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Kernel: SageMath 7.3

Leaf energy balance equations

Based on the following paper: Schymanski, S.J. and Or, D. (2016): Leaf-scale experiments reveal important omission in the Penman-Monteith equation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, p.1–33. doi: 10.5194/hess-2016-363.

Author: Stan Schymanski ([email protected])

Note: This worksheet is prepared for the open source software sage. It relies on definitions provided in Worksheet Worksheet_setup.

%%capture storage # The above redirects all output of the below commands to the variable 'storage' instead of displaying it. # It can be viewed by typing: 'storage()' # Loading modules, settings and custom functions load('temp/Worksheet_setup.sage')

Definition of variables

All variables are also listed in a Table at the end of this document.

var2('alpha_a', 'Thermal diffusivity of dry air',meter^2/second) var2('a_s', 'Fraction of one-sided leaf area covered by stomata (1 if stomata are on one side only, 2 if they are on both sides)', meter^2/meter^2) var2('a_sh', 'Fraction of projected area exchanging sensible heat with the air (2)', meter^2/meter^2, value = 2, latexname = 'a_{sh}') var2('c_pa', 'Specific heat of dry air (1010) ', joule/kilogram/kelvin, latexname = 'c_{pa}', value = 1010) #var2('c_pamol', 'Molar specific heat of dry air (29.19) ', joule/mole/kelvin, latexname = 'c_{pa,mol}', value = 29.19) # var2('C_wa', 'Concentration of water in the free air ',mole/meter^3, latexname = 'C_{wa}') var2('C_wl', 'Concentration of water in the leaf air space ',mole/meter^3, latexname = 'C_{wl}') var2('D_va', 'Binary diffusion coefficient of water vapour in air',meter^2/second, latexname = 'D_{va}') var2('E_lmol', 'Transpiration rate in molar units',mole/second/meter^2,latexname='E_{l,mol}') var2('E_l', 'Latent heat flux from leaf',joule/second/meter^2) var2('epsilon_l', 'Longwave emmissivity of the leaf surface (1.0)', value = 1, units = 1/1) var2('g', 'Gravitational acceleration (9.81)', meter/second^2, value= 9.81) var2('g_bw', 'Boundary layer conductance to water vapour ',meter/second,latexname='g_{bw}') var2('g_bwmol', 'Boundary layer conductance to water vapour ',mole/meter^2/second,latexname='g_{bw,mol}') var2('Gr', 'Grashof number', latexname = 'N_{Gr_L}') var2('g_sw', 'Stomatal conductance to water vapour',meter/second,latexname='g_{sw}') var2('g_swmol', 'Stomatal conductance to water vapour',mole/meter^2/second,latexname='g_{sw,mol}') var2('g_tw', 'Total leaf conductance to water vapour',meter/second,latexname='g_{tw}') var2('g_twmol', 'Total leaf layer conductance to water vapour',mole/meter^2/second,latexname='g_{tw,mol}') var2('h_c', 'Average 1-sided convective transfer coefficient', joule/meter^2/second/kelvin) var2('H_l', 'Sensible heat flux from leaf',joule/second/meter^2) var2('k_a', 'Thermal conductivity of dry air',joule/second/meter/kelvin) var2('lambda_E', 'Latent heat of evaporation (2.45e6)',joule/kilogram,value = 2.45e6) var2('Le', 'Lewis number', latexname = 'N_{Le}') var2('L_l', 'Characteristic length scale for convection (size of leaf)',meter) var2('M_N2', 'Molar mass of nitrogen (0.028)',kilogram/mole,value = 0.028) var2('M_O2', 'Molar mass of oxygen (0.032)',kilogram/mole,value = 0.032) var2('M_w', 'Molar mass of water (0.018)',kilogram/mole,value = 0.018) var2('nu_a', 'Kinematic viscosity of dry air',meter^2/second) var2('Nu', 'Nusselt number',latexname = 'N_{Nu_L}') var2('P_a', 'Air pressure',pascal) var2('Pr', 'Prandtl number (0.71)',latexname = 'N_{Pr}',value = 0.71) var2('P_N2', 'Partial pressure of nitrogen in the atmosphere', pascal, latexname = 'P_{N2}') var2('P_O2', 'Partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere', pascal, latexname = 'P_{O2}') var2('P_wa', 'Vapour pressure in the atmosphere', pascal, latexname = 'P_{wa}') var2('P_was', 'Saturation vapour pressure at air temperature', pascal, latexname = 'P_{was}') var2('P_wl', 'Vapour pressure inside the leaf', pascal, latexname = 'P_{wl}') var2('r_bw', 'Boundary layer resistance to water vapour, inverse of $g_{bw}$', second/meter, latexname = 'r_{bw}') var2('r_sw', 'Stomatal resistance to water vapour, inverse of $g_{sw}$', second/meter, latexname = 'r_{sw}') var2('r_tw', 'Total leaf resistance to water vapour, $r_{bv} + r_{sv}$', second/meter, latexname = 'r_{tw}') var2('Re_c', 'Critical Reynolds number for the onset of turbulence',latexname='N_{Re_c}') var2('Re', 'Reynolds number',latexname='N_{Re_L}') var2('rho_a', 'Density of dry air', kilogram/meter^3) var2('rho_al', 'Density of air at the leaf surface', kilogram/meter^3) var2('R_ll', 'Longwave radiation away from leaf',joule/second/meter^2, latexname = 'R_{ll}') var2('R_mol', 'Molar gas constant (8.314472)',joule/mole/kelvin,latexname='R_{mol}', value = 8.314472) var2('R_s', 'Solar shortwave flux',joule/second/meter^2) var2('Sh', 'Sherwood number',latexname = 'N_{Sh_L}') var2('sigm', 'Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67e-8)',joule/second/meter^2/kelvin^4,'real',latexname='\\sigma',value=5.67e-8) var2('T_a', 'Air temperature',kelvin) var2('T_l', 'Leaf temperature',kelvin) var2('T_w', 'Radiative temperature of objects surrounding the leaf', kelvin) var2('v_w', 'Wind velocity',meter/second)

Mathematical derivations

Leaf energy balance

The material below follows closely derivations published previously \citep{schymanski_stomatal_2013}, with re-organisation of equations for greater consistence with the present paper.

The leaf energy balance is determined by the dominant energy fluxes between the leaf and its surroundings, including radiative, sensible, and latent energy exchange (linked to mass exchange).

In this study we focus on steady-state conditions, in which the energy balance can be written as:

Rs=Rll+Hl+ElR_s = R_{ll} + H_l + E_l

where RsR_s absorbed short wave radiation, RllR_{ll} is the net longwave balance, i.e. the emitted minus the absorbed, HlH_l is the sensible heat flux away from the leaf and ElE_l is the latent heat flux away from the leaf. In the above, extensive variables are defined per unit leaf area. Following our previous work \citep{schymanski_stomatal_2013}, this study considers spatially homogeneous planar leaves, i.e. homogenous illumination and a negligible temperature gradient between the two sides of the leaf. The net longwave emission is represented by the difference between blackbody radiation at leaf temperature (TlT_l) and that at the temperature of the surrounding objects (TwT_w) \citep{Monteith_principles_2007}:

Rll=asHϵlσ(Tl4Tw4)R_{ll} = a_{sH} \epsilon_l \sigma (T_{l}^{4} - T_{w}^{4})

where asHa_{sH} is the fraction of projected leaf area exchanging radiative and sensible heat (2 for a planar leaf, 1 for a soil surface), ϵl\epsilon_l is the leaf's longwave emmissivity (1\approx 1) and σ\sigma is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. Total convective heat transport away from the leaf is represented as:

Hl=asHhc(TlTa)H_l = a_{sH} h_c (T_l - T_a)

where hch_c is the average one-sided convective heat transfer coefficient, determined by properties of the leaf boundary layer.

Latent heat flux (ElE_l, W~m2^{-2}) is directly related to the transpiration rate (El,molE_{l,mol}) by:

El=El,molMwλEE_l = E_{l,mol} M_w \lambda_E

where MwM_w is the molar mass of water and λE\lambda_E the latent heat of vaporisation. El,molE_{l,mol} (mol~m2^{-2}~s1^{-1}) was computed in molar units as a function of the concentration of water vapour within the leaf (CwlC_{wl}, mol m3^{-3}) and in the free air (CwaC_{wa}, mol m3^{-3}) \citep[Eq. 6.8]{incropera_fundamentals_2006}:

El,mol=gtw(CwlCwa)E_{l,mol} = g_{tw}(C_{wl} - C_{wa})

where gtwg_{tw} (m~s1^{-1}) is the total leaf conductance for water vapour, dependent on stomatal (gswg_{sw}) and boundary layer conductance (gbwg_{bw}) in the following way:

gtw=11gsw+1gbwg_{tw} = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{g_{sw}} + \frac{1}{g_{bw}}}
eq_Rs_enbal = R_s == R_ll + H_l + E_l units_check(eq_Rs_enbal).simplify_full()
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
eq_Rll = R_ll == a_sh*sigm*epsilon_l*(T_l^4 - T_w^4) units_check(eq_Rll).simplify_full()
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
eq_Hl = H_l == a_sh*h_c*(T_l - T_a) units_check(eq_Hl).simplify_full()
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
eq_El = E_l == E_lmol*M_w*lambda_E units_check(eq_El).simplify_full()
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
ustr = str(units_check(M_w*lambda_E)) print str((M_w*lambda_E).subs(cdict)) + ustr
eq_Elmol = E_lmol == g_tw*(C_wl - C_wa) units_check(eq_Elmol).simplify_full()
mole/(meter^2*second) == mole/(meter^2*second)
eq_gtw = g_tw == 1/(1/g_sw + 1/g_bw) eq_gtw.simplify_full().show() units_check(eq_gtw).simplify_full()
meter/second == meter/second

Boundary layer conductance to water vapour

The total leaf conductance to water vapour is determined by the boundary layer and stomatal conductances and equal to 1 over the sum of their respectife resistances (gtw=1/(rsw+rbw)g_{tw} = 1/(r_{sw} + r_{bw}). The boundary layer conductance for water vapour is equivalent to the mass transfer coefficient for a wet surface \cite[Eq. 7.41]{incropera_fundamentals_2006}:

gbw=NShLDva/Llg_{bw} = N_{Sh_L} D_{va}/L_l

where NShLN_{Sh_L} is the dimensionless Sherwood number and DvaD_{va} is the diffusivity of water vapour in air. If the convection coefficient for heat is known, the one for mass (gbwg_{bw}) can readily be calculated from the relation \cite[Eq. 6.60]{incropera_fundamentals_2006}:

gbw=ashcρacpaNLe1ng_{bw} = \frac{a_s h_c}{\rho_a c_{pa} N_{Le}^{1-n}}

where asa_s is the fraction of one-sided transpiring surface area in relation to the surface area for sensible heat exchange, cpac_{pa} is the constant-pressure heat capacity of air, nn is an empirical constant (n=1/3n=1/3 for general purposes) and NLeN_{Le} is the dimensionless Lewis number, defined as \cite[Eq. 6.57]{incropera_fundamentals_2006}:

NLe=αa/DvaN_{Le} = \alpha_a/D_{va}

where αa\alpha_a is the thermal diffusivity of air. The value of asa_s was set to 1 for leaves with stomata on one side only, and to 2 for stomata on both sides. Other values could be used for leaves only partly covered by stomata.

eq_gbw = g_bw == D_va*Sh/L_l units_check(eq_gbw).simplify_full() eq_gbw_hc = g_bw == a_s*h_c/(rho_a*c_pa*Le^(2/3)) print units_check(eq_gbw_hc).simplify_full() eq_Le = Le == alpha_a/D_va units_check(eq_Le).simplify_full()
meter/second == meter/second
1 == 1

Effect of leaf temperature on the leaf-air vapour concentration gradient

\label{sec_Tleaf} The concentration difference in Eq. eq_Elmol is a function of the temperature and the vapour pressure differences between the leaf and the free air. Assuming that water vapour behaves like an ideal gas, we can express its concentration as:

Cwl=PwlRmolTlC_{wl} = \frac{P_{wl}}{R_{mol} T_l}

where PwlP_{wl} is the vapour pressure inside the leaf, RmolR_{mol} is the universal gas constant and TlT_l is leaf temperature. A similar relation holds for the vapour concentration in free air, Cwa=Pwa/(RmolTl)C_{wa} = P_{wa}/(R_{mol} T_l). In this study the vapour pressure inside the leaf is assumed to be the saturation vapour pressure at leaf temperature, which is computed using the Clausius-Clapeyron relation \citep[Eq. B.3]{hartmann_global_1994}:

Pwl=611exp(λEMwRmol(12731Tl))P_{wl} = 611 \exp \left( \frac{\lambda_E M_w}{R_{mol}} \left( \frac{1}{273} - \frac{1}{T_l} \right) \right)

where λE\lambda_E is the latent heat of vaporisation and MwM_w is the molar mass of water.

Note that the dependence of the leaf-air water concentration difference (CwlCwaC_{wl} - C_{wa}) in Eq. eq_Cwl is very sensitive to leaf temperature. For example if the leaf temperature increases by 5K relative to air temperature, CwlCwaC_{wl} - C_{wa} would double, while if leaf temperature decreased by 6K, CwlCwaC_{wl} - C_{wa} would go to 0 at 70% relative humidity.



eq_Cwl = C_wl == P_wl/(R_mol*T_l) print units_check(eq_Cwl).simplify_full() eq_Pwl = P_wl == 611*exp(lambda_E*M_w/R_mol*(1/273 - 1/T_l)) show(eq_Pwl)
mole/meter^3 == mole/meter^3

Concentration or vapour pressure gradient driving transpiration?

Note that El,molE_{l,mol} is commonly expressed as a function of the vapour pressure difference between the free air (PwaP_{wa}) and the leaf (PwlP_{wl}), in which the conductance (gtw,molg_{tw,mol}) is expressed in molar units (mol~m2^{-2}~s1^{-1}):

El,mol=gtw,molPwlPwaPaE_{l,mol} = g_{tw,mol} \frac{P_{wl} - P_{wa}}{P_a}

For Pwl=PwaP_{wl} = P_{wa}, Eq. eq_Elmol can still give a flux, whereas Eq. eq_Elmol_conv gives zero flux. This is because the concentrations of vapour in air (mol~m3^{-3}) can differ due to differences in tempertaure, even if the partial vapour pressures are the same (see Eq. eq_Cwl). Therefore, the relation between gtwg_{tw} and gv,molg_{v,mol} has an asymptote at the equivalent temperature. It can be obtained by combining Eqs. eq_Elmol and eq_Elmol_conv and solving for gtw,molg_{tw,mol}:

gtw,mol=gtwPa(PwaTlPwlTa)(PwaPwl)RmolTaTl)g_{tw,mol} = g_{tw}\frac{P_a(P_{wa} T_l - P_{wl} T_a)}{(P_{wa} - P_{wl}) R_{mol} T_a T_l)}

For Tl=TaT_l = T_a, the relation simplifies to:

gtw,mol=gtwPaRmolTag_{tw,mol} = g_{tw}\frac{P_a }{R_{mol} T_a}

which, for typical values of PaP_a and TaT_a amounts to gtw,mol40g_{tw,mol}\approx40~mol~m3gtw^{-3}g_{tw}. For all practical purposes, we found that Eqs. eq_Elmol and eq_Elmol_conv with gtw,mol=gtwPaRmolTag_{tw,mol} = g_{tw}\frac{P_a }{R_{mol} T_a} give similar results when plotted as functions of leaf temperature.

eq_Elmol_conv = E_lmol == g_twmol*(P_wl-P_wa)/P_a print units_check(eq_Elmol_conv).simplify_full() soln = solve([eq_Elmol.subs(eq_Cwl, eq_Cwl(C_wl = C_wa, P_wl = P_wa, T_l = T_a)), eq_Elmol_conv], g_twmol, E_lmol) eq_gtwmol_gtw = soln[0][0] print units_check(eq_gtwmol_gtw).simplify_full() eq_gtwmol_gtw_iso = eq_gtwmol_gtw(T_l = T_a).simplify_full() print units_check(eq_gtwmol_gtw_iso).simplify_full()
mole/(meter^2*second) == mole/(meter^2*second)
mole/(meter^2*second) == mole/(meter^2*second)
mole/(meter^2*second) == mole/(meter^2*second)

Model closure

Given climatic forcing as PaP_a, TaT_a, RsR_s, PwaP_{wa} and vwv_w, and leaf-specific parameters asa_s, asHa_{sH}, LlL_l and gswg_{sw}, we need to compute CwaC_{wa}, hch_c, gbwg_{bw} and a series of other derived variables, as described below.

The vapour concentration in the free air can be computed from vapour pressure analogously to Eq. eq_Cwl:

Cwa=PwaRmolTaC_{wa} = \frac{P_{wa}}{R_{mol} T_a}

The heat transfer coefficient (hch_c) for a flat plate can be determined using the non-dimensional Nusselt number (NNuLN_{Nu_L}):

hc=kaNNuLLlh_{c} = k_a\frac{N_{Nu_L}}{L_l}

where kak_a is the thermal conductivity of the air in the boundary layer and LlL_l is a characteristic length scale of the leaf.

For sufficiently high wind speeds, inertial forces drive the convective heat transport (forced convection) and the relevant dimensionless number is the Reynolds number (NReLN_{Re_L}), which defines the balance between inertial and viscous forces \cite[Eq. 6.41]{incropera_fundamentals_2006}:

NReL=vwLlνaN_{Re_L} = \frac{v_w L_l}{\nu_a}

where vwv_w is the wind velocity (m s1^{-1}), νa\nu_a is the kinematic viscosity of the air and LlL_l is taken as the length of the leaf in wind direction.

In the absence of wind, buoyancy forces, driven by the density gradient between the air at the surface of the leaf and the free air dominate convective heat exchange (free'' or natural convection''). The relevant dimensionless number here is the Grashof number (NGrLN_{Gr_L}), which defines the balance between buoyancy and viscous forces \cite[Eqs. 9.3 and 9.65]{incropera_fundamentals_2006}:

NGrL=g(ρaρalρal)Ll3νa2N_{Gr_L} =\frac{g(\frac{\rho_a - \rho_{al}}{\rho_{al}}) L_l^3}{\nu_a^2}

where gg is gravity, while ρa\rho_a and ρal\rho_{al} are the densities of the gas in the atmosphere and at the leaf surface respectively.

For NGrLNReL2N_{Gr_L} \ll N_{Re_L}^2, forced convection is dominant and free convection can be neglected, whereas for NGrLNReL2N_{Gr_L} \gg N_{Re_L}^2 free convection is dominant and forced convection can be neglected \cite[P. 565]{incropera_fundamentals_2006}. For simplicity, the analysis is limited to forced conditions, which is satisfied by considering wind speeds greater than 0.5~m~s1^{-1} for 5×55 \times 5 cm leaves. %See leaf_chamber4.sws or leaf_capacitance_steady_state3.sws.

The average Nusselt number under forced convection was calculated as a function of the average Reynolds number and a critical Reynolds number (NRecN_{Re_c}) that determines the onset of turbulence and depends on the level of turbulence in the free air stream or leaf surface properties \cite[P. 412]{incropera_fundamentals_2006}

NNuL=(0.037NReL4/5C1)NPr1/3N_{Nu_L} = (0.037 N_{Re_L}^{4/5} - C_1)N_{Pr}^{1/3}


C1=0.037C24/50.664C21/2C_1 = 0.037 C_2^{4/5} - 0.664 C_2^{1/2}


C2=NReL+NRecNRecNReL2C_2 = \frac{N_{Re_L} + N_{Re_c} - |N_{Re_c} - N_{Re_L}|}{2}

Eq. eq_C2 was introduced to make Eq. eq_Nu_forced_all valid for all Reynolds numbers, and following considerations explained in our previous work \citep{schymanski_stomatal_2013}, we chose NRec=3000N_{Re_c}=3000 in the present simulations.

eq_Cwa = C_wa == P_wa/(R_mol*T_a) print units_check(eq_Cwa) eq_hc = h_c == k_a*Nu/L_l print units_check(eq_hc) eq_Re = Re == v_w*L_l/nu_a print units_check(eq_Re) eq_Gr = Gr == g*(rho_a - rho_al)/rho_al * L_l^3/nu_a^2 print units_check(eq_Gr) C2 = (Re + Re_c - (abs(Re - Re_c))/2) C1 = 0.037*C2^(4/5) - 0.664*C2^(1/2) eq_Nu_forced_all = Nu == (0.037*Re^(4/5) - C1)*Pr^(1/3)
mole/meter^3 == mole/meter^3
kilogram/(kelvin*second^3) == kilogram/(kelvin*second^3)
1 == 1
1 == 1

Thermodynamic variables

In order to simulate steady state leaf temperatures and the leaf energy balance terms using the above equations, it is necessary to calculate ρa\rho_a, DwaD_{wa}, αa\alpha_a, kak_a, and νa\nu_a, while LlL_l, RecRe_c and gsvg_{sv} are input parameters, and PwaP_{wa} and vwv_w (vapour pressure and wind speed) are part of the environmental forcing. DwaD_{wa}, αa\alpha_a, kak_a and νa\nu_a were parameterised as functions of air temperature (TaT_a) only, by fitting linear curves to published data \cite[Table A.3]{Monteith_principles_2007}:

Dwa=(1.49×107)Ta1.96×105D_{wa} = (1.49\times 10^{-7})T_a - 1.96\times 10^{-5}
αa=(1.32×107)Ta1.73×105\alpha_a = (1.32\times 10^{-7})T_a - 1.73\times 10^{-5}
ka=(6.84×105)Ta+5.62×103k_a = (6.84\times 10^{-5})T_a + 5.62\times 10^{-3}
νa=(9×108)Ta1.13×105\nu_a = (9\times 10^{-8})T_a - 1.13\times 10^{-5}

Assuming that air and water vapour behave like an ideal gas, and that dry air is composed of 79% N2_2 and 21% O2_2, we calculated air density as a function of temperature, vapour pressure and the partial pressures of the other two components using the ideal gas law:

ρa=naMaVa=MaPaRmolTa\rho_a = \frac{n_a M_a}{V_a} = M_a \frac{P_a}{R_{mol} T_a}

where nan_a is the amount of matter (mol), MaM_a is the molar mass (kg~mol1^{-1}), PaP_a the pressure, TaT_a the temperature and RmolR_{mol} the molar universal gas constant. This equation was used for each component, i.e. water vapour, N2_2 and O2_2, where the partial pressures of N2_2 and O2_2 are calculated from atmospheric pressure minus vapour pressure, yielding:

ρa=MwPwa+MN2PN2+MO2PO2RmolTa\rho_a = \frac{M_w P_{wa} + M_{N_2} P_{N_2} + M_{O_2} P_{O_2}}{R_{mol} T_a}

where MN2M_{N_2} and MO2M_{O_2} are the molar masses of nitrogen and oxygen respectively, while PN2P_{N_2} and PO2P_{O_2} are their partial pressures, calculated as:

PN2=0.79(PaPwa)P_{N_2} = 0.79(P_a - P_{wa})


PO2=0.21(PaPwa)P_{O_2} = 0.21(P_a - P_{wa})
eq_Dva = D_va == 1.49e-07*T_a - 1.96e-05 eq_alphaa = alpha_a == (1.32e-07)*T_a - 1.73e-05 eq_ka = k_a == 6.84e-05*T_a + 5.63e-03 eq_nua = nu_a == 9.e-08*T_a - 1.13e-05 eq_rhoa_Pwa_Ta = rho_a == (M_w*P_wa + M_N2*P_N2 + M_O2*P_O2)/(R_mol*T_a) print units_check(eq_rhoa_Pwa_Ta)
kilogram/meter^3 == kilogram/meter^3
eq_Pa = P_a == P_N2 + P_O2 + P_wa print units_check(eq_Pa) eq_PN2_PO2 = P_N2 == 0.79/0.21*P_O2 soln = solve([eq_Pa, eq_PN2_PO2], P_O2, P_N2) eq_PO2 = soln[0][0] print units_check(eq_PO2) eq_PN2 = soln[0][1] units_check(eq_PN2)
kilogram/(meter*second^2) == kilogram/(meter*second^2)
kilogram/(meter*second^2) == kilogram/(meter*second^2)
kilogram/(meter*second^2) == kilogram/(meter*second^2)
eq_rhoa = eq_rhoa_Pwa_Ta.subs(eq_PN2, eq_PO2) units_check(eq_rhoa).simplify_full()
kilogram/meter^3 == kilogram/meter^3

Example calculations

# Energy balance as a function of variables that are independent of leaf temperature eqenbalTl = (eq_Rs_enbal - R_s).rhs().subs(eq_El, eq_Hl, eq_Rll).subs(eq_Elmol).subs(eq_Cwl).subs(eq_Pwl) eqenbalTl.subs(cdict).args()
(C_wa, R_s, T_a, T_l, T_w, g_tw, h_c)

Below, we create a copy of cdict, which is a dictionary with general constants, generated during the definition of variables at the top of the worksheet, and some example values for external forcing and leaf properties needed to compute steady-state fluxes and leaf temperature:

# Input values vdict = cdict.copy() vdict[a_s] = 1.0 # one sided stomata vdict[g_sw] = 0.01 vdict[T_a] = 273 + 25.5 vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a] # Wall temperature equal to air temperature vdict[P_a] = 101325 rha = 1 vdict[P_wa] = rha*eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a).subs(vdict) vdict[L_l] = 0.03 vdict[Re_c] = 3000 vdict[R_s] = 600 vdict[v_w] = 1

Now, we compute all derived variables, using the equations described above.

# Nusselt number vdict[nu_a] = eq_nua.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Re] = eq_Re.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Nu] = eq_Nu_forced_all.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Nu]
# h_c vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[h_c] = eq_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[h_c]
# gbw vdict[D_va] = eq_Dva.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[alpha_a] = eq_alphaa.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[rho_a] = eq_rhoa.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Le] = eq_Le.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_bw] = eq_gbw_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_bw]
# Hl, Rll vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict) print vdict[R_ll] vdict[H_l] = eq_Hl.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[H_l]
(1.13400000000000e-7)*T_l^4 - 900.306522304087
45.4724439020342*T_l - 13573.5245047572
# El vdict[g_tw] = eq_gtw.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[C_wa] = eq_Cwl.rhs()(P_wl = P_wa, T_l = T_a).subs(vdict) vdict[P_wl] = eq_Pwl.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[C_wl] = eq_Cwl.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[E_lmol] = eq_Elmol.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[E_l] = eq_El.rhs().subs(eq_Elmol).subs(vdict) vdict[E_l]
21932.0720390026*e^(-5304.00487246815/T_l + 19.4285892764401)/T_l - 386.319257853523

Now, we have a dictionary with ElE_l, HlH_l and RllR_{ll} as functions of leaf temperature (TlT_l) only. At steady state, eq_Rs_enbal must be satisfied, so we will substitute the above dictionary into eq_Rs_enbal, subtract RsR_s and do a numerical search for the root of the equation to obtain steady-state leaf temperature:

# Numerical search for steady-state Tl vdict[T_l] = find_root((eq_Rs_enbal - R_s).rhs().subs(vdict), 273, 373) vdict[T_l]

Below, we define a function that performs all the above calculations given a dictionary with the instantaneous forcing:

def fun_SS(vdict1): ''' Steady-state T_l, R_ll, H_l and E_l under forced conditions. Parameters are given in a dictionary (vdict) with the following entries: a_s, a_sh, L_l, P_a, P_wa, R_s, Re_c, T_a, g_sw, v_w ''' vdict = vdict1.copy() # Nusselt number vdict[nu_a] = eq_nua.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Re] = eq_Re.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Nu] = eq_Nu_forced_all.rhs().subs(vdict) # h_c vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[h_c] = eq_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) # gbw vdict[D_va] = eq_Dva.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[alpha_a] = eq_alphaa.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[rho_a] = eq_rhoa.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Le] = eq_Le.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[g_bw] = eq_gbw_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) # Hl, Rll vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[H_l] = eq_Hl.rhs().subs(vdict) # El vdict[g_tw] = eq_gtw.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[C_wa] = eq_Cwl.rhs()(P_wl = P_wa, T_l = T_a).subs(vdict) vdict[P_wl] = eq_Pwl.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[C_wl] = eq_Cwl.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[E_lmol] = eq_Elmol.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[E_l] = eq_El.rhs().subs(eq_Elmol).subs(vdict) # Tl try: vdict[T_l] = find_root((eq_Rs_enbal - R_s).rhs().subs(vdict), 273, 373) except: print 'too many unknowns for finding T_l: ' + str((eq_Rs_enbal - R_s).rhs().subs(vdict).args()) # Re-inserting T_l Tlss = vdict[T_l] for name1 in [C_wl, P_wl, R_ll, H_l, E_l, E_lmol]: vdict[name1] = vdict[name1].subs(T_l = Tlss) # Test for steady state if n((E_l + H_l + R_ll - R_s).subs(vdict))>1.: return 'error in energy balance: El + Hl + Rll - R_s = ' + str(n((E_l + H_l + R_ll - R_s).subs(vdict))) return vdict
# Test vdict = cdict.copy() #vdict= {} vdict[a_s] = 1.0 # one sided stomata vdict[g_sw] = 0.01 vdict[T_a] = 273 + 25.5 vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a] # Wall temperature equal to air temperature vdict[P_a] = 101325 rha = 1 vdict[P_wa] = rha*eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a).subs(vdict) vdict[L_l] = 0.03 vdict[Re_c] = 3000 vdict[R_s] = 600 vdict[v_w] = 1 resdict = fun_SS(vdict) fun_dict_print(resdict)
C_wa 1.29441408346663 C_wl 1.91570361006325 D_va 0.0000248765000000000 E_l 185.424519010311 E_lmol 0.00420463761928142 H_l 325.157459266011 L_l 0.0300000000000000 Le 0.888469037042992 M_N2 0.0280000000000000 M_O2 0.0320000000000000 M_w 0.0180000000000000 Nu 26.1863624980041 P_a 101325 P_wa 3212.56734153661 P_wl 4868.42309771766 Pr 0.710000000000000 R_ll 89.4180217236781 R_mol 8.31447200000000 R_s 600 Re 1927.40122068744 Re_c 3000 T_a 298.500000000000 T_l 305.650648423 T_w 298.500000000000 a_s 1.00000000000000 a_sh 2 alpha_a 0.0000221020000000000 c_pa 1010 epsilon_l 1 g 9.81000000000000 g_bw 0.0209367439791525 g_sw 0.0100000000000000 g_tw 0.00676759777734245 h_c 22.7362219510171 k_a 0.0260474000000000 lambda_E 2.45000000000000e6 nu_a 0.0000155650000000000 rho_a 1.16339248053449 sigm 5.67000000000000e-8 v_w 1

Calculation using known TlT_l

If leaf temperature (TlT_l) is known (e.g. measured), but stomatal conductance gswg_{sw} is not known, we can still calculate HlH_l and RllR_{ll}, and then obtain ElE_l from the energy balance equation:

eq_El_enbal = solve(eq_Rs_enbal, E_l)[0] units_check(eq_El_enbal)
kilogram/second^3 == kilogram/second^3
# Test with known Tl but no g_sw vdict = cdict.copy() vdict[a_s] = 1.0 # one sided stomata vdict[T_a] = 273 + 25.5 vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a] # Wall temperature equal to air temperature vdict[P_a] = 101325 rha = 1 vdict[P_wa] = rha*eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a).subs(vdict) vdict[L_l] = 0.03 vdict[Re_c] = 3000 vdict[R_s] = 600 vdict[v_w] = 1 vdict[C_wa] = eq_Cwl.rhs()(P_wl = P_wa, T_l = T_a).subs(vdict) vdict[nu_a] = eq_nua.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Re] = eq_Re.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[Nu] = eq_Nu_forced_all.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[h_c] = eq_hc.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[T_l] = 305.65 vdict[H_l] = eq_Hl.rhs().subs(vdict) vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict) eq_El_enbal.subs(vdict)
E_l == 185.462402956757

Saving definitions to separate file

In the below, we save the definitions and variables to separate files in the /temp directory, one with the extension .sage, from which we can selectively load functions using %load fun_name filenam.sage and one with the extension .sobj, to be loaded elsewhere using load_session()

fun_export_ipynb('leaf_enbalance_eqs', 'temp/') save_session('temp/leaf_enbalance_eqs')
jupyter nbconvert --to=python 'leaf_enbalance_eqs.ipynb' Exporting specified worksheet to .py file... Checking if specified ipynb file was run with sage kernel... Renaming .py file to .sage if notebook kernel was sage (to avoid exponent error)
nbconvert returned 0

Table of symbols

# Creating dictionary to substitute names of units with shorter forms var('m s J Pa K kg mol') subsdict = {meter: m, second: s, joule: J, pascal: Pa, kelvin: K, kilogram: kg, mole: mol} var('N_Re_L N_Re_c N_Le N_Nu_L N_Gr_L N_Sh_L') dict_varnew = {Re: N_Re_L, Re_c: N_Re_c, Le: N_Le, Nu: N_Nu_L, Gr: N_Gr_L, Sh: N_Sh_L} dict_varold = {v: k for k, v in dict_varnew.iteritems()} variables = sorted([str(variable.subs(dict_varnew)) for variable in udict.keys()],key=str.lower) tableheader = [('Variable', 'Description (value)', 'Units')] tabledata = [('Variable', 'Description (value)', 'Units')] for variable1 in variables: variable2 = eval(variable1).subs(dict_varold) variable = str(variable2) tabledata.append((eval(variable),docdict[eval(variable)],fun_units_formatted(variable))) table(tabledata, header_row=True)
Variable Description (value) Units
Fraction of one-sided leaf area covered by stomata (1 if stomata are on one side only, 2 if they are on both sides) 1
Fraction of projected area exchanging sensible heat with the air (2) 1
Thermal diffusivity of dry air m s
Specific heat of dry air (1010) J K kg
Concentration of water in the free air mol m
Concentration of water in the leaf air space mol m
Binary diffusion coefficient of water vapour in air m s
Latent heat flux from leaf J m s
Transpiration rate in molar units mol m s
Longwave emmissivity of the leaf surface (1.0) 1
Gravitational acceleration (9.81) m s
Boundary layer conductance to water vapour m s
Boundary layer conductance to water vapour mol m s
Stomatal conductance to water vapour m s
Stomatal conductance to water vapour mol m s
Total leaf conductance to water vapour m s
Total leaf layer conductance to water vapour mol m s
Average 1-sided convective transfer coefficient J K m s
Sensible heat flux from leaf J m s
Thermal conductivity of dry air J K m s
Characteristic length scale for convection (size of leaf) m
Latent heat of evaporation (2.45e6) J kg
Molar mass of nitrogen (0.028) kg mol
Molar mass of oxygen (0.032) kg mol
Molar mass of water (0.018) kg mol
Grashof number 1
Lewis number 1
Nusselt number 1
Critical Reynolds number for the onset of turbulence 1
Reynolds number 1
Sherwood number 1
Kinematic viscosity of dry air m s
Air pressure Pa
Partial pressure of nitrogen in the atmosphere Pa
Partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere Pa
Vapour pressure in the atmosphere Pa
Saturation vapour pressure at air temperature Pa
Vapour pressure inside the leaf Pa
Prandtl number (0.71) 1
Boundary layer resistance to water vapour, inverse of s m
Longwave radiation away from leaf J m s
Molar gas constant (8.314472) J K mol
Solar shortwave flux J m s
Stomatal resistance to water vapour, inverse of s m
Total leaf resistance to water vapour, s m
Density of dry air kg m
Density of air at the leaf surface kg m
Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67e-8) J K m s
Air temperature K
Leaf temperature K
Radiative temperature of objects surrounding the leaf K
Wind velocity m s