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Kernel: Python 3

Modeling a Double Pendulum

By Marion Madanguit and Nicola van Moon

# Configure Jupyter so figures appear in the notebook %matplotlib inline # Configure Jupyter to display the assigned value after an assignment %config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity='last_expr_or_assign' # import functions from the module from modsim import *
m = UNITS.meter s = UNITS.second minute = UNITS.minute day = kg = UNITS.kilogram degree = radian = UNITS.radian
t_0 = 0 * s t_end = (2 * minute).to_base_units() dt = 1 * s params = Params(L1=1 * m, #length of the inner rod L2=1 * m, #length of the outer rod angle1 = (90 * degree).to_base_units(), #angle to the left from the vertical of the first rod angle2=(90 * degree).to_base_units(), #angle from the vertical of the second rod """BEWARE FUTURE NICOLA AND MARION: Later assumptions for simplicity in the initial model depend on this angle being 90 degrees so that would have to be changed before the angle is changed""" m1=1 * kg, #mass of the inner rod m2=1 * kg, #mass of the outer rod v1_init=0 * m / s, #velocity of the inner mass v3_init=0 * m / s, #velocity of the outer mass (in reference to the origin) #for simplicity as we test our model we are using 0 initial velocity at the beguining g = 9.8 * m / s**2, t_end=t_end, dt=dt)
File "<ipython-input-5-7f7ebc9839c7>", line 10 m1=1 * kg, #mass of the inner rod ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
def pol_vector(mag, angle): x, y = pol2cart(angle, mag) return Vector(x, y)
def make_system(params): """ make_system creates a system to store the parameters and initial conditions. Parameters: params: model parameters """ # make the initial state R1 = pol_vector(params.L1, params.angle1) R2 = pol_vector(params.L2, params.angle2) R3 = R1 + R2 #R3 is the position of mass 1 in reference to the origin V1_angle = Vector(R1.y, R1.x).angle #defines the angle of the inner mass's velocity as perpendicular to it's position vector V3_angle = Vector(R3.y, R3.x).angle V1 = pol_vector(params.v1_init, V1_angle) #velocity vector of mass 1 V3 = pol_vector(params.v3_init, V3_angle) #velocity vector of mass 2 in reference to the origin AT1 = params.g #the tangential acceleration at the beguining of the simulation is just gravity because we are setting the initial angle to be 90 degrees so that the pendulul is horizantal AT3 = params.g """ we are very purposefully starting it at 90 degrees so that we know the initial tangential acceleration so that we can use it to know the Angular acceleration at the beguining which lets us solve for acceleration. In each timestep we will update the tangential acceleration in the state so that we can use it in the next timestep """ init = State(R1=R1, R3=R3, V1=V1, V3=V3, AT1=AT1, AT3=AT3) return System(params, init=init) system = make_system(params) system.init
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-6-72ddd8428b6b> in <module> 26 return System(params, init=init) 27 ---> 28 system = make_system(params) 29 system.init 30 NameError: name 'params' is not defined
R1 [6.123233995736766e-17 meter, 1.0 meter]
R3 [1.2246467991473532e-16 meter, 2.0 meter]
V1 [0.0 meter / second, 0.0 meter / second]
V3 [0.0 meter / second, 0.0 meter / second]
AT1 9.8 meter / second ** 2
AT3 9.8 meter / second ** 2
def slope_func(state, t, system): """ slope_func calculates the derivative of each state variable. Parameters: state: a state variable containing the position vectors, velocity vectors, and tangential acceleration vectors t: the time step system: the system storing the parameters and initial conditions """ R1, R3, V1, V2, AT1, AT3 = state m1, m2, g = system.m1, system.m2, system.g L1, L2 = system.l1, system.l2 alpha1 = AT1 / R1.mag alpha3 = AT3 / R3.mag T1 = (-m1 * L2 * alpha2) / sin(R2.angle - R1.angle) T2 = (-m1 * L1 * alpha1 + g * sin(R1.angle)) / sin(R2.angle - R1.angle) dRdt1 = V1 dRdt3 = V2 dVdt1 = (-T1 * ((R1) / R1.mag)) + T2 * (((R3-R1) / (R3-R1).mag) + m1 * g) / m1 dVdt3 = (-T2 * ((R3-R1) / (R3-R1).mag) + m2 * g) / m2 return dRdt1, dRdt3, dVdt1, dVdt3
slope_func(system.init, 0, system)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-2-da4a754bc0fa> in <module> ----> 1 slope_func(system.init, 0, system) NameError: name 'system' is not defined
def event_func(state, t, system): return system.t_end - t
results, details = run_ode_solver(system, slope_func, events=event_func) details
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-4-7654f96435dd> in <module> ----> 1 results, details = run_ode_solver(system, slope_func, events=event_func) 2 details NameError: name 'run_ode_solver' is not defined