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Kernel: Python 3
import vcsn
from IPython.display import display import ipywidgets as widgets import traitlets class Automaton(widgets.DOMWidget): # the name of the Backbone.View subclass to be used _view_name = traitlets.Unicode('AutomatonView').tag(sync=True) _view_module = traitlets.Unicode('AutomatonD3Widget').tag(sync=True) states = traitlets.List().tag(sync=True) transitions = traitlets.List().tag(sync=True) lastStateId = traitlets.CInt().tag(sync=True)
%%javascript require.config({paths: {d3: ""}});
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
%%javascript require.undef('AutomatonD3Widget'); define('AutomatonD3Widget', ['jupyter-js-widgets', 'd3'], function(widgets, d3) { var AutomatonView = widgets.DOMWidgetView.extend({ // RENDER THE VIEW render: function(){ // Here we define variables with 'this' to call them from everywhere // Editable text for labels this.svg_for_frame ='svg') .attr('width', 960) .attr('height', 100) this.frame_title = this.svg_for_frame.append('svg:text') .text('Label: ') .attr('x', 25) .attr('y', 25) this.frame = this.svg_for_frame.append('foreignObject') .attr('x', 85) .attr('y', 10) .attr("width", 800) .attr("height", 50) .append("xhtml:form") .attr('class', 'frame') .append('input') // Attributs of the SVG this.width =960, this.height = 500; // Render the svg this.svg ='svg') .attr('width', this.width) .attr('height', this.height) .style('userSelect' , "none") .style('webkiUserSelect' , "none") .style('MozUserSelect' , "none") .style('oUserSelect', 'none') .style('msUserSelect', 'none') .style('draggable', 'false') .classed('m', false) .style('cursor', 'crosshair') // Initialize datas this.states = this.model.get('states'); var trans = this.model.get('transitions'); this.transitions = this.completeTransitions(trans); this.lastStateId = this.states[this.states.length - 1].id; // Define here to avoid recreation in every update this.path = this.svg.append('svg:g').selectAll('g'); = this.svg.append('svg:g').selectAll('g'); // Lines displayed when draggind new states this.drag_line = this.svg.append('svg:path') .style('fill', 'none') .style('stroke', '#000') .style('stroke-width', '1.50px') .attr('class', 'transition dragline hidden') .attr('d', 'M0,0L0,0'); // Arrow for transitions this.svg.append('svg:defs').append('svg:marker') .attr('id', 'end-arrow') .attr('viewBox', '-3 -10 20 20') .attr('refX', 2) .attr('markerWidth', 6) .attr('markerHeight', 6) .attr('orient', 'auto') .append('svg:path') .attr('d', 'M-3,12 l22,-12 l-22,-12 l7,12 Z') .attr('fill', '#000'); // Closure var that = this; // Catch source and target with their ID for(var c = 0; c <= this.transitions.length -1; c++) { this.transitions[c].source = this.idToState(this.transitions[c].source); this.transitions[c].target = this.idToState(this.transitions[c].target); } // Force layout for physical simulation this.force = d3.layout.force() .nodes(this.states) .links(this.transitions) .size([this.width, this.height]) .linkDistance(function(d) { if(that.isShort(d)) {return 75;} else { return 175;} }) .charge(function(d) { if(that.isHidden(d)) {return -100;} else {return -750;} }) .on('tick', function(d,i){ that.stepForce(this, d, i);}) // Listen for mouse and keyboard events on the whole document this.svg.on('mousedown', function(d,i){ that.mousedown(this, d, i);}) .on('mousemove', function(d,i){ that.mousemove(this, d, i);}) .on('mouseup', function(d,i){ that.mouseup(this, d, i);}) // Active keyboard action and disable notebook shortcuts when we are // over the widget .on("mouseover", function(d,i) { // Disable some notebook key shortcuts var cmd = IPython.keyboard_manager.command_shortcuts; cmd.remove_shortcut('i'); cmd.remove_shortcut('l'); cmd.remove_shortcut('f'); cmd.remove_shortcut('m'); cmd.remove_shortcut('s');'keydown', function(d,i){ that.keydown(this, d, i);}) .on('keyup', function(d,i){ that.keyup(this, d, i);}); }) // if we leave the widget area, then disable keyboard action and // reactive notebook shortcuts .on("mouseout", function(d,i) { // reset selections if we leave widget // that.selected_transition = null; // that.selected_state = null; // that.mousedown_state = null; // that.mouseup_state = null; // that.mousedown_transition = null; var cmd = IPython.keyboard_manager.command_shortcuts; cmd.add_shortcut('i', { help : 'interrupt kernel (press twice)', help_index : 'ha', count: 2, handler : function (event) { IPython.notebook.kernel.interrupt(); return false; } }); cmd.add_shortcut('l', { help : 'toggle line numbers', help_index : 'ga', handler : function (event) { IPython.notebook.cell_toggle_line_numbers(); return false; } }); cmd.add_shortcut('m', { help : 'to markdown', help_index : 'cb', handler : function (event) { IPython.notebook.to_markdown(); return false; } }); cmd.add_shortcut('s', { help : 'save notebook', help_index : 'fa', handler : function (event) { IPython.notebook.save_checkpoint(); return false; } });'keydown', function() { return null}) .on('keyup', function() {return null;}); }); this.hackUpdate(); }, hackUpdate: function(){ // Little hack to update model without touch the view // Launched at the begginning avoid conversion error // Between VCSN and D3 var old_transitions = this.transitions var transition = {'source': '0', 'target':'0', 'label': ''} var new_transitions = this.model.get('transitions').slice(); new_transitions.push(transition); this.model.set('transitions', new_transitions); this.touch(); this.model.set('transitions', old_transitions); this.touch(); this.update(); }, // SET POSITIONS OF EVERY ELEMENTS stepForce: function(doc, da, i) { var that = this; // Draw transitions with proper padding from state centers this.path.selectAll('path').attr('d', function(d) { var deltaX = - d.source.x , deltaY = - d.source.y, dist = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY), normX = deltaX / dist, normY = deltaY / dist, sourcePadding = 20, targetPadding = 29, sourceX = d.source.x + (sourcePadding * normX), sourceY = d.source.y + (sourcePadding * normY), targetX = - (targetPadding * normX), targetY = - (targetPadding * normY), source_doubleX = d.source.x + (20 * normX), source_doubleY = d.source.y + (20 * normY), target_doubleX = + (50 * normX), target_doubleY = + (50 * normY); // Commons transitions if(( != d.source) && !(that.existingTrans(d,that.transitions))) { return 'M' + sourceX + ',' + sourceY + 'L' + targetX + ',' + targetY; } // Curve for double transitions else if(( != d.source) && that.existingTrans(d,that.transitions)) { return "M" + (sourceX - (normY*10)) +',' + (sourceY + (normX*10)) + "q" + ((-normY*20 + (targetX-sourceX)/2)) + ',' + ((normX*20 + (targetY-sourceY)/2)) + " " + (targetX - sourceX) + ',' + (targetY - sourceY); } // Curve for the loop else { return "M" + (d.source.x-5) +',' + (d.source.y-17) + " c -50,-50 50,-50 18,-9 "; } }); // Set States positions'transform', function(d) { return 'translate(' + d.x + ',' + d.y + ')'; }); // Draw label horizontally on transitions with proper position this.svg.selectAll("text.transitionlabelholder") .attr('transform', function(d) { // On commons transitions if(( != d.source) && !(that.existingTrans(d,that.transitions))) { return 'translate(' + ( - ( - d.source.x)/2) + ',' + (( - ( - d.source.y)/2)-8) + ')'; } // On doubles transitions else if(( != d.source) && that.existingTrans(d,that.transitions)){ var deltaX = - d.source.x , deltaY = - d.source.y, dist = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY), normX = deltaX / dist, normY = deltaY / dist, sourcePadding = 20, targetPadding = 29, sourceX = d.source.x + (sourcePadding * normX), sourceY = d.source.y + (sourcePadding * normY), targetX = - (targetPadding * normX), targetY = - (targetPadding * normY); return 'translate(' + (sourceX + (-normY*20 + (targetX-sourceX)/2)) + ',' + (sourceY + (normX*20 + (targetY-sourceY)/2)) + ')'; } // On loops else { return 'translate(' + (d.source.x -5) + ',' + ( - 60) + ')'; } }); }, // MOUSE FUNCTIONS resetMouseVars: function(){ this.mousedown_state = null; this.mouseup_state = null; this.mouseover_state = null; this.mousedown_transition = null; }, mousedown: function(doc, data, id){ d3.event.preventDefault(); // Active for webkit this.svg.classed('active', true); if(d3.event.ctrlKey || this.mousedown_state || this.mousedown_transition) return; if(!(this.svg.classed('m'))) { // insert new state at point var point = d3.mouse(doc); var lastState = this.lastStateValidId(this.states); var state = {id: lastState + 1}; state.x = point[0]; state.y = point[1]; var new_states = this.model.get('states').slice(); new_states.push(state); this.model.set('states', new_states); this.touch(); this.states = new_states; this.model.set("lastStateId", this.lastStateId); this.touch(); } this.update(); }, mousemove: function(doc, data, id){ if(!this.mousedown_state) return; // update drag line if(this.svg.classed('m') == false) this.drag_line.attr('d', 'M' + this.mousedown_state.x + ',' + this.mousedown_state.y + 'L' + d3.mouse(doc)[0] + ',' + d3.mouse(doc)[1]); this.update(); }, mouseup: function(doc, data, id){ // add new transition when we are dragging from a state if(this.mousedown_state && this.mouseover_state) { this.drag_line.classed('hidden', true) .style('marker-end',''); this.mouseup_state = this.mouseover_state; if(this.mouseup_state === this.mousedown_state) { this.resetMouseVars(); return; } // add transition and update if already exist var source, target; source = this.mousedown_state; target = this.mouseup_state; var transition; transition = this.transitions.filter(function(l) { return (l.source === source && === target); })[0]; // a transparent state can't have other transitions if(!this.isHidden(this.mousedown_state) && !this.isHidden(this.mouseup_state)) { if(!transition) { transition = {source: source, target: target, label: 'b'}; var new_transitions = this.model.get('transitions').slice(); new_transitions.push(transition); this.model.set('transitions', new_transitions) this.touch(); } } // Reset variable and select the new transition this.selected_transition = transition; this.selected_state = null; this.mousedown_state = null; this.mouseup_state = null; this.mousedown_transition = null; this.update(); } // because :active only works in WebKit this.svg.classed('active', false); this.drag_line.classed('hidden', true); // clear mouse event vars this.resetMouseVars(); }, // KEYBOARD FUNCTIONS spliceTransitionsForState: function(state, transitions){ var toSplice = transitions.filter(function(l) { return (l.source === state || === state); }); { transitions.splice(transitions.indexOf(l), 1); }); }, keydown: function(doc, d , i){ if(this.lastKeyDown !== -1) return; this.lastKeyDown = d3.event.keyCode; // m if(d3.event.keyCode === 77) {; this.svg.classed('m', true); } if(!this.selected_state && !this.selected_transition && !this.selected_frame) return; switch(d3.event.keyCode) { case 8: case 66: // key delete if(!this.overtext){ if(this.selected_state) { var new_transitions = this.model.get('transitions').slice(); this.states.splice(this.states.indexOf(this.selected_state), 1); this.spliceTransitionsForState(this.selected_state, new_transitions); this.model.set('transitions', new_transitions) this.touch(); } else if(this.selected_transition && !this.overtext) { if( == this.selected_transition.source){ var new_transitions = this.model.get('transitions').slice(); new_transitions.splice(new_transitions.indexOf(this.selected_transition), 1); this.model.set('transitions', new_transitions) this.touch(); } else { var new_transitions = this.model.get('transitions').slice(); new_transitions.splice(new_transitions.indexOf(this.selected_transition), 1); this.model.set('transitions', new_transitions) this.touch(); } } if(!this.overtext) { this.selected_transition = null; this.selected_state = null; } this.update(); break; } case 83: // key S : fix a node if(!this.overtext){ if(this.selected_state) { this.selected_state.fixed = true; } } this.update(); break; case 70: // key F : create final transition if(!(this.isHidden(this.selected_state)) && !this.overtext){ if(this.selected_state) { if(!(this.isFinal(this.selected_state, this.transitions))) { var pointx = this.selected_state.x, pointy = this.selected_state.y, state = {id: ( + 0.2}; state.x = pointx +75; state.y = pointy; var new_states = this.model.get('states').slice(); new_states.push(state); this.model.set('states', new_states); this.touch(); var transition = {source: this.selected_state, target: state, label: ' '}; var new_transitions = this.model.get('transitions').slice(); new_transitions.push(transition); this.model.set('transitions', new_transitions); this.touch(); } else { // delete final transitions var new_transitions = this.model.get('transitions').slice(); this.spliceTransitionsForState(this.findFinalState(this.selected_state, this.states), new_transitions); this.states.splice(this.states.indexOf(this.findFinalState(this.selected_state, this.states)), 1); this.model.set('transitions', new_transitions); this.touch(); } } this.update(); break; } case 73: // key I : create initial transition if(!(this.isHidden(this.selected_state)) && !this.overtext){ if(this.selected_state) { if(!(this.isInitial(this.selected_state, this.transitions))) { var pointx = this.selected_state.x, pointy = this.selected_state.y, state = {id: ( + 0.1}; state.x = pointx -75; state.y = pointy; var new_states = this.model.get('states').slice(); new_states.push(state); this.model.set('states', new_states); this.touch(); var transition = {source: state, target: this.selected_state, label: ' '}; var new_transitions = this.model.get('transitions').slice(); new_transitions.push(transition); this.model.set('transitions', new_transitions); this.touch(); } else { // delete initial transitions var new_transitions = this.model.get('transitions').slice(); this.spliceTransitionsForState(this.findInitialState(this.selected_state, this.states), new_transitions); this.states.splice(this.states.indexOf(this.findInitialState(this.selected_state, this.states)), 1); this.model.set('transitions', new_transitions); this.touch(); } } this.update(); break; } case 76: // key L : create loop on node if(!(this.isHidden(this.selected_state)) && !this.overtext){ if(this.selected_state && !(this.isLoop(this.selected_state, this.transitions))) { var loop = {source: this.selected_state, target: this.selected_state, label:'a', short: false}; var new_transitions = this.model.get('transitions').slice(); new_transitions.push(loop); this.model.set('transitions', new_transitions); this.touch(); } this.update(); break; } } }, keyup: function(doc, d, i){ this.lastKeyDown = -1; // m if(d3.event.keyCode === 77) { .on('mousedown.drag', null) .on('touchstart.drag', null); this.svg.classed('m', false); } }, // METHODS idToState: function(id){ for(var j=0; j <= this.states.length -1; j++) { if(this.states[j].id == id) { return this.states[j]; } } }, existingTrans: function(transition, transitions){ for(var i=0; i<= transitions.length -1; i++){ if((transitions[i].source == && (transitions[i].target == transition.source)){ return true; } } return false; }, lastStateValidId: function(states){ for(var t = states.length -1; t>=0; t--) { if((parseFloat((states[t].id)) == parseInt((states[t].id))) && !isNaN((states[t].id))) { return states[t].id; } } }, findFinalState: function(state, states){ for(var i = 0; i <= states.length -1; i++) { if(states[i].id.toString() == ( + '.2')) { return states[i]; } } }, findInitialState: function(state, states){ for(var i = 0; i <= states.length -1; i++) { if(states[i].id.toString() == ( + '.1')) { return states[i]; } } }, isInitial: function(state, transitions){ for(var i=0; i<= transitions.length -1; i++) { if(transitions[i] == || transitions[i] == { if(!((parseFloat((transitions[i] == parseInt((transitions[i] && !isNaN((transitions[i] ) { return true; } } } return false; }, isFinal: function(state, transitions){ for(var i=0; i<= transitions.length -1; i++) { if(transitions[i] == || transitions[i] == { if(!((parseFloat((transitions[i] == parseInt((transitions[i] && !isNaN((transitions[i] ) { return true; } } } return false; }, isHidden: function(state){ if(!(parseFloat( == parseInt( && !isNaN( { return true; } else{ return false;} }, isShort: function(transition){ if(!((parseFloat(( == parseInt(( && !isNaN(( || !((parseFloat(( == parseInt(( && !isNaN(( { return true; } else {return false;} }, isLoop: function(state, transitions){ for(var i =0; i <= transitions.length -1; i++) { if(transitions[i] == transitions[i] { if(transitions[i] == { return true; } } } return false; }, idToNode: function(id){ for(var j=0; j <= this.states.length -1; j++) { if(this.states[j].id == id) { return this.states[j]; } } }, completeTransitions: function(transitions){ for(var i =0; i <= transitions.length -1; i++) { if(transitions[i].length != 3) { if(typeof(transitions[i].source) === 'undefined') { //(transitions[i].target)+'.1' var state = {id:((transitions[i].target)+'.1') }; this.states.push(state); var trans = {source: , target:transitions[i].target, label:transitions[i].label}; transitions.splice(i,1); transitions.push(trans); i --; this.model.set('transitions', transitions); this.touch(); this.model.set('states', this.states); this.touch(); } else if(typeof(transitions[i].target) === 'undefined') { //(transitions[i].source)+'.2' var state = {id:((transitions[i].source)+'.2')}; this.states.push(state); var trans = {source: transitions[i].source, target:, label:transitions[i].label} transitions.splice(i,1); transitions.push(trans); i --; this.model.set('transitions', transitions); this.touch(); this.model.set('states', this.states); this.touch(); } } } return transitions; }, // UPDATE THE VIEW update: function(){ var colors = d3.scale.category10(); // Update force this.force.nodes(this.states) .links(this.transitions) // Closure var that = this; // Update the datas on model this.states = this.model.get('states'); this.transitions = this.model.get('transitions'); this.lastStateId = this.lastStateValidId(this.states); this.model.set("lastStateId", this.lastStateId); this.model.set('states', this.states); this.touch(); // Update the frame for label this.frame.selectAll('input').attr('value', function(){ if(that.selected_transition) this.value = that.selected_transition.label; else this.value = ''; }) this.frame.attr('value', function(){ if(that.selected_transition) this.value = that.selected_transition.label; else this.value = ''; }) .on("mousedown", function() { this.focus(); that.overtext = true; that.selected_frame = true; that.update(); if(that.selected_transition) this.value = that.selected_transition.label; else this.value = ''; }) .on("keypress", function() { // IE fix if (!d3.event) d3.event = window.event; var e = d3.event; if (e.keyCode == 13) { if (typeof(e.cancelBubble) !== 'undefined') // IE e.cancelBubble = true; if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var txt = that.frame.node().value; that.selected_transition.label = txt; // trick to update automatically the label for vcsn var old_transitions = that.transitions; var last_transition = that.transitions[that.transitions.length -1] var new_transitions1 = that.model.get('transitions').slice(); new_transitions1.splice(that.transitions.indexOf(that.transitions[that.transitions.length -1]),1) that.model.set('transitions', new_transitions1) var new_transitions2 = that.model.get('transitions').slice(); new_transitions2.push(last_transition) that.model.set('transitions', new_transitions2) that.touch() that.model.set('transitions', old_transitions); that.touch(); that.selected_transition = null; this.value = '' that.update(); } }) // Define elements groups and bound them data this.path =, function(d) { return [,];}); =, function(d) { return;}); // TRANSITIONS // Update existing transition this.path.selectAll('path') .classed('selected', function(d) {return d == that.selected_transition;}) .style('marker-end', function(d) {return 'url(#end-arrow)'; }) .style('stroke-dasharray', function(d) { if (d == that.selected_transition) {return "10,2";} else {return'';}}) // Enter new transition var p = this.path.enter().append('svg:g'); p.append('svg:path') .attr('class', 'transition') .style('fill', 'none') .style('stroke', '#000') .style('stroke-width', '1.75px') .style('cursor', 'pointer') .classed('selected', function(d) { return d === that.selected_transition; }) .style('marker-end', function(d) {return 'url(#end-arrow)'; }) .style('stroke-dasharray', function(d) { if (d == that.selected_transition) {return "10,2";} else {return'';}}) .on('mousedown', function(d) { if(d3.event.keyCode === 77) return; // select transition that.mousedown_transition = d; if(that.mousedown_transition === that.selected_transition) that.selected_transition = null; else that.selected_transition = that.mousedown_transition; that.selected_state = null; that.selected_frame = false; that.update(); }) // Exit old transitions this.path.exit().remove(); // TRANSITIONS LABELS // Update existing labels this.path.selectAll('text') .text(function(d){return d.label}); // Show transition labels p.append('svg:text') .attr("class", "transitionlabelholder") .style("font-size", "18px") //.style("fill", "#00CCFF") .text(function(d) {return d.label}); // STATES // Update existing states'circle') .style('fill', function(d) { if (that.isHidden(d)) {return "transparent";} else {return (d === that.selected_state) ? d3.rgb(colors( : colors(; }}) .style('stroke', function(d) { if (that.isHidden(d)) {return "transparent";} else {return d3.rgb(colors(; }}) // Enter new states var g ='svg:g') g.append('svg:circle') .attr('class', 'state') .attr('r', 20) .style('stroke-width', '1.5px') .style('cursor', 'pointer') .style('fill', function(d) { if (that.isHidden(d)) {return "transparent";} else {return (d === that.selected_state) ? d3.rgb(colors( : colors(; }}) .style('stroke', function(d) { if (that.isHidden(d)) {return "transparent";} else {return d3.rgb(colors(; }}) .on('mouseover', function(d) { that.mouseover_state = d; if(that.isHidden(d)) {'stroke','black') } }) .on('mouseout', function(d) { if(that.isHidden(d)) {'stroke','transparent') } }) .on('mousedown', function(d) { d3.event.preventDefault(); if(d3.event.keyCode === 77) return; // select state that.mousedown_state = d; if(that.mousedown_state === that.selected_state) that.selected_state = null; else {that.selected_state = that.mousedown_state;} that.selected_transition = null; // reposition drag line if(!that.isHidden(that.mousedown_state) && that.svg.classed('m') == false) { that.drag_line .style('marker-end', 'url(#end-arrow)') .classed('hidden', false) .attr('d', 'M' + that.mousedown_state.x + ',' + that.mousedown_state.y + 'L' + that.mousedown_state.x + ',' + that.mousedown_state.y); } that.selected_frame = false; that.update(); }) // Exit old states; // STATES ID // Update states ID'text') .text(function(d) { if(that.isHidden(d)) {return '';} else { return;} }) // Show states ID g.append('svg:text') .attr('x', 0) .attr('y', 4) .attr('class', 'id') .style('font', '15px sans-serif') .style("text-anchor", "middle") .style("fill", function(d) { if(that.isHidden(d)) return "transparent"; else return "white";}) .text(function(d) { return; }) .style('cursor', 'pointer') .on('mousedown', function(d) { d3.event.preventDefault(); if(d3.event.keyCode === 77) return; // select state that.mousedown_state = d; if(that.mousedown_state === that.selected_state) that.selected_state = null; else {that.selected_state = that.mousedown_state;} that.selected_transition = null; // reposition drag line if(!that.isHidden(that.mousedown_state) && that.svg.classed('m') == false) { that.drag_line .style('marker-end', 'url(#end-arrow)') .classed('hidden', false) .attr('d', 'M' + that.mousedown_state.x + ',' + that.mousedown_state.y + 'L' + that.mousedown_state.x + ',' + that.mousedown_state.y); } that.selected_frame = false; that.update(); }) this.force.start(); } }); return { AutomatonView: AutomatonView } });
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
b = Automaton(states=[{'id':0}],transitions = [{'source':'0', 'label':''},{'target':'0','label':''}]) display(b)
[{'source': '0', 'label': ''}, {'target': '0', 'label': ''}]
print(b.transitions) # From d3 to vcsn res = '' for t in b.transitions: src = t['source'] if 'source' in t.keys() else '$' dst = t['target'] if 'target' in t.keys() else '$' res += "{} -> {} {}\n".format(src, dst, t['label']) vcsn.automaton(res, 'daut')
[{'source': '0', 'label': ''}, {'label': '', 'target': '0'}]
Image in a Jupyter notebook
# We can access to many thing on D3 model, here last State ID b.lastStateId
# We can access to transitions on D3 model b.transitions
[{'label': '', 'source': '0'}, {'label': '', 'target': '0'}]
# We can access to states on D3 model b.states
[{'id': 0}]
# Here if we add an other nodes, then the force layout isn't run at the same time # Have to check for Backbone.mode.changet and Widget.hold._sync # and may add a posx, posy for every nodes b.states = [{'id': 0}, {'id': 1}, {'id': 2}, {'id': 3}]
# Same problem as nodes b.transitions
[{'label': '', 'source': '0'}, {'label': '', 'target': '0'}]
a = Automaton(states = [{'id': 0, 'initial': False, 'final': False, 'hidden': False}], transitions = [{'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'a', 'short': False}]) display(a)