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Views: 18701
title : How do we persist the information from the TM Slack channel? type : working-session track : Threat Model topics : technology : categories : # GDPR, Juice Shop, etc. featured : yes # review with summit team "yes" when_day : Wed when_time : PM-1 room_layout : # room_id : room-1 session_slack: status : review-content # draft, review-content, done organizers : - Steven Wierckx participants : description : How do we persist the information from the TM Slack channel? locked : true


We all love the threat model slack channel. There is a lot of useful information being presented. We need to somehow persist that in a more searchable format, preferably on the OWASP TM wiki pages.


  • How are we going to persist this data?

  • Who is going to reduce the backlog?


A description on how the data from Slack can be peristed in the form of a series of FAQ.