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SageMath notebooks associated to the Black Hole Lectures (

Project: BHLectures
Views: 20113
Kernel: SageMath 9.1.beta8

Image of an accretion disk around a Schwarzschild black hole

This Jupyter/SageMath notebook is relative to the lectures Geometry and physics of black holes.

'SageMath version 9.1.beta8, Release Date: 2020-03-18'
%display latex

Function Φb(u)\Phi_b(u)

We evaluate Φb(u)\Phi_b(u) via the functions elliptic_f and elliptic_kc of SageMath, taking into account that the second argument of elliptic_f and the argument of elliptic_kc is m=k2m = k^2 and not kk.

def Phi(u, b): u = RDF(u) b = RDF(b) bc = RDF(3*sqrt(3)) if b > bc: xi = 2*arcsin(bc/b)/3 un = RDF(1/3*cos(xi + 2*pi/3) + 1/6) up = RDF(1/3*cos(xi + 4*pi/3) + 1/6) ua = RDF(1/3*cos(xi) + 1/6) k2 = (up - un)/(ua - un) phi = arcsin(sqrt((u - un)/(up - un))) # NB: elliptic_kc() and elliptic_f() takes m=k^2 as argument aa = elliptic_kc(k2) - elliptic_f(phi, k2) return sqrt(2/(ua - un)) * aa else: xi = bc/b - sqrt((bc/b)^2 - 1) un = (1 - xi^(2/3) - xi^(-2/3))/6 us = sqrt(un*(3*un - 1)) + un k2 = (us - 2.5*un + 0.25)/(2*(us - un)) phi = arccos(abs(us - u)/(us + u - 2*un)) # NB: elliptic_kc() take m=k^2 as argument aa = elliptic_kc(k2) - elliptic_f(phi, k2) if u > us: aa = - aa return aa / sqrt(2*(us - un))

Asymptotic direction φ∞\varphi_\infty from some emission point

def phi_infinity(r_em, b, phi_em=0, pre_periastron=True, eps_L=1): # print("r_em: {}, b: {}".format(r_em, b)) u_em = RDF(1)/RDF(r_em) b = RDF(b) bc = RDF(3*sqrt(3)) phi_em = RDF(phi_em) if b > bc: if pre_periastron: return phi_em + eps_L*(Phi(0, b) + Phi(u_em, b)) return phi_em + eps_L*(Phi(0, b) - Phi(u_em, b)) return phi_em + eps_L*(Phi(0, b) - Phi(u_em, b))
phi_infinity(6., 5.2, phi_em=pi/2, pre_periastron=False)

Value of bb for a given (φ∞,rem,φem)(\varphi_\infty, r_{\rm em}, \varphi_{\rm em})

def find_b(phi_inf, r_em, phi_em, pre_periastron=True): phi_inf = RDF(phi_inf) r_em = RDF(r_em) phi_em = RDF(phi_em) bmax = 0.999*sqrt(r_em**3 / (r_em - RDF(2))) eps_L = 1 if phi_inf > phi_em else -1 bc1 = 1.0000001*RDF(3*sqrt(3)) def delta_phi(b): return phi_infinity(r_em, b, phi_em=phi_em, pre_periastron=pre_periastron, eps_L=eps_L) - phi_inf return find_root(delta_phi, bc1, bmax)
find_b(0, 6., pi/2, pre_periastron=False)
find_b(2*pi, 6., pi/2, pre_periastron=True)
find_b(-2*pi, 6., pi/2, pre_periastron=True)

φ\varphi as a function of rr along a null geodesic parametrized by (rem,φem,b)(r_{\rm em}, \varphi_{\rm em}, b)

def phi_sol(r, r_em, phi_em, b, em_pre_periastron=True, pre_periastron=True, eps_L=1): u = RDF(1)/RDF(r) u_em = RDF(1)/RDF(r_em) phi_em = RDF(phi_em) if em_pre_periastron: if pre_periastron: return phi_em + eps_L*(Phi(u_em, b) - Phi(u, b)) return phi_em + eps_L*(Phi(u_em, b) + Phi(u, b)) return phi_em + eps_L*(Phi(u, b) - Phi(u_em, b))
phi_sol(7, 6, pi/2, 6.93)

Periastron as a function of bb

def r_periastron(b): return RDF(2/sqrt(3)*b*cos(pi/3 - arccos(3*sqrt(3)/b)/3))
r_periastron(6), r_periastron(10)

Computation of null geodesics

def geod(r_em, phi_em, b, eps_L, em_pre_periastron=True, rmax=25, np=500): resu = [] if em_pre_periastron: rp = 1.001*r_periastron(b) if r_em < rp: raise ValueError("r_em < r_per(b)") dr = RDF(r_em - rp)/RDF(np - 1) for i in range(np): r = r_em - i*dr phi = phi_sol(r, r_em, phi_em, b, em_pre_periastron=True, pre_periastron=True, eps_L=eps_L) resu.append((RDF(r)*cos(phi), RDF(r)*sin(phi))) # np = 2*np dr = RDF(rmax - rp)/RDF(np - 1) for i in range(np): r = rp + i*dr phi = phi_sol(r, r_em, phi_em, b, em_pre_periastron=True, pre_periastron=False, eps_L=eps_L) resu.append((RDF(r)*cos(phi), RDF(r)*sin(phi))) else: dr = RDF(rmax - r_em)/RDF(np - 1) for i in range(np): r = r_em + i*dr phi = phi_sol(r, r_em, phi_em, b, em_pre_periastron=False, pre_periastron=False, eps_L=eps_L) resu.append((RDF(r)*cos(phi), RDF(r)*sin(phi))) return resu

Inner and outer radii of the accretion disk:

r_disk_in = 6 r_disk_out = 9

Colors of the various images:

color1 = 'orange' color2 = 'peru' color3 = 'red'

Emission from the upper part of the disk (φem=π/2\varphi_{\rm em} = \pi/2)

phi_em = pi/2
r_em = r_disk_in
em_pre_periastron = False
b1_in = find_b(0, r_em, phi_em, pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron) b1_in
eps_L = -1
graph = circle((0, 0), 2, edgecolor='black', fill=True, facecolor='grey', alpha=0.5) graph += circle((0, 0), 3, color='lightgreen', thickness=1., linestyle='--', zorder=1) graph += line([(0, r_disk_in), (0, r_disk_out)], color='darkorange', thickness=4, zorder=50) graph += line(geod(r_em, phi_em, b1_in, eps_L, em_pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron), color=color1) graph
Image in a Jupyter notebook
em_pre_periastron = True
b2_in = find_b(2*pi, r_em, phi_em, pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron) b2_in
eps_L = 1
graph += line(geod(r_em, phi_em, b2_in, eps_L, em_pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron), color=color2) graph
Image in a Jupyter notebook
eps_L = -1
b3_in = find_b(-2*pi, r_em, phi_em, pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron) b3_in
graph += line(geod(r_em, phi_em, b3_in, eps_L, em_pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron, np=4000), color=color3) graph
Image in a Jupyter notebook
r_em = r_disk_out
em_pre_periastron = False b1_out = find_b(0, r_em, phi_em, pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron) eps_L = -1 graph += line(geod(r_em, phi_em, b1_out, eps_L, em_pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron), color=color1)
em_pre_periastron = True eps_L = 1 b2_out = find_b(2*pi, r_em, phi_em, pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron) graph += line(geod(r_em, phi_em, b2_out, eps_L, em_pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron), color=color2)
eps_L = -1 b3_out = find_b(-2*pi, r_em, phi_em, pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron) graph += line(geod(r_em, phi_em, b3_out, eps_L, em_pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron, np=4000), color=color3) show(graph, xmax=15, axes_labels=[r'$x/m$', r'$y/m$'])
Image in a Jupyter notebook"gis_disk_image_detail.pdf", xmax=15, axes_labels=[r'$x/m$', r'$y/m$'])

Inner radius and width of primary image:

b1_in, b1_out - b1_in

Inner radius and width of secondary image:

b2_in, b2_out - b2_in

Inner radius and width of tertiary image:

b3_in, b3_out - b3_in

Emission from the lower part of the disk (φem=3π/2\varphi_{\rm em} = 3\pi/2)

phi_em = 3*pi/2
r_em = r_disk_in
em_pre_periastron = False b = find_b(2*pi, r_em, phi_em, pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron) eps_L = 1 graph += line([(0, -r_disk_in), (0, -r_disk_out)], color='darkorange', thickness=4, zorder=50) graph += line(geod(r_em, phi_em, b, eps_L, em_pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron), color=color1)
em_pre_periastron = True eps_L = -1 b = find_b(0, r_em, phi_em, pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron) graph += line(geod(r_em, phi_em, b, eps_L, em_pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron), color=color2)
eps_L = 1 b = find_b(4*pi, r_em, phi_em, pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron) graph += line(geod(r_em, phi_em, b, eps_L, em_pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron, np=1000), color=color3)
r_em = r_disk_out
em_pre_periastron = False b = find_b(2*pi, r_em, phi_em, pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron) eps_L = 1 graph += line(geod(r_em, phi_em, b, eps_L, em_pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron), color=color1)
em_pre_periastron = True eps_L = -1 b = find_b(0, r_em, phi_em, pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron) graph += line(geod(r_em, phi_em, b, eps_L, em_pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron), color=color2)
eps_L = 1 b = find_b(4*pi, r_em, phi_em, pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron) graph += line(geod(r_em, phi_em, b, eps_L, em_pre_periastron=em_pre_periastron, np=1000), color=color3) graph
Image in a Jupyter notebook
show(graph, xmax=20)
Image in a Jupyter notebook
graph1 = graph + polygon([(15,-10), (15,10), (25,10), (25,-10)], color='white', zorder=100, axes=False) graph1
Image in a Jupyter notebook
graph1 += circle((25, 0), b1_out, color=color1, fill=True, zorder=101) graph1 += circle((25, 0), b1_in, color='white', fill=True, thickness=0.1, zorder=102)
graph1 += circle((25, 0), b2_out, color=color2, fill=True, zorder=103) graph1 += circle((25, 0), b2_in, color='white', fill=True, thickness=0.1, zorder=104)
graph1 += circle((25, 0), b3_out, color=color3, zorder=105) graph1
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Slight reajustment to take into account that the null geodesics are cut at finite rr:

a = 0.995 b1_in *= a b1_out *= a b2_in *= a b2_out *= a b3_in *= a b3_out *= a
graph1 += line([(15, b1_out), (25, b1_out)], linestyle='dashed', color=color1, zorder=106) graph1 += line([(15, b1_in), (25, b1_in)], linestyle='dashed', color=color1, zorder=107) graph1 += line([(15, b2_out), (25, b2_out)], linestyle='dashed', color=color2, zorder=108) graph1 += line([(15, b2_in), (25, b2_in)], linestyle='dashed', color=color2, zorder=109) graph1 += line([(15, b3_out), (25, b3_out)], linestyle='dashed', color=color3, zorder=110) graph1 += line([(15, -b1_out), (25, -b1_out)], linestyle='dashed', color=color1, zorder=106) graph1 += line([(15, -b1_in), (25, -b1_in)], linestyle='dashed', color=color1, zorder=107) graph1 += line([(15, -b2_out), (25, -b2_out)], linestyle='dashed', color=color2, zorder=108) graph1 += line([(15, -b2_in), (25, -b2_in)], linestyle='dashed', color=color2, zorder=109) graph1 += line([(15, -b3_out), (25, -b3_out)], linestyle='dashed', color=color3, zorder=110) graph1
Image in a Jupyter notebook"gis_disk_image.pdf")