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License: OTHER
Kernel: Python 3

GroupBy examples

Allen Downey

MIT License

%matplotlib inline import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns sns.set(style='white') from thinkstats2 import Pmf, Cdf import thinkstats2 import thinkplot decorate = thinkplot.config

Let's load the GSS dataset.

%time gss = pd.read_hdf('../homeworks/gss.hdf5', 'gss') gss.head()
CPU times: user 164 ms, sys: 40.2 ms, total: 204 ms Wall time: 203 ms
year id_ agewed divorce sibs childs age educ paeduc maeduc ... memchurh realinc cohort marcohrt ballot wtssall adults compuse databank wtssnr
0 1972 167 0 0 2 0 26.0 18.0 12 12 ... 0 13537.0 1946.0 0 0 0.8893 2.0 0 0 1.0
1 1972 1256 30 2 0 1 38.0 12.0 97 99 ... 0 18951.0 1934.0 1964 0 0.4446 1.0 0 0 1.0
2 1972 415 0 0 7 0 57.0 12.0 7 7 ... 0 30458.0 1915.0 0 0 1.3339 3.0 0 0 1.0
3 1972 234 18 1 6 3 61.0 14.0 8 5 ... 0 37226.0 1911.0 1929 0 0.8893 2.0 0 0 1.0
4 1972 554 22 2 3 3 59.0 12.0 6 11 ... 0 30458.0 1913.0 1935 0 0.8893 2.0 0 0 1.0

5 rows × 101 columns

def counts(series): return series.value_counts(sort=False).sort_index()

The GSS interviews a few thousand respondents each year.

1972 1613 1973 1504 1974 1484 1975 1490 1976 1499 1977 1530 1978 1532 1980 1468 1982 1860 1983 1599 1984 1473 1985 1534 1986 1470 1987 1819 1988 1481 1989 1537 1990 1372 1991 1517 1993 1606 1994 2992 1996 2904 1998 2832 2000 2817 2002 2765 2004 2812 2006 4510 2008 2023 2010 2044 2012 1974 2014 2538 2016 2867 Name: year, dtype: int64

One of the questions they ask is "Do you think the use of marijuana should be made legal or not?"

The answer codes are:

1 Legal 2 Not legal 8 Don't know 9 No answer 0 Not applicable

Here is the distribution of responses for all years.

0 24398 1 11027 2 25195 8 1733 9 113 Name: grass, dtype: int64

I'll replace "Don't know", "No answer", and "Not applicable" with NaN.

gss['grass'].replace([0,8,9], np.nan, inplace=True)

And replace 2, which represents "No", with 1. That way we can use mean to compute the fraction in favor.

gss['grass'].replace(2, 0, inplace=True)

Here are the value counts after replacement.

0.0 25195 1.0 11027 Name: grass, dtype: int64

And here's the mean.


So 30% of respondents thought marijuana should be legal, at the time they were interviewed.

Now we can see how that fraction depends on age, cohort (year of birth), and period (year of interview).

Group by year

First we'll group respondents by year.

grouped = gss.groupby('year') grouped
<pandas.core.groupby.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x7f49bdd8ac18>

The result in a DataFrameGroupBy object we can iterate through:

for name, group in grouped: print(name, len(group))
1972 1613 1973 1504 1974 1484 1975 1490 1976 1499 1977 1530 1978 1532 1980 1468 1982 1860 1983 1599 1984 1473 1985 1534 1986 1470 1987 1819 1988 1481 1989 1537 1990 1372 1991 1517 1993 1606 1994 2992 1996 2904 1998 2832 2000 2817 2002 2765 2004 2812 2006 4510 2008 2023 2010 2044 2012 1974 2014 2538 2016 2867

And we can compute summary statistics for each group.

for name, group in grouped: print(name, group['grass'].mean())
1972 nan 1973 0.20136518771331058 1974 nan 1975 0.22569198012775019 1976 0.29395604395604397 1977 nan 1978 0.3056501021102791 1980 0.2585844428871759 1982 nan 1983 0.23943661971830985 1984 0.2147887323943662 1985 nan 1986 0.17466945024356298 1987 0.15506508205998867 1988 0.1705170517051705 1989 0.17492416582406473 1990 0.15940366972477063 1991 0.17775467775467776 1993 0.24342745861733203 1994 0.24722075172048702 1996 0.28713910761154854 1998 0.2966589861751152 2000 0.3395810363836825 2002 0.3403755868544601 2004 0.35785536159601 2006 0.3435155412647374 2008 0.4001597444089457 2010 0.4773988897700238 2012 0.4835341365461847 2014 0.5790147152911068 2016 0.5911039657020365

Using a for loop can be useful for debugging, but it is more concise, more idiomatic, and faster to apply operations directly to the DataFrameGroupBy object.

For example, if you select a column from a DataFrameGroupBy, the result is a SeriesGroupBy that represents one Series for each group.

<pandas.core.groupby.groupby.SeriesGroupBy object at 0x7f49bdd874e0>

You can loop through the SeriesGroupBy, but you normally don't.

for name, series in grouped['grass']: print(name, series.mean())
1972 nan 1973 0.20136518771331058 1974 nan 1975 0.22569198012775019 1976 0.29395604395604397 1977 nan 1978 0.3056501021102791 1980 0.2585844428871759 1982 nan 1983 0.23943661971830985 1984 0.2147887323943662 1985 nan 1986 0.17466945024356298 1987 0.15506508205998867 1988 0.1705170517051705 1989 0.17492416582406473 1990 0.15940366972477063 1991 0.17775467775467776 1993 0.24342745861733203 1994 0.24722075172048702 1996 0.28713910761154854 1998 0.2966589861751152 2000 0.3395810363836825 2002 0.3403755868544601 2004 0.35785536159601 2006 0.3435155412647374 2008 0.4001597444089457 2010 0.4773988897700238 2012 0.4835341365461847 2014 0.5790147152911068 2016 0.5911039657020365

Instead, you can apply a function to the SeriesGroupBy; the result is a new Series that maps from group names to the results from the function; in this case, it's the fraction of support for each interview year.

series = grouped['grass'].mean() series
year 1972 NaN 1973 0.201365 1974 NaN 1975 0.225692 1976 0.293956 1977 NaN 1978 0.305650 1980 0.258584 1982 NaN 1983 0.239437 1984 0.214789 1985 NaN 1986 0.174669 1987 0.155065 1988 0.170517 1989 0.174924 1990 0.159404 1991 0.177755 1993 0.243427 1994 0.247221 1996 0.287139 1998 0.296659 2000 0.339581 2002 0.340376 2004 0.357855 2006 0.343516 2008 0.400160 2010 0.477399 2012 0.483534 2014 0.579015 2016 0.591104 Name: grass, dtype: float64

Overall support for legalization has been increasing since 1990.

series.plot(color='C0') decorate(xlabel='Year of interview', ylabel='% in favor', title='Should marijuana be made legal?')
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Group by cohort

The variable cohort contains respondents' year of birth.

1883.0 2 1884.0 3 1885.0 2 1886.0 4 1887.0 10 1888.0 5 1889.0 14 1890.0 19 1891.0 25 1892.0 20 1893.0 29 1894.0 47 1895.0 43 1896.0 41 1897.0 52 1898.0 62 1899.0 93 1900.0 120 1901.0 104 1902.0 111 1903.0 128 1904.0 138 1905.0 169 1906.0 171 1907.0 236 1908.0 191 1909.0 257 1910.0 236 1911.0 255 1912.0 326 ... 1969.0 813 1970.0 809 1971.0 691 1972.0 649 1973.0 671 1974.0 641 1975.0 570 1976.0 542 1977.0 536 1978.0 483 1979.0 590 1980.0 476 1981.0 467 1982.0 413 1983.0 342 1984.0 335 1985.0 371 1986.0 278 1987.0 306 1988.0 205 1989.0 227 1990.0 185 1991.0 188 1992.0 107 1993.0 116 1994.0 116 1995.0 89 1996.0 50 1997.0 53 1998.0 6 Name: cohort, Length: 116, dtype: int64

Pulling together the code from the previous section, we can plot support for legalization by year of birth.

grouped = gss.groupby('cohort') series = grouped['grass'].mean() series.plot(color='C1') decorate(xlabel='Year of birth', ylabel='% in favor', title='Should marijuana be made legal?')
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Later generations are more likely to support legalization than earlier generations.

Group by age

Finally, let's see how support varies with age at time of interview.

grouped = gss.groupby('age') series = grouped['grass'].mean() series.plot(color='C2') decorate(xlabel='Age at interview', ylabel='% in favor', title='Should marijuana be made legal?')
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Younger people are more likely to support legalization than old people.

In general, it is not easy to separate period, cohort, and age effects, but there are ways. We'll come back to this example to see how.