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this little program to visualize all Hanoi's Towers steps in Jupyter Notebook, change the value of the variable rN default value=3 for differnt number of rings

Project: HanoisTowers
Views: 432
Kernel: SageMath 10.2
from sage.plot.polygon import polygon from copy import deepcopy """it took me several hours to understand the malfunctions of my Python program. Because of the fact that I did not understand the problems of copy of list, when these lists include sublists !! I wondered even if I did not lose my head, so I did not understand what was happening ;-). But after searching the web, the deepcopy() function has saved me a lot of headaches! what I call fifos are in fact LIFOS !!! """ # def myRandom(k): return floor(k*random()) def make_3xN_matrix(k,N): return matrix(ZZ,[[myRandom(k) for tower in (1..N)] for peg in (1..3)]) """this function TowerOfHanoi(n , from_rod,to_rod,aux_rod,Re) was adapted from Source: (you do not have to reinvent the wheel every time!) Recursive Python function to solve tower of hanoi '0', '1', '2' are the name of rods (or pegs) Contributed By Harshit Agrawal , example for rN=n=3 rings of GlobalStateRegisterT list created: [[3,0,0],[2,1,0],[1,1,1],[1,0,2],[0,1,2],[1,1,1],[1,2,0],[0,3,0]]""" def TowerOfHanoi(n , from_rod,to_rod,aux_rod,Re): global GlobalStateRegisterT if n == 1: Re[Integer(from_rod)]-=1 Re[Integer(to_rod)]+=1 GlobalStateRegisterT.append(copy(Re)) #print( "Move disk 1 from rod",from_rod,"to rod",to_rod,Re) return TowerOfHanoi(n-1, from_rod, aux_rod, to_rod,Re) Re[Integer(from_rod)]-=1 Re[Integer(to_rod)]+=1 GlobalStateRegisterT.append(copy(Re)) #print ("Move disk",n,"from rod",from_rod,"to rod",to_rod,Re ) TowerOfHanoi(n-1, aux_rod, to_rod, from_rod,Re) def setStateFifos(rN,GlobalStateRegisterT): """ the three towers are represented by three Fifos with first initial state :[[0,1,2],[],[]],second state:[[0,1],[2],[]] cetera example of stateFifos for rN=3 rings : [ [[0,1,2],[],[]], [[0,1],[2],[]], [[0],[2],[1]], [[0],[],[1,2]], \ [[],[0],[1,2]],[[2],[0],[1]],[[2],[0,1],[]],[[],[0,1,2],[]] ] example of StateVectorT which represents the increment decrement of each tower: [(−1,1,0),(−1,0,1),(0,−1,1),(−1,1,0),(1,0,−1),(0,1,−1),(−1,1,0)] """ stateVectorT=[] for s in range(1,len(GlobalStateRegisterT)) : diffRS=vector(GlobalStateRegisterT[s])-vector(GlobalStateRegisterT[s-1]) stateVectorT.append(copy(diffRS)) #show(stateVectorT) r_0=[0..rN-1] r_1=[] r_2=[] minus=0;plus=0; stateFifos=[] stateFifos.append([copy(r_0),copy(r_1),copy(r_2)]) for s in stateVectorT : for c in range(0,len(s)) : if s[c]==-1 : minus=c if s[c]== 1 : plus=c if minus==0 : t=r_0.pop() elif minus==1 : t=r_1.pop() else : t=r_2.pop() #show('r_0 : ',r_0,' r_1 : ',r_1,' r_2 : ',r_2,' plus : ',plus,' minus : ',minus ) if plus==0 : r_0.append(t) elif plus==1 : r_1.append(t) else : r_2.append(t) stateFifos.append([copy(r_0),copy(r_1),copy(r_2)]) #show('r_0 : ',r_0,' r_1 : ',r_1,' r_2 : ',r_2) return(stateFifos,stateVectorT) def buildHanoisTowers(rN=3 ,heightRing=1,widestRing=12,diffWidthRing=12/10,rodWidth=12/10,thicknessRing=1/100, \ xStartRing=0,yStartRing=0, colorSet=3): ''' this function build a list with the three towers each filled with all the rings rN : the total number of rings heightRing : height of each ring widestRing: width of the widest ring diffWidthRing : difference between each ring width (n) ring width(n+1) thicknessRing : thickness of the line in the drawing xStartRing : left side position of the widest ring yStartRing : bottom side position of the widest ring colorSet : choose the different colors of the ring set positionRing :position of the ring, if positionRing<>ring, it means the ring is in transit polygonRing : return the position and color of the ring [[[xL,yL], [xH,yL], [xH,yH],[xL,yH]],colors] example of returned (PTT) polygonT List for rN=3 rings lists of 3 towers*3 rings + 3*(2 black polygons for figuring the rods) = 15 polygons: [[[[[0, 0], [12, 0], [12, 1], [0, 1]], 'blanchedalmond'], [[[6/5, 101/100], [54/5, 101/100], [54/5, 201/100], [6/5, 201/100]], 'brown'], [[[12/5, 101/50], [48/5, 101/50], [48/5, 151/50], [12/5, 151/50]], 'cyan'], [[(27/5, 303/100), (33/5, 303/100), (33/5, 403/100), (27/5, 403/100)], 'black'], [[(27/5, 0), (33/5, 0), (33/5, 303/100), (27/5, 303/100)], 'black']], [[[[66/5, 0], [126/5, 0], [126/5, 1], [66/5, 1]], 'blanchedalmond'], [[[72/5, 101/100], [24, 101/100], [24, 201/100], [72/5, 201/100]], 'brown'], [[[78/5, 101/50], [114/5, 101/50], [114/5, 151/50], [78/5, 151/50]], 'cyan'], [[(93/5, 303/100), (99/5, 303/100), (99/5, 403/100), (93/5, 403/100)], 'black'], [[(93/5, 0), (99/5, 0), (99/5, 303/100), (93/5, 303/100)], 'black']], [[[[132/5, 0], [192/5, 0], [192/5, 1], [132/5, 1]], 'blanchedalmond'], [[[138/5, 101/100], [186/5, 101/100], [186/5, 201/100], [138/5, 201/100]], 'brown'], [[[144/5, 101/50], [36, 101/50], [36, 151/50], [144/5, 151/50]], 'cyan'], [[(159/5, 303/100), (33, 303/100), (33, 403/100), (159/5, 403/100)], 'black'], [[(159/5, 0), (33, 0), (33, 303/100), (159/5, 303/100)], 'black']]] ''' polygonRing=[] colorRingsT=sorted(colors)[mod(rN*(colorSet),len(sorted(colors)))] xL=xStartRing; xH=xStartRing+widestRing ;yL=yStartRing; yH=yStartRing+heightRing pT=[] pTT=[] for L in range (0,3): pT=[]; for C in range(0,rN): pT.append([[[xL,yL], [xH,yL], [xH,yH],[xL,yH]],\ sorted(colors)[mod(rN*(colorSet+ C^2),len(sorted(colors)))]]) xL+=diffWidthRing;xH-=diffWidthRing;yL+=(ringHeight+thicknessRing);yH+=(ringHeight+thicknessRing); #show(pT) hRod=heightRing rodX=(widestRing/2+xStartRing)-rodWidth/2 pT.append([[(rodX,yL), (rodX + rodWidth,yL), (rodX+rodWidth,yH),(rodX,yH)],'black']) pT.append([[(rodX,yStartRing), (rodX + rodWidth,yStartRing), (rodX+rodWidth,yL),(rodX,yL)],'black']) xStartRing+=widestRing+rodWidth xL=xStartRing; xH=xStartRing+widestRing ;yL=yStartRing; yH=yStartRing+heightRing pTT.append(pT) return(pTT) def verifyPolygonT(rN,polygonT): i=0 for p in polygonT: print (' Tower : ' +str(i)) #show(p) j=0 for pp in p: if j< rN : print ('ring : ' +str(j)) else : print ('peg : ' +str(j-rN)) show(pp) j+=1 i+=1 return def changeYringsCoordinates(A_,B): """ this function change the initial ring Y position with the real position of the ring into his Fifo """ A=deepcopy(A_) for i in range(0,len(A[0])) : A[0][i][1]=B[0][i][1] #print (A[0][i][1],B[0][i][1],' : ',B[0][i][1],A[0][i][1]) return A def allStatePolygonsCompile(rN,polygonT,stateFifos ): """ this function builds the Hanoi's Towers differents States List, Example for rN=3 [[[[[0, 0], [12, 0], [12, 1], [0, 1]], 'blanchedalmond'], [[[6/5, 101/100], [54/5, 101/100], [54/5, 201/100], [6/5, 201/100]], 'brown'], [[[12/5, 101/50], [48/5, 101/50], [48/5, 151/50], [12/5, 151/50]], 'cyan']], [[[[0, 0], [12, 0], [12, 1], [0, 1]], 'blanchedalmond'], [[[6/5, 101/100], [54/5, 101/100], [54/5, 201/100], [6/5, 201/100]], 'brown'], [[[78/5, 0], [114/5, 0], [114/5, 1], [78/5, 1]], 'cyan']], [[[[0, 0], [12, 0], [12, 1], [0, 1]], 'blanchedalmond'], [[[78/5, 0], [114/5, 0], [114/5, 1], [78/5, 1]], 'cyan'], [[[138/5, 0], [186/5, 0], [186/5, 1], [138/5, 1]], 'brown']], [[[[0, 0], [12, 0], [12, 1], [0, 1]], 'blanchedalmond'], [[[138/5, 0], [186/5, 0], [186/5, 1], [138/5, 1]], 'brown'], [[[144/5, 101/100], [36, 101/100], [36, 201/100], [144/5, 201/100]], 'cyan']], [[[[66/5, 0], [126/5, 0], [126/5, 1], [66/5, 1]], 'blanchedalmond'], [[[138/5, 0], [186/5, 0], [186/5, 1], [138/5, 1]], 'brown'], [[[144/5, 101/100], [36, 101/100], [36, 201/100], [144/5, 201/100]], 'cyan']], [[[[12/5, 0], [48/5, 0], [48/5, 1], [12/5, 1]], 'cyan'], [[[66/5, 0], [126/5, 0], [126/5, 1], [66/5, 1]], 'blanchedalmond'], [[[138/5, 0], [186/5, 0], [186/5, 1], [138/5, 1]], 'brown']], [[[[12/5, 0], [48/5, 0], [48/5, 1], [12/5, 1]], 'cyan'], [[[66/5, 0], [126/5, 0], [126/5, 1], [66/5, 1]], 'blanchedalmond'], [[[72/5, 101/100], [24, 101/100], [24, 201/100], [72/5, 201/100]], 'brown']], [[[[66/5, 0], [126/5, 0], [126/5, 1], [66/5, 1]], 'blanchedalmond'], [[[72/5, 101/100], [24, 101/100], [24, 201/100], [72/5, 201/100]], 'brown'], [[[78/5, 101/50], [114/5, 101/50], [114/5, 151/50], [78/5, 151/50]], 'cyan']]]""" polygonST=[] polygonSTT=[] for towerState in range(0,len(stateFifos)) : # for test :for towerState in range(0,4) : polygonST=[] for rod in range(0,len(stateFifos[towerState])): for fifoPosition in range(0,len(stateFifos[towerState][rod])) : ring=copy(stateFifos[towerState][rod][fifoPosition]) #print ( " rod : ",rod, "fifo position : ",fifoPosition," ring : ",ring) polygonST.append(changeYringsCoordinates(deepcopy(polygonT[rod][ring]),\ deepcopy(polygonT[rod][fifoPosition]))) #show("polygonST : ",polygonST) polygonSTT.append(polygonST) #print ("next state") return(polygonSTT) # number of rings rN=5 initialHanoiTowers=[rN, 0, 0] #first ring at index 1 #print ("initialHanoiTowers : ", initialHanoiTowers) GlobalStateRegisterT=[] GlobalStateRegisterT.append(copy(initialHanoiTowers)) TowerOfHanoi(rN, '0', '1', '2',initialHanoiTowers) #show(GlobalStateRegisterT) stateFifos,stateVectorT=setStateFifos(rN,GlobalStateRegisterT) # the Hanoi's towers are represented by 3 Fifos #show(stateFifos) #show(stateVectorT) xStart=0 ringHeight=1 yStart=(rN^2 -1)*ringHeight*(rN) polygonT=buildHanoisTowers(rN) #verifyPolygonT(rN,polygonT) allStatePolygonsCompiled=allStatePolygonsCompile(rN,polygonT,stateFifos ) # to visualize Hanoi's Towers views figSizeXmax=10 figSizeYmax=5 def viewvPolygonT(rN,polygonTest,figSizeXmax,figSizeYmax): """this function builds the graphical view of the different polygons""" G1=plot([0,0]) #show(allStatePolygonsCompiled) polygonGT1=[] for s in polygonTest : polygonGT1=[] G1=plot([0,0]) #show(s) for p in s: #print (s) polygonGT1.append(polygon(p[0],alpha=0.75, \ fill=True, thickness=1/100,axes=False,figsize=[figSizeXmax,figSizeYmax], \ color=p[1])) ######################################################## for rod in range(0,len(polygonT)) : for rodPolygon in range(0,len(polygonT[rod])) : if rodPolygon ==rN : # top rod #show(polygonT[rod][rodPolygon]) polygonGT1.append(polygon(polygonT[rod][rodPolygon][0],alpha=0.45, \ fill=True, thickness=1/100,axes=False,figsize=[figSizeXmax,figSizeYmax], \ color=polygonT[rod][rodPolygon][1])) elif rodPolygon==rN+1 : # bottom rod polygonGT1.append(polygon(polygonT[rod][rodPolygon][0],alpha=0.35, \ fill=True, thickness=1/100,axes=True,figsize=[figSizeXmax,figSizeYmax] , \ color=polygonT[rod][rodPolygon][1])) ######################################################## for pg1 in polygonGT1 : G1+=pg1[figSizeXmax,figSizeYmax],xmin=0,xmax=40,ymin=0,ymax=10) return #viewvPolygonT(rN,polygonT) viewvPolygonT(rN,allStatePolygonsCompiled,figSizeXmax,figSizeYmax)
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animate(frame_list, axes=False).show(delay=80,iterations=1)