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Kernel: Python 3 (Ubuntu Linux)
Numpy Fractal Generator\Huge \text{Numpy Fractal Generator}
import numpy as np # for wicked fast arrays from numba import njit # for compiling functions into C, so they run faster import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plotting from matplotlib import collections as mc # plotting import random # for random numbers

Functions\Huge \text{Functions}

For Randomly Iterating Points\text{\large For Randomly Iterating Points}

@njit def getPointsFromArraysinList(List): XPoints = np.array([1.1]) YPoints = np.array([1.1]) for l in List: XPoints = np.concatenate((XPoints, np.array([l[0][0]]))) YPoints = np.concatenate((YPoints, np.array([l[1][0]]))) return (XPoints[1:],YPoints[1:])
@njit def Generate_Random_Points(n, Transformations): Output_Figures = [np.array([[1,0],[0,1],[1,1]], dtype=np.float64)] for i in np.arange(n+1): CurrentNumTrans = len(Output_Figures) Output_Figures = Output_Figures + [[random.randint(0,len(Transformations)-1)],Output_Figures[CurrentNumTrans - 1])] return getPointsFromArraysinList(Output_Figures[1:])

For Iterating Figures\text{\large For Iterating Figures}

@njit def Transform(Figures, Transformations): New_Figures = [np.array([[1,0],[0,1],[1,1]], dtype=np.float64)] for M in Figures: for T in Transformations: New_Figures = New_Figures + [,M)] return New_Figures[1:] @njit def Generate_figures(n, figures, Transformations): Output_Figures = Transform(figures, Transformations) for i in np.arange(1,n): Output_Figures = Transform(Output_Figures, Transformations) return Output_Figures

For Plotting\text{\large For Plotting}

def plot_figures(figures,size,width): lines = [ [(1.1, 1.1), (1.1, 1.1)] ] for M in figures: lines = lines + [[ (M[0][i], M[1][i]), (M[0][i+1], M[1][i+1]) ] for i in np.arange(len(np.transpose(M))-1)] lc = mc.LineCollection(lines[1:], linewidths=width) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(size,size)) ax.add_collection(lc) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.autoscale()
def plot_points(points,size,pointsize): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(size,size)) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.plot(*points, '.', ms=pointsize)
def plot(stuff,size,widthOrPointsize): if type(stuff) == list: plot_figures(stuff,size,widthOrPointsize) if type(stuff) == tuple: plot_points(stuff,size,widthOrPointsize)

Transformations\huge \text{Transformations}

def Scale(s): return np.array([[s, 0, 0],[0, s, 0],[0, 0, 1]]) def Translate(a, b): return np.array([[1, 0, a],[0, 1, b],[0, 0, 1]]) def Rotate(theta): return np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0],[np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0],[0, 0, 1]]) def ShearX(t): return np.array([[1, t, 0],[0,1, 0],[0, 0, 1]]) def ShearY(t): return np.array([[1, 0, 0],[t,1, 0],[0, 0, 1]]) def ScaleXY(s, t): return np.array([[s, 0, 0],[0,t, 0],[0, 0, 1]])

Playground\huge \text{Playground}

# Generic Box Box = np.transpose(np.array([ [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1], [1/8, 1/8, 1], [1/8-1/16, 1/8+1/16, 1] ])) plot([Box],6,1)
Image in a Jupyter notebook
plot(Generate_Random_Points(100000, L),15,1)
Image in a Jupyter notebook
# Barnsley Fern L_1 = np.array([[0.849,0.037,0.075],[-0.037, 0.849, 0.183],[0,0,1]]) L_2 = np.array([[0.197, -0.226, 0.4],[0.226, 0.197, 0.049],[0,0,1]]) L_3 = np.array([[-0.15,0.283,0.575],[0.26, 0.237, -0.084],[0,0,1]]) L_4 = np.array([[0,0,0.5],[0, 0.16, 0],[0,0,1]]) L = [L_1, L_2, L_3, L_4] plot(Generate_figures(1, [Box], L),8,1) plot(Generate_figures(4, [Box], L),8,1) plot(Generate_Random_Points(10000, L),8,1)
Image in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebook
# Crab Cr_1 =,0.15),Rotate(np.pi/4)),Scale(1/4)) Cr_2 = Scale(1/2) Cr_3 =,0.15),Rotate(-np.pi/4)),Scale(1/4)) Cr_4 =,Scale(1/2)) Cr_5 =,Scale(1/2)) Cr = [Cr_1, Cr_2, Cr_3, Cr_4, Cr_5] plot(Generate_figures(1, [Box], Cr),5,.5) plot(Generate_figures(5, [Box], Cr),8,.5) plot(Generate_Random_Points(10000, Cr),10,.5)
Image in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebook
# Keir's Leaf B1 =,0.3),Scale(0.7)) B2 =,0),,Scale(0.35*np.sqrt(2)))) B3 =,0.35),,Scale(0.35*np.sqrt(2)))) B4 =,0.2),ScaleXY(1/10,3/10)) T_B = [B1, B2, B3, B4] plot(Generate_figures(1, [Box], T_B),5,1) plot(Generate_figures(4, [Box], T_B),6,1) plot(Generate_Random_Points(10000, T_B),5,.7)
Image in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebook
# Koch Snowflake pi = np.pi s=np.sin(pi/3) c=np.cos(pi/3) Line1 = np.array([ [0,1.5], [3*s,0], [1,1]]) Line2 = np.array([ [-1.5,0], [0,3*s], [1,1]]) Line3 = np.array([ [1.5,-1.5], [0,0], [1,1]]) L11 =,2*s),Scale(1/3)) L12 =**2,2*s-c*s),,Scale(1/3))) L13 =**2,2*s-c*s),*pi)/3),Scale(1/3))) L14 =,0),Scale(1/3)) T1_L = [L11,L12,L13,L14] L21 =,2*s),Scale(1/3)) L22 =**2,2*s-c*s),,Scale(1/3))) L23 =**2,2*s-c*s),*pi)/3),Scale(1/3))) L24 =,0),Scale(1/3)) T2_L = [L21,L22,L23,L24] L31 =,0),Scale(1/3)) L32 =,-s/2),,Scale(1/3))) L33 =,-s/2),,Scale(1/3))) L34 =,0),Scale(1/3)) T3_L = [L31,L32,L33,L34] i=1 plot(Generate_figures(i, [Line1], T1_L) + Generate_figures(i, [Line2], T2_L)+ Generate_figures(i, [Line3], T3_L) , 5, 1) i=2 plot(Generate_figures(i, [Line1], T1_L) + Generate_figures(i, [Line2], T2_L)+ Generate_figures(i, [Line3], T3_L) , 5, 1) i=3 plot(Generate_figures(i, [Line1], T1_L) + Generate_figures(i, [Line2], T2_L)+ Generate_figures(i, [Line3], T3_L) , 5, 1) i=4 plot(Generate_figures(i, [Line1], T1_L) + Generate_figures(i, [Line2], T2_L)+ Generate_figures(i, [Line3], T3_L) , 5, 1) i=5 plot(Generate_figures(i, [Line1], T1_L) + Generate_figures(i, [Line2], T2_L)+ Generate_figures(i, [Line3], T3_L) , 5, 1) i=6 plot(Generate_figures(i, [Line1], T1_L) + Generate_figures(i, [Line2], T2_L)+ Generate_figures(i, [Line3], T3_L) , 5, 1)
Image in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebook