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Lecture slides for UCLA LS 30B, Spring 2020

Views: 14461
License: GPL3
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Kernel: SageMath 9.2
from itertools import product import numpy as np import plotly.graph_objects
mydefault = plotly.graph_objects.layout.Template() mydefault.layout.xaxis.showgrid = False mydefault.layout.yaxis.showgrid = False mydefault.layout.xaxis.showline = True mydefault.layout.yaxis.showline = True mydefault.layout.hovermode = False mydefault.layout.dragmode = "pan" mydefault.layout.scene.hovermode = False mydefault.layout.xaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.yaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.scene.xaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.scene.yaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.scene.zaxis.showspikes = False["mydefault"] = mydefault = "mydefault"
def plotly_line(points, **options): "Draw a line through the given points" useroptions = options options = dict(mode="lines", hoverinfo="none") options.update(useroptions) options.setdefault("line_color", options.pop("color", "blue")) x, y, z = np.array(points, dtype=float).transpose() return plotly.graph_objects.Scatter3d(x=x, y=y, z=z, **options) def plotly_plane(v, w, axismax=10, **options): "Draw a plane through the origin spanned by v and w" useroptions = options options = dict(showscale=False, hoverinfo="none", contours_x_highlight=False, contours_y_highlight=False, contours_z_highlight=False) options.update(useroptions) color = options.pop("color", "lightblue") options.setdefault("colorscale", [[0, color], [1, color]]) u1 = v.normalized() u2 = (w - (w*u1)*u1).normalized() u = np.array((-axismax, axismax), dtype=float) u, v = np.meshgrid(u, u) x, y, z = [float(a)*u + float(b)*v for a, b in zip(u1, u2)] return plotly.graph_objects.Surface(x=x, y=y, z=z, **options) def plotly_text(text, location, **options): useroptions = options options = dict(showarrow=False) if useroptions.get("paper", False): options.update(xanchor="left", yanchor="bottom") options.update(useroptions) options.setdefault("font_color", options.pop("color", "black")) if options.pop("paper", False): options.update(xref="paper", yref="paper") x, y = np.array(location, dtype=float) return plotly.graph_objects.layout.Annotation(text=text, x=x, y=y, **options) def plotly_add_text3d(fig, text, location, **options): useroptions = options options = dict(showarrow=False) options.update(useroptions) options.setdefault("font_color", options.pop("color", "black")) x, y, z = np.array(location, dtype=float) annotation = dict(text=text, x=x, y=y, z=z, **options) fig.layout.scene.annotations = fig.layout.scene.annotations + (annotation,) def plotly_trajectory3d(trajectory, **options): useroptions = options options = dict(mode="lines", hoverinfo="none", legendgroup=hex(randint(0, 1 << 32))[2:]) options.update(useroptions) options.setdefault("line_color", options.pop("color", "blue")) arrows = options.pop("arrows", 6) try: arrows = np.array(list(arrows), dtype=int) except: arclength = np.cumsum(np.linalg.norm(trajectory[1:] - trajectory[:-1], axis=1)) arrows_so_far = np.rint(arrows*arclength / arclength[-1]) arrows = np.where(arrows_so_far[1:] - arrows_so_far[:-1])[0] p1 = plotly.graph_objects.Scatter3d(x=trajectory[:,0], y=trajectory[:,1], z=trajectory[:,2], **options) del options["mode"] options["showlegend"] = False color = options.pop("line_color") options.setdefault("colorscale", [[0, color], [1, color]]) options.setdefault("showscale", False) options.setdefault("sizeref", 0.33) # Adjust this for smaller/largers cones cone_pos = trajectory[arrows] cone_dir = trajectory[arrows+1] - cone_pos cone_dir /= np.linalg.norm(cone_dir, axis=1)[:,np.newaxis] p2 = plotly.graph_objects.Cone(x=cone_pos[:,0], y=cone_pos[:,1], z=cone_pos[:,2], u=cone_dir[:,0], v=cone_dir[:,1], w=cone_dir[:,2], **options) return (p1, p2)
def latex_vector(v, round=None): if isinstance(v[0], str): return (r"\left[ \begin{array}{c} " + r" \\ ".join(v) + r" \end{array} \right]") if round is None: result = column_matrix(v) else: result = column_matrix(RDF, v).round(round) result = latex(result).replace("left(", "left[").replace("right)", "right]") return LatexExpr(result) def latex_linear_discrete(M, state_vars=None): if state_vars is None: state_vars = ("X", "Y", "Z")[:M.nrows()] current_state = latex_vector([fr"{X}_t" for X in state_vars]) next_state = latex_vector([fr"{X}_{{t+1}}" for X in state_vars]) return fr"{next_state} = {latex(M)} {current_state}" def latex_linear_diffeq(M, state_vars=None): if state_vars is None: state_vars = ("X", "Y", "Z")[:M.nrows()] current_state = latex_vector([str(X) for X in state_vars]) change_vector = latex_vector([fr"{X}'" for X in state_vars]) return fr"{change_vector} = {latex(M)} {current_state}" def latex_complex(z, digits=4): a, b = float(round(z.real(), digits)), float(round(z.imag(), digits)) return fr"{a:g} \pm {b:g} i" def latex_eigenvalues(M, digits=4, show_abs=False): eigenvalues = [] for l in sorted(M.eigenvalues(), key=lambda l: -abs(l)): l0 = round_complex(l, digits) if l.imag_part() < 0: continue if l.imag_part(): text = fr"{l0.real()} \pm {l0.imag()} i" if show_abs: text += fr" \text{{ (abs. value {round(abs(l0), digits)}) }}" eigenvalues.append(text) else: eigenvalues.append(str(l0)) return ", ".join(eigenvalues)
QQI = GaussianIntegers().fraction_field() def block_diagonal(eigenvalues): blocks = [] for evalue in eigenvalues: a, b = evalue.real(), evalue.imag() if b: blocks.append(matrix(((a, b), (-b, a)))) else: blocks.append(matrix(((a,),))) return block_diagonal_matrix(*blocks) def undiagonalize(eigenvalues, basis): D = block_diagonal(eigenvalues) T = column_matrix(basis) return T*D*~T def diagonalize(M): basis = [] eigenvalues = [] for evalue, evectors, mult in M.eigenvectors_right(): if evalue.imag() < 0: continue if evalue.imag(): for evector in evectors: eigenvalues.append(evalue) u = vector([a.real() for a in evector]) v = vector([a.imag() for a in evector]) basis.append(u * u.denominator()) basis.append(v * v.denominator()) else: for v in evectors: eigenvalues.append(evalue) basis.append(v * v.denominator()) return eigenvalues, basis
def colorchoice(evalue): if abs(evalue) < 1: color = "green" elif abs(evalue) > 1: color = "coral" else: color = "orange" return color def colorchoice_continuous(value): return colorchoice(e^value)
def linear_discrete_3d_interactive(eigenvalues, basis, **options): pass
def linear_diffeq_3d_interactive(eigenvalues, basis, **options): colorchoice = colorchoice_continuous axismax = options.get("axismax", 10) state_vars = options.get("state_vars", "XYZ") other_vars = options.get("other_vars", "QRS") field = options.get("field", QQ) dominant_rate = max([l.real() for l in eigenvalues]) t_max = float(log(2*axismax) / abs(dominant_rate)) t_range = np.linspace(0, t_max, 1000, dtype=float) D = block_diagonal(eigenvalues) T = column_matrix(basis) M = matrix(field, T*D*~T) vectorfield(X, Y, Z) = tuple(M*vector((X, Y, Z))) fig = plotly.graph_objects.Figure() fig.layout.margin = dict(t=10, b=10, r=10, l=10) fig.layout.legend.y = 0.9 fig.layout.scene.domain.x = (0.3, 1) fig.layout.scene.xaxis.title.text = state_vars[0] fig.layout.scene.yaxis.title.text = state_vars[1] fig.layout.scene.zaxis.title.text = state_vars[2] fig.layout.scene.xaxis.range = (-axismax, axismax) fig.layout.scene.yaxis.range = (-axismax, axismax) fig.layout.scene.zaxis.range = (-axismax, axismax) fig.layout.scene.aspectmode = "cube" fig.layout.scene.hovermode = "closest" text = {0.8: f"${latex_linear_diffeq(M)}$", 0.72: r"$\text{Eigenvalues:}$"} y = 0.72 axis_info = {} initial_states = [] i = 0 for evalue in eigenvalues: color = colorchoice(evalue) if evalue.imag(): # Draw the eigenplane: v, w = basis[i:i+2] scale = axismax / max(v.norm(), w.norm()) fig.add_trace(plotly_plane(v, w, axismax=2*axismax, color="light" + color, opacity=0.5, showlegend=False)) fig.add_trace(plotly_line(((0,0,0), 0.9*scale*v), color=color, line_width=4, showlegend=False)) fig.add_trace(plotly_line(((0,0,0), 0.9*scale*w), color=color, line_width=4, showlegend=False)) plotly_add_text3d(fig, f"${other_vars[i]}$", 0.9*scale*v, color=color, font_size=16, yshift=10) plotly_add_text3d(fig, f"${other_vars[i+1]}$", 0.9*scale*w, color=color, font_size=16, yshift=10) # Choose some initial states: u = scale * (v + w) if evalue.real() > 0: axis_info[f"{other_vars[i:i+2]} plane"] = (color, [0.1*u]) initial_states.append((0.1 * axismax,)) initial_states.append(initial_states[-1]) elif evalue.real() < 0: axis_info[f"{other_vars[i:i+2]} plane"] = (color, [u]) initial_states.append((0.6 * axismax,)) initial_states.append(initial_states[-1]) else: axis_info[f"{other_vars[i:i+2]} plane"] = (color, [0.3*u, 0.6*u, 0.9*u]) initial_states.append((0.2 * axismax, 0.4 * axismax, 0.6 * axismax)) initial_states.append((0.5*axismax,)) # Add the text for the eigenvalue and eigenvectors: y -= 0.15 text[y] = (fr"$\lambda = {latex_complex(evalue)}, \text{{ with }} " + fr"{latex_vector(v)} \text{{ and }} {latex_vector(w)}$") i += 2 else: # Draw the eigenline: v = axismax * basis[i].normalized() fig.add_trace(plotly_line((-2*v, 2*v), color=color, line_width=4, showlegend=False)) plotly_add_text3d(fig, f"${other_vars[i]}$", 0.9*v, color=color, font_size=16, yshift=12) # Choose some initial states: if evalue > 0: axis_info[f"{other_vars[i]} axis"] = (color, [-0.1*v, 0.1*v]) initial_states.append((0.1 * axismax, -0.1 * axismax)) elif evalue < 0: axis_info[f"{other_vars[i]} axis"] = (color, [v, v]) initial_states.append((0.6 * axismax, -0.6 * axismax)) else: initial_states.append((0, 0.2 * axismax, 0.4 * axismax, 0.6 * axismax, -0.2 * axismax, -0.4 * axismax, -0.6 * axismax)) # Add the text for the eigenvalue and eigenvector: y -= 0.15 text[y] = (fr"$\lambda = {float(round(evalue, 4)):g}, " + fr"\text{{ with }} {latex_vector(basis[i])}$") i += 1 text[y - 0.06] = r"$\text{Diagonalization:}$" text[y - 0.24] = f"${latex_linear_diffeq(D, state_vars=('Q', 'R', 'S'))}$" for y, label in text.items(): fig.add_annotation(plotly_text(label, (0, y), paper=True, font_size=12)) for name, (color, states) in axis_info.items(): for i, initial_state in enumerate(states): solution = desolve_odeint(vectorfield, initial_state, t_range, [X, Y, Z]) fig.add_traces(plotly_trajectory3d(solution, color=color, name=name + "X"*i, showlegend=not i, visible="legendonly", legendgroup=name)) T0 = column_matrix([v.normalized() for v in basis]) initial_states = [T0*vector(state) for state in product(*initial_states)] names = [f"Trajectory {i + 1}" for i in range(len(initial_states))] for initial_state, name in zip(initial_states, names): solution = desolve_odeint(vectorfield, initial_state, t_range, [X, Y, Z]) fig.add_traces(plotly_trajectory3d(solution, name=name, visible="legendonly")) points = np.array(initial_states, dtype=float) fig.add_scatter3d(x=points[:,0], y=points[:,1], z=points[:,2], mode="markers", marker_color="black", marker_size=2, text=names, hoverinfo="text", showlegend=False) return fig

Learning goal:

  • Be able to describe the dynamics of any linear differential equation, in 3 dimensions and even in higher dimensions.

Example 1: Growth and decay

eigenvalues = [1, -1, -2] v1, v2, v3 = matrix([(0, 1, 1), (1, 0, -1), (2, -2, 1)]).rows() linear_diffeq_3d_interactive(eigenvalues, (v1, v2, v3), field=RDF)

Example 2: All decaying

eigenvalues = [-1, -2, -4] v1, v2, v3 = matrix([(0, 1, 1), (1, 0, -1), (1, -1, 0)]).rows() linear_diffeq_3d_interactive(eigenvalues, (v1, v2, v3), field=RDF)

Example 3: All growing

eigenvalues = [1/2, 1, 3] v1, v2, v3 = matrix([(1, 2, 2), (2, 1, -2), (2, -2, 1)]).rows() linear_diffeq_3d_interactive(eigenvalues, (v1, v2, v3))

Example 4: One decaying, two growing

eigenvalues = [1, 2, -1/2] v1, v2, v3 = matrix([(0, 1, 1), (2, 1, -2), (1, -1, 0)]).rows() linear_diffeq_3d_interactive(eigenvalues, (v1, v2, v3), field=RDF)

Example 5: Spiralling in and growing?

eigenvalues = [1, -2 + 15*I] v1, v2, v3 = matrix([(0, 3, 1), (-1, 1, 0), (1, -1, -2)]).rows() linear_diffeq_3d_interactive(eigenvalues, (v1, v2, v3))

Example 6: Spiralling out and decaying?

eigenvalues = [1 + 12*I, -5] v1, v2, v3 = matrix([(0, -1, 1), (1, 1, 0), (-3, 1, 2)]).rows() linear_diffeq_3d_interactive(eigenvalues, (v1, v2, v3))

Example 7: Spiralling in and decaying

eigenvalues = [-5, -1 + 18*I] v1, v2, v3 = matrix([(3, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1), (0, 3, -1)]).rows() linear_diffeq_3d_interactive(eigenvalues, (v1, v2, v3))


  • In 3 dimensions, linear models work essentially the same way that they do in 2 dimensions:

    • Each eigenvalue has a corresponding eigenvector line, which we treat as an axis in the Q,R,SQ,R,S coordinate system.

    • The eigenvalue determines whether the corresponding variable (QQ, RR, or SS) will exponentially grow or decay.

    • For a complex pair of eigenvalues, we can use the “almost-diagonalizing” trick. Then the corresponding pair of axes span a plane in the state space, and the behavior in that plane is either spiraling in or spiraling out, determined by the eigenvalue.

  • All of this works the same way for differential equations (continuous time) and discrete-time models. The only difference is how you interpret exponential growth and decay.

    • For differential equations, Re(λ)>0\text{Re}(\lambda) > 0 means growth, Re(λ)<0\text{Re}(\lambda) < 0 means decay.

    • For discrete-time models, λ>1\lvert \lambda \rvert > 1 means growth, λ<1\lvert \lambda \rvert < 1 means decay.