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A 3D plot, displayed via the three.js library. Adding the threejs parameter show(…, threejs=True) is no longer necessary.

var('x,y,z') T = RDF(golden_ratio) p = 2 - (cos(x + T*y) + cos(x - T*y) + cos(y + T*z) + cos(y - T*z) + cos(z - T*x) + cos(z + T*x)) r = 4.77 show(implicit_plot3d(p, (x, -r, r), (y, -r, r), (z, -r, r), plot_points=33)) ︠f233119a-c619-4afc-8e2a-5e0934ce9799︠ g = icosahedron(color='green', mesh=2, opacity=.4) g += sphere(size=.3,center=(0,0,1),color='red') g += text3d("in the clouds...", (1/2,0,-1), fontsize=20, fontface="Courier") show(g) ︠ed23db90-26c7-4149-a3ca-a58e20460532︠ g = text3d("3D Pillow ...", (2,-1/2,1/2), fontsize=40, fontface="Droid", color='blue') for i in srange(-2*pi,2*pi,pi/3, include_endpoint=True): g += parametric_plot3d((2 * cos(x), sin(x * i), sin(x)*cos(i * x)), (x,0,2*pi),plot_points=200, color='purple') show(g)