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Kernel: Python 2 (SageMath)
from vpython import * from math import pi,sqrt # Written by Bruce Sherwood, licensed under Creative Commons 4.0. # All uses permitted, but you must not claim that you wrote it, and # you must include this license information in any copies you make. # For details see N = 3 # N by N by N array of atoms k = 1 m = 1 spacing = 1 atom_radius = 0.3*spacing L0 = spacing-1.8*atom_radius V0 = pi*(0.5*atom_radius)**2*L0 # initial volume of spring scene.background = color.white = 0.5*(N-1)*vector(1,1,1) dt = 0.04*(2*pi*sqrt(m/k)) axes = [vector(1,0,0), vector(0,1,0), vector(0,0,1)] scene.caption = """A model of a solid represented as atoms connected by interatomic bonds. Right button drag or Ctrl-drag to rotate "camera" to view scene. Middle button or Alt-drag to drag up or down or scroll wheel to zoom in or out. On a two-button mouse, middle is left + right. Touch screen: pinch/extend to zoom, swipe or two-finger rotate.""" class crystal: def atomAt(self, np): if (np.x>=0 and np.y>=0 and np.z>=0 and np.x<N and np.y<N and np.z<N): return self.atoms[int(np.x + np.y*N + np.z*N*N)] # Otherwise create an invisible wall and return it w = box() w.visible = False # comment out to see the true model w.radius = atom_radius w.pos = np*spacing w.momentum = vector(0,0,0) return w def __init__(self, N, atom_radius, spacing, momentumRange ): self.atoms = [] self.springs = [] # Create N^3 atoms in a grid for z in range(N): for y in range(N): for x in range(N): atom = sphere() atom.pos = vector(x,y,z)*spacing atom.radius = atom_radius atom.color = vector(0,0.58,0.69) # vec.random() available in GlowScript but not in classic VPython px = 2*random()-1 # ranges from -1 to +1 py = 2*random()-1 pz = 2*random()-1 atom.momentum = momentumRange*vector(px,py,pz) self.atoms.append( atom ) # Create a grid of springs linking each atom to the adjacent atoms # in each dimension, or to invisible walls where no atom is adjacent for d in range(3): for z in range(-1,N): for y in range(-1,N): for x in range(-1,N): atom = self.atomAt(vector(x,y,z)) neighbor = self.atomAt(vector(x,y,z)+axes[d]) if (atom.visible or neighbor.visible): spring = helix() spring.visible = atom.visible and neighbor.visible spring.thickness = 0.05 spring.radius = 0.5*atom_radius spring.length = spacing spring.up = vector(1,1,1) # prevent fibrillation of vertical springs spring.atoms = [ atom, neighbor ] spring.color = vector(1,0.5,0) self.springs.append(spring) c = crystal(N, atom_radius, spacing, 0.1*spacing*sqrt(k/m)) while True: rate(30) for atom in c.atoms: atom.pos = atom.pos + atom.momentum/m*dt for spring in c.springs: spring.axis = spring.atoms[1].pos - spring.atoms[0].pos L = mag(spring.axis) spring.axis = spring.axis.norm() spring.pos = spring.atoms[0].pos+0.5*atom_radius*spring.axis Ls = L-1*atom_radius spring.length = Ls Fdt = spring.axis * (k*dt * (1-spacing/L)) spring.atoms[0].momentum = spring.atoms[0].momentum + Fdt spring.atoms[1].momentum = spring.atoms[1].momentum - Fdt