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Iteraciones de Picard Numéricas por Cuadratura y por solución numérica de ODE

Views: 215
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Iteraciones de Picard Numéricas por Cuadratura y por solución numérica de ODE. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.integrate import quad from scipy.integrate import odeint from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from sage.plot.colors import rainbow # Picard iteration using quad (Cuadratura) def picard1(f,t,y,N): TOL = 1e-8; # default, reset if desired z = y[0]*np.ones(t.size) for k in range(1,N): I=quad(fint,t[k-1],t[k],args=(f,t,y),epsabs=TOL,epsrel=TOL) z[k] = z[k-1]+I[0] y = z return t,y #------------------------------------------------------- # Picard iteration using odeint (Solución numérica de ODE) def picard2(f,t,y): TOL = 1e-8; # default, reset if desired y=odeint(fint1,y[0],t,args=(f,t,y),rtol=TOL,atol=TOL) return t,y #------------------------------------------------------- # ODE rhs interpolated at t from (told,yold) def fint(t,f,told,yold): spline=interp1d(told,yold,kind='cubic') dydtint = f(t,spline(t)) return dydtint def fint1(y,t,f,told,yold): spline=interp1d(told,yold,kind='cubic',fill_value='extrapolate') dydtint = f(t,spline(t)) return dydtint #--------------------------------------------------- def f(t,y): # ODE dydt = np.exp(y+t) return dydt def f1(y,t): dydt=f(t,y) return dydt #--------------------------------------------------- # initialization for Picard iteration. def init(t,y0): y = y0*np.ones(t.size) # standard. If modified, make sure the new function satisfies the IC return y #-------------------------------------------------------- # plots the direction field for the scalar ODE y'=f(t,y) # in domain specified by window using a 21x21 grid of arrows # use: dirfield(@f,[tmin,tmax,ymin,ymax]) def dirfield(f,window): t = np.linspace(window[0],window[1],21) y = np.linspace(window[2],window[3],21) T,Y = np.meshgrid(t,y) k=window[3]/window[1] # evaluate slope and normalize S = f(T,Y); #N = np.sqrt(1+S**S); dT = 1/N; dY = S/N # Se omiten estas instrucciones de normalización ya que quiver se encarga #del reescalamiento de los vectores. Q=plt.quiver(T,Y,1,S/k,units='width',scale=100) grd = plt.grid(True) plt.tight_layout() #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Iteraciones de Picard Numéricas por Cuadratura tspan = [-0.5,0.296]; yspan = [0,5]; y0 = .3; N = 10;c=rainbow(N+1) window = [tspan[0],tspan[1],yspan[0],yspan[1]]; #t = tspan npts = 100; # #pts for integration t = np.linspace(tspan[0],tspan[1],npts) y = init(t,y0) p=plt.plot(t,y,'r-',linewidth=2.0) for n in range(1,N): (t,y) = picard1(f,t,y,npts) p+=plt.plot(t,y,color=c[n],linewidth=2.0) dirfield(f,window); # direction field, see Lab1 ye=odeint(f1,y0,t); # "exact" solution p+=plt.plot(t,ye,'-',color='gray',linewidth=2.0); # plot "exact" solution plt.ylim(yspan)
(0, 5)
#Iteraciones de Picard por solución numérica de ODE tspan = [-0.5,0.296]; yspan = [0,5]; y0 = .3; N = 10;c=rainbow(N+1) window = [tspan[0],tspan[1],yspan[0],yspan[1]]; #t = tspan t = np.linspace(tspan[0],tspan[1],100) teval = np.linspace(tspan[0],tspan[1],200) y = init(t,y0) p=plt.plot(t,y,'r-',linewidth=2.0) for n in range(1,N): (t,y1) = picard2(f,t,y) y=y1[:,0] spline=interp1d(t,y,kind='cubic') yint=spline(teval) p+=plt.plot(teval,yint,color=c[n],linewidth=2.0) dirfield(f,window); # direction field, see Lab1 ye=odeint(f1,y0,t); # "exact" solution p+=plt.plot(t,ye,'-',color='gray',linewidth=2.0); # plot "exact" solution plt.ylim(yspan)
(0, 5)
import numpy as np def lincvg(x): y = [] for k in range(30): x = x +(cos(x)+1)/sin(x) show(x) y += [x] array1=np.array(y) err = array1 - x rate = err[1:]/err[:-1] return err , rate (err,rate)=lincvg(3.0) show(err,rate)
3.07091484430265\displaystyle 3.07091484430265
3.10626846715633\displaystyle 3.10626846715633
3.12393239716286\displaystyle 3.12393239716286
3.13276275488194\displaystyle 3.13276275488194
3.13717773292117\displaystyle 3.13717773292117
3.13938519684106\displaystyle 3.13938519684106
3.14048892566363\displaystyle 3.14048892566363
3.14104078968276\displaystyle 3.14104078968276
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3.14145468761757\displaystyle 3.14145468761757
3.14152367060372\displaystyle 3.14152367060372
3.14155816209674\displaystyle 3.14155816209674
3.14157540784243\displaystyle 3.14157540784243
3.14158403071807\displaystyle 3.14158403071807
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3.14159049786487\displaystyle 3.14159049786487
3.14159157573234\displaystyle 3.14159157573234
3.14159211464282\displaystyle 3.14159211464282
3.14159238408895\displaystyle 3.14159238408895
3.14159251879833\displaystyle 3.14159251879833
3.14159258633843\displaystyle 3.14159258633843
3.14159261935554\displaystyle 3.14159261935554
3.14159263557063\displaystyle 3.14159263557063
3.14159264173198\displaystyle 3.14159264173198
3.14159265109478\displaystyle 3.14159265109478
3.14159265109478\displaystyle 3.14159265109478
3.14159265109478\displaystyle 3.14159265109478
3.14159265109478\displaystyle 3.14159265109478
3.14159265109478\displaystyle 3.14159265109478
3.14159265109478\displaystyle 3.14159265109478
/home/user/cloud-examples/sage/2018-02-15-162612_Picard_Numérico_Integral_y_ODE.sagews:9: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide from sage.plot.colors import rainbow
[-7.06778068e-02 -3.53241839e-02 -1.76602539e-02 -8.82989621e-03 -4.41491817e-03 -2.20745425e-03 -1.10372543e-03 -5.51861412e-04 -2.75929451e-04 -1.37963477e-04 -6.89804911e-05 -3.44889980e-05 -1.72432523e-05 -8.62037671e-06 -4.30894434e-06 -2.15322991e-06 -1.07536244e-06 -5.36451957e-07 -2.67005834e-07 -1.32296451e-07 -6.47563523e-08 -3.17392375e-08 -1.55241460e-08 -9.36279854e-09 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ 0.49979174 0.49994797 0.49998693 0.49999661 0.49999891 0.49999923 0.49999882 0.49999773 0.49999548 0.49999096 0.49998192 0.49996385 0.49992754 0.49985569 0.4997117 0.49941831 0.49885688 0.49772553 0.4954815 0.48947913 0.49013319 0.48911528 0.60311199 -0. nan nan nan nan nan]