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Lecture slides for UCLA LS 30B, Spring 2020

Views: 14459
License: GPL3
Image: ubuntu2004
Kernel: SageMath 9.1
import numpy as np import plotly.graph_objects from ipywidgets import SelectionSlider
mydefault = plotly.graph_objects.layout.Template() mydefault.layout.xaxis.showgrid = False mydefault.layout.yaxis.showgrid = False mydefault.layout.xaxis.showline = True mydefault.layout.yaxis.showline = True mydefault.layout.hovermode = False mydefault.layout.dragmode = "pan" mydefault.layout.scene.hovermode = False mydefault.layout.xaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.yaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.scene.xaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.scene.yaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.scene.zaxis.showspikes = False["mydefault"] = mydefault = "mydefault"
def plotly_function3d(f, x_range, y_range, **options): useroptions = options options = dict(showscale=False, hoverinfo="none", contours_x_highlight=False, contours_y_highlight=False, contours_z_highlight=False) options.update(useroptions) plotpoints = options.pop("plotpoints", 81) try: plotpointsx, plotpointsy = plotpoints except: plotpointsx = plotpointsy = plotpoints color = options.pop("color", "lightblue") options.setdefault("colorscale", [[0, color], [1, color]]) x, xmin, xmax = x_range y, ymin, ymax = y_range f0 = fast_float(f, x, y) x = np.linspace(float(xmin), float(xmax), plotpointsx) y = np.linspace(float(ymin), float(ymax), plotpointsy) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) xy = np.array([x.flatten(), y.flatten()]).transpose() z = np.array([f0(x0, y0) for x0, y0 in xy]).reshape(plotpointsy, plotpointsx) return plotly.graph_objects.Surface(x=x, y=y, z=z, **options)

Learning goals:

  • Know how to visualize the graph of a function f(X,Y)f(X, Y).

def graph_surface_interactive(f, x_range, y_range, **options): x, xmin, xmax = x_range y, ymin, ymax = y_range zmin = options.get("zmin", 0) zmax = options.get("zmax", 12) f = fast_float(f, x, y) x = np.random.uniform(xmin, xmax, 2001) x[0] = xmin - 1 y = np.random.uniform(ymin, ymax, 2001) z = np.array([f(X, Y) for X,Y in zip(x, y)]) fig = plotly.graph_objects.FigureWidget() fig.layout.margin = dict(t=10, b=10, r=10, l=10) fig.layout.showlegend = True fig.layout.legend.y = 0.9 fig.layout.legend.font.size = 16 #fig.layout.scene.domain.x = (0.3, 1) fig.layout.scene.xaxis.title.text = "X" fig.layout.scene.yaxis.title.text = "Y" fig.layout.scene.zaxis.title.text = "Z" fig.layout.scene.xaxis.range = (xmin, xmax) fig.layout.scene.yaxis.range = (ymin, ymax) fig.layout.scene.zaxis.range = (zmin, zmax) fig.layout.scene.aspectmode = "cube" fig.add_scatter3d(name="Points on XY-plane", mode="markers", marker_color="red", marker_size=2) on_plane =[-1] fig.add_scatter3d(name="Points on graph", mode="markers", marker_color="blue", marker_size=2) on_graph =[-1] options = list(range(17)) + [50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 2000, 4000] options = [(f"{(n + 1) // 2}{' '*(n % 2)}", n) for n in options] @interact(numpoints=SelectionSlider(options=options, continuous_update=false, description="Points:")) def update(numpoints): n1 = (numpoints + 1) // 2 + 1 n2 = numpoints // 2 + 1 with fig.batch_update(): on_plane.x = x[:n1] on_plane.y = y[:n1] on_plane.z = np.zeros(n1) on_graph.x = x[:n2] on_graph.y = y[:n2] on_graph.z = z[:n2] return fig
f(x, y) = 0.5 + sin(x/1.5)*cos(y/2) + 1 - 2*cos(x/3)*sin(y/5) + 2 graph_surface_interactive(f, (x, -6, 6), (y, -6, 6))
f(x, y) = 0.5 + sin(x/1.5)*cos(y/2) + 1 - 2*cos(x/3)*sin(y/5) + 2 fig = plotly.graph_objects.Figure() fig.layout.margin = dict(t=10, b=10, r=10, l=10) fig.layout.scene.xaxis.title.text = "X" fig.layout.scene.yaxis.title.text = "Y" fig.layout.scene.zaxis.title.text = "Z" fig.layout.scene.xaxis.range = (-6, 6) fig.layout.scene.yaxis.range = (-6, 6) fig.layout.scene.zaxis.range = (0, 12) fig.layout.scene.aspectmode = "cube" fig.add_trace(plotly_function3d(f, (x, -6, 6), (y, -6, 6))) fig
WARNING: 1 intermediate output message was discarded.
WARNING: 1 intermediate output message was discarded.


  1. The graph of a function Z=f(X,Y)Z = f(X, Y) is a surface in 3-D space (XYZXYZ-space).