point1,Point2,Group): a = Group[0] b = Group[1] p = Group[2] #print Point2 if Point1!=[]: x1 = Point1[0] y1 = Point1[1] if Point2!=[]: x2 = Point2[0] y2 = Point2[1] if ZZ(mod(4*a^3 + 27*b^2, p)) == 0: print "This is not an ellitpic curve" elif Point1!=[] and ZZ(mod(y1^2, p)) != ZZ(mod(x1^3 + a*x1 + b,p)): print "Point 1 is not on the elliptic curve." elif Point2!=[] and ZZ(mod(y2^2, p)) != ZZ(mod(x2^3 + a*x2 + b,p)): print "Point 2 is not on the elliptic curve." else: if Point1==[]: R=Point2 elif Point2=={}: R=Point1 else: if x1==x2 and 0==ZZ(mod(y1+y2,p)): R=[] elif x1==x2 and y1==y2: R=ECfactorDouble(Point1,Group) if R==True: return(True) else: g=gcd(x1-x2,p) if (g>1): print "factor is {0}".format(g) return(True) s=ZZ(mod((y1-y2)/(x1-x2),p)) x=ZZ(mod(s^2-(x1+x2),p)) y=ZZ(mod(s*(x1-x)-y1,p)) R=[x,y] return R
def ECfactorDouble(Point,Group): a = Group[0] b = Group[1] p = Group[2] if Point!=[]: x1 = Point[0] y1 = Point[1] if ZZ(mod(4*a^3 + 27*b^2, p)) == 0: print "This is not an ellitpic curve" elif Point!= [] and ZZ(mod(y1^2,p))!= ZZ(mod(x1^3+a*x1+b,p)): print "point to double not on elliptic curve" elif y1==0: R=[] else: g = gcd(y1,p) if g>1: print "Factor is {0}".format(g) return True s = ZZ(mod((3*x1^2+a)/(2*y1),p)) x = ZZ(mod(s^2-(x1+x1),p)) y = ZZ(mod(s*(x1-x)-y1,p)) R = [x,y] else: R=[] return R
def ECfactorTimes(Point,scalar,Group): ECIDENTITY = [] if Point==ECIDENTITY or scalar ==0: return ECIDENTITY else: m = scalar pt = Point x = ECIDENTITY for j in xrange(1,scalar+1): if m%2==0: m = m/2 else: m=(m-1)/2 #print "in this pt" #print pt x=ECfactorAdd(x,pt,Group) if x==True: return true if m==0: return x pt = ECfactorDouble(pt,Group) #print "post double" #print pt if pt==True: return true
def ecfactor(Gp,pt,rounds): lpt = pt for j in xrange(1,rounds+1): #print "ECfactorTimes({0},{1},{2})".format(lpt,j,Gp) lpt = ECfactorTimes(lpt,j,Gp) #print "lpt {0}".format(lpt) if lpt ==True: return True #print "not enough rounds to discover factor"
p = next_prime(34627) q = next_prime(434756) n = p*q size = 1000 r =[] gg=[] bb=[] GG=[] for j in xrange(size): r.append(ZZ.random_element(6, n)) gg.append([r[j],1]) a = ZZ.random_element(6,n) bb.append(ZZ(mod(1-a*r[j]-r[j]^3,n))) GG.append([a,bb[j],n]) for j in xrange(100): print "Working on group {0}".format(j) z = ecfactor(GG[j],gg[j],150) print z if z==True: break if j%50==49: print "50 tests without enough rounds"
Working on group 0 None Working on group 1 factor is 34631 True
p = next_prime(11489573485379837846709870987878868768789114324321423599019) q = next_prime(2814211321173) n = p*q size = 1000 r =[] gg=[] bb=[] GG=[] for j in xrange(size): r.append(ZZ.random_element(664, n)) gg.append([r[j],1]) a = ZZ.random_element(n) bb.append(ZZ(mod(1-a*r[j]-r[j]^3,n))) GG.append([a,bb[j],n]) for j in xrange(size): #print "Working on group {0}".format(j) z = ecfactor(GG[j],gg[j],150) #print z if z==True: break if j%50==49: #this was changed so sage would complete the attack #to many outputs will kill the program print "50 tests without enough rounds"
50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds 50 tests without enough rounds
#Example 3 p = next_prime(11111112131893798709870987878868768789114324321423599019) q = next_prime(281421132117) n = p*q size = 1000 r =[] gg=[] bb=[] GG=[] for j in xrange(size): r.append(ZZ.random_element(664, n)) gg.append([r[j],1]) a = ZZ.random_element(n) bb.append(ZZ(mod(1-a*r[j]-r[j]^3,n))) GG.append([a,bb[j],n]) for j in xrange(size): #print "Working on group {0}".format(j) z = ecfactor(GG[j],gg[j],150) #print z if z==True: break
Error in lines 15-18 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/cocalc/lib/python2.7/site-packages/smc_sagews/", line 1188, in execute flags=compile_flags) in namespace, locals File "", line 2, in <module> NameError: name 'ecfactor' is not defined
# Encrypting in the group Gp, with pt being the message to be encrypted, and e the encryption exponent. def RSAEncrypt(Group,Point,e): ECIDENTITY = [] if Point == ECIDENTITY or e ==0: return ECIDENTITY else: m = e pt = Point x = ECIDENTITY for j in xrange(1,e+1): if m%2==0: m = m/2 else: m=(m-1)/2 #print "in this pt" #print pt x=ECfactorAdd(x,pt,Group) if x==True: return true if m==0: return x pt = ECfactorDouble(pt,Group) #print "post double" #print pt if pt==True: return true
p = next_prime(111111121318937) #9879870987878868768789114324321423599019) q = next_prime(281421132117) print(p % 3) print(q % 3) N = p*q print(N) O = lcm(p+1,q+1) print(O) # # Suppose message is M = 123145 a = 0 b = (1 - M^3) % N Gp = [a,b,N] pt = [M,1] e = 11 d = 1/e % O print(d) D = gcd(e,O) print(D) NN = RSAEncrypt(Gp,pt,e) print(NN)
2 2 31269017554590184250964013 1737167641927865377411950 157924331084351397946541 1 [5321528147665414786701520, 4675466774218418470833385]
M = 5321528147665414786701520 #149040454574391513491803468739254610223175457545379061985977134807 S = 4675466774218418470833385 #587032741548116016273841645840975660731740571414562228535877822 A = 0 L=S^2-M^3 X=L % N #98327432987493874 print(X) #B =(S^2-M^3) % N #ZZ(mod(S^2-M^3,N)) #(S^2 - M^3) % N #% N #(S^2 - M^3) % N #print(B) # (S^2 - M^3) #4675466774218418470833385*2 - 5321528147665414786701520 #GP = [A,B,N] #Pt = [M,S] #Z = RSAEncrypt(GP,Pt,d) #print(Z) # N = p*q is RSA modulus # Message --> ASCIIPAD = M --> [M,1] # Curve y^2 = x^3 + b where # b = (1-M^3) mod N # Group order is (p+1)*(q+1) # Encr Exp is e where gcd(e,Group order) = 1.
p=next_prime(378468376837) q=next_prime(3784283748327468) n=p*q NA=(p+1)*(q+1) m1=38957435734 b = (1-m1^3) % n G=[0,b,n] ECfactorTimes([m1,1],457384,G)
Error in lines 8-8 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/cocalc/lib/python2.7/site-packages/smc_sagews/", line 1188, in execute flags=compile_flags) in namespace, locals File "", line 1, in <module> NameError: name 'ECfactorTimes' is not defined