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Kernel: Python 3
from __future__ import division, print_function %matplotlib inline

Color and exposure

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np


Create three images; each should display a red, green, or blue channel of the original image.

import skdemo from skimage import data color_image = data.chelsea() red_image = np.zeros_like(color_image) green_image = np.zeros_like(color_image) blue_image = np.zeros_like(color_image) red_image[:, :, 0] = color_image[:, :, 0] green_image[:, :, 1] = color_image[:, :, 1] blue_image[:, :, 2] = color_image[:, :, 2] skdemo.imshow_all(red_image, green_image, blue_image)

Alternatively, we can "unpack" our RGB image into red, green, and blue channels using np.rollaxis

np.rollaxis(color_image, axis=-1).shape

The axis argument tells rollaxis which axis to... ahem... roll to the front.

red_image = np.zeros_like(color_image) green_image = np.zeros_like(color_image) blue_image = np.zeros_like(color_image) r, g, b = np.rollaxis(color_image, axis=-1) red_image[:, :, 0] = r green_image[:, :, 1] = g blue_image[:, :, 2] = b skdemo.imshow_all(red_image, green_image, blue_image)



The following attempt to plot as histogram does not work:


The code above raises the following error:

ValueError: x must be 1D or 2D

As the error suggests, a 3D, color image will not work with a histogram


These bins are really coarse, so lets use the bins argument to plt.hist to get a better result:

plt.hist(color_image.flatten(), bins=100);

Why does that look so strange? (Think about it before continuing.)

The pixel values are integers, and we're dividing up the data into 100 bins. If the number of integers isn't a divisor of the range of integers, then some bins will have more integers than others. Let's take a look at the number of unique bins:


np.ptp gives the difference between the min and max values. If we used 115 bins, every bin would have approximately 2 integers, and we should get a good-looking histogram. If we use a bit fewer bins, then some bins will have 3 integers instead of 2; if go a bit higher, then some bins will have a bit fewer integers.

fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(18, 5)) for ax, bins in zip(axes, (100, 115, 130)): ax.hist(color_image.flatten(), bins=bins); ax.set_ylim(ymax=8000)


Create a function to plot a histogram for each color channel in a single plot.

for color, channel in zip('rgb', np.rollaxis(color_image, axis=-1)): plt.hist(channel.flatten(), color=color, alpha=0.5)

Bonus: Instead of using plt.hist, use plt.plot or plt.fill_between in combination with histogram from skimage.exposure.

from skimage import exposure exposure.histogram?
for color, channel in zip('rgb', np.rollaxis(color_image, axis=-1)): hist, bin_centers = exposure.histogram(channel) plt.fill_between(bin_centers, hist, color=color, alpha=0.3)

Color spaces


Use the CIELAB color space to isolate the eyes in the chelsea image. Plot the L, a, b components to get a feel for what they do, and see the wikipedia page for more info. Bonus: Isolate the nose too.

from skimage import color lab_image = color.rgb2lab(color_image)
luminance, a, b = np.rollaxis(lab_image, axis=-1) titles = ['luminance', 'a-component', 'b-component'] skdemo.imshow_all(luminance, a, b, titles=titles)

Notice the eyes are really dark in the middle image, i.e. the "A"-component of the LAB color space. We should use that for thresholding. We don't want to just guess values for thresholding; instead, let's look at a histogram:


I've cheated here and reused our RGB histogram for LAB space. The image is wrong because the image isn't RGB, but the histograms are still valid. Note that we're plotting in RGB order, so the "A" commponent here is green. Since the eyes are very dark in the "A" image above, we'd like to select the left tail of the green histogram---roughly at 0:

plt.imshow(a < 0)

To get the nose, notice that it's quite bright in the "A" component, so lets grab the right tail of the green histogram (> 30).

plt.imshow(a > 30)

Combining those two, plus an extra bit of thresholding to blacken the pupil, gives:

eyes = (a < 0) & (b > 5) nose = a > 30 plt.imshow(eyes | nose)

Note that we want to pixels that are either the nose or the eyes; you might be tempted to write eyes & nose, but that would only keep pixels that are both part of the eyes and the nose, which is an empty set.

Image filtering

# Replicate image from demo image = pixelated = image[::10, ::10]

In the image filtering section, our first attempt at applying a difference filter didn't produce good results

horizontal_edges = pixelated[1:, :] - pixelated[:-1, :] vertical_edges = pixelated[:, 1:] - pixelated[:, :-1] skdemo.imshow_all(horizontal_edges, vertical_edges)

The reason for the noise is that these images are unsigned, 8-bit integers:

print pixelated.dtype, horizontal_edges.dtype, vertical_edges.dtype

If you subtract two values, and the result is negative, then that value wraps around (underflow); thus, -1 becomes 255. Similarly, values exceeding 255, will wrap around (overflow) so that 256 becomes -1.

To fix this, we'll convert to floating-point images:

from skimage import img_as_float pixelated_float = img_as_float(pixelated) horizontal_edges = pixelated_float[1:, :] - pixelated_float[:-1, :] vertical_edges = pixelated_float[:, 1:] - pixelated_float[:, :-1] skdemo.imshow_all(horizontal_edges, vertical_edges)


Create a simple difference filter to find the horizontal or vertical edges of an image. Try to ensure that the filtering operation doesn't shift the edge position preferentially. (Don't use slicing to produce the difference image; use convolution.)

def imshow_edges(image, horizontal_edge_kernel, vertical_edge_kernel): horizontal_edges = convolve(image, horizontal_edge_kernel) vertical_edges = convolve(image, vertical_edge_kernel) skdemo.imshow_all(horizontal_edges, vertical_edges)

We can emulate the simple differencing operation that we did earlier with the following edge kernels:

from skimage import img_as_float from scipy.ndimage import convolve horizontal_edge_kernel = np.array([[1], [-1]]) vertical_edge_kernel = np.array([[1, -1]]) # As discussed earlier, use a floating-point image to prevent overflow image = img_as_float(pixelated) imshow_edges(image, horizontal_edge_kernel, vertical_edge_kernel)

But, as we said earlier, this tends to skew the edges toward one corner of the image. To preserve the position of edge points, we can create a kernel that's centered on each pixel:

horizontal_edge_kernel = np.array([[1], [0], [-1]]) vertical_edge_kernel = np.array([[1, 0, -1]]) imshow_edges(image, horizontal_edge_kernel, vertical_edge_kernel)

We can verify that this doesn't skew the edges by looking at the bright square from earlier

# Replicate image from demo bright_square = np.zeros((7, 7), dtype=float) bright_square[2:5, 2:5] = 1 image = bright_square horizontal_edges = convolve(image, horizontal_edge_kernel) vertical_edges = convolve(image, vertical_edge_kernel) skdemo.imshow_all(horizontal_edges, vertical_edges)


Using a couple of the filters in the filter module, find the direction of the maximum gradient in an image.

NOTE: When developing this exercise, it was assumed that vsobel and hsobel from skimage.filter returned the response from the vertical-edge and horizontal-edge Sobel kernels, pictured in the links below:

As described in those docs, however, the absolute value of the response is returned. While this result is typically preferred, it's not in this case, since the sign of the response contributes to the gradient angle.

To get around this oversight, we'll copy the edge kernels from the documentation:

from skimage import filter # Kernel copied from `vsobel` docstring. # Vertical edge-reponse is the *horizontal* gradient. dx_kernel = np.array([ [1, 0, -1], [2, 0, -2], [1, 0, -1], ]) # Rotate array by 90 degrees to get y-gradient kernel dy_kernel = np.rot90(dx_kernel)
image_45 = np.tril(-np.ones([7, 7])) image_135 = np.rot90(image_45) skdemo.imshow_all(image_45, image_135)
def angle_image(image): image = img_as_float(image) dy = convolve(image, dy_kernel) dx = convolve(image, dx_kernel) angle = np.arctan2(dy, dx) return np.degrees(angle)
%precision 0 angle_image(image_45)

Feature detection


Use the response from the Hough transform to detect the position and radius of each coin.

First, let's replicate the data from the tutorial

from skimage.transform import hough_circle image = data.coins()[0:95, 180:370] edges = filter.canny(image, sigma=3, low_threshold=10, high_threshold=60) hough_radii = np.arange(15, 30, 2) hough_response = hough_circle(edges, hough_radii)
from skimage.feature import peak_local_max centers = [] likelihood = [] for h in hough_response: peaks = peak_local_max(h) centers.extend(peaks) likelihood.extend(h[peaks[:, 0], peaks[:, 1]]) for i in np.argsort(likelihood)[-3:]: row, column = centers[i] plt.plot(column, row, 'ro') plt.imshow(image)
a = np.arange(10) a[np.arange(3)]
from skimage.feature import peak_local_max radii = [] centers = [] likelihood = [] for h, r in zip(hough_response, hough_radii): peaks = peak_local_max(h) radii.extend([r] * len(peaks)) centers.extend(peaks) likelihood.extend(h[peaks[:, 0], peaks[:, 1]])
from skimage.draw import circle_perimeter from skimage.color import gray2rgb drawn_image = gray2rgb(image) plt.imshow(drawn_image) for i in np.argsort(likelihood)[-3:]: row, column = centers[i] rr, cc = circle_perimeter(row, column, radii[i]) drawn_image[rr, cc, 1:] = 0 plt.plot(column, row, 'ro')