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Lecture slides for UCLA LS 30B, Spring 2020

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License: GPL3
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Kernel: SageMath 9.1
def plot_phase_portrait(field, x_range, y_range, init_conds, **options): """Plot a vector field, together with equilibrium points and trajectories 'x_range' should have the form (x, xmin, xmax), and likewise for 'y_range'. 'init_conds' should be a dictionary whose keys are the points that are to be used as initial conditions for trajectories. For each such initial condition, the value in the dictionary should be the range of t values over which to plot the trajectory starting at that initial point, such as srange(0, 20, 0.01) for t from 0 to 20 with a step size of 0.01. If you don't want to plot any trajectories, just use {} for this. Options: 'field_color' - The color for vector field arrows (default "limegreen") 'nullcline_colors' - A pair of colors for the two nullclines (default ("lightskyblue", "lightsalmon") ) 'eqpt_color' - The color for equilibrium points (default "darkmagenta") 'trajectory_color' - The color for trajectories (default "red") Specifying None (or any False value) for any of the above will cause it to not be plotted at all. (Note that for the nullclines, this must be a tuple (None, None).) All other options are as for the various 'plot*' commands, and are passed directly on to them. """ # Initialization x, xmin, xmax = x_range y, ymin, ymax = y_range field_color = options.pop("field_color", "limegreen") xnullcline_color, ynullcline_color = options.pop("nullcline_colors", ("lightskyblue", "lightsalmon")) eqpt_color = options.pop("eqpt_color", "darkmagenta") trajectory_color = options.pop("trajectory_color", "red") options.setdefault("frame", False) options.setdefault("axes", True) options.setdefault("aspect_ratio", "auto") options.setdefault("xmin", xmin) options.setdefault("xmax", xmax) options.setdefault("ymin", ymin) options.setdefault("ymax", ymax) p = Graphics() # Plot the vector field itself if field_color: options["color"] = field_color p += plot_vector_field(field, x_range, y_range, **options) # Plot the "vertical" nullcline if xnullcline_color: options["color"] = xnullcline_color p += implicit_plot(field[0] == 0, x_range, y_range, linewidth=2, **options) # Plot the "horizontal" nullcline if ynullcline_color: options["color"] = ynullcline_color p += implicit_plot(field[1] == 0, x_range, y_range, linewidth=2, **options) # Plot trajectories, if any initial conditions were given options["color"] = trajectory_color options["thickness"] = 2 for init_cond, t_range in init_conds.items(): solution = desolve_odeint(field, init_cond, t_range, [x, y]) p += list_plot(solution, plotjoined=True, **options) return p
def latex_eigenvalues(M, digits=4, show_abs=False): eigenvalues = [] for l in sorted(M.eigenvalues(), key=lambda l: -abs(l)): if l.imag_part() < 0: continue if l.imag_part(): text = fr"{float(l.real()):.{digits}f} \pm {float(l.imag()):.{digits}f} i" if show_abs: text += fr" \text{{ (abs. value {round(abs(l), digits)}) }}" eigenvalues.append(text) else: eigenvalues.append(f"{float(l):.{digits}f}") return LatexExpr(r", \ ".join(eigenvalues))

Learning goals:

  • Know that linear stability analysis is inconclusive in some cases.

  • Be able to tell when it is valid to apply linear stability analysis and when the method is inconclusive. (This is an important theorem called the Hartman–Grobman Theorem.)

Recall the linear stability analysis method, in one variable:

Suppose you have a differential equation X=f(X)X' = f(X), with an equilibrium point at XX^*.

Step 1: Compute the derivative: dfdX\frac{df}{dX}

Step 2: Plug in the equilibrium point: dfdXX\left. \frac{df}{dX} \right|_{X^*}.
This number (slope) represents the linear approximation of ff at the equilibrium point.

Step 3: That number now tells us the stability:

  • If dfdXX<0\left. \frac{df}{dX} \right|_{X^*} < 0, then the equilibrium point is stable.

  • If dfdXX>0\left. \frac{df}{dX} \right|_{X^*} > 0, then the equilibrium point is unstable.

  • If dfdXX=0\left. \frac{df}{dX} \right|_{X^*} = 0, then this method is inconclusive.

Compare this with our recent conclusions, for two or more variables:

Suppose you have a system of differential equations {X=f(X,Y)Y=g(X,Y)\begin{cases} X' = f(X, Y) \\ Y' = g(X, Y) \end{cases}
with an equilibrium point at (X,Y)(X^*, Y^*).

Step 1: Compute the Jacobian: (fXfYgXgY)\begin{pmatrix} \frac{\partial f}{\partial X} & \frac{\partial f}{\partial Y} \\ \frac{\partial g}{\partial X} & \frac{\partial g}{\partial Y} \end{pmatrix}

Step 2: Plug in the equilibrium point: (fXfYgXgY)(X,Y)\left. \begin{pmatrix} \frac{\partial f}{\partial X} & \frac{\partial f}{\partial Y} \\ \frac{\partial g}{\partial X} & \frac{\partial g}{\partial Y} \end{pmatrix} \right|_{(X^*, Y^*)}
This matrix represents the linear approximation of the differential equation at the equilibrium point.

Step 3: The eigenvalues of that matrix now tell us the stability:

  • If all eigenvalues are <0< 0, the equilibrium point is stable.

  • If any eigenvalues are >0> 0, the equilibrium point is unstable.

    • More specifically, if some eigenvalues are <0< 0 and some are >0> 0, then it's a saddle point (still unstable).

  • If the eigenvalues are complex with real part <0< 0, the equilibrium point is a stable spiral.

  • If the eigenvalues are complex with real part >0> 0, the equilibrium point is an unstable spiral.

  • If ... (?) then this method is inconclusive.

What's wrong with having an eigenvalue that's 00?

p = Graphics() p += polygon(((0.1,-0.1), (0.1,0.1), (5,0.1), (5,-0.1)), color="red", alpha=0.2) p += polygon(((-0.1,-0.1), (-0.1,0.1), (-5,0.1), (-5,-0.1)), color="green", alpha=0.2) p += line(((-5,0), (5,0)), color="black") p += text(r"$\left. \frac{df}{dX} \right|_{_{X^*}}$", (5.7,0), color="black", fontsize=16) for x in range(-4, 5): p += line(((x,0), (x,-0.1)), color="black") p += text(f"${x}$", (x,-0.4), color="black", fontsize=16) p += text(r"$\left. \frac{df}{dX} \right|_{_{X^*}} > 0$", (2,0.5), color="red", fontsize=16) p += text(r"$\left. \frac{df}{dX} \right|_{_{X^*}} < 0$", (-2,0.5), color="darkgreen", fontsize=16)
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Example: One eigenvalue is exactly 00, the other is negative

{X=(X+Y)(XY)(X2+Y2)Y=(X+Y)+(XY)(X2+Y2)Jacobian: (1111)Eigenvalues: 2,0\begin{cases} X' = -(X + Y) - (X - Y) \cdot (X^2 + Y^2) \\ Y' = -(X + Y) + (X - Y) \cdot (X^2 + Y^2) \end{cases} \qquad \text{Jacobian: } \begin{pmatrix} -1 & -1 \\ -1 & -1 \end{pmatrix} \qquad \text{Eigenvalues: } -2, 0
vectorfield(X, Y) = (-(X + Y) - (X - Y)*(X^2 + Y^2), -(X + Y) + (X - Y)*(X^2 + Y^2)) t_range = srange(0, 100, 0.1) ics = { (0, 1): t_range, (1.3, 0): t_range, (0.2, -1): t_range, (-1, -0.2): t_range, } J0 = jacobian(vectorfield, (X, Y))(0, 0) label = LatexExpr(r"\text{Jacobian: } ") label += latex(J0) + r" \qquad \text{Eigenvalues: } " label += latex_eigenvalues(J0, 1) #show(label) p = plot_phase_portrait(vectorfield, (X, -1.1, 1.1), (Y, -1.1, 1.1), ics, nullcline_colors=(None, None), eqpt_color=None) p += point((0,0), size=50, color="purple"), aspect_ratio=1)
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Example: One eigenvalue is exactly 00, the other is negative

{X=(X+Y)+(XY)(X2+Y2)Y=(X+Y)(XY)(X2+Y2)Jacobian: (1111)Eigenvalues: 2,0\begin{cases} X' = -(X + Y) + (X - Y) \cdot (X^2 + Y^2) \\ Y' = -(X + Y) - (X - Y) \cdot (X^2 + Y^2) \end{cases} \qquad \text{Jacobian: } \begin{pmatrix} -1 & -1 \\ -1 & -1 \end{pmatrix} \qquad \text{Eigenvalues: } -2, 0
vectorfield(X, Y) = (-(X + Y) + (X - Y)*(X^2 + Y^2), -(X + Y) - (X - Y)*(X^2 + Y^2)) ics = { (1, 0.85): srange(0, 4.3, 0.01), (0.9, 1): srange(0, 8.5, 0.01), (-1, -0.8): srange(0, 2.7, 0.01), (-0.9, -1): srange(0, 8.5, 0.01), } J0 = jacobian(vectorfield, (X, Y))(0, 0) label = LatexExpr(r"\text{Jacobian: } ") label += latex(J0) + r" \qquad \text{Eigenvalues: } " label += latex_eigenvalues(J0, 1) #show(label) p = plot_phase_portrait(vectorfield, (X, -1.1, 1.1), (Y, -1.1, 1.1), ics, nullcline_colors=(None, None), eqpt_color=None) p += point((0,0), size=50, color="purple")
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Example: One eigenvalue is exactly 00, the other is positive

{X=X+Y+(XY)(X2+Y2)Y=X+Y(XY)(X2+Y2)Jacobian: (1111)Eigenvalues: 2,0\begin{cases} X' = X + Y + (X - Y) \cdot (X^2 + Y^2) \\ Y' = X + Y - (X - Y) \cdot (X^2 + Y^2) \end{cases} \qquad \text{Jacobian: } \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 \end{pmatrix} \qquad \text{Eigenvalues: } 2, 0
vectorfield(X, Y) = (X + Y + (X - Y)*(X^2 + Y^2), X + Y - (X - Y)*(X^2 + Y^2)) ics = { (0.2, 0): srange(0, 1.4, 0.01), (0, 0.1): srange(0, 1.8, 0.01), (-0.3, 0): srange(0, 1.12, 0.01), (-0.1, -0.2): srange(0, 1.25, 0.01), } J0 = jacobian(vectorfield, (X, Y))(0, 0) label = LatexExpr(r"\text{Jacobian: } ") label += latex(J0) + r" \qquad \text{Eigenvalues: } " label += latex_eigenvalues(J0, 1) #show(label) p = plot_phase_portrait(vectorfield, (X, -3.1, 3.1), (Y, -3.1, 3.1), ics, nullcline_colors=(None, None), eqpt_color=None) p += point((0,0), size=50, color="purple")
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Example: One eigenvalue is exactly 00, the other is positive

{X=X+Y(XY)(X2+Y2)Y=X+Y+(XY)(X2+Y2)Jacobian: (1111)Eigenvalues: 2,0\begin{cases} X' = X + Y - (X - Y) \cdot (X^2 + Y^2) \\ Y' = X + Y + (X - Y) \cdot (X^2 + Y^2) \end{cases} \qquad \text{Jacobian: } \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 \end{pmatrix} \qquad \text{Eigenvalues: } 2, 0
vectorfield(X, Y) = (X + Y - (X - Y)*(X^2 + Y^2), X + Y + (X - Y)*(X^2 + Y^2)) ics = { (1, -0.85): srange(0, 4.3, 0.01), (0.9, -1): srange(0, 8.5, 0.01), (-1, 0.8): srange(0, 2.7, 0.01), (-0.9, 1): srange(0, 8.5, 0.01), } J0 = jacobian(vectorfield, (X, Y))(0, 0) label = LatexExpr(r"\text{Jacobian: } ") label += latex(J0) + r" \qquad \text{Eigenvalues: } " label += latex_eigenvalues(J0, 1) #show(label) p = plot_phase_portrait(vectorfield, (X, -1.1, 1.1), (Y, -1.1, 1.1), ics, nullcline_colors=(None, None), eqpt_color=None) p += point((0,0), size=50, color="purple")
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Example: Eigenvalues are complex, with real part =0= 0

{X=YX3XY2Y=XX2YY3Jacobian: (0110)Eigenvalues: ±i\begin{cases} X' = -Y - X^3 - X Y^2 \\ Y' = X - X^2 Y - Y^3 \end{cases} \qquad \text{Jacobian: } \begin{pmatrix} 0 & -1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix} \qquad \text{Eigenvalues: } \pm i
vectorfield(X, Y) = (-Y - X^3 - X*Y^2, X - X^2*Y - Y^3) t_range = srange(0, 100, 0.1) ics = { (1, 1): t_range, (-1, -1): t_range, } J0 = jacobian(vectorfield, (X, Y))(0, 0) label = LatexExpr(r"\text{Jacobian: } ") label += latex(J0) + r" \qquad \text{Eigenvalues: } " label += latex_eigenvalues(J0, 1) #show(label) p = plot_phase_portrait(vectorfield, (X, -1.1, 1.1), (Y, -1.1, 1.1), ics, nullcline_colors=(None, None), eqpt_color=None) p += point((0,0), size=50, color="purple")
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Example: Eigenvalues are complex, with real part =0= 0

{X=Y+X3+XY2Y=X+X2Y+Y3Jacobian: (0110)Eigenvalues: ±i\begin{cases} X' = -Y + X^3 + X Y^2 \\ Y' = X + X^2 Y + Y^3 \end{cases} \qquad \text{Jacobian: } \begin{pmatrix} 0 & -1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix} \qquad \text{Eigenvalues: } \pm i
vectorfield(X, Y) = (-Y + X^3 + X*Y^2, X + X^2*Y + Y^3) t_range = srange(0, 200, 0.1) ics = { (0.05, 0): t_range, #(-0.02, -0.02): t_range, } J0 = jacobian(vectorfield, (X, Y))(0, 0) label = LatexExpr(r"\text{Jacobian: } ") label += latex(J0) + r" \qquad \text{Eigenvalues: } " label += latex_eigenvalues(J0, 1) #show(label) p = plot_phase_portrait(vectorfield, (X, -1.1, 1.1), (Y, -1.1, 1.1), ics, nullcline_colors=(None, None), eqpt_color=None) p += point((0,0), size=50, color="purple")
Image in a Jupyter notebook

A generalization of both of the above examples: (purely imaginary eigenvalues)

{X=Y+rX(X2+Y2)Y=X+rY(Y2X2)\begin{cases} X' = -Y + rX \cdot (X^2 + Y^2) \\ Y' = X + rY \cdot (Y^2 - X^2) \end{cases}
@interact(r=slider(-2, 2, 0.1, label="$r$")) def update(r): vectorfield(X, Y) = (-Y + r*X*(X^2 + Y^2), X + r*Y*(X^2 + Y^2)) t_range = srange(0, 200, 0.1) if r < 0: ics = {(1, 1): srange(0, 200, 0.1)} elif r > 0: ics = {(1/20/sqrt(r), 0): srange(0, 200, 0.1)} else: ics = {(a, 0): srange(0, 10, 0.1) for a in srange(0.2, 1.01, 0.2)} J0 = jacobian(vectorfield, (X, Y))(0, 0) label = LatexExpr(r"\text{Jacobian: } ") label += latex(J0) + r" \qquad \text{Eigenvalues: } " label += latex_eigenvalues(J0, 1) p = plot_phase_portrait(vectorfield, (X, -1.1, 1.1), (Y, -1.1, 1.1), ics, nullcline_colors=(None, None), eqpt_color=None) p += point((0,0), size=50, color="purple") show(label)

What's wrong with having an eigenvalue that is pure imaginary?

p = Graphics() p += polygon(((0.1,-2), (0.1,2), (2,2), (2,-2)), color="red", alpha=0.2) p += polygon(((-0.1,-2), (-0.1,2), (-2,2), (-2,-2)), color="green", alpha=0.2) p += text("Real part > 0", (1,0), color="red", fontsize=16, rotation=-60) p += text("Real part < 0", (-1,0), color="darkgreen", fontsize=16, rotation=60)"Real", "Imaginary"))
Image in a Jupyter notebook

All of these “edge cases”: (at least in the 2-variable setting)

Remember that the characteristic polynomial of (abcd)\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix} is λ2(a+d)λ+(adbc)\lambda^2 - (a+d) \lambda + (ad - bc).

That is, we set λ2Tλ+D=0\lambda^2 - T \lambda + D = 0,
where T=a+dT = a + d (the trace of the matrix)
and D=adbcD = ad - bc (the determinant) of the matrix.

Then from the quadratic formula, the eigenvalues are λ=T±T24D2\lambda = \frac{T \pm \sqrt{T^2 - 4D}}{2}

@interact(step=slider(1,5,1, default=1, label="Step")) def TD_plane(step): T = var("T") size = 6 p = Graphics() if step == 5: p += plot(T^2/4, (x, -size, 0), fillcolor="green", fill=0, fillalpha=0.3) p += plot(T^2/4, (x, -size, 0), fillcolor="aquamarine", fill=size*2, fillalpha=0.5) p += plot(T^2/4, (x, 0, size), fillcolor="red", fill=0, fillalpha=0.3) p += plot(T^2/4, (x, 0, size), fillcolor="fuchsia", fill=size*2, fillalpha=0.2) p += plot(0, (x, -size, size), fillcolor="orange", fill=-size, fillalpha=0.4) p += text("stable node", (-0.7*size, 0.4*size), color="green", fontsize=16, rotation=-45) p += text("stable spiral", (-0.4*size, 0.6*size), color="lightseagreen", fontsize=16, rotation=-45) p += text("unstable node", ( 0.7*size, 0.4*size), color="red", fontsize=16, rotation=45) p += text("unstable spiral", ( 0.4*size, 0.6*size), color="fuchsia", fontsize=16, rotation=45) p += text("saddle point", ( 0.0*size, -0.5*size), color="darkorange", fontsize=16) if 2 <= step <= 4: p += plot(T^2/4, (x, -size, size), fillcolor="gray", fill=-2*size, fillalpha=0.5) p += plot(T^2/4, (x, -size, size), fillcolor="blue", fill= 2*size, fillalpha=0.2) p += text("Complex\neigenvalues", (0, 0.5*size), color="blue", fontsize=16) p += text("Real\neigenvalues", (0, -0.5*size), color="blue", fontsize=16) if step > 1: p += plot(T^2/4, (x, -size, size), color="black", thickness=3) if step > 2: p += line(((0,0), (0,size*2)), color="black", thickness=3) if step > 3: p += line(((-size,0), (size,0)), color="black", thickness=3) p += text("$T$", (size*1.15,0), color="black", fontsize=16) p += text("$D$", (0,size*1.15), color="black", fontsize=16), xmin=-size, xmax=size, ymin=-size, ymax=size, figsize=7)

Conclusion: “linear stability analysis” in two or more dimensions

Definition: A matrix is called degenerate (or non-generic, or you can just call it “an edge case”) if any of its eigenvalues is exactly 00, or is complex with real part equal to 00, or has any repeated eigenvalues (double roots of the characteristic polynomial).

Theorem: (The Hartman–Grobman Theorem)
As long as the Jacobian matrix at the equilibrium point is not degenerate (so not an edge case), then it can be used (via its eigenvalues) to classify the type of the equilbrium point.

But if the Jacobian matrix has a 00 eigenvalue, or an eigenvalue that is pure imaginary (complex with real part 00), or repeated eigenvalues, then the linear stability method is inconclusive.