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Kernel: Python 3 (system-wide)


Lesson 1.4: Tuples, Lists, Dictionaries, Sets

During this lesson, you will learn the following:

  • Lists

  • Tuples

  • Dictionaries

  • Sets


  • A list is a mutable sequence of values.

  • Flexible arrays, not linked lists

  • Lists use bracket notation: []

  • Lists are ordered, indexed by integer offset from start

  • Lists can have mixed types

List Operators

my_list = ['alpha', 1, 'bravo', 2.0, [1, 2, 3]] # note the list within a list as element 4 my_list

Another example

lunch_list = ['cheese', 'apples', 'crackers'] lunch_list
lunch_list[1] = 'oranges' # lists are mutable lunch_list
lunch_list[3] = 'pears' # you cannot assign to the end of a list
lunch_list.append('pears') # append() adds to the end lunch_list
lunch_list.append('soda') lunch_list
removed_item = lunch_list.pop() # pop() removes last item and returns it print(removed_item) print(lunch_list)
lunch_list.sort() # sorts the items "in place" (i.e., modifies the list) lunch_list
lunch_list.reverse() # reverses the items in place (i.e., modifies the list) lunch_list
lunch_list.remove('crackers') lunch_list

The range() function

Python has a built-in function called range() that is often used to quickly create a sequence of values over which to iterate.

range() is an iterator and therefore CANNOT be subdivided decimally. e.g. range(0,10,0.01) -> error

In Python3, the function range() returns an object (a generator) that allows you to iteratively get the next element in the sequence.

There are three ways of creating a range:

  • range(stop) -- a sequence of values that starts at zero and goes up to (but not including) stop
  • range(start,stop) -- a sequence of values that starts at start and goes up to (but not including) stop
  • range(start,stop,step) -- a sequence of values that starts at start and goes up to (but not including) stop, incrementing values according to step

As documented here, the advantage of the range type over a regular tuple (or list) is that a range object will always take the same (small) amount of memory, no matter the size of the range it represents (as it only stores the start, stop and step values, calculating individual items and subranges as needed).

for i in range(5): # this is an indexed for loop, not very Pythonic print(i)
for i in range(3,7): print(i)
for i in range(3,18,4): print(i)
for i in range(0,10,0.1): # What will happen here and why? print(i)

The range() function is often combined with the len() function to iterate over the elements of an ordered sequesnce, with the following pattern...

# imagine you want to create a new list of all the "squares" of these values L = [-12, -5, -2, 0, 3, 4, 7, 12, 15] # We begin coding this the "Matlab" way: # (1) create an empty list # (2) append the squares value # Note: there is no index, we are using L as an enumerator, which is very Pythonic. # However, this solution for creating a list lacks elegance. squares = [] for x in L: squares.append(x**2) squares

This is a very Matlab way of doing things, but there is another way which is more Pythonic...

List Comprehensions

  • The Python language includes a feature called a list comprehension provides a concise way of creating a new list from an existing one

  • This feature lets you copy a modified version of an existing list (do two things at once):

  • The generic syntax for performing a list comprehension is (note the use of brackets on the outside so the return is a list):

[ f(x) for x in <list> ]
# Let's begin with something very simple easy = [x for x in range(10)] easy
# Let's go up one step... # [expression(variable) for variable in <list>] tmp = [float(x) for x in range(10)] tmp
# We can use lists as our iterators too squares = [ x**2 for x in L ] # the expression is multiple elements by themselves; # x is used as a variable name for the elements squares

Activity - Create a list of values from 0 to 9 using list comprehension.

Activity - Create a list of values from 0 to 40 where mod(3)=0.

Activity - Create a list that calculates x2x^2 for all values from 0 to 9.

Activity - Create a list that takes in a list of strings and gives a list with the length of each string.

Challenge Activity! - Create the Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,...

Fibonacci Sequence as an equation: int([(1+52)n−(1−52)n]/5)int \left( \left[ \left(\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}\right)^n - \left(\frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2}\right)^n \right]/\sqrt{5} \right)

Where n are integer values.
Hint: writing the function as a string and then passing it to eval('string') will make this easier.

eqn = "int( ( ((1+5**.5)/2)**n - ((1-5**.5)/2)**n)/5**.5 )"

Now let's take a look at how to use conditions

List comprehension can also accept conditional statements that allow us to create more complicated lists.

Syntax for a simple conditional

[f(x) for x in <list> if <condition>]
# A simple if statement tmp = [x**2 for x in range(10) if x<5] tmp
evens = [x for x in L if x % 2 == 0] # we use a boolean expression as the condition to get all even numbers evens
negatives = [x for x in L if (x < 0)] # we use a boolean expression as the condition to get all negative numbers negatives

Activity - Create a list that calculates x2+4x+16x^2+4x+16 for all values from 0 to 9 that are even.

Activity - Create a list that calculates x2x^2 for x from 0 to 10 but only keep even values and converts the numbers to strings.

Now let's look at the more comlicated if/else case:

List comprehension also accpets if/else statements but the sytax changes.

Syntax for a complex conditional is a little different:

[f(x) if <condition> else f`(x) for x in list]
# An if/else statement [x*2 if x <= 10 else x/2 for x in range(15) ]

Activity - Create this list:


Using list comprehension.

Activity - Create a list from 0 to 15 where every integer that is divisible by 2 or 5 is replaced by a string that says "Divby2or5":.

List Names Are References

  • Lists are a "reference" data type, which are different from the basic types like float, int, string.

  • A list variable name is a reference that "points to" an address in memory that holds the list items/elements

a = [3, 7, 1, 2, -1, 9] a
id(a) # returns the reference itself

When lists are different

x = [1, 2, 3] print(x) id(x)
y = [4, 5] print(y) id(y)

When lists are the same

y = x print(y) id(y)
# now variables x and y refer to the same list! y.append(9) print(y)

Making sense of copying variables in Python

Many Matlab users will find this behavior to be very annoying, but this is how many other programming languages work.

Python "thinks" of variables like stickers on boxes in a warhouse. If you slap an "x" sticker on a box and then put a "y" sticker on the same box, when you change "x", you will change "y" because both stickers are on the same box.

So how do you copy a variable? There are two ways:

a = b[:] # have we talked about slicing yet?


import copy # We'll talk about this one later a = copy.copy(b)
a = [1,2,3] print(id(a)) b=a[:] # tells python to assign the elemets of 'a' to a new element 'b' print(id(b))

2-Dimensional (Nested) Lists

A two-dimensional (nested) list is a list of references to other lists:

  • The top-level list contains references to other lists

  • The lower-level lists contain (ordered) data

  • You can think of the list referencing as a row-column structure: list_name[row][column]

data = [ [1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 3.1], [5.1, 2.2, 2.1, 4.4], [4.3, 0.5, 7.2, 3.9] ]
data # to see how it prints
for row in data: # will print one "row" at a time print(row)
data[1][0] # access second row, first element - remember index begins at 0
data[0][2] # access first row, third element - remember index begins at 0


  • Assign the 3rd row of the "data" variable above, to a variable called "test".

  • Does it share the same address in memory? Why or why not?

  • Make two copies of the data variable using different techniques.

  • Verify that the copy has a different address in memory

  • Assign a new variable to the data variable.

  • Change the new variable and verify this changes data.

Higher-Dimensional Lists

  • The same ideas that apply to 2D lists can be extended for lists of any dimension

  • These lists can be used to represent data that is a function of more than two independent variables (i.e., values in x, y, z location)

cube = [ [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ], [ [5, 6], [7, 8] ] ]
for i in range(len(cube)): for j in range(len(cube[i])): for k in range(len(cube[i][j])): print('(%d,%d,%d) = %d' % (i,j,k,cube[i][j][k]))

Making Matricies (Nested lists) with list comprehension:

The syntax is fairly straightforward, just nest one list inside of another.

[[f(x) for x in <list>] for y in <list>]
[[x for x in range(3)] for y in range(4)]
[[outer for inner in range(3)] for outer in range(4) ]

Activity - Create a 5x6 matrix of ones:

Activity - Create a 5x3 matrix with values from 5 to 9 on each row:

Activity - Create a 5x5 matrix that follows this pattern:

[[0,1,2...] [1,2,3...], [2,3,4...], ... ]

Activity - Create a 2x10 matrix with numerically increasing values:


[[1,2,3...],[11,12,13...]]``` Hint: I used the step size in range to do this.

Challenge Activity! - Create a nested pyramid list that looks like this:


I choose this example to show you that lists do not have to be square like matricies.

Challange Activity - Create Pascal's Triangle.

Using a for loop and list comprehension, write python code to complete the triangle

pascal = [[1],[1,1]] # Start with this and build the rest of pascal's triangle
# I am helping you out with this example, you just need to add a little bit of code for row in range(5): l = pascal[-1] # take the last line of pascal next_row = [1] + ...Enter your code here... + [1] pascal.append(next_row)

Challenge Activity! - Create a 5x5 identity matrix, ones along the diagonal and zeros everywhere else:

Hint: I used an if/else statement

So what if you need to parse through a nested list (or matrix)?

We recall that the syntax to create a nested list was:

[[<function> for inner in <list>] for outer in <list>]

To parse a nested list, the syntax changes a little.

[[<lst[outer][inner]> for outer in <list>] for inner in <list>]

Let's try to make some sense of this by simply copying the output of a matrix.

(Note: the code you are about to see is not very Pythonic by calling out lst[y] and range(len(lst)). This is very clumsy programming syntax that you don't often see in Python. I am only showing it to you now because it's what you are probably used to seeing. You will see a slicker way of doing this a little later)

lst = lst = [[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[8,9]] [[lst[y][x] for x in range(len(lst[0]))] for y in range(len(lst)) ]

Parsing a matrix with a simple conditional

Let's continue using the non-pythonic syntax we used in the nested list example above (i.e. lst[y][x]) and let's add the parsing conditionals from before.

We start with the same syntax as before for parsing a nested list:

[ [<lst[outer][inner]> for outer in <list>] for inner in <list> ]

But now we add a simple conditional statement.

[ [<lst[outer][inner]> for outer in <list> if <condition>] for inner in <list> ]
# So let's try to parse this with a simple if statement # this is same code as above but with an if statement, notice the position of the statement [[lst[y][x] for x in range(len(lst[0])) if lst[y][x] < 3] for y in range(len(lst)) ]

Parsing a matrix with an if/else conditional

[[<lst[outer][inner]> if <condition> else <function> for outer in <list>] for inner in <list>]
# So let's try to parse this with a simple if/else statement # this is same code as above but with an if/else statement, notice the position of the statement [[lst[y][x] if lst[y][x] < 3 else 'error' for x in range(len(lst[0]))] for y in range(len(lst)) ]

Activity - Create a 5x5 matrix with numerically increasing values:


[[1,2,3...],[6,7,8...]]``` Then parse the matrix and return a 1 if the value is even

Activity - Create a 3x3 matrix with numerically increasing values:


[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]``` Square each value of the matrix. Then parse the matrix and return "even" if the value is even and "odd" if it is odd

Parsing a multidimentional list to a one dimensional list

Suppose we have a large multi-dimensional matrix and we want to return a list of values that matches our specific criteria.

Traditional programming to do this would look like this:

lst = [[[...],[...]],[[...],[...]],[[...],[...]],[[...],[...]]] new_lst = [] for 1st_dim in range(len(lst)): for 2nd_dim in range(len(lst)): for 3rd_dim in range(len(lst)): if lst[1st_dim][2nd_dim][3rd_dim] <condition>: <function> else: <function>
lst = [[[1,2,3],[1,2,3]],[[2,3,4],[2,3,4]],[[4,5,6],[4,5,6]]] new_lst = [] for one_dim in range(len(lst)): for two_dim in range(len(lst[1])): for three_dim in range(len(lst[1][1])): if lst[one_dim][two_dim][three_dim] < 4: new_lst.append(1) else: new_lst.append(0) new_lst

Not super pythonic, how would we do this using list comprehension?

In Python, we can simple add for loops onto each other interate through higher dimensions. You can put the new for loops on new lines to make the code easier to read.

For a simple if conditional:

new_lst = [ <function> for 1st_dim in <list> for 2nd_dim in <list> for 3rd_dim in <list> if <condition> ]

For an if/else statement:

new_lst = [ <function> if <condition> else <function> for 1st_dim in <list> for 2nd_dim in <list> for 3rd_dim in <list> ... ]
# Example of if conditional parsing to a single dimensional list new_lst = [ 1 for one_dim in range(len(lst)) # I am hard coding each dimension because this is square and to make this easier for two_dim in range(len(lst[0])) for three_dim in range(len(lst[0][0])) if lst[one_dim][two_dim][three_dim] < 4 ] new_lst
# Example of if/else conditional parsing to a single dimensional list new_lst = [ 1 if lst[one_dim][two_dim][three_dim] < 4 else 0 for one_dim in range(len(lst)) # I am hard coding each dimension because this is square and to make this easier for two_dim in range(len(lst[0])) for three_dim in range(len(lst[0][0])) ] new_lst

Parsing non-square lists

Let's make this a little more robust to handle lists that might not be square. The way to do this is to reference the iterator of the previous dimension rather than hard coding in a number. This changes the way the code looks a little.

new_lst = [ <function> for 1st_dim in lst # 1st_dim is each first level list in lst for 2nd_dim in 1st_dim # 2nd_dim is each second level list in each 1st level list for 3rd_dim in 2nd_dim # 3rd_dim is each thrid level list/element in each 2nd level list ... if <condition> ]

Not only with this code handle non-square matricies, it also doesn't rely on writing "fortran" code (e.g. range(len(lst)) which is very long and usually clutters your code with lots of brackets.

lst = [ [[1,2,3],[1,1,2,3]], [[2,4],[1,1,1,1,2,3,4]], [[4,5,6],[4,5,6,8]] ] # not square new_lst = [ 1 for one_dim in lst # for two_dim in one_dim for three_dim in two_dim if three_dim < 4 #three_dim is an element now, I don't have to slice like before ] new_lst

Challenge Activity:

  • Create any non-square, multi-dimensional list using conditional statements

  • Parse through the list and create a one dimensional list based on parameters of your choice.

  • Make a copy of the result


  • A tuple is a sequence of values, separated by commas

    • support mixed types (e.g., int, float, String, other tuples)

    • Ordered (indexed)

    • Immutable

  • Tuples are typically used by programmers to create "stable" global variables.

t = 'alpha', 'bravo', 'delta', 'charlie' t

It is common (but not required) to enclose tuples in parenthesis (makes it easier to ID tuples in action)

t = ('alpha', 'bravo', 'charlie', 'delta') t
t1 = ('alpha') # not a tuple print(t1) type(t1)
t2 = ('alpha',) # this is a tuple - note comma print(t2) type(t2)

Tuples Are Ordered (Indexed)

  • Individual elements of a tuple can be accessed using and their index values (an integer)

  • As with strings, index counting starts with zero.

  • Slicing for tuples works the same way as it does for Strings.

  • for-loops work as with Strings

t[1:3] # slice the tuple
len(t) # find length
for item in t: print(item)
t[2] = 'echo'

Other features of tuples

  • Tuples can store mixed data types

  • You can store a tuple as an element within a tuple.

  • You can iterate the elements of a tuple using either for loop.

m = ('alpha', 123, 3.7, False, (1,2,3)) # note there is a tuple within a tuple m
for item in m: print(item, type(item))
m[4][1] # to access elements of 'inner' tuple

Tuple assignment

You can assign multiple values with tuples...

x, y, z = 1, 2, 3 x, y, z # display these values

...which is very useful, especially for swapping values:

x, y, z = y, z, x x, y, z # display these values

Packing/Unpacking Tuples

The following operation is known as "packing" a tuple (we "pack" the values in a tuple container):

x = (1, 2, 3) x

The opposite operation is called "unpacking" a tuple:

a, b, c = x a, b, c # display these values
type(a), type(b), type(c)

Sometimes we want to unpack some values together. The * symbol serves as a special operator for tuple unpacking. The * identifies where to put "everything else." Observe the following examples:

my_vals = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) my_vals
a, b, *c = my_vals a, b, c # display these values
a, *b, c = my_vals a, b, c # display these values
*a, b, c = my_vals a, b, c # display these values

Tuple Operators

  • The + operator concatenates tuples

  • The * operator repeats tuples

  • The in operator returns a boolean True if a specified element is present

  • Tuple comparison uses lexicographical order:

    • Compare the first elements in each tuple, and if they differ this determines the outcome.

    • If they are equal, then compare the next two elements and so on, until either sequence is exhausted.

    • If two items to be compared are themselves sequences of the same type, the lexicographical comparison is carried out recursively.

    • If all items of two sequences compare equal, the sequences are considered equal.

    • If one sequence is an initial sub-sequence of the other, the shorter sequence is the smaller (lesser) one.

(1, 2) + (3, 4)
(1, 2) * 3
t = tuple('computation') # tuple() "constructor" converts to a tuple t
'a' in t
'z' in t
'tat' in t

< > == operators work element by element

(1,2,3) < (1,2,4)
(1,2,3,4) < (1,2,4)
(1,2) < (1,2,-1)
(1, 2, 3) == (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) # comparison is element-by-element, considering values

The sorted() function

  • Python has a built-in function called sorted() that sorts a sequence of values.

  • A new sequence is returned; the original sequence is unchanged

t # original sequence
t # original sequence unchanged

The sorted() function has arguments that you can use to control its behavior:

There is also an official HOW TO tutorial on sorting:

sorted(t, reverse=True) # sort in reverse order
t = ('alpha', 'bravo', 'charlie', 'delta') t
for i in range(len(t)): # same as: for i in (0, 1, 2, 3) print(t[i])


What is a Dictionary?

  • Sometimes called an "associative array", implemented using a hastable

  • It is best to think of a dictionary as an unordered set of key:value pairs.

    • The index values are known as a keys.

    • The data that can be referenced/called with a key is known as the value.

    • A key-value pair is also known as an item in the dictionary.

  • Each dictionary requires that its keys are unique.

  • A pair of braces creates an empty dictionary: {}. You can also use the dict() function.

  • Placing a comma-separated list of key:value pairs within the braces adds initial key:value pairs to the dictionary; this is also the way dictionaries are written on output.

Complete documentation on dictionaries is available from:

my_phonebook = {'Bob': '434-2456', 'Jeff': '566-8795', 'Claire': '789-2435'} my_phonebook
# the len() function works here too! len(my_phonebook)

Two ways to retrieve a value from a dictionary

my_phonebook.get('Jeff') # using the get() method of the dictionary object
my_phonebook.get('Dave') # returns None if no entry, therefore it's "safe"
my_phonebook['Jeff'] # using direct access
my_phonebook['Dave'] # not safe, error if entry does not exist

Adding to a Dictionary: just assign to a new key

my_phonebook['Cindy'] = '467-9845' # simply assign a value to a new key my_phonebook

Getting/Checking Keys and Values

# you can get an iterable sequence of the keys with the .keys() method my_phonebook.keys() # returns a "list" of keys
# you can get an iterable sequence of the values with the .values() method my_phonebook.values() # returns a "list" of values
# you can get an iterable sequence of the key-value pairs with the .items() method my_phonebook.items()

Iterating/Looping Over a Dictionary

  • A for loop can be used to iterate over dictionary keys, values, or items...

  • In all cases, the order of iteration might vary (could be different on each computer and possibly each time the "same" dictionary is defined).

# you can explicitly iterate over the keys... for key in my_phonebook.keys(): print(key)
# when iterating over the keys, # you can always get the associated values for key in my_phonebook.keys(): print(key, my_phonebook.get(key))
# the default for iterating over a dictionary gives you the keys # note: we actually didn't need the .keys() method to do this for key in my_phonebook: print(key, my_phonebook.get(key))
# with the items() method you can iterate over keys and values for key, value in my_phonebook.items(): print('The phone number for %8s is %s.' % (key, value))
# because a dictionary is unordered, we often sort when iterating # with the items() method you can iterate over keys and values for key, value in sorted(my_phonebook.items()): print('The phone number for %8s is %s.' % (key, value))

Testing/Searching for Keys

'Claire' in my_phonebook # works as expected
'Dave' in my_phonebook # works as expected
'789-2435' in my_phonebook # the 'in' operator works only on keys

Overwriting / Removing Entries

my_phonebook['Bob'] = '555-1212' # new phone number for Bob my_phonebook
del my_phonebook['Cindy'] my_phonebook
popped = my_phonebook.pop('Jeff') popped

Dictionaries are objects, and therefore have a host of methods available for use. For documentation on dictionaries:

Activity - Create a dictionary of Star Wars characters with the associated age and strength. Write a for loop to extract characters whose strength and age are above a threshold.


  • A set behaves like a collection of dictionary keys with no values.

  • There can be no duplicates in a set (just as for keys in a dictionary).

  • As Think Python notes, "Adding elements to a set is fast; so is checking membership. And sets provide methods and operators to compute common set operations."

  • The sets data structure exists so that we can do set operations very fast.

  • We can accomplish set operations in other ways, but the set data structure is optimized for doing this fast, which is useful for things like confirming someone's security permissions without interupting their workflow, etc..

Basic Set Manipulation

a = [x % 2 for x in range(10)] b = [x % 3 for x in range(10)] a_set = set(a) b_set = set(b) print(a,b) print(a_set,b_set)

Set Operations

a_set & b_set # & Intersection
a_set | b_set # | union
a_set - b_set # - difference/complement
b_set - a_set
a_set ^ b_set # ^ with xor logical operator

Let's play around with adding and removing set items

a_set.add(3) a_set

Look what happens when we add 2 to a_set

a_set.add(2) a_set

Note: you cannot slice sets like tuples, lists, or dictionaries.


Sets can also support strings.

urban_animals = {'pigeon', 'dog', 'squirrel','cat'} # Set A for examples urban_animals
urban_animals.add('rat') urban_animals
urban_animals.remove('squirrel') urban_animals
'rat' in urban_animals
'alley_cat' in urban_animals

We can also use sets on individual characters of a string

vader = set('dum-dum-dum-dum-ta-dum') vader

Activity - Use sets to test to see if a random integer is prime.

Only check for numbers >50.
primes = 1,2,3,5,7,11,12,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,47


  • Tuples, Lists, Dictionaries, and Sets are the primary data structures in Python

  • If you understand how to use these (and use them well), you can do almost anything

Next Lesson: 1.5 Functions