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Lecture slides for UCLA LS 30B, Spring 2020

Views: 14463
License: GPL3
Image: ubuntu2004
Kernel: SageMath (default)
import numpy as np import plotly.graph_objects from ipywidgets import interactive_output, VBox, HBox, SelectionSlider
mydefault = plotly.graph_objects.layout.Template() mydefault.layout.xaxis.showgrid = False mydefault.layout.yaxis.showgrid = False mydefault.layout.xaxis.showline = True mydefault.layout.yaxis.showline = True mydefault.layout.yaxis.linewidth = 2 mydefault.layout.xaxis.ticks = "outside" mydefault.layout.yaxis.ticks = "outside" mydefault.layout.hovermode = False mydefault.layout.dragmode = "pan" mydefault.layout.scene.hovermode = False mydefault.layout.xaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.yaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.scene.xaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.scene.yaxis.showspikes = False mydefault.layout.scene.zaxis.showspikes = False["mydefault"] = mydefault = "mydefault"

Recall the concept of a strange attractor

state_vars = list(var("G, S, W")) system = ( G*(1 - G/3) - 2.5*G/(1 + G)*S, 2/3*2.5*G/(1 + G)*S - 0.4*S - 0.1*S/(1 + S)*W, 0.5*0.1*S/(1 + S)*W - 0.01*W, ) vectorfield(G, S, W) = system delta_t = 0.1 t_range = srange(0, 10000, delta_t) initial_state = (1, 1, 1) attractor = desolve_odeint(vectorfield, initial_state, t_range, state_vars)[int(2000/delta_t):] fig = plotly.graph_objects.Figure() fig.layout.showlegend = False fig.layout.scene.xaxis.title.text = "G (grass)" fig.layout.scene.yaxis.title.text = "S (sheep)" fig.layout.scene.zaxis.title.text = "W (wolves)" fig.layout.scene.xaxis.range = (0, 3.2) fig.layout.scene.yaxis.range = (0, 1.2) fig.layout.scene.zaxis.range = (7.3, 11.0) fig.layout.scene.aspectmode = "cube" fig.add_scatter3d(x=attractor[:,0], y=attractor[:,1], z=attractor[:,2], mode="lines", line_color="purple", opacity=0.5)

The discrete-time logistic model:

Xt+1=4Xt(1Xt)X_{t+1} = 4 X_t \cdot ( 1 - X_t )
def logistic_interactive(): r_values = [round(r, 2) for r in srange(0.5, 3.4, 0.1) + srange(3.45, 4.001, 0.01)] t_range = srange(10000) discard = 200 tmax = 500 fig = plotly.subplots.make_subplots(rows=int(1), cols=int(2)) fig = plotly.graph_objects.FigureWidget(fig) fig.layout.showlegend = False fig.layout.margin.update(t=30, r=0) fig.layout.xaxis.title.text = "t" fig.layout.yaxis.title.text = "X" fig.layout.xaxis2.title.text = "Relative frequency" fig.layout.yaxis2.title.text = "X" fig.layout.xaxis.range = (0, 50) fig.layout.yaxis.range = (0, 1.05) fig.layout.xaxis2.range = (0, 1) fig.layout.yaxis2.range = (0, 1.05) fig.add_scatter(row=int(1), col=int(1), x=t_range[:tmax], marker_color="blue", line_color="gray") timeseries =[-1] fig.add_bar(row=int(1), col=int(2), orientation="h") bar_chart =[-1] X_min, X_max, X_bins = 0, 1, 50 bin_width = (X_max - X_min) / (X_bins - 1) bin_edges = np.array(srange(X_min, X_max + bin_width/2, bin_width), dtype=float) bin_middles = (bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:]) / 2 bar_chart.y = bin_middles def update(r, X0): X_next = fast_float(r*x*(1 - x), x) X = X0 solution = np.zeros([len(t_range)], dtype=float) for t in t_range: solution[t] = X X = X_next(X) histogram = np.histogram(solution[discard:], bin_edges, density=True)[0] histogram /= histogram.max() with fig.batch_update(): timeseries.y = solution[:tmax] bar_chart.x = histogram def show_lines(change): if connect.value: with fig.batch_update(): timeseries.mode = "markers+lines" show_dist.value = False else: timeseries.mode = "markers" def show_histogram(change): with fig.batch_update(): bar_chart.visible = show_dist.value fig.layout.xaxis2.visible = show_dist.value fig.layout.yaxis2.visible = show_dist.value X_values = [round(r, 2) for r in srange(0.01, 0.991, 0.01)] r = SelectionSlider(options=r_values, value=4, description="r", continuous_update=False) X0 = SelectionSlider(options=X_values, description="Initial X:", continuous_update=False) connect = checkbox(True, label="Connect the dots") show_dist = checkbox(False, label="Show distribution") connect.observe(show_lines, "value") show_dist.observe(show_histogram, "value") show_lines(None) show_histogram(None) output = interactive_output(update, dict(r=r, X0=X0)) display(HBox((r, X0, connect, show_dist)), fig, output) return fig
logistic_widget = logistic_interactive()

The discrete-time logistic model:

Xt+1=rXt(1Xt)X_{t+1} = r X_t \cdot ( 1 - X_t )

We have been only considering the case where r=4r = 4. But what if we vary rr?