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Jupyter notebook Crypytography/04_Pairing.ipynb

Project: phonchi chung
Views: 877
Kernel: Python 3

Pairing Based Cryptography


  1. Arithmetic in ZpZ_p: 可以建構在 GMP library 上 (提供了 number theoretic functions 像是 inversion modulo a prime 和 Jacobi symbol 等)

  2. Elliptic curve groups: 解 y2=x3+ax+boverZpy^2=x^3+ax+b over Zp, point addition 和 multiplication (可參考前一份notebook)

  3. Bilinear pairing: Miller’s algorithm

上述可以實現出 Type A and B (and A1) pairings- 快速但是elements 需要很多空間來表示,如果要實現起他 pairing 就必須實現 Field extensions

另外還要尋找 pairing-friendly curves。 像是 MNT curve construction method 需要 finding roots modulo a given prime, testing polynomial irreducibility, computing Hilbert polynomials. 這些都需要 high precision complex floating point arithmetic 和解 Pell-type equation

另外我們要隨機在 elliptic curve 上產生點,常見做法是隨機選擇 x-coordinate 然後解上述的 quadratic equation 來得到 y. (若無解, 則再換下一個x座標)。對於 odd characteristics, 如果我們可以找到 square roots of elements這可以一次達成。 在 finite field of prime order 中 square roots 可以藉由解 Tonelli-Shanks algorithm來得到。 至於其他field 則要參考其他新的文獻。(一個解法是去解 x2ax^2−a 用 Cantor-Zassenhaus method (Legendre’s method))。

對於特定情況有更簡潔的方式可以產生隨機點。 例如若 p 是質數且 p=2(mod3)p = 2 \pmod 3 則 x 的三次方根(Fq中) 為 x(2p1)/3x^{(2p−1)/3}. 故若方程式中 a=0,我們可以選擇先挑y然後解x。

Introduction to Charm

Group Abstractions

實做scheme的第一步是去選擇適當的 group。 Modern cryptographic algorithms 通常建構在提供特定數學難題性質的group上。

在charm中提供了三種cryptographic settings:

  1. Integergroups

  2. ecgroups

  3. pairinggroups

要 initialize a group in the elliptic curve (EC) setting, 請參考 toolbox.eccurve 中實做的成員和方法以及了解提供相關的 NIST approved curves (e.g., prime192v1).

對 EC with billinear maps (or pairings)來說,提供了 symmetric 和 asymmetric 的 curves。 例如: 'SS512' 是一個 symmetric curve with a 512-bit base field 而'MNT159' 代表了 asymmetric curve with 159-bit base field.

注意這些 curves 是 prime order

最後,對於 Integer groups, 通常定義大質數 p and q 就足以產生一個 RSA group. 若要用其他像 schnorr groups, 可能會需要一些時間來產生相關參數,因為 他們要求safe primes (例如: p = 2q + 1). 接下來我們呈現 integer 和 pairing groups:

from charm.toolbox.integergroup import IntegerGroup
group1 = IntegerGroup() group1.paramgen(1024) g = group1.randomGen() g, type(g)
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,ZR,G1,G2,GT,pair
group2 = PairingGroup('SS512') g1 = group2.random(G1) g2 = group2.random(G2)
g1, g2, type(g1)

Implement a Scheme

通常採用OOP的實作方法來增進可重複利用以及延伸性。 事實上內建了許多 base classes 對許多 cryptographic primitives 含有 standard interfaces 像是 PKEnc(public-key encryption), PKSig(public-key signatures), ABEnc(attribute-based encryption) 等等。第一步是去繼承這些class (下面我們說明如何用 Charm 實現 Cramer-Shoup PKEnc scheme。)

在 charm toolbox 中每種 cryptographic setting 有一個對應的 group abstraction 像是前面提到的 elliptic curve group , pairing group, 和 integer groups。 這些 abstractions 提供了 convenient 且 simple 的界面來選擇 group parameters, 運算 group operations, 和 benchmarking.

接下來,針對所要實現的 cryptographic scheme 要 import 我們要實現相關的 group setting

在 class initialization時,會呼叫 init, 在這個例子中會定義PKEnc基本的 security properties: 把 NIST standard elliptic curve identifier當成input。另外, 在這例子中,我們將 group object 定義為 global variable.

另一種方法是定義 group 為class member,例如: = ECGroup(curve).

from charm.toolbox.PKEnc import PKEnc from charm.toolbox.ecgroup import ECGroup class CS98(PKEnc): def __init__(self, curve): PKEnc.__init__(self) global group group = ECGroup(curve)

接下來看 Keygen, 他只接受一個 security parameter,然後產生 public 和 private keys 給 user, 注意這邊我們需要選一個 hash function H

g1,g2Gx1,x2,y1,y2,zZqc=g1x1g2x2,d=g1y1g2y2,h=g1zpk=(g1,g2,c,d,h,H)sk=(x1,x2,y1,y2,z)\begin{array}{c} g_1, g_2 \in G \\ x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2, z \in Z_q \\ c = g_1^{x_1} \cdot g_2^{x_2}, d = g_1^{y_1} \cdot g_2^{y_2}, h = g_1^z \\ pk = (g_1, g_2, c, d, h, H) \\ sk = (x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2, z) \end{array}

def keygen(self, secparam): # Security parameter only g1, g2 = group.random(G), group.random(G) x1, x2, y1, y2, z = group.random(ZR), group.random(ZR), group.random(ZR), group.random(ZR), group.random(ZR) c = (g1 ** x1) * (g2 ** x2) d = (g1 ** y1) * (g2 ** y2) h = (g1 ** z) pk = { 'g1' : g1, 'g2' : g2, 'c' : c, 'd' : d, 'h' : h, 'H' : group.hash } #dict class sk = { 'x1' : x1, 'x2' : x2, 'y1' : y1, 'y2' : y2, 'z' : z } return (pk, sk)

encryption 在 paper中敘述如下,我們利用group的encode幫我們轉換message到運算domain

mG,rZqu1=g1r,u2=g2r,e=hrm,α=H(u1,u2,e),v=crdrα(u1,u2,e,v)\begin{array}{c} m \in G, r \in Z_q \\ u_1 = g_1^r, u_2 = g_2^r, e = h^r \cdot m , \alpha = H(u_1, u_2, e), v = c^r \cdot d^{r\alpha} \\ (u_1, u_2, e, v) \end{array}

def encrypt(self, pk, m): r = group.random(ZR) u1 = pk['g1'] ** r u2 = pk['g2'] ** r e = group.encode(m) * (pk['h'] ** r) alpha = pk['H'](u1, u2, e) v = (pk['c'] ** r) * (pk['d'] ** (r * alpha)) return { 'u1' : u1, 'u2' : u2, 'e' : e, 'v' : v }

decryption 在 paper中敘述如下

α=H(u1,u2,e)v=u1x1+y1αu2x2+y2αm=e/u1z\begin{array}{c} \alpha = H(u_1, u_2, e) \\ v = u_1^{x_1+y_1\alpha} \cdot u_2^{x_2+y_2\alpha} \\ m = e/{u_1^z} \end{array}

def decrypt(self, pk, sk, c): alpha = pk['H'](c['u1'], c['u2'], c['e']) v_prime = (c['u1'] ** (sk['x1'] + (sk['y1'] * alpha))) * (c['u2'] ** (sk['x2'] + (sk['y2'] * alpha))) if (c['v'] != v_prime): return 'reject' return group.decode(c['e'] / (c['u1'] ** sk['z']))

這類scheme會將 messages 定義為 group element,故我們利用charm內建的 encode/decode methods 來將message轉換進入 G。 然而目前沒有支援直接轉進pairing group的 encode/decode。 因此將用別種方式來替代直接轉換

Reuse Tools


Test and Benchmark

設計好shceme之後需要做驗證和量測performance。 charm提供了兩個 approaches:

  • Define a test routine that executes the algorithms in your scheme via test vectors if they exist a

  • embedding the test routine as a docstring in your scheme’s class definition.

Docstrings 可用下列方法直接執行! python -m doctest

另外有下列benchmark flag可以使用: RealTime, CpuTime, Add, Sub, Mul, Div, and Exp. 以下是對 EC setting 使用 Charm 的 benchmark interface

from charm.toolbox.ecgroup import ECGroup,ZR,G from charm.toolbox.eccurve import prime192v1 trials = 10 group = ECGroup(prime192v1) g = group.random(G) h = group.random(G) i = group.random(G) assert group.InitBenchmark(), "failed to initialize benchmark" group.StartBenchmark(["Mul", "Div", "Exp", "Granular"]) for a in range(trials): j = g * h k = h ** group.random(ZR) t = (j ** group.random(ZR)) / k group.EndBenchmark() msmtDict = group.GetGeneralBenchmarks() print ("<=== General Benchmarks ===>") print ("Mul := ", msmtDict["Mul"]) print ("Div := ", msmtDict["Div"]) print ("Exp := ", msmtDict["Exp"]) granDict = group.GetGranularBenchmarks() print ("<=== Granular Benchmarks ===>") print ("G mul := ", granDict["Mul"][G]) print ("G exp := ", granDict["Exp"][G])

以上的 benchmark function 也可以用在其他的 group settings。 pairing base module同樣支援 **granular level (operation count per group)**的 benchmark。 如下:

from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,ZR,G1,G2,GT,pair trials = 10 group = PairingGroup("SS1024") g = group.random(G1) h = group.random(G1) i = group.random(G2) assert group.InitBenchmark(), "failed to initialize benchmark" group.StartBenchmark(["Mul", "Exp", "Pair", "Granular"]) for a in range(trials): j = g * h k = i ** group.random(ZR) t = (j ** group.random(ZR)) / h n = pair(h, i) group.EndBenchmark() msmtDict = group.GetGeneralBenchmarks() granDict = group.GetGranularBenchmarks() print("<=== General Benchmarks ===>") print("Results := ", msmtDict) print("<=== Granular Benchmarks ===>") print("G1 mul := ", granDict["Mul"][G1]) print("G2 exp := ", granDict["Exp"][G2])

另外針對 integer module, 我們可以 benchmarking without a group object:

from charm.core.math.integer import * trials = 10 a = integer(1234) assert InitBenchmark(), "failed to initialize benchmark" StartBenchmark(["RealTime", "Exp", "Mul"]) for k in range(trials): r = randomPrime(512) s = r * (r ** a) j = r * (r ** a) EndBenchmark() msmtDict1 = GetGeneralBenchmarks() print ("General Benchmarks: ", msmtDict1)


針對 pairing base module, charm提供了 pre-computation tables 來加速 group exponentiation。 要使用的話,先呼叫 initPP() method 在 pairing object in G1, G2, or GT 上。 initPP() 會儲存 pre-computed values。 見以下比較10次 exponential 有用和沒有用的差別

from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,ZR,G1,G2,GT,pair count = 10 group = PairingGroup("MNT224") g = group.random(GT) assert g.initPP(), "failed to init pre-computation table" h = group.random(GT) a, b = group.random(ZR, 2) assert group.InitBenchmark(), "failed to initialize benchmark" group.StartBenchmark(["RealTime"]) for i in range(count): A = g ** a group.EndBenchmark() print ("With PP: ", group.GetBenchmark("RealTime")) assert group.InitBenchmark(), "failed to initialize benchmark" group.StartBenchmark(["RealTime"]) for i in range(count): B = h ** b group.EndBenchmark() print ("Without: ", group.GetBenchmark("RealTime"))

Implement Application

拉高一個 abstraction level 來看,我們可以在應用中拿內建的sheme(。 每一個內建scheme都有example的main function吃 default的test。 因此我們可以看main來了解如何使用它, 底下為在application中使用 Cramer-Shoup scheme:

from charm.schemes.pkenc.pkenc_cs98 import CS98 from charm.toolbox.eccurve import prime192v1 from charm.toolbox.ecgroup import ECGroup groupObj = ECGroup(prime192v1) pkenc = CS98(groupObj) (pk, sk) = pkenc.keygen() M = b'Hello World!' ciphertext = pkenc.encrypt(pk, M) message = pkenc.decrypt(pk, sk, ciphertext) (ciphertext, message)

Serial API

為了支援 key或 ciphertext的 serialization,charm toolbox 中提供了兩個 high-level API 來 serialize charm objects (和 python structures (e.g., lists, tuples, or dictionaries, etc)做轉換) 亦即charm.core.engine.util packag 中的 objectToBytes()bytesToObject()。 這些function可以將 keys 和 ciphertexts 轉換成 base 64 encoded strings

以下說明如何使用 upported group objects (integergroup, pairinggroup or ecgroup)的這個 API:

from charm.core.engine.util import objectToBytes,bytesToObject pk_bytes = objectToBytes(pk, group) orig_pk = bytesToObject(pk_bytes, group)

若想要加入 custom serialization routine,以下說明 schemes based on the integergroup 如何在不需要 group object下達成:

from charm.core.math.integer import integer,serialize,deserialize class mySerializeAPI: def __init__(self) ... def serialize(self, charm_object): assert type(charm_object) == integer, "required type is integer, not: ", type(charm_object) return serialize(charm_object) def deserialize(self, object): assert type(object) == bytes, "required type is bytes, not: ", type(object) return deserialize(object) from charm.core.engine.util import objectToBytes,bytesToObject serObject = mySerializeAPI() pk_bytes = objectToBytes(pk, serObject) orig_pk = bytesToObject(pk_bytes, serObject)

ABE example

from charm.schemes.abenc.abenc_bsw07 import CPabe_BSW07 from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,GT debug = True groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512') cpabe = CPabe_BSW07(groupObj) attrs = ['THREE', 'ONE', 'TWO'] access_policy = '((ONE or THREE) and (ONE or FOUR))' if debug: print("Attributes =>", attrs); print("Policy =>", access_policy) (pk, mk) = cpabe.setup() sk = cpabe.keygen(pk, mk, attrs) print("sk :=>", sk) rand_msg = groupObj.random(GT) if debug: print("msg =>", rand_msg) ct = cpabe.encrypt(pk, rand_msg, access_policy) if debug: print("\n\nCiphertext...\n") groupObj.debug(ct) rec_msg = cpabe.decrypt(pk, sk, ct) if debug: print("\n\nDecrypt...\n") if debug: print("Rec msg =>", rec_msg) assert rand_msg == rec_msg, "FAILED Decryption: message is incorrect" if debug: print("Successful Decryption!!!")
Attributes => ['THREE', 'ONE', 'TWO'] Policy => ((ONE or THREE) and (ONE or FOUR)) sk :=> {'Djp': {'THREE': [6276122109109426287397553513575914468341027484366298497746300064132749253539980029132700773775447955442676300956836137281382181372546499724557459973369490, 1795476119287768441013887569705620933962494299668997391846792068958141096175304165244965706342723260232250086876889100253742624870810067037151552353031807], 'TWO': [6924124382980575830781490840630960273794342008751116574070665252364212195636192550742824655262852541846254965051425217574882536637642592616612155973395808, 8108426394656279258614966091821611038675838157480563425712989481381530945904325372340963087983567673593458303309907998087951849442207502323531761728168001], 'ONE': [6214922806147845959328072463238677155640067392726266903682243783876099942600904104773748970444727984510062636495191147198345655765522974854475074699791359, 4630962608250885034549832054036011242006941950537077468772236052050884033803703912105524225739004590799163049382175163833868849228617070716457437315420126]}, 'S': ['THREE', 'ONE', 'TWO'], 'D': [7687491133591300392489925937356671817531456966061948916229208833518845082633339153261975594982026586415308356033055153604299653858595474432396275243773000, 4318950466636556312032265562625647492326724869289831129174893034346195323582587562433111119245156322042479243840555644418535798917990151942743847383780563], 'Dj': {'THREE': [7994613409051727137522865580015029574772996843380828301599887126273613132844122913337590146469959657539996722785678494558443433149046454112274017506093854, 3905999273369170389289588280376602134461333515823066665811835708384759635246475375865644058077196138036701150784678481263701897912740609436813254212907645], 'TWO': [5035495247163564172284577618592484581014067962687230501105497707767536697578968095496011419373642480182091229748882502794990229017892287271693747171642159, 7768591754299435361319796433922437420175007293702926461217826123671734856797194686197706260013527009051827951196910300017586416653757940260645394794756086], 'ONE': [6805189749535456001264102735047759589342626779139275815700412176233753702347101696333559080054586606548573296648525732185009932900151431864903264736086416, 6695605871674387402119430197165256691216959425906221313196935410770986832136369820089136314801454730884042011993618575113141067457071896178035126718084789]}} msg => [5499530206739178687329483066235619442931659699977981155680587241526012324791607903651765803548056374589854867322721271855880337977684419674241327412344022, 1586884519471378212390281522967903086724330382922390165640139288304416399438221420818991375092282769535787961108438238586764989210068394126794331160644798] Ciphertext... Decrypt... Rec msg => [5499530206739178687329483066235619442931659699977981155680587241526012324791607903651765803548056374589854867322721271855880337977684419674241327412344022, 1586884519471378212390281522967903086724330382922390165640139288304416399438221420818991375092282769535787961108438238586764989210068394126794331160644798] Successful Decryption!!!
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,ZR,G1,G2,GT,pair from charm.toolbox.secretutil import SecretUtil from charm.toolbox.ABEnc import ABEnc class CPabe09(ABEnc): """ >>> from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,GT >>> group = PairingGroup('SS512') >>> cpabe = CPabe09(group) >>> msg = group.random(GT) >>> (master_secret_key, master_public_key) = cpabe.setup() >>> policy = '((ONE or THREE) and (TWO or FOUR))' >>> attr_list = ['THREE', 'ONE', 'TWO'] >>> secret_key = cpabe.keygen(master_public_key, master_secret_key, attr_list) >>> cipher_text = cpabe.encrypt(master_public_key, msg, policy) >>> decrypted_msg = cpabe.decrypt(master_public_key, secret_key, cipher_text) >>> decrypted_msg == msg True """ def __init__(self, groupObj): ABEnc.__init__(self) global util, group util = SecretUtil(groupObj, debug) group = groupObj def setup(self): g1, g2 = group.random(G1), group.random(G2) alpha, a = group.random(), group.random() e_gg_alpha = pair(g1,g2) ** alpha msk = {'g1^alpha':g1 ** alpha, 'g2^alpha':g2 ** alpha} pk = {'g1':g1, 'g2':g2, 'e(gg)^alpha':e_gg_alpha, 'g1^a':g1 ** a, 'g2^a':g2 ** a} return (msk, pk) def keygen(self, pk, msk, attributes): t = group.random() K = msk['g2^alpha'] * (pk['g2^a'] ** t) L = pk['g2'] ** t k_x = [group.hash(s, G1) ** t for s in attributes] K_x = {} for i in range(0, len(k_x)): K_x[ attributes[i] ] = k_x[i] key = { 'K':K, 'L':L, 'K_x':K_x, 'attributes':attributes } return key def encrypt(self, pk, M, policy_str): # Extract the attributes as a list policy = util.createPolicy(policy_str) p_list = util.getAttributeList(policy) s = group.random() C_tilde = (pk['e(gg)^alpha'] ** s) * M C_0 = pk['g1'] ** s C, D = {}, {} secret = s shares = util.calculateSharesList(secret, policy) # ciphertext for i in range(len(p_list)): r = group.random() if shares[i][0] == p_list[i]: attr = shares[i][0].getAttribute() C[ p_list[i] ] = ((pk['g1^a'] ** shares[i][1]) * (group.hash(attr, G1) ** -r)) D[ p_list[i] ] = (pk['g2'] ** r) if debug: print("SessionKey: %s" % C_tilde) return { 'C0':C_0, 'C':C, 'D':D , 'C_tilde':C_tilde, 'policy':policy_str, 'attribute':p_list } def decrypt(self, pk, sk, ct): policy = util.createPolicy(ct['policy']) pruned = util.prune(policy, sk['attributes']) if pruned == False: return False coeffs = util.getCoefficients(policy) numerator = pair(ct['C0'], sk['K']) # create list for attributes in order... k_x, w_i = {}, {} for i in pruned: j = i.getAttributeAndIndex() k = i.getAttribute() k_x[ j ] = sk['K_x'][k] w_i[ j ] = coeffs[j] #print('Attribute %s: coeff=%s, k_x=%s' % (j, w_i[j], k_x[j])) C, D = ct['C'], ct['D'] denominator = 1 for i in pruned: j = i.getAttributeAndIndex() denominator *= ( pair(C[j] ** w_i[j], sk['L']) * pair(k_x[j] ** w_i[j], D[j]) ) return ct['C_tilde'] / (numerator / denominator)
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,GT debug = True group = PairingGroup('SS512') cpabe = CPabe09(group) msg = group.random(GT) (master_secret_key, master_public_key) = cpabe.setup() policy = '((ONE or THREE) and (TWO or FOUR))' attr_list = ['THREE', 'ONE', 'TWO'] secret_key = cpabe.keygen(master_public_key, master_secret_key, attr_list) cipher_text = cpabe.encrypt(master_public_key, msg, policy) decrypted_msg = cpabe.decrypt(master_public_key, secret_key, cipher_text) decrypted_msg == msg
SessionKey: [4897898898501355351683453535780272251374740691648870523298963161176459049718631704623165917580790112782364738858654913088188127564635790942994867351641166, 5594148607004606790445539725307269743280460162251313297488780598171706543996991704109849456242130630540511011310380099671661836103996130031750688538585740]

Appendix - CryptoBase

from charm.toolbox.paddingschemes import PKCS7Padding from charm.toolbox.securerandom import OpenSSLRand from charm.core.crypto.cryptobase import MODE_CBC,AES,selectPRP import json from base64 import b64encode,b64decode class SymmetricCryptoAbstraction(object): """ Abstraction for symmetric encryption and decryption of data. Ideally provide an INDCCA2 secure symmetric container for arbitrary data. Currently only supports primitives that JSON can encode and decode. A large number of the schemes can only encrypt group elements and do not provide an efficient mechanism for encoding byte in those elements. As such we don't pick a symmetric key and encrypt it asymmetrically. Rather, we hash a random group element to get the symmetric key. >>> from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,GT >>> groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512') >>> from charm.core.math.pairing import hashPair as extractor >>> a = SymmetricCryptoAbstraction(extractor(groupObj.random(GT))) >>> ct = a.encrypt(b"Friendly Fire Isn't") >>> a.decrypt(ct) b"Friendly Fire Isn't" """ def __init__(self,key, alg = AES, mode = MODE_CBC): self._alg = alg self.key_len = 16 self._block_size = 16 self._mode = mode self._key = key[0:self.key_len] self._padding = PKCS7Padding(); def _initCipher(self,IV = None): if IV == None : IV = OpenSSLRand().getRandomBytes(self._block_size) self._IV = IV return selectPRP(self._alg,(self._key,self._mode,self._IV)) def __encode_decode(self,data,func): data['IV'] = func(data['IV']) data['CipherText'] = func(data['CipherText']) return data #This code should be factored out into another class #Because json is only defined over strings, we need to base64 encode the encrypted data # and convert the base 64 byte array into a utf8 string def _encode(self,data): return self.__encode_decode(data,lambda x:b64encode(x).decode('utf-8')) def _decode(self,data): return self.__encode_decode(data,lambda x:b64decode(bytes(x,'utf-8'))) def encrypt(self, message): #This should be removed when all crypto functions deal with bytes" if type(message) != bytes : message = bytes(message,"utf-8") ct = self._encrypt(message) #JSON strings cannot have binary data in them, so we must base64 encode cipher cte = json.dumps(self._encode(ct)) return cte def _encrypt(self,message): #Because the IV cannot be set after instantiation, decrypt and encrypt # must operate on their own instances of the cipher cipher = self._initCipher() ct= {'ALG':self._alg, 'MODE':self._mode, 'IV':self._IV, 'CipherText':cipher.encrypt(self._padding.encode(message)) } return ct def decrypt(self,cipherText): f = json.loads(cipherText) return self._decrypt(self._decode(f)) #.decode("utf-8") def _decrypt(self,cipherText): cipher = self._initCipher(cipherText['IV']) msg = cipher.decrypt(cipherText['CipherText']) return self._padding.decode(msg)
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,GT groupObj = PairingGroup('SS512') from charm.core.math.pairing import hashPair as extractor a = SymmetricCryptoAbstraction(extractor(groupObj.random(GT))) ct = a.encrypt(b"Friendly Fire Isn't") a.decrypt(ct)
b"Friendly Fire Isn't"