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Image: ubuntu2004
def natural_spline(X,DATA,usefunct,f,approx,p, prec): m=0 N = len(X) a = mrange_iter([range(N)], sum) alpha = mrange_iter([range(N)], sum) b = mrange_iter([range(N)], sum) c = mrange_iter([range(N)], sum) d = mrange_iter([range(N)], sum) h = mrange_iter([range(N)], sum) l = mrange_iter([range(N)], sum) mu = mrange_iter([range(N)], sum) z = mrange_iter([range(N)], sum) S = mrange_iter([range(N)], sum) if (usefunct == true): for n in range(N): a[n] = f(x=X[n]).n(prec) else: a = DATA h[0] = X[1] - X[0] l[0] = 1 mu[0] = 0 z[0] = 0 for n in range(1, N-1): h[n] = X[n+1] - X[n] alpha[n] = 3/h[n]*(a[n+1] - a[n]) - 3/h[n-1]*(a[n] - a[n-1]) l[n] = 2*(X[n+1] - X[n-1]) - h[n-1]*mu[n-1] mu[n] = h[n]/l[n] z[n] = (alpha[n] - h[n-1]*z[n-1])/l[n] n = N -1 c[n] = 0 l[n] = 1 z[n] = 0 n = n-1 while n >= 0: c[n] = (z[n] - mu[n]*c[n+1]).n(prec) b[n] = ((a[n+1] - a[n])/h[n] - h[n]*(c[n+1] +2*c[n])/3).n(prec) d[n] = ((c[n+1] - c[n])/(3*h[n])).n(prec) S[n] = a[n] + b[n]*(x - X[n]) + c[n]*(x - X[n])^2 + d[n]*(x-X[n])^3 n = n-1 # Show spline function for n in range(N-1): html("$$S_%s(x) = %s$$"%(n,S[n])) # Approximation if (approx == true): for n in range(N-1): if (X[n] <= p < X[n+1]): m = n html("S(p) = %s"%S[n](x=p)) n = N+1 if (usefunct == true): err = abs(f(x=p) - S[m](x=p)) html("f(p) = %s"%f(x=p)) html("The absolute error is %s"%err) # Graph if (usefunct == true): fig1 = plot(f, xmin = min(X), xmax = max(X), rgbcolor = (0,0,1)) for n in range(N): fig1 = fig1 + point([X[n], a[n]], rgbcolor = (0,0,0), pointsize = 30) else: fig1 = point([X[0],a[0]], rgbcolor = (0,0,1), pointsize = 30) for n in range(1, N): fig1 = fig1 + point([X[n],a[n]],rgbcolor = (0,0,1), pointsize = 30) if(approx == true): fig1 = fig1 + point([p,S[m](x=p)], rgbcolor = (1,0,0), pointsize = 30) for n in range(N-1): fig1 = fig1 + plot(S[n], X[n], X[n+1], rgbcolor = (1,0,0), linestyle = '--', thickness = 1) data = [(0.0,0.0),(0.5,1.6),(1.0,2.0),(6.0,2.0),(7.0,1.5),(9.0,0.0)] x = var('x') R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x') f = R.lagrange_polynomial(data) print "7.5" print print "a." print print f print plot(f(x), (x, 0, 9)).show() print print "b." print natural_spline(X=[0.0,0.5,1.0,6.0,7.0,9.0],DATA=[0.0,1.6,2.0,2.0,1.5,0.0],usefunct=false,f=0,approx=false,p=0,prec=15) print print "c." print print "Cubic spline interpolation seems to produce more reasonable values, as compared to Lagrange interpolation, since Lagrange interpolation tends to produce polynomials that oscillate above and below the correct function, while spline (and Chebyshev) interpolation tend to minimize (if not remove) such discrepancies." print print "d." print print "Piecewise linear interpolation is not as good as cubic spline interpolation, since the latter interpolation shows a smooth curve, something that would not be as visible if piecewise linear interpolation is used."
7.5 a. 0.00568777627601157*x^5 - 0.134787108316520*x^4 + 1.12075734722794*x^3 - 3.85592316180552*x^2 + 4.86426514661809*x
S_0(x) = -2.400*x^3 + 3.800*x
S_1(x) = 2.398*(x - 0.500000000000000)^3 - 3.599*(x - 0.500000000000000)^2 + 2.000*x + 0.5999
S_2(x) = -0.007541*(x - 1.00000000000000)^3 - 0.002171*(x - 1.00000000000000)^2 + 0.1994*x + 1.801
S_3(x) = 0.003165*(x - 6.00000000000000)^3 - 0.1153*(x - 6.00000000000000)^2 - 0.3879*x + 4.327
S_4(x) = 0.01763*(x - 7.00000000000000)^3 - 0.1058*(x - 7.00000000000000)^2 - 0.6089*x + 5.763
c. Cubic spline interpolation seems to produce more reasonable values, as compared to Lagrange interpolation, since Lagrange interpolation tends to produce polynomials that oscillate above and below the correct function, while spline (and Chebyshev) interpolation tend to minimize (if not remove) such discrepancies. d. Piecewise linear interpolation is not as good as cubic spline interpolation, since the latter interpolation shows a smooth curve, something that would not be as visible if piecewise linear interpolation is used.