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Lecture slides for UCLA LS 30B, Spring 2020

Views: 14462
License: GPL3
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Kernel: SageMath 9.3
import numpy as np from LS30 import dde_solve
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-1-017384d1284b> in <module> 1 import numpy as np ----> 2 from LS30 import dde_solve ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'LS30'
@interact(n=slider(2, 20, 1, default=2, label="$n$")) def hpg_interact(n): tmax = 150 ymax = 7 vectorfield(H, P, G) = (1 / (1 + G^n) - 0.2*H, H - 0.2*P, P - 0.2*G) t_range = srange(0, tmax, 0.01) solution = desolve_odeint(vectorfield, (0.5, 1, 1), t_range, [H, P, G]) solution = np.insert(solution, 0, t_range, axis=1) p1 = list_plot(solution[:,(0,1)], plotjoined=True, color="gold", legend_label="$H$") p1 += list_plot(solution[:,(0,2)], plotjoined=True, color="blue", legend_label="$P$") p1 += list_plot(solution[:,(0,3)], plotjoined=True, color="red", legend_label="$G$", ymin=0, ymax=ymax, axes_labels=("$t$", "Hormone\nconcentrations"), aspect_ratio=2/3*tmax/ymax) p2 = plot(1 / (1 + G^n), (G, 0, 3), thickness=2, ymin=0, ymax=1.3) p2 += line(((0, 1), (3, 1)), color="red", linestyle="dashed") p2 += text(r"$\frac{1}{1 + G^{%d}}$" % n, (2.2, 0.5), color="black", fontsize=20, axes_labels=(r"$G$", ""), title="Production rate of GnRH") both = multi_graphics([(p1, (0, 0, 0.65, 1)), (p2, (0.75, 0.6, 0.25, 0.2))])
var("r_1, r_2, k, j, w, d") def holling_tanner_hopf(vary): field(N, P) = ( r_1*N*(1 - N/k) - w*P*N/(d + N), r_2*P*(1 - j*P/N) ) J = jacobian(field, (N, P)) b = (d - k + k*w/j/r_1)/2 N_eq = sqrt(b^2 + d*k) - b P_eq = N_eq/j J_eq = J(N_eq, P_eq) params = { r_1: 0.4, # Natural per-capita growth rate of the prey population r_2: 0.03, # Natural per-capita growth rate of the predator population j: 150, # Size of prey population needed to support each predator w: 300, # Maximum rate at which one predator consumes prey (per year) d: 1400, # Prey population at which the predation rate will be half of that maximum k: 3000, # Maximum prey population supported by the environment (carrying capacity) } param_ranges = { r_1: (0.2, 0.8, 0.01), r_2: (0.01, 0.10, 0.001), j: (50, 300, 10), w: (200, 800, 10), d: (300, 2000, 20), k: (1800, 5000, 10), } t_range = srange(0, 8000, 0.1) initial_state = (220, 0.8) @interact(value=slider(*param_ranges[vary], default=params[vary], label="${}$".format(vary))) def update(value): params[vary] = value myfield = field.subs(params) N0, P0 = (N_eq.subs(params), P_eq.subs(params)) realpart = J_eq.subs(params).trace()/2 p1 = plot_vector_field(myfield, (N, 0, 2000), (P, 0, 4), color="limegreen", frame=False) spiralin = desolve_odeint(myfield, initial_state, t_range, [N, P]) if realpart > 0: p1 += list_plot(spiralin[:-4000], plotjoined=True, color="red") near_eqpt = (N0, P0 + 0.1) spiralout = desolve_odeint(myfield, near_eqpt, t_range, [N, P]) p1 += list_plot(spiralout, plotjoined=True, color="fuchsia") p1 += list_plot(spiralin[-4000:], plotjoined=True, color="purple", thickness=2) else: p1 += list_plot(spiralin, plotjoined=True, color="red") p1 += point([(N0, P0)], size=40, color="purple", xmax=2000, ymax=4, axes_labels=("$N$ (Prey)", "$P$ (Predators)"), aspect_ratio=2/3*2000/4) saturating = (w*N/(d + N)).subs(params) p2 = plot(saturating, (N, 0, 3000), thickness=2, ymin=0, ymax=400, aspect_ratio=0.5*3000/400) p2 += line(((0, params[w]), (3000, params[w])), color="red", linestyle="dashed") p2 += text(r"$w$", (100, params[w]), color="red", fontsize=16, horizontal_alignment="left", vertical_alignment="bottom") p2 += line(((0, params[w]/2), (params[d], params[w]/2), (params[d], 0)), color="green", linestyle="dotted") p2 += text(r"$N = d$", (params[d], 0), color="green", fontsize=16, horizontal_alignment="left", vertical_alignment="bottom") p2 += text(r"$\frac{w}{2}$", (0, params[w]/2), color="green", fontsize=16, horizontal_alignment="left", vertical_alignment="bottom", axes_labels=(r"$N$", ""), title="per-capita predation rate") both = multi_graphics([(p1, (0, 0, 0.6, 1)), (p2, (0.65, 0.6, 0.35, 0.2))])
@interact(n=slider(1, 10, 1, default=2, label=r"$n$ (steepness)"), delay=slider(0, 0.9, 0.02, default=0.1, label=r"$\tau$ (delay)"), tmax=slider([4, 10, 20, 50], label=r"$t_{max}$")) def co2_ventilation_sigmoid(n, delay, tmax): X, X_tau = var("X, X_tau") l = 6 v_max = 80 a = 0.2 history = 4 timestep = 0.01 sigmoid = v_max * X_tau^n/(1 + X_tau^n) diffeq = l - sigmoid * a*X label = r"$X'(t) = %d - %d X(t) \cdot \frac{X(t - %.02f)^{%d}}{1 + X(t - %.02f)^{%d}}$" label = label % (l, a*v_max, delay, n, delay, n) solution = dde_solve(diffeq, X, {X_tau: (X, delay)}, history, tmax, timestep) p1 = list_plot(solution, plotjoined=True, ymin=0, ymax=6, axes_labels=("$t$", "$X$")) p1 += text(label, (tmax/2, 5), color="black", fontsize=20, aspect_ratio=tmax/8) p2 = plot(sigmoid, (X_tau, 0, 3), thickness=2, ymax=1.5*v_max, axes_labels=(r"$X$", ""), title="Breathing rate") p2 += line(((0, v_max), (3, v_max)), color="red", linestyle="dashed") both = multi_graphics([(p1, (0, 0, 0.65, 1)), (p2, (0.75, 0.6, 0.25, 0.2))])

                Hopf bifurcation diagram of the CO2_2 ventilation model

min_delay_for_oscillations = { 2: 0.68, 3: 0.24, 4: 0.16, 5: 0.12, 6: 0.10, 7: 0.08, 8: 0.06, 9: 0.06, 10: 0.06, } xmax = max(min_delay_for_oscillations.keys()) ymax = max(min_delay_for_oscillations.values()) vertices = sorted(list(min_delay_for_oscillations.items())) p = list_plot(vertices, plotjoined=True, thickness=2, color="black") p += polygon([(xmax,0), (0,0), (0,ymax)] + vertices, color="palegreen") p += polygon([(xmax,ymax)] + vertices, color="lightpink") p += text("Steady-state\noscillations", (7, 0.5), color="red", fontsize=20) p += text("Steady-state\nequilibrium", (2, 0.1), color="darkgreen", fontsize=20)"auto", axes_labels=("$n$", "$\\tau$"))
Image in a Jupyter notebook