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Exemples Sage et Python

Project: Galois
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Le langage est python ci-dessous l'instruction conditionnelle (voir aussi plus bas)

if i == 1: print 'i equals 1' else: print 'i is not 1'
i is not 1
T=TransitiveGroup(3,2) ; T; ; T.gens();
Transitive group number 2 of degree 3 3 [(1,2), (1,2,3)]
PGF3.<x>=PolynomialRing(GF3) ; PGF3
Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Finite Field of size 3
R.<x>= PolynomialRing(QQ); R
Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field

On accède aux autres logiciels R, Matlab, Maxima, etc :

pour R, voir cette vidéo de 37 sc :

de même, voir ci-dessous pour utiliser par exemple la substitution du système de calcul formel maxima

R.<x,y> = QQ[] R.<xx, yy> = R.quo([y^2 - x^3 - x])
R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, ['x%s'%p for p in primes(100)]) R.inject_variables()
Defining x2, x3, x5, x7, x11, x13, x17, x19, x23, x29, x31, x37, x41, x43, x47, x53, x59, x61, x67, x71, x73, x79, x83, x89, x97
Mod(5, 12)
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + x*y + 3*y = x^3 + 2*x^2 + 4*x + 5 over Rational Field
Algebraic Real Field
Finite Field of size 7
g = graphs.PetersenGraph().chromatic_number() show(g)
3\displaystyle 3
Permutation Group with generators [(3,7)(4,5)(8,9), (2,6)(3,8)(4,5)(7,9), (1,4,5)(2,3,8,6,9,7), (0,1)(2,4,6,5)(3,9,8,7)]
d3-based renderer not yet implemented
f(x,y) = x * sin(y) f(x,pi/4)
plot(x * sin(x), (x, -2, 10)
['%auto', '%axiom', '%capture', '%coffeescript', '%command', '%cython', '%default', '%default_mode', '%exercise', '%file', '%fork', '%fortran', '%fricas', '%gap', '%gap3', '%giac', '%go', '%gp', '%hide', '%hideall', '%html', '%javascript', '%julia', '%kash', '%lie', '%lisp', '%load', '%macaulay2', '%magics', '%magma', '%maple', '%mathematica', '%matlab', '%maxima', '%md', '%mupad', '%mwrank', '%octave', '%pandoc', '%perl', '%prun', '%python', '%r', '%reset', '%ruby', '%runfile', '%sage0', '%scilab', '%script', '%sh', '%singular', '%time', '%timeit', '%typeset_mode', '%var', '%wiki']
n = 0 while n < 5: print n n += 1
for k in [1, 2, 5, 10]: if k == 3: print "found k, returning" break else: print "Haven't found k == 3"
def f(a, b=0): """ This function returns the sum of a and b. """ return a + b
f = lambda a, b: a + b
class MyClass(object): """ This is a simple class. """ def __init__(self, a): self.a = a def __repr__(self): return "Instance of MyClass with a = %s"%self.a print(MyClass(5))
Instance of MyClass with a = 5
class A(object): def __repr__(self): return "instance of A" def foo(self): return "foo" class B(object): def __repr__(self): return "instance of B" def bar(self): return "bar" class C(A, B): """ This is a class that inerits from classes A and B. """ def __repr__(self): return "instance of C" # Both foo and bar are defined on instances of C. c = C() print(,
('foo', 'bar')
z + 1
import csv import sys f = open('example.csv', 'rt') try: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: print row finally: f.close()
{7, 3, 2,2}
set([2, 3, 7])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[n+1 for n in range(10) if n%2==0]
[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
a = polygon2d([(0,0), (1,2), (1/2,pi), (1/2,pi/2)], color='orange') b = polygon2d([(0,0), (1,2), (1/2,pi), (1/2,pi/2)], color='black', fill=False, thickness=3) show(a + b)
File: /projects/sage/sage-6.9/src/sage/matrix/matrix_integer_dense.pyx Source: cdef class Matrix_integer_dense(matrix_dense.Matrix_dense): # dense or sparse r""" Matrix over the integers, implemented using FLINT. On a 32-bit machine, they can have at most `2^{32}-1` rows or columns. On a 64-bit machine, matrices can have at most `2^{64}-1` rows or columns. EXAMPLES:: sage: a = MatrixSpace(ZZ,3)(2); a [2 0 0] [0 2 0] [0 0 2] sage: a = matrix(ZZ,1,3, [1,2,-3]); a [ 1 2 -3] sage: a = MatrixSpace(ZZ,2,4)(2); a Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: nonzero scalar matrix must be square """ ######################################################################## # LEVEL 1 functionality # x * __cinit__ # x * __dealloc__ # x * __init__ # x * set_unsafe # x * get_unsafe # x * def _pickle # x * def _unpickle ######################################################################## def __cinit__(self, parent, entries, coerce, copy): """ Create and allocate memory for the matrix. Does not actually initialize any of the memory. INPUT: - ``parent, entries, coerce, copy`` - as for __init__. EXAMPLES:: sage: from sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense import Matrix_integer_dense sage: a = Matrix_integer_dense.__new__(Matrix_integer_dense, Mat(ZZ,3), 0,0,0) sage: type(a) <type 'sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense.Matrix_integer_dense'> TESTS:: sage: Matrix(ZZ, sys.maxsize, sys.maxsize) Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: FLINT exception """ self._parent = parent self._base_ring = ZZ self._nrows = parent.nrows() self._ncols = parent.ncols() self._pivots = None self._initialized_mpz = False self._entries = NULL self._rows = NULL sig_str("FLINT exception") fmpz_mat_init(self._matrix, self._nrows, self._ncols) sig_off() cdef inline int _init_mpz(self) except -1: if self._initialized_mpz: return 0 else: return self._init_mpz_impl() cdef inline int _init_linbox(self) except -1: if not self._initialized_mpz: self._init_mpz_impl() linbox.set(self._rows, self._nrows, self._ncols) return 0 cdef int _init_mpz_impl(self) except -1: cdef Py_ssize_t i, j, k sig_on() self._rows = <mpz_t **> sage_malloc(sizeof(mpz_t*) * self._nrows) if not self._rows: raise MemoryError self._entries = <mpz_t *> sage_malloc(sizeof(mpz_t) * self._nrows * self._ncols) if not self._entries: sage_free(self._rows) raise MemoryError k = 0 for i in range(self._nrows): self._rows[i] = self._entries + k for j in range(self._ncols): mpz_init(self._entries[k]) fmpz_get_mpz(self._entries[k],fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix,i,j)) k += 1 sig_off() self._initialized_mpz = True return 1 cdef void _dealloc_mpz(self): if not self._initialized_mpz: return cdef Py_ssize_t k for k in range(self._nrows * self._ncols): mpz_clear(self._entries[k]) sage_free(self._rows) sage_free(self._entries) self._initialized_mpz = False def __hash__(self): r""" Returns hash of self. self must be immutable. EXAMPLES:: sage: a = Matrix(ZZ,2,[1,2,3,4]) sage: hash(a) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: mutable matrices are unhashable :: sage: a.set_immutable() sage: hash(a) 8 """ return self._hash() def __dealloc__(self): """ Frees all the memory allocated for this matrix. EXAMPLE:: sage: a = Matrix(ZZ,2,[1,2,3,4]) sage: del a """ fmpz_mat_clear(self._matrix) self._dealloc_mpz() def __init__(self, parent, entries, copy, coerce): r""" Initialize a dense matrix over the integers. INPUT: - ``parent`` - a matrix space - ``entries`` - list - create the matrix with those entries along the rows. - ``other`` - a scalar; entries is coerced to an integer and the diagonal entries of this matrix are set to that integer. - ``coerce`` - whether need to coerce entries to the integers (program may crash if you get this wrong) - ``copy`` - ignored (since integers are immutable) EXAMPLES: The __init__ function is called implicitly in each of the examples below to actually fill in the values of the matrix. We create a `2 \times 2` and a `1\times 4` matrix:: sage: matrix(ZZ,2,2,range(4)) [0 1] [2 3] sage: Matrix(ZZ,1,4,range(4)) [0 1 2 3] If the number of columns isn't given, it is determined from the number of elements in the list. :: sage: matrix(ZZ,2,range(4)) [0 1] [2 3] sage: matrix(ZZ,2,range(6)) [0 1 2] [3 4 5] Another way to make a matrix is to create the space of matrices and coerce lists into it. :: sage: A = Mat(ZZ,2); A Full MatrixSpace of 2 by 2 dense matrices over Integer Ring sage: A(range(4)) [0 1] [2 3] Actually it is only necessary that the input can be coerced to a list, so the following also works:: sage: v = reversed(range(4)); type(v) <type 'listreverseiterator'> sage: A(v) [3 2] [1 0] Matrices can have many rows or columns (in fact, on a 64-bit machine they could have up to `2^64-1` rows or columns):: sage: v = matrix(ZZ,1,10^5, range(10^5)) sage: v.parent() Full MatrixSpace of 1 by 100000 dense matrices over Integer Ring """ cdef Py_ssize_t i, j, k cdef bint is_list cdef Integer x cdef list entries_list if entries is None: x = is_list = False elif isinstance(entries, (int,long,Element)): try: x = ZZ(entries) except TypeError: raise TypeError("unable to coerce entry to an integer") is_list = False elif type(entries) is list: entries_list = entries is_list = True else: entries_list = list(entries) is_list = True if is_list: # Create the matrix whose entries are in the given entry list. if len(entries_list) != self._nrows * self._ncols: raise TypeError("entries has the wrong length") if coerce: k = 0 for i from 0 <= i < self._nrows: for j from 0 <= j < self._ncols: x = ZZ(entries_list[k]) k += 1 # todo -- see integer.pyx and the TODO there; perhaps this could be # sped up by creating a mpz_init_set_sage function. fmpz_set_mpz(fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix, i, j),(<Integer>x).value) else: k = 0 for i from 0 <= i < self._nrows: for j from 0 <= j < self._ncols: fmpz_set_mpz(fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix, i,j),(<Integer> entries_list[k]).value) k += 1 else: # If x is zero, make the zero matrix and be done. if mpz_sgn(x.value) == 0: fmpz_mat_zero(self._matrix) return # the matrix must be square: if self._nrows != self._ncols: raise TypeError("nonzero scalar matrix must be square") # Now we set all the diagonal entries to x and all other entries to 0. fmpz_mat_zero(self._matrix) for i from 0 <= i < self._nrows: fmpz_set_mpz(fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix,i,i), x.value) cdef set_unsafe(self, Py_ssize_t i, Py_ssize_t j, object x): """ Set position i,j of this matrix to ``x``. The object ``x`` must be of type ``Integer``. INPUT: - ``i`` -- row - ``j`` -- column - ``x`` -- must be Integer! The value to set self[i,j] to. EXAMPLES:: sage: a = matrix(ZZ,2,3, range(6)); a [0 1 2] [3 4 5] sage: a[0,0] = 10 sage: a [10 1 2] [ 3 4 5] """ self.set_unsafe_mpz(i, j, (<Integer>x).value) cdef void set_unsafe_mpz(self, Py_ssize_t i, Py_ssize_t j, const mpz_t value): """ Set position i,j of this matrix to ``value``. INPUT: - ``i`` -- row - ``j`` -- column - ``value`` -- The value to set self[i,j] to. This will make a copy of ``value``. EXAMPLES:: sage: a = matrix(ZZ,2,3, range(6)); a [0 1 2] [3 4 5] sage: a[0,0] = 10 sage: a [10 1 2] [ 3 4 5] """ fmpz_set_mpz(fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix,i,j), value) if self._initialized_mpz: mpz_set(self._entries[i*self._ncols + j], value) cdef void set_unsafe_si(self, Py_ssize_t i, Py_ssize_t j, long value): """ Set position i,j of this matrix to ``value``. """ fmpz_set_si(fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix,i,j), value) if self._initialized_mpz: mpz_set_si(self._entries[i*self._ncols + j], value) cdef void set_unsafe_double(self, Py_ssize_t i, Py_ssize_t j, double value): """ Set position i,j of this matrix to ``value``. """ fmpz_set_d(fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix,i,j), value) if self._initialized_mpz: mpz_set_d(self._entries[i*self._ncols + j], value) cdef get_unsafe(self, Py_ssize_t i, Py_ssize_t j): """ Returns (i, j) entry of self as a new Integer. .. warning:: This is very unsafe; it assumes i and j are in the right range. EXAMPLES:: sage: a = MatrixSpace(ZZ,3)(range(9)); a [0 1 2] [3 4 5] [6 7 8] sage: a[1,2] 5 sage: a[4,7] Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: matrix index out of range sage: a[-1,0] 6 """ cdef Integer z = PY_NEW(Integer) self.get_unsafe_mpz(i, j, z.value) return z cdef inline void get_unsafe_mpz(self, Py_ssize_t i, Py_ssize_t j, mpz_t value): """ Copy entry i,j of the matrix ``self`` to ``value``. .. warning:: This is very unsafe; it assumes i and j are in the right range. EXAMPLES:: sage: a = MatrixSpace(ZZ,3)(range(9)); a [0 1 2] [3 4 5] [6 7 8] sage: a[1,2] 5 sage: a[4,7] Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: matrix index out of range sage: a[-1,0] 6 """ fmpz_get_mpz(value,fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix, i, j)) cdef inline double get_unsafe_double(self, Py_ssize_t i, Py_ssize_t j): """ Returns (j, i) entry of self as a new Integer. .. warning:: This is very unsafe; it assumes i and j are in the right range. EXAMPLES:: sage: a = MatrixSpace(ZZ,3)(range(9)); a [0 1 2] [3 4 5] [6 7 8] sage: a[1,2] 5 sage: a[4,7] Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: matrix index out of range sage: a[-1,0] 6 """ return fmpz_get_d(fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix, i, j)) def _pickle(self): """ EXAMPLES:: sage: a = matrix(ZZ,2,3,[1,193,15,-2,3,0]) sage: a._pickle() ('1 61 f -2 3 0', 0) sage: S = ModularSymbols(250,4,sign=1).cuspidal_submodule().new_subspace().decomposition() # long time sage: S == loads(dumps(S)) # long time True """ return self._pickle_version0(), 0 cdef _pickle_version0(self): """ EXAMPLES:: sage: matrix(ZZ,1,3,[1,193,15])._pickle() # indirect doctest ('1 61 f', 0) """ return self._export_as_string(32) cpdef _export_as_string(self, int base=10): """ Return space separated string of the entries in this matrix, in the given base. This is optimized for speed. INPUT: base -an integer = 36; (default: 10) EXAMPLES:: sage: m = matrix(ZZ,2,3,[1,2,-3,1,-2,-45]) sage: m._export_as_string(10) '1 2 -3 1 -2 -45' sage: m._export_as_string(16) '1 2 -3 1 -2 -2d' """ # TODO: *maybe* redo this to use mpz_import and mpz_export # from sec 5.14 of the GMP manual. ?? cdef int i, j, len_so_far, m, n cdef char *a cdef char *s cdef char *t cdef char *tmp if self._nrows == 0 or self._ncols == 0: data = '' else: n = self._nrows*self._ncols*10 s = <char*> sage_malloc(n * sizeof(char)) t = s len_so_far = 0 sig_on() for i from 0 <= i < self._nrows: for j from 0 <= j < self._ncols: # mat_entry = fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix,i,j) m = fmpz_sizeinbase(fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix,i,j), base) if len_so_far + m + 2 >= n: # copy to new string with double the size n = 2*n + m + 1 tmp = <char*> sage_malloc(n * sizeof(char)) strcpy(tmp, s) sage_free(s) s = tmp t = s + len_so_far #endif fmpz_get_str(t, base, fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix,i,j)) m = strlen(t) len_so_far = len_so_far + m + 1 t = t + m t[0] = <char>32 t[1] = <char>0 t = t + 1 sig_off() data = str(s)[:-1] sage_free(s) return data def _unpickle(self, data, int version): if version == 0: if isinstance(data, str): self._unpickle_version0(data) elif isinstance(data, list): self._unpickle_matrix_2x2_version0(data) else: raise RuntimeError("invalid pickle data") else: raise RuntimeError("unknown matrix version (=%s)"%version) cdef _unpickle_version0(self, data): cdef Py_ssize_t i, j, n, k data = data.split() n = self._nrows * self._ncols if len(data) != n: raise RuntimeError("invalid pickle data") k = 0 for i from 0 <= i < self._nrows: for j from 0 <= j < self._ncols: s = data[k] k += 1 if fmpz_set_str(fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix,i,j), s, 32): raise RuntimeError("invalid pickle data") def _unpickle_matrix_2x2_version0(self, data): if len(data) != 4 or self._nrows != 2 or self._ncols != 2: raise RuntimeError("invalid pickle data") self.set_unsafe(0, 0, data[0]) self.set_unsafe(0, 1, data[1]) self.set_unsafe(1, 0, data[2]) self.set_unsafe(1, 1, data[3]) ######################################################################## # LEVEL 1 helpers: # These function support the implementation of the level 1 functionality. ######################################################################## cdef Matrix_integer_dense _new(self, Py_ssize_t nrows, Py_ssize_t ncols): """ Return a new matrix over the integers from given parent All memory is allocated for this matrix, but its entries have not yet been filled in. """ if nrows == self._nrows and ncols == self._ncols: P = self._parent else: P = matrix_space.MatrixSpace(ZZ, nrows, ncols, sparse=False) cdef Matrix_integer_dense ans = Matrix_integer_dense.__new__(Matrix_integer_dense, P, None, None, None) return ans ######################################################################## # LEVEL 2 functionality # x * cdef _add_ # x * cdef _sub_ # x * cdef _mul_ # x * cpdef _cmp_ # x * __neg__ # x * __invert__ -> SEE LEVEL 3 FUNCTIONALITIES # x * __copy__ # x * _multiply_classical # * _list -- list of underlying elements (need not be a copy) # * _dict -- sparse dictionary of underlying elements (need not be a copy) ######################################################################## # cdef _mul_(self, Matrix right): # def _multiply_classical(left, matrix.Matrix _right): # def _list(self): # def _dict(self): def __copy__(self): r""" Returns a new copy of this matrix. EXAMPLES:: sage: a = matrix(ZZ,1,3, [1,2,-3]); a [ 1 2 -3] sage: b = a.__copy__(); b [ 1 2 -3] sage: b is a False sage: b == a True sage: M = MatrixSpace(ZZ,2,3) sage: m = M([1,2,3,3,2,1]) sage: mc = m.__copy__() sage: mc == m and mc is not m True """ cdef Matrix_integer_dense A A = self._new(self._nrows,self._ncols) sig_on() fmpz_mat_set(A._matrix,self._matrix) sig_off() if self._subdivisions is not None: A.subdivide(*self.subdivisions()) return A def __nonzero__(self): r""" Tests whether self is the zero matrix. EXAMPLES:: sage: a = MatrixSpace(ZZ, 2, 3)(range(6)); a [0 1 2] [3 4 5] sage: a.__nonzero__() True sage: (a - a).__nonzero__() False :: sage: a = MatrixSpace(ZZ, 0, 3)() sage: a.__nonzero__() False sage: a = MatrixSpace(ZZ, 3, 0)() sage: a.__nonzero__() False sage: a = MatrixSpace(ZZ, 0, 0)() sage: a.__nonzero__() False """ return not fmpz_mat_is_zero(self._matrix) def _multiply_linbox(self, Matrix_integer_dense right): """ Multiply matrices over ZZ using linbox. .. warning:: This is very slow right now, i.e., linbox is very slow. EXAMPLES:: sage: A = matrix(ZZ,2,3,range(6)) sage: A*A.transpose() [ 5 14] [14 50] sage: A._multiply_linbox(A.transpose()) [ 5 14] [14 50] TESTS: This fixes a bug found in :trac:`17094`:: sage: A = identity_matrix(ZZ,3) sage: A._multiply_linbox(A) [1 0 0] [0 1 0] [0 0 1] """ cdef int e cdef long int i,j cdef Matrix_integer_dense ans cdef Matrix_integer_dense left = <Matrix_integer_dense>self if self._nrows == right._nrows: # self acts on the space of right parent = right.parent() if self._ncols == right._ncols: # right acts on the space of self parent = self.parent() else: parent = self.matrix_space(left._nrows, right._ncols) ans = self._new(parent.nrows(),parent.ncols()) left._init_linbox() right._init_mpz() ans._init_mpz() sig_on() linbox.matrix_matrix_multiply(ans._rows, right._rows, right._nrows, right._ncols) for i from 0 <= i < ans._nrows: for j from 0 <= j < ans._ncols: fmpz_set_mpz(fmpz_mat_entry(ans._matrix,i,j),ans._rows[i][j]) sig_off() return ans def _multiply_classical(self, Matrix_integer_dense right): """ EXAMPLE:: sage: n = 3 sage: a = MatrixSpace(ZZ,n,n)(range(n^2)) sage: b = MatrixSpace(ZZ,n,n)(range(1, n^2 + 1)) sage: a._multiply_classical(b) [ 18 21 24] [ 54 66 78] [ 90 111 132] """ if self._ncols != right._nrows: raise IndexError("Number of columns of self must equal number of rows of right.") cdef Py_ssize_t i, j, k, nr, nc, snc cdef object parent nr = self._nrows nc = right._ncols snc = self._ncols if self._nrows == right._nrows: # self acts on the space of right parent = right.parent() if self._ncols == right._ncols: # right acts on the space of self parent = self.parent() else: parent = self.matrix_space(nr, nc) cdef Matrix_integer_dense M, _right _right = right M = self._new(parent.nrows(),parent.ncols()) cdef fmpz_t s fmpz_init(s) sig_on() for i from 0 <= i < nr: for j from 0 <= j < nc: fmpz_set_si(s,0) # set s = 0 for k from 0 <= k < snc: fmpz_addmul(s, fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix,i,k), fmpz_mat_entry(_right._matrix,k,j)) fmpz_set(fmpz_mat_entry(M._matrix,i,j),s) sig_off() fmpz_clear(s) return M cdef sage.structure.element.Matrix _matrix_times_matrix_(self, sage.structure.element.Matrix right): cdef Matrix_integer_dense M if self._ncols != right._nrows: raise IndexError("Number of columns of self must equal number of rows of right.") M = self._new(self._nrows, right._ncols) sig_on() fmpz_mat_mul(M._matrix, self._matrix, (<Matrix_integer_dense>right)._matrix) sig_off() return M cpdef ModuleElement _lmul_(self, RingElement right): """ EXAMPLES:: sage: a = matrix(ZZ, 2, range(6)) sage: 5 * a [ 0 5 10] [15 20 25] """ cdef Integer x = Integer(right) cdef fmpz_t z cdef Matrix_integer_dense M = self._new(self._nrows, self._ncols) sig_on() fmpz_init_set_readonly(z, x.value) fmpz_mat_scalar_mul_fmpz(M._matrix, self._matrix, z) fmpz_clear_readonly(z) sig_off() return M cpdef ModuleElement _add_(self, ModuleElement right): """ Add two dense matrices over ZZ. EXAMPLES:: sage: a = MatrixSpace(ZZ,3)(range(9)) sage: a+a [ 0 2 4] [ 6 8 10] [12 14 16] sage: b = MatrixSpace(ZZ,3)(range(9)) sage: b.swap_rows(1,2) sage: a+b [ 0 2 4] [ 9 11 13] [ 9 11 13] """ cdef Matrix_integer_dense M = self._new(self._nrows,self._ncols) sig_on() fmpz_mat_add(M._matrix,self._matrix,(<Matrix_integer_dense> right)._matrix) sig_off() return M cpdef ModuleElement _sub_(self, ModuleElement right): """ Subtract two dense matrices over ZZ. EXAMPLES:: sage: M = Mat(ZZ,3) sage: a = M(range(9)); b = M(reversed(range(9))) sage: a - b [-8 -6 -4] [-2 0 2] [ 4 6 8] """ cdef Matrix_integer_dense M = self._new(self._nrows,self._ncols) sig_on() fmpz_mat_sub(M._matrix,self._matrix,(<Matrix_integer_dense> right)._matrix) sig_off() return M def __pow__(sself, n, dummy): r""" Return the ``n``-th power of this matrix. EXAMPLES:: sage: M = MatrixSpace(ZZ,3) sage: m = M([1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, -3, -2, -1]) sage: m ** 3 [-3 -2 -1] [-3 -2 0] [ 2 1 -3] sage: m ** -2 [ 2 -3 -1] [-4 4 1] [ 1 0 0] sage: M(range(9)) ** -1 Traceback (most recent call last): ... ZeroDivisionError: Matrix is singular TESTS:: sage: m ** 3 == m ** 3r == (~m) ** (-3) == (~m) ** (-3r) True The following exponents do not fit in an unsigned long and the multiplication method fall back to the generic power implementation in :mod:`sage.structure.element`:: sage: m = M.identity_matrix() sage: m ** (2**256) [1 0 0] [0 1 0] [0 0 1] sage: m ** (2r**256r) [1 0 0] [0 1 0] [0 0 1] In this case, the second argument to ``__pow__`` is a matrix, which should raise the correct error:: sage: M = Matrix(2, 2, range(4)) sage: None^M Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Cannot convert NoneType to sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense.Matrix_integer_dense sage: M^M Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: non-integral exponents not supported """ cdef Matrix_integer_dense self = <Matrix_integer_dense?>sself if dummy is not None: raise ValueError if self._nrows != self._ncols: raise ArithmeticError("self must be a square matrix") cdef unsigned long e if isinstance(n, int): if n < 0: return (~self) ** (-n) e = n else: if not isinstance(n, Integer): try: n = Integer(n) except TypeError: raise NotImplementedError("non-integral exponents not supported") if mpz_sgn((<Integer>n).value) < 0: return (~self) ** (-n) if mpz_fits_ulong_p((<Integer>n).value): e = mpz_get_ui((<Integer>n).value) else: # it is very likely that the following will never finish except # if self is nilpotent return generic_power_c(self, n, if e == 0: return self._parent.identity_matrix() if e == 1: return self cdef Matrix_integer_dense M = self._new(self._nrows, self._ncols) sig_on() fmpz_mat_pow(M._matrix, self._matrix, e) sig_off() return M def __neg__(self): r""" Return the negative of this matrix. TESTS:: sage: a = matrix(ZZ,2,range(4)) sage: a.__neg__() [ 0 -1] [-2 -3] sage: -a [ 0 -1] [-2 -3] """ cdef Matrix_integer_dense M = self._new(self._nrows, self._ncols) sig_on() fmpz_mat_neg(M._matrix, self._matrix) sig_off() return M cpdef int _cmp_(self, Element right) except -2: r""" Compares self with right, examining entries in lexicographic (row major) ordering. EXAMPLES:: sage: Matrix(ZZ, [[0, 10], [20, 30]]).__cmp__(Matrix(ZZ, [[0, 10], [20, 30]])) 0 sage: Matrix(ZZ, [[0, 10], [20, 30]]).__cmp__(Matrix(ZZ, [[0, 15], [20, 30]])) -1 sage: Matrix(ZZ, [[5, 10], [20, 30]]).__cmp__(Matrix(ZZ, [[0, 15], [20, 30]])) 1 sage: Matrix(ZZ, [[5, 10], [20, 30]]).__cmp__(Matrix(ZZ, [[0, 10], [25, 30]])) 1 """ cdef Py_ssize_t i, j cdef int k sig_on() for i from 0 <= i < self._nrows: for j from 0 <= j < self._ncols: k = fmpz_cmp(fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix,i,j),fmpz_mat_entry((<Matrix_integer_dense>right)._matrix,i,j)) if k: sig_off() if k < 0: return -1 else: return 1 sig_off() return 0 # TODO: Implement better cdef Vector _vector_times_matrix_(self, Vector v): """ Returns the vector times matrix product. INPUT: - ``v`` - a free module element. OUTPUT: The vector times matrix product v\*A. EXAMPLES:: sage: B = matrix(ZZ,2, [1,2,3,4]) sage: V = ZZ^2 sage: w = V([-1,5]) sage: w*B (14, 18) """ cdef Vector_integer_dense w, ans cdef Py_ssize_t i, j cdef fmpz_t x cdef fmpz_t z M = self._row_ambient_module() w = <Vector_integer_dense> v ans = M.zero_vector() sig_on() fmpz_init(x) fmpz_init(z) for i from 0 <= i < self._ncols: fmpz_set_si(x, 0) for j from 0 <= j < self._nrows: fmpz_set_mpz(z,w._entries[j]) fmpz_addmul(x, z, fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix,j,i)) fmpz_get_mpz(ans._entries[i], x) fmpz_clear(x) fmpz_clear(z) sig_off() return ans ######################################################################## # LEVEL 3 functionality (Optional) # * __deepcopy__ # x * __invert__ # * Matrix windows -- only if you need strassen for that base # * Other functions (list them here): # * Specialized echelon form ######################################################################## def _clear_denom(self): """ INPUT: - ``self`` - a matrix OUTPUT: self, 1 EXAMPLES:: sage: a = matrix(ZZ,2,[1,2,3,4]) sage: a._clear_denom() ( [1 2] [3 4], 1 ) """ return self, ZZ(1) def charpoly(self, var='x', algorithm='generic'): """ INPUT: - ``var`` - a variable name - ``algorithm`` - 'generic' (default), 'flint' or 'linbox' .. note:: Linbox charpoly disabled on 64-bit machines, since it hangs in many cases. EXAMPLES:: sage: A = matrix(ZZ,6, range(36)) sage: f = A.charpoly(); f x^6 - 105*x^5 - 630*x^4 sage: f(A) == 0 True sage: n=20; A = Mat(ZZ,n)(range(n^2)) sage: A.charpoly() x^20 - 3990*x^19 - 266000*x^18 sage: A.minpoly() x^3 - 3990*x^2 - 266000*x TESTS: The cached polynomial should be independent of the ``var`` argument (:trac:`12292`). We check (indirectly) that the second call uses the cached value by noting that its result is not cached:: sage: M = MatrixSpace(ZZ, 2) sage: A = M(range(0, 2^2)) sage: type(A) <type 'sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense.Matrix_integer_dense'> sage: A.charpoly('x') x^2 - 3*x - 2 sage: A.charpoly('y') y^2 - 3*y - 2 sage: A._cache['charpoly_linbox'] x^2 - 3*x - 2 """ cdef long i,n cdef Integer z cdef Polynomial_integer_dense_flint g if algorithm == 'generic': algorithm = 'linbox' cache_key = 'charpoly_%s' % algorithm g = self.fetch(cache_key) if g is not None: return g.change_variable_name(var) if algorithm == 'flint' or (algorithm == 'linbox' and not USE_LINBOX_POLY): g = PolynomialRing(ZZ,names = var).gen() sig_on() fmpz_mat_charpoly(g.__poly,self._matrix) sig_off() elif algorithm == 'linbox': g = self._charpoly_linbox(var) else: raise ValueError("no algorithm '%s'"%algorithm) self.cache(cache_key, g) return g def minpoly(self, var='x', algorithm = 'linbox'): """ INPUT: - ``var`` - a variable name - ``algorithm`` - 'linbox' (default) 'generic' .. note:: Linbox charpoly disabled on 64-bit machines, since it hangs in many cases. EXAMPLES:: sage: A = matrix(ZZ,6, range(36)) sage: A.minpoly() x^3 - 105*x^2 - 630*x sage: n=6; A = Mat(ZZ,n)([k^2 for k in range(n^2)]) sage: A.minpoly() x^4 - 2695*x^3 - 257964*x^2 + 1693440*x """ key = 'minpoly_%s_%s'%(algorithm, var) x = self.fetch(key) if x: return x if algorithm == 'linbox' and not USE_LINBOX_POLY: algorithm = 'generic' if algorithm == 'linbox': g = self._minpoly_linbox(var) elif algorithm == 'generic': g = matrix_dense.Matrix_dense.minpoly(self, var) else: raise ValueError("no algorithm '%s'"%algorithm) self.cache(key, g) return g def _minpoly_linbox(self, var='x'): return self._poly_linbox(var=var, typ='minpoly') def _charpoly_linbox(self, var='x'): if self.is_zero(): # program around a bug in linbox on 32-bit linux x = self.base_ring()[var].gen() return x ** self._nrows return self._poly_linbox(var=var, typ='charpoly') def _poly_linbox(self, var='x', typ='minpoly'): """ INPUT: - ``var`` - 'x' - ``typ`` - 'minpoly' or 'charpoly' """ time = verbose('computing %s of %s x %s matrix using linbox'%(typ, self._nrows, self._ncols)) if self._nrows != self._ncols: raise ArithmeticError("self must be a square matrix") if self._nrows <= 1: return matrix_dense.Matrix_dense.charpoly(self, var) self._init_linbox() if typ == 'minpoly': sig_on() v = linbox.minpoly() sig_off() else: sig_on() v = linbox.charpoly() sig_off() R = self._base_ring[var] verbose('finished computing %s'%typ, time) return R(v) def height(self): """ Return the height of this matrix, i.e., the max absolute value of the entries of the matrix. OUTPUT: A nonnegative integer. EXAMPLE:: sage: a = Mat(ZZ,3)(range(9)) sage: a.height() 8 sage: a = Mat(ZZ,2,3)([-17,3,-389,15,-1,0]); a [ -17 3 -389] [ 15 -1 0] sage: a.height() 389 """ cdef Integer x = PY_NEW(Integer) self.mpz_height(x.value) return x cdef int mpz_height(self, mpz_t height) except -1: """ Used to compute the height of this matrix. INPUT: - ``height`` -- a GMP mpz_t which has been initialized OUTPUT: sets the value of height to the height of this matrix, i.e., the max absolute value of the entries of the matrix. """ cdef fmpz_t x,h cdef Py_ssize_t i,j sig_on() fmpz_init(h) fmpz_init(x) for i from 0 <= i < self._nrows: for j from 0 <= j < self._ncols: fmpz_abs(x, fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix,i,j)) if fmpz_cmp(h, x) < 0: fmpz_set(h, x) fmpz_get_mpz(height,h) fmpz_clear(h) fmpz_clear(x) sig_off() return 0 # no error occurred. def _multiply_multi_modular(self, Matrix_integer_dense right): """ Multiply this matrix by ``left`` using a multi modular algorithm. EXAMPLES:: sage: M = Matrix(ZZ, 2, 3, range(5,11)) sage: N = Matrix(ZZ, 3, 2, range(15,21)) sage: M._multiply_multi_modular(N) [310 328] [463 490] sage: M._multiply_multi_modular(-N) [-310 -328] [-463 -490] """ cdef Integer h cdef Matrix_integer_dense left = <Matrix_integer_dense>self cdef mod_int *moduli cdef int i, n, k cdef object parent nr = left._nrows nc = right._ncols snc = left._ncols cdef Matrix_integer_dense result h = left.height() * right.height() * left.ncols() verbose('multiplying matrices of height %s and %s'%(left.height(),right.height())) mm = MultiModularBasis(h) res = left._reduce(mm) res_right = right._reduce(mm) k = len(mm) for i in range(k): # yes, I could do this with zip, but to conserve memory... t = cputime() res[i] *= res_right[i] verbose('multiplied matrices modulo a prime (%s/%s)'%(i+1,k), t) result = left.new_matrix(nr,nc) _lift_crt(result, res, mm) # changes result return result def _mod_int(self, modulus): """ Reduce the integer matrix modulo a positive integer. EXAMPLES:: sage: M = Matrix(ZZ, 2, [1,2,-2,3]) sage: M._mod_int(2) [1 0] [0 1] sage: M._mod_int(1000000) [ 1 2] [999998 3] """ cdef mod_int c = modulus if int(c) != modulus: raise OverflowError else: return self._mod_int_c(modulus) cdef _mod_two(self): cdef Matrix_mod2_dense res res = Matrix_mod2_dense.__new__(Matrix_mod2_dense, matrix_space.MatrixSpace(IntegerModRing(2), self._nrows, self._ncols, sparse=False), None, None, None) res.__init__(matrix_space.MatrixSpace(IntegerModRing(2), self._nrows, self._ncols, sparse=False), self.list(), None, None) return res cdef _mod_int_c(self, mod_int p): from matrix_modn_dense_float import MAX_MODULUS as MAX_MODULUS_FLOAT from matrix_modn_dense_double import MAX_MODULUS as MAX_MODULUS_DOUBLE cdef Py_ssize_t i, j cdef mpz_t* self_row cdef float* res_row_f cdef Matrix_modn_dense_float res_f cdef double* res_row_d cdef Matrix_modn_dense_double res_d if p == 2: return self._mod_two() elif p < MAX_MODULUS_FLOAT: res_f = Matrix_modn_dense_float.__new__(Matrix_modn_dense_float, matrix_space.MatrixSpace(IntegerModRing(p), self._nrows, self._ncols, sparse=False), None, None, None) for i from 0 <= i < self._nrows: res_row_f = res_f._matrix[i] for j from 0 <= j < self._ncols: res_row_f[j] = <float>fmpz_fdiv_ui(fmpz_mat_entry(self._matrix,i,j), p) return res_f elif p < MAX_MODULUS_DOUBLE: res_d = Matrix_modn_de[...]
WARNING: Output truncated. Type 'smc?' to learn how to raise the output limit.
matrix(3,[1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9]).right_eigenvectors()
[(0, [ (1, -2, 1) ], 1), (-1.116843969807043?, [(1, 0.11039450377411963?, -0.7792109924517608?)], 1), (16.11684396980705?, [(1, 2.264605496225881?, 3.529210992451761?)], 1)]
numerical_integral(1 + x + x^2, 0, 3)[0] # [1] gives error bound f(x,y) = x * sin(y)
integrate(1 + x + x^2, x)
matrix([[1,2], [3,8]]).Eigenvectors()
Error in lines 1-1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/projects/sage/sage-6.9/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/smc_sagews/", line 905, in execute exec compile(block+'\n', '', 'single') in namespace, locals File "", line 1, in <module> File "sage/structure/element.pyx", line 418, in sage.structure.element.Element.__getattr__ (/projects/sage/sage-6.9/src/build/cythonized/sage/structure/element.c:4670) return getattr_from_other_class(self, P._abstract_element_class, name) File "sage/structure/misc.pyx", line 259, in sage.structure.misc.getattr_from_other_class (/projects/sage/sage-6.9/src/build/cythonized/sage/structure/misc.c:1771) raise dummy_attribute_error AttributeError: 'sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense.Matrix_integer_dense' object has no attribute 'Eigenvectors'
m.[tab key]
Error in lines 0-1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/projects/sage/sage-6.9/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/smc_sagews/", line 905, in execute exec compile(block+'\n', '', 'single') in namespace, locals File "<string>", line 1 m.[tab key] ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
matrix([[1,2], [3,8]]).Eigenvectors();
Error in lines 1-1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/projects/sage/sage-6.9/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/smc_sagews/", line 905, in execute exec compile(block+'\n', '', 'single') in namespace, locals File "", line 1, in <module> File "sage/structure/element.pyx", line 418, in sage.structure.element.Element.__getattr__ (/projects/sage/sage-6.9/src/build/cythonized/sage/structure/element.c:4670) return getattr_from_other_class(self, P._abstract_element_class, name) File "sage/structure/misc.pyx", line 259, in sage.structure.misc.getattr_from_other_class (/projects/sage/sage-6.9/src/build/cythonized/sage/structure/misc.c:1771) raise dummy_attribute_error AttributeError: 'sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense.Matrix_integer_dense' object has no attribute 'Eigenvectors'
m.[tab key]
Error in lines 1-1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/projects/sage/sage-6.9/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/smc_sagews/", line 905, in execute exec compile(block+'\n', '', 'single') in namespace, locals File "<string>", line 1 m.[tab key] ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Error in lines 1-1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/projects/sage/sage-6.9/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/smc_sagews/", line 905, in execute exec compile(block+'\n', '', 'single') in namespace, locals File "", line 1, in <module> File "sage/structure/element.pyx", line 418, in sage.structure.element.Element.__getattr__ (/projects/sage/sage-6.9/src/build/cythonized/sage/structure/element.c:4670) return getattr_from_other_class(self, P._abstract_element_class, name) File "sage/structure/misc.pyx", line 259, in sage.structure.misc.getattr_from_other_class (/projects/sage/sage-6.9/src/build/cythonized/sage/structure/misc.c:1771) raise dummy_attribute_error AttributeError: 'sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense.Matrix_integer_dense' object has no attribute 'Eigenvectors'