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a research paper about FDSLRM modeling with supplementary materials - software, notebooks

Project: fdslrm
Views: 1041
Kernel: R

Authors: Andrej Gajdoš, Jozef Hanč, Martina Hančová
Faculty of Science, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia
email: [email protected]

Installation of fdslrm package

This installation has to be done once before the first run of any R-based Jupyter notebook.

fdslrm: Time series analysis and forecasting using LMM

  • Purpose: The fdslrm package is an R package for modeling and prediction of time series using linear mixed models.

  • Version: 0.1.0

  • Depends: kableExtra, IRdisplay, MASS, Matrix, car, nlme, stats, forecast, fpp2, matrixcalc, sommer, gnm, pracma, CVXR

  • Published: 2019

  • Maintainer: Andrej Gajdoš

  • URL:

1st1^{st} step - setting path to a repository

options(repos = '')

2nd2^{nd} step - installation of devtools package


3rd3^{rd} step - installation of fdslrm package from GitHub



This notebook belongs to suplementary materials of the paper submitted to Statistical Papers and available at

Abstract of the paper

We propose a two-stage estimation method of variance components in time series models known as FDSLRMs, whose observations can be described by a linear mixed model (LMM). We based estimating variances, fundamental quantities in a time series forecasting approach called kriging, on the empirical (plug-in) best linear unbiased predictions of unobservable random components in FDSLRM.

The method, providing invariant non-negative quadratic estimators, can be used for any absolutely continuous probability distribution of time series data. As a result of applying the convex optimization and the LMM methodology, we resolved two problems - theoretical existence and equivalence between least squares estimators, non-negative (M)DOOLSE, and maximum likelihood estimators, (RE)MLE, as possible starting points of our method and a practical lack of computational implementation for FDSLRM. As for computing (RE)MLE in the case of n n observed time series values, we also discovered a new algorithm of order O(n)\mathcal{O}(n), which at the default precision is 10710^7 times more accurate and n2n^2 times faster than the best current Python(or R)-based computational packages, namely CVXPY, CVXR, nlme, sommer and mixed.

We illustrate our results on three real data sets - electricity consumption, tourism and cyber security - which are easily available, reproducible, sharable and modifiable in the form of interactive Jupyter notebooks.