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Final Assignment

Project: CS111A
Views: 27
Kernel: SageMath 8.4

1 High Dimensional Chains

# a) x(t) = (t+1)^2 y(t) = 3*t^2 show(x, y) parametric_plot((x(t), y(t)), (t, 0, 5), axes_labels=['$x$', '$y$'])
Image in a Jupyter notebook
T(x,y) = e^(5*x)*(x^2 + y^2) show(T)
x(t) = (t+1)^2 y(t) = 3*t^2 T_t(t) = e^(5*x)*(x^2 + y^2) show(T_t) para_plt = parametric_plot3d((T_t,x, y), (t, 0, 5), boundary_style={"color": "black", "thickness": 2}) para_plt print 'Lowest value of temperature is %.4f' % T_t(0)
Lowest value of temperature is 148.4132

1.d) Testing chain rule for T(t)

var('t') # Calculating dT/dt with chain rule T(x, y) = e^(5*x)*(x^2+y^2) print 'Partial derivatives of T(t) in terms of x and y' show(T_1.diff()) dT_dx = T.diff()[0] dT_dy = T.diff()[1] print'dT/dt with chain rule' check_dT_dt = dT_dx((t+1)^2,3*t^2)*dx_dt + dT_dy((t+1)^2,3*t^2)*dy_dt show(check_dT_dt) # Calculating dT/dt without chain rule x(t) = (t+1)^2 y(t) = 3*t^2 # Recreating T(t) in terms of t only. T(t) = e^(5*x)*(x^2+y^2) print 'T(t) in terms of t' show(T(t)) test_dT_dt = T.diff() print'dT/dt without chain rule' show(test_dT_dt) # Equating those two equations print 'Checking above two equations' solve(check_dT_dt - test_dT_dt == 0, t)
Partial derivatives of T(t) in terms of x and y
dT/dt with chain rule
T(t) in terms of t
dT/dt without chain rule
Checking above two equations
[t == t]

2. Taking up a notch

# Plotting regtion E{(x, y, z)|0 <=z <=2 - x^2/2, 0 <=y <= x} var('x, y, z') region1 = implicit_plot3d(y==x, (x, 0, 2), (y, 0, 2), (z, 0, 2), plot_points=100, color = 'red', legend_label = '$y<=x$', axes_labels=['$x$','$y$','$z$'], region=lambda x,y,z: x>=0 and x<=2 and z>= 0 and z<=2-x^2/2) region2 = implicit_plot3d(z==2-x^2/2, (x, 0, 2), (y, 0, 2), (z, 0, 2), plot_points=100, legend_label = '$z<=2-x^2/2$', region=lambda x,y,z: y <= x and y >=0 and x>=0 and x<=2) region1 + region2
# triple integral of 1 var('x, y, z') f(x, y, z) = 1 # Triple integration over f(x, y, z) = 1 for calculating volme v = integral(integral(integral(f(x, y ,z), z, 0, 2-x^2/2), y, 0, x), x, 0, 2) print 'Volume or Triple Integral of f(x, y, z) = 1 over E is %.2f' % v # Calculating mass with triple integrals over density function var('x, y, z') var('k') f(x, y, z) = k * z m = integral(integral(integral(f(x, y, z), z, 0, 2-x^2/2), y, 0, x), x, 0, 2) print 'Mass or Triple Integral of f(x, y, z) = kz over E is %s' % m
Volume or Triple Integral of f(x, y, z) = 1 over E is 2.00 Mass or Triple Integral of f(x, y, z) = kz over E is 4/3*k
# Calculating Center of mass var('x, y, z') var('k') d(x, y, z) = k*z m_yz = integral(integral(integral(x*d, z, 0, 2-x^2/2), y, 0, x), x, 0, 2) print 'M_yz: %s' % m_yz m_xz = integral(integral(integral(y*d, z, 0, 2-x^2/2), y, 0, x), x, 0, 2) print 'M_xz: %s' % m_xz m_xy = integral(integral(integral(z*d, z, 0, 2-x^2/2), y, 0, x), x, 0, 2) print 'M_xy: %s' % m_xy x_center = m_yz/m y_center = m_xz/m z_center = m_xy/m print 'The center of mass is: (%s, %s, %s)' % (x_center, y_center, z_center)
M_yz: 128/105*k M_xz: 64/105*k M_xy: 4/3*k The center of mass is: (32/35, 16/35, 1)

3 Euler Solver

# Algorithm for solving estimated value of y def savings_estimator(r=0.01, q=250, n = 12, y0=100, h=1, t0=0, verbose=False, return_arr=False): var('y0, t0, h') #y1 = y0 + f(t0, y0)*h ''' Inputs: r -> Interest rate (0.01 in question) q -> savings rate (250$ per month in question) y0 -> Initial investment (Default y = 100) t0 -> Initial time (Default t=0) h -> step size n -> number of months (Default n=12 or one year) verbose -> Denotes whether or not to print savings after each step size return_arr -> Status to return the arrays storing savings and time in each increment Outputs: - Prints the savings after each increment - Returns the savings after a year ''' y_s = [y0] # array to store savings after each incresment t_s = [t0] # array to store time steps f(t, y) = r*y + q #dy/dt equation i = 1 # index position of array t_n = t0 # temparay variable to store time steps while int(t_n) < n: #t_n = t_n-1 + h t_n = t_s[i-1] + h #y_n = y_n-1 + f(t_n-1, y_n-1)*h y_n = y_s[i-1] + f(t_s[i-1], y_s[i-1])*h y_s.append(y_n) t_s.append(t_n) if verbose: # Prints savings after each step size print 'Amount at t=%.2f is %.2f' % (t_s[i], y_s[i]) i += 1 if return_arr: # Returns all the arrays if required return t_s, y_s return y_s[-1] # Using following values of step sizes. h_arr = [1, 2, 3, 0.1, 0.5, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0005] h_arr.sort(reverse=True) for h in h_arr: print 'For h=%f, savings after a year = %.2f' % (h, savings_estimator(h=h))
For h=3.000000, savings after a year = 3250.27 For h=2.000000, savings after a year = 3266.68 For h=1.000000, savings after a year = 3283.31 For h=0.500000, savings after a year = 3291.71 For h=0.100000, savings after a year = 3326.77 For h=0.010000, savings after a year = 3302.83 For h=0.001000, savings after a year = 3300.44 For h=0.000500, savings after a year = 3300.16
# plot slope field r = 0.01 # interest rate q = 250 # savings rate dy_dt = r*y + q plt_slope = plot_slope_field(dy_dt, (t,0,12), (y,0,3500), axes_labels=['$t$ (in months)', '$y$-Savings in dollars']) # getting output from savings estimator step_size = 1 print 'Step_size: %.2f' % step_size (t_s, y_s) = savings_estimator(h=step_size, verbose=True, return_arr=True) # storing the time and savings in each step to points array points = [] for ind in range(len(t_s)): points.append([t_s[ind], y_s[ind]]) plt_point = scatter_plot(points) show(plt_slope + plt_point)
Step_size: 1.00 Amount at t=1.00 is 351.00 Amount at t=2.00 is 604.51 Amount at t=3.00 is 860.56 Amount at t=4.00 is 1119.16 Amount at t=5.00 is 1380.35 Amount at t=6.00 is 1644.16 Amount at t=7.00 is 1910.60 Amount at t=8.00 is 2179.70 Amount at t=9.00 is 2451.50 Amount at t=10.00 is 2726.02 Amount at t=11.00 is 3003.28 Amount at t=12.00 is 3283.31
Image in a Jupyter notebook
# Due to memory and implementation issues this code does not run in CoCalc # Please run it on the local SageMath server of your laptop t = var('t') y = function('y')(t) r = 0.01 # interest rate q(t) = 250 # monthly savings rate soln = desolve(diff(y, t) -r*y - q(t), y) print 'Solution of differential equation is' show(soln) # Solution appears as (C−25000*e(−t/100))e^(t/100) print 'In simpler terms: y(t) is' var('C') y_actual(t) = C*e^(t/100) - 25000 show(y_actual(t)) # Finding value of C using intial values # y(0) = 100, when t = 0 results = solve(y_actual(0) == 100, C) C = results[0].rhs() print 'The value of C is %.2f' % C # Redefining the function with value of C y_actual(t) = C*e^(t/100) - 25000 print 'The actual function y(t) is ' show(y_actual(t)) print 'Actual savings after a year is: %.4f' % y_actual(12)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-65-37366c582a9b> in <module>() 6 __tmp__=var("t"); q = symbolic_expression(Integer(250) ).function(t)# monthly savings rate 7 ----> 8 soln = desolve(diff(y, t) -r*y - q(t), y) 9 10 print 'Solution of differential equation is' /ext/sage/sage-8.4_1804/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/calculus/desolvers.pyc in desolve(de, dvar, ics, ivar, show_method, contrib_ode, algorithm) 595 raise NotImplementedError("Maxima was unable to solve this ODE.") 596 else: --> 597 raise NotImplementedError("Maxima was unable to solve this ODE. Consider to set option contrib_ode to True.") 598 599 if show_method: NotImplementedError: Maxima was unable to solve this ODE. Consider to set option contrib_ode to True.

4 Something fishy

# Plotting slope field for dP/dt = rP(1-P/N) t, P = var('t,P') N = 100 # max. capacity of 10,000 fish r = 0.14 # reproductive rate of 14% per week plt_slope = plot_slope_field(r*P*(1-(P/N)), (t,0,52),(P,-2,N+2), axes_labels=['$t$', '$P$'] ) plt_line = plot(N,(x,0,52)) plt_slope + plt_line
Image in a Jupyter notebook
t, P, H = var('t,P, H') N = 100 # max. capacity of 10,000 fish r = 0.14 # reproductive rate of 14% per week plt_slope = plot_slope_field((r*P*(1-(P/N))-H), (H,0,5), (P,0,N+2), axes_labels=['$H$', '$P$']) plt_slope = plot_slope_field((r*P*(1-(P/N))-H), (P,0,N), (H,0,5), axes_labels=['$P$', '$H$']) H = 4 plt_slope = plot_slope_field((r*P*(1-(P/N))-H), (t,0,100),(P,0,N), axes_labels=['$t$', '$P$'])
Image in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebook
var('N, H, r') N=100 r=0.14 P_plus(H) = (N + sqrt(N^2 - 4*H*N/r))/2 P_minus(H) = (N - sqrt(N^2 - 4*H*N/r))/2
print P_plus(3) print P_minus(3)
68.8982236504614 31.1017763495386

Taylor Approximation

# Linear approximation f(x) = sin(x) x_0 = 0 lin_approx(x) = f(x_0) + f.diff()(x)*(x - x_0) plot_f = plot(f(x), (x, -1, 1), axes_labels=['$x$','$y$'], color='blue', legend_label='sin(x)') plot_lin = plot(lin_approx(x), (x, -1, 1), color='red', legend_label = 'Linear approximation') # plotting sin(x) and its linear approximations at x = 0, show(plot_f + plot_lin) # Calculating error print 'sin(pi/6) = %.4f' % (sin(pi/6)) print 'Linear approximation at x = pi/6 = %.4f' % (lin_approx(pi/6)) print 'Absolute error = %.4f' % abs(sin(pi/6)-lin_approx(pi/6))
# quadratic approximation var('a, b, c, x') p(x) = a*x^2 + b*x + c p.diff() p_0 = p(0) print 'P(0)=' show(p_0) p_1st = p.diff() print 'P_lst(0) = ' show(p_1st(0)) p_2nd = p_1st.diff() print 'P_2nd(0) = ' show(p_2nd(0)) # thus a = p_2nd(0)/2 # Main equation f(x) = sin(x) f_1st = f.diff() f_2nd = f_1st.diff() f_quad(x) = (f_2nd(0)/2)*x^2 + f_1st(0)*x + f(0) print 'Quadratic approximation' show(f_quad(x)) # Ploting sin(x) and its quadriatic approximation plot_sin = plot(sin(x), (x, -1, 1), axes_labels=['$x$', '$y$'], legend_label='$f(x) = sin(x)$', color='blue' ) plot_quad = plot(f_quad(x), (x, -1, 1), axes_labels=['$x$', '$y$'], legend_label='$Quad approx = x$', color='red' ) show(plot_sin + plot_quad) # Error calculation print 'sin(pi/6) = %.4f' % (f(pi/6)) print 'Quadratic approximation of sin(pi/6) = %.4f' % (f_quad(pi/6)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_quad(pi/6) - f(pi/6))
# Cubic approximation var('a, b, c, d') p(x) = a*x^3 + b*x^2+ c*x + d print 'p(0) = %s' % p(0) p_1st = p.diff() print 'p`(0) = %s' % p_1st(0) p_2nd = p_1st.diff() print 'p``(0) = %s' % p_2nd(0) # b = p_2nd(0)/2 p_3rd = derivative(p_2nd, x) print 'p```(0) = %s' % p_3rd(0) # a = p_3rd(0)/6 f(x) = sin(x) f_1st = derivative(f(x), x) f_2nd = derivative(f_1st, x) f_3rd = derivative(f_2nd, x) d = f(0) c = f_1st(0) b = f_2nd(0)/2 a = f_3rd(0)/6 f_cubic(x) = a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d show(f_cubic) # Ploting sin(x) and its cubic approximation plot_sin = plot(f(x), (x, -2, 2), axes_labels=['$x$', '$y$'], legend_label='$f(x) = sin(x)$', color='blue' ) plot_cubic = plot(f_cubic(x), (x, -2, 2), axes_labels=['$x$', '$y$'], legend_label='$Cubic approximation$', color='red' ) show(plot_sin + plot_cubic) # Error calculation print 'sin(pi/6) = %.4f' % (f(pi/6)) print 'Quadratic approximation of sin(pi/6) = %.4f' % (f_cubic(pi/6)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_cubic(pi/6) - f(pi/6))
# Taylor polynomials # g) def plot_taylor(func, x_range): f(x) = func x_range = x_range plot_all = plot(f(x), x_range, axes_labels=['$x$', '$y$'], legend_label=func, color='blue' ) color_taylor = ['orange', 'red', 'pink', 'green', 'yellow', 'black' ] for i in range(1, 7): color = color_taylor[i-1] legend = '%s approximation' % i print '%d degree' % i show(f.taylor(x, 0, i)) plot_i = plot(f.taylor(x, 0, i), x_range, axes_labels=['$x$', '$y$'], legend_label=legend, color=color ) plot_all += plot_i show(plot_all)
print 'Taylor approximation of f(x)=sin(x)' f(x) = sin(x) plot_taylor(f(x), (x, -2*pi, 2*pi)) print '--'*20 print 'Taylor approximation of g(x)=e^x' g(x) = e^x plot_taylor(g(x), (x, -2*pi, 2*pi)) print '--'*20 print 'Taylor approximation of h(x) = 1/(1-x)' h(x) = 1/(1-x) plot_taylor(h(x), (x, -5, 5)) print '--'*20
Taylor approximation of f(x)=sin(x) 1 degree
2 degree
3 degree
4 degree
5 degree
6 degree
Image in a Jupyter notebook
---------------------------------------- Taylor approximation of g(x)=e^x 1 degree
2 degree
3 degree
4 degree
5 degree
6 degree
Image in a Jupyter notebook
---------------------------------------- Taylor approximation of h(x) = 1/(1-x) 1 degree
2 degree
3 degree
4 degree
5 degree
6 degree
Image in a Jupyter notebook
# (i) print 'f(x)' f(x) = (1/(sqrt(2*pi)))*e^(-x^2/2) show(f(x)) print '1st Taylor Polynomials' p_1 = f.taylor(x, 0, 1) show(p_1) print 'Integrate p_1 from [-1, 1] = %.5f ' % (integrate(p_1, x, -1, 1)) show(integrate(p_1, x, -1, 1)) print '2nd Taylor Polynomials' p_2 = f.taylor(x, 0, 2) show(p_2) print 'Integrate p_2 from [-1, 1] = %.5f ' % (integrate(p_2, x, -1, 1)) show(integrate(p_2, x, -1, 1)) print '3rd Taylor Polynomials' p_3 = f.taylor(x, 0, 3) show(p_3) print 'Integrate p_3 from [-1, 1] = %.5f ' % (integrate(p_3, x, -1, 1)) show(integrate(p_3, x, -1, 1))
1st Taylor Polynomials
Integrate p_1 from [-1, 1] = 0.79788
2nd Taylor Polynomials
Integrate p_2 from [-1, 1] = 0.66490
3rd Taylor Polynomials
Integrate p_3 from [-1, 1] = 0.66490
f(x) = (1/(sqrt(2*pi)))*e^(-x^2/2) show(f(x)) for i in range(1, 20): # print '%d degree Taylor Polynomials' % i f_approx = f.taylor(x, 0, i) print 'Integration %d degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = %.4f ' % (i, integrate(f_approx, x, -1, 1)) print '--'*20 print 'Integration of f(x) [-1, 1] = %.4f ' % (integrate(f(x), x, -1, 1))
Integrate 1 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.7979 Integrate 2 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6649 Integrate 3 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6649 Integrate 4 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6849 Integrate 5 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6849 Integrate 6 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6825 Integrate 7 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6825 Integrate 8 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6827 Integrate 9 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6827 Integrate 10 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6827 Integrate 11 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6827 Integrate 12 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6827 Integrate 13 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6827 Integrate 14 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6827 Integrate 15 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6827 Integrate 16 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6827 Integrate 17 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6827 Integrate 18 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6827 Integrate 19 degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = 0.6827 ---------------------------------------- Integrate of f(x) [-1, 1] = 0.6827
f(x) = (1/(sqrt(2*pi)))*e^(-x^2/2) f_approx = f.taylor(x, 0, 10) print 'Integration of f(x) [-1, 1] = %.4f ' % (integrate(f(x), x, -oo, oo)) # print 'Integrate %d degree Taylor Polynomial from [-1, 1] = %.4f ' % (10, integrate(f_approx, x, -oo, oo)) show(f_approx)
Integration of f(x) [-1, 1] = 1.0000
f_first(x) = x f_third(x)= -x^3/6+x f_fifth(x)= x^5/120 -x^3/6+x # Error calculation for pi/6 print 'sin(pi/6) = %.4f' % (f(pi/6)) print 'First and second order approximation of sin(pi/6) = %.4f' % (f_first(pi/6)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_first(pi/6) - f(pi/6)) print 'sin(pi/6) = %.4f' % (f(pi/6)) print 'Third and fourth order approximation of sin(pi/6) = %.4f' % (f_third(pi/6)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_third(pi/6) - f(pi/6)) print 'sin(pi/6) = %.4f' % (f(pi/6)) print 'Fifth and sixth order approximation of sin(pi/6) = %.4f' % (f_fifth(pi/6)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_fifth(pi/6) - f(pi/6)) # Error calculation for 8pi print 'sin(8pi) = %.4f' % (f(8*pi)) print 'First and second order approximation of sin(8pi) = %.4f' % (f_first(8*pi)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_first(8*pi) - f(8*pi)) print 'sin(8pi) = %.4f' % (f(8*pi)) print 'Third and fourth order approximation of sin(8pi) = %.4f' % (f_third(8*pi)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_third(8*pi) - f(8*pi)) print 'sin(8pi) = %.4f' % (f(8*pi)) print 'Fifth and sixth order approximation of sin(8*pi) = %.4f' % (f_fifth(8*pi)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_fifth(8*pi) - f(8*pi))
sin(pi/6) = 0.5000 First and second order approximation of sin(pi/6) = 0.5236 Error = 0.0236 sin(pi/6) = 0.5000 Third and fourth order approximation of sin(pi/6) = 0.4997 Error = 0.0003 sin(pi/6) = 0.5000 Fifth and sixth order approximation of sin(pi/6) = 0.5000 Error = 0.0000 sin(8pi) = 0.0000 First and second order approximation of sin(8pi) = 25.1327 Error = 25.1327 sin(8pi) = 0.0000 Third and fourth order approximation of sin(8pi) = -2620.7362 Error = 2620.7362 sin(8pi) = 0.0000 Fifth and sixth order approximation of sin(8*pi) = 80943.0391 Error = 80943.0391
f_first(x) = x+1 f_second(x) = (1/2)*x^2+x+1 f_third(x)= (1/6)*x^3+(1/2)*x^2+x+1 f_fourth(x) = (1/24)*x^4+(1/6)*x^3+(1/2)*x^2+x+1 f_fifth(x)= x^5/120+(1/24)*x^4+(1/6)*x^3+(1/2)*x^2+x+1 f_sixth(x) = (1/720)*x^6+x^5/120+(1/24)*x^4+(1/6)*x^3+(1/2)*x^2+x+1 # Error calculation for 0.01 print 'e^(0.01) = %.4f' % (e^(0.01)) print 'First order approximation of e^(0.01) = %.4f' % (f_first(0.01)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_first(0.01) - e^(0.01)) print 'e^(0.01) = %.4f' % (e^(0.01)) print 'Second order approximation of e^(0.01) = %.4f' % (f_second(0.01)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_second(0.01) - e^(0.01)) print 'e^(0.01) = %.4f' % (e^(0.01)) print 'Third order approximation of e^(0.01) = %.4f' % (f_third(0.01)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_third(0.01) - e^(0.01)) print 'e^(0.01) = %.4f' % (e^(0.01)) print 'Fourth order approximation of e^(0.01) = %.4f' % (f_fourth(0.01)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_fourth(0.01) - e^(0.01)) print 'e^(0.01) = %.4f' % (e^(0.01)) print 'Fifth order approximation of e^(0.01) = %.4f' % (f_fifth(0.01)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_fifth(0.01) - e^(0.01)) print 'e^(0.01) = %.4f' % (e^(0.01)) print 'Sixth order approximation of e^(0.01) = %.4f' % (f_sixth(0.01)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_sixth(0.01) - e^(0.01)) # Error calculation for 100 print 'e^(100) = %.4f' % (e^(100)) print 'First order approximation of e^(1000) = %.4f' % (f_first(100)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_first(100) - e^(100)) print 'e^(100) = %.4f' % (e^(100)) print 'Second order approximation of e^(100) = %.4f' % (f_second(100)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_second(100) - e^(100)) print 'e^(100) = %.4f' % (e^(100)) print 'Third order approximation of e^(100) = %.4f' % (f_third(100)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_third(100) - e^(100)) print 'e^(100) = %.4f' % (e^(100)) print 'Fourth order approximation of e^(100) = %.4f' % (f_fourth(100)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_fourth(100) - e^(100)) print 'e^(100) = %.4f' % (e^(100)) print 'Fifth order approximation of e^(1000) = %.4f' % (f_fifth(100)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_fifth(100) - e^(100)) print 'e^(100) = %.4f' % (e^(100)) print 'Sixth order approximation of e^(100) = %.4f' % (f_sixth(100)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_sixth(100) - e^(100))
e^(0.01) = 1.0101 First order approximation of e^(0.01) = 1.0100 Error = 0.0001 e^(0.01) = 1.0101 Second order approximation of e^(0.01) = 1.0101 Error = 0.0000 e^(0.01) = 1.0101 Third order approximation of e^(0.01) = 1.0101 Error = 0.0000 e^(0.01) = 1.0101 Fourth order approximation of e^(0.01) = 1.0101 Error = 0.0000 e^(0.01) = 1.0101 Fifth order approximation of e^(0.01) = 1.0101 Error = 0.0000 e^(0.01) = 1.0101 Sixth order approximation of e^(0.01) = 1.0101 Error = 0.0000 e^(100) = 26881171418161356094253400435962903554686976.0000 First order approximation of e^(1000) = 101.0000 Error = 26881171418161356094253400435962903554686976.0000 e^(100) = 26881171418161356094253400435962903554686976.0000 Second order approximation of e^(100) = 5101.0000 Error = 26881171418161356094253400435962903554686976.0000 e^(100) = 26881171418161356094253400435962903554686976.0000 Third order approximation of e^(100) = 171767.6667 Error = 26881171418161356094253400435962903554686976.0000 e^(100) = 26881171418161356094253400435962903554686976.0000 Fourth order approximation of e^(100) = 4338434.3333 Error = 26881171418161356094253400435962903554686976.0000 e^(100) = 26881171418161356094253400435962903554686976.0000 Fifth order approximation of e^(1000) = 87671767.6667 Error = 26881171418161356094253400435962903554686976.0000 e^(100) = 26881171418161356094253400435962903554686976.0000 Sixth order approximation of e^(100) = 1476560656.5556 Error = 26881171418161356094253400435962903554686976.0000
f_first(x) = x+1 f_second(x) = x^2+x+1 f_third(x)= x^3+x^2+x+1 f_fourth(x) = x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1 f_fifth(x)= x^5+x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1 f_sixth(x) = x^6+x^5+x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1 # Error calculation for 1.01 print '1/(1-1.01)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-1.01)) print 'First order approximation of 1/(1-1.01) = %.4f' % (f_first(1.01)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_first(1.01) - 1/(1-1.01)) print '1/(1-1.01)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-1.01)) print 'Second order approximation of 1/(1-1.01) = %.4f' % (f_second(1.01)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_second(1.01) - 1/(1-1.01)) print '1/(1-1.01)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-1.01)) print 'Third order approximation of 1/(1-1.01) = %.4f' % (f_third(1.01)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_third(1.01) - 1/(1-1.01)) print '1/(1-1.01)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-1.01)) print 'Fourth order approximation of 1/(1-1.01) = %.4f' % (f_fourth(1.01)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_fourth(1.01) - 1/(1-1.01)) print '1/(1-1.01)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-1.01)) print 'Fifth order approximation of 1/(1-1.01) = %.4f' % (f_fifth(1.01)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_fifth(1.01) - 1/(1-1.01)) print '1/(1-1.01)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-1.01)) print 'Sixth order approximation of 1/(1-1.01) = %.4f' % (f_sixth(1.01)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_sixth(1.01) - 1/(1-1.01)) # Error calculation for 0.99 print '1/(1-0.99)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-0.99)) print 'First order approximation of 1/(1-0.99) = %.4f' % (f_first(0.99)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_first(0.99) - 1/(1-0.99)) print '1/(1-0.99)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-0.99)) print 'Second order approximation of 1/(1-0.99) = %.4f' % (f_second(0.99)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_second(0.99) - 1/(1-0.99)) print '1/(1-0.99)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-0.99)) print 'Third order approximation of 1/(1-0.99) = %.4f' % (f_third(0.99)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_third(0.99) - 1/(1-0.99)) print '1/(1-0.99)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-0.99)) print 'Fourth order approximation of 1/(1-0.99) = %.4f' % (f_fourth(0.99)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_fourth(0.99) - 1/(1-0.99)) print '1/(1-0.99)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-0.99)) print 'Fifth order approximation of 1/(1-0.99) = %.4f' % (f_fifth(0.99)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_fifth(0.99) - 1/(1-0.99)) print '1/(1-0.99)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-0.99)) print 'Sixth order approximation of 1/(1-0.99) = %.4f' % (f_sixth(0.99)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_sixth(0.99) - 1/(1-0.99)) # Error calculation for 100 print '1/(1-100)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-100)) print 'First order approximation of 1/(1-100) = %.4f' % (f_first(100)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_first(100) - 1/(1-100)) print '1/(1-100)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-100)) print 'Second order approximation of 1/(1-100) = %.4f' % (f_second(100)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_second(100) - 1/(1-100)) print '1/(1-100)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-100)) print 'Third order approximation of 1/(1-100) = %.4f' % (f_third(100)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_third(100) - 1/(1-100)) print '1/(1-100)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-100)) print 'Fourth order approximation of 1/(1-100) = %.4f' % (f_fourth(100)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_fourth(100) - 1/(1-100)) print '1/(1-100)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-100)) print 'Fifth order approximation of 1/(1-100) = %.4f' % (f_fifth(100)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_fifth(100) - 1/(1-100)) print '1/(1-100)) = %.4f' % (1/(1-100)) print 'Sixth order approximation of 1/(1-100) = %.4f' % (f_sixth(100)) print 'Error = %.4f' % abs(f_sixth(100) - 1/(1-100))
1/(1-1.01)) = -100.0000 First order approximation of 1/(1-1.01) = 2.0100 Error = 102.0100 1/(1-1.01)) = -100.0000 Second order approximation of 1/(1-1.01) = 3.0301 Error = 103.0301 1/(1-1.01)) = -100.0000 Third order approximation of 1/(1-1.01) = 4.0604 Error = 104.0604 1/(1-1.01)) = -100.0000 Fourth order approximation of 1/(1-1.01) = 5.1010 Error = 105.1010 1/(1-1.01)) = -100.0000 Fifth order approximation of 1/(1-1.01) = 6.1520 Error = 106.1520 1/(1-1.01)) = -100.0000 Sixth order approximation of 1/(1-1.01) = 7.2135 Error = 107.2135 1/(1-0.99)) = 100.0000 First order approximation of 1/(1-0.99) = 1.9900 Error = 98.0100 1/(1-0.99)) = 100.0000 Second order approximation of 1/(1-0.99) = 2.9701 Error = 97.0299 1/(1-0.99)) = 100.0000 Third order approximation of 1/(1-0.99) = 3.9404 Error = 96.0596 1/(1-0.99)) = 100.0000 Fourth order approximation of 1/(1-0.99) = 4.9010 Error = 95.0990 1/(1-0.99)) = 100.0000 Fifth order approximation of 1/(1-0.99) = 5.8520 Error = 94.1480 1/(1-0.99)) = 100.0000 Sixth order approximation of 1/(1-0.99) = 6.7935 Error = 93.2065 1/(1-100)) = -0.0101 First order approximation of 1/(1-100) = 101.0000 Error = 101.0101 1/(1-100)) = -0.0101 Second order approximation of 1/(1-100) = 10101.0000 Error = 10101.0101 1/(1-100)) = -0.0101 Third order approximation of 1/(1-100) = 1010101.0000 Error = 1010101.0101 1/(1-100)) = -0.0101 Fourth order approximation of 1/(1-100) = 101010101.0000 Error = 101010101.0101 1/(1-100)) = -0.0101 Fifth order approximation of 1/(1-100) = 10101010101.0000 Error = 10101010101.0101 1/(1-100)) = -0.0101 Sixth order approximation of 1/(1-100) = 1010101010101.0000 Error = 1010101010101.0101
t(y)= 100*ln((y/100)+250) solve(t==0,y)
[y == -24900]
# Question (i) def ceil(quot): # Rounds off a decimal number to nearest greater number to the function return int(quot) + 1 def floor(quot): # Rounds off a decimal number to nearest smaller number to the function return int(quot) def sin_calculator(x, f_approx): # Divide the number by pi quot = float(x/pi) if quot % 2 == 0: # If the quotient is an even number # subtract x from the product of pi and floor value of the quotient conv_x = x - floor(quot)*pi else: # If the quotient is an even number # subtract x from the product of pi and ceiling value of the quotient conv_x = x - ceil(quot)*pi # Insert the new converted number the linear approximation function, # stored in the calculator return f_approx(conv_x) def test_calc(x_input): # Finding approximation function of sin(x) var('x') f(x) = sin(x) f_approx = f.taylor(x, 0, 1) print 'With linear approximation, sin(%.2f) = %.6f' % (x_input, sin_calculator(x_input, f_approx)) f_approx = f.taylor(x_input, 0, 6) print 'With sixth degree taylor approximation, sin(%.2f) = %.6f' % (x_input, sin_calculator(x_input, f_approx)) print 'Actual value of sin(%.2f) = %.6f' % (x_input, sin(x_input)) print '---'*20 test_calc(100) test_calc(200)
With linear approximation, sin(100.00) = -0.530965 With sixth degree taylor approximation, sin(100.00) = -0.506366 Actual value of sin(100.00) = -0.506366 ------------------------------------------------------------ With linear approximation, sin(200.00) = -1.061930 With sixth degree taylor approximation, sin(200.00) = -0.873297 Actual value of sin(200.00) = -0.873297 ------------------------------------------------------------
print ceil(31.3) print ceil(31.7) print floor(32.7)
32 32 32