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Project: Test 2
Views: 179
%r library("ggplot2") library("MASS") if (!file.exists("deaths.rds")) { ## from deaths <- read.csv("deaths08.csv.bz2") unlink("deaths08.csv.bz2") deaths$hod[deaths$hod == 99] <- NA deaths$hod[deaths$hod == 24] <- 0 deaths$hod[deaths$hod == 0] <- NA deaths$hod <- as.integer(deaths$hod) deaths <- arrange(deaths, yod, mod, dod, hod, cod) deaths <- deaths[c("yod", "mod", "dod", "hod", "cod")] saveRDS(deaths, "deaths.rds") } deaths <- readRDS("deaths.rds") ok <- subset(deaths, yod == 2008 & mod != 0 & dod != 0) xtable(ok[c(1, 1:14 * 2000), c("yod", "mod", "dod", "hod", "cod")], "raw.tex") codes <- read.csv("icd-main.csv") codes$disease <- sapply(codes$disease, function(x) str_c(strwrap(x, width = 30), collapse = "\n")) names(codes)[1] <- "cod" codes <- codes[!duplicated(codes$cod), ] # Display overall hourly deaths hod_all <- subset(count(deaths, "hod"), !
Warning message in file(file, "rt"): “cannot open file 'deaths08.csv.bz2': No such file or directory”Error in file(file, "rt"): cannot open the connection Traceback: 1. read.csv("deaths08.csv.bz2") # at line 7 of file <text> 2. read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, . dec = dec, fill = fill, comment.char = comment.char, ...) 3. file(file, "rt")