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Image: ubuntu2004
def distance(p,q): p = vector(p) q = vector(q) d = norm(p-q) return d def checkGaussianPrimes(x,y): if x!= 0 and y != 0: d = x**2 +y**2 if d in Primes(): return True else: p = int(sqrt(x**2 + y**2)) if mod((p-3),4) == 0 and p in Primes(): return True def gaussianPrimes(num): points = [] for x in range(0,num+1): for y in range(0,num+1): if x>=y: if checkGaussianPrimes(x,y) == True: points.append((x,y)) return points def stepList(stepSize): Slist = [] for x in range(-stepSize,stepSize +1 ): for y in range(-stepSize,stepSize +1 ): if x ==0 and y==0: pass else: if (mod(x,2)==0 and mod(y,2)==0) or (mod(x,2)!=0 and mod(y,2)!=0): d = distance((0,0),(x,y)) if d <=(stepSize): Slist.append((x,y)) return Slist def primeList(point, stepList): Plist = [] for apoint in stepList: x = point[0]+apoint[0] y = point[1]+apoint[1] if checkGaussianPrimes(x,y) == True: Plist.append((x,y)) return Plist def buildPath(start, stepList): Glist = [] laststage = start counter = 1 currentstage = laststage nextstage = [] while currentstage: for point in currentstage: newprime = primeList(point,stepList) for p in newprime: if p not in currentstage and p not in laststage and p not in nextstage: counter +=1 nextstage.append(p) Glist.append(p) laststage = currentstage[:] currentstage = nextstage[:] del nextstage[:] nextstage = nextstage[:] return Glist def findMax(alist): max = 0.0 maxPoint = None for point in alist: d = distance((0,0),point) if d>max: max = d maxPoint = point return maxPoint def gaussianPlot(alist): g = Graphics() for apoint in alist: p = point(apoint) g = g+p return g def gaussianPlotAll(alist): g = Graphics() for apoint in alist: x1 , y1 = apoint[0], apoint[1] p1 = point((x1,y1)) x2 , y2 = y1 , x1 p2 = point((x2 , y2)) x3 , y3 = -x1 , y1 p3 = point((x3 , y3)) x4 , y4 = y3 , x3 p4 = point((x4 , y4)) x5 , y5 = x1 , -y1 p5 = point((x5 , y5)) x6 , y6 = y5 , x5 p6 = point((x6 , y6)) x7 , y7 = -x1 , -y1 p7 = point((x7 , y7)) x8 , y8 = y7 , x7 p8 = point((x8 , y8)) g = g + p1+p2+p3+p4+p5+p6+p7+p8 return g def drawPath(alist,stepSize): g = Graphics() current = alist[0] for apoint in alist: for i in xrange(len(alist)): if distance(apoint,alist[i]) <= stepSize: x1 , y1 = apoint[0], apoint[1] p1 , q1 = alist[i][0] , alist[i][1] l1 = line([(x1,y1),(p1,q1)]) '''l2 = line([(-x1,y1), (-p1,q1)]) l3 = line([(-x1,-y1), (-p1,-q1)]) l4 = line([(x1,-y1), (p1,-q1)]) l5 = line([(y1,x1),(q1,p1)]) l6 = line([(-y1,x1),(-q1,p1)]) l7 = line([(-y1,-x1),(-q1,-p1)]) l8 = line([(y1,-x1),(q1,-p1)])''' g = g + l1 return g def main(): g = Graphics() t = cputime() stepSize = sqrt(4) steps = stepList(stepSize) path = buildPath([(-42,17)],steps) graph = drawPath(path, stepSize) print " done graphing" plot = gaussianPlotAll(gaussianPrimes(5)) g = plot print "Time Elapsed " + str(cputime(t)) main()