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Lecture slides for UCLA LS 30B, Spring 2020

Views: 14466
License: GPL3
Image: ubuntu2004
Kernel: SageMath 9.0
from itertools import product import numpy as np from ipywidgets import IntSlider, SelectionSlider, Checkbox, Text, \ interactive_output, VBox, HBox, HTMLMath, Layout

Learning goals:

  • Be able to describe the behavior, both short-term and long-term, for any linear differential equation (continuous-time) model whose matrix is diagonal.

  • For such a model, be able to identify the dominant eigenvalue, and be able to explain what this means about the long-term behavior of the model.

Linear differential equation models, with a diagonal matrix:

[XY]=(λ100λ2)[XY]\begin{bmatrix} X' \\ Y' \end{bmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \lambda_1 & 0 \\ 0 & \lambda_2 \end{pmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} X \\ Y \end{bmatrix}


{X=λ1XY=λ2Y\begin{cases} X' = \lambda_1 X \\ Y' = \lambda_2 Y \end{cases}


X(t)=X(0)eλ1tandY(t)=Y(0)eλ2tX(t) = X(0) e^{\lambda_1 t} \qquad \text{and} \qquad Y(t) = Y(0) e^{\lambda_2 t}
def colorchoice(a): return "green" if a < 0 else "red" if a > 0 else "purple"
def diagonal_interactive(eigenvalues, initial_state=None): axismax = 10 t_range = srange(0, 15.01, 0.05) xcolor = "red" ycolor = "green" def initchoice(a): if a < 0: return round((0.8 + uniform(-0.2, 0.2))*axismax, 1) if a > 0: return round((0.2 + uniform(-0.2, 0.2))*axismax, 1) return round(uniform(0, axismax), 1) if initial_state is None: initial_state = vector([initchoice(eigenvalues[0]), initchoice(eigenvalues[1])]) else: initial_state = vector(initial_state) D = diagonal_matrix(RDF, eigenvalues) vectorfield(X, Y) = tuple(D*vector((X, Y))) solution = desolve_odeint(vectorfield, initial_state, t_range, [X,Y]) axisfield = Graphics() wholefield = Graphics() xylist = srange(-0.95*axismax, axismax, 0.1*axismax) scale = 0.1*axismax/max([vectorfield(x,0).norm() for x in xylist] + [vectorfield(0,y).norm() for y in xylist]) for x in xylist: axisfield += arrow2d((x,0), vector((x,0)) + scale*vectorfield(x,0), color=xcolor, width=1, arrowsize=2, zorder=4) for y in xylist: axisfield += arrow2d((0,y), vector((0,y)) + scale*vectorfield(0,y), color=ycolor, width=1, arrowsize=2, zorder=4) for x, y in product(xylist, xylist): wholefield += arrow2d((x,y), vector((x,y)) + scale*vectorfield(x,y), color="darkgray", width=1, arrowsize=2) dont_update = False def update(t, showspikes, showaxisfield, showwholefield, axismax): if dont_update: return p = point(solution[t], size=30, color="blue") p += list_plot(solution[:t+1], plotjoined=True, color="blue") if showspikes: x0, y0 = solution[t] p += line(((x0,0), (x0,y0), (0,y0)), color="lightgray") p += point((x0,0), size=30, color=xcolor) p += point((0,y0), size=30, color=ycolor) p += plot(vectorfield(x0, y0), start=(x0,y0), color="darkgray", arrowsize=2) p += plot(vectorfield(x0, 0), start=(x0,0), color=xcolor, thickness=3, arrowsize=2) p += plot(vectorfield(0, y0), start=(0,y0), color=ycolor, thickness=3, arrowsize=2) if showaxisfield: p += axisfield if showwholefield: p += wholefield, xmax=axismax, ymin=-axismax, ymax=axismax, axes_labels=("$X$", "$Y$"), aspect_ratio=1, figsize=9.5) def change_initial_state(change): nonlocal dont_update, solution initial_state = change["new"].strip("()[]").split(",") try: initial_state = vector([float(x) for x in initial_state]) solution = desolve_odeint(vectorfield, initial_state, t_range, [X,Y]) except: return dont_update = True t.value = 1 showspikes = False showaxisfield = False showwholefield = False dont_update = False t.value = 0 layout = Layout(width="250px", margin="15px 0px 15px 0px") label = (r"$$\begin{bmatrix} X' \\ Y' \end{bmatrix} = %s " r"\begin{bmatrix} X \\ Y \end{bmatrix}$$") equation = HTMLMath(label % latex(D), layout=layout) t_values = {round(t,2): n for n, t in enumerate(t_range)} t = SelectionSlider(options=t_values, layout=layout, description="$t$ for solution:") showspikes = Checkbox(value=False, layout=layout, description="Show XY lines") showaxisfield = Checkbox(value=False, layout=layout, description="Show vec fld on axes") showwholefield = Checkbox(value=False, layout=layout, description="Show whole vec fld") zoom = SelectionSlider(options=[1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000], value=10, layout=layout, description="Zoom:") state = Text(value=str(initial_state), continuous_update=False, layout=layout, description="Initial state:") state.observe(change_initial_state, "value") output = interactive_output(update, dict(t=t, showspikes=showspikes, showaxisfield=showaxisfield, showwholefield=showwholefield, axismax=zoom)) controls = VBox((equation, state, t, showspikes, showaxisfield, showwholefield, zoom)) display(HBox((controls, output)))
diagonal_interactive((-0.2, 0.5))
diagonal_interactive((0.4, -0.6))
XX eigenvalue YY eigenvalue Eq. pt. at (0,0)(0,0) Long term behavior
-0.2 0.5 Saddle point Exp. growth along YY axis
0.4 -0.6 Saddle point Exp. growth along XX axis
diagonal_interactive((-0.3, -0.6))
diagonal_interactive((-0.25, -0.1))
XX eigenvalue YY eigenvalue Eq. pt. at (0,0)(0,0) Long term behavior
-0.2 0.5 Saddle point Exp. growth along YY axis
0.4 -0.6 Saddle point Exp. growth along XX axis
-0.3 -0.6 Sink Exp. decay along XX axis
-0.25 -0.1 Sink Exp. decay along YY axis
diagonal_interactive((0.5, 1.5))
diagonal_interactive((1.1, 0.8))
diagonal_interactive((-1.2, 0.3))
XX eigenvalue YY eigenvalue Eq. pt. at (0,0)(0,0) Long term behavior
-0.2 0.5 Saddle point Exp. growth along YY axis
0.4 -0.6 Saddle point Exp. growth along XX axis
-0.3 -0.6 Sink Exp. decay along XX axis
-0.25 -0.1 Sink Exp. decay along YY axis
0.5 1.5 Source Exp. growth parallel to YY axis
1.1 0.8 Source Exp. growth parallel to XX axis
-1.2 0.3 Saddle Exp. growth along YY axis


If multiple (two or more) variables in a differential equation model are exponentially growing/decaying independently of each other (i.e. the model is linear with a diagonal matrix), then the resulting behavior is as follows:

  1. Overall behavior:

    • If all eigenvalues are positive, then any starting state will grow away from the origin. That is, the equilibrium point at the origin is a source (unstable).

    • If all eigenvalues are negative, then any starting state will grow toward the origin. That is, the equilibrium point at the origin is a sink (stable).

    • If some eigenvalues are negative and some others are positive, then a starting state will move inward along some axes, but grow outward along others. That is, the equilibrium point at the origin is a saddle point (unstable).

  2. The long-term behavior will be in the direction of whichever axis has the dominant eigenvalue. In this setting, the dominant eigenvalue is the one that is greatest, as a real number. (It's not the one whose absolute value is greatest)