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Lecture slides for UCLA LS 30B, Spring 2020

Views: 14465
License: GPL3
Image: ubuntu2004
Kernel: SageMath 9.8
from itertools import product import numpy as np import plotly.graph_objects from ipywidgets import HBox, Layout, interact as _original_interact
%%html <!-- To disable the modebar IN ALL PLOT.LY PLOTS --> <style> .modebar { display: none !important; } </style>
_original_interact = interact def interact(_function_to_wrap=None, _layout="horizontal", **kwargs): """interact, but with widgets laid out in a horizontal flexbox layout This function works exactly like 'interact' (from SageMath or ipywidgets), except that instead of putting all of the widgets into a vertical box (VBox), it uses a horizontal box (HBox) by default. The HBox uses a flexbox layout, so that if there are many widgets, they'll wrap onto a second row. Options: '_layout' - 'horizontal' by default. Anything else, and it will revert back to using the default layout of 'interact' (a VBox). """ def decorator(f): retval = _original_interact(f, **kwargs) if _layout == "horizontal": widgets = retval.widget.children[:-1] output = retval.widget.children[-1] hbox = HBox(widgets, layout=Layout(flex_flow="row wrap")) retval.widget.children = (hbox, output) return retval if _function_to_wrap is None: # No function passed in, so this function must *return* a decorator return decorator # This function was called directly, *or* was used as a decorator directly return decorator(_function_to_wrap)
def find_zeros(field, *ranges, **options): """Numerically approximate all zeros of a vector field within a box Each 'range' should have the form (x, xmin, xmax), where 'x' is one of the variables appearing in the vector field, and 'xmin' and 'xmax' are the bounds on that variables. Options: 'intervals' - How many subintervals to use in each dimension (default 20). If there are zeros that are very close together, you may need to increase this to find them. But be warned that the running time is roughly this to the n power, where n is the number of variables. 'tolerance' - How close to approximate roots, roughly (default 1e-4) 'maxiter' - Maximum number of iterations of Newton's Method to run for any one (potential) solution. This defaults to -2*log(tolerance). There usually isn't much harm in increasing this, unless there are many false hits. 'round' - Round the components of the solutions to this many decimal places (default None, meaning do not round them at all) """ # Initialization intervals = options.get("intervals", 20) tolerance = options.get("tolerance", 1e-5) maxiter = options.get("maxiter", int(round(-2*log(tolerance)))) roundto = options.get("round", None) n = len(ranges) if len(field) != n: raise ValueError("Dimension of vector field is {}, but {} ranges " "given".format(len(field), n)) mins = [xmin - (xmax - xmin)/intervals*tolerance for x, xmin, xmax in ranges] maxes = [xmax + (xmax - xmin)/intervals*tolerance for x, xmin, xmax in ranges] deltas = [(xmax - xmin) / intervals for xmin, xmax in zip(mins, maxes)] powers = [1 << i for i in range(n)] J = jacobian(field, [x for x, xmin, xmax in ranges]) def dist(v, w): return sqrt(sum(((a - b) / d)**2 for a, b, d in zip(v, w, deltas))) # Set up the array of positive/negative signs of the vector field signs = np.zeros((intervals + 1,) * n, dtype=int) sranges = [srange(m, m + d*(intervals + 0.5), d) for m, d in zip(mins, deltas)] for vertex, index in zip(product(*sranges), product(range(intervals + 1), repeat=n)): v = field(*vertex) signs[index] = sum(powers[i] for i in range(n) if v[i] > 0) # Now search through that array for potential solutions solutions = [] mask = int((1 << n) - 1) for index in product(range(intervals), repeat=n): indexpowers = list(zip(index, powers)) all0s = 0 all1s = mask for k in range(mask + 1): newindex = [i + (1 if k & p else 0) for i, p in indexpowers] vertex = signs[tuple(newindex)] all0s |= vertex all1s &= vertex if all0s & ~all1s == mask: # Now do Newton's method! v = vector(m + d*(i + 0.5) for i, m, d in zip(index, mins, deltas)) for i in range(maxiter): previous_v = v v = v - J(*v).solve_right(field(*v)) if dist(v, previous_v) < tolerance: break else: warn("{} iterations reached without convergence for solution " "{}".format(maxiter, v), RuntimeWarning) if solutions and min(dist(v, w) for w in solutions) < 2*tolerance: continue if not all(xmin <= x <= xmax for x, xmin, xmax in zip(v, mins, maxes)): continue solutions.append(vector(RDF, v)) # A convenience: round to some number of decimal places, if requested if roundto is not None: solutions = [vector(round(x, roundto) for x in v) for v in solutions] return solutions
def find_zeros1d(f, x_range, **options): x, xmin, xmax = x_range intervals = options.get("intervals", 20) tolerance = options.get("tolerance", 1e-5) f = fast_float(f, x) x_min = xmin - (xmax - xmin)/intervals*tolerance x_max = xmax + (xmax - xmin)/intervals*tolerance delta = (xmax - xmin) / intervals x_values = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, intervals + 1) f_values = np.array([int(f(x0) > 0) for x0 in x_values]) sign_changes = (f_values[:-1] - f_values[1:]).nonzero()[0] solutions = [] for i in sign_changes: x0 = find_root(f, x_values[i], x_values[i+1]) if solutions and min([abs(x0 - a) for a in solutions]) < 2*tolerance: continue solutions.append(x0) return solutions
# Our mixin class for Figure and FigureWidget. Should never be instantiated! class MyFigure(object): def add(self, *items, subplot=None): if subplot is not None: try: subplot[0] except: subplot = (1, subplot) row = int(subplot[0]) col = int(subplot[1]) retval = [] text_indices = [] text3d_indices = [] for item in items: if isinstance(item, plotly.graph_objects.layout.Annotation): if subplot is None: self.add_annotation(item) else: self.add_annotation(item, row=row, col=col) text_indices.append(len(retval)) retval.append(None) elif isinstance(item, plotly.graph_objects.layout.scene.Annotation): self.layout.scene.annotations += (item,) text3d_indices.append(len(retval)) retval.append(None) else: if subplot is None: self.add_trace(item) else: self.add_trace(item, row=row, col=col) retval.append([-1]) for i, pos in enumerate(text_indices, start=-len(text_indices)): retval[pos] = self.layout.annotations[i] for i, pos in enumerate(text3d_indices, start=-len(text3d_indices)): retval[pos] = self.layout.scene.annotations[i] if len(retval) == 1: return retval[0] return retval def __iadd__(self, item): if isinstance(item, plotly.graph_objects.layout.Annotation): self.add_annotation(item) elif isinstance(item, plotly.graph_objects.layout.scene.Annotation): self.layout.scene.annotations += (item,) else: self.add_trace(item) return self def axes_labels(self, *labels): if len(labels) == 2: self.layout.xaxis.title.text = labels[0] self.layout.yaxis.title.text = labels[1] elif len(labels) == 3: self.layout.scene.xaxis.title.text = labels[0] self.layout.scene.yaxis.title.text = labels[1] self.layout.scene.zaxis.title.text = labels[2] else: raise ValueError("You must specify labels for either 2 or 3 axes.") def axes_ranges(self, *ranges, scale=None): if len(ranges) == 2: (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax) = ranges self.layout.xaxis.range = (xmin, xmax) self.layout.yaxis.range = (ymin, ymax) if scale is not None: x, y = scale self.layout.xaxis.constrain = "domain" self.layout.yaxis.constrain = "domain" self.layout.yaxis.scaleanchor = "x" self.layout.yaxis.scaleratio = y / x elif len(ranges) == 3: (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), (zmin, zmax) = ranges self.layout.scene.xaxis.range = (xmin, xmax) self.layout.scene.yaxis.range = (ymin, ymax) self.layout.scene.zaxis.range = (zmin, zmax) if isinstance(scale, str): self.layout.scene.aspectmode = scale elif scale is not None: x, y, z = scale x *= xmax - xmin y *= ymax - ymin z *= zmax - zmin c = sorted((x, y, z))[1] self.layout.scene.aspectmode = "manual" self.layout.scene.aspectratio.update(x=x/c, y=y/c, z=z/c) else: raise ValueError("You must specify ranges for either 2 or 3 axes.") class Figure(plotly.graph_objects.Figure, MyFigure): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): specs = kwargs.pop("subplots", None) if specs is None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) else: try: specs[0][0] except: specs = [specs] rows = len(specs) cols = len(specs[0]) fig = plotly.subplots.make_subplots(rows=rows, cols=cols, specs=specs, **kwargs) super().__init__(fig) class FigureWidget(plotly.graph_objects.FigureWidget, MyFigure): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._auto_items = [] specs = kwargs.pop("subplots", None) if specs is None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) else: try: specs[0][0] except: specs = [specs] rows = len(specs) cols = len(specs[0]) fig = plotly.subplots.make_subplots(rows=rows, cols=cols, specs=specs, **kwargs) super().__init__(fig) def auto_update(self, *items): if self._auto_items: for item, newitem in zip(self._auto_items, items): if isinstance(newitem, tuple): newitem = newitem[0] item.update(newitem) else: for item in items: if isinstance(item, tuple): item, subplot = item self._auto_items.append(self.add(item, subplot=subplot)) else: self._auto_items.append(self.add(item)) def initialized(self): return len(self._auto_items) > 0 # Below are all the actual plotting methods. First, the 2D graphics: def plotly_text(text, location, **options): options = options.copy() x, y = np.array(location, dtype=float) if options.pop("update", False): return dict(text=text, x=x, y=y) options.setdefault("font_color", options.pop("color", "black")) size = options.pop("size", None) if size is not None: options.setdefault("font_size", size) arrow = options.pop("arrow", None) if arrow: options.setdefault("ax", float(arrow[0])) options.setdefault("ay", float(arrow[1])) options.setdefault("showarrow", True) else: options.setdefault("showarrow", False) if options.pop("paper", False): options.update(xref="paper", yref="paper") options.setdefault("xanchor", "left") options.setdefault("yanchor", "bottom") return plotly.graph_objects.layout.Annotation( text=text, x=x, y=y, **options) def plotly_points(points, **options): options = options.copy() x, y = np.array(points, dtype=float).transpose() if options.pop("update", False): return dict(x=x, y=y) options.setdefault("marker_color", options.pop("color", "black")) options.setdefault("marker_size", options.pop("size", 8)) options.setdefault("mode", "markers") return plotly.graph_objects.Scatter(x=x, y=y, **options) def plotly_lines(points, **options): options = options.copy() x, y = np.array(points, dtype=float).transpose() if options.pop("update", False): return dict(x=x, y=y) color = options.pop("color", "blue") options.setdefault("line_color", color) options.setdefault("mode", "lines") return plotly.graph_objects.Scatter(x=x, y=y, **options) def plotly_function(f, x_range, **options): options = options.copy() plotpoints = options.pop("plotpoints", 81) color = options.pop("color", "blue") options.setdefault("line_color", color) options.setdefault("mode", "lines") options.setdefault("line_shape", "spline") options.setdefault("line_smoothing", 1.3) x, xmin, xmax = x_range f = fast_float(f, x) x = np.linspace(float(xmin), float(xmax), plotpoints) y = np.array([f(x0) for x0 in x]) if options.pop("update", False): return dict(x=x, y=y) return plotly.graph_objects.Scatter(x=x, y=y, **options) def plotly_parametric(f, t_range, **options): options = options.copy() plotpoints = options.pop("plotpoints", 101) color = options.pop("color", "blue") options.setdefault("line_color", color) options.setdefault("mode", "lines") options.setdefault("line_shape", "spline") options.setdefault("line_smoothing", 1.3) t, tmin, tmax = t_range f1, f2 = [fast_float(f_, t) for f_ in f] t = np.linspace(float(tmin), float(tmax), plotpoints) x, y = np.array([(f1(t0), f2(t0)) for t0 in t]).transpose() if options.pop("update", False): return dict(x=x, y=y) return plotly.graph_objects.Scatter(x=x, y=y, **options) def plotly_points3d(points, **options): options = options.copy() options.setdefault("marker_color", options.pop("color", "black")) options.setdefault("marker_size", options.pop("size", 2.5)) options.setdefault("mode", "markers") x, y, z = np.array(points, dtype=float).transpose() if options.pop("update", False): return dict(x=x, y=y, z=z) return plotly.graph_objects.Scatter3d(x=x, y=y, z=z, **options) def plotly_function3d(f, x_range, y_range, **options): options = options.copy() plotpoints = options.pop("plotpoints", 81) try: plotpointsx, plotpointsy = plotpoints except: plotpointsx = plotpointsy = plotpoints color = options.pop("color", "lightblue") options.setdefault("colorscale", (color, color)) x, xmin, xmax = x_range y, ymin, ymax = y_range f = fast_float(f, x, y) x = np.linspace(float(xmin), float(xmax), plotpointsx) y = np.linspace(float(ymin), float(ymax), plotpointsy) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) xy = np.array([x.flatten(), y.flatten()]).transpose() z = np.array([f(x0, y0) for x0, y0 in xy]).reshape(plotpointsy, plotpointsx) if options.pop("update", False): return dict(x=x, y=y, z=z) return plotly.graph_objects.Surface(x=x, y=y, z=z, **options)

Learning goals:

  • Be able to explain the significance of optimization in biology, and give several examples.

  • Be able to describe the main biological process that underlies all optimization problems in biology.

  • Be able to distinguish local maxima and local minima of a function from global extrema.

  • Know the significance of local maxima in evolution.

Example 1: Optimal foraging

Consider a bird or small mammal that has a nest, and forages for food in some area around its nest.

  • The larger that area, the more food it can gather, so the more energy it gains, or the more energy it is able to provide for its offspring.

  • But the larger the area, the more energy it must spend defending its territory from competitors.

What should be optimized here?

def foraging_interactive(): energy_in(x) = 0.0001 * pi*x^2 energy_out(x) = 0.000001 * x^3 figure = FigureWidget(subplots=[[{"rowspan": 2}, {}], [None, {}]]) figure.axes_ranges((-322, 322), (-322, 350), scale=(1, 1)) figure.layout.xaxis1.visible = False figure.layout.yaxis1.visible = False figure.layout.yaxis2.range = [-2, 33] figure.layout.xaxis3.range = [0, 320] figure.layout.yaxis3.range = [-1, 5] figure.layout.yaxis2.title.text = r"Energy (kcal/day)" figure.layout.xaxis3.title.text = r"Foraging radius (meters)" figure.layout.yaxis3.title.text = r"Net energy gain<br>(kcal/day)" figure.layout.showlegend = False figure.add(plotly_text("Foraging area", (0,350), font_size=18), subplot=(1,1)) figure.add(plotly_text("Nest", (0,-2), font_size=12, color="saddlebrown", yanchor="top"), subplot=(1,1)) color1 = plotly.colors.sequential.Viridis[6] color2 = plotly.colors.sequential.Viridis[0] color3 = plotly.colors.sequential.Viridis[9] labels = ["Energy from food<br>(∝ area)", "Energy spent<br>defending territory", "Net energy gain"] energy_chart = plotly.graph_objects.Bar(x=labels, orientation="v", marker_color=[color1, color3, color2], marker_colorscale="Viridis") energy_chart = figure.add(energy_chart, subplot=(1,2)) netenergy_graph = plotly_function(energy_in - energy_out, (x, 0, 1), color=color2) netenergy_graph = figure.add(netenergy_graph, subplot=(2,2)) maximum = find_root((energy_in - energy_out).derivative(), 10, 300) maxline = plotly_lines([(maximum, -0.5), (maximum, 6)], color=color1, line_dash="dash") maxline = figure.add(maxline, subplot=(2, 2)) maxlabel = plotly_text(fr"$r = {round(maximum, 1)}\,\text{{m}}$", (maximum - 0.5, 2), font_size=14, xanchor="right", xref="x3", yref="y3") maxlabel = figure.add(maxlabel) @interact(r=slider(1, 320, 1, default=100, label="Radius"), show_graph=checkbox(False, label="Show graph"), show_max=checkbox(False, label="Show maximum")) def update(r, show_graph, show_max): initialized = figure.initialized() f(t) = (r*cos(t), r*sin(t)) energy = np.array([energy_in(r), energy_out(r), energy_in(r) - energy_out(r)], dtype=float) forage_area = plotly_parametric(f, (t, 0, 2*pi), plotpoints=41, fill="toself", color=color1, fillcolor=color1, update=initialized) nest = plotly_points([(0,0)], color="saddlebrown") netenergy_update = plotly_function(energy_in - energy_out, (x, 0, r), update=True) with figure.batch_update(): figure.auto_update(forage_area, nest) energy_chart.update(y=energy) netenergy_graph.update(netenergy_update) figure.layout.xaxis3.visible = show_graph figure.layout.yaxis3.visible = show_graph netenergy_graph.visible = show_graph maxline.visible = show_graph and show_max and r > maximum maxlabel.visible = show_graph and show_max and r > maximum if show_graph: figure.layout.yaxis2.domain = [0.42, 1] figure.layout.yaxis3.domain = [0, 0.28] else: figure.layout.yaxis2.domain = [0.1, 1] figure.layout.yaxis3.domain = [0, 0.1] return figure foraging_interactive()

Example 2: Optimal clutch size

Birds reproduce annually at a certain time of year. The group of eggs a bird lays at one time is called its clutch. So the number of eggs laid is called its clutch size.

  • The survival rate is the probability that any one egg will survive to adulthood, until it too can reproduce.

  • We can also think of the survival rate as the fraction of eggs from a clutch that will survive, on average. (expected value)

  • The more eggs in a clutch, the more difficult it is for the parents to provide for them, protect them, etc. So as the clutch size increases, the survival rate decreases.

What should be optimized here?

def clutchsize_interactive(): survival(x) = (1 - x/9)^2 figure = FigureWidget(subplots=[[{"type": "pie"}, {}], [{}, {}]]) figure.layout.yaxis1.range = [0, 9.5] figure.layout.xaxis2.range = [0, 9.5] figure.layout.yaxis2.range = [0, 1] figure.layout.yaxis2.rangemode = "tozero" figure.layout.yaxis2.domain = [0, 0.28] figure.layout.xaxis3.range = [0, 9.5] figure.layout.yaxis3.range = [0, 1.5] figure.layout.yaxis1.title.text = r"# of offspring" figure.layout.xaxis2.title.text = r"Clutch size" figure.layout.yaxis2.title.text = r"Survival rate" figure.layout.xaxis3.title.text = r"Clutch size" figure.layout.yaxis3.title.text = r"Surviving offspring" figure.layout.showlegend = False figure.add(plotly_text("Survival rate<br>(fraction of offspring that survive)", (0.22,0.42), font_size=18, paper=True, xanchor="center", yanchor="top")) color1 = plotly.colors.sequential.Viridis[6] color2 = plotly.colors.sequential.Viridis[0] color3 = plotly.colors.sequential.Viridis[9] labels = ["Don't survive", "Survive"] survival_chart = plotly.graph_objects.Pie(labels=labels, sort=False, marker_colors=[color2, color1], textinfo="label+percent") survival_chart.domain = {"x": [0, 0.45], "y": [0.44, 0.95]} survival_chart = figure.add(survival_chart) survival_graph = plotly_function(survival, (x, 0, 9), color=color1) survival_graph = figure.add(survival_graph, subplot=(2,1)) labels = ["Clutch size", "Offspring<br>that survive"] offspring_chart = plotly.graph_objects.Bar(x=labels, orientation="v", marker_color=[color3, color1]) offspring_chart = figure.add(offspring_chart, subplot=(1,2)) netoffspring_graph = plotly_function(x, (x, 0, 1), color=color1) netoffspring_graph = figure.add(netoffspring_graph, subplot=(2,2)) maximum = find_root(diff(x * survival(x), x), 1, 8) maxline = plotly_lines([(maximum, -1), (maximum, 2)], color=color2, line_dash="dash") maxline = figure.add(maxline, subplot=(2, 2)) maxlabel = plotly_text(fr"{int(maximum)} eggs", (maximum - 0.1, 0.7), font_size=14, xanchor="right", xref="x3", yref="y3") maxlabel = figure.add(maxlabel) @interact(C=slider(0, 9, default=0, label="Clutch size"), show_graph=checkbox(False, label="Show graph"), show_max=checkbox(False, label="Show maximum")) def update(C, show_graph, show_max): survival_pie = np.array([1 - survival(C), survival(C)], dtype=float) offspring = np.array([C, C*survival(C)], dtype=float) netoffspring_update = plotly_function(x*survival(x), (x, 0, C), update=True) with figure.batch_update(): survival_chart.update(values=survival_pie) offspring_chart.update(y=offspring) netoffspring_graph.update(netoffspring_update) figure.layout.xaxis2.visible = show_graph figure.layout.yaxis2.visible = show_graph survival_graph.visible = show_graph figure.layout.xaxis3.visible = show_graph figure.layout.yaxis3.visible = show_graph netoffspring_graph.visible = show_graph maxline.visible = show_graph and show_max and C > maximum maxlabel.visible = show_graph and show_max and C > maximum if show_graph: figure.layout.yaxis1.domain = [0.42, 1] figure.layout.yaxis3.domain = [0, 0.28] else: figure.layout.yaxis1.domain = [0.1, 1] figure.layout.yaxis3.domain = [0, 0.1] return figure clutchsize_interactive()

Example 3: Optimal vascular branching

Major arteries branch off into smaller arteries, which branch into arterioles, then smaller arterioles, etc, on down to the level of capillaries, the thinnest blood vessels.

  • In each artery, there is some vascular resistance: essentially friction that pushes against the blood flowing through the vessels.

  • In thinner arteries, the resistance is much higher per unit of length, so it's advantageous to keep these thinner arteries shorter.

  • But blood still needs to reach tissues that are not directly along the wider arteries. Making the thinner arteries as short as possible requires making the wider arteries longer, resulting in more vascular resistance in the wider artery.

What should be optimized here?

def vascular_interactive(): k = 1e7 r1 = 60 r2 = 48 d = 1.6 p = 0.3 distance(x) = d - p * cot(x*pi/180) resistance1(x) = k/r1^4 * distance(x) resistance2(x) = k/r2^4 * p * csc(x*pi/180) resistance = resistance1 + resistance2 figure = FigureWidget(subplots=[[{"colspan": 2}, None], [{}, {}]]) figure.layout.margin = dict(t=5, l=60) figure.axes_ranges((0, 1.4*d), (-0.3*p, 1.35*p), scale=(1,1)) figure.layout.xaxis1.visible = False figure.layout.yaxis1.visible = False figure.layout.yaxis2.range = [0, 2.5] figure.layout.xaxis3.range = [15, 90] figure.layout.yaxis3.range = [1.6, 2.5] figure.layout.yaxis2.title.text = r"Resistance (HRU)" figure.layout.xaxis3.title.text = r"Branching angle (degrees)" figure.layout.yaxis3.title.text = r"Resistance (HRU)" figure.layout.showlegend = False figure.add(plotly_text("The smaller blood vessel is 80% as wide as the main artery.", (0, 0.90), paper=True, font_size=14)) figure.add(plotly_text("Vascular resistance", (0.22, 0.44), paper=True, xanchor="center", font_size=18)) title = plotly_text("Vascular resistance", (0.72, 0.44), paper=True, xanchor="center", font_size=18) color1 = plotly.colors.sequential.Viridis[6] color2 = plotly.colors.sequential.Viridis[9] color3 = plotly.colors.sequential.Viridis[0] figure.add(plotly_lines([(0,0), (2*d,0)], line_width=r1, color="darkred")) figure.add(plotly_text("Main artery", (0.15*d, 0.15*p), color="white", font_size=16)) labels = ["Main artery<br>to branch point", "Smaller blood<br>vessel", "Total<br>resistance"] resistance_chart = plotly.graph_objects.Bar(x=labels, orientation="v", marker_color=[color1, color2, color3]) resistance_chart = figure.add(resistance_chart, subplot=(2,1)) resistance_graph = plotly_function(x, (x, 0, 1), color=color3) resistance_graph = figure.add(resistance_graph, subplot=(2,2)) tissue(t) = (d*(1 + 0.06*cos(t) + 0.01*cos(11*t)), p*(1.05 + 0.24*sin(t) + 0.04*sin(11*t))) tissue = plotly_parametric(tissue, (t, 0, 2*pi), fill="toself", color=color3, fillcolor=color3) figure.add(plotly_text("Tissue", (d, 1.05*p), color="white", font_size=16)) label = plotly_text("Smaller<br>artery", (0,0), color="white", font_size=16) minimum = arccos((r2 / r1)^4) * 180 / pi minline = plotly_lines([(minimum, 0), (minimum, 3)], color=color1, line_dash="dash") minline = figure.add(minline, subplot=(2, 2)) minlabel = plotly_text(fr"$\theta = {round(minimum, 2)}^\circ$", (minimum - 0.5, 2.3), font_size=14, xanchor="right", xref="x3", yref="y3") title, label, minlabel = figure.add(title, label, minlabel) @interact(theta=slider(15, 89, default=15, label="Branch angle"), show_graph=checkbox(False, label="Show graph"), show_min=checkbox(False, label="Show minimum")) def update(theta, show_graph, show_min): initialized = figure.initialized() values = np.array([resistance1(theta), resistance2(theta), resistance(theta)], dtype=float) graph_update = plotly_function(resistance1(x) + resistance2(x), (x, 10, theta), update=True) branch = plotly_lines([(distance(theta),0), (d,p)], line_width=r2, color="darkred", update=initialized) tobranchpoint = plotly_lines([(0,0), (distance(theta),0)], line_width=2, color=color1, update=initialized) frombranchpoint = plotly_lines([(distance(theta),0), (d,p)], line_width=2, color=color2, update=initialized) with figure.batch_update(): figure.auto_update(branch, tobranchpoint, frombranchpoint, tissue) label.update(x=float(0.5*distance(theta) + 0.5*d), y=float(0.5*p), textangle=-theta) resistance_chart.update(y=values) resistance_graph.update(graph_update) figure.layout.xaxis3.visible = show_graph figure.layout.yaxis3.visible = show_graph resistance_graph.visible = show_graph title.visible = show_graph minline.visible = show_graph and show_min minlabel.visible = show_graph and show_min return figure vascular_interactive()

What's the biological mechanism underlying all of these?

The bird doesn't do a calculus problem to decide how large its foraging radius should be, or how many eggs it should lay.

The cells don't solve math problems when arranging themselves to form arteries, in order to minimize the total vascular resistance.

So what's actually behind all this?


More precisely, natural selection: survival of the fittest.

def fitness_interactive(): fitness(x) = 0.79 / (1 + ((x - 60)/30)^2) * (1 + (x - 60)/100) figure = FigureWidget(subplots=[{}, {}]) figure.axes_ranges((0, 100), (0, 60), scale=(1,1)) figure.axes_labels("Body length (cm)", "") figure.layout.margin.r = 100 figure.layout.xaxis1.zeroline = False figure.layout.yaxis1.visible = False figure.layout.xaxis2.range = [0, 100] figure.layout.yaxis2.range = [0, 1] figure.layout.xaxis2.title.text = "Body length (cm)" figure.layout.yaxis2.title.text = "Fitness" figure.layout.showlegend = False figure.add(plotly_text("Fitness graph", (0.78,0.95), font_size=18, paper=True, xanchor="center")) figure.add_layout_image(source="images/FishImage.png", x=0, y=0, xref="x", yref="y", xanchor="left", yanchor="bottom") fish = figure.layout.images[0] color1 = plotly.colors.sequential.Viridis[6] color2 = plotly.colors.sequential.Viridis[0] figure.add(plotly_function(fitness, (x, 5, 100), color=color1), subplot=2) point_on_graph = figure.add(plotly_points([(0, 0)]), subplot=2) maximum = find_root(fitness.derivative(), 10, 100) maxline = plotly_lines([(maximum, -0.1), (maximum, 0.9)], color=color2, line_dash="dash") maxline = figure.add(maxline, subplot=2) maxlabel = plotly_text(fr"{round(maximum, 1)} cm", (maximum - 0.5, 0.4), font_size=14, xanchor="right", xref="x2", yref="y2") maxlabel = figure.add(maxlabel) @interact(l=slider(5, 100, 1, default=20, label="Body length"), show_max=checkbox(False, label="Show maximum")) def update(l, show_max): with figure.batch_update(): fish.update(sizex=l, sizey=l) point_on_graph.update(x=[float(l)], y=[float(fitness(l))]) maxline.visible = show_max maxlabel.visible = show_max return figure fitness_interactive()

Fitness is a function of genotype

(or phenotype)

Definition: The fitness of a particular genotype is the average number (expected value) of offspring that an individual with that exact genotype will have.

In other words, for any combination of genes, fitness measures how much an individual with those genes is likely to contribute to the gene pool of the next generation.

Example 4: Darwin's finches

Four of Darwin's finches, showing variation in beak size and shape

finches = { (0.85, 0.15): "images/DarwinsFinches1.png", (0.40, 0.25): "images/DarwinsFinches2.png", (0.15, 0.65): "images/DarwinsFinches3.png", (0.50, 0.85): "images/DarwinsFinches4.png", } var("x, y") bump(x0, y0, h) = h^2/(h^2 + (x - x0)^2 + (y - y0)^2) fitness(x, y) = 0 genotypes = np.array(list(finches.keys()), dtype=float) for (x0, y0), a in zip(genotypes, (0.7, 0.3, 0.35, 0.6)): fitness += a * bump(x0, y0, 0.15 + 0.08*random()) gradient = fitness.gradient() hessian = jacobian(gradient, (x, y)) crit_points = find_zeros(gradient, (x, 0, 1), (y, 0, 1)) crit_points = [pt for pt in crit_points if all(l < 0 for l in hessian(*pt).eigenvalues())] closest = lambda pt: np.linalg.norm(genotypes - pt, axis=1).argmin() crit_points.sort(key=closest) for oldpt, newpt in zip(genotypes, crit_points): finches[tuple(newpt)] = finches.pop(tuple(oldpt))
def finches_interactive(): figure = FigureWidget(subplots=[{}, {"type": "scene"}]) figure.layout.yaxis.domain = [0, 0.95] figure.layout.scene.domain.y = [0, 0.95] figure.axes_ranges((0, 1), (0, 1), scale=(1,1)) figure.axes_labels("Beak length", "Beak pointiness") figure.axes_ranges((0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1), scale=(1,1,1)) figure.axes_labels("Beak length", "Beak pointiness", "Fitness") figure.layout.showlegend = False figure.add(plotly_text("Genotype space", (0.22,0.95), font_size=18, paper=True, xanchor="center")) title = figure.add(plotly_text("Fitness landscape", (0.78,0.95), font_size=18, paper=True, xanchor="center")) for (x0, y0), source in finches.items(): figure.add_layout_image(source=source, x=x0, y=y0, sizex=0.2, sizey=0.2, xref="x", yref="y", xanchor="center", yanchor="middle") figure.add_layout_image(source=source, x=0.5, y=0.5, sizex=0.5, sizey=1, xref="paper", yref="paper", xanchor="left", yanchor="middle") fitness_landscape = figure.add(plotly_function3d(fitness, (x, 0, 1), (y, 0, 1), opacity=0.8)) maxima = [(x0, y0, fitness(x0, y0)) for x0, y0 in finches] maxima = figure.add(plotly_points3d(maxima, size=1.5, color="darkgreen")) @interact(finch=slider(["None", 1, 2, 3, 4, "All"], label="Finches"), show_graph=checkbox(False, label="Show fitness landscape"), show_maxima=checkbox(False, label="Show species")) def update(finch, show_graph, show_maxima): finchnum = -1 if finch == "None" else 99 if finch == "All" else finch - 1 with figure.batch_update(): for i in range(4): figure.layout.images[2*i].visible = (i < finchnum) figure.layout.images[2*i + 1].visible = (i == finchnum) title.visible = show_graph fitness_landscape.visible = show_graph maxima.visible = show_maxima return figure finches_interactive()

Local maxima and local minima


  • A function has a local maximum at a point xx if there is some region around xx such that, within that region, the maximum value of the function occurs at xx.

  • A function has a local minimum at a point xx if there is some region around xx such that, within that region, the minimum value of the function occurs at xx.

Also, maxima and minima collectively are called extrema, as in the extreme values of a function.

f(x) = (16*(x-3)^4 - 10*(x-3)^2 + 3*(x-3) + 4) * exp(-(x-3)^2) df = f.derivative() d2f = df.derivative() critpts = find_zeros1d(df, (x, 0, 6)) colors = [] for x0 in critpts: evalue = d2f(x0) colors.append("darkgreen" if evalue < 0 else "darkred") critpts = [(x0, f(x0)) for x0 in critpts] figure = Figure() figure.axes_ranges((0, 6), (0, 8)) figure.axes_labels("$x$", "$f(x)$") figure.layout.margin.b = 80 figure.layout.margin.r = 200 figure.add(plotly_function(f, (x, 0, 6), name="Graph of function", plotpoints=161)) figure.add(plotly_points(critpts, color=colors, name="Extrema", visible="legendonly")) figure


  1. Many many features (anatomical, behavioral, even biochemical) in biology seem to be the result of an optimization process. Any time one can say a species is “adapted to do ... very well”, that's probably describing such a result.

  2. The biological mechanism underlying all of these optimizations is evolution, or more specifically, natural selection: survival of the fittest. The fitness of a certain genotype (or phenotype) is defined roughly as the average number of offspring an individual with that genotype will produce.

  3. A function has a local maximum at a point xx if there is some region around xx such that, within that region, the maximum value of the function occurs at xx. A local minimum is defined similarly.

  4. One mathematical model for speciation is that species can form at any one of the local maxima of the fitness function, or fitness landscape.