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Lecture slides for UCLA LS 30B, Spring 2020

Views: 14465
License: GPL3
Image: ubuntu2004
Kernel: SageMath 9.1
def round_complex(z, digits): if z.imag_part(): return round(z.real_part(), digits) + round(z.imag_part(), digits) * I return round(z, digits)

Another rabbits and foxes model:

R=number of rabbitsR = \text{number of rabbits}, F=number of foxesF = \text{number of foxes} {R=0.3R0.01R20.04RFF=0.01RF0.1F \begin{cases} R' = 0.3R - 0.01R^2 - 0.04RF \\ F' = 0.01RF - 0.1F \end{cases}

vectorfield(R,F) = (0.3*R - 0.01*R^2 - 0.04*R*F, 0.01*R*F - 0.1*F) (R0, F0) = (10, 5)
aspect_ratio = 2 p = plot_vector_field(vectorfield, (R, 0, 35), (F, 0, 10), color="limegreen", frame=False, axes=True) for eqpt in (0,0), (30,0), (10,5): p += point(eqpt, size=50, color="purple"), axes_labels=("$R$ (Rabbits)", "$F$ (Foxes)"), figsize=9)
Image in a Jupyter notebook
size = 1.2 dx, dy = size, size/aspect_ratio p += polygon([(R0-dx, F0-dy), (R0+dx, F0-dy), (R0+dx, F0+dy), (R0-dx, F0+dy)], color="purple", fill=False), axes_labels=("$R$ (Rabbits)", "$F$ (Foxes)"), figsize=9)
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J = jacobian(vectorfield, (R, F))(R0, F0) show(r"J \vert_{(10,5)} = " + latex(matrix(RDF, J).round(5))) p = plot_vector_field(J*vector((R, F)), (R, -size, size), (F, -size, size), color="fuchsia") p += point((0,0), size=40, color="purple"), axes=False, axes_labels=(r"$U = \Delta X$", r"$V = \Delta Y$"))
Image in a Jupyter notebook
J = matrix(RDF, jacobian(vectorfield, (R, F))(R0, F0)) linearapprox(R, F) = tuple(J*vector((R - R0, F - F0))) aspect_ratio = 2 choices = {"Actual vector field": 1, "Vector field of linear approx.": 2, "Both": 3} @interact(size=slider([RDF(a) for a in (0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20)], default=RDF(0.1), label="Size"), which=selector(choices, buttons=True)) def linearapprox_interactive(size, which): dx, dy = size, size/aspect_ratio p = point((R0, F0), size=40, color="purple") if (which & 1): p += plot_vector_field(vectorfield, (R, R0-dx, R0+dx), (F, F0-dy, F0+dy), color="limegreen") if (which & 2): p += plot_vector_field(linearapprox, (R, R0-dx, R0+dx), (F, F0-dy, F0+dy), color="fuchsia"), axes_labels=("$R$", "$F$"), xmin=R0-dx, xmax=R0+dx, ymin=F0-dy, ymax=F0+dy)
for evalue in J.eigenvalues(): show(round_complex(evalue, 5))