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Lecture slides for UCLA LS 30B, Spring 2020

Views: 14466
License: GPL3
Image: ubuntu2004
Kernel: SageMath 9.3
import numpy as np import plotly.graph_objects from ipywidgets import interactive_output, VBox, HBox, HTMLMath
mydefault = plotly.graph_objects.layout.Template() mydefault.layout.xaxis.showgrid = False mydefault.layout.yaxis.showgrid = False mydefault.layout.xaxis.showline = True mydefault.layout.yaxis.showline = True mydefault.layout.yaxis.linewidth = 2 mydefault.layout.xaxis.ticks = "outside" mydefault.layout.yaxis.ticks = "outside" mydefault.layout.hovermode = False mydefault.layout.scene.hovermode = False mydefault.layout.xaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.yaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.scene.xaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.scene.yaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.scene.zaxis.showspikes = False["mydefault"] = mydefault = "mydefault"
def round_complex(z, digits): if z.imag_part(): return CDF(round(z.real_part(), digits) + round(z.imag_part(), digits) * I) return RDF(round(z, digits))
def latex_vector(v, round=None): if round is None: result = column_matrix(v) else: result = column_matrix(RDF, v).round(round) result = latex(result).replace("left(", "left[").replace("right)", "right]") return LatexExpr(result) def latex_discrete_linear(M, state_vars=None): if state_vars is None: state_vars = ("X", "Y", "Z")[:M.nrows()] state_vector = latex_vector(var([X + "_t" for X in state_vars])) result = state_vector.replace("_{t}", "_{t+1}") return result + " = " + latex(M) + state_vector def latex_eigenvalues(M, digits=4, show_abs=False): eigenvalues = [] for l in sorted(M.eigenvalues(), key=lambda l: -abs(l)): l0 = round_complex(l, digits) if l.imag_part() < 0: continue if l.imag_part(): text = r"{} \pm {}i".format(l0.real(), l0.imag()) if show_abs: text += r" \text{ (abs. value %s) }" % round(abs(l0), digits) eigenvalues.append(text) else: eigenvalues.append(str(l0)) return ", ".join(eigenvalues)
def bracket(start, end, offset, label=None, **options): options = options.copy() fontsize = options.pop("fontsize", 14) rotation = matrix(2, (0, 1, -1, 0)) unit = (vector(end) - vector(start)).normalized() offset = offset*rotation*unit p1 = vector(start) + offset p2 = vector(end) + offset p = line((p1 - 0.5*offset, p1 + 0.5*offset), **options) p += line((p2 - 0.5*offset, p2 + 0.5*offset), **options) p += line((p1, p2), linestyle="dashed", **options) if label: rotation = atan2(unit[1], unit[0]) * 180 / pi p += text(label, 0.5*p1 + 0.5*p2 + offset, fontsize=fontsize, #rotation=rotation, **options) return p

Learning goals:

  • Know that eigenvalues can be complex numbers, and that these still matter in determining the behavior of a model.

  • Know what complex eigenvalues tell us about the behavior of a discrete-time linear model.

  • Know how to compute the absolute value of a complex number, and why this is significant.


[Xt+1Yt+1]=(2154)[XtYt]\begin{bmatrix} X_{t+1} \\ Y_{t+1} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 2 & -1 \\ 5 & 4 \end{pmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} X_t \\ Y_t \end{bmatrix}

Characteristic polynomial: λ26λ+13\qquad \lambda^2 - 6 \lambda + 13

Roots (by the quadratic formula): λ=6±(6)24132=6±162=3±412=3±2i \begin{aligned} \lambda &= \frac{6 \pm \sqrt{(-6)^2 - 4 \cdot 13}}{2} \\ &= \frac{6 \pm \sqrt{-16}}{2} = 3 \pm \frac{4 \sqrt{-1}}{2} = 3 \pm 2i \end{aligned}


Definitions: A complex number is a number of the form a+bia + bi, where aa and bb can be any real numbers, and ii represents 1\sqrt{-1}. (A number of the form bibi by itself is called an imaginary number.)

In a complex number a+bia + bi, the number aa is called the real part of the complex number, and the number bb is called the imaginary part.

Example: In the complex number z=27iz = 2 - 7i, the real part of zz is 22, and the imaginary part of zz is 7-7. (Not 7i-7i!)

def discrete_linear_interactive3d(M, initial_state, **options): t_max = options.get("t_max", 100) show_abs = options.get("show_abs", False) axes_labels = options.get("axes_labels", ("X", "Y", "Z")) xmin = options.get("xmin", 0) ymin = options.get("ymin", 0) zmin = options.get("zmin", 0) xmax = options.get("xmax", 10) ymax = options.get("ymax", 10) zmax = options.get("zmax", 10) solution = [vector(initial_state)] for t in range(t_max): solution.append(M * solution[-1]) solution = np.array(solution, dtype=float) fig = plotly.graph_objects.FigureWidget() fig.layout.margin = dict(t=10, b=10, r=0, l=0) fig.layout.showlegend = False fig.layout.scene.xaxis.title.text = axes_labels[0] fig.layout.scene.yaxis.title.text = axes_labels[1] fig.layout.scene.zaxis.title.text = axes_labels[2] fig.layout.scene.xaxis.range = (xmin, xmax) fig.layout.scene.yaxis.range = (ymin, ymax) fig.layout.scene.zaxis.range = (zmin, zmax) fig.layout.scene.aspectmode = "cube" fig.add_scatter3d(mode="markers+lines", marker_color="black", marker_size=2, line_color="blue") trajectory =[-1] eigenlines = [] for evalue, evectors, mult in M.eigenvectors_right(): if evalue.imag_part(): continue evector = vector(RDF, evectors[0]) end = min(np.array((xmax, ymax, zmax)) / evector) * evector start = min(np.array((xmin, ymin, zmin)) / evector) * evector x, y, z = np.array((start, end)).transpose() fig.add_scatter3d(x=x, y=y, z=z, mode="lines", line_color="red") eigenlines.append([-1]) def update(t, show_eigenlines): with fig.batch_update(): trajectory.x = solution[:t+1,0] trajectory.y = solution[:t+1,1] trajectory.z = solution[:t+1,2] for eigenline in eigenlines: eigenline.visible = show_eigenlines def update_text(change=None): label = latex_discrete_linear(M) if show_eigenvals.value: label += r"\qquad \text{Eigenvalues: } " + latex_eigenvalues(M, show_abs=show_abs) text.value = "${}$".format(label) t = slider(0, t_max, 1, label="$t$") show_eigenlines = checkbox(False, label="Show eigenline(s)") show_eigenvals = checkbox(False, label="Show eigenvalues") output = interactive_output(update, dict(t=t, show_eigenlines=show_eigenlines)) controls = HBox((t, show_eigenlines, show_eigenvals)) text = HTMLMath() show_eigenvals.observe(update_text, "value") update_text() display(controls, text, output) return fig
# Lionfish example from lab: M = matrix(RDF, [ [0 , 0 , 35315 ], [0.00003, 0.777, 0 ], [0 , 0.071, 0.949], ]) # Locust example from textbook: M = matrix(RDF, [ [0 , 0 , 1000], [0.02, 0 , 0], [0 , 0.06, 0], ]) M = matrix(RDF, [ [0.05, 0 , 65 ], [0.30, 0.03, 0 ], [0 , 0.05, 0.05], ]) M = matrix(RDF, [ [0 , 0 , 1000], [0.02, 0 , 0], [0 , 0.06, 0], ]) for evalue, evectors, mult in M.eigenvectors_right(): print(round_complex(evalue, 4), round(abs(evalue), 4)) print(" ", evectors[0])
-0.5313 + 0.9203*I 1.0627 (0.9998223729551143, -0.009408688754320866 - 0.016296326955085667*I, -0.000531234906140622 + 0.0009201258481896411*I) -0.5313 - 0.9203*I 1.0627 (0.9998223729551143, -0.009408688754320866 + 0.016296326955085667*I, -0.000531234906140622 - 0.0009201258481896411*I) 1.0627 1.0627 (-0.9998223729551141, -0.018817377508641736, -0.0010624698122812446)
M = matrix(RDF, [ [0 , 0 , 1000 ], [0.02, 0 , 0 ], [0 , 0.05, 0.10], ]) state = vector((500, 300, 15)) discrete_linear_interactive3d(M, state, xmax=80000, ymax=2000, zmax=100, axes_labels=("Eggs", "Hoppers", "Adults"))

Where complex numbers usually come from:

Complex numbers arise naturally as roots of polynomials, e.g. from the quadratic formula:

Theorem: The roots (solutions) of Ax2+Bx+C=0Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0 are x=B±B24AC2A x = \frac{-B \pm \sqrt{B^2 - 4AC}}{2A}

So if B24ACB^2 - 4AC is negative, both roots will be complex numbers. Furthermore, they will have the form p+qiandpqi. p + qi \qquad \text{and} \qquad p - qi .

Review: (maybe?)

Definition: Given a complex number a+bia + bi, its complex conjugate is the number abia - bi.

A complex number and its conjugate always have the same real part, but their imaginary parts are negatives of each other.

Theorem: Whenever a polynomial has a complex number as a root, its complex conjugate will also be a root. In other words, as roots of polynomials, complex numbers always occur in complex conjugate pairs.

def rotation_matrix(scale, theta=None, field=RDF): if theta is None: a, b = scale.real_part(), scale.imag_part() return matrix(field, 2, (a, -b, b, a)) a, b = cos(theta), sin(theta) return scale * matrix(field, 2, (a, -b, b, a))
def discrete_linear_interactive(M, initial_state, **options): options = options.copy() t_max = options.pop("t_max", 100) show_abs = options.pop("show_abs", False) options.setdefault("axes_labels", ("$X$", "$Y$")) options.setdefault("xmin", -10) options.setdefault("ymin", -10) options.setdefault("xmax", 10) options.setdefault("ymax", 10) options.setdefault("figsize", 7.5) solution = [vector(initial_state)] for t in range(t_max): solution.append(M * solution[-1]) def update(t, plotjoined, show_vectors): p = list_plot(solution[:t+1], color="black", size=30) if plotjoined: p += list_plot(solution[:t+1], plotjoined=True, color="gray") if show_vectors: for v in solution[:t+1]: p += plot(v, color="gray", arrowsize=2)**options) def update_text(change=None): label = latex_discrete_linear(M) label = latex_discrete_linear(M) if show_eigenvals.value: label += r"\qquad \text{Eigenvalues: } " + latex_eigenvalues(M, show_abs=show_abs) text.value = "${}$".format(label) t = slider(0, t_max, 1, label="$t$") plotjoined = checkbox(False, label="Connect dots") show_vectors = checkbox(False, label="Show vectors") show_eigenvals = checkbox(False, label="Show eigenvalues") output = interactive_output(update, dict(t=t, plotjoined=plotjoined, show_vectors=show_vectors)) controls = HBox((t, plotjoined, show_vectors, show_eigenvals)) text = HTMLMath() show_eigenvals.observe(update_text, "value") update_text() display(controls, text, output)
M = rotation_matrix(0.8 - 0.6j) discrete_linear_interactive(M, (2,9), aspect_ratio=1)
M = rotation_matrix(0.96 + 0.28j) discrete_linear_interactive(M, (7,2), aspect_ratio=1)
M = rotation_matrix(0.912 - 0.266j) discrete_linear_interactive(M, (-4,7), aspect_ratio=1)
M = rotation_matrix(1.008 + 0.294j) discrete_linear_interactive(M, (1,1), aspect_ratio=1)
def discrete_linear_magnitude_interactive(M, initial_state, **options): options = options.copy() t_max = options.pop("t_max", 60) show_abs = options.pop("show_abs", False) options.setdefault("axes_labels", ("$X$", "$Y$")) options.setdefault("xmin", -10) options.setdefault("ymin", -10) options.setdefault("xmax", 10) options.setdefault("ymax", 10) options.setdefault("aspect_ratio", 1) solution = [vector(initial_state)] for t in range(t_max): solution.append(M * solution[-1]) ymax = max([v.norm() for v in solution]) def update(t, show_vectors, show_trend): p1 = list_plot(solution[:t+1], color="black", size=30, **options) p2 = Graphics() if show_vectors: for t0, v in enumerate(solution[:t+1]): p1 += plot(v, color="gray", arrowsize=2) p2 += plot(vector((0, v.norm())), start=(t0,0), color="gray", arrowsize=2) if show_trend: c = solution[0].norm() r = abs(M.eigenvalues()[0]) f(t1) = c*r^t1 p2 += plot(f, (t1, 0, t_max), color="red") p2.set_axes_range(xmax=t_max, ymax=ymax) p2.axes_labels(("$t$", "Length of vectors")) both = multi_graphics([(p1, (0,0.27,0.46,0.46)), (p2, (0.54,0.27,0.46,0.46))]) def update_text(change=None): label = latex_discrete_linear(M) label = latex_discrete_linear(M) if show_eigenvals.value: label += r"\qquad \text{Eigenvalues: } " + latex_eigenvalues(M, show_abs=show_abs) text.value = "${}$".format(label) t = slider(0, t_max, 1, label="$t$") show_vectors = checkbox(False, label="Show vectors") show_trend = checkbox(False, label="Show trend") show_eigenvals = checkbox(False, label="Show eigenvalues") output = interactive_output(update, dict(t=t, show_vectors=show_vectors, show_trend=show_trend)) controls = HBox((t, show_vectors, show_trend, show_eigenvals)) text = HTMLMath() show_eigenvals.observe(update_text, "value") update_text() display(controls, text, output)
M = rotation_matrix(0.912 - 0.266j) discrete_linear_magnitude_interactive(M, (-4,7))
M = rotation_matrix(1.008 + 0.294j) discrete_linear_magnitude_interactive(M, (1,1), aspect_ratio=1)
@interact(x=slider(-10, 10, 1, label="Number:"), show_abs=checkbox(False, "Show absolute value")) def real_line(x, show_abs): p = text("0", (0,-0.6), color="black", zorder=4) p += polygon(((-2,0.05), (1,0.05), (1,1.4), (-2,1.4)), color="white", zorder=3) p += polygon(((-2,-0.1), (1,-0.1), (1,-1.4), (-2,-1.4)), color="white", zorder=3) p += point((x,0), size=40, color="blue", zorder=5) if show_abs and x > 0: p += bracket((0,0), (x,0), 0.5, label=str(abs(x)), color="blue", zorder=5) elif show_abs and x < 0: p += bracket((x,0), (0,0), 0.5, label=str(abs(x)), color="blue", zorder=5), xmax=10, ymin=-1.3, ymax=1.3, aspect_ratio=1, axes_labels=("Real", ""))
@interact(x=slider(-10, 10, 1, label="Real part:"), y=slider(-10, 10, 1, label="Imag. part:"), show_abs=checkbox(False, "Show absolute value"), show_legs=checkbox(False, "Show real and imag. parts")) def complex_plane(x, y, show_abs, show_legs): p = point((x,y), size=40, color="purple") p += text("${} + {}i$".format(x, y), (x,y), color="purple", fontsize=14, vertical_alignment="bottom", horizontal_alignment="left") if show_abs: p += line(((0,0), (x,y)), linestyle="dashed", color="purple") p += text("${}$".format(latex(sqrt(x^2 + y^2))), (x/2, y/2), color="purple", fontsize=14, vertical_alignment="bottom", horizontal_alignment="right") if show_legs: p += line(((0,0), (x,0)), linestyle="dashed", color="blue", thickness=2) p += text("${}$".format(x), (x/2, 0), color="blue", fontsize=14, vertical_alignment="top", horizontal_alignment="center") p += line(((x,0), (x,y)), linestyle="dashed", color="red") p += text("${}$".format(y), (x, y/2), color="red", fontsize=14, vertical_alignment="center", horizontal_alignment="left"), xmax=10, ymin=-10, ymax=10, aspect_ratio=1, axes_labels=("Real", "Imag"))

The absolute value of a complex number:

Definition: For a complex number z=a+biz = a + bi, the absolute value of zz is defined to be z=a2+b2 |z| = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}

Note that for its complex conjugate: abi=a2+(b)2=a2+b2 |a - bi| = \sqrt{a^2 + (-b)^2} = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}

M = rotation_matrix(0.96 + 0.28j) discrete_linear_interactive(M, (8,3), aspect_ratio=1, show_abs=True)
M = rotation_matrix(0.912 - 0.266j) discrete_linear_interactive(M, (-4,7), aspect_ratio=1, show_abs=True)
M = rotation_matrix(1.008 + 0.294j) discrete_linear_interactive(M, (1,1), aspect_ratio=1, show_abs=True)
M = matrix(RDF, [ [0 , 0 , 1000 ], [0.02, 0 , 0 ], [0 , 0.05, 0.10], ]) state = vector((500, 300, 15)) discrete_linear_interactive3d(M, state, xmax=80000, ymax=2000, zmax=100, axes_labels=("Eggs", "Hoppers", "Adults"), show_abs=True)


  1. For a discrete-time linear model, eigenvalues that are complex numbers are associated with rotating (or spiraling in or out) behavior.

  2. The absolute value of a complex number a+bia + bi is defined as a2+b2\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}.

  3. More specifically:

    • A pair of complex eigenvalues with absoute value >1> 1 means the solution will spiral outward (rotating combined with exponential growth).

    • A pair of complex eigenvalues with absoute value <1< 1 means the solution will spiral inward (rotating combined with exponential growth).

    • A pair of complex eigenvalues with absoute value exactly equal to 11 means the solution will oscillate.
      (neutral equilibrium point/center, neither exponential growth nor decay. This is a degenerate case, i.e. it rarely occurs in realistic models.)