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Image: ubuntu2004
def statistical_power(x, n1, n2, alpha): """ Return a statistical power. INPUT: x --- (myu2 - myu1)/sigma n1, n2 --- sample sizes alpha --- rate of the type I error OUTPUT: A statistical power """ T = RealDistribution("t", n1 + n2 - 2) F = T.cum_distribution_function c = sqrt((n1*n2)/(n1 + n2)) t = -T.cum_distribution_function_inv(alpha/2) return F(c*x - t) + F(-c*x - t)
def fast_find_min(alpha=0.05, beta=0.05, delta=0.5): """ Return a minimum sample size pair if two sample sizes are *equal*. INPUT: alpha --- ratio of the type I error beta --- ratio of the type II error delta --- permissible difference OUTPUT: A minimum sample size. """ f = RealDistribution("gaussian", 1).cum_distribution_function_inv u_alpha = -f(alpha/2) u_beta = -f(beta) b = floor(2*(((u_alpha + u_beta)/delta)^2)) while statistical_power(delta, b, b, alpha) < 1 - beta: b *= 2 ## binary search a = 1 while a < b: mid = int((a + b)/2) if statistical_power(delta, mid, mid, alpha) < 1 - beta: a = mid + 1 else: b = mid return a
for delta in [1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001]: print delta time print fast_find_min(alpha=0.05, beta=0.05, delta=delta)
1 28 Time: CPU 0.01 s, Wall: 0.01 s 0.500000000000000 106 Time: CPU 0.02 s, Wall: 0.02 s 0.100000000000000 2602 Time: CPU 0.02 s, Wall: 0.02 s 0.0500000000000000 10398 Time: CPU 0.02 s, Wall: 0.02 s 0.0100000000000000 259896 Time: CPU 0.03 s, Wall: 0.03 s 0.00500000000000000 1039578 Time: CPU 0.04 s, Wall: 0.04 s 0.00100000000000000 25989420 Time: CPU 0.04 s, Wall: 0.04 s
alpha = 0.05 beta = 0.05 a = 0.5 b = 1 f = RealDistribution("gaussian", 1).cum_distribution_function_inv u_alpha = -f(alpha/2) u_beta = -f(beta) u = 2*((u_alpha + u_beta)^2) answers = points([ (delta, fast_find_min(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, delta=delta)) for delta in srange(a, b, a/10.) ], size=15) approx = plot( u/(x^2), (x, a, b), color="red", thickness=2) show(answers + approx) (answers + approx).save("slight_difference.eps")
def laymans_find_min(cost, budget, epsilon, alpha=0.05, beta=0.05, delta=0.5): """ Return a minimum sample size pair in a sense of cost function. NOTE: This may take some time; because it searchs MANY. INPUT: cost --- linear function N^2 -> R such that c1 n1 + c2 n2 budget --- maximal cost epsilon --- region alpha --- ratio of the type I error beta --- ratio of the type II error delta --- permissible difference OUTPUT: A pair of natural numbers that makes cost function minimum. """ f = RealDistribution("gaussian", 1).cum_distribution_function_inv u_alpha = -f(alpha/2) u_beta = -f(beta) c1 = cost((1, 0)) c2 = cost((0, 1)) N1 = int(float(budget)/c1) N2 = int(float(budget)/c2) u = ((u_alpha + u_beta)/delta)^2 domain = [ (n1, n2) for n1 in range(1, 1 + N1) for n2 in range(1, 1 + N2) if n1 + n2 > 2 and c1*n1 + c2*n2 <= budget and u < (n1*n2)/(n1 + n2) < u + epsilon and statistical_power(delta, n1, n2, alpha) >= 1 - beta] if domain == []: return IOError, "Too strict condition. No answer found." else: return min(domain, key=cost)
alpha = 0.05 beta = 0.05 delta = 0.5 epsilon = 2 cost = lambda (n1, n2): n1 + 2*n2 budget = 500 f = RealDistribution("gaussian", 1).cum_distribution_function_inv u_alpha = -f(alpha/2) u_beta = -f(beta) c1 = cost((1, 0)) c2 = cost((0, 1)) N1 = int(float(budget)/c1) N2 = int(float(budget)/c2) u = ((u_alpha + u_beta)/delta)^2 domain = points([ (n1, n2) for n1 in range(1, 1 + N1) for n2 in range(1, 1 + N2) if n1 + n2 > 2 and c1*n1 + c2*n2 <= budget and u < (n1*n2)/(n1 + n2) < u + epsilon and statistical_power(delta, n1, n2, alpha) >= 1 - beta]) show(domain)
for n in range(2, 10): time print n, laymans_find_min(lambda (n1, n2): n1/float(n) + (n - 1)*n2/float(n), 150, 2, delta=0.5)
2 (106, 106) Time: CPU 1.71 s, Wall: 1.71 s 3 (127, 91) Time: CPU 1.91 s, Wall: 1.91 s 4 (141, 85) Time: CPU 2.22 s, Wall: 2.22 s 5 (150, 82) Time: CPU 2.78 s, Wall: 2.78 s 6 (166, 78) Time: CPU 2.89 s, Wall: 2.89 s 7 (187, 74) Time: CPU 3.51 s, Wall: 3.51 s 8 (187, 74) Time: CPU 3.59 s, Wall: 3.59 s 9 (201, 72) Time: CPU 4.24 s, Wall: 4.24 s