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This repository contains the course materials from Math 157: Intro to Mathematical Software.

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Kernel: SageMath 8.1

Math 157: Intro to Mathematical Software

UC San Diego, winter 2018

Homework 4: due February 9, 2018

Please enter all answers within this notebook unless otherwise specified. As usual, don't forget to cite sources and collaborators.

Through this problem set, use the SageMath 8.1 kernel.

Problem 1: QR codes

Grading criterion: correctness of code and output.

1a. The following image is the file "qr.gif" in this folder: qr.gif. Using the command scipy.misc.imread, convert this QR code into the underlying 0-1 matrix that it represents (black = 0, white = 1). You might want to read the Scipy Lectures section on image processing for some context on image processing.

from scipy import misc qr=misc.imread('qr.gif', mode='L') # This is a good mode to use for simple black and white images like this one for i in range(100): for j in range(100): qr[i][j]=1-qr[i][j]/255 # Turn the 255s to 0 and the 0s to 1 newqr=matrix(qr)

1b. Using the command matrix_plot, convert your answer for part (a) back into a QR code. Your answer should be legible to a standard QR code reader (e.g., on your phone).

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Problem 2: Timing

Grading criterion: correctness of code.

2a. Write a straightforward Python function (that is, directly implement the definition without using any Sage or NumPy shortcuts) to compute the standard deviation of a list of numbers.

def f(v): avg=sum(v)/len(v) # compute average of the list var_sq=0 for x in v: # compute the square of the varience, term by term var_sq+= (x-avg)^2/len(v) return(var_sq^.5) # return the variance f([2,4,4,4,5,5,7,9])

2b. Using timeit, compare the speed of your program when given as input v = range(1000), v = range(10000) and v = range(100000) with the built-in functions provided by the following systems:

  • numpy;

  • R (use r.??? to access R functions);

  • stats.TimeSeries.

import numpy print('v=range(1000)') timeit('f(range(1000))') timeit('numpy.std(range(1000))') timeit(',1000))') timeit('stats.TimeSeries.standard_deviation(finance.TimeSeries(range(1000)))') print('v=range(10000)') timeit('f(range(10000))') timeit('numpy.std(range(10000))') timeit(',10000))') timeit('stats.TimeSeries.standard_deviation(finance.TimeSeries(range(10000)))') print('v=range(100000)') timeit('f(range(100000))') timeit('numpy.std(range(100000))') timeit(',100000))') timeit('stats.TimeSeries.standard_deviation(finance.TimeSeries(range(100000)))')
v=range(1000) 125 loops, best of 3: 1.86 ms per loop 625 loops, best of 3: 101 µs per loop 25 loops, best of 3: 11.7 ms per loop 625 loops, best of 3: 32.4 µs per loop v=range(10000) 25 loops, best of 3: 19.5 ms per loop 625 loops, best of 3: 709 µs per loop 25 loops, best of 3: 14.4 ms per loop 625 loops, best of 3: 314 µs per loop v=range(100000) 5 loops, best of 3: 205 ms per loop 25 loops, best of 3: 7.92 ms per loop 25 loops, best of 3: 15.8 ms per loop 125 loops, best of 3: 4.1 ms per loop

Problem 3: Playing cards

Grading criterion: correctness of code and output.

Overall hint: you may want to read this tutorial which solves an easier version of this problem.

3a. Form a "deck of playing cards" by making a list of 52 tuples, each of which is an ordered pair whose first member is one of the 13 possible ranks (A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,T,J,Q,K) and whose second member is one of the 4 possible suits (C,D,H,S).

Suits = Set(['H', 'D', 'S', 'C']) Values = Set(['A', 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, "J", "Q", "K"]) Cards = list(cartesian_product([Values, Suits]))

3b. A poker hand consists of five distinct cards (order not important). Construct an iterator (not a list) that enumerates the possible poker hands from your deck.

hands = (Set(Cards[i] for i in indices) for indices in Subsets(range(52), 5))

3c. Write a function that, given a poker hand, returns the classification of this hand according to the Wikipedia list of poker hands.

def flush_check(hand): suits=Set(card[1] for card in hand) # Looks at the set of all suits in the hand (ignoring repeats) if len(suits)==1: # Flushes have exactly one suit return True else: return False def straight_check(hand): values=Set(card[0] for card in hand) # Looks at the sets of all values in the hand (order doesn't matter and straights have no repeats) value_order=['A']+range(2,11)+['J', 'Q', 'K', 'A'] straights=[Set(value_order[i:i+5]) for i in range(len(value_order)-4)] # Makes a list of all the sets that correspond to straights if values in straights: return True else: return False def classify(hand): flush=flush_check(hand) straight=straight_check(hand) vals=[card[0] for card in hand] # Looks at the list of values in the hand (repeats matter, so we can't use a set here) val_set=Set(vals) # Turning this into a set tells us which values appear and now ignores repeats val_freq=sorted([vals.count(val) for val in val_set]) # Given a value in the hand, vals.count(val) tells how many cards in the hand have this value. val_freq is the list of all such values. This is the information we need to distinguish between things like full houses and two pair. if flush and straight: # Running through all the possible hand types in order. It's important to check for a straight flush before checking for a straight! return 1 elif val_freq==[1,4]: # Hands with four of a kind must have exactly this value frequency. return 2 elif val_freq==[2,3]: return 3 elif flush: return 4 elif straight: return 5 elif val_freq==[1,1,3]: return 6 elif val_freq==[1,2,2]: return 7 elif val_freq==[1,1,1,2]: # Hands with one pair (and nothing else) must have exactly this value frequency, a pair and three distinct other values. return 8 else: return 9

3d. Using your answer to 3c, compute the probability that a poker hand, chosen randomly from a deck, is of any particular type.

hand_totals={} # Making a dictionary with the hand types for i in range(1,10): hand_totals[i]=0 # Initially there are no hands of each type counter=0 for hand in hands: # This takes 30 minutes to run counter+=1 if counter%100000==0: # Prints out progress reports print counter hand_totals[classify(hand)]+=1 # For each hand, classify and update the dictionary hand_totals
100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000 1000000 1100000 1200000 1300000 1400000 1500000 1600000 1700000 1800000 1900000 2000000 2100000 2200000 2300000 2400000 2500000
{1: 40, 2: 624, 3: 3744, 4: 5108, 5: 10200, 6: 54912, 7: 123552, 8: 1098240, 9: 1302540}
hand_nums=sum(hand_totals[i] for i in hand_totals) for i in hand_totals: hand_totals[i]=(hand_totals[i]/hand_nums, float(hand_totals[i]/hand_nums)) # Showing hand frequencies both in fraction and float form hand_totals
{1: (1/64974, 1.5390771693292702e-05), 2: (1/4165, 0.00024009603841536616), 3: (6/4165, 0.0014405762304921968), 4: (1277/649740, 0.001965401545233478), 5: (5/1274, 0.003924646781789639), 6: (88/4165, 0.02112845138055222), 7: (198/4165, 0.0475390156062425), 8: (352/833, 0.4225690276110444), 9: (1277/2548, 0.5011773940345369)}

Problem 4: The weak Goldbach problem

Grading criterion: correctness of code and thoroughness of analysis.

The notorious Goldbach problem is to prove that every even integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two primes. A slightly easier problem (which would follow from the original Goldbach problem) is to prove that every odd integer greater than 5 can be written as the sum of three primes. This was shown for sufficiently large integers by Vinogradov in 1937; the gap between "sufficiently large" and "all" was closed by Helfgott in 2013. (This involves serious use of interval arithmetic, but never mind for now.)

4a. Define a function that, given an odd positive integer nn, returns a list of all of the ways to write nn as a sum of three odd primes (up to permutations) by doing a list comprehension over all partitions of nn into three positive integers, testing whether each summand is prime.

def weak_goldbach1(n): if n%2==0: return 'n must be odd' plist=[lis for lis in Partitions(n, length=3) if all([is_prime(i) for i in lis])] # Using an iterator because there are lots of partitions return plist

4b. Define another function that does the same combination, but this time by doing a list comprehension over all combinations of three elements of the set of primes less than nn, testing whether each triple adds up to nn.

import itertools def weak_goldbach2(n): if n%2==0: return 'n must be odd' plist=[s for s in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(primes(1,n), 3) if sum(s)==n] # Counts number of ways to write n as three distinct primes return plist

4c. To confirm that the two methods agree, count the number of solutions returned by 4a and 4b for n=10k+1n=10^k+1 for k=1,2,3,4,5k=1,2,3,4,5.

for k in range(1,5): print(len(weak_goldbach1(10^k+1)), len(weak_goldbach2(10^k+1)))
(2, 2) (38, 38) (1095, 1095) (42615, 42615)

4d. Using the result of 4c, make a guess about how the number of solutions behaves for large nn. You may collect additional data if that helps.

xlis=[] ylis=[] for i in range(1,20): xlis+=[100*i+1] ylis+=[len(weak_goldbach1(100*i+1))] xlis+=[4001, 7001] ylis+=[len(weak_goldbach1(4001)), len(weak_goldbach1(7001))] xlis+=[10^4+1] ylis+=[42615] import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(xlis, ylis)
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The number of solutions appears to be growing slightly faster than linearly

Problem 5: A threshold property of random graphs

Grading criterion: correctness of code and thoroughness of analysis.

5a. Let us say that a graph is mostly connected if there is a single connected component containing at least 75% of the vertices. Write a function to test whether a given graph has this property.

def Gcomp(graph, compsize=.75): maxcomp=0 ccomps=graph.connected_components() # Get list of connected components of the graph for comp in ccomps: # Iterates through the components to find the largest one if len(comp)>maxcomp: maxcomp=len(comp) if maxcomp>=order(graph)*compsize: # If the largest component has over 75% of the vertices, return True return True return False

5b. Let G(n,p)G(n, p) be a graph on nn vertices in which each possible edge is included with probability pp. For n=100,500,1000n = 100, 500, 1000, plot the probability that G(n,p)G(n,p) is mostly connected (based on a sample of 100 random graphs) as a function of pp.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def Gprob(vert_num, edge_prob, trials=100): mcon=0 # Make a counter for i in range(trials): graph=graphs.RandomGNP(vert_num, edge_prob) # Make a random graph in G(n,p) if Gcomp(graph): # If it's mostly connected, add one to the counter mcon+=1 return mcon/trials # Return the probability that it's mostly connected def Gplot(vert_num): plis=[] # Make list for the x-axis, these are the p that we will check clis=[] # Make list for the y-axis for i in range(10): p = 1/vert_num+i/(5*vert_num) # I chose these p values to make the graph interesting using my answer for 5d plis += [p] clis += [Gprob(vert_num, p)] # For each p value, compute the probability that a graph in G(n,p) is mostly connected plis, clis plt.plot(plis, clis) Gplot(100), Gplot(500), Gplot(1000)
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(None, None, None)

5c. Write a function that, for a given nn, finds a value of pp for which the probability (based on a sample of 100 random graphs) that G(n,p)G(n,p) is mostly connected is between 25% and 75%.

def connprob(v_num, sample=100): pguess= .5 # Starting guess for binary search perr= .25 # Starting error term prob=0 while (.25>prob) or (.75< prob): # Run until we find a good value of p prob=Gprob(v_num, pguess, sample) if prob>.75: # If our p gives a probability that's too big, make it smaller pguess = pguess-perr perr = perr*.5 if prob<.25: # Otherwise, make it bigger pguess = pguess+perr perr = perr*.5 return pguess

5d. Plot the values of pp you computed in (b) as a function of nn, going up to at least n=1000n=1000 with at least 10 sample points. Then make a guess as to how these values depend on nn.

vlis=[] plis=[] for i in range(1, 11): vlis+= [100*i] prob=connprob(50*i) plis+= [prob] plt.plot(vlis,plis)
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The value p appears to be going to 0 as n get large. More precisely, it appears that p∼2/np\sim 2/n.

Problem 6: Spectral gaps of graphs

Grading criterion: correctness of code and thoroughness of analysis.

6a. Let GG be a graph on nn vertices which is kk-regular (each vertex has kk neighbors). Let AA be the adjacency matrix of GG. Explain what the Perron-Frobenius theorem implies about the eigenvalues of AA.

The eigenvalues are real as AA is symmetric and the Perron-Frobenius theorem implies that the largest one is unique and bounded above by kk. As kk is an eigenvalue (the corresponding eigenvector has all 1s), the largest eigenvalue must be kk. See Here for details.

6b. Let GnG_n be the graph with vertices {0,…,n−1}\{0,\dots,n-1\} in which xx is adjacent to yy if and only if x−yx - y is congruent to one of ±1,…,±k\pm 1, \dots, \pm k modulo nn. Write a function that constructs the adjacency matrix of GnG_n and returns the norm of its second-largest eigenvalue.

import numpy from numpy import linalg # numpy is faster at computing eigenvalues def strongly_reg_eval(k,n): vertices={} # Start with empty dictionary for i in range(n): # Add vertices one at a time vertices[mod(i,n)]=[] for j in range(k): # Once a vertex is added, create list of neighbors vertices[mod(i,n)]+=[mod(i-j-1,n),mod(i+j+1,n)] # Working mod n so we can just subtract vertex labels to see if they are adjacent G=Graph(vertices) # Make the graph from the vertices M=G.adjacency_matrix() # Compute adjacency matrix numpyM=M.numpy() # Move to numpy to compute eigenvalues evals=linalg.eigvalsh(numpyM) return evals[-2] # Return the second largest element

6c. Write a function that constructs the adjacency matrix of a random 2k2k-regular graph on nn vertices and returns the norm of its second-largest eigenvalue.

def random_reg_eval(k,n): G=graphs.RandomRegular(2*k,n) # Create random graph M=G.adjacency_matrix() # Compute adjacency matrix numpyM=M.numpy() evals=linalg.eigvalsh(numpyM) return evals[-2] # Return the second largest element

6d. For k=3,4,5k=3,4,5, make a plot that compares the answers of 6b and 6c for nn from 100 to 1000 (with at least 10 sample points).

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def graph_comparison(k): nvals=[] # Make list for x-axis rand_evals=[] # Make list for eigenvalues of random regular graphs strong_evals=[] # Make list for eigenvalues of strongly regular graphs for n in range(100,1100, 100): # Iterate over the x-axis list and compute the corresponding eigenvalues nvals+=[n] rand_evals+=[random_reg_eval(k,n)] strong_evals+=[strongly_reg_eval(k,n)] plt.plot(nvals, rand_evals) # Plot both on the same graph plt.plot(nvals, strong_evals) axes = plt.gca() axes.set_ylim([0,2*k+1]) # Set y-axis to be reasonable graph_comparison(3) graph_comparison(4) graph_comparison(5)
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6e. In as much detail as possible, interpret your answer to 6d in terms of mixing of random walks.

Let GG be a kk-regular graph and pick a vertex vv. If we start at vv, choose a random neighbor, move to it, and repeat this process mm times, we get a random walk of length mm. We can then ask for the probability distribution: where do we expect to be after mm moves? As mm goes to infinity, this distribution will become regular: each vertex will be equally likely. The closer the second eigenvalue is to the largest eigenvalue, the longer it will take this distribution to converge to the regular one. We conclude that the special graphs constructed in part 6b will take much longer to mix than a general random regular graph of the same size.