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Lecture slides for UCLA LS 30B, Spring 2020

Views: 14466
License: GPL3
Image: ubuntu2004
Kernel: SageMath 9.5
from itertools import product import numpy as np import plotly.graph_objects import plotly.figure_factory from ipywidgets import IntSlider, SelectionSlider, Checkbox, Text, \ interactive_output, VBox, HBox, HTMLMath, Layout
mydefault = plotly.graph_objects.layout.Template() mydefault.layout.xaxis.showgrid = False mydefault.layout.yaxis.showgrid = False mydefault.layout.xaxis.showline = True mydefault.layout.yaxis.showline = True mydefault.layout.yaxis.linewidth = 2 mydefault.layout.xaxis.ticks = "outside" mydefault.layout.yaxis.ticks = "outside" mydefault.layout.hovermode = False mydefault.layout.dragmode = "pan" mydefault.layout.scene.hovermode = False mydefault.layout.xaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.yaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.scene.xaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.scene.yaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.scene.zaxis.showspikes = False["mydefault"] = mydefault = "mydefault"

Learning goals:

  • Be able to classify the type of equilibrium point (at the origin) for any linear differential equation.

  • Be able to identify the dominant eigenvalue of any linear differential equation, and be able to explain what this mean's about the model's behavior.

The set-up:

We start with a linear differential equation model: [XY]=M[XY] \begin{bmatrix} X' \\ Y' \end{bmatrix} = M \begin{bmatrix} X \\ Y \end{bmatrix}

Use the eigenvectors of MM to form a basis of R2\mathbb{R}^2, and use this to define a new coordinate system, which we call R,SR,S-coordinates, as usual. When we re-write the system of differential equations in this new coordinate system, the matrix turns into a diagonal matrix, with the eigenvalues of MM on its diagonal:

[RS]=(λ100λ2)[RS]\begin{bmatrix} R' \\ S' \end{bmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \lambda_1 & 0 \\ 0 & \lambda_2 \end{pmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} R \\ S \end{bmatrix}
def plot_graph_paper(T, **options): color1, color2 = options.get("colors", ("red", "green")) v1_color = colors[color1].darker(0.25) v2_color = colors[color2].darker(0.25) grid1_color = colors[color1].lighter(0.75) grid2_color = colors[color2].lighter(0.75) axis1_label, axis2_label = options.get("axes_labels", ("$R$", "$S$")) show_axes = options.get("show_axes", True) gridlines1, gridlines2 = options.get("gridlines", (6, 6)) v1 = T.column(0) v2 = T.column(1) xymax = min(g / a for g, a in zip((gridlines1, gridlines2), ~T*vector((1,1))) if a != 0) xmax, ymax = options.get("xyrange", (xymax, xymax)) p = Graphics() if options.get("show_grid", True): for n in range(-gridlines1, gridlines1 + 1): if n == 0 and show_axes: continue p += line((v1*n - gridlines2*v2, v1*n + gridlines2*v2), color=grid2_color, thickness=0.5) for n in range(-gridlines2, gridlines2 + 1): if n == 0 and show_axes: continue p += line((v2*n - gridlines1*v1, v2*n + gridlines1*v1), color=grid1_color, thickness=0.5) if show_axes: p += line((-gridlines1*v1, gridlines1*v1), color=color1, thickness=1.5) p += line((-gridlines2*v2, gridlines2*v2), color=color2, thickness=1.5) p += text(axis1_label, 1.1*min(abs(xmax / v1[0]), abs(ymax / v1[1]))*v1, color=color1, fontsize=16) p += text(axis2_label, 1.1*min(abs(xmax / v2[0]), abs(ymax / v2[1]))*v2, color=color2, fontsize=16) if options.get("show_vectors", True): p += plot(v1, color=v1_color, thickness=2, zorder=5) p += plot(v2, color=v2_color, thickness=2, zorder=5) p.set_axes_range(xmin=-xmax, xmax=xmax, ymin=-ymax, ymax=ymax) return p
def initchoice(a, vmax): if a < 0: return randint(round(0.5*vmax + 1), vmax) if a > 0: return randint(1, round(0.5*vmax - 1)) return randint(1, vmax - 1)
def nondiagonal_interactive(T, eigenvalues, **options): initial_xy = options.get("initial_state", None) state_vars = options.get("state_vars", ("X", "Y")) rsmax = 10 t_range = srange(0, 15.01, 0.05) lambda1, lambda2 = eigenvalues D = diagonal_matrix(RDF, eigenvalues) M = matrix(RDF, T*D*~T).round(4) P1 = T*diagonal_matrix((1,0))*~T P2 = T*diagonal_matrix((0,1))*~T vectorfield_rs(R, S) = tuple(D*vector((R, S))) vectorfield_xy(X, Y) = tuple(M*vector((X, Y))) scale = 0.1/max(abs(lambda1), abs(lambda2)) if initial_xy is None: initial_rs = vector([initchoice(lambda1, rsmax), initchoice(lambda2, rsmax)]) initial_xy = vector([round(x,3) for x in T * initial_rs]) else: initial_rs = vector([round(x, 3) for x in ~T * vector(RDF, initial_xy)]) solution_rs = solution_xy = [] dont_update = False def update(xyt, rst, show_eigen, show_grid, showaxisfield_xy, showaxisfield_rs, showwholefield_xy, showwholefield_rs, axis1max, axis2max): if dont_update or len(solution_rs) == 0: return rsmax = ceil(axis1max / abs(np.array(T).flatten()).min()) p1 = plot_graph_paper(T, show_vectors=show_eigen and not showaxisfield_xy, show_axes=show_eigen, show_grid=show_grid, gridlines=(rsmax,rsmax), xyrange=(axis1max,axis1max)) p1 += list_plot(solution_xy[:xyt+1], plotjoined=True, color="blue", zorder=5) p1 += point(solution_xy[xyt], size=30, color="black", zorder=5) p2 = list_plot(solution_rs[:rst+1], plotjoined=True, color="blue", zorder=5) p2 += point(solution_rs[rst], size=30, color="black", zorder=5) rslist = srange(-0.95*axis1max, axis1max, 0.1*axis1max) if showaxisfield_xy: for r in rslist: p1 += arrow2d(T*vector((r,0)), T*vector((r,0)) + scale*T*vectorfield_rs(r,0), color="darkred", width=3, arrowsize=2, zorder=4) for s in rslist: p1 += arrow2d(T*vector((0,s)), T*vector((0,s)) + scale*T*vectorfield_rs(0,s), color="darkgreen", width=3, arrowsize=2, zorder=4) if showwholefield_xy: for r, s in product(rslist, rslist): p1 += arrow2d(T*vector((r,s)), T*vector((r,s)) + scale*T*vectorfield_rs(r,s), color="orange", width=1, arrowsize=2) elif show_grid: mypnt = vector(solution_xy[xyt]) proj1 = P1*mypnt proj2 = P2*mypnt p1 += line((proj1, mypnt, proj2), color="lightgray") if not showaxisfield_xy: p1 += arrow2d(mypnt, mypnt + vectorfield_xy(*mypnt), arrowsize=2, color="orange") p1 += arrow2d(proj1, proj1 + vectorfield_xy(*proj1), arrowsize=2, width=3, zorder=4, color="red") p1 += arrow2d(proj2, proj2 + vectorfield_xy(*proj2), arrowsize=2, width=3, zorder=4, color="green") rslist = srange(-0.95*axis2max, axis2max, 0.1*axis2max) if showaxisfield_rs: for r in rslist: p2 += arrow2d(vector((r,0)), vector((r,0)) + scale*vectorfield_rs(r,0), color="red", width=1, arrowsize=2, zorder=4) for s in rslist: p2 += arrow2d(vector((0,s)), vector((0,s)) + scale*vectorfield_rs(0,s), color="green", width=1, arrowsize=2, zorder=4) if showwholefield_rs: for r, s in product(rslist, rslist): p2 += arrow2d(vector((r,s)), vector((r,s)) + scale*vectorfield_rs(r,s), color="orange", width=1, arrowsize=2) elif show_grid: mypnt = solution_rs[rst] proj1 = mypnt * (1,0) proj2 = mypnt * (0,1) p2 += line((proj1, mypnt, proj2), color="lightgray") if not showaxisfield_rs: p2 += arrow2d(mypnt, mypnt + vectorfield_rs(*mypnt), arrowsize=2, color="orange") p2 += arrow2d(proj1, proj1 + vectorfield_rs(*proj1), arrowsize=2, zorder=4, color="red") p2 += arrow2d(proj2, proj2 + vectorfield_rs(*proj2), arrowsize=2, zorder=4, color="green") p1.set_axes_range(xmin=-axis1max, xmax=axis1max, ymin=-axis1max, ymax=axis1max) p2.set_axes_range(xmin=-axis2max, xmax=axis2max, ymin=-axis2max, ymax=axis2max) p1.axes_labels(["$%s$" % label for label in state_vars]) p2.axes_labels(("$R$", "$S$")) p1.set_aspect_ratio(1) p2.set_aspect_ratio(1) both = multi_graphics([(p1, (0, 0.25, 0.57, 0.57)), (p2, (0.43, 0.25, 0.57, 0.57))]) def change_initial_rs(change): nonlocal dont_update, solution_rs, solution_xy initial_rs = change["new"].strip("()[]").split(",") try: initial_rs = vector([float(x) for x in initial_rs]) except: return initial_xy = T * initial_rs solution_rs = desolve_odeint(vectorfield_rs, initial_rs, t_range, [R, S]) solution_xy = desolve_odeint(vectorfield_xy, initial_xy, t_range, [X, Y]) dont_update = True rst.value = 0 xyt.value = 1 dont_update = False xyt.value = 0 def change_initial_xy(change): initial_xy = change["new"].strip("()[]").split(",") try: initial_xy = vector([float(x) for x in initial_xy]) except: return state_rs.value = str(vector([round(x, 3) for x in ~T * initial_xy])) p2b = str.maketrans("()", "[]") label = ((r"$ \begin{bmatrix} %s' \\ %s' \end{bmatrix} = " % state_vars) + latex(M) + (r"\begin{bmatrix} %s \\ %s \end{bmatrix} \qquad " % state_vars) + r"\vec{v}_1 = " + latex(T[:,0]).translate(p2b) + r" \qquad " + (r"\text{with } \lambda_1 = %.2f \qquad" % lambda1) + r"\vec{v}_2 = " + latex(T[:,1]).translate(p2b) + r" \qquad " + (r"\text{with } \lambda_2 = %.2f $" % lambda2) ) equation = HTMLMath(label) layout = Layout(width="250px", margin="0px 0px 0px 0px") t_values = {round(t,2): n for n, t in enumerate(t_range)} xyt = SelectionSlider(options=t_values, layout=layout, description="$t$ for left sol'n:") rst = SelectionSlider(options=t_values, layout=layout, description="$t$ for right sol'n:") showaxisfield_xy = Checkbox(value=False, layout=layout, description="Show vec fld on axes") showaxisfield_rs = Checkbox(value=False, layout=layout, description="Show vec fld on axes") showwholefield_xy = Checkbox(value=False, layout=layout, description="Show whole vec fld") showwholefield_rs = Checkbox(value=False, layout=layout, description="Show whole vec fld") show_eigen = Checkbox(value=False, layout=layout, description="Show eigenlines") show_grid = Checkbox(value=False, layout=layout, description="Show gridlines") zoom1 = SelectionSlider(options=[1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000], value=10, layout=layout, description="Zoom (left):") zoom2 = SelectionSlider(options=[1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000], value=10, layout=layout, description="Zoom (right):") state_rs = Text(continuous_update=False, layout=layout, description="Initial (R,S):") state_xy = Text(value=str(initial_xy), continuous_update=False, layout=layout, description="Initial (%s,%s):" % state_vars) state_rs.observe(change_initial_rs, "value") state_xy.observe(change_initial_xy, "value") state_rs.value = str(initial_rs) output = interactive_output(update, dict( xyt=xyt, rst=rst, show_eigen=show_eigen, show_grid=show_grid, showaxisfield_xy=showaxisfield_xy, showaxisfield_rs=showaxisfield_rs, showwholefield_xy=showwholefield_xy, showwholefield_rs=showwholefield_rs, axis1max=zoom1, axis2max=zoom2)) controls1 = HBox((state_xy, state_rs, show_eigen, show_grid)) controls2 = HBox((showaxisfield_xy, showwholefield_xy, showaxisfield_rs, showwholefield_rs)) controls3 = HBox((xyt, zoom1, rst, zoom2)) display(VBox((equation, controls1, controls2, controls3, output)))
v1 = vector((2, 1)) v2 = vector((3, -1)) T = column_matrix((v1, v2)) nondiagonal_interactive(T, (0.2, -0.6), initial_state=(9,-2))
M = matrix(RDF, [[0.36, 0.35], [0.24, 0.82]]) M0 = matrix(ZZ, 100*M) show(M0) for evalue, evectors, mult in M0.eigenvectors_right(): print(evalue, evectors[0])
96 (1, 12/7) 22 (1, -2/5)
v1 = vector((1, 1)) v2 = vector((1, -2)) T = column_matrix((v1, v2)) nondiagonal_interactive(T, (1.5, 0.6), initial_state=(0,3))
v1 = vector((-1, 1)) v2 = vector((2, 1)) T = column_matrix((v1, v2)) nondiagonal_interactive(T, (-0.2, -0.8), initial_state=(9,9))
def plotly_streamline(M, x_range, y_range, **options): options = options.copy() plotpoints = options.pop("plotpoints", 100) try: plotpointsx, plotpointsy = plotpoints except: plotpointsx = plotpointsy = plotpoints color = options.pop("color", "red") options.setdefault("line_color", color) x, xmin, xmax = x_range y, ymin, ymax = y_range x = np.linspace(float(xmin), float(xmax), plotpointsx) y = np.linspace(float(ymin), float(ymax), plotpointsy) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) (a,b), (c,d) = M.rows() u = a*X + b*Y v = c*X + d*Y streamline = plotly.figure_factory.create_streamline(x=x, y=y, u=u, v=v, **options) return[0]
def plotly_vector_field(M, x_range, y_range, **options): options = options.copy() plotpoints = options.pop("plotpoints", 20) try: plotpointsx, plotpointsy = plotpoints except: plotpointsx = plotpointsy = plotpoints color = options.pop("color", "red") options.setdefault("line_color", color) x, xmin, xmax = x_range y, ymin, ymax = y_range diagonal = sqrt( ((xmax - xmin)^2/plotpointsx^2 + (ymax - ymin)^2/plotpointsy^2) ) x = np.linspace(float(xmin), float(xmax), plotpointsx) y = np.linspace(float(ymin), float(ymax), plotpointsy) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) (a,b), (c,d) = M.rows() u = a*x + b*y v = c*x + d*y scale = diagonal / np.linalg.norm(np.array((u.flatten(), v.flatten())), axis=0).max() options.setdefault("scale", float(scale)) quiver = plotly.figure_factory.create_quiver(x=x, y=y, u=u, v=v, **options) return[0]
def complex_interactive(): state_vars = var("X, Y") t_range = srange(0, 50.01, 0.1) fig = plotly.graph_objects.FigureWidget() fig.layout.margin = dict(b=10, t=10, l=10, r=10) fig.layout.xaxis.domain = (0, 0.65) fig.layout.yaxis.domain = (0, 1) fig.layout.xaxis.range = (-10, 10) fig.layout.yaxis.range = (-10, 10) fig.layout.xaxis.title.text = "$X$" fig.layout.yaxis.title.text = "$Y$" fig.layout.xaxis.showline = False fig.layout.yaxis.showline = False fig.layout.showlegend = False fig.add_scatter(mode="lines", line_color="limegreen") field =[-1] fig.add_scatter(mode="lines", line_color="red", line_smoothing=1.3) streamlines =[-1] fig.add_annotation(showarrow=False, font_size=16, x=0.68, y=0.6, xref="paper", yref="paper", xanchor="left", yanchor="middle") fig.add_annotation(showarrow=False, font_size=16, x=0.68, y=0.4, xref="paper", yref="paper", xanchor="left", yanchor="middle") equation, eigenvalues = fig.layout.annotations def update(a, b, other, ccw): T = matrix([[1, other], [0, (-1)^ccw]]) R = matrix([[a, b], [-b, a]]) M = matrix(RDF, T*R*~T).round(4) if a > 0: initial_state = (1, 0) elif a < 0: initial_state = (10, 0) else: initial_state = (6, 0) vectorfield(X, Y) = tuple(M*vector((X, Y))) solution = desolve_odeint(vectorfield, initial_state, t_range, [X, Y]) trace = plotly_vector_field(M, (X, -10, 10), (Y, -10, 10)) label1 = ((r"$ \begin{bmatrix} %s' \\ %s' \end{bmatrix} = " % state_vars) + latex(M) + (r"\begin{bmatrix} %s \\ %s \end{bmatrix} $" % state_vars)) label2 = r"$ \text{Eigenvalues: } %s \pm %s i $" % (a, b) with fig.batch_update(): field.x = trace.x field.y = trace.y streamlines.x = solution[:,0] streamlines.y = solution[:,1] equation.text = label1 eigenvalues.text = label2 a_slider = slider([round(x,1) for x in srange(-2, 2.05, 0.1)], default=0, label="Real part:") b_slider = slider([round(x,1) for x in srange(0.1, 2.05, 0.1)], default=2, label="Imag part:") T_slider = slider(-2, 2, 1, default=0, label="Roundness?") ccw = checkbox(False, label="CCW?") output = interactive_output(update, dict(a=a_slider, b=b_slider, other=T_slider, ccw=ccw)) display(VBox((HBox((a_slider, b_slider, T_slider, ccw)), output))) return fig

One explanation for the above conclusion:

Recall that the solution to R=λRR' = \lambda R is:     R(t)=R(0)eλtR(t) = R(0) e^{\lambda t}.

What on earth is eλte^{\lambda t} if λ\lambda is a complex number?

Theorem: (Euler's Formula) eix=cos(x)+isin(x) e^{i x} = \cos(x) + i \sin(x)

As a result of this, if λ=a+bi\lambda = a + bi, then eλt=e(a+bi)t=eat+ibt=eateibt=eat(cos(bt)+isin(bt)) \begin{aligned} e^{\lambda t} &= e^{(a + bi)t} \\ &= e^{at + ibt} \\ &= e^{at} \cdot e^{ibt} \\ &= e^{at} \big( \cos(bt) + i\sin(bt) \big) \end{aligned}


  • Just as we did with discrete-time linear models, for a linear differential equation model, once you look at the state space using the R,SR,S coordinates*, the system behaves exactly like a diagonal (decoupled) linear model. That is: [XY]=()[XY]    [RS]=(λ100λ2)[RS] \begin{bmatrix} X' \\ Y' \end{bmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \dotsm & \dotsm \\ \dotsm & \dotsm \end{pmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} X \\ Y \end{bmatrix} \implies \begin{bmatrix} R' \\ S' \end{bmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \lambda_1 & 0 \\ 0 & \lambda_2 \end{pmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} R' \\ S' \end{bmatrix}

  • Therefore, everything we just learned about linear differential equations with diagonal matrices (in particular, the type of equilibrium point at the origin, and the concept of the dominant eigenvalue) now carries over to any linear differential equation whose matrix is diagonalizable.

  • For linear differential equations, complex eigenvalues once again cause rotating/spiraling behavior. Spiraling inward/outward depends on whether the eigenvalues are to the right or left of 00. That is:

    • If the real part of the eigenvalue is negative, trajectories will spiral inward.

    • If the real part of the eigenvalue is positive, trajectories will spiral outward.