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Image: ubuntu2004
def eulers_method_vector(f,g,x0,y0,h,N,xName,xmin,xmax,yName,ymin,ymax): poses = [] currentPos = (x0,y0) for i in xrange(N): delta = [X.subs({xName:currentPos[0],yName:currentPos[1]}) for X in (f,g)] poses.append(currentPos) currentPos = (currentPos[0] + h*delta[0], currentPos[1] + h*delta[1]) if (currentPos[0] < xmin) or (currentPos[0] > xmax) or (currentPos[1] < ymin) or (currentPos[1] > ymax): break #if we've looped back, stop because we're misleading if (i>50) and (abs(currentPos[0]-poses[0][0]) < 5*h) and (abs(currentPos[1]-poses[0][1]) < 5*h): break return line2d(poses) def phase_portrait(f,g,xName,xmin,xmax,yName,ymin,ymax, points=None): lenFG = sqrt(f^2+g^2) newF = f/lenFG newG = g/lenFG VF = plot_vector_field((newF,newG), (xName, xmin, xmax), (yName, ymin, ymax)) pts = [((xmax-xmin)*random()+xmin, (ymax-ymin)*random()+ymin) for nothing in xrange(10)] #pts = [(xmin + ((xmax-xmin)/5)*i, ymin+((ymax-ymin)/5)*j) for i in xrange(5) for j in xrange(5)] plots = sum([eulers_method_vector(f,g,X[0],X[1], 0.01, 1000, xName, xmin, xmax, yName, ymin, ymax) for X in pts]) return VF + plots
var('x y')
(x, y)
phase_portrait((-y-x)/(x^2+y^2), (x-y)/(x^2+y^2), x, -3, 3, y, -3, 3)